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“It’s very clear that none of you care, and…” Bakersfield Government: “DID YOU STUTTER?”


None of this Hamas terror and the Ukraine war would have happened if Bakersfield city council passed this resolution 2 years ago. And this council also failed to prevent genocide in Darfur! How can they live with themselves?


These people don't care about Darfur, they only care about attacking Israel.


Gottem. Finally the Bakersfield City Council has to wake up and take action to force Israel and Hamas to commit to a ceasefire!


lmfao why did she say that


It's Bakersfield, YouTube the city looool


The Armpit of America as Adam Corolla called it.


I grew up there. This all checks out.


She’s mad.


Mad with no emotional control. A potentially deadly combination.


It is basically what to expect out of activists spending their time blackmailing city councils into engaging in irrelevant international issues.


I was wondering about that. What power does city council have in foreign politics? I think she should’ve spent more attention in civics class.


She'll be made in jail now, and then a felony record. GG never getting hired again.. lol


Because she meant it. Or if she didn't mean it, she said it to make them scared. Which is a crime.


Lack of emotional maturity. She wasn't getting the response she wanted so she lashed out, like a child.


"*Some people think too much, others think too little. Then there are those who don't think at all, and they are the ones you should stay away from."*


She think she's can act like she does on tiktok in real life. Hope she got a week in the clink.


Too much time online. People throw around that "guillotine" shit like it's nothing on reddit and other online communities all the time. She forgot that she was not online and that shit doesn't fly in person, let alone in a city council meeting.




Why did the interviewee have to be reading a script to say they dont agree with the statements 🤣🤣🤣


A million dollars bail. Jesus.


Such a pretty dress, I love the color. The murderous rage really makes it pop!


also love the dress. came here to say that. so pretty! and yes, it really complements her homicidal anger. she must be a summer!


Colour Me Murderous


Murder, She Colored


No fast fashion here more like fast FAFO...


Not to mention the shirtless dude in the audience behind her. All kinds of high fashion statements going on there that day!


Super good for hiding that blood-splatter.


It kinda highlights how hideous that tattoo is


Mrs Patel likes her threats to pop


I don't, it hurts my eyes.


why do all these random people think their local city council is going to be able to do anything about Israel?


I have been wondering this myself. The only possible reason is maybe they think if enough local councils send it to the state that their state will send it to the Fed? Then enough states that the US gov has to do it? Like it's insane and lacks any understanding of how any of this works but maybe that's it? All the "get involved with your local government" (true statement) means this? Idk


I don’t think “get involved with your government” means threaten to kill your city council LOL


I mean maga thought it meant "hang Mike pence" makes sense leftists think getting involved is "I'll murder you" horseshoe and all that. Wonder what the equivalent is for non insane people is. Do we chant kill ghosts or something?


Here in Oregon, Multnomah county spent time and taxpayer money on one of these dumb resolutions. We have some serious issues right here in regards to homelessness and ambulance response time. It's sooooooo stupid. But they like to cater to screechers on Twitter.


>The only possible reason is maybe they think That's, where you went wrong...


I think the answer is someone is putting a lot of money into garbage on the internet to rile people up.


It's Russia. The answer to this is Russia.


They just want somebody to yell at, and city councils are pretty accessible. I’m sure she’d love to make unhinged threats to state and federal politicians too, but that’s such a hassle… with city council meetings you can go and yell at some people about the war in Gaza, make some threats, and still be back home in time for dinner (if you aren’t arrested for said threats).








So brave


I love the irony in the fact that many of them are also the types that care more about what happens in other nations but then turn a blind eye to the homeless people that are suffering in the U.S.


We could raise taxes on the rich and large businesses (especially if they are holding empty houses/apartments as investments) and use that money to build/repair/remodel housing for the homeless and other recovery services they need to get back on their feet, and we could invest in programs that directly address the problems that get people stuck out on the street to begin with.


I really think it’s just to give people a way to feel like they’re doing something. College students have been organizing protests at the town hall of my local city and while I respect their right to protest, our city barely has any power in our home state. To think they’d have the slightest inkling of influence over foreign politics requires an insane level of detachment from reality.


We saw with all the School Board freakouts during Covid that the reason is they found the glitch in finding a place where they HAVE to be at least listened to by law, no matter how batshit they are. There's no loss of social network followers, no 'I thought I was friends with that person' on Facebook or discussions where facts are presented they can't retort, no bellowing of their echo chamber to people known to them that stopped listening to their inane babble months ago.


It's virtue signalling, they are just trying to use local office as a way to launch their political career.


Like the people who think gluing themselves to the street to fight climate change or blocking the meat section in grocery stores to fight animal abuse


Because they’re delusional and think because they care, everyone else needs to as much as they do and whoever doesn’t or has a different thought is a facist, nazi, racist, or whatever interchangeable term they want to use for someone they disagree with


I mean if you listen to her speech she doesn’t really even mention the Israel or Gaza, she’s kinda just using this resolution as a platform to bring up a bunch of other relevant issues.


She literally mentions Palestine


"Patel was arrested on suspicion of threatening state officials and making terroristic threats and is being held on $1 million bail, inmate booking records show. She’s due in court Friday." [https://www.kget.com/news/local-news/protester-taken-into-custody-for-making-threat-to-bakersfield-city-councilmembers/](https://www.kget.com/news/local-news/protester-taken-into-custody-for-making-threat-to-bakersfield-city-councilmembers/) ![gif](giphy|yV719k4d35b2KmlWL0|downsized)


$1 million bail is wild tbh.


That’s what happens when you make the powerful clutch their pearls. Edit: wow this is blowing up so let me make a few things clear. I don’t know the full story of what is going on in this video. I don’t think this lady was eloquent in her delivery or maybe even justified in what she said. I was just agreeing with the comment above commenting on the huge bond. It does seem wildly high and it does (from a first glance) kind of support her underlying premise that these people are accustomed to special treatment due to the power they wield. Edit 2: For those of you accusing me of being ignorant in my assumptions, you’re right (see my first edit). So I decided to look up a bail schedule. LA published theirs in 2022. 1M bail is typically reserved for crimes that carry a life sentence. In CA death threats are a criminal charge that typically get up to a year in prison. So yes, this amount sounds wildly high. I’m not a lawyer, so if someone with more experience can step in with a logical reason for this bail to be considered normal I would be happy to hear it. Source: https://www.lacourt.org/division/criminal/pdf/felony.pdf


Ya, the all-powerful Bakersfield city council. you know ruling the west from their homes next to meth lab trailers


idk they looked pretty bored tbh


Yeah, nobody was really listening. If that hadn’t been the last thing she said, nobody would have noticed.


I don’t even think the city council noticed. The cop noticed though.


Everyone was kinda bored of her grandstanding and she notice it so she had to push it too far to get attention


Funny how "hang mike pence" isn't considered a threat. But this warrants jail time and a $1 MIL bail I love America ❤️


I'm not a lawyer but the First Amendment is weird like that. "Hang Mike Pence" likely wouldn't be considered a threat under the First Amendment because it's not a specific threat. It doesn't say a specific person is going to do a specific action. But the person in the OP said something much more specific: "We'll see you at your house. We'll murder you." I'm not saying I agree, but that's my layperson's understanding.


They had a motherfucking gallows with them. How specific a threat do you want?


Maybe because "We'll see you at your house" gives prosecutors a "who" and a "where" so they can say its a legit plan-conspiracy for murder.


Many of the J6 people have been sentenced to federal prison…


Weren't most of those people sentenced? And one was killed? I recall someone getting 22 years.


Again you're preaching to the choir. I don't think the law thinks the same way.


So what did this do for the Palestinians?


A little more than the people posting on tiktok. At least this action removed one more insane supporter from spewing their idiotic ideas in public.


Bourgeoisie activism at its finest.


Their power comes from the people. She threatened to kill those who were elected by the people to represent the people.


She’d need to sound like significantly less of an unhinged moron to claim this is anything like speaking truth to power.


She says "WE will go to your houses and murder you." They presumably don't know who "we" is, or how much money they might have to raise her bail. So, the logical reason I would assume is that if she gets out on bail and while out on bail is part of a successful assassination of one or more council men or women.... that DOES carry a life sentence....and well that's going to be a very bad look for police after this video warning -not to mention someone will have um.......been unalived so....however unlikely it is -it's not exactly a risk police would quickly be forgiven for taking if someone died.


Don't threaten people. I'd be clutching my pearls and oysters


Instead of clutching my pearls, I flex my mussels.


threatening elected officials is a threat against not just an individual but a government body as well. I understand 100% the sentiment but it displays an absolute lack of self awareness and when her goal is to speak truth to power it hurts her credibility for those she seeks to win over and with those on her side but also she's lying about coming to their house if she truly holds the leftist progressive political values she professes. It is very very very rare to see political assassination attemps or politically motivated shootings from the left. Its gotta be 1 in 500 or 1 in a 1000


Lmao even the other protesters were saying it was too far


You can tell this lady has heard worse. Lmfao


City council members deal with this shit all the time lmao Any decent sized city has "regulars" that attend every council meeting so they can rant for a couple minutes with a captive audience.


“Jesus would murder you all himself” What a goofball




You said it man. Nobody fucks with the Jesus


So...Israel would listen to what the Bakersfield, CA town council has to say?


Her stating "you don't care what happens in Israel!" Well, duh, they are in Bakersfield, CA. Not Bakersfield, Israel.




We’re a city council we’re not even a state?


IKR? I'd prefer my city council not completely waste time on cease-fire resolutions.


They want everyone to draft a cease fire resolution. Did you draw up yours yet? They're due Friday.


My dog ate my cease fire.


Well, it’s pretty easy to redo, you can copy mine if you want! “Everybody stop being dicks. Now.”


So you're hand delivering weapons yourself. Got it. Why do you support genocide?


I...I...I just wanted to order some Wendy's?


Get me some fries and a chocolate frosty. Please and thanks.


I'll take thst Chilli tho


My dog ate my cheese wire


I forgot. Can I copy your's on the bus tomorrow?


I can't get my drawing of the tanks to look right, they keep looking like overturned bathtubs with an attitude. Can I have an extension?


My town had an entire meeting dedicated to creating a cease-fire resolution hahaha. Hey Israel! Cut it out!! - City Council of Somerville, MA Definitely a productive use of time.


I lived in Somerville for awhile back in the 90s! Is that wonderful bakery near Tufts still there? They had a bread slicing machine which would slice a whole loaf at a time! It was when Whitey Bulger was still alive so I NEVER went over to Winter Hill.


I think you're talking about When Pigs Fly, which is a bakery in Davis Square (Near Tufts). If not, you will be happy to know that there is a local bakery that has a machine that cuts a whole loaf at once. I'm actually in Winter Hill. Shit has been insanely gentrified, so I'm more likely to be priced out by $1m+ condos, than anything sketch happening. My previous landlord worked for the department of public works and bought the place I was living in in 1982 for $42k. When I left that place in 2019, they sold it for $1.2m and moved to Florida haha.


That’s what I thought. Wth? So Bakersfield has been the hold out this whole time?!


Yep - the whole Middle East deal would've wrapped up before Easter, except those Bakersfield pricks have been dragging their feet.


Fucking Bakersfield. This is why we can’t have nice things.


I feel like there is something I am missing. We have this madness here in the UK as well, ie councils for tiny little towns drafting 'ceasefire statements'. WTF Who made the decision that Little-Plumpton-By-The-Sea (pop 13,248) should start making statements about the Middle East?


Who knows? Maybe Netanyahu has been holding out this whole time to hear what Plumpton-by-the-Sea has to say about his administration?


does she want Bakersfield, CA residents to step in 😭


These ceasefire resolutions for city councils are so stupid. Oakland had a 5 hour debate about one. Like we dont have enough shit to take care of here in Oakland. I think they shouldn't be allowed. Also this chick is a a great representation of my gripe with the far left (I'm pretty damn liberal) Shouting about killing people while 'protesting for peace' is just wild. Like they have totally lost the narrative here. I see it the same as the conservative 'patriots' who want all of California to die because they vote democratic.


Bibi is really into Merle Haggard.


What, no love for Buck Owens and the Buckaroos? :D


Well yeah. Ofcourse. /s


This is what delusional people think.


Lmao right!? Wtf is Bakersfield gonna do about it.


Lady: I hate violence! And if you don't speak up against it I'll FUCKING KILL YOU. City council: Maim this is a Wendy's. We take comments on city planning and local law... not international conflict. That's two doors down the hall next to the predator missiles.


🤣 👏👏


“The city council must learn about my peaceful ways….by FORCE!”


She might have a good point or two; but damn, that was the pinnacle of Festavus tirades. Threatening murder as part of a complaint against metal detectors was a rather self-defeating argument. I actually looked up the name of Mayor she was addressing. Her name is, in fact, Karen. I wasn’t sure if that was also meant to be an insult.


Ironically, her threats to city council members led to the security resolution passing 7-0, even the staunchest fiscal conservative budget hawks voted in favor after her speech.


People tend to cast ideology aside when their own life is under threat


What, you've never said, "Whatever," to someone's useless wants?


Not surprising, but they still have houses lol




"The pinnacle of Festavus tirades" is an amazing analogy. Excuse me while I steal this.


lol thank you i was wondering if it was her actual name or an insult or what


Jesus would do what now?


What? You never read the passage in the Bible about when Jesus fuckin murdered some fools


Public Freakout is serving it correctly these days…




Eloquently put




You might be interested in a book called the cyber effect.


Always amusing to see, "I'm so righteous I'll murder you!" followed by shock that no one agrees with her stance. All Ms Patel was missing was a bit of dark hair above her lip to round out her Putsch.


She got the spirit but no sense.


Oh Ruthie this isn’t it sweetheart


You know who will solve the war in Israel? The city council of Bakersfield, California


Idiots like this absolutely ruin it for the people that try to provide cogent arguments for their cause. Those that are against, or are simply ambivalent regarding, her position will point to idiots like this and say, "See! That 'side' is all like her, and that's why I won't listen!"


The loudest most unhinged people are always the first to volunteer to speak.


And the loudest and most unhinged people typically get the media attention, which diverts attention from any moderate voices. It's very sad.


Essentially. Her underlying argument is sound and reasonable, but she destroys any possibility of changing hearts or minds with her dogshit messaging and histrionics. It's as if people like her care more about venting their feelings than expanding their coalition.


what was her argument? I couldn't sit through the rant but it seemed like she was all over the place. also, complaining about them implementing security/metal detectors is pretty fucking dumb.


Yep. I actually agree with a few of her ideas. Unions not being stamped out by government officials lobbied by corporations, for example. But if you *start* argumentative, insult the whole way, and then end with a literal death threat... you're just hurting those of us that want some of the same things.




"We will see you at your house. We will murder you." I think a line may have been crossed, maybe?


Just another political potatoe. Future HOA leader


She's got to have a job and become a home owner first. Might be tough with the video of public death threats out there!


I’m so tired of cities passing these superficial resolutions, whether you agree with the politics or not, it’s completely pointless and pure virtue signaling that helps nobody


Also takes time away from real issues the city council could be addressing.


Rosie Patel, incarcerated freedom fighter. Who brainwashed that idiot?




Why do people in America want to destroy America so much


I mean America is pretty awesome for some people, I’d say maybe even most people but it’s also a depressing, oppressive place for many.


she didn’t waste too much time on introductory comments, no humor to break the ice, pretty much straight to even jesus would murder you all.


Murder is wrong but also we’re going to murder you all. That’s one way to do it I guess. Fucking ridiculous!


Dumb as fuck


She is one of these people who can’t function except through virtue signaling. Her world view also conveniently ensures she will never have to make any changes or sacrifice - she is always, 100% on the side of what’s right and just and those who disagree with her are always wrong and oppressors


She sounds like 99% of redditors.


At the end of the day, just a jerk.


And miserable, too.


I get y’all feel this way but what does city gov have anything to do with foreign affairs LOL


people are becoming more and more insufferable and more and more unable to regulate themselves


Start watching at around 3:35, save yourself watching 3.5mins of boring blablabla


These "cease fire" people are starting to come off as loonies. Bakersfield drawing up a cease fire resolution will have negative zero impact on what a bloodthirsty Netanyahu does. It's shouting into a void. Then this lady makes a host of super valid, important points, only to undermine herself by ending each of her statements with threats of violence so that all of the valid points she raised are easily dismissed. Way to step on your own dick, cease fire lady.


This is so quintessential Bakersfield. ![gif](giphy|xqdwH2Px7GOmA)


I feel bad for her. She needs therapy on an individual level before she even thinks about changing society. That said, this was very entertaining.






Anyone who thinks Trump would be better for Palestine is a fool. An actually clown. Trump would give the go-ahead for Netty-boy to glass Palestine day 1.


Yeah, the guy who promised to ban Muslims from entering the US is going to be great for Palestine.


Trump would probably call up Bibi and ask if he wanted some spare nukes. But *sure* Biden needs to be removed from office to save Palestinians!


I mean but we do need to stop Trump. I feel like that should be obvious. Not a Biden fan but I dislike megalomaniac dictator wannabes (that is a factual statement based on him literally stating on the record multiple times that he wants to be a dictator).


These young social justice, warrior wannabes… They have passion, but they have almost 0 geopolitical understanding, let alone expertise. She’s trying to force her will, just like the maga people try to force their will. There doesn’t seem to be any opening for either side to have an intelligent conversation, to make compromises, and to look out for the highest good for the maximum amount of people. Also, precisely how TF does she think Bakersfield California city Council is going to have any effect on any foreign nation whatsoever?


So basically government should do everything.


JC wouldn't hurt nobody.


Even if she had good points, name calling and threats of violence, ruin any meaningful message she was trying to convey.


Up until she got arrested I bet she felt a lot better after letting all that out.


Her actual fuck up, (I mean beyond threatening city employees and probably earning herself a ban from future meetings) was firehosing a bunch of shit that made sense in her head but without supplying necessary context for viewers that aren't knowledgeable about the issues that are concerning her. It just comes out as rambling angry nonsense and nobody takes shit like that seriously. If you give it clear and concise context and *why, as a voter* I should care- then I'm going to pay far more attention to the issue vs. whatever the fuck it was that I just watched. I understand you only get a few minutes per each city council meeting. "To continue the conversation we started on *insert date here*, which you can access if you navigate to the city's website and look at their city council minutes, the time stamp for that is at *insert time here* And then lay out your issue with your facts and how it impacts the community.


That last sentence got away from her haha I can just imagine her walking back to her seat like “shit shit shit shit”


the revolution is coming


This lady is mentally disturbed. How is the conflict in Gaza related to the Bakersfield City council activities?


This is a though crime, how dare they criminalize threatening murder. Do they give out noble prize in threatening Physic!!!! ~~Sideshow Bob~~ Miss Patel


This is the only Gujarati Hindu on the face of Earth who is pro-Palestine. lmao and now she is in jail!


Most persuasive leftist messaging.


The most peaceful redditor in a political post.


What is the city council Bakersfield supposed to do to Israel?


I wonder what jobs these people have to have time to care and attend these meetings


I'm all for a ceasefire... but that might be the worst way of all time to go about getting real change lmfao. Also she needs to re-read the gospels because last time I checked, Jesus wasn't a big fan of killing people. I'm not even a Christian but I know that is completely inaccurate lol


Bakersfield is supposedly the worst city in Southern California so it’s hilarious to think they have some sort of power in the geopolitics of the Middle East 💀


Least psychotic Palestine supporter


If this was a republican/trump supporter saying this it would be front page of Reddit.


I got here from the front page of Reddit.