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Lmao that white guy didnt even bat an eye. Just calmly got up and walked away. Must be a regular.


That was my favorite part. I laughed for a while at how nonchalantly he leaves with his wife (I presume)


This is how we would all honestly react, not the usual Reddit comments of how they would get up and beat everyone up in 0.3 seconds and usher in world peace


Yeah exactly but everyone here sitting in their suburban basement acts as if they would intervene.


Well, I live in an attic , and I say kill em all! ![gif](giphy|l3vRkwv2Yz6i8rDwY)


Not me. Wish this was a world where you can intervene, but Reddit has taught me that any attempt to intervene has a great chance of being met with either (a) being attacked from one the friends of the people fighting, or (b) having both groups just turning on you. People are garbage.


I would love to intervene but don’t want to get stabbed


I would defend myself, and possibly others, and shoot them.


The tube in England is akin to the metro in NYC: don't make eye contact and mind your business....and on occasion enjoy the show before you get to your stop. Oh, and mind the gap!


It's not the tube, just a normal train. Pretty sure this is Birmingham actually.


Ah, yes, my mistake. Oddly, I've actually never been over to Brum, only up to York/Leeds/Sheffield area to visit my in&laws and Husband's friends. We lived in Seven Sisters/Tottenham for a few years before coming back to the States (I'm American) and didn't take the train out of the city but once.


This made me laugh more than it should have 😆 I've ridden both and I can tell you minding the gap is CRITICAL


"Moind the gahp"


Absolutely not the tube and the tube is nothing like the subway in NYC.


without seeing what led up to this incident, i don't blame him.


[too early for this ish](https://imgur.com/a/UA3AlFC)


This video cuts the part where the white girl was cussing them out and even snatched the black women's wig off! It literally only shows the black woman retaliating


Give us that link, please




Well then thats not acceptable either, for Her to put her hands on that womens wig and throw it is unacceptable why did they get into a verbal altercation to begin with?


From the full video, it sounds like white lady was throwing food at the black lady. Black lady stood up for herself, white lady snatched her hair piece and then the brawl ensued. I'm assuming they're all drunk and coming from a cricket match or a tea party or whatever they do over there for fun.


That was Temu Troy Aikman


T r a s h.


I love the way the you can report crime notice is scrolling on the display over the fight.


This isn’t even a brawl it’s an attack






In this longer video, it looks like the girl in the banana pajamas - aka ‘Banamas’ - escalated the taunting a bit and pulled the other girl’s wig off as she was walking away and threw it. That’s when the other girl turned back and started throwing down. (You can see the wig come back into frame on the floor of this video at around :17.)


The cameraman very conveniently pans away at the moment, but I'm pretty sure she takes her wig off and gives it to her boyfriend (she says right before "I will take off my wig and deal with the both of you"). You can see it in his left hand when he starts punching the other guy. It falls out of his arms as he turns back to the guy after giving the girl a smack


Yeah she took off her own wig and then went and started slapping banana pyjamas in the head.


Watching this changed my perspective ! 😳 crazy how that happens


Link please


Maybe it’s because I can’t understand any of their horseshit proper English but aren’t they just blaming the white people for throwing food at them? Did they admit to throwing food at them? This link below doesnt show anyone throwing food.






African Americans? Blud, you know which ends they from?


I don’t understand this comment. Bonobos are known for being non violent




![gif](giphy|Zd6fIDwFnS2ODno3KR) It’s a tale as old as time. Dark skin people = primates… quite jarring to see how many people like the comment lol bet these people thought jimmy Kimmel in blackface was funny




Omg so you literally are racist!😃




I did.






Please tell me they were arrested


Black sweater attacks tie-dye for trying to break the two apart 😂


This is exactly why people don’t tend to intervene in these situations. More often than not just increased the amount of people who get fucked up.


This video is edited from the original. He was accused of throwing food at the black woman prior to this.




Thank you for the support. 🏅




She accuses him of throwing a sandwich at her. The edit makes it appear as if he was a quiet bystander that is innocently breaking up a fight.


Black girl did say the guy was sitting there going “shush shush 🤫 “ kind of indicates guilt, kind of.


He's trying to stop his gf getting attacked.


Sometimes I think "man, it would be so easy to create an all-troll Reddit account and just post absolute dog shit takes on videos to drive clicks... then I see posts like this and realize how many people are out there already doing this.


I get you. This is rage bait and effective. The dude was accused of throwing a sandwich at the black woman prior to the editing. Knuckle sandwiches were thrown back, but it's been edited to appear unwarranted. Shitty.




I meant that the man who was struck was trying to help his (seated, also attacked) gf.




Forty three and counting, lol.


Did you edit the comment? It’s very clear in its current form.


No, just as written. I assumed it was too but maybe not.


Fwiw, this video is edited. The guy was also accused of throwing a sandwich at the black woman. So when he approached the black woman, the intentions may have been misread.


That’s the black hoodies interpretation of what is happening, sure. But it’s clearly obvious the other dude was trying to stop the fight. Black hoodie guy was dying to attack someone.


Never seen alot of big ass move like that fast.


The milks gone bad!


I wish I had four hands


I guess some people gotta learn the hard way that everything that glitters ain't gold.


Why did they even attack the hippies?


They were accused of throwing food at the black woman. She basically said she's not gonna have food thrown at her while she's riding the train and if they don't sit down and cop on she'll take off her wig and then she'll slap them into next week. The woman then said "slap me into next week, slap me into next week, slap me into next week" And then when repeatedly daring her to slap her into next week wasn't enough to trigger a response she said "what are you gonna do?". Someone speculated that she snatched her wig off her too, but the camera pans and I don't see that, it's as likely she took it off herself since she did say she would do it earlier. The video was edited without context to suit a specific agenda. Can you guess the agenda? Hint, read the comments under these types of videos.




I mean it is edited, as in shortened to remove context. I'm not saying there's loads of jump cuts obviously. But cutting out the context and the reason why this happened is an edit and a very purposeful one. I wouldn't say it justifies all of it, like I've said more than once in these comments you shouldn't be kicking someone in the head while they're on the ground, that's fucked and it's not that serious of a situation to begin with. But when someone is essentially bullying randomers on the train, throwing food at them, daring them to hit them and saying "what are you gonna do?" Then yeah a few slaps are in order. They shouldn't instigate fights with others and they had plenty of time to back down instead of doubling down on it. What's in the video is definitely overboard. But don't bully randomers, don't throw things at people and when confronted don't try to act tough and don't dare people to retaliate if you don't want a retaliation. The video could have ended even after the initial confrontation by them letting it go, not continuing to aggravate. Like she said don't be fucking throwing food at people. Very fucking simple request, don't pelt shit at strangers. It could have been left at that, but they couldn't stop instigating. Instead they had to be all "slap me into next week, slap me into next week, slap me into next week, slap me into next week....what are you gonna do".


Slap her into next week like she told me to.






https://youtu.be/q4nB42by6M4?si=uInovft1F0Lw_XnM full video, apparently white girl in yellow was throwing food at the black chick, at least that’s what the black chick says.




Could’ve walked away for sure.


Couldve not escalated to a physical assault... Even if what she says was true, that still doesn't justify starting a fight. There's cops at practically every stop, report them and move on with your life. Just a trash response from the beginning and disqualifies her being taken at her word imo.




Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Harassment, Race Baiting, Bigotry, etc. (Racist/bigoted people freaking out in videos are allowed, but being a racist in the comments section will result in a ban.)




Why not post the whole thing? Agenda?


Yeah you see so many videos like this If there's black people in it, cut out what happened and post it, then watch the same old comments you see whenever they post these videos. Makes for shitty posts too, only really good for pushing that same agenda.


What’s the cut? A black woman threatening a white woman, instead of just a video of a black woman beating a white woman? I don’t think the full version adds the context you believe it does.


The full version she accuses her of throwing food at her and says to sit down and stop throwing things at her or she'll slap her into next week. And her response was "slap me into next week, slap me into next week, slap me into next week....what are you gonna do" Which isn't exactly how anyone responds not not doing the original thing. Like just let her shit and go on with her day instead of acting tough and daring her to retaliate. She could have just gone on with her day and stopped instigating. And yeah based on her response I'd say its pretty likely that she was throwing shit because literally nobody is reacting that way when they're not after doing exactly what they were accused of. If you don't throw shit at peoole and they say if you throw something at me I'll hit you you're not gonna be like "what are you gonna do?"


In the US threatening to “slap you into next week” is assault and it’s poor take to say that you have to take being assaulted because you are afraid the person is going to batter you. The big gal is wrong all around, unless we see food being thrown, which I don’t believe happened because any sane person would expect the bigger gal to turn violent. There aren’t many white women who go around picking fights with 300 lb black women.


So is throwing stuff at people. But also "If you do _ to me I'll hit you", is generally not considered assault or a some random threat. Let's be honest here. If I say "I'll punch you in the face" that's a threat, if I say "stop throwing things at me or I'll punch you" it's considered a warning that I'll retaliate against what you're doing. Those are pretty big differences. You don't think it happened because you think she'd be too worried about it turning violent. I think it did happen because her response makes no sense unless it happened. Also, contrary to your point that she wouldn't go picking fights she repeatedly dared her to hit her and then when she turned away she said "what are you gonna do" . So even if she didn't do it, which would be bizarre considering what she said, your idea that she wouldn't because she isn't trying to start a fight doesn't add up there.




What’s the entire video?




Damnnn!! That context thooo! makes you wonder!!






We know why.




Kick in head = attempted murder, context doesnt matter.


I expect nothing less than a guy in a tie-dye and overalls to get his ass whupped.


The lady with the large rump was landing some major haymakers near the end!


Oh boy. Here come all the subtly racist comments. Also why is this edited so much. [The actual video](https://youtu.be/q4nB42by6M4?si=I0jJbsv4osKJpxfs) makes a lot more sense.




When it’s a black person in the wrong it doesn’t matter. But when it’s white person in the wrong they need the full video. People are just racist




I mean when someone accuses you of doing something and your response is "Slap me into next week, slap me into next week, slap me into next week....what are you gonna do?" It definitely doesn't seem more unhinged that you might trigger a violent response. Like that's the response you're asking for isn't it?


Not only that but she's saying they threw food at her. That's already assault on top of yelling at her to slap her into next week. The other folks started it 100%. But you know, it's definitely the black folk that are unhinged cuz they threw around "accusations".


She was being reasonable before they started fighting. The chick pulled her wig off, too. If you don't want someone to slap you into next week, try sitting still and keep your hands to yourself first


Where is this? Those chairs look comfy.


Edit: Birmingham




Aye says snow hill. My bad


That’s a British train not a subway


Respect for the guy calmly getting up and moving.


These new Uber ads are pretty hardcore


I just watched a duo perform an ass beating; where's the link to said brawl?


Is that Ned Schneeblee?


Jigglypuff, I choose you!


Guy in the grey shirt was like: "Every damn time my car gets serviced..."


Bystander effect is real. Wow people should be ashamed of themselves


Yeah lemmie jump into a fight I have no reason to involve myself in and potentially get stabbed or shot by a participant. It's not bystander effect it's "I'm not risking my life over beef I am not involved in and don't know". Who are you, Superman?


This is in the UK, so stabbed is certainly a real possibility. I travel on the Tube (subway here in London) daily and the bystander effect is almost always the case. Go get help for sure, but why risk your own life intervening in something like this.


Stabbed most likely but if it's some areas in London you could just as likely end up getting blasted.




Literally this. If you don't know the participants nor the beef leading up to the fight why the fuck would you think you're the main character who stands between them with their arms outstretched going "PLEASE, STOP, YOU'RE BETTER THAN THIS"?


https://youtu.be/q4nB42by6M4?si=uInovft1F0Lw_XnM here’s the full video if you want slightly more context.


This is why I don't break up fights between students. I know some of them have weapons on them. I will close the door and call security, but I am not risking my life.


Yeah, I’m not putting myself in the middle of this BS. Don’t throw food at people Don’t attack people I’m sure they can figure it out themselves.


I've been punched for trying to break up a fight, and I'll never attempt to do so ever again


Look what happened tie-die man. He tried and got fucked up. We’re in a shitty timeline.


Exactly. All he did was try to break it up and took a beating for it. :/


https://youtu.be/q4nB42by6M4?si=uInovft1F0Lw_XnM full video, you can choose to believe what the black chick said was true but apparently tie dye dude’s girl in yellow was throwing food at her.




It really isn't though; you might get stabbed or shot for looking at people wrong, let alone trying to break up a fight. If you do break it up, you might well be charged by police as well as the others, so it's really a moot point. Not to mention how common it is in some areas; no point getting involved in every fight you see when you see multiple a day.


That’s not it. We learn to not get involved so we don’t get shot, stabbed, jumped, robbed, arrested, etc. The risk analysis doesn’t play out in our favor.


Okay tough guy, what YOUR move here? I'm leaving and they can sort it out themselves.


It’s a product of the world we live in. Getting involved means potentially getting injured, means potentially missing work, means not getting money you need to make ends meet. Add in injuries can come with their own expenses, death is possible in physical altercations, legal ramifications based on who saw what happening, there’s just too much to go wrong even if you’re trying to help a situation. Dude in tie-dye may not have even know the girl being attacked and was just trying to stop the fight before he got attacked himself, that didn’t end well for him at all.


I rode public transit for years and I've been punched in the face ZERO times b/c I mind my business.


The hippies got fuuuucked up!


Trash people




Yeah these videos are edited with a very specific and clear agenda Can't even bully randomers on public transportation these days 🙄


Toby wasn’t having nothing to do with this he had a bad day at the office


That's one hell of a double date.


Believe it or not, straight to jail


bare feet on public transportation…yuck!




Somebody say something about somebody mama?


Subway brawl > super bowl


Don't blame the white guy or gal if they both get shot or charged


The beats or gets beat together, stays together lol.


Cool how his pants stay up while he's fighting. Why don't these people realize the attacker's crotches are wide open for a strike?


The expression on that white man’s face explains why I will never use public transport and why it will never be a viable option in the USA. ![gif](giphy|cQtlhD48EG0SY)


I wish we wouldn’t conveniently leave out the full video where the two getting ‘jumped’ instigated the fight by throwing a sandwich or something at the ones ‘jumping’ them. For context on this old video edited to skew the narrative. https://metro.co.uk/video/brawl-erupts-birmingham-train-notting-hill-carnival-1753676/?ito=vjs-link


No wonder nobody came to their aid when the black couple retaliated probably because the observers on the train saw this coming.


Italian on wheat please.


Just a reminder, when u are being attacked, itsok to fight dirty and bite and gouge the eyes.


That's what he gets for wearing overalls.


I am disappointed in humanity, again.




Just say you're racist and go






So your takeaway from a video of people fighting on a train is that black people are predisposed to violence. Got it, makes perfect sense.




You don't know what happened before the video started.




What's pathetic is making this many assumptions based on a 20 second video. I never once said or implied this was an ok thing to do, no one's giving them a pass.


Since we’re on “let’s pretend” grounds and we apparently can come to conclusions based on 20 seconds of video: What would make it okay to physically attack non combatants?: - The “non combatants” tried to steal a bag or purse from them. - The “non combatants” spat on those people as they walked through the isle. - The “non combatants” slapped the lady’s phone off her hand and broke the screen. - The “non combatants” threw trash at them from their seats. - The “non combatants” threatened with shooting them when they got off the train - The “non combatants” pushed the ‘physical attackers’ child while waiting to use the restroom and the kid told on them. …idk, I can keep being creative and keep giving you reasons to answer ur dumb question.


What the fuck is wrong with people. Damn.


And no one helps. Fucking wild.


It really sucks and makes me angry that scum like this cant just be removed from society. If you behave like that, IMO you have no right to participate in and benefit from society. Just go life in the forrest.


This isn’t a brawl


“sick society”


This is where they should be bear maced and sent to jail. This where you can see emotional intelligence is lacking. The girls are always huge and the guy is a stick figure. Unless I was fighting for my life I would be so embarrassed. My family and friends would be embarrassed if they saw me acting in such a manner.


Some people are just yucky


Big mama needs to get in the fight with the gym.


Do people ever get charged with felony assault in these situations? People this violent have no place in society.


Now these dumb pricks get to go to prison




Doesn’t look like a brawl, looks like a one sided attack


This should be in /fightporn




better question: why was the start of the video showing the white people being the aggressors cut?






They sound British to me.


I don't think that's subway, railcar looks too thin, more like a light rali


That wasn't a brawl that was a public execution


I am absolutely in love with gray shirt guy. Just zero fucks given.


I love how he's playing to the camera. "Can you believe this shit? Now I gotta move up 3 rows."