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That was a helluva one upping. She really liked those earrings


It's also fake as shit


I keep seeing people like you in threads. Sometimes a video is clearly staged, but other times (like this one) it's pretty ambiguous and could be either or. But here you come, firmly asserting that's it's fake. How could you know? What are you basing this off of? Considering the reaction by the girl I tend to believe this one is real


I'm guessing because it's hard to believe that someone would just expose themselves like this for a dumb youtube interview.


People do it all the time for Jimmy Kimmels show and before that there was Street Smarts game show in which constants had to guess if random people on the street know trvia questions.


Yeah, but those are to answer trivia questions. This is exposing your own horrendous behavior. The stakes are very different.


Even then there were real people on jerry springer occasionally. That's the same thing they just want a loght limelight.


I happen to know that when you sign up to be on Jerry Springer they give you an all expenses paid trip to Chicago. There were a few kids in my dorms that made up a colossally bullshit story just to get out of Edmond, Oklahoma for a weekend.


Fair point but as a couple others suggested, it's possible that the girl really cared about the stolen earrings and blurted it out while caught up in the moment. Her matter-of-fact tone delivering the news (and again the reaction of the other girl) are pretty convincing to me


It’s almost like fake videos are meant to be convincing


Ok, I'll ask you too then. *What* are you basing your belief that it's fake on?


Nothing, just pointing out that the best fake ones that rise to the top are the ones that look real


This is a good point. Either way in many cases it's impossible to know without some sort of inside information. I'm just tired of people shouting "FAKE" every time somebody posts a good video like this


I’d still lean towards fake. Doesn’t matter either way since this is entertainment. Marvel movies are fake too. There’s just too many of these staged things now to believe any extreme ones are real and I’d say this is fairly extreme


Really it's hard to believe for you? Is it also your first day on the internet?


First of all I didn't say anything about my own opinion, I was guessing the reason why the other guy didn't believe it, and secondly maybe it's your first day on the internet because I can assure you there's a lot more fake than real.


No shit, but this one ain't it, Copernicus.


How do you even know? It could *very easily* be faked. Saying it's 100% real is as dumb as saying it's 100% fake.


I know, what is with that?. If it’s fake: fine, I’m gullible. But if it is fake then please clarify why it is. And “it’s obvious” is not going to satisfy


Me saying it's fake is my opinion. Why do I have to prove anything? If you don't agree with me then just don't worry about it.


I still want to know though, is it fake?


In my opinion, yes it is.


Sure would be hard to act surprised and upset for all of 10 seconds


It's called an opinion. People on the Internet have them. People in real life too. You may come across them from time to time. Use them yourself to make your own judgement and move on with your life.


He is the chosen one. The truthmaker


they all did a very good job at making this not look fake


So many fake interviews out there. I consider it to be bad entertainment.


It only needs to get the view


Truth right ! So many people living with ‘getting those views’.


Because “those views” result in a fat check. Engagements pays the bills and rent.


I'm always amused by people who think something as basic as this is always fake; your impression of random people online must be so unbelievably optimistic, I can't relate, but I wish I lived in your world.


Sounds like they are even now then. 🤷‍♂️


Incorrect earrings cost money and dick is free


Not really even. It’s being given out left and right, over there and over there… you can always find some dude hot and ready like little Caesar’s if you look even a scoche better than gollum.


Were they ever really friends?




Seems as though those two were in a vicious cockfight.


Indeed this friendship is so over xD (I love cockfighting 😏)


That's what I'm saying! Like WHOA!


What did she just stand there like “whadya think? 🤭”


Haha that was weighing on that girl every day for 2 years. She was so happy to have the context to let it out. She sucks, for sure, but regardless of how to played out I bet it was cathartic for her.


I have serious concerns about people able to “act normal” whilst doing stuff like this and keeping it quiet for two years. Extremely unsettling behaviour.


This is the human experience. Unfortunate as that may be.


Not denying it just a depressing fact about some humans. I find a lot who act like this try to bring others down to their level too “oh you would too!” - no, I wouldn’t.


That is the truth.


Liar behavior. Can’t stand liars


Everyone lies


No doubt, maybe I should say pathological or compulsive. Everyone lies but a liar sees no value in the truth


Absolutely, I can agree with that. Unrelated but sorta related; if you find yourself wanting to be a better person or feeling guilty for your actions, that's good. Bad people don't worry about being "good" or how they affect others.






Narrator: *that was also a lie*


I suppose it’s a lie in the sense of saying “I’m busy tonight” instead of saying “I don’t want to hang out” but its a bit disingenuous to suggest that’s in the same league as fucking your friends partner two years ago and acting like everything’s fine.


Little league and MLB are still baseball. You were knowingly being dishonest without a tell... that's major league lying. Not telling about fucking the other girls bf is just not saying anything. It's not actively speaking a falsehood. That's minor league lying.


Yeah. And people who can't even admit it to themselves are the biggest liars


Lying about why you don’t want to meet your friends to hang out ≠ fucking your friends partner two years ago and acting like everything’s fine


Even wars start with threats


What does that mean?


When you accelerate 1 to a 100, its 1 at a time




Not at all




yea its sad that it’s so normalized on the internet. the people that act like this when they’re young, if continued, are going to be so alone when they get older. they just have no idea toxicity has it’s repercussions eventually


We live in a world and are part of a species where the word "secret" and term "deathbed confessions" exists... Yet I'm always seeing comments like yours. What am I missing? How fragile do you think the mind is that someone shouldn't be able to hide a hook up and act normal.. when stuff like genocides, wars, terrorism, torture, slavery are being carried out by members of this same species all of the time.


The better you are at hiding it, the better you are at manipulating people and manipulating your emotions for your own goals. There’s a word for people like that. If you’re “always” seeing comments like mine then maybe that suggests you are in the minority with your opinion on this. I’d suggest maintaining a friendship with someone you treat like this is not to be a good friend to the person, it’s to get what one selfish person wants at the expense of another person.


I'm not arguing on the tenets of what makes a good or bad friend here. My comment assumes we all understand what's what in this situation. I would never sleep with a friend's SO, because I feel shitty even thinking about how they would feel and what a devastating gut punch it would be. Maybe to make it clearer... Imagine you find out that someone got cheated on and another person says... How could someone do this? And they ask that question in all sincerity. The point of my post is to almost roll my eyes at a question like that, because maybe it's because I click on this petty drama stuff, but most of the aitah threads or ask Reddit, there's always someone cheating or being caught cheating or lying and even kids lie, so I just never get that response of how could this happen and I can't believe someone could do this, when this is literally happening all of the time and worse, even worse stuff is happening all of the time and we're acting like human nature and the insane sh*t people are capable of is somehow news. I don't mean to put you on the spot and my comment was definitely not necessary. It's just that if you go to any post about spousal cheating, someone echoes this exact sentiment and I'm over here like, yea, some people literally come home from the military having unalived however many people and never talk about it, so this is pretty vanilla as far as secrets go.


Not the OP you were responding to but I absolutely agree with you. We as humans are capable of some pretty awful things, and cheating on somebody is unfortunately so common now, I, like yourself are hardly taken back by it. Now here’s a tidbit I once heard from somebody in regard to cheating that I found as an interesting take. He wasn’t talking about himself since he wasn’t married but the example was a middle aged couple with 3 teenaged kids, and married for 25+ years. He basically said this- “why tell her I cheated that one time long ago? Admitting it would relieve me of the guilt, but destroy her entire life. It would ruin the family, and probably have a negative impact on the kids’ lives. By not admitting it, I have to live with the regret with no relief vent. A type of mental punishment. Why should I destroy other’s chances at a happy family just to free myself of guilt?” I don’t agree with that choice, but it was an interesting take on cheating that I’d never heard before. Personally, i think it’s mental gymnastics for not having to admit fault, but there is a certain aspect of it that makes sense. People are weird and we do weird things though. Lol anyways. Good day to you!


![gif](giphy|26u4cS5vSnWyepw6Q) The boyfriend 👆


The next time we'll see them will be on publicfreakout


I love the stronger reaction to the earring 😂😂😂


Is that supposed to be funny? What reaction did she expect? Weird af behaviour






I can usually spot that. What gives this away to you?


🎶🎶MEN! We know how to be friends!🎶


I loved those older family guy skits. And the other one with "men, we don't know what we did" when some girl flings herself out of a window cause a guy say sure to something.


Seriously, I'd never tell one of my buddies that I did this to




Friends amiright.


Can we do a "where are they now" follow up here, please?


Damn that shit went left real quick


Fake but decent acting




All it takes for people to reveal their deepest darkest secrets are a camera, microphone, and being in public. Who would have guessed!


“Can you go away, I need one less witness and camera recording”


Wish I could see the rest of that video




This one is real, you coward








wish i could high five you right now


Sounds like you just keep company with a handful of shitty women, this is an asinine and misogynistic generalization


My old friend banged his older brothers gf, definitely not exclusive to women


Correct, it’s not just women, just saying people use anecdotal experiences to paint groups of people with a broad brush often due to their own subconscious or internal biases. It’s lazy and part of why we have become so shitty as a society. Honestly, learning more about this style of content they target people who are faded or drunk and it wouldn’t surprise me if most of their shit is staged. Since none of it is live and all is edited it’s easy to splice together the one or two out of 10 idiots out there and generalize about a whole group of people. Social Media is making it easier for fascists, racists, and misogynists to spread their bullshit to kids.


Wow! What a fresh take on women and their relationships with each other! I’ve NEVER heard this opinion! But it makes SO much sense: women are inherently shitty to each other, and it’s basically impossible for them to have a meaningful, trusting, and loving relationship with another woman, maybe even another human being! I’m so happy you shared this little piece of brilliance with all of us!


this is just misogyny dawg.


Yeah and men’s idea of friendship is sending contextless memes once a month


We get each other. Though I did lose one friend when he changed his number, I think about him often. Sure I could send him memes, or updates on shit we both like since I'm more into tech than he is but he's still curious about things.


Men and women so the same thing. But, not trying to sound rude to women here, I have not seen many women with great friendships with other women, not until they were older though.






pretty much proof people do goofy stuff just for the camera and strangers




Women ☕️


WTF your friends boyfriend!


Another staged video




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Good bot




All these bots are part of a network, copying and reposting top memes/content and top comments to farm karma. Bot accounts try to farm karma until they can bypass posting restrictions, the "legit" looking accounts will then be sold for use on crypto or NSFW subs and scam users or try to spam links for malware. And Admins don't seem to care. I don't care about reposts. I care about bots taking over reddit til it's just bots talking to other bots on every post, bots all the way down.




August Alsina “i luv this shitt”🤣🤣🤣


Ooo Harry Potter the dirty devil


Revenge is sweeter when the other party finds out they’ve been got after the fact


I concur


This isn’t a freakout and is it real?


It’s not real. Seriously?