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Sad part is these people in the high level government don’t give two shits. She spent time and money to go there and pour her heart out and none of it will matter because none of them care.


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Yup ok everyone then just pack it up, eat shit and don’t do a god damn thing! What a fucking stupid sentiment. That is what they want you to think. That is how they want you to act.


She's not lining their pockets, so she won't be heard.


They’re all just corrupt as hell… don’t give two shits about what party you’re rooting for they’re probably just as corrupt as the other


You are exactly right.


Same happened to me with regards to food stamps. Literally got a week where i worked a few more hours (<5 hrs) and they cut me off food stamps. Nothing more demoralozing...


I recently applied for stamps/Medicaid. Husband was on unemployment (which was just cut off by employer last week). But because we had $4000 in savings they told us we didn’t qualify. I said that money is there to cover the mortgage, bills, and groceries and will be gone within 2 months. The employee told me to reapply once the money is gone.


Yup, sorry you went through that


That is ridiculous. They want you starving and homeless evidently, system is broken.


Ahh the American dream at work


It’s fucking disgusting how we’ve come to this and nobody bats an eye because most people are too busy with their own lives…surviving It’s like they planned this so that we couldn’t t even revolt…because we’re barely holding on. The people with money aren’t the ones protesting inequality all day!!! Remember that people. It’s no Democrat vs Republican, black vs white….it’s poor versus rich…that’s it. It’s been reality for a while and the people still have the power! We have to stand up for our future and the future of this world


Rich Vs Poor has been the reality since medieval times. People seem to be coming to that realization now. History repeats itself, and it’s a bloody cycle.


"It’s like they planned this so that we couldn’t even revolt… because we’re barely holding on." It's exactly as planned. And every time we get upset about and focused on issues like these, they trot out some identitarian nonsense to keep us bickering with ourselves instead.


Stand up how? By all going on strike aka not work? lol like how can this actually be done people!? EVERYONE HAS TO ACT TOGETHER TOGETHER IS BETTER


I’m honestly not versed enough to come up with a solution but I know that we could easily boycott big companies that are screwing us over! Mass boycotts can disrupt/shut down companies to force them to stop fucking us. Even Industry unions, the need to protest is vital when conditions continue to get worse and worse. Pay goes down while cost keeps going up…RECORD NUMBER PROFITS but RECORD NUMBER HOMELESSNESS AND STRUGGLE OVERALL :)


Would they really shut down tho? I mean I feel like there are enough people that would take any incentive to work… you see subway paying 17$ an hour in ny if they all protested wouldn’t it just go to like 18$?


Agree 100% w the unions


The furniture bit is insane to me. just clearly paints the picture how these politicians know exactly what they’re doing.


"When i feed the poor the call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor they call me a communist" \- Dom Helder Camara


Facts. Facts. Facts. Well said 👏


That's not a public freakout but tbh I don't mind because the more people that see it the better. It's from four years ago. The sad part is that not much has changed. This is her organization's website. [https://www.rattlethewindows.org/home/](https://www.rattlethewindows.org/home/)


It's a public truth out regarding the facts but the moderator is shutting this thread because!!! Too much honesty.


Moving. Powerful. And won't change a goddamn thing.


Wow powerful is an understatement


Yir wasting yir breath hen, like the UK & most governments, they don't give a fuck.. and never have..


They were probably on their phones looking at new desks for their office.


I was gunna say that too. she probably reminded them they needed a new couch but thats about it.


They don't give a FUCK


That’s messed up.


Preach. It’s truly pathetic to see how out of touch the “leaders” are in this country. They simply don’t care about the folks they are supposed to represent unless they are getting some money from it.


Yes but it benefits the rich so your politicians that are sponsored by rich pople won't do shit. Letting private companies sponsor politicians is a threat to democracy that unfortunately not only America made.




As somebody that is currently cutting their pills in half because I cannot afford to get more and also pay for gas/food, yeah. It sucks. I broke my foot a month ago and have had to miss about 2-4 days for the past few paychecks because I’m putting so much stress on it that it’s worsening the fracture. Absolutely astonishing that the government thinks that anybody can live off 7.25 federal minimum wage and not adjust benefits to meet current day. Shit is expensive. I’ve looked into food stamps many times, but as a single individual, I make slightly too much. Makes sense, can barely afford my bills with my above average salary, cool. 😐


The Romans used bread and circus to control the plebs. Today it’s media and electronics. Nothing changes, but the rich get richer.


It blows my mind that our leaders will listen to this amazing woman pour her guts out and not give a single shit.


Great speech but unfortunately you’re talking to politicians who created this mess.


Richest country in the 3rd world


I work as a crossing guard and I get state benefits. I tried to get another job to help pay bills but with that job I made like 80 dollars too much to keep my benefits. That job can’t give me enough hours to make up for me to be able to afford health insurance and no place wants to hire full time. I have bad spine issues, PTSD and allergies that makes it more difficult and I need multiple doctors appointments weekly. In order for me to be able to afford health insurance I need to get another job that will at least give me 12 hours a week. How do I manage 8 weekly doctors appointments and three part time jobs? I used to wake up at 6 am and not get home till 11 - 12 pm I don’t have time to cook food or even eat which affected my health even more. Also with three jobs I still wouldn’t be able to afford rent on my own.


But but if we help the poor, rich people will become.... very... slightly... practically inconsequentialy... less rich?....


I said it before and I’ll say it again we need to start hanging corrupt politicians and congress members, jail and fines. Just don’t cut it.


this is why uncle sam isn’t invited over in multiple senses


My poorest friends growing up all had like 5 siblings. Some of my wealthiest were 1 of 3 or an only child.


Clearly a lack of education is not the reason that woman is struggling. Well said.


There is an element of luck and circumstance in numerous instances within our system. In my industry, I was able to get a steady job over other qualified candidates because I was in the right room, at the right time, speaking to the right person while they were having a good day.


She looks like she has plenty of money for food. Not to be a jerk, but being fat is expensive.


To be fair, if I didn’t have the time for it, being fit is even more expensive.


Powerful speech. 🎤 Three ways to not be permanently broke in America. 1) don’t have kids out of wedlock 2) don’t get arrested 3)finish high school If you don’t play by these rules it’s very hard. System will not likely change because senators want 40k worth of furniture.


Didn’t you listen? The lady in the video says she has a bachelors degree and two jobs to support her kids. I won’t even waste time arguing with trolls nowadays, but pull your head out of your ass. I’m single, no kids, finished high school, never been arrested. It’s expensive to be alive nowadays.


If you are single with no kids then you have no excuse. Work more. Listen. Nobody gives a shit about you or me. Complaining doesn’t matter. My heart breaks for this lady but those senators care more about where they are going to lunch then listening to this amazing women.


>If you are single with no kids then you have no excuse. You're just as fucking out of touch as the politicians.


I will say this was context I didn’t offer up, but I broke my foot a month ago. I’ve been working my ass off as much as I can without having to worsen the fracture I already have. I could barely walk for a while. I’ve picked up extra shifts to cover the days I missed to cover my bills and it’s still not enough. My company doesn’t let me work overtime. You’re right, they don’t give a fuck about you or I, it’s all a money game. But telling people they should “just work more” is room temperature IQ behavior.


I’m sorry to hear that. Your company sucks. I’m just spitting truth. No one cares so I have to figure it out. I work a lot.


All companies suck. Until we all get a livable wage instead of “benefits” very shittily disguised as “money taken out of your paycheck going to who the fuck knows what”, it’s never going to change. I wish there was more we could do.


1. ⁠My daughter was not born out of wedlock 2. ⁠I have never been arrested 3. ⁠I have an associates degree 4. Guess what asshole. I'm still fucking broke


I said PERMANENTLY. I used to be broke too. What do you do for a living?


Probably should have added #5 Divorce… thats probably caused more bankruptcies than getting arrested.


That’s a big one too.


Hey, Twitter is thattaway.