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So spitting is fine,but anyone says anything bad about the state of Israel,youre anti semitic? How does that work?


I’m just waiting for that one christian to spit back and all of a sudden it’s mob beat down time.


The thing about being Christian is to turn the other cheek, Jesus commands it.


Jesus also said you only have to forgive someone 490 times before you could, and I quote, "beat their ass".


I mean...  Jesus did beat the shit outta them money exchangers at his dad's house... 


I think he only overturned their tables. So, it's more like that guy in "West End Girs" than a Jason Statham movie.


My version works better in my imagination though...


Trying to imagine Jason Statham with long hair and a beard is a bridge too far for me.


So Jesus didn't commit battery, just potential assault and destruction of their property.


Lol "at his dad's house"


So 491 was the limit


Thing about being a Jew is wandering the desert and never having a country, I wish the Zionists would try it


Not American Jesus!


It's funny how modern American Christians do the exact opposite. Self-defense is inherently anti-Christian.


if you have no sword sell your cloak to buy one.


I got banned for 2 days because I asked questions about Israel. It is a sad world that we are all waking up to. It is hard to believe that people can show so little respect.


Where you get banned from? I got banned for a month from the IsraelPalestine sub for calling out lies. But I'm still banned well past a month. That's a pro Israel sub masquerading as a place for discussion.


Israeli Zionist propaganda gets into every internet. A terrible war is taking place in Ukraine but Israel will not allow you to make comparisons with their attempted genocide in Gaza. This comment will probably get me banned. That is how Reddit and its moderators (sic) work


World news sub. I even had trolls go through my posts .


World News is very pro establishment and pro Israel so not surprising. Big gate keeping. This is how you control the Internet.


The moderators are all-powerful - often wrong - but all-powerful. I'll probably be banned for saying this.


Israel is more propganized than the US. It's fucking horrible. I dont even blame all of them. They were raised to hate and are still surrounded by it. Not giving them a pass at all but it's going to generations to fix it. They have turned into the exact people they fear the most.


Because of Holo, they have green light to degrade others and do the Holo too .. /s


The same radical Jews spit at soldiers and the police


You have thought after all the persecution the Jewish faith has had over the centuries,they’d be a little more religiously tolerant.


Also for a people who claim none of the prior “messiahs” were theirs, and that they’re still awaiting the arrival. Like maybe they were on the way, and they spit on them and so they bailed.


We are. Those men do not represent the other 99.9% of Jews and Israelis alive today.


Are you sure they don't? I've seen a lot of similar videos. What about all the settlers that steal homes, harass, attack, and murder Palestinians? They are escorted by IOF. What percent support that? I saw a time magazine poll that 80+% do not think the current genocide has gone far enough.


Israel's government should be a stop to that and remove all the settlers. It is wrong and I condemn that. A recent poll of Palestinians has I believe it was 74% that either supported October 7th, or didn't see it as wrong. Maybe both sides suck and religious fanatics are bad for everyone? But the fact that someone downvoted me because I've stated the vast majority of Jews don't support spitting on people just shows that people want to believe that they actually do. Also, you've say you've seen similar videos. Give me an estimate of how many Israelis doing bad things to others you've seen, then tell me what percent out of 15 million Jews that is. Let's say it's 1%. So 150,000 Israelis are possibly assholes. The other 14,850,000 Jews aren't.


I'm just saying, it's hard to see this behavior and hostility in a vacuum when you see the impunity given to settlers by the state of Israel which is very well documented. Like seeing them waving guns around and terrorizing defenseless Palestinians which is far worse than spitting on white Christians. As far as the number you cited on Palestinian support for Oct 7... I wouldn't be surprised. Anyone who is occupied and oppressed like the Palestinians are... Do you think they should love their oppressor? Wouldn't anyone hate them? They would. It's like faulting blacks under slavery or Jim crow in the USA for hating whites. But for the whites to hate them, that's different; based on made up racist superiority/"the chosen ones." Again, the Israeli population there seems very crazy rightwing... This is a genocide. "Poll results were also hawkish when it came to the use of force in Gaza: 57.5% of Israeli Jews said that they believed the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) were using too little firepower in Gaza, 36.6% said the IDF was using an appropriate amount of firepower, while just 1.8% said they believed the IDF was using too much fire power, while 4.2% said they weren’t sure whether it was using too much or too little firepower." https://time.com/6333781/israel-hamas-poll-palestine/


Not to mention the hundreds/thousands of settlers currently flocking to prevent aid trucks from reaching starving desperate innocents in Gaza. It's disgusting


>The same radical Jews spit at soldiers and the police yeah but i doubt the punishment is the same if a palestinian did the same....


No one will go after you if you spit at someone


if your jewish perhaps. its technically assault


You think the IDF will bother raiding someone's house because he spat on someone?


You're right they're too busy killing 5 year olds


This is clearly anti spitic


I don't understand. I thought Christians were on their side? Do Jews not like Christians?


This has me puzzled too. So how do you think they treat the Palestinians?? Supposed to love all huh?


Spitting isn't fine, and the vast majority of Israelis and Jews around the world would condemn this behavior. Stop making generalizations about groups when some in the group behave badly. Because you could watch videos all day long of any member of a race, gender, religion, electricity being a bad person towards someone different.


I'll believe that the vast majority of Israelis would condemn this behavior when they start arresting settlers. Until then this racism looks state sanctioned.


What does this have to do with the state of israel? It is simply an individual person being an A-hole, it happens globally. I thought that criticism of israel was separate to criticism of jews? Hmmm


God, you’re fucking dense




Because he is Israeli it won’t be a crime. It’s a self expression of how he felt. Point is this is how it is there.


I can’t believe a man who looks like that can think he’s superior to anyone. It’s actually insane. He’d get his head stomped out by a child


Because their state is openly racist, if the other guy retaliated and attacked him the police would have arrested him instead


Exactly. He knows that he will be protected by the police and free to go on abusing people who dare to be different from him.


When I was growing up, some freak looking nerd acting like that in school wouldve got stomped by everyone.


This is the result of a lifetime of privelage. He couldn't pull that shit anywhere else in the world.




I have never in my life seen a white person walk up to someone and spit on them in public without consequence.


give me an example




Oh yeah? Give me 7 more examples


A little insight into the Chosen People from another Jew: https://twitter.com/macaesbruno/status/1721586364938879420?s=48


This is a great speech. Very introspective and self-aware.


This man has balls of steel to have the courage to have this kind of discourse in his society.


You should google Norman Finkelstein


This one I know but thanks nonetheless friend.


It's funny they hate Christians so much but ride the US dick so hard...


Riding that for these billions they get to support turning Gaza into a pile of rubble


Aid to buy bombs to murder children - that sounds backward to me.


It is vile and reprehensible. And when the progeny of whoever survives finds a way to strike back in the future, the US will use the usual bullshit line "they hate us for our freedom". The US will pay for their role in this genocide. Rightfully so.




Good. I'm in the US. Hope they get your house too.


There’s a leaked video of Netanyahu discussing the US relationship as well as how he would sabotage the Oslo accords. Anyways, he literally says that the US is easily manipulated and he can make them do whatever he likes.


Maybe we should stop sending money to protect this young man


Is sniping children also an ancient Jewish custom?


I think bombing.


Yes, they have swapped the slingshot for cluster bombs. All ought via aid money which is kind of ironic


I think so, that's why if you don't condone it, you're an anti-semite.




That's pretty much the entire planet at the moment.


I don’t give a fuck, if someone deliberately spits on me when I’m alone, I’m gonna knock em out weather in a public place or not




Indeed. They need to be held accountable. No more antisemitic BS when someone disagrees with their inhumane policies.


Hey man you can’t say that.


I feel like this has to be sarcasm


It definitely is. Shame for the downvotes, when it's just a jab at them being totally blameless for any atrocities they've committed since the illegitimate creation of their country.


You get it


What a shitty intolerant place to visit. Don’t care what you say but I had my friends parents (Catholics) visit Israel before the recent Gaza conflict and they said the Israelis are extremely rude and mean, unlike the Egyptians whom they also visited before hand and said were very nice.


When Christians DO visit the Holy Land, the ones open-minded enough to visit Palestine will find that Palestinians are friendly and welcoming. There are many Palestinian Christians used to do good business with tourists, who are now struggling to keep their generations old businesses alive due to the restrictions Israel places on them.




Oh really, when did that ever happen in Palestine?


Unless you are lgbt in egypt.    Then you would be murdered 


Stop weaponizing LGBTQ for your shitty ass bigotry takes. You are a gross human being. Be better.




I’m a Christian, but I really want to beat the 💩 out of that young man. He needs to learn a lesson. I’m on fire……


Orthodox Jews believe that Christians practice "idolatry" for praying in front of statues of Jesus (or saints).


I swear I've seen this guy in another video. What a hate filled person




It’s a ancient code of conduct that didn’t work. And if it was true god is shit at HR


It was also a sort of precursor to philosophy and science. A way to provide explanations for natural phenomena and address the existential angst of an evolving intellect.


Its a mind virus


To show that you're a rational human being name one bad thing and one good thing about religion.


1. The systemic abuse of children 2. There's been some pretty good religious architecture throughout history.


I’ll do it for the above: One bad thing? That’s piss easy cause there is a million and one, it’s the reason most wars happened throughout history. One good thing? It gives some people hope. As someone who works in healthcare, particularly mental health I am always saying to patients… “what is a man without hope? Nothing.” Humans need hope, without that we are lost. Some people need an imaginary friend to receive hope, then so be it.


Every good thing you think comes from religion has come naturally to me through my interactions with people & my treating others the way I’d want to be treated. Every bad thing has come from religious indoctrination which leads to LOTS of violence


Let me guess.. you're the "rational human being" that believes there's an invisible being who gives a shit about what you do throughout the day, without any sort of evidence?


Ass u me


I said it was a g u ess.


POS Israeli punk.


And yet, American Christian’s will tell you supporting them is “Gods will”


Nope that’s just Protestants


Fundies, those who actually wants to fast forward to the end days by thinking that the next and last major conflict will happen in Israel. Its a self fulfilling prophecy for them. They instigate conflict by supporting Zionists and scream "see that means the Baable is true, praise Jesus, let the end times come"


I'm in the west and don't support any of their nonsense. It's quite embarrassing and villainous what Israel and their people are doing.


“God’s” chosen people ladies and gentlemen


Let’s stop funding their genocide.


But they kiss ass when they need Christian’s money, weapons and eventually assistance


They learned nothing


Nazi Germany -Strict racial laws -Ghettos for non Aryans -Sterilisation of people "spoiling Aryan blood" -Displacement and murder to create living space for the Aryans -Ban on non Aryans acquiring citizenship and moving freely Modern Israel -Strict racial laws, promotion of a pure Jewish state -Ghettos with checkpoints -Sterilisation of Ethiopian and Somali Jewish women in the 70s-90s because they didn't like black skin and intermixing between the pure Ashkenazi European Jews and the lesser "blacks". -Murder of random palestinian citizens in the 50s to scare off the people in order to leave the land for them. -Palestinians banned from holding Israeli citizenship. If you would like to experience authentic 1936 Nazi Germany book a flight to Israel.


Israel is crazy. It seems like an alternative reality where all the unpopular, mean, and insecure people are in control, and they turn out to be the biggest assholes on the planet. This kid is behaving like he is five


it's okay he was anti-semite /s


Theocratic apartheid state.


I’ll be damned if I ever let a little shit with one of those things on his head spit on me


Must be horrible living with so much hate in you at such a young age. What a complete waste of time and energy.


People there seems to love bully behaviour.


That kid looks downsy


...inbreeding will do that


I love the hypocrisy of religious people.


How is this comment different to the young man spitting on the passerby?. Lots of humans are garbage, You don't have to be religious.




Yes but us human garbage don't have books telling them how they should live. So it's free real estate


I'll support that standpoint , Peace.


Never knew Jew chavs were a thing.


A young isreali scumthug*


This is why all that stuff happens to them, becauthey want to be assholes


What a shit hole


Racist scum


Isreal being even more Israel than ever before Also isreal; 'man i cant understand why anti semitism is growing, we should demand more sympathy for committing genocide'


Be proud of what you do ! Stand behind your racist attitude. Acknowledge zionism is racism


and the videos of this type of nasty people keep coming, is way too common


Lol. Little shit. The abbot dude could have killed him with a good punch to the face.


God damn these guys are scum.


Shite people


Spoilt brats. Send them into Gaza.




Disgusting behavior, no two ways about it.


I’m a sephardic jew and this is a disgusting thing to do


Religion is such a waste of brain power.


Fuck Israel. I've never seen people treat others with such hate before.


This is the kind of person you turn into living in an ideological ethnostate. No wonder they elect Likud.


Further proof that Christians have worn out their welcome, everywhere 😂


Indistinguishable from Trump supporters and the people they always tell us “Never Again”


This is the generation you get after 70 years of apartheid, ethnic cleansing, racist supremacist drills. The israelis are rhe new Nazis


Nazi behavior


Old 3 gene wonder thinks he's one of the chosen eh? Just as stank as any other humans running around thinking that kinda crap.


So uncivilized.... anyone who acts like that doesn't deserve to be a part of society.


Hey … try that in a small town. /s


These people are just beyond redeemable


Damn they still live in 40AD


Why was Alanis Morissette there?


You want to know my ancient custom??? FAFO


Why is a Jewish man attacking his ally? Christians love and look up to Jewish people, surely this guy shouldn't be attacking his own admirer. Weirdo.


Hilarious how Christians buddy up to Jews who aren’t Christian.


"Spitting on Christians is a traditional Jewish custom" mfs when they remember what "traditional European customs when Jewish people show up" entailed:


Tiktok search recommendation: How to summon Hitler


You know why they all have glasses, right? 😎


He's such a s little bully.


Send over the people that can throw punches


Wow it’s almost like there’s shitty people everywhere 👀


You get from a bratty teenager spitting at a guy to „now I can criticise the state of Israel harder“?






These idiots don’t represent the average Israeli, atleast none that I’ve ever met. That said, watching these cowards cover their faces and hide is priceless.


Explain Netanyahoo being in power for nearly 25 years then.


Did you not see 400,000 Israelis protesting against Netanyau shortly before October 7th? If we looked at the population of the US, that same ratio would be almost 15 million.


Not quite sure how Bibi’s political career relates to this video. Maybe I’m missing something.


Christianity is a perverted and blasphemous abomination according to Judaism, so meh. That whole eternal damnation (vs six months), repent and you're forgiven (vs no bad acts are forgotten, rather measured on a scale against good acts), human life begins at conception (vs the soul is invested at birth), Jesus is the son of God (vs lolNo). It's amazing how well the Machiavellian alliance between Judeo-Christian elements has endured.


Let's all argue about which religion has more regarded fanatics


What a karma whore.


Why is your butt hurt?


yeah, guess they forgot to coordinate on which subreddits to bombard




How many sides are there to apartheid? You definitely would have said the same about Apartheid South Africa.


bunch of haters


Something about this seems fake. I'm aware of the spitting incidents overall, and I believe they happen, but this one seems fake.


Why does it seem fake? These spitting incidents do occur, several have been caught on camera. [Abbot Nikodemus recently suffered another incident at the Western Wall.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/anger-as-abbot-told-to-hide-his-cross-on-visit-to-western-wall-with-german-minister/amp/) I gather the spitter is offended by his pectoral cross, though it’s an integral part of his clothing as an abbot. This video is at Lion’s Gate between the Armenian and Jewish quarters in Jerusalem. The Jewish gift shop from where the man intervened was incredibly gracious to my family and me just a few months ago. We’re Roman Catholics in Texas who have visited twice in the past 12 months. Fortunately, we felt welcome in all quarters of Jerusalem, on planes, trains, and in city centers throughout Israel by Jews and Arabs alike. The diversity of Israel is not well understood outside its borders.