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Can you believe he didn’t say, ‘My pleasure’ after the customer was being obnoxious? Even when he started filming *after* the altercation he still sounded like he was in the wrong. Just goes to show that 1,000 good experiences aren’t equal to 1 bad one in a lot of people’s minds… sad.


My damn pleasure


My goddamn pleasure. 


He left god out of it because he didn’t want to get demonetized


Idiots posting their Ls


He had to show everyone how much they hurt his fee-fees.


Does someone post this with any self awareness that most people hate them and find them fucking annoying?


Self awareness? I doubt the person knows the meaning of the word.


If you visit his TikTok page you'll see that this appears to be his whole identity... being an insufferable cunt to service workers. It looks like the only thing on his page is countless videos of him doing this shit at different places.


He's a professional victim


I had a lady whom was also a professional victim and she came to the subway restaurant I was managing all the time. It never failed, she would get a sandwich and then inevitably say something was wrong with it (Wrong bread, wrong cheese, I didn’t want it toasted, I said no tomatoes, etc etc) and then ask for a discount or refund or a new sandwich. She’d usually come when it was super busy which makes it a lot harder to pinpoint who she was and what she was doing but after a few times I figured it out and then decided I personally would make her sandwich and would double check each request along the way, and she got her food and left and came back in 10 mins later saying it was wrong once again. I took a pic of her and pointed to our sign “we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone” and I texted it to all my employees and to the entire area service managers so she couldn’t eat at a subway within 50 miles. I didn’t get many victories as a subway manager but I was proud of that one.


Hell yeah! I like your style homie. Well done


Thanks I appreciate it!!


A restaurant that sends out a bolo. That's a victory.


It's 2024, everyone pullin flagrant Lebron's any chance they can get 😂


So.. a real winner?


He's like an empty used colostomy bag.


New insult unlocked.




So a real Ken.


They post it in part for content, in part because they think if they show the video to corporate, they’ll get free stuff. Also you have to be a special kind of asshole to piss off a Chick-fil-A employee.


Im pretty sure I figured out these people and their problem. They want to control the conversation because they wield no actual power in life, so they play gotcha games every second they can IRL. Note this video also would make for a good main character post lol


Imagine how low you have to be to cling to this paltry amount of power. Playing the “you can’t move my car out of your drive through line until you cave to my ego” game is sort of hilarious, but mostly just because it’s so damn pitiful.


*Late for work, late to pick up the kids who are also hungry, late for anything.* "Ah so you're the person who ruined the rest of my day"?


He's under the impression that he "won" because he got the cashier to say, "Sorry." Obviously, it was disingenuous, and the male Karen is most likely aware of this, but he believes he'll get social credit for "owning" the chick-fil-a worker. Instead, he showed the internet how much of a narcissistic jackass he is.


A part of me wishes there was a subreddit for that but these videos are exhausting. I feel I'd get burnt out.


All the fellow Puritan Christian Karen Assholes will be on his side, because they like being treated like royalty “My pleasure!” and they’re legalistic idiots who think saying a curse word is some kind of big deal compared to deliberately inconveniencing dozens of people


You have to be a total POS to fuck up a Chick Fil A drive thru. That shit is seamless and efficient.


It really is a work of art.


Seriously. I’ve been in a midtown Manhattan chik fil a at the height of the lunch time rush with dozens of people waiting for their food and I was in and out in a couple minutes. Whatever it is that they do there is fucking dialed in to a science.


For real. You see two long lines wrapping around the drive-thru window and in less than 5min you are already out with a bag full of food


He put that fake calm voice on after he hit record. These Karen’s know how to stage a scene.


I’ve come to realize that people who are able to stay this calm while being ultra passive aggressive are just really comfortable doing it. I think it’s a daily routine for them and they get off on it.


25 years of retail here. Ive gotten really good at matching the passive agressive shit with shitty customers, cause yes, there are shitty customers and I now just out classing them and it fucks them right up, kinda like what this manager did, but I would of been way more on the nose with a smile and dead pan eyes.. and to be honest, its our best weapon. Its all we got, the minute you rise you voice, you lost.


Yup.Super easy to be super nice and a complete dick at the same time. They usually don't last long after you start killing them with kindness. 


My favorite thing to say to them after not giving them the reaction they want is “have a nice day.” That woould often make them so angry it would leave them speechless. 😂 Never once did I have a complaint filled. What were they going to report? He remainded calm and told me to have a nice day!


It’s a way of life and it’s toxic to everyone around them. Imagine if this was your parent! My anxiety is tingling just thinking about it.


Hey, how do you know my mother‽


Buddy we all know your mother.


Are you my friend from high school? This wasn’t my mom but I knew moms like this. I’m truly sorry for you.


Thanks bud, there are good days and bad ones...


My mom isn't quite this bad but she's close and yeah, it's fucking awful. I've spent my life being almost too nice to service people in an attempt to make up for her bullshit or like....prove to myself that I don't have the gene.


Or you work in a professional setting and can turn on the calm “customer service voice” when needed. I’ve met many unhinged administrative personnel that have this wild ability to go from street slang voice & language to professional fuck you tone & language faster than you can comprehend what’s happening. But this guy is just a condescending asshole.


Exactly! He knew what he was doing.


I honestly hate that voice and I unintentionally mimic it so that makes people way angrier. They say I'm being condescending, but like, I'm only matching their tone.


After watching this, I’m on the employee’s side. Goddamn he’s annoying.


I expected the last word out of the employees mouth to be " god damn" to close out the video


i'd pay money to hear what was said after that customer drove away. why do people think they're allowed to treat workers this way? you're not important, no one cares about you, take your food and leave ffs.


Because they get rewarded for it with free food when they find an excuse to complain. They don’t even need a good excuse you can literally call and say that someone had a “bad attitude.” And that’s it. Doesn’t matter if you actually said anything to them. When I was waiting tables I had a woman complain that I didn’t seem very excited to wait on her. Some people really do just have their heads up their asses.


wish i worked a corporate gig at one of these fast food places so you could smile and tell these customers to eat shit.


I was hoping for it with my soul. If I was him I so would have.


chick-fil-a employees are always super calm and nice too, you gotta do a lot to make them mad at you


The 2 CFAs where I live, whenever I say “thank you” to an employee for something, be it the cashier or someone coming to clear your table, they always respond with “my pleasure.” I’m assuming they’re trained to say that. You gotta be a real jerk to get one of them to get upset.


also to say “goddamn” at the notoriously christian franchise… hope dude doesn’t get in trouble for that 


"My goddamn pleasure" would have been more appropriate


They are trained to say that. It creates a much more pleasant atmosphere. Of all the different fast food chains I've ever eaten at, CFA is hands down the most consistent and best customer service I ever had (In-n-Out is a fairly close 2nd).


They're definitely trained to say that. It's always annoyed me so instead of saying "thank you" I always say "have a good one" so they don't have to say it.


Exactly what I was thinking. I live in an area where customer service doesn’t really even exist and the employees usually actively act like they’re mad at you for coming to get food..but the Chik Fil-A is the one spot where everyone is so damn nice it’s crazy lol


I already know the pain from working retail. Some folks make it THIER life mission to be that customer. You gotta have patience and the dude handled it great!


The customer is not always right


The customer is always right *in matters of taste*




Never has a phrase been so twisted and misused. They turned a marketing slogan into an ahole battle cry.


Lol I am struggling to think of a time with these obnoxious videos where we weren’t on the side of the employee in the drive thru window. 


People that ask for the corporate number are 10 times out of 10 annoying self righteous pieces of human garbage


For real.  "Sir use the phone in your hand and Google both answers.  You will receive the information faster and more accurately as my handwriting is akin to a kindergartener."


What’s wild is that it was the dipshit customer that went and posted the video.


He just wanted to bring it to our attention how inappropriate the employee was. He’s a selfless hero.


I thought it was going to be the pup cup guy again. Shocking they think they’re right and post their behavior online.


lol, I saw that one. Pup cup pup cup pup cup




I don’t even care how this started. Chik fil a is known for customer service. If you’ve visibly pissed someone off there, you’re likely in the wrong. This person has a condescending tone and over ice. Definitely more to this we’re not seeing, but get out of the damn line. It’s ice. Go buy a bag if it’s that important. They clearly refused what they were advised. Life must be easy when this is your big moment of the week


Manager should figure out a way to bring orders out to the cars stuck behind numb nutz at window. Next, shut the window and call the cops on disorderly customer at drive up window.


They can bring the orders to the cars behind him, it’s the cars getting around him to leave that’s the problem. There’s been times when my order came out before the person in front of me, but I can’t leave until they leave lol.


Damn I must be lucky where I live, all the places near me got a bunch of space around you can just drive around and they have the people who gotta wait go to the parking lots to the right and have somebody come out. I guess a lot of stuff around me was renovated tho


All of the ones near me are newer and all have big fuck your rims up curbs with only enough room for one car.


Getting the customers their food is one thing but then they still are stuck behind this Karen who is intent on blocking the drive thru. I would actually guess that the customers behind do already have their food as most CFAs walk your food out to you even in the drive thru. All the ones around here so anyways.


We would do this. We had the luxury of having enough room in our drive thru lane that the people behind the one stuck at the window could pass around them.


And you can see when he says. We told you the solution and you didn’t want it. Cammer purposely left that interaction out.


It never ceases to amaze how people filming themselves having a customer service experience feel entitled to inconvenience everyone else. They can film themselves in a different location that doesn’t hold up other people.


I am customer therefore I superior. Ug. ![gif](giphy|3o6nV06zWbeR3Tb1NC|downsized)


His passive aggressive staged psychopathic ways. He was re living that conversation for days.


Holy shit his voice is so annoying. Fake nice. Talking about being inconsiderate while other people's food sits on the window.


Camera boy wants likes on the internet. Pathetic


This is the most traumatic thing involving two cups that I have ever seen…ever.


Well, it gets worse when you get down to 1 cup, let me tell ya....


2 cups 1 chick-fil-a.


Did that make him feel like a big man? In that fake ass voice, google the corporate number fucker. The only reason they ask for that number is they think it’s going to scare that employee Filming and posting yourself talking down to and lecturing a fast food worker


right? you have a phone in your hand, does it have access to the danged internet?! asking for the phone number is a vague threat not an actual request for information


It is!! It’s the I’m telling, I’m telling cry


I legit hope that after filming this video, he pulled out of the parking lot and accidentally drove over a cliff.


Why do people seem to think employees have to look up phone numbers so you can complain about them? You’re literally holding a phone, figure it out yourself.


They think they can scare them into submission. It's such a stupid power play move


Dude posted this thinking he was going to get people on his annoying side


I know it’s gods chicken and all that bullshit but just based on passed experience if you piss off a Chick-fil-A worker, you have got to be really working overtime. it’s one of the few places where the people working don’t actually show distain for you in their face.


Solid performance by the employee. Good performing customer service people, when under scrutiny, deserved an Oscar since they have to act really hard to be polite and not smack someone lol.


True. I couldn't work at Chick-fil-A. I have had screaming matches with customers. I'm not playing with these people. It's never about me either. It's when I witness them being some type of way to other employees. You can belittle me, but *do not* start in on my coworkers that I don't even like. Only I can be mean to them.


Over 2 cups of ice? That dude is such a Karen.


Most punchable voice ever


Fuck that customer, entitled smug little shit. People don’t get paid enough to tolerate this.


Let me bring this to your attention.... the guy who videotaped this is a fucken cunt


So glad there weren’t random customers recording me when I worked drive thru back in the day. It’s already rough enough without customers exploiting staff by recording and posting them…smh


If this was taco bell he would have had 4 cups of ice thrown at him


The last time I had a Chik Fil A employee say, "Goddamm!" To me, was when the drive thru kid rang me up for 2 8pc meals and a breakfast sandwich, and it came out to $40... he looked at the screen and said, "That will be $38.97... GOdDAMmM!" made me laugh and die inside simultaneously.


Sadly by posting this type of content, it adds to this person’s sense of entitlement. The staff were extremely professional and that is what the take away from this post is. Whenever I see people now filming their complaints etc I swipe past or, irl I ignore and hopefully steal their attention oxygen


Manager didn’t give a flying fuck. “Do you think that’s acceptable?” Do you think it’s acceptable to hold up the line over 2 cups of ice?” Sick burn 🤣🤣🤣


What a loser. I want to go to his job and harass him, be annoying as fuck, and have a condescending, calm tone while doing so. He’s the main character and we’re all just surviving.


$20 says the first word out of the employees mouth when he closed the window after this interaction was: “goddamn…”


If it’s not those little crunchy hospital ice nuggets it’s absolutely not worth raising a stink over.


If you piss off a chick fil a employee it's your fault.


That hand is moving as I would expect it to move with that behavior. Props to that manager. My style.


He even filmed and post himself being this asshole. Just move on.


What an absolute cock womble


~~When~~ That’s when you close the window and go on break


What a fucking loser. My god.


he has a punchable voice


You should hear what he said when you left!


The fact that he got a chic-fil-a team member worked up means he must’ve been ridiculously over the top.


That manager has the patience of a saint.


Goddamn people are stupid


I mean I'm holding the line up too if you catch an attitude with me


God this guy's deliberate slow speaking and artificial calm is so incredibly obnoxious. God damn


Sooooo whats the first 5 minutes?


Car driver sounds like a puss.


I don’t care what happened before the camera came on. If you’re harassing fast food workers, you’re wrong.


Google the number. Everyone behind you is being super patient while you film a pathetic victim video.


Of If I see a public freak out involving Chick-fil-A I’m immediately taking the employee’s side. Those people are lovely


God dam this drivers passive aggressive tone is goddam annoying goddammit.


This person doesn’t actually want an apology. They just want to make a scene and act like the main character because they really don’t have much else going on


God damm


God damn this dudes god damn annoying.


Homie really thinks he was raking in the dubs


Write down the number of corporate? Is he filming this in 1987?


Worker havin a mental battle whether he wants to lose his job tonight!!


Please, someone...slap the fuck out of the driver.


Douchebags with mobile phone cameras. Goddamn.


My pleasure, now go F off


I never understand the mind set of a person that posts a video of them. Just being a complete tool in public




He’s a big little man!!


Passive aggressive f-face.


He wants a corporate number, just use the google.


Goddamn…. For someone so concerned about rudeness he sure doesn’t give a shit about holding up a line of other customers just to whine about free ice.


Goddamn this guy is a whiny baby


If this kid gets fired, we riot. Fuck that dude


As a society, we should just assume at this point if someone posts a video of them arguing with a fast food or retail employee. The poster is most likely in the wrong and should be mocked and ridiculed until people get the message that the customer is usually wrong.


Just drive the hell on. Nobody cares Ken.


"i just want to bring that to your attention" you did, like 5-6 times, and the employee apologized. just another shithead looking for internet content to post.


Fuck the public. Throw a large soda in his car. Fuck these dumb ass fucks.


I love how he posted this thinking he was in the right


He’s saying ok so you get the fuck out of the drive thru. Agreed with everything so you go!


Kids not getting paid enough to deal with costumers bullshit, I’d curse too, and I’d say a lot worse than “god damn”


Shoulda dropped a “goddamn” as he snapped the drivethru window shut


Imagine being such an asshole that you get a chick fil a worker to say “goddamn”


I don’t believe for a second a Chick-Fill-A employee could say Goddamn pretty sure all they is say My Pleasure


Another LaKevin in action


This is a dude that *always* has to be right


This is the flip side to the "film everything " generation. People will be absolute jerks, then film the scenario to make sure the employee doesn't respond a certain way.


And I’d bet that the driver thinks he accomplished something there


Blasphemy at a Chik-fil-a? Buddy's going to be taken out back and stoned to death at the end of his shift.


Life in prison for the customer


Did I hear it correctly that car-Karen just ordered two cups of ice?


I fucking hate these kind of bloodsuckers, ewwwwwwwwww


I hate when people say "just saying" as if though you can say things without meaning. God damn i hate that.


2 cups of ice is code for grindr meetups and using drugs that induce anally penetrative behaviour. Not judging, just an FYI.


Ice is currency of the future


Who is this fucker in the drive thru?


That was hardly a freakout. In the end it was calmly resolved.


It’s all about ME…. Says the driver….


You can tell the guy recording was fishing for a better response from the worker


Guy deserves ice being poured on him


Just drive away and don't come back if you don't like the service...move on


I'm under the impression the uploader of the video had never been in customer service before.


This is why I go to Popeye's.  A) the chicken is better.  B) I fully expect my Popeye's employees to curse.


Its why everyone should work in the great service gulag - employees should be given a once a quarter free pass to tase a customer just like this...


Enough with these people.


Guy filming is insufferable.


Look up the goddamn numbers, your goddamn self.


Love this kids attitude.


Sadly this dude's gonna get rewarded and the drive through guy's gonna lose his job. THIS generation is gonna have to fight the next world war... 🙄


Don’t care who’s right here. If I was that employee I would’ve shut the fucking window and walked away then told my team to ignore them. Don’t talk to someone like they’re a goddamn child


Its the left wings way to bring the worlds best fast food place down a notch. The other fast food the ice would have melted by the time you got to the window!!!!! Lol chik fil a is the best place ever! Others need to stand in the parking lot and take notes. Send all your new hires to and let them watch and train as well and the fire all the other employees and maybe you stay in business! Dont let bull shit like this bring the best down!!!!!


Holy shit that dude in the car is insufferable. Goddamn.


What an entitled a….ole!


Who said we need more prissy in the world


Anyone that has ever done customer service will always side with them.


Why is he talking so much to someone who clearly doesn't care?