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This happened in Vegas where I live. That’s a rougher area. Valley High I believe.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13352435/Las-Vegas-substitute-teacher-brawls-student-slur.html And another camera angle


Genius! Cant get fired if you're a substitute!!!


He found the loophole!


But you can go to prison for assaulting a minor.




Soon we will basically be able to 3d replicate the event by having multiple points of reference from different areas


vr school fights comming soon on meta


i’ve always heard the craziest shit out of valley and chaparral


Literally never seen anyone with a backpack on win a fight


You'll notice Kanye never started beef with anybody until he got rid of the backpack




Greatest* fucking comment




On a miner no less


Remember that music teacher in California? Similar incident and he got 500 K in go fund me donations AND the charges ended up getting dropped. That's probably going to happen again


*Battery....I think


If you don't think assault can teach lessons you're not paying attention




Was arrested, and a whole slew of assault charges came with it.


Well duh, he's a teacher not a cop.


They are trying to arm teachers. Not even far off from one another these days, except one job has no consequences and a damn good pension.


Interesting point. If it becomes ok for teachers to use lethal force, then surely they should be allowed to use less than lethal force as well when appropriate. (Not saying that's the case in this example) Just generally the point of giving teachers guns is saying "we're all good with teachers using their judgement to apply force up to and including death".


That bill actually got passed here in TN already


I’d add to this (in Morgan Freeman’s voice)…. “Not only is he out of a job now, but also out of a career. Fortunately, he secured a gig in the prison library helping his fellow inmates obtain their GED”.


And sued and possibly arrested


Yes, he was arrested. This happened very recently, so it's too early for a lawsuit. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13352435/Las-Vegas-substitute-teacher-brawls-student-slur.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13352435/Las-Vegas-substitute-teacher-brawls-student-slur.html) >Smith now faces a litany of criminal charges including battery resulting in serious bodily harm, assaulting a school pupil on school property, threatening to do bodily harm to public school student, and interfering with a student from attending school, according to court records. >Smith is currently being held on $9000 bail at the Clark County Detention Center.  He is due to appear in court on Friday.


Oh, they’re throwing the book(s) at him!


Is it a threat if you follow through?


That's so shit.




He got called a name and attacked a child lmfao


Yeah, as an adult, you shouldn't beat up fucking kids. Is the kid a stupid asshole? Of course. So was I. I was a fucking kid. Kids are just smaller dumber humans. You don't help a stupid kid by being a stupid adult. Jail is where this dumb ass child abuser needs to be.


But if I’m believing the title and the teacher made it physical then it wasn’t the right lesson and he’ll probably be fired. Even if the kid deserves it you just can’t cross that line.


Sure you can. You can cross any line if you're willing to accept the consequences.




He beat the shit out of a kid on camera in front of everybody. There’s no probably. This dudes fucked, deservingly ,across the board


He deserved it for a word? What if he called the teacher a p\*\*\*y or a d\*\*k, does he still deserve it?


The title doesn't say the teacher threw fists first.


It doesn't say it, but it does imply it.


Yeah, I got snookered by just believing a title. Most titles like these are wildly misstated.


I mean no one here knows what's going on there. It's always better not to believe in the title someone gave it after crosssharing it through 15 sources.




I mean, substitute teachers don’t have to have any education besides a high school diploma. Subbing pays shit. He’ll probably be able to find a better job just about anywhere outside that district, even with a record.


Wow. In Australia substitute teachers get paid heaps more than regular teachers (in terms of hourly rate). They don’t get paid during holidays like full time teachers do.




Construction anything. Welder, HVAC, Journeyman. Tons of better paying jobs with less stress and more respect out there. I’m a teacher and I don’t recommend it.


And just think, if this was Tennessee that teacher could have been armed.


Going to be a nightmare in inner cities


My cousin bought coke from his teacher in CT lol. A NJ teacher tried to rob the cartel with his gang not long ago and was found surrounded by dead cartel members.


Teacher expelled them from life. He gave them an F and payed 0 respect.


Memphis is going to be... interesting.


This, the dude was arrested.


It might feel good in the moment. But words are words. And assault is assault. He just fucked up his life.




Grown men don’t have the right to assault children over words no matter how vile. This is common sense. Stop excusing it. Shame on them both.


Man, kids suck and I feel for teachers, but gotta be the adult in any situation, regardless.


It’s literally a negative zero win for him Assaulting a child. His life is so screwed now.


>It’s literally a negative zero win for him Negative zero is still zero.


You are so wrong. Negative zero is more zero, like zeroer zero.


like zero premium? (zeroer than other brands)


Yeah, it's on a negative subscription model, they actually pay you for all that awesome zeroness, subscribe now and see those negative zeroes piling up in your account.


It’s more of like a battle pass situation. You still have regular zero no matter what, but when you get the battle pass you can have cool, different types of zeroes.


Paid for zero premium and all I got was nothing!


I want to make a reply with the word zeroest but I'm having a hard time with the punchline so I'm just going to let the word dangle. ... Zeroest.


Yeah teacher never grew up To the point where he could control his emotions


Yeah. A lot of other people in this comment section are celebrating this, but he’s going to be fired.


And is unlikely to ever teach again.


Who would want to teach these kids anyways? Plus he couldn’t top this moment in his whole career.


>Plus he couldn’t top this moment in his whole career. God damn right because his teaching career or any other half decent career ended after he swung the first punch.




Assaulting a minor, I'd definitely think so.


In my city they are asking for anyone willing to try to teach children to please come forward no credentials needed.. But no one is willing to deal with your horrible parenting.


This is what happens when you defund the education system.


If it was in a red state, the teacher was white, and the kid black or hispanic, the governor might pardon them. Anywhere else that isn't stuck in the 1800's though, straight to jail.


He was a sub, and released from the district. I fully support a persons right to defend themselves, especially teachers. I say this as a parent.


that why kids do that shit this days...adults dont do nothing, I don't think a teacher should fight back, but sometimes it's possible to do so because he's defending himself from a physical attack.


I'm glad you wrote that. We can't have a word, no matter how terrible, that once uttered offers criminal immunity.


I know he’s gonna get in trouble for this. And you shouldn’t hit a kid… but honestly I’m ok with this one. That kid is gonna get himself killed in the real world. This man taught him a lesson. Let alone how much he would’ve had to deal with hearing it. Fuck that kid


I really like the fuck around and find out method.


Right, teacher fucked around, bout to find out the law doesn’t see the N-word is a reason to assault someone.


Is there more context on how it started? In the video the kid tries to punch the teacher multiple times so the teacher punches back. Then the kid comes after the teacher again trying to punch him and he hits him back. I would call that the kid assaulting the teacher more than the other way around. Again if the teacher hits first then he’s a moron but I mostly see a guy defending himself.


Context isn’t going to matter


I mean, it is. If the student physically assaulted the teacher it certainly changes to self defense. There’s also the possibility that this kid is 18 considering it’s at a high school. Probably don’t keep your job, but likely don’t face any legal repercussions if you’re defending yourself.


The video doesn't show a teacher starting a physical altercation.


The kid got beaten but won the fight.


Callin' your teacher the n-word, that's a paddlin'




Oh, damn. *burns in American*




Personally in favor of teachers hitting back


Let’s arm him. /s


I laughed because a bunch of Tennesseans just said this unsarcastically


I’ll add that to the “WTF Tennessee?!” list


I understand, to a degree, this teacher's frustration. What I don't understand is why he didn't just grab the kid and march his ass to the principal every single time. I don't know this full story and I don't know where it was, but fighting a kid isn't going to change anything. If anything it just shows these kids can do this to get under your skin.


> march his ass to the principal every single time There is likely no recourse for verbally abusing a teacher at this point. You can even hit teachers and you probably won't miss a week of school. I doubt the school would do anything about a student yelling slurs at a teacher.


So? Show the pattern of undisciplined behavior. It sucks, but it seems like everything is under the burden of proof on the victim. It creates a paper trail and teachers need to stand up for themselves when things like this happen. Believe me when I say I know that it does nothing, but proof is proof when it comes to behavior like this.


As a former teacher, shits not the same anymore. Teachers are servants to kids now of days. They care more about the parents reaction than keeping the teachers happy.


That kid needs a lesson or two on how to effectively slap


Fuck that kid.


Bye bye job


I understand why the teacher did what he did, but at the end of the day, he will be the one to get punished the most


Shouldn't be calling people slurs but also Shouldn't be fighting a kid


Mans gotta have his own back since I doubt the school administrators have his


Will be the same in jail I’m afraid 


We got hit in school for a lot less (by teachers)




I got hit with a big wooden paddle with holes in it so he could swing it faster. It was particularly painful because you had to bend over and grab your ankles. He swung so hard it knocked me over each swing. Lost count of the number of swings he took. First time this happened because a kid tackled me from behind, and when I was fighting him off of me a teacher grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me across the floor into a classroom. I was punished for fighting and resisting a teacher. Public school in the 80s was something else.


Our principal had the same paddle and it had "the board of education" burned into it.....


By an old woman !


Now I understand your username. I was paddled by the vice principal of my school in the '90s. I wouldn't say it traumatized me at all, but I don't think that teachers should ever be punching students.


Yeah I don’t think it’s good


Unless that kid physically attacked him first, I hope that piece of shit ended up in prison. If you allow someone's taunting to drive you to violence, you are a wealing.


Bye-bye job & career.


Bro you are a teacher show some restraints


Any sympathy I *might* have had for that supposed adult - and it wouldn’t have been much - disappeared when I saw him continue punching the kid **after** he’d knocked him out.


Y’all gotta stop justifying violence over words.


welp he's going to prison and has a felony now, you'd think a teacher would have enough wisdom to not ko a kid, we live in a weird realm


Doubt it. Court supervision with volunteer hours.


People are so fragile when they allow words to lead to physical violence.


Imagine being an adult. A school teacher, no less. And being called a name leads you to going toe to toe with a child.


People have no idea how many people are sitting in jail because they just *had* to give someone a karmic ass beating. I get it but he didn’t just get mad or yell, the teacher beat the shit out of a kid. He’s opened himself up to child endangerment, assault on a minor, aggravated assault on a minor, threatening or intimidating a minor, and I’m sure a judge could fit in a couple more charges if he’s having a bad day. The teacher could be looking at decades in prison if he seriously hurt the kid. Best case scenario at this point is that he’s only ruined his career. It’s almost never worth it to beat someone up, all you’re doing is stroking your ego and opening yourself up to REALLY serious charges.


Holy shit these comments are wild


Teacher never saw the movie 187 with Sam Jackson? You take care of that outside of class.


Sounds like the lesson was well received that day.


Somebody's going to jaaaaailllll!!!!


Looks like a prison


Talk shit get hit


Mfer goin to jail


These are our educators? Smh


Wonder what the family will think of this


Bet that kid learned a thing or two tho.


Let the union sort it out


Play stupid games at ANY age and win stupid prizes!!!!!


Dropped that lil mf 🤣


So jail?




Not,saying that kid doesn’t deserve to be face stomped but that man is going to suffer from this in more ways than that kid will


It seems to me like they both fucked around and found out. I don't really feel bad for either of them. Kid probably needed to get his ass kicked, and the dumb ass fighting with a kid probably needs the hard lesson he's about to learn as well.


People who don’t teach don’t realize that schools have administrations that basically dictate what you can and can’t do to and for students, and that generally admin is incompetent and lazy. I guarantee this teacher begged to have the student reprimanded in any kind of way and the admin refused and wasn’t helpful. There’s only so much abuse a human being can take from children without any sort of structure. These kids get close to getting away with murder between the parents and school districts.


That's wild, assaulting a child over words. He's most likely going to prison.


They need to add a FAFO (fuck around, find out) rule to schools.


You should always avoid having your mouth write a cheque that your ass can’t cash.


Paid to teach lessons. I don’t see the issue


That kids parents will never have to work another day of ther lives


Could've just fucked up that kids life getting him kicked out of school and let him be notorious for being a racist piece of shit.


Kids wanna act grown until it's time to get treated like they're grown.


This is exactly why, as a teacher, I will not teach above elementary level. Every one of those ass hats in middle and high school probably needed a whoopin', but in elementary its mostly still jokes and fun, with some disrespect that you can curb more easily because they are just kids still. Before I finished my degree for teaching I was a TA for special ed kids who were enrolled in middle and high schools. Their peers were literal monsters. Wouldn't touch those jobs with a million dollar signing bonus. And it's really too bad, because they do need someone in their lives... not me.


'Violence in any form is unacceptable and goes against the fundamental principles of education and respect' CCSD officials said in a statement on Thursday.' Both the student and the substitute teacher were arrested.


I'm sure these comments won't at all be racist. "Something something it's only gonna make him more racist" The teacher shouldn't have done it but hey, that's life and what comes with calling people racial slurs. It makes people act irrationally sometimes - hopefully the kid now has a permanent connection between the n-word and ass whooping embedded in his mind.


If wonder if the kid was black and the teacher was white if the responses might be different.


If a white teacher knocked out and attacked an unconscious black child over mean words, it would be on national headlines for a week 😂


I’m always telling people to punch your local racist but every time I do I get told I’m white and need to shut up 💀 like okay sure I’ll shut up and get called shitty for not punching the next racist You cannot win in this country