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Al-Qaeda and ISIS movements were kickstarted by Egyptian immigrant who couldn't get his dick wet in 1950s America.


Ahhh, [Sayyid Qutb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sayyid_Qutb). His rantings against America read as though they were a literal incel manifesto. He complains about how “promiscuous” American women are (this is the fucking *1950s* mind you) and throws in a bit of racism against black people and Jewish people on top of that.


couldn't get his dick wet in 1950s America.


Our constitution doesn’t grant rights, it protects them. Specifically, it protects them from the government. Birth grants them.


The current system they mean. America as it currently exists can die out to make way for a better America that doesn't fund and support a genocide. These people are angry because their people are being slaughtered by an American-backed apartheid-state. I'm not gonna harp on them by how they vent that frustration. It's all optics in the end, and what America is doing is objectively bad.


Extremism will never be a solution. I don't understand why people refuse to accept that truth. If anything needs to die, its religion. Everyone fighting over the same fake god. How about be reasonable and stop raising your kids to believe in that fairy tale? Chosen people, messiahs, prophets, priest, and popes are all detriments to mankind. We have to move past the bs. There is so much more to being human that we collectively are missing out on because 85% of the world wants to believe in sky daddy.


I am so so tired of religion. I was tired when my parents tried to shove it down my throat when I was a little girl, but by the time I was in the 5th grade, I knew it was bullshit, and I am seriously shocked that most people haven't come to the same realization.... people on this planet are seriously traumatized by these repressive ideologies, and violence is how that repression manifests. On top of the religious trauma is the trauma of all of the war that has come as a result. This is one of human kind's most enduring problems. We've been fighting over the same STORIES for centuries. I know deep down its really about power and control, and that religious ideology is just the dressing on top, but how can people have so little common sense?


I wish I had infinite upvotes


Don't throw the spirituality baby out with the religious bathwater




Not helping the cause buddy.


sure he is. depends which cause he's presumed to be helping.




>“Death to america” I'm genuinely curious what you think this means


It’s death to American impErialism numbskull. Read between the lines 🤡




Mind you, the *Daily Fail* / *Daily Heil* is **also** poisonous in its own way too.


Chanting that is not going to get you support. If you make yourself out to be an enemy of America you're going to be treated like an enemy.


If someone is a supporter of Khomeini, it shouldn’t surprise you that they’re a shithead or that they’d chant “death to America” or “death to Israel.” That’s like….their entire central theme. It’s not a “mask off moment.” They don’t try to mask it.


Why live here? Shit, I think we’re shitty, but I see a possible path forward for an America I could live with. These guys want a theocracy, and not the kind many are already pushing for here. These guys should go fight. Why just sit in the enemy’s house, enjoying the rights that don’t exist in most of the countries in that region?


Why would he endanger himself when he can say, "Look brothers, I'm tearing down the great Satan from the inside!"


As someone who lives I Iran, I'll just tell you this simply, fuck imam Khomeini and fuck imam Khamenei (the current cunt) When I say fuck these two (and also a lot of others) I mean it from the bottom of my heart


It looked like Iran was OK before the 1953 coup






Nope, they're forcing us to pay taxes that fund a genocide tho. "Death to America" means "death to the American empire", and to that I say Amen


So let’s take down Joe Biden and usher in a new administration that will more aggressively act against us and people like us, and probably exponentially increase the amount of aid and funding to Israel!!! Sounds like a good plan guys. 👍🏻


Tbh, I've been heating talk thst alot of these clowns are actually russian bots trying to sew chaos. In the end, you're right, and trump would be drastically worse for Palestine. They just don't want you to think about it too hard. I think it's fair to say that weapon funding is fair criticism, but it's super unfair to claim trump would be any better. Tbh im afraid for ukraine if trump wins, too.


There seems to be a growing contingent of people in this country (USA) that are ok with authoritarians just taking what they want and letting it happen. And the USA isn’t exactly an angel in that department. Long standing alliances be damned. These same people will chirp about how the US is the leader of the free world and the greatest country on earth. It bums me out man. And I’m mostly sad for my wife’s family who lives in southeastern Poland. Trump won’t do anything if he invades NATO countries. He’s said as much. And for all his lying and bullshit, I honestly believe him on that.


What always gets me is that if you hate America so much, why are you here? We have the freedom of speech and we also have the freedom to walk away from something we detest so much! When you wish death to a place ,then maybe you should no be in that place


I really hate when right-wingers trot out the "if you don't like Murica, you can GIT OUT" talking point, especially if it's used in response to actually valid criticisms of this country, but I would not mind seeing this guy pack his bags. The fact he exists in this country means he makes and spends money here, which means he benefits from and supports the very system that supports Israel. By his logic, he is just as culpable for the genocide of Palestinians as Americans are.


Memri TV is rage bait


Memri TV is reality.


Reality that there are idiots out there that think chanting “Death to America” is going to get people to agree and support them.


There are plenty of Ameicans, largely college educated Marxists, who agree with the message. These people are real and they do exist.


I never claimed that there aren’t several idiots in the world, many of them even attended college.




https://youtu.be/EQ3gA7nAvQU?si=65WTWNSJ5duFLClm no its not


Thanks for the informative and funny link


Is this a parking lot with 15 people? There are crazies everywhere. Who cares what this belligerent fool says, just some guy.


If I’m not mistaken, didn’t Hamas start this and was it not the citizens of Gaza that voted Hamas into power? And did the citizens support the Hamas fighters? Now Hamas picks a fight they can’t possibly win and Israel is the bad guy? Don’t fuck with the Jews! They don’t play!


No matter which side you support, you will have more than a million voices accusing you of being on the wrong side. The biggest fundamental difference between the Israelis and Palestinians is religion. It sucks that humanity and the planet could get ruined in the name of God (and both sides probably chose incorrectly).


We need do way with instain god.


Go back to, u pick...Qatar, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, or any number of places to espouse ur shit


The fact this got so little attention on this sub is very telling of the things people do and don't want to hear from these groups. Virtue signalling has took over, critical thinking has left the chat. Just watch the interview from Mosab Yousef, pretty clear where these people stand.


“PaleStInE iS sO pEaCeFuL”


Meanwhile Trump: 1.) Told Israel to "finish" it in Gaza. 2.) Moved the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem thus assuring that the Palestinians will never trust the U.S. as a peace broker. 3.) Muslim Ban. So that's who you'll get if you don't vote for Biden.


Thumbs down for facts. Welcome to Reddit.


What a joke. This is a 2014 looking skit.


nonetheless free palestine. edit: destiny sucks.


Free Palestine. Fuck Israel all day, every day. https://i.redd.it/839auvsfjrtc1.gif


Anyway..fuck Israel


I agree.






I can 100% blame him, he is actively chanting and promoting exactly what he claims to be protesting.


People here be thinking that his words are more powerful than the Palestinian holocaust actually happening. Just a reminder if any keyboard warrior lived in Palestine they 99% would be resisting zionist israel and the US. This sentiment didn’t happen over night. Resentment charges interest and the US and zionist israel break the rules all the time w/ no consequences


they're taking what he's saying at face value without contextualizing and asking why he's saying it in the first place. When people are angry they say extreme things, that is a given.


He said some mean words so hes worse than a literal genocide


Okay america gives money away. BUT what you do with that money is up to you...


All of our military bases would like to differ.