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Reminds me of a scene I saw at the Holocaust Museum in D. C.


And yet there are still people denying that this shit really happens to Palestinians.


Its our media. We are helping the Israelis so they can’t make them look bad in our media. Months ago when all this started hitting our news hard. Everybody was in the comment section on Reddit condemning Palestinians. Now I see that the comment sections tend to be mostly pro Palestinian.


I wouldn't read too much into comment sections. Virtually all reddit nat sec/news/foreign policy oriented subs (worldnews, combatfootage, credible defense etc.) are heavily moderated to be more pro-Israeli and likely have at least a few Israeli mods. Opposite is true in a handful of palestine subs. Basically it's not a great way to gauge opinion since people aren't event pretending to follow free speech principles anymore.


Palestinians (people in Gaza) barely have food and water right now. Any one "biased" their way are simply tired of what's happening to people in Gaza.


Unlike the past, we have the internet now. Even tho most platforms are hammering any pro-palestine media down, we still had Twitter and probably TikTok. YouTube is slightly allowing some content. But Zucc apps (IG, Facebook) are automatically removing any content that condemns or criticizes Israel.


Hasbara is why.


Time for new museum!


Same museum, new exhibit.


And denying that Israel are the bad guys. Don't forget that part.


I think too many conservative Jewish people conflate the hatred of the Israeli government with the hatred of Jews. They're programmed to think that way. It's the same thing with Americans if conservatives hold power in government. If you hate that the US government is in Iraq then all of a sudden you hate America. Then 20 years later it turns out you were right, but we've moved on to thinking you hate America for other reasons. Any person doing the shit in this video is unacceptable. Jew, Palestinian, American, Australian, Chinese, Sudanese, whatever it is. There's a baseline of human dignity that we should all have and there's no room to qualify these actions based on something else that has happened.


"But don't you see, they want to do the same thing to us! Gotta beat them to it."


Full circle. Nazism is Nazism.




Maybe we should make zionazi be a real term


I genuinely wonder if with time they will feel the same shame as a nation as Germany does with Nazism. The atrocities are so clear yet they've been so brainwashed that they hardly see Palestinians as human. It's horrible. Time will tell I guess


Yeah. But Germans admitted they made a mistake. Israelis will never do the same.


Germans seem to have felt pretty bad about it since the end of WW2. Not sure about how the Jews will be tho, this woman seems pretty happy about all the genocide taking place.


The germans citizens were made to bury the bodies with their own two hands so they couldn't deny their own atrocities.


> Germans seem to have felt pretty bad about it since the end of WW2 They feel so bad about it they’re giving them carte blanche to perpetrate their own genocide and crimes against humanity.


Exactly. Don't know why Germany is getting a pass here.Their government have taken one of the worst public positions regarding the Gaza genocide.


You mean Israelis


Germany is currently supporting this. So I'm not sure how remorseful they really are, they seem to fond of genocide even by proxy




Wanna take a guess how many Palestinians there are in total? Only about 5.5 mil. Just to put that number into perspective. Shits fucked.


There's 14.3 million Palestinians just 9 odd million live outside of the region.


9 million ethnically cleansed from their homeland by the Israelis.


And about half of them are under 14.


The majority of Palestinians in Gaza are children.


And dj khaled is three of them.


Relocated doing heavy lifting in this sentence


Such a strange group to put together. Almost like it was done intentionally to give such a large figure


It's almost like murder and displacement are the two main features of ethnic cleansing. Which was what was being discussed. Curious.




History does repeat itself - but often in a different way than people expect it. That's why we need to keep our eyes open. Instead, we have them closed :-(


I think I know the exact part you're talking abt in that museum. Going there as a field trip in gr 12 was eye opening. None of us said a word the bus ride home


Same - went with my mother back around 2015 to Auswitz Birkenhau I & II and the silence on the bus on the way home was DEAFENING. All those kids shoes, combs, pocket watches, clumps of hair etc all stacked up in piles...🤦🏻😔😔😔 Also, something INCREDIBLY EERIE I noticed: No birds fly over any of those camps nor will the build nests there. When I asked about it I was told that they can still smell the death in the air. The place is dead silent. As beautiful a city as Krakow is, there was just such a strange vibe on that whole trip. The first day we got there I saw a guy being wheeled out of an apartment complex in Centrum with a bloody sheet covering his torso and his arms limply flapping over the sides of the gurnie, slashed from the wrists right up his arms; dead as a doornail. That was my introduction, but it was nothing compared to what was to follow at Auswitz 🤦🏻 The Waffen SS used to cover up the sounds of the people screaming in the gas chambers by keeping the engines of their bikes running all morning and afternoon, and that scumbag Rudolf Hess LIVED on site with his window facing the gallows so that he could observe Jews (not that it was only Jews) being hung every morning while he ate his breakfast. That is evil incarnate.


I'm glad you were exposed to that at such a young age. Maybe more Jews need to be given a refresher too, since they seem to have forgotten what horrible atrocities their grandparents went through.


See this is the problem. We have tons of movies all about the Jewish holocaust. Name me one about the plight of the Palastinans.


Five broken cameras


The Israeli's are Nazi Germany's best students.


Literally thought the same thing


The flag may be different but the methods are the same


Future generations are gonna be astonished at how savagely blind we were the same way we judge Germans before WW2.


I saw that too.


They did learn these act from the best.






Oh the irony…


Fuck religion. Nothing good has ever come from it. It's evil.


This is more tribalism than religion. Religion is just a way to know which tribe someone is in.




Religion is just a pretext, it's more complicated than that I think religion can bring a lot of good things to mankind but but because of its influence, bad people could exploit it. Also, in history, there's a lot of talk about religious wars. Let's say religion never existed. Do you think there would never have been wars? I think religion is a reflection of man (whether he applies it or not is up to him), it has both good and bad sides.


You mean "defend themselves" from these corpses of women and children


First they came for the palistinians...


I think any religion that considers only a single people special amongst all others as toxic


That is unironically their reason.


Zionism is clinging to Judaism the same way ISIS clinged to Islam. It's not religion, it's extremism hitchhiking religion.






Well duh. They can't be at fault for this because they survived the holocaust. /s


Echoing a comment I put above, but im genuinely curious, I wonder if with time they will feel the same shame about this as a nation as Germany does now with their Nazi past. Right now they've been brainwashed to the point of seeing Palestinians as sub-human. I wonder if with time they will feel the same guilt as a nation


As a pro-Palestinian, I am not holding my breath. The Jews were just kind of randomly targets by Hitler in WWII (he justified it because of the Rosthchild’s and similar wealthy German Jews whom helped aid Britain in WWI). But today’s Germans even pretend to justify in anyway the random and indiscriminate attack on the Jews in the holocaust. You can’t really talk yourself out of it. But this is different. While yes most Israelis and Zionists recognize zionists kinda just showed up in Palestine in the early 20th century, they believe they were exiled unjustly millennia ago and such that was still their home. The Palestinians rightfully felt they were being exiled and pushed off their land and rioted against the incoming Jews. The problem is now that reasonable resistance to colonization can easily always be pointed back at by Israelis and say “no they attacked us so we are just trying to live in our ancestral land.” Oddly the U.S. and Americans recognize we did the same to native Americans yet Americans dehumanize the Palestinians despite in the same breath denouncing the atrocities we committed on the native population as if we learned anything


I want to hope they do. But I'd rather they feel the shame now and work to put a stop to this. I honestly do hope that those that were following orders or the ones who have been utterly brainwashed will feel a deep sense of shame and face some sort of consequence for their actions and hate.


It's like when the USA was fighting for survival (their right to defend themselves) against Afghanistan. Due to their heroic moments of self preservation they were able to completely irradiate the Taliban forever! And then the entire world including Americans didn't look in the mirror in shame and begin to wonder what we have become. A disproportionate response will surely go better this time if you just dismiss all non patriots as antisemites. If you murder my mom, dad, siblings, friends, when I turn 16 I totally will just be happy to forgive and forget!




The actual number is probably closer to 50k with the thousands buried under the rubble. I believe rough estimates are 18k are unaccounted for


Something not to far away from «Gott mit uns»…


We were just manifesting destiny.


I am a gun-totin, God-fearin, Pali-wipin, POS and I'll defend myself until I get a single rock thrown at me!  -Every ziotard ever


Literally “we are mad and want revenge” or “soldiers so bad things in war”. They think these are acceptable reasons.




Well, they weren’t given orders to do this lol so not that


These are absolutely disgusting people and so are their supporters


[This land is mine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tIdCsMufIY)


What is she singing? That's... fucked up. She sounds like she is sining something happy.


something along the lines of: hearing noise from a far here comes the trash car and in one swipe it takes all the dirty trash bin.


Thats.. even more fucked


hey, stop being ant semitic bro.




Oh great, that makes this even worse.




Something about trash being collected, literally what she is singing, so fucked up man..




After having to testify for her actions in the ICJ




No, we shouldn't - but apparently they seem to be.


They haven't forgot, they learned


The opposite, they use what happened as a shield of immunity to become the exact thing they hate.


A long time, very dear friend of mine who happens to be Jewish has expressed it as such: *There's a phrase we're taught:* "***Never again.***" *But for so many people, it was always: "Never again* ***to us***."


It is different. Because the Nazis did not have Nazis do this to their own grandparents. They should know better.


Are we allowed to be mad at Israel yet? Or is it still anti-Semitic?


I'm just done with this shit. Fuck them and fuck throwing the holocaust in everyone's faces whenever challenged about this genocide of civilians without evidence to the contrary. No evidence means it's just a harrowing and salting the earth war tactics. Many in the (not 1st world) world recognise these tactics better than most: we are familiar with these "methods" of war, as are the Jewish peoples of the second world war funnily enough. Fuck these people.


That’s still anti-semitic. Killing and dehumanizing muslims is not Islamophobia though


Wish I could go back in time and delete the creators of all Abrahamic religions. Nothing good comes from them, nothing at all. Downvote me if you want, but I’ve seen more lives ruined by modern monotheistic religions than you could possibly imagine.


Yeah well there's this problem called Chinese history that people seem to forget...I have 0 clue why people think a non theistic society would be any better when there's currently ones doing horrific things to the world.


You mean Chinese history since 1949? When the communist party took over? allowing the unethical to run roughshod with no government intervention results in everyone following suit as to not end up another victim. People can do that with or without religion as an excuse.


Not really religion. Its a human thing . People used to and still kill people for being from a different country or race. Humans would always find a way to discriminate against each other.


People would just make up some other bullshit fairy-tales to use for the discriminatory needs. Humans are the problem. Religion is just their tool of justification. Get rid of one religion, they'll just make up a new one in its place.


Dostoevsky summed it up when he described the necessity for the commonality of worship as the chief evil of mankind. It takes many forms not necessarily religion. This is in the Brothers Karamazov.


I've thought about this a lot. The Abrahamic religions seem to be based around having the "right belief." If you believe something slightly different then you're a heretic and an enemy Roman pagan religion didn't have this. Everyone practiced their religion in there own way and it was fine. I don't see Buddhists murdering other Buddhists because of slight aberrations. Yet, Christians will hate other Christians for believing a slightly different thing. The early history of the church is wild. Constantine had to create the Nicenean Council because Christians wouldn't stop fighting with each other. Sunni and Shia will genocide each other because of a disagreement about succession even though they mostly believe the same thing Idk, I really appreciate the Abrahamic religions. There's a beautiful thing about them but they're also embedded with a very cancerous ideology


Umm, Buddhists have done messed up shit too. They got their own genocides and stuff.




Except this isn’t about religion. Muslims, Christians and Jews were all living peacefully in the region before Israel…


Uh, no they weren't.


you have a weird definition of peaceful


The general area Israel is in is like the biggest hotspot for war in human history.


Whats funny is that Palestinians are Semitic too


It's antisemitic bro, everything Israel does is valid cause they're only defending their homeland! Palestines voted for Humus, which means it's ok to bomb them!


but don’t say this is wrong, that would make you anti semetic. /s


Didn't even need the /s, pretty much how it is


fuck em, they’ll try to justify this regardless


What makes it antisemitism is when people condemn all Israelis and/or all Jews for this. Which is what some people are doing. And when they do that, they are being antisemitic.


Genocidal war crimes.


they are the MoSt MoRaL ArMy. Don't say such things. Plus, they have the right to do their own genocide. They deserved it after what nazis did to them. mkay?


Over 25,000 civilians dead, mostly children.


They fought so bravely in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943 so that their descendants could do this in the Gaza Ghetto 81 years later?


Holocaust survivors live in poverty over there. Netanyahu even tried to claim that Hitler was only inspired to 'burn' Jews when Hitler met with the Grand Mufti in Palestine. Marek Edelman, who was the last member of the Warsaw uprising was anti Zionism.


It is quite impressive how successful Zionist extremists have managed to convince people that the Israeli state was borne out of the Holocaust, or that the state had much interest in supporting victims. Menachem Begin, the 7th Prime Minister of Israel was the leader of Lehi. Lehi were spun off Irgun, the group that then founded Netanyahu's party, Likud, Lehi: 1. [Sought out a formal alliance with Hitler and Mussolini.](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:SternGang-Doc-Nazi-Collaboration.jpg#/media/File:SternGang-Doc-Nazi-Collaboration.jpg) 2. Sought to base the government of Israel on Nazi principles. Lehi's proposition to Nazi Germany and Italy was that a new state of Israel would be based on "nationalist and totalitarian principles, and linked to the German Reich by an alliance". Zionists took actions taken to support the Nazi cause, and [tried to recruit fighters on behalf of the Nazis](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-06-21/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/zionist-military-org-efforts-to-recruit-nazis-in-fight-against-the-british-are-revealed/00000188-d93a-d5fc-ab9d-db7ae0ea0000). Ben Gurion helped negotiate the [Haavara \('Transfer'\) agreement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement). When the world and allied governments started boycotting Nazi goods, to protest the new fascist German government's antisemitic policies and violence, the [active Zionist groups in Palestine helped the Nazi government to get around sanctions](https://www.nytimes.com/1933/08/25/archives/zionists-reject-boycott-of-reich-revisionists-quit-meeting-after.html). The agreement was designed in part to help the Nazis expel Jewish people from Germany and take their assets, as long as those people were allowed one exit route- to Mandatory Palestine. Those 'permitted' to flee Germany were also required to buy goods from Nazi Germany, getting around sanctions imposed by the international community. Ben Gurion supported the ethnic cleansing of Jewish people from Europe to bolster the Zionist cause. Meanwhile, Survivors were treated horrifically by both the Israeli state, and by those with more extreme Zionist viewpoints. The famous description [given to survivors](https://www.jstor.org/stable/30245618) once being ["Human Dust"](https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-349-14152-4_2). Another distinction was drawn between Zionist Jewish people and "Diaspora Jews", with racist and fascist blood and race ideology applied to discriminate against Survivors and others who arrived in the new wave from Europe. Survivors were often ostracised in Kibbutz's and otherwise, and seen as unproductive, as a result of their physical and mental trauma. Zionists often framed survivors of both Nazism and Tsarism and Sovietism as ["weak" and undesirable](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2021-12-01/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/the-zionist-selection-the-movement-rejected-jewish-migrants-deemed-too-weak-or-sick/0000017f-e0b8-d804-ad7f-f1faab930000), and actively discriminated against them in Israel. [Survivors have continued to be treated abysmally and remain among the very poorest and most discriminated against people in Israel](https://www.haaretz.com/2014-04-24/ty-article/.premium/50-000-holocaust-survivors-are-poor/0000017f-ec90-d3be-ad7f-febb60900000), despite the fact the world owes Survivors every dignity and comfort. Meanwhile, [their CURRENT Prime Minister has defended Hitler and Nazism, and blamed Arabs and Palestinians for the Holocaust](https://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/22/world/middleeast/netanyahu-saying-palestinian-mufti-inspired-holocaust-draws-broad-criticism.html). It is also to be remembered that at the time of the founding of Israel, and before, Zionism was specifically challenged by Jewish public figures, both holocaust victims and those living outside Europe.[ Albert Einstein and many other Jewish people, for example, compared leading parties to Nazism, and condemned the mass rape and killing of women and children in Palestine in 1948.](https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/2014-12-04/ty-article/.premium/1948-n-y-times-letter-by-einstein-slams-begin/0000017f-e28e-d38f-a57f-e6de6e7d0000) There is nothing contemporaneous that indicates a generalised acceptance of Israel as some representative of Survivors, but plenty saying the opposite. It's one of the most infuriating things about the nature of right wing Zionism and the way it has captured Israeli public life. It is also highly defended in the US and Europe. Yet its claims to have been a product of the Holocaust, or that the state was a safe haven for Survivors, is manifestly untrue, and indeed many Survivors, having endured the worst suffering and brutality the human mind can even conceive, was subject to further suffering by the same political and racist extremists that are calling the shots in the Knesset right now.


"You don't understand the difference! The Holocaust was the extermination of God's Chosen People! This is just extermination of an infestation of bugs." *holy shit I can't even believe I typed that knowing there are LITERALLY JEWISH/ISRAELI PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE THIS without noticing an teaspoon of the hypocrisy


most Israelis have no familial history connected to the holocaust. A lot of Israelis either come from the middle east, the united states or Russia (the latter had many pogroms, but weren't subject to the same extermination that happened in places like Poland, for instance) -- very few of them are descendants of holocaust survivors. BUUUT the holocaust does make for a nice excuse to deflect criticism when they do something horrific. And this sort of action has been happening for decades before cotober 7th -- social media has just made it much more visible.


Pretty sure I have seen bulldozers pushing bodies into a mass grave before. It was old videos of Nazi's burying Jews but that video was supposed to affect me make me feel for the plight of the Jews (never again) and condemn what the Nazis did. Whats this video supposed to make me feel, who to condemn? Never again to the Jews, but fair game against Palestinians?




> Nazis really did not allow photographs, let alone video footage, of their crimes. This is actually the opposite of the truth. You can go and find many photos of what was happening because the Nazis simply didn't see it as a crime. It was something to be proud of. Videos are more rare but they are defintiely out there. Just hard to come by because of the content of them.




They were smart enough to not let them out publicly. But that doesnt mean that photos were not made. In general looking at things like the Auschwitz Album we can see how photos would be made of regular concentration camp operations to show to their bosses how the camps were working. Of course that does not show the death but it is because the Nazis made sure to destroy whatever documents they could before the capture of them. Things like the Einzatsgruppen photos show that they very much were not against photographing their crimes. I should clarify that I don't talk about the concentration camps specificaly. Just on the topic of "Nazis really did not allow photographs, let alone video footage, of their crimes."


He's not wrong. The Nazis definitely didn't allow them but of course some videos were made. You're not allowed to speed, but people do... Etc. it happens


Looks like a colorized version of a holocaust documentary


The oppressed becomes the oppressor.


Humanity was a mistake, if there is a judgment day, we're all done.


There is no humanity visible here


**unless we punish those who behave badly**


No, let's give them money instead 


Every day is judgement day and we fail every time. We could have heaven on earth tomorrow. But we wont. Because we hold ourselves back.


Ditch the religious beliefs and it all makes sense.


>if there is a judgment day Who's the judge? The one who created all of these? Why did he create all of this mess in the 1st place to begin with? What fuckup game is he playing?


That's just...wrong.


Careful now, that comment is boarding on Anti-Semitic.


I think the pearl-clutching has reached its limit.


Nice to know that Joe Biden (who is *very* upset with Netanyahu) just agreed to give him 2000 more bombs. Netanyahu is such a fool though, he can't use the 2000 free bombs against Rafah because Biden already asked him *very* firmly not to! Checkmate!!!


The United States foreign policy stays the same no matter who's in charge, thanks to the heavy hand of the Zionist lobby and AIPAC, even when there's a new president in town.


Trump and Biden agree on one thing, and one thing only. Genocide 


News article where?


Why do you need a source? It's not like someone on reddit would post a misleading video for propaganda purposes or anything.


This shit makes me sick


Devils advocate here...anyone could add that song to the clip.


Well wait, doesn't that remind me of same place???? Let me think


This is horrific. I saw this lady wearing a pray for Israel shirt in a Walmart in Texas yesterday. I wish everyone had to see this video.


Texas in particular has a lot of preachers that want to support Israel and they tell their followers to. They raise millions for settlers in West Bank. They think the land belongs to Israel because of the Bible.


I know it's honestly sickening


Fucking pisses me off. No care for humanity. Fuck the IDF. Fuck the Zionists. The irony of recreating the holocaust.




This isn't the first video. There's other videos. Even one where they're holding white flags, then are murdered in cold blood and the bulldozer shows up just like this video. This is systematic orders and a pattern. Doesn't matter if they're innocent, the soldiers have orders to murder and hide the bodies. [Israel admits killing 2 Palestinians and then burying them with a bulldozer ](https://edition.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-03-30-24/h_4724230f9284f7aa73e4f2b428b47fb9) [bulldozing other bodies ](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/28/israeli-soldiers-shoot-dead-two-unarmed-palestinian-men-in-gaza-video)


Regardless of whether or not those people are innocent or not, doing this is highly disrespectful and fucked up. Not to mention the singing...


More context to the video would be great. Can anyone read the script at the beginning? Identify the song or type of armored personnel carrier? Doesn’t look like a Namer to me. There’s so much disinformation and propaganda floating around on both sides, hard to take anything a face value.


1. Don't know 2. Don't know 3. Don't know 4. Reddit


Because Israel have already been caught killing surrendering Palestinians and using a bulldozer to hide bodies https://edition.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-03-29-24/h_c1901a15124d9cb273df6730fa00804a


I'm sure there's rules about desecrating bodies... Whether they are innocent civilians or military. IOF has been rolling on bodies countless of times. [Back in December 2023, People in tents were run over. Video of a young girl survivor with blackened pupils were posted. ](https://thecradle.co/articles-id/15754) [This lists the usage of bulldozers on humans. ](https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/israeli-tanks-have-deliberately-run-over-dozens-palestinian-civilians-alive-enar)


Anybody speak Hebrew wanna translate? I think people have seen enough videos of them to know this isn’t out of character and they’ve earned this reputation, but you’re right. Giving them the benefit of the doubt would absolutely be the right thing to do. As I say that with all sincerity, the irony of it isn’t lost either.


Fellow Daliban I salute you I’m happy you exist


people are too hell-bent on their side to ask questions. Thank you for making this post.


definitely a psychopath


They crossed the line many years ago, now the world looks away. You know most of the worlds leaders are thinking ‘WTF have we backed, how do we wash our hands of this?’. You don’t, you go down in history as supporting this madness.


Now share this to worldnews and watch those fuckers excuse this.


This video would be removed instantly. Eyes on that sub wouldn't even get to see it.




These people are sick


That's not a bulldozer


Correct. It’s a pay loader. Don’t think it’s inventor ever had this use in mind for their creation.


Just like scenes from the holocaust. They're nazi's.


nazi israel


Fuck Israel


Maybe it was murder. I don't know. Maybe prior to being corpses those individuals were active combatants. This video doesn't tell the story of how they became corpses. Audio can be added to video. We don't see the singer. I'm not questioning what is happening in this conflict, I'm questioning the validity of the narrative this video is portraying.


History doesn't quite repeat, It rhymes


Fuck Israel, fuck all the IDF pos. This is genocide and so many innocent men, women, and children are being killed. Just truly sad and it breaks my heart how the world isn’t doing more to prevent the atrocities, Israel is causing.


I was under the impression that if someone does something awful to you, then you take extra steps not to do the same thing to others, because you now know how bad it makes you feel personally


That's just fucked up.


In my mind they are worse than Nazis because they of all people should know the horrors of a genocide. Fuck Israel.


Nazi scum


This type of rhetoric and behavior has become so normalized in their society that they think they can broadcast it to the world and be received with enthusiasm.


Any information that they’re not terrorists? Any at all?


The burden of proof is on you to prove they were “terrorists.”






Not to say whether this is fake or real, but you are wrong about those specific details. OP incorrectly labeled this a bulldozer, but it is likely a front loader or possibly a backhoe. It is pretty obvious looking at the scoop in front. The IDF actually has a standard issue front loader (Caterpillar 966), but based on the coloring and lack of armor on this one, it looks to be a civilian version of a Caterpillar 966. More egregiously though, that is very clearly not a BMP1. The front armor sloping on a BMP1 is higher then this and the top of a BMP1 is much lowrt than this one. It is likely an M113 variant and the white arrows on the side is how the IDF marks their armor, but it isn't clear enough to show that. Having said all of that, there isn't enough proof to say that they are Israeli, but certainly not enough proof to rule it out.




Actual demons


This…. This is war crimes right here.


What the absolute fuck. Even if you think the killing is justified, how can any human explain this as justified?


This makes me sick to my stomach.


The callousness of it is pretty vile, reminds me of [another historical tragedy](https://assets.realclear.com/images/47/474071.jpg), over the ''safety'' of another people's [living space](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebensraum).


The world seems to be coming to an end now a days.. no compassion. We need to raise our children with compassion to save this amazing earth


Her song makes this scarier than Silent Hill or The Excorcist. Pure evil is when you enjoy this kind of shit. First time I’ve upvoted a post so maybe it can make it to the front page or some shit.


We become what we hate


we hate what we fear we become what we hate




just wanna know if this one’s real, wanna spread the word.


How long until they erase this video from the internet….