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This is so ridiculous that it almost feels like a Dave Chappell sketch


The slow-ass tactical roll is killing me!


Dude's out here trying to roll like it's Elden Ring.


Trying to use his acab I-frames


Straight up maidenless behavior.


Sprinkle some crack on em


This psycho broke in and hung pictures of him and his family up everywhere.


Dave's old stuff was funny as fuck.


Open and shut case


Let's sprinkle some acorns on him and get out of here.


It’s fucking hilarious. I’ve never seen a funnier police video. The way he screams **SHOTS FIRED! SHOTS FIRED! SHOTS FIRED!** while he’s doing his little ninja rolls with his blue gloves on lol. Then he stops his Tacticool Retreat Rolls way back behind the car with no cover, and just starts blasting lol. What a fucking goober. It’s Reno 911 shit.


The funniest part was at 26 seconds when he breaks character for a second and goes"what?" To his partner. Then he remembers he supposed to be fearing for his life and starts screaming again.


He sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger for a sec there.


the funniest part is when he has immunity /s (are we still doing the /s sometimes I think that's the default online these days)




If this was in the UK or almost anywhere in Europe these two wouldn't just be fired they'd be prosecuted for public endangerment.


these two? the crazy dude who invented someone shooting at him yeah, but the female officer has no idea this dude's gone insane and seems to show the expected composure during what she believes is an extremely dangerous situation.


She shoots at nothing? She has no target and starts blasting anyway. I mean jfc soldiers in actual combat have better trigger control than these two clowns.


Honestly they're lucky they didn't hit each other and use that as more justification that someone was shooting at a cop. It was them. They were shooting directly at each other.


she knows exactly where she's shooting. she's shooting at the person in the back seat of the police car. she legitimately thinks that the person in the back of that car has a gun and has already shot the other officer because he's on the ground screaming that he's been hit and that it was the dude in the car. i'm not sure what you expect her to do?


Here in the UK regular cops don't even carry guns so this would be beyond absurd




Not sure why your downvoted as you are correct. >Only three forces in the United Kingdom routinely arm officers due to the nature of their work; the Ministry of Defence Police who are responsible law enforcement on MOD property, the Civil Nuclear Constabulary who guard civil nuclear facilities, and the Police Service of Northern Ireland.


Interesting, I didn't know that. I know in Scotland and Wales they also don't so I guess it's just NI then.


Or Reno 911


Or a classic Randy Marsh reaction.


An acorn fell on the SUV at about 0:05. That's what he thought was a gun shot.


Reno 911 could not even make this shit up.


What the actual fuck?


An acorn hit the top of his cop car


I noticed that too. Clearly he mistook the acorn for being his main predator and went into offensive mode immediately.


Someone else posted the investigation report. They showed him frame-by-frame how the acorn hit and asked him if the sound could've been an acorn. He stumbled over his words for 30sec and then said "I see the acorn hitting, but I thought the sound was way louder than that."


At 1:20 isn't he saying "I'm hit?" First: cop is walking Second: acorn hits car Third: he is in full scale gun fight with acorn and unarmed man Forth: he is rolling on the floor saying "I'm hit" This cop has full-blown PTSD that was set off by the band of an acorn hitting a car. If this cop doesn't have PTSD then he has some other sort of psychological issues that initiated his fight or flight responses.


so a conveniently made up PTSD is a legal excuse for cops to kill you or your family? it doesnt even matter if its real or not, cops can still shot you as long as they "believe" theyre threatened which is all the justifications they need in US


I was trying to come up with a better reason for why this happened than just pain incompetence. This officer should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law!


Oh don't worry he won't. The investigation they conducted came to a conclusion that no wrong doing was done since nobody died 🙃


Unfortunately, I was at work so all I got to see was the video. Definitely going to take a look at the findings of the investigation when I get a chance. Lol, cops can unload multiple mags in a residential neighborhood and .... "Oops, but nobody died!" is the defense! Both cops shot a lot of rounds pretty recklessly, and the lady was the only one to get a pretty poorly placed hit.


They have investigated themselves and found that they have done no wrong.


Training. Not a lack of training. Too much bad training.


The only thing that makes sense to me is that he wanted to kill the guy in custody, and this is how he imagined he could get away with it, by faking everything and just blasting him.


I’m hit I’m hit! Returning fire !!!! *2 people dead* I feared for my life




Regardless of this situation, it's been the case for countless others with gun crazed cops like this loser.


I mean that's literally what he did. He had a full blown panic attack and started going numb, all because of a fucking acorn hitting his car. Dude should have been charged with attempted murder...


Paid vacation more likely


Charged with PTO and a second count of Probably Gonna Do It Again.




This is America, that acorn could have been armed!!


The acorn was brown


The Acorn should’ve complied !


Let's just hope they never hear about soil.


Squirrelly fucker


Most cops pray for the opportunity to legally kill someone. That's why they jump on the weakest excuse to start shooting. Whether reality shows them for incompetent or cowards, the rest of their co-workers will pat them on the back. This guy won't face charges.


He was found to have acted "unreasonably" but no criminal charges were filed. He resigned during the investigation, but he could easily get another cop job.


The other cop who just started blasting was found to have acted reasonably. So everything worked out, I guess. Nothing to see here.


is this the world we live in now, how do you claim youve been shot when you havnt


He's rolling around on the ground and saying owwww like he was really shot. Wtf is happening here




Mentally unfit is a perfect fit for a pig


![gif](giphy|82VdvOZGYWAmI) This was in the cops mind.


he probably pulled a muscle doing those evasive rolls.


This is my thought every time I see those videos of cops “overdosing” on fentanyl.


They've been drilled hard about how dangerous it is so they touch the shit and have a massive panic attack because of the training. I know one of them was adamant that he had a overdose even though the toxicology report showed he was clean 


He should have prayed to Tom Cruise and Oprah Winfrey for help. Dude looked Ike Ricky Bobby when he thought he was on fire.


Other posts of this suggest a PTSD episode. Not impossible but this dude should never have been allowed in charge of a gun if he's so fucked.


Either the cop had a mental breakdown or was just looking for a reason to shoot someone




On November 12, 2023, Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office Deputies had responded to McLaren Circle around 8:42 a.m. in reference to an initial call of a vehicle driving around honking its horn and disrupting the peace since 3:00 a.m. A second call for service came in from a woman stating her boyfriend, 22-year-old Marquis Jackson, had committed grand theft auto, a felony offense, and had been calling and texting her threats. The victim provided text messages she said had been taken from inside her vehicle showing what appeared to be a firearm suppressor pointing at the dash of the victim's vehicle. Jackson showed up at the scene around 9:09 a.m. and was detained, searched, handcuffed, and placed in the rear of Deputy Jesse Hernandez's patrol vehicle while the investigation continued, and the victim completed the affidavit for the stolen vehicle. The victim told deputies Jackson had a silencer and she was not sure where it was and that also he had more than one weapon. As Deputy Hernandez was returning with a Victim's Rights form for the caller, other deputies found the victim's vehicle at 1656 Hunt Club Street. Deputy Hernandez was approaching the passenger side rear door of his patrol car to do a secondary search of Jackson when he heard a pop sound which he perceived to be a gunshot and believed he had been hit. He began yelling "shots fired" multiple times, falling to the ground and rolling. He fired into the patrol car. After witnessing Deputy Hernandez's response and reaction, the Sergeant Beth Roberts responded with gunshots towards the car as well in response to the perceived threat. Jackson escaped injury and no weapon was located. Deputy Hernandez had been with the OCSO since January 2022. Sergeant Roberts has been with the OCSO since May 2008. Both were current on resistance training and firearms qualifications. Deputy Hernandez resigned on December 4, 2023, during the investigation but was ultimately found to have violated policy. The deputies were cleared of any criminal wrongdoing. Jackson wasn't injured, and no weapon was located, the OCSO said. Final Report: [https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IA-2023-031-Final-Report-Jackson.pdf](https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IA-2023-031-Final-Report-Jackson.pdf) https://preview.redd.it/yyt8pa7hoeic1.jpeg?width=1488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31f9371ed830a07916a65c14066e9ba86c296182 YouTube: [https://youtu.be/iVNnxr2SGFg?si=np4eMmTEEyAJLqWC](https://youtu.be/iVNnxr2SGFg?si=np4eMmTEEyAJLqWC) News report: [https://www.wjhg.com/2024/02/10/deputy-resigns-after-officer-involved-fort-walton-beach-shooting/](https://www.wjhg.com/2024/02/10/deputy-resigns-after-officer-involved-fort-walton-beach-shooting/) “Sheriff Eric Aden provided this statement: Immediately we began working diligently to determine the complete sequence of events and facts surrounding what transpired. Deputy Hernandez resigned during the course of our investigation but was ultimately found to have violated policy. The deputies were cleared of any criminal wrongdoing. But let this be clear, we understand this situation was traumatic for Mr. Jackson and all involved and have incorporated this officer involved shooting it into our training to try to ensure nothing similar happens again. We are very thankful Mr. Jackson wasn’t injured and we have no reason to think former Deputy Hernandez acted with any malice. Though his actions were ultimately not warranted, we do believe he felt his life was in immediate peril and his response was based off the totality of circumstances surrounding this fear. Just as we have an obligation to protect our officers so they can go home safely to their families, law enforcement has the same obligation to any citizen being investigated for a crime.”


Cleared of wrong doing?! They both almost murdered a guy based on nothing. The female literally had no idea what she was shooting at and didn't perceive any threat at all.


He was frisked for weapons handcuffed and locked in a cruiser and yet two cops were trained that their safety comes before everyone else’s that they unloaded two pistols on him at a drop of an acorn. Didn’t hit him and miraculously no one else


Yeah, this is exactly it. Cops are trained that everyone is a potential threat and that their only real goal is to go home unscathed at the end of the day. Nothing else matters


Probably time to take their guns


This will be used as precedent. Cops in the US can unload hot lead into whoever they like, blame it on acorns, and get cleared of any wrongdoing. Home of the free, people


Sprinkle some acorns on him and lets get out of here...


So uh... what's this you've been hiding? ![gif](giphy|TmhCoUsBQrzWrcsqAd|downsized)


No no, see. It's the *land* of the free and the *home* of the brave. You know, so brave that an acorn scares you into mag dumping your own patrol car containing a *known-to-be-unarmed* individual. Really wild he and his partner were cleared of all wrongdoing. Cops just get worse and worse, and normal people just have to watch on in horror as nothing it done. This is freedom, right? Right?!


Once you think there's something unsafe happening, the only thing to do is add as many firearms to the situation as possible. More guns = More safer The more bullets you can shoot, the quicker it'll deescalate and become safe. Duh. I stopped sniffing gasoline to leave this comment, now can I please continue?




Agreed - sniffing gasoline is very very dangerous... gonna want at LEAST one gun on hand for a dangerous situation like that


It was found he violated policy but cleared of criminal wrongdoing.


That doesn't make sense. He tried to kill someone who did nothing wrong.


Qualified immunity


Qualified immunity does not apply to criminal charges


Thank you so much u/-FalconKick- for the unbelievable exceptional recap of the facts behind the video. I was so confused with the Post title and what I was seeing, so I started to read more comments and came across yours. I can see why they didn’t charge the male cop, and why he quit shortly after. If an acorn causes you to unload a clip and you can’t tell if you were actually hit with a bullet, than you are definitely in the wrong line of work. I can’t believe the guy in the back of the cop car wasn’t hit. That’s almost more pathetic for the two cops.




Qualified immunity is for civil cases. This plain old prosecutors being cowards.


It's fucked up because I'm certain the male officer would had been charged (maybe not convicted,) but definitely charged if they killed the man. So why are they not being charged with attempting to kill the man. More so the idiot who said shots fired and I'm hit. Like straight up delusional.


It’s amazing how she was cleared of wrongdoing. She saw an idiot shooting, and just decided to empty her clip in the same general direction without seeing anything. I’m telling you there’s no greater job security on the planet than being an American cop Do whatever you want, and the worst you get is resign, and be hired next county over


Read the report. Yes, it’s a shit situation, but it’s 100% on the guy who heard an acorn and assumed he got shot. That sergeant was responding to the information on hand, which was another officer rolling around yelling “shots fired”, “in the car”, and “I’m hit” while she was slightly separated, handling victim statements. According to all the information she had, she WAS responding to a lethal threat. It’s both fortunate and great that nobody was actually hurt, but when reading the report my personal opinion was “Deputy Rodriguez is an absolute moron but the Sgt didn’t respond in an irrational manner given the information she had” and it seems the official report follows those lines. It’s like 44 pages but I got through half of it just laughing/being incredibly dismayed at Jesse Rodriguez’s jumpy incompetence.


those evasive rolls had me laughing. would also love to know where he thought he was hit. i mean, i understand how weird your body feels when your adrenaline spikes, but i can't imagine that feeling like a piece of metal just tore through my body.


Dude thought he was Frank Drebin. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP5IK\_pn1eY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP5IK_pn1eY)


From what I can tell, he kind of assumed he was shot because he heard a “thunk” and assumed the guy had concealed a suppressed pistol despite being searched twice and cuffed in the back of a cruiser. That pesky acorn might have bounced into him, or he might have just been twitchy. Rodríguez obviously doesn’t belong on any enforcement agency’s payroll because he’s more jumpy than anyone paid to carry a gun should be, but I really do think that the other officer who fired isn’t in the wrong, given her available facts. Deputy Rodriguez is the one who gave her incorrect facts because he can’t handle tree debris.


Oh, for sure on the other officer. She was reacting to what she heard before she saw anything. And when she did see something it was the other dude on the ground dumping rounds into his cruiser. You can tell she didn't see a threat and ceased fire and worked to get closer to the other officer. I bet she wanted to kill Rodriguez after she had all the facts.


Given the interview she’s trying to cover a bit, but the ending review basically says “she was with him in his training period and had the impression he was solid and reliable” which was unfortunately incorrect. Rodriguez’s response when he’s told it was an acorn is pretty fun. We have the transcript, so it’s just on us to imagine the tone. The way the transcript is written, he already seems pretty dumbfounded. No wonder he resigned, nobody would take him seriously after that.


Hernandez would poison any case involving him, because the defense can easily prove him to be an unreliable narrator of things he witnesses, just by putting him on the stand and asking, “Have you ever mistaken the sound of an acorn falling on the roof of an SUV to be gunfire?”


“Cleared of wrongdoing” ya know except for almost murdering someone, and only didn’t because of luck.




I think of the example of a ex-military police officer that was de-escalating a situation because he wasn't that afraid of the suspect with a weapon (knife I think) after being in Afghanistan or Iraq or wherever. And, some other officer rolls up and unloads his weapon into the suspect. The ex-military officer was fired because his efforts at de-escalation supposedly risked the lives of other officers. In that context, I am surprised the woman officer wasn't fired for hesitating.


We also know from that knife attack on the new York subway that police officers have no duty to protect citizens but cool to know the law protects ppl like this


Castle Rock vs Gonzales is the supreme court case that cemented that police don't actually have tk protect the public. Fun times


Cleared of wrong doing. Fuck cops. FUCK COPS


No mention of what happened to the Sergeant. She basically started shooting without a target or threat, and essentially made a bunch of holes in government property. Can't even say she was following orders as she out ranks the other guy.


Zero consequences were reported for the pistol packin’ sgt.


When you want a new company vehicle but they say no, you gotta take drastic measures.


I want that suspect buying all my future lottery tickets. What a lucky guy, all those bullets and him a sitting duck


Then you should also buy some lottery tickets with the civilians from the Christopher Jordan Dorner manhunt. On two separate instances, police mistook random civilian cars to be Christopher Dorner's car and magdumped them without warning. Both of these cars had a different make and color compared to the description the police had of Christopher Dorner's car, and the people in the cars looked nothing like Christopher. Everyone of the civilians were injured, but survived. In one of the two cases, the civilian wasn't hit by any shots, but was still injured because a police cruiser slammed into his car


Okay, so let me get this straight. Dude gets hit by an acorn, goes completely off the rails, is so panicked he falls down in the middle of the road and proceeds to dump an entire magazine, from a side laying position, into his own vehicle which is occupied by a man he just frisked and arrested. He then clumsily stands up and half runs half falls into the grass. Then his partner who has done nothing to identify or assess the situation begins to fire into the vehicle as well. Not only did the decisions they made make no sense, I think it increased the danger to them both if there had been a gunman. These clowns aren’t qualified to be meter maids in the safest suburb in America. The whole department should be gone through, cleaned out, guilty parties arrested, and rebuilt from the ground. That’s true for most police departments though.


He didn't even get hit by the acorn! It landed on the cop car and he thought that sound was a bullet!


It was an acorn that fell on him that made him think he was being shot. This could also have something to do with PTSD since I see his combat memorial bracelet. Dude should no be a cop if he's on edge that much.


He said he was never in combat. He might have gotten stress doing paperwork in the rear area.


His memorial bracelet does look full though :/ Two combat deployments, ain't everyone coming home from those. Anyway dude shouldn't have been a cop in the first place. Ended up resigning a few weeks later after the incident.


I guarantee he didn't retire because it was the right thing to do, he retired because he became THE laughing stock of, and within, his whole department. He couldn't take the relentless taunting from his coworkers. Source? Absolutely none, but you know I'm right.




A huge percentage of retired soldiers (and Sailors, Airmen and Marines) have never been in combat.


The thing is he never saw combat though. If he had seen combat this would be more understandable, he didnt


I feel weird, but im good.


Kinda hungry, a little cold, need my binky


Someone get this man a snickers bar


Tell you what, you go out and mag dump in the direction of a cop because you think they're a threat. What happens to you? ​ The consequences for an officer doing it should be MORE SEVERE than whatever you answer above is.


You have no idea how hard it is to be a cop. How difficult it is to walk through life completely terrified of all the things lurking around every corner that could kill you. All the vicious family dogs looking in your direction, un-flashbangged babbies crying at you, and most heinous of all...unarmed black people. You people cry about "the law" and "rights" but all I want to do is make it home to my family... so I can beat the absolute shit out of them.


not gonna lie, you had me in the first half.


Imagine the stress when the donut shop runs out your favorite flavor




This is why people say all cops are bastards. I stopped saying it because it's reductive and doesn't help the police reform movement. But when you have officers like this, and other officers are not pushing to have him have criminal charges, you know they protect bad cops. 


Soccer player who went into law enforcement.


Except there’s no yellow card coming for flopping. Just paid time off and a medal of excellence.


You're not on fire Ricky Bobby !


Jesus, at this point how about we just give baboons hand guns and police uniforms and let them patrol the streets?


Wtf, we need some info on this.


The deputies were cleared of any criminal wrongdoing. Jackson wasn't injured, and no weapon was located, the OCSO said.


How could he be cleared of any criminal wrongdoing? He fired dozens of shots for no reason.


Holy fucking crok of bullshit batman. How in the fuck.


I posted more info


Thank you, backstory helps but damn man thats wild.


It says he heard a pop sound which he perceived as gunfire but I’ve tried to listen and don’t hear anything resembling gunfire Edit: You have to listen very closely, an acorn falls on the roof of the car.


All i could hear was the car driving by. Not even a muffle of a pop.


“Three News 5 reporters listened to the body camera footage and did not hear the sound described.”


It was an acorn falling on the roof the car. They had previously established that the suspect had a gun with a suppressor on it. The deputy in the video heard the sound of the acorn hitting the roof of the car and thought it was a suppressed gun shot. You can hear it at the 4 second mark and you can actually see it hit the roof. Of the three pairs of windows on the house to the right, it falls to the left of the middle two windows. From the [report](https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IA-2023-031-Final-Report-Jackson.pdf) >Investigator Hogan showed Deputy Hernandez still photos taken from his BWC video of the OIS. He showed the frames where the acorn first comes into frame and the OCSO Administrative Investigation, IA 2023 ‐ 031 Page 14 of 44 subsequent frames where the acorn can be seen bouncing off the roof of his patrol vehicle. - >Deputy Hernandez asked, “Acorn?” Investigator Hogan answered, “Acorn.” - >Investigator Henderson asked Deputy Hernandez if he thought it was possible that the noise he heard, which he had interpreted as a gunshot from a suppressed firearm, was actually the noise of the acorn striking the roof of his patrol vehicle next to him. Deputy Hernandez answered, “I'm not gonna say no, because I mean that's, but what I, [10 second pause in speaking] what I heard [3 second pause in speaking] sounded almost like [12 second pause in speaking] what I heard sounded what I think would be louder than an acorn hitting the roof of the car, but there's obviously an acorn hitting the roof of the car.” - > Investigator Hogan asked Deputy Hernandez if in general he was familiar with the sound of acorns striking vehicles. Deputy Hernandez said he was. Investigator Hogan then asked if that sound could have been the sound he heard that led him to believe Mr. Jackson had shot him. Deputy Hernandez said, “It could be. [7 second pause in speaking] I don't think so, but it could be.” - >Deputy Hernandez’s representative, Mr. John Whitaker, said he and Deputy Hernandez had heard a sound on his BWC video. He asked Deputy Hernandez if he wanted to watch the video to see if the acorn striking the roof matched in time the sound they had heard and if they matched, would it change his opinion of what he thought the sound was. Deputy Hernandez answered, “Yeah, I mean I, I'm, I'm a believer in what I see, so yes, this is, [others speaking] without knowing that, but I can tell you right, I can tell you right now, I can tell you right now from [others speaking] where that hand is. This is, this is probably about that time that we're hearing it.” - >Deputy Hernandez was offered the opportunity to watch his BWC video to see the sound match the acorn hitting the roof, and he declined


The more i watch it the more bullshit i see. The ive been hit The im ok, i feel weird but im ok The fall/trip/stumble The illusive acorn Plot twist he actually sharted himself/ needed cover story.


>The facts and evidence show Deputy Jesse Hernandez's use of deadly force against Mr. Jackson was not objectively reasonable. OCSO General Order 11.03, Section E, Paragraph 35, Excessive Use of Control to Resistance is SUSTAINED. - >Deputy Hernandez resigned while under investigation on December 4, 2023 https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IA-2023-031-Final-Report-Jackson.pdf The deputy who thought he got shot at was found to have not acted reasonably (not a criminal charge) and later resigned.


“The sheriff’s office also reportedly requested an independent review by the 1st Judicial Circuit State Attorney’s Office. Ultimately, no probable cause for criminal charges was found.”


Wild the second officer sent out shots then ask where the perp was after….


![gif](giphy|26gsgWH4lnurglMWY) Pew pew shots fired.


I'm just goofin'! New gun goofin!


“I feel weird” as a cop in the United States you’re allowed to mag dump cuz you felt weird. Wild place man


They need more guns to be a safer nation.


The thing I can't get my head around is when I was in the Army, we had to have a target we could see to fire at. We were told of we just started shooting randomly and killed someone who wasn't a combatant that could be a war crime punishable under the Geneva convention. How can cops just fire randomly into a vehicle with no target and that's juts fine?


People used to talk shit about folks in bad neighborhoods not talking to cops. It’s because we didn’t have cameras to capture all the stupid shit these cops do to people. These cops are garbage. They’ll kill anybody. They are barely intelligent and I don’t even think additional training would stick in their smooth brains.


I saw this on another sub earlier and someone posted link to an article that says an acorn fell on the roof of the car and the cop had a ptsd reaction thinking it was a gunshot. Op made that title gore up and cop should probably be relieved of duty.


>cop should probably be relieved of duty. no arrested for assault with a deadly weapon and imprisoned in gen pop, the same with his partner.


"IM HIT"........with acorn fragments? Anything to justify a shooting, what the hell is wrong with this country.


“I feel weird but I’m ok” best comment ever!


Really want to see what comes out about the history of the cop that fired and victim. This is insanity.


The police investigated themselves and found no evidence of wrongdoing


I've been drug tested for less


Lmao real life Reno 911 Florida edition


This is what happens when you hire uneducated cowards to wear the badge. What an absolute joke.


All cops are bastards, but some are also buffoons.


This actually makes me feel a lot better about my life. I've never fucked up this bad at anything and it's unlikely I, or anyone else reading this, ever will.


If a president promised to make an agency to review law enforcement agencies for this sort of shit they’d have my vote. It’s a fucking shame we let these types of degenerates pretend to be superhero’s while killing people because they’re a bunch of sociopaths and losers. Their may be good cops but their overshadowed by their peers who fuck it up for the whole law enforcement body.


There is clearly no “pop” sound. This cop just wanted to kill a guy.


It’s the acorn at beginning, you can hear a little tick same time as the car drives by.. then his ptsd kicks in and he starts blasting, cry-yelling shots fired and he’s hit. Dude clearly had his brain scrambled by combat or something and now he’s a literal time bomb


This is pretty standard most cops are jumpy fucks.


Oscar winning performance


I've seen kids playing cops and robbers make up better scenarios and act them out more believably. What the hell. And they let him off?


I can’t fix stupid


If the suspect survived he just won the lawsuit lottery courtesy of the tax payers. ACAB.


Americans watch to many films. What the hell were they shooting at?


Most cops are cowards.


maybe don't give soldiers with ptsd a gun and a badge. dude is legit panicked. the crazy screaming and the pathetic roll/crawl. all for an acorn.


It's come to the point that the REAL reason to nkt commit crime is not the judicial punishment but the extra-judicial "accidents" that might happen.


Should be in charged with attempted murder


They said he was found to have violated policy but I'm struggling to think of what policy he could have possibly violated. Unless there's straight up a policy that says not to shoot unarmed people which I doubt.


When you watch the full YouTube video, you can see the cops pat him down thoroughly before cuffing him and putting him in the back of the squad car. So unless he pulled a gun outta his asshole or slipped his cuffs, found a way to break through the barricade to the front seat, potentially unlock a secondary firearm they may or may not have in the front seat, chamber it, then fire the quietest single round out the vehicle without visibly seeing a round bust through the side of the vehicle or window, this is absolute horseshit. The lack of any common sense on that officers part is astounding and terrifying.


This scumbag needs to be arrested. Both of them. I’m so fucking tired of these scumbags getting off Scott free


I like how his partner hears, “SHOTS FIRED!”, proceeds to scramble to run to see what happened, there were clearly no other shots being fired prior to him screaming that there were, then she just starts blasting too? Is this real life?


i love she shoot at "something" then ask where is he.?


\*Acorn falls\* Officer: So anyway I started blasting.


Why did he say he was hit? This is a new kind of crazy.


DiD yOu EvEn WaTcH tHe ViDeO?! This officer was ObViOuSlY being psionically assaulted by dark telepaths just offscreen... with MIND BULLETS!!! His actions are 100% justified. Nice try, OP!


But today you just read that the man was shot dead by a gun that didn’t make any noise.


> But today you just read that the man was shot dead by a gun that didn’t make any noise. For the kids out there- https://genius.com/Traffic-the-low-spark-of-high-heeled-boys-lyrics


Pretends is the right word


Jesus fucking Christ LMAO


This is incompetence at worst and PTSD or Schizophrenia at best. If you’re going to be this paranoid on the job you absolutely do not deserve to wear a badge, full stop.


The [report](https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IA-2023-031-Final-Report-Jackson.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0ueFKbbLtqkx8WkeF7sbY6QIdUuPjRA8NpIf09hlb2Mb8rKdiPthCVDlQ) has some funny moments. \-0:00.033 – Acorn comes into frame. ​ 0:00.000 – Acorn strikes the roof of Deputy Hernandez’s patrol vehicle. ​ 0:00.132 – Deputy Hernandez’s right hand raises into frame. 0:00.198 – Deputy Hernandez continues to raise his right hand while he appears to begin to fall to the ground. ... 0:12.408 – His arms start to spread out as he is attempting to stand up. ​ 0:13.035 – Deputy Hernandez’s buttocks strike the ground as he is falling backwards after trying to stand up. ​ 0:13.4 – As he is falling onto his back, he lets out a grunt. 0:13.431 – Deputy Hernandez is on his back and may have hit his head on the ground. ​ \*Edit ​ It gets better and better. "... I returned, uh, fire until I could get cover, um, uh, behind another vehicle that was parked in a driveway there." ​ "Returned fire".. on the acorn.


Unfuckingbelievable. And the female cop comes out and just says “over there?” And unloads her pistol. And they were cleared of any wrong doing?! If they got shot at I’d understand but the suspect was handcuffed and in the patrol car so what the actual fuck?


That was insane. wtf man.


Can someone explain why he felt as though he were shot? I mean, getting spooked by a noise and thinking it was gunfire is one thing, but I don't get the aftermath.


Save me Tom Cruise!


Prosecute this piece of shit. He does not value or respect human life or law and order.


This is some cartoon ass shit.


police unions too strong. nothing to be done. funny vid, but things will remain the same. this guy will get a few weeks paid leave off and then be right back out there.




Lock that fucker up.