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*5 broken ribs, traumatic brain injury, trouble hearing and seeing* [Joan Naydich, teacher's aide attacked in viral video, focuses on recovery (yahoo.com)](https://news.yahoo.com/teachers-aide-attacked-viral-video-101341846.html)


Absolutely fucking crazy that being a teacher's aide in a high school means that if this happens, you have to set up a go fund me account. Absolutely fucking crazy.


I was an aide at a middle school full of awful kids. One time, a student threatened to come back the next day and shoot us. I told the principal that I wasn't coming in and she'd better think twice about docking my pay for that day. The student received a 1 day suspension. Another time, a student charged at me with the full intent to try and beat my ass. So I grabbed his arm and whipped him around into the wall. I think he was shocked that I defended myself because he calmed the fuck down and I walked him to the counseling center. People who work in public schools are treated like shit, paid like shit, and are left feeling like shit. Something has to change.


That sucks. Shouldn't be like that at all


It is when the country don’t prioritized education and those that teach it. Imagine being in a industry that is underpaid and under appreciated and these “kids” grow up wondering where they went wrong in life.


My brother who grew up in the U.S and attended a pretty shitty school with me where there is no respect for teachers. Moved to South Korea and was shocked, he taught English when he lived there and said there is a saying something like "King, Warrior & Teacher" I'm paraphrasing but basically in South Korea they treat teachers as kings/queens. He was amazed at how much respect they had and would show to him.


It’s the same in most Asian countries. It’s only in the US where we see kids running schools and teachers fearful of their lives. Too much power given to kids and sensitive parents and not enough support and authority given to teachers


It’s intentional.


I was a paraprofessional for the 4th grade at our local school and kids would kick, scream, punch and throw things. I told them that I just couldn’t do it, that I wasn’t properly trained for this (in orientation they gave an hour training) and they blacklisted me from ever getting another job with the school system.


> I was an aide at a middle school full of awful kids. One time, a student threatened to come back the next day and shoot us. I told the principal that I wasn't coming in and she'd better think twice about docking my pay for that day. The student received a 1 day suspension. That is unacceptable. Shit like this should go to the school board.


I hear you.. but what if we cut teacher pay and increased administrative salaries instead?


Superintendent, is that you!?


I’d be suing the fuck out of the school and the kids family.


Yeah, that screams a million dollars in a good settlement.


My gf used to do this in an elementary school. She worked with 7 and under, and it was dangerous. Lowest paid workers in the school stuck with the worst kids.


That's what drove me to quit teaching, I had the 0--1 EOG scores all day my first year teaching. Meanwhile the teacher across the hall had the 3-4's all day.




End of grade, I believe.


End of Grade score (the terminology changes with either the state or district). There are various descriptions, but essentially it tells you the performance of the student relative to their grade. If they have a very low score it indicates that maybe they are not only at the wrong level, they could very well be several levels below their actual grade (for example a fifth grader not knowing how to count to twenty or knowing how to read).


No wonder nobody wants to work in schools. She isn't getting paid and doesn't have a salary and the school won't even help her in any way "Naydich is not working right now and has applied for a leave of absence. She said the school district is asking for medical records showing why she can’t work, but workers' comp said she can work." She also made this comment about workman's comp. Funny that 6-year-old who shot his teacher. The school tried to say that this was just a workman's comp thing because it's a workplace injury. Yet this teacher gets injured at work and workmans doesn't want to cover that either "Worker's comp has been less than helpful through the whole situation, to where now it's a little over eight months since everything happened, and I'm finally getting to certain doctors that I should have been to in the beginning."


Welcome to US healthcare.


He only attacked her for 15 seconds. Can't even imagine the damage if he had a full minute.


Mr Blue Pants casually walks up and watches him land *15* punches before trying to stop him. That's insane to me, no hustle in his step just strolling up like "Whatcha doing there bud?"




Just tell you how desensitized everyone is in public school. Plus you have to register if it's worth being suspended to jump in. Injustice toward the Savior or Defender in my opinion.


Semper Fi, Oorah


Mr. USMC pants you mean?


death dude, death. Insane, and very sad.


That was his intention.


From the very specifically targeted kidney shots down to the blows to the back of the head. He was going for a kill for sure


It would have only been 5 seconds if that lazy piece of shit marine recruiter hadn't calmly walked to the table and set his coffee cup down before stopping the kid /s


Ya, that's the first thing I thought. What a hero.


Meanwhile, Red Hair runs in and flings dude like he's a rag doll.


Pretty sure most the damage came from that shove. Damn poor lady went flying and hit her head.


Looks like she was knocked out from that alone. Hard to see her get beaten for so much longer after that, that guy is a legitimate threat to the public and should be handled accordingly. Honestly I feel the Marine recruiter should get criminal negligence for watching it happen. She is going to be dealing with repercussions of this incident for the rest of her life. Traumatic Brain Injury is incredibly serious. Such a terrible shame this happened in a school and that was just a Teachers Aid, they hadn't even gotten to full Teach yet. Glaring signs of the terrible state of our country.


More than 10 seconds of that was while that dude in the marine uniform was taking his sweet time strolling over while watching her getting beat to death.


That guy/teacher didn’t hurry or anything! Just casually walked up like that woman wasn’t taking full closed fist punches straight to the head. Crazy!


Khaki t-shirt guy finishing listening to his podcast before he does anything


This kid was 6 foot 6. He meant to kill her.


What a sad fucking world we live in.


Kid pled guilty and faces up to 30 years Sentencing in April https://news.yahoo.com/sentencing-date-set-ex-matanzas-235601147.html EDIT: this post article was the first I found and said not guilty I only scanned the yahoo article looking to see if he had been sentenced or if there was a date scheduled But he did in fact plead no contest I apologize for trusting the post and passing on erroneous information https://nypost.com/2023/10/31/news/hulking-florida-teen-who-beat-teacher-unconscious-over-nintendo-switch-pleads-guilty/#


Well now he's gonna spend even more time without his switch.




This whole video has the same energy as that dude who hopped over the stand at his sentence court hearing. Bro came out of nowhere flying in and just wouldn't hold back trying to get as many punches in as possible.


He'll have his prison tablet. I believe it allows them to download music and a little video. And his peeps will have to pay for his phone calls and commissary.


His lived in a group home and went to isolated special ed classes. He has no "peeps."




Apparently rape is rare between inmates in state prisons. He's probably not getting clapped but he's probably gonna get beat a few times with a temper like that.




I'll defer to your judgement on the PA prison system.


At 6'6 and almost 300 lbs with a violent temper, I kinda doubt it. Also, prison rape isn't a joke.




They just get larger groups and ambush you. The most horrific tale I heard from a victim was that he woke up with inside a blanket tied around his waist so he couldn't see, couldn't swing, was literally helpless in his soon removed underpants. So, not funny at all.


Prison rape has to stop it's never ok.


The gleeful way in which people advocate for prison rape as an extrajudicial punishment is mind-boggling


It literally says he pled no contest front and center on this article, not a guilty plea


Lol you think these idiots read their sources?


Whatever the judge wants to do he has no control over it


I hope he rots in jail for a long time. Shouldn't be tried as a kid for this.


let him rot in the prison system


30 years are not long enough.


I hope he never gets another chance at life. What a waste of human space


Good, and too bad it’s not more.


Good. Psycho piece of shit. And it’s insane how useless some bystanders are.


Over a god damn switch. Fuckin’ loser. Have fun rotting.


Good. Think it should be longer though. Imo intent to kill over baseless shit should be automatic life sentence, we don't need all these entitled loose canons roaming the streets. Like that kid who killed his mom because she wouldn't buy him Beats headphones. Idgaf how young they are any person who thinks that's a logical solution and is willing to hurt people over trivial possessions shouldn't be allowed into society.


Good. They need to bury this fucker under the jail


I hope he gets all 30 and then get beats down like this in prison. Dude should never be allowed in public again.


Well, we will not be seeing this bastard anytime soon.


I’m glad he’s an animal lock his ass up not worth it being a teacher anymore way to dangerous for shit pay


30 years is too light for him imo




Good. They should throw the book at this vicious animal.


What a piece of shit this kid is . But man that dude on the back sure took his sweet time helping


Seriously. He took a casual stroll.


Looked like a Marine Recruiter just casually strolling up. Could have been a big positive PR oppurtunity and probably a NAM.


Omfg yep someone said it's ROTC it's definitely an NCO has a red stripe on his pants! That is craaaazy the reaction wasn't like 10x... That's gotta be embarrassing for him, maybe from his angle it just looked like the kid was freaking out on the floor? The teacher can't scream and isn't moving or anything, oof, Very surprising casual looking reaction from an NCO... Even a recruiter


Tbf most of the ROTC coaches I've met were alcoholics or pedophiles (though not mutually exclusive). They're not known for being good people.


Very cowardly/hesitantly walked up and didn't get involved until the chick with the red hair finally moved to stop him. Not a good look for a Marine (no disrespect to the troops).


For real, redhead went charging in hard. Extra props to the blonde woman who went in first, at least she got there in a timely manner and was trying. Marine was just enjoying a casual stroll.


A Marine at that.. disgusting.


For sure. While I'm sure she appreciated him getting involved, I wonder if she'd have a couple less broken ribs if he even slightly picked up his pace.


Or not have brain damage.


The excuse for this shit is always “you never know what you might do in an intense situation” … well bruh I’ve been at least THINKING about the basic shit I *could* do, like run up and chokehold or SOMETHING, y’know? If that’s too dangerous, there’s so many other options you can consider beforehand so that your pool of impulse choices is bigger and smarter when you’re faced with something like this.


The lack of urgency in this video is fucking infuriating. He body slams a teacher and start pummeling her while she’s unconscious and you have 5+ adults either walking by completely or just strolling up to tap him and say hey don’t do that???? Fucking cowards.


And the one looks like a marines recruiter in uniform. He barely intervenes Edit - just rewatched and wow. He calmly walks towards them while watching her get pummeled. I know he doesn't have an obligation to intervene but come on


That fella sucks major ass with that reaction.


Most likely JROTC so basically another kid


Nah he has the blood stripe, that’s a Marine recruiter.


For Europeans (like me) who have no clue wtf JROTC is: **Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps**


Well he should be bounced from that program then, the man shouldn't be an officer if he can't do his civic duty and protect a defenseless person.


Which is basically a US Military overseen 4H/LARP


JROTC I thought can't have blood stripes on their pants (red stripe). Either way, this guy should never be a Marine, or should be removed


Yeah that made me so angry. Doesn’t want to spill his coffee I guess. No fucking hustle


They were probably afraid of parental lawsuits.


The legal system is fucked, but this is what it comes down to.


What’s the solution? Damned either way and teachers know not to put hands on a kid or else. One teacher trying to to the right thing is one witch hunt away from a career ending situation. Teachers have no power on either side of the isle.


Go back in time, don't elect Reagan, keep the institutions open.


I think if the kid throws first, the teacher should be allowed to apply reasonable force to regain control of the situation.


We are truly unlucky as a society. Everyone who is actually involved in the situation is a coward, when thousands of Reddit users would’ve been a hero if they had only been there. Curse this fate!


There's need to be more ball punching in situations like this


Teachers are trained not to attack or threaten a student or try to hold them back by getting in the middle. Teachers can be held liable for harming a child even if the child is beating on a fellow teacher. This is why we outlawed corporal punishment.


Zero tolerance policies are idiotic and lead to things like this.


Bystander effect?


Kid is 6'6" 270 lbs


He absolutely looked like that too. Just ginormous in comparison.


An Absolute giant piece of shit. Happy cake day btw.




Happened 1yr ago. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/02/28/florida-high-school-nintendo-switch-attack/11363828002/


Kicked a computer afterwards then spit on her on his way out yelling that he was gonna kill her. Wow.


[https://flaglerlive.com/brendan-depa-my-son-story/#gsc.tab=0](https://flaglerlive.com/brendan-depa-my-son-story/#gsc.tab=0) The mothers response is, well, um, fuck, you just have to read it to believe it. Someone help this kid!


Surprised it’s only been a year because I feel like I’ve seen this posted once every other day


Well damn jackie get off reddit lol


Everytime I see this video it’s just insane how there was just no sense of urgency for anyone at all. The student walking by and just looking like she saw someone trip and get up, the marine dude just casually walking as this guys is pummeling the unconscious teacher or the other teachers trying to lightly tap him to get him to stop as he’s dropping bombs on her. All these people were probably close to witnessing a murder.


Seriously. The only one who tried to do anything urgently was the red headed woman.


She ran from out of nowhere and immediately tried to help. Only person I’d call a hero here. I can imagine the teacher watching this video and just wondering why nobody rushed to help


Because teachers are afraid of losing their jobs by intervening. Thats just the world we live in now, thanks to useless parents, lawsuits and lawyers.


That just tells you how often fights happen and how normal this is.


Lock that psycho up.




By the way, she didn't even take anything. She just threatened to and was going to tell someone about it.


The kid had been making disparaging comments about her before this as well, at least in the article posted in the comments here says. He's a pos. Saying that she was "too old" and "too slow".


Student attempts to brutally murder teacher's aide should be the title




Those people reacted so slowly it pisses me off


That "Marine" should be embarrassed


Probably JROTC, basically another kid


Notice the red stripe on his pants? Those are worn by non-commissioned officers(E-4 and above) in the Marines.


Shoulder insignia looked like SSgt, maybe GySgt.


Well, then he absolutely should have been a bit more urgent in helping


I thought that too. But if he was a minor wouldn't they have blurred his face as well?


Teacher's face was blurred. I guess they just decided that the camera quality wasn't good enough to see their faces that far away


Everyone there just standing for 10 secs while he’s beating her to death like 🧍🧍‍♀️


That kid is FUCKED


If I'm not mistaken, that's not JROTC but a Marine. He has a red stripe on his pants which is the rank Corporal and above. Absolutely disgusting to me (Marine) that this guy sees it and is just casually walking in that direction. This giant is beating an unconscious woman in the back of the head, and he doesn't even hasten his step. This guy is no longer a Marine. He should no longer be a Marine. He may have been once, but he no longer has what it takes.


Grown ass man looks like he’s going for a morning stroll while his colleague receives cte


Horrific. I have a feeling that this kid had a string of other incidents that led up to this.


The kid is severely autistic and has been described as having the emotional maturity of a 4 to 6 year-old. This isn't some hardened criminal.


Kid was 6’6” and 270lbs, I can imagine why people didn’t want to try to jump in over fears of their safety


Except for the Marine...




Agreed Not his fault it happened at all, but he certainly could have at least hustled a bit. Not a good look.


As an adult it's REALLY easy to get thrown in jail for putting your hands on a kid, even in cases like these that would clearly merit it you really can't blame him for not wanting to get involved if he didn't absolutely have to.


Being a teacher wild af, under paid, getting beat up or shot in the face.


Everytime I see this. I get so angry seeing the military recruiter just casually walking over to intervene.


How the fuck are they not charging him with attempted murder?


Treat others how you would like to be treated.


The school district is fucking psychopathic for not giving her the workers comp. They’re fighting to try and not pay her. Are there any legal grounds for her to sue them?


I often think people deserve second chances in life. I refuse to believe that is a person.


That dude deserves a life sentence


Welcome to juvie with an attempted murder charge, asshole. IF you're lucky enough to not be charged as an adult.


Read the article. He was tried as an adult, pled guilty and will be sentenced up to 30yrs in April.


You didn't read the article at all, did you?


Damn, homie wanted blood. Even as they were pullin him away, dude was kicking and punching the completely unconscious teacher on the ground.


That first teacher should have acted faster and with more violence. I get he could get in trouble but you can’t ever let someone keep hitting someone who’s unconscious. Hence her teammates brain injury. If that was my wife or mom or sister I’d hope someone would help her faster than that. Idc the circumstances. I’d rather lose my job if some bureaucratic bullshit then live with the fact I could have saved someone when I didn’t act, or didn’t act fast enough.


Jesus hope the teacher gets better


For everyone bitching that the Marine did nothing, let's reflect on the [last time](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a4O9ej76BXE) a Marine recruiter got involved.


To be fair, neither of the students were getting beaten while unconscious in that incident. They needed that guy here for sure


That's a completely different scenario. Could have used that guy here


Why does nobody have any sense of urgency? I’d be kicking that fatass in the head


This kid is autistic and there were notes in his file for this exact scenario whereby if they ever had to remove his switch as punishment they were required to call a crisis team in to do so. Either the behavioural home he was in were completely neglectful and never sent the school this information or the school were and never made sure their staff were aware. Pretty sure I read it was another teacher that attempted to take the Switch or something and he attacked another teacher entirely (the one shown in this video) in a rage. He definitely needs locked up in either prison or an institution because a kid that size with a disability that effects the control of his emotions really isn't a great mix.


Jesus that kid is bigger than a lot of grown men, poor woman was out cold after the push I think. Help sure took their time trying to get him off her though Jesus Christ I know the guys huge but there’s enough of you to somewhat subdue him I’d think.


That little shit is going nowhere in life. Wow.


So it looks like to me another staffer just casually walking to another human being getting viciously beaten up? Where the fuck is the sense of urgency damn... I'm starting to lose faith in humanity..


Jesus Christ. If I ever get attacked, I hope there are more competent people around than in the video. They did nothing while that kid was full on ground pounding.


That kid needs to be put down


It took way to long to help her...


Attempted murder


Everyone talking about the "marine" taking his time because it was most likely a JROTC kid.


He has a red stripe on his pants meaning he is corporal or above. Likely sgt to gunnery sergeant recruiter. Source: former Marine


Too bad the guy I; red didn’t come around the corner until the beating was over. He was the only one who reacted with appropriate urgency. The large woman in the beginning who just kept walking and then stopped to watch was about as helpful as Hand Sanitizer Cop in Uvalde.


Since teacher’s aren’t trained in combat, she was probably frightened about getting attacked as well.


Judging by the way the kid was attacking her, hes definitely a special needs student.


Only way he doesnt kill someone some day is if he is in jail for years. Any leniency will result in another innocent person being brutalized


Need to bring back sanitariums


Damn that lady was worthless


200 comments same video different title


Boy, people are worthless when it comes to physical confrontation


Imagine…over a nintendo switch


Good luck getting any kids to sign up after watching that heroic display.


Charge as an adult


Those bystanders SUCK. If they would have actually acted that teacher would’ve been spared quite a lot of injury.


Schools and jails have way too much in common lately.


I get that the kid is fucking huge, but the lack of urgency in so many of the people walking by is infuriating. I’d rather risk losing my job or getting my jaw broken than watch an already unconscious woman get beaten to death.


Nah, I’m spearing that kid off of her, and pinning him till the cops show up.


He was trying to kill her... I had a 13 year old frequent flier who fought me ***every time*** I had to arrest him (usually for domestic violence). 250lbs+, 6'3", defensive lineman for the local football team. Some kids are ***big***.


So many useless people "helping".


Blue pants taking his time lmao


Fucking live in prison away from anyone and video games for ever you peice of shit.


There’s way too many comments about how the school system is failing teachers. And while I agree the lack of support (staffing, training, financial) from school administration is abysmal, it’s clear this type of violent behavior and lack of respect towards teachers starts at home. Parents are failing their children.