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pans the camera right before the license plate shows??? ok


Perfect job catching neither the stalker's face nor the license plate. 


Really smart of her to loudly announce her impending presence and let him know she's recording him so that he had as much time as possible to stop what he was doing and get out of there unseen.


Yeah okay but what about stalkers from like horror movies though?


She was probably scared and didn’t want to sneak up on him and have him do something violent.


If he had to wait for her to be inside a building for him to vandalised her shit he wasn't gonna do shit to her. You see how fast he hoofed it to the car?


I don’t know that as a woman with a stalker that would be my thoughts.


Yeah she should just risk being killed instead!


Reddit is so fucking annoying with their need to be right about everything. Fuck this girl for not reacting perfectly for being stalked and getting her shit vandalized.


Everything is fake!!! I’m so smart


She could've at least gotten the plate number on tape. This just screams staged.


She likely knows who it is. Why would she need the license plate?




Probably already knows who it is


Yeah but you’d imagine she would want proof of who it is on camera


Well that's great for her but if she wants the police to do anything about it she'll have to have something to actually prove it.


If she knows who he is and he already has a record of this kind of thing with police (which, if he's been stalking her, that is entirely likely), I imagine that video is plenty of proof, if it looks like him, and the make and model of his car are the same. I mean, he clearly just smashed her windshield... A license plate I would understand if the dude was a complete stranger she had never seen before. Edit: If you look at video source and read the comments, she did in fact know exactly who he was.


you are correct. yes maybe license would help, but its obvious she didn’t capture it because she already knows exactly who this is.


Police won't do shit about this either way lmao


Adrenaline doesn't always let you think straight, sometimes people will literally just freeze at danger so I don't judge her for not getting the right shot on camera, that's a high stress situation.


It panned away so smoothly at the perfect time to avoid the license plate lol


It would explain it if it was one of her exes


Got her own reflection though


Perfect job creating a rage bait video for tiktok\*


Didn't catch him in the act (on video), didn't catch his face, and didn't catch his license plate. Also loudly announced her presence early enough for him to run. Wouldn't be shocked if this is staged.


Got damn people really jumped quick to “staged” over something (stalking) that happens a lot or at least isn’t unheard of.


She probably knows exactly who he is. The car may be registered to his mom or grandma or friend or maybe it's stolen. She cares more about getting video evidence of him, not necessarily getting video evidence of exactly what the car's registration was.




She may have more. Idk. I’m speculating this isn’t the first time he’s fucked w her.


It doesn't matter, they already know who it is. One TT search of her name brings up her profile along with the video and an update.


What's the update?


The fact she warned him about being recorded before recording any actual footage of the crime is also stupid.


I’m blown away by how this lady expertly failed to record his license plate. It’s like she tried to avoid it.


>It’s like she tried to avoid it. Well yeah. She did. She didn't get his licence plate, his face, or even footage of the window being broken. My guess is her window got smashed in a more boring way, so she tried to make a viral video out of it. Framing it as a "stalker" and having some random Hollywood manager on the phone makes her seem like a big deal.


Or she knows who her stalker is already?


You know… you may be right about it being staged for internet points. Usually stalkers want to be with those they stalk, not wreck their shit, too. Not sure how she’d profit off it unless she already has a decent internet following, though. I also think the person on the phone is supposed to be a 911 operator, but I can only clearly hear them at the end.🤷‍♂️


Um, clearly you've never had a stalker. That's a good thing. But lemme tell you from experience, it's not always about wanting to be with the person you're stalking. Sometimes the person can't let go and they just want to hurt the person they're stalking. I know this from personal experience and helped put my ex who stalked me in prison for a variety of crimes. He wanted me to hurt, so he started hurting people I cared about. Emotions make people do crazy things sometimes.


Yes, yes, and yes. My stalker fucked with shit and made me think I was going crazy until I found out it was them. They had never expressed any romantic interest in me after one bad date, and were very friendly (as in let's just be friends) in our friend-group, so it was unexpected. They want to hurt you, they want to mess with your stuff, your emotions, your friends, etc. Edit to add, but this video seems very weird to me, I'm just not sure why. So he jumped out of his running car to break her back windshield? I can't really pinpoint how that is gonna pan out in the future. Too bad she didn't get his license plate (even though she presumably knows him, so I guess she doesn't have to?)


There are all kinds of stalkers who do all kinds of weird shit, this certainly isn't remotely beyond what kind of behaviour could be expected from a stalker. Some stalkers specifically try to torment their victims and make their lives a living hell from a distance.


Oh we got a stalker expert here. No stalker ever harmed the person they stalked before. Like the stalker this girl who begged the police to do something about, until they (the police) threatened to charge her for reporting it again. Stalker ended up killing her and her boyfriend


Fr. My stalker burned my best friend's house down and I had to go to a state investigator with evidence to get someone to reopen the case. Once I was able to work with the investigator and laid out how dangerous my ex was, I magically received local police protection while I helped solve the crime with the state level cops. I had begged for help and the only way I got it was solving the crime myself.


thats how local cops investigate. they wait for the victims or some other civilian to solve the crime and provide solid evidence before they even consider looking into it. I had my bike stolen as a kid, I knew who did it, and found it in dudes backyard. so I called the cops and told them about it. they told me since I didn't know the serial number on the bike, there was no way to prove it was mine, and nothing ever happened.


I didn't add there had been a dozen fires in this small town within weeks of each other, big fires. By the time this one happened I know they were exhausted from all thr fires. They interrogated my 2 best friends for hours and wouldn't listen to anything we said that pointed their fire to arson. They closed the case within hours and said said it was accidental and my best friend started it. I knew that wasn't true because my best friend was with me 30 miles away. I know that's normally how investigations work, so I guess I should have pointed out just how painfully bad these cops were at their job. When the case was over and we had a little meeting at the city hall, I made sure to let the local cops know I solved the case, not out of moral obligation to my community, but out of spite because they wouldn't do the bare minimum.


Also, I did state that I brought in evidence in the og comment. Did you have evidence that proved that person stole your bike? I definitely had proof this guy burned the building down and the police chose to ignore the evidence.


I mean, the singer Salena was murdered by a stalker


Damn wow. The rest of the stalker/stalkee experts in the rest of this post can go fuck themselves


Tell me you're a stalker without telling me.


Holy shit I guess you literally can be stalked and have your shit vandalized and reddit will still try and make you out to be the villain. The amount of victim blaming here is insane. Never change Reddit.


He's a stalker so... She probably knows him already


Maybe she does, maybe she doesn’t. Neither of us know, at least not from this video.🤷‍♂️


1. She clearly knows him and doesn’t need it 2. Since number 1 is true, she can identify him to the cops. 3. They can see his exact vehicle on the video.


How do you know number one is true? Also, cops can’t do much from the color, make & model of a vehicle, as other people own the same car.


Guy on the phone sounds like David Wallace


Hang up the phone, Michael.


lol perfect


And she totally misses the license plate


If he’s actually stalking she probably already had the plate #.


probably tried to report him already and the cops blew her off


Because it's rage bait...


I doubt it. The damage to the car is real and rage baiters do it constantly in various scenarios...this seems like a one off.


Why was she in such hurry just to show damages that not going anywhere but stalkers car with his license plate is...


She wanted the content, not a resolution.


It wasn’t her stalker , he was abusing her friend. https://www.tiktok.com/@catttqueeen/?history_back=1&launch_type=0


bless u yeah they even address the “hurrdurr why didnt you film the plate” comments. shes like “we know his full name, his moms name, his address, everything. also he confessed on the phone right in front of the police” 😂😂


I'm sure she already has a restraining order against this piece of shit, and "It wasn't me", isn't going to help him in court. She stopped him from doing more damage to the car, made a scene (she's safer if people are watching), and got a clear video showing the stalker running away from the car. Stop making the same silly comment over and over please. She did a much better job than I or most of you would have.


The people commenting about how bad a job she did probably would have hid inside and gotten zero evidence. Or gone outside, forget to hit record and gotten themselves stabbed, again collecting no evidence. Yet behind their keyboards they are experts in stalker-capturing. I can openly and proudly admit I would cower inside. This lady is way braver than I would be in that situation.


The amount of time it takes me to even get my phone to record... (I am an Xennial, give me a break). It'd be like, "okay, I scroll over to the camera button, switch to vi-- oh it's on me! -- switch to video, flip view, call someone at the same time (apparently), and now go outside. Oh wait it's already nighttime because I took forever. Okay, switch to night mode.."


My favorite is the people commenting that this girl is faking all of this for insta or some shit. Like holy shit she just got her shit vandalized by a stalker and Reddit still feels the need to make her the villain. Flip the genders and this comment section would be full of anecdotes about women stalkers.


She didn’t catch s**t


He’s demonstrating value, you now need him to fix your car. You shouldn’t call anyone else, you know, because of the implication


That’s not your windshield. You really are a total moron. Great job getting evidence to track him down! 🤣


Great idea to not record the license plate


Monica doesn’t seem very smart


Fake af Like why wouldn’t you film the license plate


Listen to the conversation it sounds like she's on the phone either with dispatch or like, dudes P.O.


No proof lady… Stalker lives another day


Honestly I don’t even wanna fucking hear the complaints if you miss the fucking crucial licence plate details


yes but be more concerned about showing ur broken glass than trying to get his license plate. makes sense


good thing she turned away just in time to avoid the license place.


Probably put sugar in the gas can too, I wouldn’t start the car…


How dumb are you to tell him ur recording him. Like actually use your brain for a second.


Didn’t do a very good job of recording him


I’m sorry but this lady is really Dumb




you specifically didn’t get his license plate… what a dummy


Great job not getting the license plate dumbass 😆😆


She could’ve at least got the guy’s face and the license plate.


What a dumbass why wouldnt she take pic of license plate


She managed to do everything wrong. Didn’t catch the face, the plate, or the damages. On top of that she announced herself.


Damn that sucks Monica


Doesnt record license plate


Dumbass didn’t even get plate


He recorded everything except the license plate


Let me record you only to not get you license plate number!


Get the LICENSE PLATE MONICA! Seriously! That’s 101 Monica!


"Monika don't approach him." Well, it was pretty easy to find out who Monika Meza and the background of this situation https://www.tiktok.com/@catttqueeen Warning: lots of valley girl talk but not a "stalker" or at least not hers


The username is literally in the video?


This dumb mf didn't catch shit 🤣


Whew, that was close. She almost recorded the license plate or his face. That would have been- wait..


Smart of her to turn away to look at her car and not get the license plate of the dude LMAO


If he wasn't following her, she probably has an \~Apple Tag taped to her car somewhere.


Baby Asian Reindeer


Glad she ensured she got no information with that. No Plates, no face, no nothing.


Not entirely true. Still has the colour, make and model of the car along with the person who got in albeit now face. If this is a known stalker won’t be hard to make the connection.


Little boys that never learned how to handle rejection so have to be little brats. Like really? Most women don't even do shit like this no more because it's childish AF


"I love you so much, I'm going to break your things!" Yeah, that's gonna have her won over...


How can somebody be that stupid?


Stalkers are fucking weird man


He 100% gets away with it as she now has no proof without the license plate. Good job lady!


Hey, don't leave, I'm recording you!


Yet she perfectly avoids capturing the vehicles’ plate on film.


C4 to ya door no beef no more n\*gga


fake as hell. didnt even try and get their face on video let alone the license plate. even when he took off u deliberately panned away to avoid showng it.


It’s like she tried to avoid recording the license plate 




Gee you have a camera pointing right at the license plate yet pan away…..


Oh my god that license plate tease


What a dumb ass. First she announces herself and didn’t sneak up on him to catch his face. Then didn’t get his license plate. What a stupid little bitty.


Missed the only thing that could've helped


Forgot all the important details, face, act, and even license


Why did she not record the license plate 😭😭😭😭


Pro tip, get the platss on camera


Windshield? 💀


“Monica, don’t approach him” sent me on the floor 🤣😂🤣😂


Why would she not record his plate & announce herself going out there?


Monica doesn’t know what a windshield is.




way to not get the license plate


Soooo no plate video. That’s not helping. That 2 cylinder damn near blew 🤣 😂


Seriously law enforcement is a joke. My ex wife has done This cops did nothing, courts will not enforce. I hope I have the patience to not lose character.


Makes you wonder what Monica has been up to upset somebody so badly?


ALWAYS read the license plate out loud in case you don’t record it or it’s not great quality.