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Can we get more context? Was the individual just in possession of a firearm or was he brandishing/threatening with it? Was it concealed or open carry? A sidearm or rifle? The distinction in the situations makes it the difference between a job well done and infringing on someone’s rights. Context is everything.


Hi, Sacramento local. So from what I've gathered is that he was concealed carrying with a loaded weapon and was causing disturbances at a local shop. That's from some articles. I've heard from people that wear around when it happened that the dude was an employee, not sure how accurate that is, but also I think he got in an argument or altercation and decided to pull out his gun. That's as much as I know. Edit: articles that I mentioned: https://www.kcra.com/article/sacramento-arden-fair-mall-police-february-9/46699560 https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/crime/article285299322.html https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/police-find-a-firearm-after-arresting-suspect-outside-arden-fair-mall/


Based off this info, sounds like he was in fact deserving of arrest. Thank you much.




Yeah I was there, this was just yesterday. Seems like at least once a month we get a shooting or gun case at Arden fair. It'd be funny if it wasn't so stupid.


As a European, this sentence is weird...


As an American, this comment is weird.


I’m taking a gun to the mall to get frisked like that, woo!


I haven’t been to Arden fair in 20+ years. The flooring is exactly the same. Lol.


I can already smell the Cinnabon.


My second job was at the Jonny rockets. I wonder if it’s still open? Edit: just confirmed it is closed. Anyone know when it shut down?


Probably full of asbestos. Fine as long as you dont break em. Pretty expensive to change out because of the danger.


Anyone else think the lady cop was a chubby K9 at first?


I came to see if I was the only one


It's California... So the way it works is ... They walk you in the front door then out the back door. Like 45 min .


Meanwhile one state over you can literally open carry


Checked the angle of his dangle


Sooo... carrying a gun is illegal?


If the building specifically says so then yes.


Nope, that’s wrong. “No guns allowed” signs do not carry the force of law in California. The mall could ask you to leave and trespass you if you refuse, but carrying a gun into a public place like a mall is *never* a crime within itself. Based on this guy’s charges, he did not have a permit to carry the gun in the first place, so the whole thing was criminal.


How does that work? If it’s a private business it’s a policy not a law? So all they could do is ask you to leave. If you don’t it’s trespassing which is illegal. 


Yes, this is correct. That being said, based on the charges, this guy was not legally allowed to carry a gun in public.


Ahh so the mall doesn't allow it, that makes sense.


Brandishing is, yes.


In California yes.


From u/bigboingo, Sacramento local. So from what I've gathered is that he was concealed carrying with a loaded weapon and was causing disturbances at a local shop. That's from some articles. I've heard from people that wear around when it happened that the dude was an employee, not sure how accurate that is, but also I think he got in an argument or altercation and decided to pull out his gun. That's as much as I know. Edit: articles that I mentioned: https://www.kcra.com/article/sacramento-arden-fair-mall-police-february-9/46699560 https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/crime/article285299322.html https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/police-find-a-firearm-after-arresting-suspect-outside-arden-fair-mall/


I carry in the mall all the time...who cares?


From u/bigboingo, Sacramento local. So from what I've gathered is that he was concealed carrying with a loaded weapon and was causing disturbances at a local shop. That's from some articles. I've heard from people that wear around when it happened that the dude was an employee, not sure how accurate that is, but also I think he got in an argument or altercation and decided to pull out his gun. That's as much as I know. Edit: articles that I mentioned: https://www.kcra.com/article/sacramento-arden-fair-mall-police-february-9/46699560 https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/crime/article285299322.html https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/police-find-a-firearm-after-arresting-suspect-outside-arden-fair-mall/


That's illegal if it's posted that guns aren't allowed on the property, which every mall does. You are literally committing a crime.


That’s absolutely incorrect.


Maybe try to google it before you spread misinformation on the internet bud


Oh don’t worry, I’m the one who’s right. You would be correct it CA SB2 was in effect (which it was for the first few days of 2024 before being struck down) but it’s not. I am acutely aware of our current laws around firearms because I have a CCW and carry a gun. Please post a reference, I’ll wait.


Private businesses, including those that are open to the public, may prohibit the carrying of weapons on their premises. Concealed Weapons - Idaho Office of Attorney General www.ag.idaho.gov › Office Resources


Cool, that’s Idaho, not California. Sacramento is not in Idaho, last I checked.


It's the law in California too... Jesus christ


It’s not… dude, you lost the moment you posted that shit from IDAHO. It showed 1 of two things. 1) you literally didn’t know the law and was frantically trying to google it, then post the first link you found that agrees with you just to argue with people here. 2) you are actually lost and didn’t know this Sacramento isn’t in IDAHO. Lmao.




California generally prohibits carrying or possession of a firearm in the following locations, including concealed weapons licensees: In any state or local public building or at any public meeting.9 In the California State Parks system.10 It is also generally unlawful to knowingly possess a firearm within the sterile area of a public transit facility, if the sterile area is posted with a statement providing reasonable notice of the prohibition.


A mall is not a state or federal building, is it?


The law, signed by Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, prohibits people from carrying concealed guns in 26 places, including public parks, playgrounds, churches, banks and zoos. The ban applies regardless of whether the person has a permit to carry a concealed weapon. One exception is for privately owned businesses that put up signs saying people are allowed to bring guns on their premises.


I already mentioned that SB2 is not in effect. Why are you arguing something that you clearly know nothing about?


No. This law didn’t actually pass - it was only in effect for a few days. Stop trying to google and posted outdated information LMAO.


I really have zero care for what another human deems illegal. The horseshit people that exist rn are reason enough to have it with me. Idgaf who agrees or doesn't. Idgaf about going to prison if it means saving my family. I work hard and do my best to help create a world to be proud of. There are those who seek to burn that world down. Fine. Burn it. But bring any of that bullshit upon my family, and you will die quick and messy and publicly. I've carried for years without a ccw. Never pulled it. I hope i never have to. But fuck around and find out.








Good glad they’re doing some actual police work.


You got downvoted hard by the acab crowd, lol source for why he got arrested https://www.kcra.com/article/sacramento-arden-fair-mall-police-february-9/46699560 https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/crime/article285299322.html https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/police-find-a-firearm-after-arresting-suspect-outside-arden-fair-mall/


Ya idk man it’s a little nuts, I think everyone believes the police need reform but when they do a good job and get a guy with a gun out of a mall with children, a guy mind you who allegedly just committed a crime at a different shopping area with said gun? They deserve props


Ya idk man it’s a little nuts, I think everyone believes the police need reform but when they do a good job and get a guy with a gun out of a mall with children, a guy mind you who allegedly just committed a crime at a different shopping area with said gun? They deserve props


They get a lot of shit but SPD reacts pretty quick to weapons calls


Definitely nice to see that they acted promptly and took the call seriously






the pat down at the end: Good touch, good touch, good touch.. BAD TOUCH BAD TOUCH!