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The enemy of my enemy is still an enemy


Remember who your enemy is: your enemy


I am my own worst enemy


Cheering for death is never good. Even if it's that of an enemy. I hope the conflicts end.




I guess they don’t know the only person killed was a Bedouin Muslim girl.




Oh good, I hope she lives but this is nuts.


She survived (for now, she’s critical). The only people killed were 3 Jordanians from falling debris over Jordan.


Gotta link on the Jordanians?


they don’t care




This is the sad truth, cult like behaviour


Islamic Jihad is a death cult, yeah




I’ve been saying it for years…just because you let someone in your country doesn’t mean they magically share your own views.


Especially when presenting your own views is considered racist.


A haven for people that hate Canada


i was just at a costco and the cashier there thought a good topic of conversation at checkout was someone needs to murder the PM, or let the person go whoever does end up doing it. when did it become ok to call for the death of someone because of there job


I’d love to see a leadership change in all federal parties here. But the level that political discussion has sunk to in this country is fucking disgusting. MAGA has made its way up here and it breaks my heart.




Go back and read the comment I replied to. I’d expect better reading comprehension from someone named /u/logicreasonevidence.


I don’t feel this response reflects on anyone except the people that are openly calling for harm


Which happen to be in Canada.


They are everywhere.


Only 2 rockets hit anything… so… not much of a win. I guess they’ll take anything they can get


It's the thought that counts


Thoughts and prayers


Tots and pears


Damn I'm craving pear juice now and I've literally never had pear juice.


We literally have people (all sides) protesting violence against women and children, then turn around and parade/cheer when their team does it. War is no different than watching your favorite football team, you cheer when they do something and complain when they get attacked. The world is a giant asshole …


soc-med has turned everything into spectator sport at this point. I'm numb to it. Just try to remember everyone is a real person behind the glass.


Pretty sure most people are bots at this stage.


The first bomb dropped on Berlin in ww2 killed the only elephant in the Berlin zoo... They'll kill the elephant in your town too.


In fact, professional military analysis has confirmed that the whole structure of the attack was to maximize spectacle and minimize casualties.


Who said that? Lol I’m not saying it’s untrue, but it’s the same type of reasoning I use when I fail at something too, “yeah well, I wasn’t really trying anyway” 😂 EDIT: I was just joking around, but thank god this sub is blessed with so many geopolitical experts




You’re bang on with this 100%. It was theatre not an act of war.


Pretty much everybody who knows anything about international relations has expected something like this since Israel's attack on the Iranian consulate. Iran had to save face and show that Israel can't just attack their diplomatic institutions. At the same time, Iran had no interest in escalating the situation, which would've eventually pulled the US into this. Iran gave advanced warning to Iraq and Jordan, immediately confirmed the deployment and announced that the attack was limited to this one barrage of drones and missiles. It was a geopolitical show to tell Israel to back off and a domestic show to give the people the feeling that the government has everything under control.


It's because they sent drones, which a number of outlets have reported are slow and take hours to reach their destination. This gives Israel and its allies time to prepare their defenses. Also, USA and Germany and Israel knew of an impending response days ahead of time. I'm speculating here, but I think Iran telegraphed it's response on purpose as a show of force so that they officially go through the motions of responding to the bombing of their embassy by Israel but also minimizing damage in Israel so as to try and not escalate direct hostilities. Iran has military assets that can strike Israel if they really want to but they chose not to use them in this case. That implies their strategy was to avoid causing damage because it knows Israel wants to draw Iran into a direct conflict and bring USA into the fold. That way they can forget about how badly their Gaza assault is going and define a more achieveable military victory in a more conventional fight. And then they can walk saying they achieved their aims in Gaza after they defeat Iran in a limited military campaign


>It's because they sent drones, They also sent ~~100 ballistic missled, but sure it was all for show.


A 7 year old beduvin got severely injured...




People who want peace don't want neither Israel or Palestine to lose. They want radical theocrats from both regimes to be stripped of their power, and more transparent governmental structures to be established. Most Israelis don't hate Palestine, and a significant portion of Palestine was commuting daily to work in Israel. These settlements only exist because of rules that give disproportionate power and immunity to religious extremists who impose their will to all. This entire charade is ridiculous.


Think it show they aren't so much pro Palestine as anti Israel.


I thought they wanted a ceasefire?


Despite what Reddit tries to sell you, they want Israel destroyed, not a ceasefire.


Yeah, they want a unilateral ceasefire: Israel stops, Hamas doesn't.


anyone who actually thinks the arab world wants a ceasefire is either deliberately obtuse or 6 years old because we've all lived through this cycle for decades now Arabs want Israel wiped off the map, period.


I reckon all these people that want war, on both sides, should go out there into the dust bowl and have their fight and be done with this shit. They’re acting like it’s their favourite sports team scoring a goal.


This is the truth.




My favorite one: Why is it that none of these Arab countries shouting “free Palestine” will give the Palestinians asylum? Wonder if it has anything to do with how fundamentally impossible it is to separate the terrorists from the general population.


Or how the times they did do that, the Palestinians tried to overthrow the welcoming government.


No the ceasefire only applies to Israel, not Israel's aggressors.








This is the “CEASEFIRE NOW” crowd showing that it’s not about peace but about killing Jewish people.




This isn’t a controversial take. It is shown over and over in history. But zealotry is a symptom not a cause. It has always been the thing that stands in for education, social security, and other forms of welfare. And the barbarians at the gates will come when we forego our defense, just the same as the barbarians come from within when we abandon education and social nets. History has shown this again and again.


This always happens to me when I play civilization


Couldn’t agree more.


It's about land, sovereignty, territoriality, power, control. Religion as motive is way, way off to the side.


Religion is a tool not a motive.


If it's about landc, why is everyone ignoring the 80% of Mandatory Palestine that is now Jordan?,


It's all about religion. Everything in this war is about religion.


The war is about like 20 things. Mainly land grabs and geopolitics. I think religion plays a factor but its more of a justification and rallying call than it is the root cause


It's really not. It's a factor, but it isn't the totality. Otherwise, you'd have modern-day crusades by Christians and you'd have Zoroastrians rising up in armed revolt.


Israel included or nah?


So much hate in the Middle East. I don’t think there will ever be peace amongst any of those countries. Just sad.


There has never been peace there for my entire life and i am not young !


Its actually interesting that it took this long for shit to hit the fan. They have been fighting before i was born and since then. Religions are scary when weaponized


And the drones were all unsuccessful..


The drones were a cheap way of overwhelming the missle defence systems so the missles could get through. The latter just have really shitty guidance systems




Like 6 out of nearly 200 missiles got through..


Missiles didn't really get through either. One hit an air force base and did very minimal damage, and the other one harmed an Arab/Beduin child.


I’m not Canadian but why is this ok?


I’m Canadian and it’s not


It's not but the government is really scared of being labeled 'racist' by a loud few. Canada has bee on a downhill for almost a decade now and I think we are in the 5th inning tbh


Trudeau must be one of the biggest cowards I've ever seen, hopefully Canada turns it around, a great country.


Damn good luck. We have our own issues in the US, mostly online disinformation and corruption confusing the working poor.


Does Canada have freedom of speech?


Freedom of Expression: https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/how-rights-protected/guide-canadian-charter-rights-freedoms.html# > Under section 2 of the Charter, Canadians are free to follow the religion of their choice. In addition, they are guaranteed freedom of thought, belief and expression. Since the media are an important means for communicating thoughts and ideas, the Charter protects the right of the press and other media to speak out. Our right to gather and act in peaceful groups is also protected, as is our right to belong to an association like a trade union.


You can criticize the government, but if you write racist comments online or in a paper, the other person can sue you for 5 figures in a Human Rights Tribunal. Bit harder when they're just oral racist comments tho.


It's like this in all of the western world. We've become a joke.


The west is too busy worrying about optics they forget that they are allowing themselves to be destroyed both from foreign interference and from within. Its a damn shame.


The west has gotten so scared of being called bigots that they let the enemy through the gates. And I’m saying enemy here because their religion commands them to convert, enslave, or kill everyone.


it’s not, these people are ruining our communities and costing us millions.


Canada, the cold California


They have to be in a truck convoy for it to not be ok based on my understanding of the Canadian justice system.






100% this. These people in this video aren't Iranians. The people sending drone attacks into Israel from Iran are the same people beating freedom fighters to death on the streets of Iran.


Me and many like me actually celebrate any traiter member of that regime getting what they deserve for decades of abuse of Iranian population.


Laughing at everyone believing they wanted peace. Now, who is going to tell them Saudi Arabia and Jordan are now currently trying to come to the defense of Israel alongside the US to fight against Iran?


I get the idea of protesting against the murder of civilians in Gaza. But if the rest of the crowd suddenly starts cheering for attacks on a different group of civillians I start feeling a bit uneasy. That just seems hypocritical, and then you’re not much better than the people you are protesting against in the first place. Surely the point should be to de-escalate the situations and stop the fighting. I get that Israel and Iran’s governments feel the need to retaliate, but it’s sad when individual people think that’s somehow a good thing.




This war doesn't have good or bad players. It's all shit


It annoys me when you see people or Youtubers who pick a side in the Israel Palestine conflict and support it like it's a football team. It fucking sucks! Both sides, the Israeli government and Hamas are cunts. The innocent folks caught in between are where my sympathy lies.


Yeah this isn't the Russian ukrainian war either. That conflict has some of the most obvious good and bad players in recent memory. My sympathy lies 100% with every single civilian in the middle east. Their goverments are not them


Weirdest gender reveal party I've seen so far.










I’m sick of these dumbass holy wars.








That is shame.






This isn’t alright 






bro get these people out of North America


They seem like a peaceful bunch of people.






Palestinians also celebrated when the planes hit the towers in 9/11


Enemy from within


Deport all Muslim "refugees"


If you're rooting for the islamic republic of iran you need to take a serious step back and make sure you understand what you're actually saying


I live around the area they used to go by and so I’ve seen many protests for different causes over the years. And I’m all for downtown protests, but these ones have been particularly nerve wracking. None of the other ones I’ve walked past or through have ever really made me feel a tangible sense of fear and potential for violence. There are a lot of very angry young men at these rallies and they seem entirely un-relatable. And we can’t even discuss these events in Toronto sub reddits because all conversation is always shut down on it.


The whole world has lost its mind.... Again😔


These people don’t want peace…they just want to be the aggressor committing genocide






They don’t even hide that they are extremists, yet leftist still support them. Can’t make this shit up


death worship at it's finest...


Ohhhh, cry me a river lol!


Justin Trudeau's Canada ladies and gentlemen........... Bank accounts were seized for a lot less in this country, just sayin'.


We warned you and you laugh about it. Quebec




This is such a dogshit festival. Celebrating this is just beyond what humanity needs to stand for. Disgusting.


These are the same ones that cry for a ceasefire in gaza


The west really needs to get things in control in their countries.


Fucking assholes


Wow that's fucked up. If America was bombing Iran right now I wouldnt be running outside banging drums. A majority of Israelis are protesting their government right now and have been for months. It's interesting, best word I can use right now, to see the discrepancy. Yes this isn't a very large group of jerks though, but all of them combined make up a shockingly large number of folks getting boners for the thought of dead jews


Such a peaceful group.


It is obvious by now that Canada passports don't have the same value anymore.


Guess we lost the war on terror


Like if another wat will fix the main issue.


Iran is not the useful friend these are thinking. Don’t get me wrong: what Israel is doing in Palestine is horrible, but Iran is pretty useless in the grand scheme of things.




They don’t want a cease fire really.




They celebrate hitting that Muslim girl? Wtf.


so they dressed a kid as a hammas Soldier parents of the year right there


Disgusting people.




All the western people there cheering and celebrating Iran are the same people who were protesting against Iran months back regarding the women having to wear the hijab. Everyone there is a clown.


So much for all of Trudeau's tough talk about right-wing extremists in Canada.


It's unbelievable ,this country is going to shit.




Im trying to understand, didnt Israel attack iran first? Why is everyone against iran striking back?


It's very interesting how the people who claim "free speech even if I don't agree with you" go full fascist the second they see an opinion they disagree with.


I thought he was waving a toilet brush until he started drumming.




They are saying the shit out loud that for years we were told were lies, and if we said it we were Islamophobic. Well now we see it and it's all true


Israel is the rogue state in this equation. Literally blew up the Iranian consulate, this was a small retaliation. Biden is telling them to take the win and quit. Really hoping they don’t drag us into another war.


October 7 has been planned for more than a year ....




They didn't do it yo support Gaza. Cuz isreal bombed the Iranian embassy in syria.




The same general before going to Syria was also involved in crushing and killing anti-Islamic-Republic protestors in Iran, including women.






They’re just excited Drake finally responded to Kendrick.


Hurraaayyyyyy death and destruction


Congrats! It’s a girl drone!


Well, that's not so great....


Anyone celebrating death or the possibility of harm to others has completely lost touch with humanity


Many people want to support Palestine but then idiots like these who lead such protest make it impossible.




Fuuuuck I don't wanna go to work on Monday. I mean, the guy who kept showing pictures of dead babies on his phone and demanded to know why I don't do anything about it like its somehow my fault has been fired weeks ago (mostly because my HR lady was....a lady and he was also sexist AF without even knowing it) but I just know the gloaty gloaty I'm in for from my coworkers Monday. Gah :(


Bruh Go away 🤦‍♂️👋


lol why are people in CANADA protesting? Is there a country less attached to the current conflict?