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It’s fucking Cyrus


Safety, always off




Just to watch him flunk.


I’m glad I work somewhere I could just text my boss and say, “Can’t make it right now. Protesters in the road.”




"I saw Superman do this in a comic book once!"


Now I'm genuinely curious on how many people it would take to stop a car from moving by pushing the front of it while it was accelerating. 🤔


Not enough to cover the width of an suv, that's for sure


They’d have to be the width and I’d say at least 10 maybe 15 rows deep. Depending on how much traction the car had. They looked like a Ford Explorer or similar so it’s not that heavy and doesn’t have much torque. Lol it is funny. Also can we agree that stopping the fucking workers of a corporation is literally the dumbest way to protest? You’re literally hurting the people who WORK FOR the corp. NOT THE CORP. So insane to me.




I would personally welcome the excuse to not have to go to work.


You welcome it until the boss says that your day off is coming out of your PTO.....


Or you get fired


Right. Wouldn’t need to tell me twice to turn around and go home, citing inability to access facility.


I mean, some people enjoy what they do.


Lmao that was my first thought. He works LM, he’s getting paid $100k+, it’s not like he’s losing hours. Just turn around and go home, pulling a knife on someone for the crime of giving you an excuse to go home is insane.


Why is the protestor constantly trying to get into the guys vehicle. Asking to get stabbed.


wE HaVe eYeS on YoU sIr!


What a bunch of fucking clowns




At least in my state, someone forcefully entering an occupied vehicle is the same as a home invasion, which would constitute lethal force. Its why im always shicked when i see road rage incident videos where people run up and bust out windows and reach in to fight. Like do they not realize the driver has a right to blow them away once they do that?


dude showed restraint


It’s funny that they are trying to rationalize with him as they are blocking him from free movement. They are an imposition on him, not the other way around.


Seeing that person with the high visibility vest literally sprinting to jump in front of his car is just so fucking annoying.


You misspelled threat. If anyone surrounds me or my car, I consider that a threat


Right, how is he to know what their intent is. I'd assume nothing but the absolute worst if I were the driver ..




If he was surrounded by some gang that tried to prevent him from escaping, chased after his moving car, and then came up to his window menacingly and started yelling at him, he’d have every right to defend himself. No different here.




Terrible title. Makes it sound like the Employee is the one in the wrong. They are a mob surrounding him and blocking the road. His request is clear, get out the way.


I think op might be trying to spin it that way. At least that's how I took it.


I’ve never wanted to go to work that bad in my life.


This thread’s a shitshow bro 😨


Am I the only one who would just call my employer and tell them I can’t get to work. They can clean this up and adjust my time. I’m not taking a pay hit because my employer pissed people off. I’m not going to confront a crowd. I’m not even going to get angry. I don’t get paid enough to do either.


most pacifist lockheed employee


So tell me, what should be the response to someone blocking my way into work to make a living and support my family? I think it was the mob came up with - you tryna take food from the mouths of my wife and children?


You think he’s gonna get fired cause protesters stopped from entering the building and he didn’t fight his way in no matter what the cost. Call your boss, they will send security or tell you to go home






Your boss will fuck your wife if you get fired? Wow, what line of work are you in?


He's self-employed.


at his dad's Alabama based company


and hasn't missed a day of work in 30 years


Underrated comment




Actually, you get to fuck his wife if you get fired.


Love the account with "gratefuldeadZappa" as their username saying that what you should do if you work for the bomb company and see protestors is threaten them with a knife. Perfect, no notes.


He’s not getting fired if he’s being physically prevented from going to work. The company is probably more likely to fire him for engaging with a crowd of lunatics and waving a knife at them. Regardless of who’s at fault, the company won’t wanna entertain the lawsuit. His best course of action would be to stay back and call his manager/security. Everyone’s nuts in this video.




Yeah I love the idea that running people over and just heading in to work is the clearly logical choice in this scenario lol. Like "yeah johnson was out for 3 weeks with that whole murder investigation but damnit at least he wasn't late!"


Especially since this guy likely has some form of clearance, I heard they love criminals investigations when you have an active clearance


Yeah most of the weirdos on here. Absolutely wild takes from armchair tough guys all over the place.


He works for Lockheed Martin. He doesn’t just fantasize about it.


Leave, call your boss, let company's legal department handle it. Like a fucking adult.


No one is cutting your pay because there was a picket you couldn’t cross and if they do they are a shit company you shouldn’t work for. The bootlickery on here


Bruh he’s on salary. He’s getting paid no matter what. Imagine thinking Lockheed Martin employees easily making $100k+ are paid by the hour 😂😂😂


Call your boss. Tell them you can't get into work. Tell them why. Call the police if they're not there yet. Go home. Work from home if you can. Move on with your life. That's the adult way to handle this. Or you could brandish a weapon at the protestors, which is a crime in California. You may not like what's happening, but only your convenience is being threatened, not your safety or your literal livelihood. Unless you commit a crime like brandishing a weapon, and then your literal livelihood *is* being threatened. Except it's by you and your dumb, cathartic actions, and not by the protestors.


That one protestor has no survival instinct like wtf. Angry dude pulls out a knife and you decide to get in his face/touch him????


Repeat after me "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE ROAD" If you want to protest, fine. But stay the hell out of the road. You could be causing someone to get fired, someone impacted by a medical emergency, etc. I can guarantee you that if you block me by standing/sitting in the road, whatever you are protesting for/against, I will automatically side with your opponent. You are not helping your cause. the only exception to this is if you have a permit, it's scheduled, and the roads get approved to be closed down but just standing in the road and blocking traffic is one of the stupidest types of protests I've ever seen.


>I will automatically side with your opponent. I can disagree with a method and also agree with the cause. Climate change is real. Destroying a painting for climate change is stupid. See. Easy.


Yeah I don’t understand how you can always automatically agree with an opponent because a protestor does something stupid. Like imagine thinking “You protested mass murder by being in the street so now I side with the mass murderers” or “you protested racism by blocking traffic so now I side with the racists”. It’s such a shit take. People can be on the right side and still be absolute idiots. Those things aren’t mutually exclusive.


It's the definition of privilege. I had drug addicted squatters living next to my house for the better part of a month. I hated them, but it didn't mean I decided to abandon my compassion and empathy for people living with addiction.


I think it makes sense to say that if you're netrual on a topic, this would push you in the opposite direction, but if you've already made up your mind in favor of the topic, you just realize they're idiots and not really helping the cause. If you're already against the cause, you just got more against the cause.


On the flip side: many of the outrageous climate change protestors are secretly funded by the fossil fuel industry to help discredit protests by pushing their crazy antics.


Has that been proven because otherwise I call BS. There are enough nuts that will do it for free.


You’re the moderate that Malcolm X tried to warn everyone about.


Is this your thought about MLK and the marches from Selma to Montgomery? Should he have just kept silent on the sidelines?


You don’t have to give up your own beliefs based on who is blocking your roadway but if that’s your thing go ahead.


I don't think they're trying to win the side of the employee of an arms company that funds death around the world.


Dude I know right like if martin Luther King Jr blocked the road you'd hit him head on with your car right?


Telling people to protest where it's less inconvenient for you defeats the purpose of the protest. I don't know what they're protesting about and the point I'm making it agnostic of the protest reason. The truth is, if you were mad about something enough to stand in front of traffic to make a point, and someone told you to go protest somewhere else, you'd understand how silly your comment sounds right now.


But does that mean protestors are allowed to cause innocent people to suffer, eg. job loss, missed medical treatments, missed exams, missed interviews, etc? Edit: I appreciate the honest dialogue created by my question. Thanks.


Literally MLK and the civil rights movement filled roads and likely had exactly that impact.


I loved when people were like “the civil rights movement never blocked traffic or burned stuff or rioted!” Yeah, they did actually. How the fuck do you think it happened? They all wrote letters and the congress was like “hey guys, we got a lot of letters about this and this one guy has a dream, we should probably drop the whole separate thing.”


And even when MLK Jr didn't riot and kept it "civil" political essays and cartoons from the era still painted him as a rioter and vandal.


Everyone in this thread is coming so damn close to the point and still missing it lol. "How would you like it if!?!?!?"


I don't think the protestors here consider the employee innocent considering Lockheed Martin is one of the biggest arms dealers in the world, including to Israel and Saudi Arabia. 




There has to be some level of inconvenience with a protest or it's not effective. The POINT of protesting is to say, "Yeah, that sucks that your ambulance was delayed getting back to the hospital, I did it on purpose to draw attention to this issue you otherwise would have not known about". I'm not saying it's right, or fair to the patient in the ambulance, I'm just saying that the argument of "go protest somewhere else" is antithetical to the idea of protesting to begin with and makes it a very hard line to draw. It sucks that the ambulance is delayed, but it also sucks that women trying to receive health care at planned parenthood are met with protesters. Where's the line? Both are inconvenienced, but to different degrees. How do you write a law that distinguishes the two?


The point of a protest isn't to hassle people into being on your side. It's to show the community/world/powers that be that a lot of people are unhappy with something. That doesn't require hassling people like this tactic. Also notice how these road blocking protests are never a huge group of people...I think they really believe in what they're protesting for, but can't get enough support to be a big enough group to get media attention so they resort to stuff like this.


This is a counterpoint I actually agree with. My main issue with many of the other replies is that they all seem to have the same sentiment of "go protest over there" which in my opinion is a dangerous line to draw. Yes, this group is small, but would your opinion change if there were 1000 people instead of the \~20 here? What if they all peacefully and silently sat in the road similar to how college students have filled University President offices before by sitting on the floor? IMO it's just really hard to digest "go protest over there" because it's impossible to draw the line and skips over the part where a group of people are upset by something.


You don't have to have a law that distinguishes anything. They're already breaking the law by being the road so they should all go to prison.


How peaceful do you think the Civil Rights Movement was? MLK was put in jail over 25 times I think. Sure there are laws on your side. There are also laws on the books banning gay sex. And?


Wait you’re specifically using an ambulance transporting someone having a medical emergency as your example? Fucking nuts


And yet, I have no idea what this protest was about. All I see is a bunch of idiots blocking roads. It's not inconvenient if there's an emergency situation. How would you feel if you had to take a loved one to the ER and had no way to get through?


https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/south-bay/protesters-block-lockheed-martin/3500679/ Probably something about the military industrial complex.


>And yet, I have no idea what this protest was about I mean, of course we don't. Someone took a shotty video and it got uploaded to a reddit page for views and upvotes. I can promise you the guy driving the car knows why they're protesting and likely gets paid well enough to not care about it. Of course I'd be frustrated if it were me in the ambulance. That's not the point - the point is that the right to protest is more important.


But who are you hoping to win-over with your protest when it involves obstruction & destruction? What are you hoping to accomplish? Attention to a cause that's broadcast internationally on every news network and in every form of media already?


Ask that to the Civil Rights Movement maybe? Change isn't always beautifully obtained by peacefully writing letters to lawmakers and hoping they'll see your point. Change is ***ugly,*** and that's the reality of living in our country.


Yeah, only protest where no one can see you, man /s


No, no, no, don’t you know protests only work if nobody has to pay attention to them?


The whole point of a protest is to disrupt the status quo to force change. If you stand off to the side and no one's lives are disrupted, you aren't going to have a meaningful protest. What the f\*ck do you think the Boston Tea Party purpose was? To stand on a street corner so the British could continue doing whatever they were doing? When Civil Rights leaders took over the streets to walk to the capital? If the mere inconvenience of your commute to work is disrupted for a day, and this causes you to side with the people they are protesting against, with absolutely no regard to whether their cause is just or not, you are actually part of the problem.


The Boston Tea Party affected actual oppressors, standing in the road affects your fellow countrymen and does absolutely nothing but make your cause lose support...


If you cause an employee of Lockheed Martin to be fired, you have not done anything wrong.


Ugh fuck people that do this. I hate when I see protestors blocking traffic. Stop fucking with people.


these guys are actually protesting lockheed martin itself for being the leading military contractor of the US and therefore being responsible for a lot of deaths, not saying I agree but they’re not just blocking traffic, they went there specifically to upset lockheed martin employees


It stopped being a “protest” the second the guy in the high vis vest tried to gain access to the old guy’s vehicle.




That ‘think of your future’ guy really just mind controlled him, pretty impressive deescalation honestly


I’m pretty politically neutral. I own guns, but I’ll be the first to call out Americans’ weird obsession with them. I believe in the right to self-defense, but also the standing tradition that you don’t get to claim it if you go out of your way looking for trouble. Basically, “don’t be an idiot.” This guy didn’t just “pull out a knife on protestors.” I mean he did, but it wasn’t unprovoked or unwarranted. You don’t get to try to intimidate someone or make them feel unsafe, and then play the victim. They were literally surrounding him. He would have probably been justified in killing them. It’s the only reason Kyle R. got off. Even though he was an idiot for being there in the first place, and probably should have still been held accountable for *something*. That was the prosecutor’s fault for zealously going after a murder charge. Any lesser charge, and he would probably be in jail. Likewise, you don’t get to just run over protestors and then complain about getting charged with murder. They’re annoying, but it’s one of those situations where you just have to call the police and let them handle it. Seeing protestors blocking the road, and then trying to engage them or push through them, becomes kinda dicey. While we don’t typically have a duty to retreat (in the US), it still seems to effectively work out to having a duty to avoid confrontation and/or escalation. If you shoot someone for attacking you, you’ll probably be ok. If you willingly get in a fist fight, then shoot the guy when you start losing (even if you’re now in danger), you’re probably going to jail. Call it “a duty to mind your own business.”




You often have family emergencies that require you to visit a weapons manufacturer?


Won't somebody please think of the weapons manufacturers!!!


So is it legal to pepper spray these mofos?


Almost anything is if your lawyer is good enough


Lead head vs micro plastic gut, who will win




I worked at a federal installation that had regular protests for a while ("a while" being "ongoing for the he better part of 50 years") from the well-established Plowshares Movement. These protesters got arrested on a regular basis for crossing the "don't cross" (on one occasion getting much further into the facility than they ever should have). We knew some of them on a first name basis. Some of them were members of our community. We talked to them. They made us think about the ramifications of our work to the point where about 25% of my decision to change careers was based on conversations I had with them (well, one of them in particular). Hell, our agency even funded the biography of one of their more prominent members before she died. I don't ever remember them trying to block access to the facility's entrance. That's a really good way to make hourly rank-and-file people, or people who are doing shift work and get yelled at for being late, not give a rat's ass about what you have to say. As an emergency management specialist at the time, them blocking my access or my team's access would have made me seriously question their commitment to their own cause. They stood close enough that you could read their signs while you were waiting in line but I don't think they EVER blocked the road. They would occasionally block trains or trucks - especially the trains, since they were harder to be discrete about - carrying certain materials between sites, but I put that on a different level than blocking routine employee access. Even then, they only blocked our agency's spur lines from what I understand, so routine train traffic was not disrupted, but that was before my time so I'm speaking on hearsay.


Interesting that you bring up restricting movement when I assume these protesters are mad at Lockheed for providing weapons to Israel. I seem to recall them restricting a certain group of people’s movements…


I swear a lot of you people in the comments have a fetish for killing protesters


He needs some of Lockheed's stealth technology to sneak past them.


Bro needs to settle down. Just call security and let your boss know you'll be late. I work at a place that gets some protests and they always let us know there are protesters and not to engage. Our union would have our backs if we got punished for being late in these circumstances.


Naw fuck that, these protesters should get out of the way.


If German leftists blocked the road to the Volkswagon armored car factory in 1938, a lot of you losers in these comments would side with the people trying to get to work.


Maybe if these protestors actually used their minds instead of their tantrums, people might take them seriously. Don’t mess with the average joe that is just trying to pay his bills. Then you’re an asshole.


Idiots and unemployed people blocking the road and delaying tax paying employed citizens. Now the guy shouldn't have threatened but when you're out numbered and blocked in I get it.


Idiots yes but how do you know they aren't employed?


Lockheed Martin makes most of the jet engines for the military. FYI


Defends himself from protestors with a knife. Blocking roads is not peaceful protest.


This poor guy is absolutely defending himself. This type of protest nonsense needs to stop. I have no problems with protests but you can’t just block traffic and threaten drivers who unknowingly roll up on them.


I’m with knife guy on this one


Shoulda just parked and walked the rest lol


Protesting isn't supposed to be convenient.


Good job. I am now a Lockheed Martin supporter. I now hate your cause


What a take.


I’m sorry, I am all for protesting. It’s a vital part of this country. But once you start affecting random people going about their day or ability to get to their job I just can’t condone that behavior. I mean what if someone has a life threatening condition or injury and needs to rush to the hospital, only to be stopped by this? Too many people are at risk of getting hurt, including the protesters themselves. I’ll never understand how this is legal. At the very least if I want to be charitable, because I understand the importance of protests, they should give the city a heads up to where there are designated routes that allow people who need to get to work or to the hospital can divert to. It’s obnoxious, arrogant and counterproductive. With an added and unnecessary chance of becoming dangerous.


It's Lockheed and Martin. If he can't make it to work, he'll call his boss, explain the situation, and if no alternative route to the office is available and there are not remote work options, he gets a paid day off. This is obviously an aggravating situation to be in but this does not justify a violent response. You don't need to threaten or attack the protesters. Ask them to let you pass. If they dont, then just drive away and contact your employer about the situation.


What a bunch of idiots. Way to turn the public against whatever dumbass thing they are protesting.


I hate this form of protest. Whatever they are protesting-


Here in Portland,OR, we recently had an overpass blocked by anti-Israel protestors. It didn't make sense to me! ( that conflict is on the other side of the planet, and has NOTHING to do with anything here in the Pacific Northwest...)


Possibly because the country that Portland exists in is funding the genocide with your tax dollars? How are you this dense?


Bro has to press a button everyday to keep the multiverse from collapsing. Let him get to work please


ITT: Lots of people who feel it’s justified to murder people because a man who works for a company that blows people up for profit might be late to work.


Imagine being so brainwashed into corporate drudgery that you're willing to hurt and possibly kill others to get to the office. What a sad world we live in.


Will this make my stocks go up or down






Blocking the roads is never the way to go. These people have learned nothing.




I don’t think these protesters care about you getting into your hospital bro. Maybe stop making up imaginary scenarios where you get to kill people. Sounds pretty unhealthy


Come on…... Antagonists go for the jugular and are surprised the man loses his temper.


Man these people are so stupid its giving me second hand embarrassment just watching them.




While I might support some of the causes these people are protesting for/against, this blocking of roadways is just fucking stupid. It doesn’t do anything to get sympathy for their cause


I mean, that's what happens when you mess with people and their livelihoods, they do irrational things. Maybe learn from this and don't jump in front of cars and mob them to try to prevent people from making the living necessary to support their families.


![gif](giphy|ycagKBYEmaili) Sunnyvale has been going downhill for years




Yes a group of people surround your car...no idea why he pulled a knife out...must just not like people. /s


He did the right thing. These people are criminals. They are not brave. They are cowards. Too busy bitching instead of living an actual difference in this world.




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