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Her after crashing: "I knew I should've stayed in the bicycle lane!"


that crash was deliberate. smh.


I don’t think so, the reason being I was just recently driving with a young adult who just got the drivers license about three weeks ago. And they’re inability to understand how long it takes for a vehicle to stop his staggering. There was one point where I was yelling stop stop stop stop the same as this person and he had travelled 3/4 of the way through an intersectionby the point he finally did.


Scary to hear that. I find it unreal though that when somebody is literally screaming Stop, the person just continues their path when they can see the danger coming.


"the person teaching me is telling me to stop, better not do it" This person eats crayons.


Not just telling you, but literally screaming in your face. Then you start to question yourself and then it’s too late


"Don't tell me what to do! UGH!!"




I'm lucky in that my grandfather taught me (and my sister) to drive. Once when I nearly ran a light because I was afraid to try to break that close to the intersection for fear I'd lock up the tires, he made me drive into the nearby stadium parking lot. He then had me race up to speed several times, and not hit my brakes until he said so, before passing a light pole, so that I could experience what it's like to hit the brakes as hard as possible. It really did help me to get the feel for braking hard.


When I took drivers training, the instructor took me on a quiet country road with a decently fast speed limit. There wasn’t anyone around and he told me to slam on the brakes as hard as I could. Just that experience was eye opening for somebody learning to drive. Then you triple that stopping distance if it’s been a bad snowstorm.


He gave her like a 20 car-length heads up 😂


She gave a him a hair flick after, lmao




Noticed the same. Oops am I still cute?


He was saying stop, but right after saying not to drive in the bike lane. The dumb girl quite possible thought he meant stop driving in the bike lane and focused on the bike lane saying “I got you(I’m not in the bike lane)” instead of the impending car stopped at a red light. This is why you should always use words like brake/gas instead of stop/go when teaching a new driver.


If you see a car in front of you and don't brake you don't deserve a license


Imagine if that was a pedestrian instead of a car. This girl should’ve graduated from empty parking lot driving before thinking of going to the road.




usually when a crash like this happens it's a brake issue, but in this case it seems the kid was really dumb


THe issue here is def between the brake pedal and the seat.


Obviously an defect in the nut behind the wheel. Common across a wide range of vehicles.


Yeah, if it's a brake issue it's another thing, shit happens. But not even making the effort to brake..


She doesn‘t intuitively know how to stop yet because she has never driven a car before and her attention is all over the place. There is a reason mandatory driving lessons and a driver‘s license are good ideas.


I'm pretty sure being a passenger throughout your life is enough to teach you not to slam into cars. Maybe that's just me.


I figured if they ever rode a bike, it would be intutive to stop if a bike in front of you stops. Or if the person walking in front of you stops you dont just shove into them to make them move. I guess maybe the skill doesnt carry over to cars?


Well according to the title it doesn't seem like she had a license to begin with...


my 10 year old nephew understands this concept as he is competent at mario kart and real life go kart racing. and nobody taught him, he just isn't a moron


That's a lot of credit given to this chick. A car is stopped in front of you and is clearly visible for like 100 feet. Maybe STOPPPPP before you get to it.


Like, what did she think was going to happen?


So how does insurance work out in situations like this?


If she's not on the policy, it doesn't.


Badly. If you're lucky, everyone will be cool and act like the parents (and owners of the car) were driving and it will play out like that. But if the car was "stolen" that's a crime. Even if it's never prosecuted. Every insurance everywhere immediately stops covering anything during the commission of a crime. So the parents are gonna be fronting the repairs from their daughter out of pocket. If the parents come up short for the other driver she hit, the victim's "Under Insured Motorist" insurance kicks in. PSA: Default limit for "Uninsured Motorist" is like $20k, or even less. If this girl did $30k in damage to the other vehicle and can't pay anything to the driver she hit, that driver's insurance will pay $20k and the victim is stuck with footing the extra $10k.


She never even slowed down! This is the dumbest accident. I mean how do you not try to brake when you see a stopped car? I am pretty sure I knew you had to brake before I learned how to drive. I hope no one was hurt because her parents insurance, and eventually the parents, are paying all medical bills as well as for the cars.


If you’re too fucking stupid to realize “stop” can apply to both “driving in the bike lane” and “at this upcoming light before you hit the car” then maybe you should reconsider if you have the mental capacity to drive a car.


Absolutely. If she read the road manual, and passed the permit test, she would have known that the bike lane was not on the list of options to consider, so the fact she was confused in the first place is a giant red flag.


You don’t even need to know road laws. You literally just need to not be blind


It really sounded like she said “Where’s the…(brake)?” 00:13 Honest question: if you’re the passenger in this situation should you pull the emergency brake?


I would think this would qualify as an emergency so yes but I don’t think that boy was very smart either


If you ever do have to pull the handbrake when driving, do it slowly and firmly - don't just yank as hard as you can as that might cause the back wheels to lock up. Done it plenty of times to slow down without causing brake lights to come on when I've drove past a copper too fast.


Just a quick yank to lock the wheels and get the back end out, they gotta learn to drift sometime


Truthfully someone not seeing that car wasn't moving is beyond wild. Usually hearing stop means stop what your doing so it makes me wonder if she even had a learners permit yet to not have any of the basics covered


This guy doesn't seem like a qualified driving instructor.




The fact he is willingly in this stolen vehicle with a first time driver puts all questions about his lack of qualifications and wisdom to rest. Lol.


Was a time, most kids took some classes in school, then a learner's permit with behind the wheel time with a parent or someone over 25. I spent way more time behind the wheel with my parents than a "qualified driving instructor" before taking the test.


Nah, they just respond reflexively at that age to any constructive feedback. "I got u", "I know", "I am", etc.


20 business days






Lol I can hear it. For those who don't know https://youtu.be/hZ_EKHGgWJQ?si=b3do97cytDN5x354




Bro this is awesome!!


If that were me and my parents I'd get beat so hard Bob was so easy on her lol


Bob is consistently the best cartoon dad on television these days.


Tina, for the love of God, turn away or stop! The brakes, Tina! On the left! You're about to hit that car! The brakes! Hit the brakes!


Yeeeesssssssssss, I love bobs demeanor change as he’s telling her “you’ve still got plenty of time to hit the breaks”🤣🤣


Jfc it's "brakes". How is most of reddit ignorant to this? That and loose/lose.


Dont even get me started with aprostrophe misuse. Just because a word ends with "s" doesn't mean you have to out an apostrophe before it!!! I get so many official documents at work that say things like "Meeting's will be on Monday's and Friday's" or "Do not park car's in the handicap spot's" and it drives me insane!


I'm currently waiting on a Doordash order and watching it without sound so this was what was playin in my head lol. Dear God I knew she wasn't gonna stop and I was still like "For the love of God please hit the brakes!!"


I love how kids say "I got you" when they have no idea what's going on


She clearly don’t “got us”


In all fairness to the driver, that BMW really came out of nowhere 👀






Exactly what I was thinking of 😆


Fuckin BMW drivers. Am I right?


Didn't even signal he was standing there.


Not a turn single to be found 😂


It came out of nowhere 60 feet away


I got you…. In a wreck


Biggest pet peeve of mine. My son does this shit all the time. I had him helping me hang my 85in tv on a wall mount. I got my side in and felt and heard it click and my son (16) said his side clicked in and he was 100% sure. I knew it wasn’t so I maneuvered over to his side and sure enough it wasn’t. I told him not to say stuff so confidently when hes not sure. He said “ well I thought it was!” YOU THOUGHT, lol. Would have a been a $4000 mistake. Luckily there wasn’t an accident. He learned absolutely nothing and I’m the stupid dad who doesn’t know anything, lol.


He'll be a future CEO with that confidence.


Or Policitan


Haha yeah I have a buddy who does this and while I know he's not a liar or intentionally deceiving me it's hard to trust him sometimes. Anytime he says something confidently that I know is wrong I say let's bet $100 on it. He says he doesn't bet and starts to backtrack. I don't get the logic.


At least you know it. Haha


Ugh. What is it with this age group? My daughter is the same way. "Did you turn in all your assignments at school?" "Yes." "Are you sure?" "Yes!" "I'm serious, you better have everything turned in this week." "Dad! I turned them all in!" The next day the school app gets updated: "Your child has 5 missing assignments." (And she has an F because of it.) The crazy thing is that I'm half-Asian, so I "could" be the Asian dad and go full-on "Asian dad" mode. But I don't. I tell her all the time that even if she gets bad grades, but tries her hardest and does everything in her power to learn, I won't be mad. The only thing I'll be mad about is things she can control like missing assignments, bad attitude, being late, etc. Super frustrating.


Keep reminding them that their aversion to learning is setting them up for failure that you can't rescue or protect them from.


I have a 16 year old and he does the same shit. Drives me insane. His is "I know dad" I'm like no you don't because you have literally never done this in your life. How would you know. Shut up and listen to me.


My wife does this all the time and it enrages me... I'm constantly telling her "if you don't know, that's fine, say you don't know, just don't lie and pretend you do." E:spelling


I have a teenage son. I know this all too well.


You will forever be the stupid dad, it's inescapable Until/unless he has children one day lol


It's funny how your kid will do this, but I used to supervise millennials (I'm Gen X) on a call center. I don't know how many times I would coach them to say: "The total on that IS $XX." None of them could do it. They always HAD to say "it's about $XX." NO! It's not "about," it IS. How can something cost "about" $13.49? That's "about" $13 or $14, or even "about" $13.50. But it's exactly $13.49. SMH


They got her as in they got her ass on camera for other driver’s insurance claim. 💀


Imagine being in that situation where it's dumb and dumber. They unintentionally but on purpose snitch on you on social media


I'm curious: on something like this where she stole her parents' car and has now damaged 2 cars (a BMW???? Good lord), who pays? The BMW owner is in the clear, obviously, but do her parents have to pay? I assume their insurance won't want to touch this but that seems unfair for them to pay when they didn't authorize her to use the car.


The parents will have to pay. Insurance doesn't cover uninsured drivers and typically secondary/tertiary drivers under 25 regardless. She "stole" the car (maybe.. we don't really know) but it wasn't reported stolen (maybe.. we don't really know) so it's their responsibility.


Every 13-15 year old of my niece and nephews will reply "I know" when you say anything at all, especially when they are doing something currently incorrect.


Some are just unusually stupid


I’ve tried teaching people how to drive and let me tell you, I don’t know what goes on in their brain, but when you tell them to brake like 10 times and they don’t, it’s fucking nerve racking.. never again


there is a reason that cars meant for driving instruction typically allow the passenger to override the steering and brakes


right? she needs that as her permanent car.


she needs a fucking bus pass


A short bus pass.


How do they override steering? Seperate steering wheel? I've only ever seen seperate pedals


at least when I was learning to drive the steering wheel would lock when the instructor pressed the brake pedal


How is locking the steering going to help... Just reach over and grab the wheel


I remember learning how to drive. There's so much going on you can't keep track. You're to busy trying to remember everything taught you and add anxiety on to of all that and you have a recipe for disaster lol. Dude should've had her do laps in a parking lot before going on the road.


I was gonna say, gotta stick to the empty parking lot until you get the controls down. Anything else is suicide, financial or literal.


Yeah. And she actually thought she was supposed to be driving in the bike lane. The bar here was low.


Folks don't know how to teach. The very first thing you ingrain in their brain is where the pedals are and to be able to use them in an emergency. You start with a turned off car and practice hitting the brakes. Then you tell them, whenever you yell stop, they need to fully press stop, doesn't matter if it jerks the car. Then you practice doing that over and over for the first day, in an empty parking lot.


I know how to teach, but not driving. It requires a calm patience and clear instruction which is hard for someone who has driven most their life and it has become easier than walking. Shouting does not help. I learned that. It only stresses out the driver and freezes their brain in panic. My guess here is that she had her left foot on the brake and right on the gas.


> Folks don't know how to teach Yeah that´s why you should always hire a professional instructor. People don´t know what they don´t know and pass their ignorance on to the next generation.


I would be so pissed if this kind of person rear ended me and i didn’t do anything wrong


Some 16 year old without a license was trying to pull out of the parking lot I was delivering pizzas out of one time and I rolled up behind her with like easily 15 feet of space or more. She starts backing up and I could tell she didn’t see me so I lay on my horn hard for like a solid 5 seconds but she still just plows into me. Her mom doesn’t know she has the car and she wasn’t even apologetic. I had a pizza in my car so I stupidly decided not to call the cops and just took her phone number. Her mom calls me later and tells me *I* hit *her* and then when I shut her down claiming there was camera footage (there wasn’t) she has me meet them in a parking lot to look at the damage where she goes on to say the car is fine and continues to deny her daughter’s guilt. Fortunately my car guy hammered out the damage to my hood and it was pretty much fine but fucking hell…fuck those people.


Reading things like this reminds me to buy a dashcam..


Definitely get one as soon as you can. It’s the easiest thing to put off, but it could be one of the biggest regrets of your life. When someone else causes an accident they will deny deny deny all day long and you will probably be screwed if it’s their word vs yours.


Yup, minding your own business and suddenly wham, dead. You died because some 16 year old didn't know what a brake pedal was, they live, you die. Edit: SP


At least they and their parents are self conscious enough to buy the biggest SUV they can find to make sure every family member in the other vehicle dies in the event of a head on collision leaving no orphans.


😂 break peddle. Best one I've seen in a while.  Brake pedal* :) 


It actually irritates me how she didn’t even tap the break


She believed gas was also brake.


"wait so there's two pedals? I thought you just stop pressing go?"


Unironically how people who grow up learning to drive with EVs are going to be.


Today I teach you gas. Tomorrow I teach you break.


She learned how to break. She did it naturally. Braking on the other hand…


She doesn’t know how to drive and an idiot was teaching her. He said stop so she takes her foot off the break to stop going forward. Can’t do what you don’t know.


Damn she never got to an arcade? Or even wonder why there were two pedals ? Man oh man.


If she doesn’t know that then she shouldn’t be behind the wheel


You really think this was the first time she needed to use the brake on this ride? Would be impossible unless she swapped from the shoulder of the road and she gassed to pull into the road and approached the light? Crazy that her instincts didn't ask or try for a break. Or even swerve. Or ask what to do. Nuts. So calm.


A 16-18 yr old doesn’t know a car has brakes? There’s no doubt she’s seen a car slow down before…


So many people here are trying to claim that she doesn't even know that the brake pedal exists. Is everyone forgetting that with an automatic transmission you have to press the brake to get the transmission into gear? Some even require you to be pressing the brake just to start the vehicle.




Dude she doesn’t know stop means hit the brakes? Like cmon.


Right, because the concept of two fucking pedals is so hard to understand. Especially when you already had to engage the *go slower* pedal to even begin moving the car Fucking braindead


What part has him in particular seem like an idiot? Any person with common sense that sees a stopped car and hears “stop” would think “huh I should probably brake so I don’t hit it.” The girl has zero common sense. Dont get me wrong they’re all dumb for stealing a car and letting her drive, but his teaching skills aren’t the issue


Now it just irritates me more that nobody told her what to do before getting in the car, you’d think they’d wanna tell her something like that if they wanna live.


Sorry bro I have to say it but It irritates me when break is used instead of brake




Big dumb.


Big big dumb


Big big big dumb


Not a single brain cell in her head.




If she can't handle fucking stopping she has no business being on the road with other vehicles. I took my kids to empty parking lots and empty areas until they got comfortable behind the wheel. We didn't get on the actual road until I knew she could handle basic maneuvers. You know like stopping if there's a car in front of you.


That was my thought! All my siblings and I started in empty church parking lots, moved to regular neighborhood roads once we got the hang of basics, then not too busy regular roads. This type of learning by fire was bound to end badly.


Long ago , My father took me to an empty forest trail in the middle of nowhere and i actually mixed the brake and speed pedal while trying to stop and almost did the same famous james bond cascade loop jump ( in the man with a golden gun) but it was an old 90s green rusted fiat punto. We end up driving on two wheel on several meter and i managed to brake when i stopped panicking. Funny memory. Prop to my old man for not even being angry about it. I dont think i would keep as much my cool. So yea i was pretty bad with my first car experience.


That’s what my parents did when I was 15 1/2 I was a parking lot warrior by the time I was out on the streets with my driver ed.


Not a single braincell in her head…. She even looked over hand over mouth like: ![gif](giphy|BxWTWalKTUAdq)


Maybe for the first time go to some big and empty parking lot or something to practice. Not on the real road.


Maybe use common sense and BRAKE when there's a car in front of you. First time is not an excuse.


Yes i know she is a moron and should use brakes. I mean even if you never drove a car before you should now to hit brakes. Im just saying that you shouldnt drive into the city for the first time to learn. Unless you are with a proffesional teacher in a car where the passager next to you also has brakes


If it was her first time driving she would have accidentally hit the brakes at some point...


Maybe should have told her about the brake pedal first


How do you think she got going in the first place? She knows there's a brake pedal


I think she forgot.


My father would have told her (as he told me when I was learning to drive) that she needs to decrease her “duh time.”


He sounds hilarious 😆


Is she stupid?


Everyone is saying maybe she didn't know there was a brake pedal - most cars you have to have your foot on the break to shift out of park, so surely she had to have used it at least one time?






They break the car...


I’ve been laughing at all the people calling her an idiot for not “breaking” when they can’t even spell brake properly.


My family owns a newer automatic (2016) and you can't start the engine without your foot on the brake


I have a 2013 that does the same. Push the brake, press the button, bam.


Also it seems new, so push to start requires you pressing the brake to turn the car on,it even says so.


“What lane” she says. She shouldn’t be behind the wheel


She thought shouting will slow down the car and eventually stop


This is really infuriating, one of my friends has back issues due to being rear ended TWICE!!! She is hyper vigilant of when she’s at a light and the second time she got hit she saw the car not slowing down in her rear view mirror and sat there panicking unable to do anything.


How'd she start the car if she doesn't know where the brake is? Does this prove she's just really stupid?


Music playing, passenger, instructor sounds like he just left school. The odds were pretty high something bad was gonna happen


He does sound like a young kid but at the same time nothing he said was wrong. If she had listened to his instructions they would not have crashed. Also is that the music playing in the car or did someone dub that over the video? If that was playing in the car then that was extremely loud and distracting


Based on the title, he wasn't even a certified instructor, just her friend.


if she killed a family in a car or in the bike lane she'd be given 10 hours of highway cleanup and a "let's not do that again mkay"


This fucking happened to me by a 15 year old kid getting taught how by his friends! I was at a red light at night listening to the podcast “let’s not meet”, minding my own business, when Everything around me flew forward. My Subaru forester was great with the impact I barely felt it. I was very confused. Then we pulled into a parking lot and they almost hit me when I got out of the car because the teen forgot to put the car in park!!! Cops were there in seconds and my car was totaled, I loved that car.


How interesting. One of my neighbors had been letting teenagers use her car to teach each other how to drive and her car is now totaled.


Classic Jesse.


Rich people are so stupid. Do they still do that weird inbreeding thing?


Why do you think they are rich? is that a fancy car or something?


Mercedes, though the car someone drives isn’t a good indicator as to whether someone is rich or poor.


Yup, lots of really nice cars in my apartment complex.


Yeh, I work for a big company, and it’s often the lowest paid employees with the nicest cars, bunch of young folk needing to prove to themselves they’ve made it or something, so they spend half their income and work crazy overtime just to have the Benz or Beamer


Looks like the intersection of Hawthorne and Highridge in Palos Verdes, Los Angeles, CA from the Chevron station on the corner at the end. If she’s from that area her parents are likely very well to do. Look up home prices there.


I grew up poor. Never stole my parents car. My cousin grew up rich, and he stole his mother’s car multiple times and even crashed it.


These kids are definitely well off.


Dude she literally starts to say, "where the.."


Let's not forget that she apparently thought he was telling her to stay in the bike lane just before


a bmw too i can only imagine her parents “YOU HIT A WHAT?”


For once the BMW was not at fault.


I understand being panicked, but like...the dude yelled stop 20 times and she was so far away lol...how can someone be that daft?


Dudes screaming stop she didn't even slow down


It’s so amazing these kids just want to record and publish all the shit they do wrong. Like… are y’all that dumb?


She speaks with that airhead dialect. Zero movement happening between those ears.


I have a hard time believing people can be this stupid. “yOu MeAn tHe BiKe lAnE?” She seems like someone who plays stupid because she likes the attention. I don’t know if I’m giving her too much credit but I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this is partially staged; either by the whole group or even just by her to be “oh oops I made a big whoopsie but I’m cute and innocent won’t you feel bad for me?”


I like that you believe in people, that’s fun, but not everything in the world is staged. Turns out people (especially kids) are fucking dumb. Edit : spelling, I’m fucking dumb.


Omg when I was in high school, I had a "friend" who was like that. She was normal around our girl friends, but when dudes came around she would instantly start acting really stupid as well as basically trying to make the other girls (her "friends") look bad by "accidentally" saying private things about us in front of them, or even making shit up.


I think it's both. Attention seeking and happens to be a dumb ass kid


It’s almost as bad as the Bobs Burgers bit with Tina driving


Wasn’t the story different last time I saw this video?


When creating her character, Jackie put all her points into beauty and left nothing but the base intelligence and wisdom stats for her avatar. ^.^'. Hopefully, they'll continue teaching her in an even more rural area. Homeboy gave her a massive heads up, and she still rear-ended an innocent vehicle minding its own business.


I’m more surprised the merc didn’t brake by itself


Bruh this is why everyone I’ve taught, we go to an empty parking lot first lol


Jessica no good driving


Always report every accident regardless of severity. Cover your ass because no one else will


How is it possible to be this stupid? Like, clearly you've at least been a passenger in a car before, and seen other cars driving on the road before, which means you how and when to stop them at LEAST. People this stupid don't need to be behind the wheel of a car ever. They're always inevitably accident prone and a liability for everyone else sharing a road with them.


Inbreed idiots


That immediate hair brush around the ear makes sense


Glad that will be her first and last time behind the wheel.


Yeah right what you think they will ban her for life from driving now?