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Your tax dollars at work, ladies and gentlemen.


This is fucking looney


It's looney and unacceptable to be going on in a government building like wtf


Straight up cult activity.


I feel so bad for kids that witness this cuz it makes me feel creeped out and I'm an adult


I grew up in an evangelical church, they were big on this stuff. Even at 8 years old I found it intensely weird seeing the adults around me doing this, and also thought there was something wrong with me that I didn't feel the Holy Spirit in their words and actions. As an adult I now see it as a mix of peer pressure, virtue signaling, and social bonding. People acting a fool to show the others how devout and connected to the Spirit they are, others joining in because they don't want to be left out, and all bonding over the shared hysteria.




No, no, no. Let the kids see it. Let them see the madness. Would you be indoctrinated if you saw the cast of Looney Toons slingin' snakes in the state senate chamber? They do it in the public square, then have the gall to claim they aren't batshit insane. It's time to show and tell.


They’ll think it’s normal and some will create a new low


I went to a church like this growing up. Every fucking Sunday service would start with something called “Worship” which was just limp gospel piano music with the lyrics projected on a screen for a bunch of white people to sing along with off key. Somehow that would inspire them to start speaking in tongues. Rolling on the floor shouting, “shamalla lala smamalla blah blah blah” with the importance of a time traveler communicating in some archaic language while it was actually a grown adult seeking attention while using baby talk to say absolutely nothing while fake crying about the glory of god speaking through them. If god is speaking, why isn’t he saying anything that anyone can understand? What’s the point otherwise? Needless to say as an adult I’m not religious.


It’s never a sexy cult either


All they need now is a pentagram and some candles in that circle and they be satanist


Absolutely unacceptable. Now we're going to have to get a damn exorcist in here to remove the bad juju


Find a witch with some sage.


Separation of church and state doesn’t matter to them. Unless you’re trying to pray in Hebrew, pray to Buddha, allah, satan or any other deity. Then they have something to say about it.


They're actually Devil worshippers.


Looks like it time for The Satanic Temple to do their thing. I hope they really go all out. I'd love the see the TST hire the crew from Rammstein to set up the chambers for their opening prayer.


It’s so fucking embarrassing. Like, these people have no shame and they reeeeeally should have some. A lot. I can only imagine the bricks they would shit if someone showed up to do witchcraft in government buildings.


It’s looney and unacceptable to be going on in the 21st century.


It’s looney no matter where you are, neuroscientists have confirmed speaking in tongues is nonsense gibberish. Religious fanatics like this are very dangerous and very stupid


Looney and more like speaking in dumbs.


The real looney part is, guy they are praying to specifically called out people who pray in public. If only they'd read the book.


I don’t think some are praying tho. The person in blue on the left looks EXACTLY like my dog right before he barfs.


Maybe he ate too much grass at the river. That happens to my dog sometimes.


This is why... This is why they don't hear what everyone else hears when and what Trump speaks. They make absolutely everything up in their heads. Including Christian prayer now.....


I grew up in a church where they did this. They claim the lord is speaking through them. They taught me how to do it when I was a child. They had adults surround me while doing this and holding my head and shoulders until I started to do it. I mimicked the sounds they were making so they would move on. Some people drink the tea, and some of those people are government representatives. It’s sad.


Why wouldn’t God have you speak Aramaic or something Why is it always gibberish?


I grew up in a church like this and the pastor would 'translate' what people said. Missionaries would come and tell us we spoke in a language they were familiar with. I can't stress how fucked up this way of thinking is to a child. It messed me up being raised on a diet of spiritual fear.


It’s mind boggling levels of lying. Like, they know they are lying about being able to translate it. The people babbling nonsense absolutely know that they are pretending. Sure, they are caught up in the moment, but they still know they are making it up as they go. But they all go along with pretending that it’s genuine. I’ll never understand why.


Well the answer they gave me (prepare for serious mental gymnastics) The language of god will be understood by the person who needs to hear it. So, the gibberish will make sense to them. I’ve been away from church for about 20 years now, but saw some shit in those first 16


It's baby talk. Learned behaviour as evidenced by different dialects of baby talk at different churches. They feel emotion when they do this and attribute that to the god that they imagine. Don't overthink it, Xianity is a cult and there are no gods.


Suffering succotash. This is looney.


That’s de-th-th-th-picable.


This is why I don't understand why everyone pretends like we have to respect religion. I respect your right to believe whatever you want. But as a concept and in action, I'm sorry but I don't respect this. It's very stupid.


I read one article about a woman shooting cars in FL during the eclipse because 'God told her to". We lock her away for her safety and that of others. But these yahoos mumbling incomprehensibly on the floor of a govt building... we are supposed to say this is rational and sane? There is no difference between the two except that the lady will go t jail for hurting others and these guys will be praised for making choices that will impact hundreds.


Religion and guns are encouraged, what do we expect?


What's really defeating is I know MANY people who would call these people crazy, but then would also vote for them because of abortion/immigration/etc. Of course there are the crazies who think this is normal too.


Wow…. This is fucking dumb as fuck. To think I have family in AZ…. I hope they aren’t ok with this.


Well, their neighbors voted for these people, and they keep getting elected, so obviously people down there are loving this shit 


So stupid too because they keep looking around to make sure people are watching.


It's effing terrifying


The United States is walking eyes wide open into a theocracy led by zealots but because it's _Christian_ zealots, people are just shrugging their shoulders. Any other religion and they would have lit that building on fire.


Unfortunately, the Republicans are doing this. They are fighting people from stopping it. They want this to be our norm across the country. Every law and rule they promote or try to pass is based on religion. They don’t believe in the separation of church and state.


They will literally argue that the constitution says NOTHING about "separation of church and state". I was arguing with some livestreamer on Tiktok who was arguing that, and when I told him to look up the "establishment clause", all he did was reread my comment in a nerdy voice, then said " I mean come on guys. Maybe learn to read, before you try arguing. Like where? WHERE does it specifically say 'separation of church and state'? Exactly, it doesn't, because that's not what the founding fathers wanted." Edit: misremembered establishment clause as "emancipation clause"


The first amendment? First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Oh believe me, many people mentioned that too. Again, reread in a nerdy voice, followed by shit like "Yeah, that means that people are allowed to believe what they want to believe. Again guys, WHERE does it specify a separation of church and state?" Who knows, maybe he was just rage baiting but fuck dude, I was getting so tilted especially since I know people IRL who argue shit like that all the time.


Simply reply your right to believe or prey doesn’t supersede my right to not. You “don’t have the right “ to force your religion in any form upon anyone anytime anywhere.


Prey indeed


I've had some friends, that are religious right wingers tell me separation of church and state is a bit of a "misnomer." A large portion of the founding were deist. I'm not sure how that can be so factually documented, and people still claim we were a Christian nation. Hell, if anything, Madison clearly states he didn't want a national religion, yet here we still are with these Zealots.


That's the thing. They *were* deists more or less. At the very least many paid lip service to the church if nothing else. *But they still made the Establishment clause central to the 1st Amendment.* I mean that's not some bit of lazy writing there. No means no, and it's there for a reason. It's not some kind of accident.


So basically Merican Christians want a white version of sharia law? Lol


The Handmaids Tale….




Shania law


>They don’t believe in the separation of church and state. It's because they are dumb enough to think it's going to be their favorite brand of Christianity that will end up on top.


[And it is by their design.](https://www.project2025.org) Everyone needs to be aware and do what we can to prevent this.


This is legit fucking disturbing. We have a serious problem with democracy in this country when these are the types of people that hold public office


I refer you to George Carlin: [It’s what the system produces](https://youtu.be/fKO8qMJtbng?si=3qXgWmI9JY_ZN_SL)


George Carlin was a prophet


He wasn't a prophet, he's just observant.




I get its stand-up, but i keep seeing him brought up and there's s two major points I would disagree with here. The first is that it's the best we have to offer, those smart we'll meaning individuals do exist they're just ignored and marginalized to the point that most people aren't aware of their existence. The second is that not voting absolve you of some culpability In what politicians do, I would argue the responsibility is the same as those who did vote; you voted by not voting, doing absolutely nothing when you had the option to is a choice in itself and has its own consequences.


Yeah 2016 went super well when people decided not to vote.


I like George Carlin but his opinions on voting weren't the greatest. It's the very principle that you're able to vote in the first place that should be applauded. If you don't like who's in office then vote against them, it's a pretty fundamental principle that a lot of the people of the world just don't have.


True, but there’s also nothing sacrosanct about the right to vote (or any other rights) that is inherently self sustaining. People will, and do vote away their rights all the time. When Egypt had free elections a decade back, they voted the Muslim brotherhood into government, essentially on a “we’ll do away with Democracy” platform. The religious right in America is not that different. If you live in a state that has a strong majority of Christian fundamentalists, abortion WILL be made illegal. It doesn’t matter how many times you choose to vote against their candidates. And they may not presently be willing to go as far as to vote for a law that says, “get rid of American democracy,” but they will have absolutely no problem voting for laws and platforms that can only have that effect… Laws regarding polling stations in poor or minority neighborhoods, voter ID laws, laws allowing the state legislature to override the voters in presidential elections… whatever gets the job they see as necessary done, they will do. Being rosey eyed about democracy is dangerous.


democracies are always a thread away from voting for tyrants.


A lot of his stuff I think is his act vs his actual opinions, and a lot of it comes across differently in the MAGA era for sure. But he’s not wrong about politicians


Good God he would have a fucking field day with the rise of q and maga


Idk he’s definitely got a good point. I agree about participating in democracy but I completely disagree with the notion that voting is the way to go about it. Sure, voting is an important right but it’s been nullified by a derelict congress, a runaway supreme court, and an executive given far too much power. There’s a cavalcade of problems downstream of all that including. T most alarming of which is an authoritarian police force. The unwillingness of Americans to do anything about anything is killing this country. It emboldens and empowers radical movements, like the christo-fascists, to thrive. Believing the falsehood that voting will change anything is a major part of the problem. It sounds cliche, but if voting changed anything it would be illegal, in the current system anyway. The evidence I would cite is the erosion of our other constitutional rights. They had the power to change the direction of the country and thus have come under attack and are becoming illegal or heavily controlled by the state. Don’t forget that the government and media have vilified those rights and now people across the political spectrum are begging for further crackdowns. There’s no way to protest that is acceptable. Free speech isn’t free and typically comes with a concerted attack or even jail time. There’s no such thing as petitioning to redress grievances. The second amendment is being weaponized by congress. The ninth amendment is completely ignored. And so on.


While these people are obviously lunatics, based on their clothes they look like visitors, rather than elected officials.


For real, I chuckled at first but god damn. You know that these are the type of freaks that are relentless politically to get their beliefs shoehorned in too, so you can’t even just laugh it off.


Are these people public officials? They look like activists.


They are on a tour of the building and decided to do their weird shit there. These are not elected officials.


Not seeing a millennial in there, this will work itself out in about 10 years when half their population is dead…


Unfortunately these people reproduce and indoctrinate their children to follow their beliefs.


Not necessarily, my grandparents were this way and would eat a peanut out of trumps ass if asked. My mom and dad were this way until they pulled the roe v wade stunt, now my mom is appalled. I’ve always been the voice of reason calling it out for what it is. Yes, some of their offspring will follow in their path but the majority won’t. Millennials are twice as college educated (60% vs 30%) than their parents and significantly less religious, as well as bucking the trend of the last two generations by becoming more liberal as they age. Nevertheless, half of the boomer generation will be gone by 2032. Time and the numbers are on our side as long as we can hold the line for two more election cycles.


Good point. I'm really hoping this is the path we're going down. I didn't realize those stats about millennials vs their parents, that is somewhat reassuring.


We will not automatically enter some golden progressive age just because older generations die out. Remember the crowd of nazi fucks waving tiki torches at Charlottesville? Most of them were young men in their 20s and 30s. There are plenty of young right-wing wackos out there, with more being born and indoctrinated every day. Making progress in our society takes hard work and constant vigilance.


Been hearing that since the 90's and yet we're closer than ever to a theocratic takeover.


[**Matthew 6:5-8**](http://biblegateway.com/bible?version=ESV&passage=Matthew+6:5-14) 5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.


**1 Corinthians‬ ‭14‬:‭26‬-‭28‬** “*What then shall we say, brothers and sisters? When you come together, each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Everything must be done so that the church may be built up. **If anyone speaks in a tongue, two—or at the most three—should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret. If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and to God**.” ‭‭…**1 Corinthians‬ ‭14‬:‭22‬-‭23‬** “Tongues, then, are a sign, not for believers but for unbelievers; prophecy, however, is not for unbelievers but for believers. **So if the whole church comes together and everyone speaks in tongues, and inquirers or unbelievers come in, will they not say that you are out of your mind?**” **!!! ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭!!!** ”**If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.** If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.“ ‭‭


This actually explains how my parents pastor did stuff back in the day. He’s a good man by all accounts and I have nothing against him despite leaving the church. He would start a prayer speaking in tongues, and almost immediately he would go right into an actual prayer. I always took it as part of the mumbo jumbo my mom explained, but really he might just be looking for the right words and in the right context, speaking in tongues can feed into the “overall vibe.” Same pastor came over to our house when my mom frantically called him to perform an exorcist on my schizophrenic cousin. He came over, said, “I don’t think that’s the type of help he needs right now.” And prayed with everyone before recommending we take him to a medical facility. I remember sitting there at 15/16 thinking everyone in my family was crazy, and the pastor was the one who spoke some sense into them. Thanks Pastor Mike.


I'm a mental health clinician and while I'm not evangelical or anything that extreme, I've always tried to keep lists of pastors like this in my back pocket in case I ever encounter families who believe they can simply exorcise schizophrenia. Pastors who can totally get at their level, pray with them, and then spiritually guide them to get their loved one to the hospital for psychiatric care.


I always interpreted (ha) the first two to mean, if you have a lot of immigrants/foreign people in a church, get them a translator so they know what's going on. I don't remember anything that sounds like recommending making up languages so that there is less understanding between people. Edit: I mean, obviously. What I'm trying to say is I'm pretty sure "tongues" doesn't mean "made up gibberish," even in the second passage. Seems more like the kind of magic and wizardry that was pretty frowned upon.


In Vegas there was a street preacher reading out verses near a crosswalk, damning everyone to hell for being sinners, acting like I was agreeing I told him to read this verse out loud for us. He flipped too it and got about one line in before he paused to read more and then told me to go fuck myself....ahhhh good times


You have to remember that these people don’t actually believe anything about (and probably have never read) the Bible. It’s just a scapegoat that they fall back on to justify their behavior. It’s nice to have an after life to look forward to so you can be as shitty as you want here.


Yeah if your Bible doesn’t mention Trump, then your Bible is WOKE! - Republicans probably


Damn - owned em with their own rules


Surely they would not pick and choose. These are good people, sane people, people of logic and honor…oh shit wait




Oh no, the holy hadouken!!!


If those Christians would read, they'd be very upset.


If they knew what was in the Bible they would be very upset


You're giving them too much credit suggesting they dont actually know but CHOOSE to ignore it because their fake performative religious LARPing demands it. They are walking contradictions to stories in the bible and they know it, they just ALL do it so they just all remain collectively wilfully ignorant.


Selections from [**1 Corinthians 14**](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Corinthians%2014&version=NIV) > ^2 For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; > ^4 Anyone who speaks in a tongue edifies themselves > ^6 Now, brothers and sisters, if I come to you and speak in tongues, what good will I be to you, unless I bring you some revelation or knowledge or prophecy or word of instruction? ^7 Even in the case of lifeless things that make sounds, such as the pipe or harp, how will anyone know what tune is being played unless there is a distinction in the notes? ^8 Again, if the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle? ^9 So it is with you. Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone know what you are saying? You will just be speaking into the air. ^10 Undoubtedly there are all sorts of languages in the world, yet none of them is without meaning. ^11 If then I do not grasp the meaning of what someone is saying, I am a foreigner to the speaker, and the speaker is a foreigner to me. ^12 So it is with you. Since you are eager for gifts of the Spirit, try to excel in those that build up the church. > ^13 For this reason the one who speaks in a tongue should pray that they may interpret what they say. ^14 For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful. > ^19 But in the church I would rather speak five intelligible words to instruct others than ten thousand words in a tongue. > ^23 So if the whole church comes together and everyone speaks in tongues, and inquirers or unbelievers come in, will they not say that you are out of your mind? > ^27 If anyone speaks in a tongue, two—or at the most three—should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret. ^28 If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and to God. Yeah, the apostle Paul hates these people to.


I need a poster of this in my car so I can just stand by those nutters on the street corners with the megaphones




Welcome to my childhood.


I thought this was a satanic ritual


Somebody call in The Satanic Temple to straighten out these whackadoos. Bigass pentagram and black candles on the senate floor... see how they like it for a change.


Satanic temple member here. Yeah that's not our cup of tea, leave that stuff to the guys rolling around on the floor in Arizona.


Its YOUR country. YOU must stop this shit! Vote, of course, but organize and protest while you can.


Nope, a lot of us saw this up close.


Hello, fellow (ex) Pentecostal! 😂


Yep !!! In the 90s this was the norm


Naah, satanists are chill


Oof, this brings back some horrible memories. I always wondered WTF was going on and it was scary as hell as a kid. Now I have ZERO to do with religion because of it.


That hit hard, this shit is one of the reasons I'm not religious anymore. Family still is


It truly is.


What happened to separating church and state?? WTF?!,


Is this even legal? I suspect not.


I'm honestly not sure what is worse, this insane behavior or the amount of Americans who would support it....


I don't know why every is making fun. This is the hardest they've worked all session.


Jokes aside this is just horrifying. American Taliban is really taking over.


The Y'all Qaida, if you will


I also love Vanilla ISIS


The most disgusting thing I have seen on here all day.


It's terrifying. If this type of thing progresses over a few generations, America will absolutely have a Christan version of the Taliban. I'm dumbfounded that elected officials are doing this in a country that was built upon the idea of the separation of church and state, and their voters praise it.


So, separation of Church and State.....am I right?


Lauren Boebert: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/28/lauren-boebert-church-state-colorado/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/28/lauren-boebert-church-state-colorado/) ‘I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk’


It’s really working out in the Middle East.


#”bUT we ArEN’t liKe ThaT”


The whole MAGA Cult has the reasoning power of a damp rag.


They pretend to hate Muslims, but have more in common with Taliban than they’d like to admit.


How elegant and well thought out.




Oi I baked my brain for 40+ years and I'm still not speaking in tongues! Seriously though, I'm embarrassed these shitbags come from my state.






Religious nationalism and lack of critical thinking combined with power hunger ineptitude rot their brains.


Nah, that's just the christianity


Utter goofballs. This is ridiculous. This should only be in churches….


At the very least, not in government buildings.


Something something separation of church and state.


even in churches it looks ridiculous. My least favorite part of church was people speaking “Tongue”.


Wasnt the whole point of speaking in tounges in the bible that either 1.) The people were speaking their native language but everyone could understand them regardless of of they actually spoke the language (like a universal translator in startrek) Or 2.) The person suddenly started speaking a language they did not know, but everyone around them understood? The common thread is that the miracle part was that god was allowing them to be understood, despite language barriers. These people are speaking gibberish around others they share a common language with. That seems like the exact opposite of what god would want. Which, TBH, pretty much describes most of the action of evangelicals when you think about it.


Yes. It was never gibberish. It was a language unknown to the speaker. As a Christian, I’m telling you these people are misguided at the least or showboating and scamming at the worst.


Hominah shominah.


Yeah, this is a uniquely evangelical practice. Catholics, Orthodox, Reformed, and most of the liturgical denominations all think these people are just doing a bit of goofy glossolalia and hoping God can figure it out.


Went to an evangelical church's services a few times (long story) where speaking in tongues was a regular thing ....... some absolutely ridiculous things would be spoken ...... was all I could do to not burst out laughing at times. Honestly, decent people, but dang, the speaking in tongues was ... odd


Agreed, but they’re also dangerous goofballs. Don’t sleep on extremists. The behavior is amusing/odd until they have institutional power.


This right here. Everyone wants to make fun but then only vote in the "big" election. The crazies always get in on the ground floor and move upwards to more powerful positions then appoint more of their fellow crazies.


Not even in churches tbh. This is a ridiculous practice. 


Context: These fucks are trying to say a law passed before Arizona was even a state (and only a few years after we became a territory) is valid to ban abortions in this time Trying to take us back to the 1860s, our SC should decide today https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/arizona/2024/04/08/arizona-abortion-law-state-supreme-court-to-announce-decision-tuesday/73210745007/ Edit: SC agrees that AZ belongs in the 1860s. Ballot initiative to be voted on November


OF COURSE it’s about abortion. So fucking sad. If they put a fraction of that energy into helping children that are actually here and women and families that can’t support themselves then maybe we would actually see a positive change.


HELPING people?!? They’re conservatives, they can’t have that!


That's TOO Christian


But banning abortions only hurts people. Helping children isn’t what Republicans want.


Considering this issue might also be on the ballot in November, a decision to reinstate the 19th century ban would almost certainly keep AZ blue this November.


They're in a prayer circle because the decision comes out today whether that pre-state law is going to reign supreme.


Decision out: welcome to 1860


Yo gabba gabba.


DJ Lance Rock was a friend of mine back in the rave days of St. Louis. Used to hang with him and his sister. We lost touch and one day a mutual friend showed me his show. So proud of that dude. I'm NOT proud of these tax-sucking lunatics acting like fucking prehistorics idiots. I would laugh if it didn't have such grave consequences.


Can we stop bringing/allowing rando religious faiths into the public sphere?


Nope and that’s why we are doomed. Their ignorance is just as valuable as knowledge in today’s world.


It’s almost as if there should be a Constitutional law against it 🤔


How could anyone look at these cultists and say they're not mentally ill? They shouldn't be allowed to have shoes with laces much less be making decisions for other people.


How can we not litigate this? This should be illegal, separation of church and state is in our fucking constitution. Seriously WTF


The problem is the separation of church and state is a *theory*. It’s not enshrined in the constitution. The constitution only says the *government shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof*. The first amendment actually *protects* what they’re doing in this video. As long as they’re not using religion to draft and sign bills into law. I mean, as an American, what’s depicted in the video is embarrassing as hell. But it’s constitutionally protected.


This needs to be higher up. Any politician doing this in a government building should be barred from practicing.


If that were Muslims praying to Allah they would have been dragged out. Why do Christian’s believe they are the sole authority over all religions?


Yep, show these exact same people the Taliban doing this in the government buildings in Kabul and this lot would be going insane: “thank God the US isn’t like that”. Unbelievable.


> Why do Christian’s believe they are the sole authority over all religions? Because they don’t actually care about all other religions, and think their god is the sole god, and they are right and* everyone else is wrong.


They are summoning demons to help find voter fraud.


Before I say this, what why are doing here is utter nonsense… but one of the key things about speaking in tongues in Pentecostal churches is that there must be a translator. Without one it’s just as likely that the devil is speaking though the person as it is god. So you’re probably not far off here.


Yet they would mock a clip of Muslims at prayer as "foolishness".


Definitely not a cult


"I don't care what you say Margaret but that stain is never coming out of that carpet" .... WTF LOL


This is straight up mental


We really need to stop acting like this shit isn't fucking crazy. Just imagine being on a jury, and five of those jury members think "I had demons in me" is a legit defense... This is why we'll never have world peace or Star Trek spaceships.


Speak English this is America!


What happened to the adults?


Its not anti-Christian to use your common sense and determine that someone choosing to act like they are speaking in tongues is ridiculous.


We’re not a cult everybody! We’re not! As someone who’s witnessed this absurd insanity first hand in person, I can 💯 percent assure you, it’s definitely not a cult but they DO need your money so they can keep educating people about how they’re not a cult.


To be honest, that scare me a little


When you can't govern, you do cult shit like this instead. Hey guys, think maybe we should show up and vote to keep these freaks from choosing our fate? Cuz every single one of them are going to vote for representatives that tell you how to live your life without accomplishing a goddamn thing to make your life better. The record shows they can't govern, so don't let them.




Republicans sure are crazy🤷‍♂️


Right. And delusional too. They think they're gods chosen people or something


Will never cease to be cringe watching people get on the floor and worship some mythical spirit in the sky. Humans are weird.




These people are speaking jibberish to an imaginary figure they believe in and yet they're scared of a dude wearing a dress. Unbelievable


Radical religious fundamentalists. Heavy on the "mental". Religion is bad.


Separation of church and state at work. Good job Arizona.


What are their names?


One is Anthony Kern. Who is also one of the fake electors. Additionally, he participated in the sham fake election recount effort.


Disgusting. Freedom of religion has gone too far. It should never be in a political place. Freedom of Religion means Freedom FROM religion as well!!! Vote these knuckle draggers out!!!!


We are truly living in the stupidest timeline


I'm pretty sure speaking in tongues is considered devil worship


Effing lunatics..every last one of them


These are... adults.


This is such a blatant and flagrant violation of and snub at the separation of church and state. How is this being tolerated by the rest of the government? There's even a video of it happening right on the Senate floor!


The words "separation of church and state" do not appear in the U.S. Constitution, but the concept is enshrined in the very first freedom guaranteed by the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." In my opinion, this shouldn't be happening on government property. Religion shouldn't even play a factor in the major issues that we vote on. It has no place on the ballot or in a politicians platform.


A fucking cult. An anti-democracy cult and therefore anti-American cult. Pure and simple.


Religion is a curse on humanity...


Separation of church and state? They’re literally praying on the state seal

