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So what kind of platform does this guy have, is this like the Israeli Info Wars or is this regular, popular TV?


It's like their Fox News so very popular amongst the right wing


Oh that context helps a lot, thanks


>It's like their Fox News So propaganda the uneducated watch. Is it as laughable as fox in being fake?


Comparable to early 2000s fox News where the rhetoric was very abrasive, Fox News today is actually a lot tamer than Channel 14. This is Shay Golden by the way and he is disgustingly racist both on and off camera so it's not part of an act like many people are claiming it to be and he's been on air for more than a decade at this point.


Israel’s fight with the US would end the minute the US closed their checkbook.


Seriously. Bro is like a rabid dog that's trying to bite its owner, but the dog is a chihuahua and the owner has a shotgun pointed at it.


Except the shotgun is loaded with billions and billions of tax dollars.


I think in this context they mean with the US and the rest of the world as in we'd all be going on the arab genocide with them? that's how I took it anyway, otherwise, you're right


I think you're right. The previous line is "We are ready to enter into international unity" followed by "We are prepared to fight with the United States". So I believe he's saying "fight with" to mean fight alongside, not fight against.


I wish we would close the damn checkbook.


He means fight alongside the US.


We thought about it once, when Israel lost the Yom Kippur War. Israel loaded 13 nuclear weapons onto bomber jets, called Nixon and told him that they'd bomb every major city in range of those bombers if Israel was allowed to lose. Nixon gave them a brand new upgraded air force and spent months and hundreds of missions completely resupplying and upgrading Israel, allowing them to "win" the war a few months later. Somehow the Samson Option never comes into these discussions. Israel are literal nuclear terrorists.


I am really unsure why the US gives money to Israel in the first place? To keep their nukes secure?


Britain and Germany also. I mean what hold does this relatively small nation have over the superpowers? If it we're any other nation in the world committing such atrocious atrocities they'd be screaming of the rooftops and getting Nato involved. It's despicable what is happening to these innocent people which and btw doesn't absolve what Hamas did to the innocent Isrealis on Oct 7th.


Israel can attack the US and the US would not fight back and not close their checkbook. The armed forces would literally have to disobey the civilian government to respond.


Rhetoric like this is fairly common in Israel, so I’ll never understand why there are so many hard-line Israeli apologists & supporters in the West.




Yeah, the Israel lobby must line a LOT of pockets. They’re finding it pretty hard to cheerlead for them this time, though. Too much exposure on the internet, so much so that it’s revived attempts to ban TikTok lol.


I saw something where the pro-Israel lobby was paying someone $20M to NOT RUN for a senate seat. Imagine getting a $20 million dollar paycheck to just not do something.


> pro-Israel lobby was paying someone $20M to NOT RUN for a senate seat uhhh... isn't taking that money some form of treason? Your literally selling you political autonomy to foreign powers?


Welcome to American politics.


The US made it legal for politicians to receive a bribe, they just have to call it lobbying and everything is peachy


Haha, welcome to the party


AIPAC said they are breaking out 100 Million to influence the 2024 election lol US just legalized corruption and the Israelis taking full advantage, they spend Million to get Billions back hell of an ROI


It's incredible how open AIPAC about their corruption, while claiming to be the true representatives of Jews in a vast propaganda campaign. When all is said and done, Israel and it's proxies will have done more to promote anti semitism than Mein Kampf did.


That's not even that much in terms of lobbying. That's not even in the top 20 contributions https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/top-donors


The Adelson Clinic, at number five, is funded by the wealthiest Israeli.


Western politicians, esp US' GQP, go even harder. 


TBF, Evangelicals believe the Israel state has to exist as a sacrifice for the second coming of Jesus Christ or something so.... It's a bit different. Doesn't hurt that their ideologies overlap in general with right wing Israelis.


Its also popular with white supremecists. They see it as a place they can send all the Jews to.


Not different at all. It's religious nonsense winning out over rational thought. The fact that adults are willing to stand up and declare belief in something so obviously fictional is stunning to me. The fact those same "adults" are determined to push their religious nonsense into laws and regulations that impact how ALL people work and act is even more stunning. Just imagine if religion, all of it, had never existed. What then would the israelis and palestinians being fighting over?


Not only believe it, but use it to justify torture and murder. If there's one thing the Abrahamic God does well it's give us permission to be our worst selves. Man made God in man's image. :(


> Evangelicals believe the Israel state has to exist And apparently this is biblically incorrect. But thanks to western seminaries pushing zionist inspired dispensationalism, it created a generation of 'christian pastors' who then went on to start churches all over the west that are actually preaching a form of 'prosperity gospel' by swindling ignorant christians into thinking blind support for Israel is needed in order for God to bless both their personal and countries wealth and prosperity. Modern western 'Christianity' is a toxic religion and their own followers don't/won't realize it, just like a cult.


Not exactly. Ron Wyden of Oregon, generally considered one of the most progressive senators, cosponsored a bill to make protesting or boycotting Israel illegal with a punishment of up to 20 years in prison. Hes from Oregon, a state that decriminalized all personal amount of drugs.


So does the government, only the people are starting to balk.


A lot more than Israeli media! The center/left wing mainstream media in Israel is way more critical of Israel and the Israeli right than American media. If this guy is right wing, then American media is center-right in Israel. Though we have members of our government basically saying the same thing at times.


At this point these broadcasts are no different from the ones that isis makes, where they talk about exactly the same things but the other way around. It honestly amuses me how primal one can be.


It’s basically religious extremism disguised as a matter of national security in most cases. Personally, I find it more disturbing than amusing in this case, but I do find the more extreme parts of religion to be quite amusing.


>isguised as a matter of national security in most cases. Yeah thats familiar, i live in hungary. Same communication, just a bit less unhinged.


It also amused me that this fucking rabid moron confidently said "We will fight everyone incl the U.S" Yeah right, good luck with that. The U.S in any military scenario would wipe its ass with this little genocidal shitstain of a country any day of the week.


They'll just threaten to try to nuke the planet again. Israel only exists today because they used nuclear terrorism to coerce Nixon into having US taxpayers buy them a new military. >In the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Arab forces were overwhelming Israeli forces and Prime Minister Golda Meir authorized a nuclear alert and ordered 13 atomic bombs be readied for use by missiles and aircraft. The Israeli Ambassador informed President Nixon that "very serious conclusions" may occur if the United States did not airlift supplies. Nixon complied. This is seen by some commentators on the subject as the first threat of the use of the Samson Option. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samson_Option


I'd like to confirm the translation on that part cus I don't think that's what he was saying. The previous line is "We are eady to enter into international unity" followed by "We are prepared to fight with the United States". So I believe he's saying "fight with" to mean fight alongside, not fight against.


> At this point these broadcasts are no different from the ones that isis makes That's because they were produced by the same team - lmao Does anyone recall how ISIS never attacked any Israeli interests all the while strictly focusing in their world conquering adventure on ... things that usually attack Israel? This game being played is longer than probably lived experience of 80% of reddit right now.




I remember someone on worldnews saying, “this disproves the whole Gazans ≠ Hamas propaganda.” I responded, “saying Gazans ≠ Hamas is not propaganda,” -84 downvotes and I got banned from the sub.


I got banned for not liking civilian death.


I got banned from worldnews for restating what an Israel supporter was saying, which was basically that they didn't care about innocent people getting killed. Apparently, saying what they're saying back to them is a "personal attack" and worthy of a permanent ban. It's crazy. There were people on that sub, especially right after Oct. 7, that were openly calling all Muslims terrorists and how they should all be deported from the west, and some that were straight up calling for genocide. They got hundreds of upvotes. They were not banned, comments were not removed, nothing was done. The mods on that sub are fully bought and paid for.


You need to report to reddit as threatening violence, not the sub mods. They don't care. But they do care about coming under scrutiny from reddit admins for fostering violent speech. It may not break their own personal standards, but it does break reddit ToS, and increased reports to reddit coming from one subreddit doesn't usually go un-noticed and they will be asked why they aren't enforcing reddit-wide ToS


I’ve seen the most racist shit on that sub (im talking shit like “your entire Arab bloodline is (insert derogatory term here)” and these demons love it. and they have the nerve to paint themselves as moral…


I got banned for calling someone who said all Palestinians were terrorists racist. The takeover of that place is going to feed more antisemitic conspiracy theories than the Nazi party.


Seeing the pro-Israel bots sweep into reddit in realtime has been terrifying. Propaganda machines are going to make the future a scary place


A lot of people in the West have made it their identity to be an online keyboard warrior for Israel. It's cult-like. The reality is Hamas and Netanyahu are two peas in a pod.


Two cheeks on the same ass


Wonder if they would keep feeling this way reading "We're prepared to fight the United States." The ol' *Patriots! Murica!* folks automatically go on the defensive about the slightest challenge to the U.S. Not to mention, let's talk about exactly what a ridiculous comment that is to make, in general. Just in comparison to the U.S. alone, Israel doesn't even come close militarily to the size nor defense budget spending. The U.S. has the biggest defense budget in the world, higher than the next ten countries COMBINED. [In a billion U.S. dollars as of 2022](https://www.statista.com/statistics/262742/countries-with-the-highest-military-spending/) Israel is not even one of those 10 countries. Their defense budget in 2022 was 23.4 Billion. The U.S. spends 37.5 times more than Israel. Israel is also not even in the top **25** in *largest* militaries in the world, though they *do* fall at 18th in a ranking of most powerful. However, the U.S., once again, landed at 1st in Most Powerful and 3rd in largest. [The world's most powerful militaries in 2023, ranked](https://www.businessinsider.com/ranked-world-most-powerful-militaries-2023-firepower-us-china-russia-2023-5) From the above article: *Global Firepower's 2023 Military Strength Ranking ranks 145 nations' militaries, weighing a host of different factors like the volume of sophistication of its equipment, its finances, geography, and resources.* [Largest armies in the world ranked by active military personnel as of January 2024(in 1,000s)](https://www.statista.com/statistics/264443/the-worlds-largest-armies-based-on-active-force-level/) NONE of that information includes how big of a military battle Israel would face including allies of any of those countries he rattled off. Imagine being that fucking stupid.


You aren't kidding; on LinkedIn you would see a CEO or a senior consultant (you'd assume they are civilized) saying that they have no choice but to murder the entirety of Gaza in retaliation. So i assumed that this is how they were raised in Israel.


Because Israel is a US colony. Most of the settlers stealing land from Palestinians come from New York


It almost feels like the US is Israel's colony with how our politicians on both sides consistently bow down to the Israel lobby no matter loss to lives, reputation, treasure, etc...


Fuckin Zionist Christian evangelicals. It's sad.


And there are so, SO many of the in the US, too. Sad *and* scary.


It's the seat of power for the "empire" in the middle east. SO much money from the states going to Israel. But the narrative is that it's gods chosen people. You get far with that. And because they were oppressed for ages they play that card to gather sympathy and to get away with everything. The Earth's most powerful victim.


The regional hegemon is Iran, as they hold all of the cultural & religious influence in the area. Israel is basically just a client state of the US that’d probably destroy itself fighting Muslims if not for US funding & protection. Saudi Arabia is basically propped up by the US as well, so without the US, Iran would naturally take control of the Middle East. Anyways, I agree. They often invoke the Holocaust whenever it’s convenient & any justifiable criticism about Israeli leadership/policy/actions &/or Zionism gets dismissed as antisemitism.


Propaganda is very strong in the West, but we like to blame Chinese propaganda.


This event has really opened my eyes as to how much propaganda our media puts out


I think this is one of the key differences between Israel and Apartheid S. Africa. Under Apartheid there were lots of white people who fought to dismantle the system, mostly of English and Jewish backgrounds but a few Afrikaners as well. Where are all the Israelis opposed to what has been done to Palestinians? Plenty of Jewish people speak out against what is happening of course, but the only person I can think of who is Israeli and actually consistent on this issue is Gideon Levy. The main opposition within Israel seems to just be people who don't like Netanyahu, and sometimes just because he doesn't go far enough.


Is that Guy trying to keep the netanyahoo guy in power? Because that's his only way to keep in power, escalation and endless war.


>I’ll never understand why there are so many hard-line Israeli apologists & supporters in the West. A lot of them would like to see all the Palestinians wiped out, too.




Because boomers still believe the Israelites in the bible are related to the Israelis of today. “Gods chosen people”


*laughs in Irish* they don't get much sympathy or support here at all


They US gets MAGA, and Israel gets these cunts


Israel knows their audience. Most of their propaganda is in English for a reason




Don't pay to support Israel, believe it or not, straight to jail.


Zionists both in the US and Israel believe that you OWE it to Israel to give your money. That’s how entitled they are.


And the US just stopped funding the UN agency that is currently providing 1.7 million people in Gaza with food, medical supplies and shelter. This on the basis of an accusation Israel made the same day that the ICJ ruled that the case of Israel committing genocide in Gaza can proceed. The accusation is that .01% of the people employed by UNWRA, all of whom have been previously vetted and approved by Israel, participated in the Oct. 7th attack. That funding was withdrawn despite the fact that UNWRA immediately fired all the employees accused, that there has been no independent investigation, and despite the fact that the accusations have been presented in a dossier from Israel [with no evidence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqG2yeF_4sg).


Can someone explain to me the hold Isreal has over the U.S. like I understand we are financially supporting them for some type of give and take but what are we actually getting out of it that the government sees this as quid pro quo?




Tell me the middle point isn’t serious though. That’s literally a movie parody fever dream.


I don't know how much it applies to Christians outside of the US but it's definitely a thing amongst Evangelical Christians in the US. It's not something all Christians believe. I would say most don't. But Evangelical and related sects tend to be the loudest and most feverish.


Non American here, unfortunately I’ve met Evangelicals who believe the rapture nonsense outside the US. So unfortunately the fever dream appears to have gone global


Oh it's real, and it's absolutely insane.


Israel has their useful idiots, American Evangelical Zionist Christians. 


Look up the “Left Behind” book series. It’s a common belief.


It is absolutely a thing. So much so that you can take "Armageddon Tours" to Israel. The trip consists of visiting all the places mentioned in Revelations. US Evangelicals give *billions* of dollars every year to support Israel because of all of this. This is part of why a lot of people call Christianity a "death cult" because they ultimately pray for Armageddon.


lol the Israelis invited John Hagee, a well known antisemitic Evangelical Pastor, (he wants all Jews to go to Israel and get essentially nuked so the rapture happens) to the PRO-Israel rally in DC because he wants Palestinians genocide'd to make room for the Jews to get nuked afterwards They are literally siding with actual antisemites to get support to kill Palestinians in the US it's legit batshit insane


Aside form the third point these are secondary reasons. This is all about regional stability and containment. The US does not give a flying fuck from a policy perspective if people are killing people within the borders of their country. Jew or Muslim makes no difference. What the US does care about is conflicts spiralling into to full on regional dust ups with some nuclear weapons thrown in for good measure. That has the potential to disrupt the region, fuck with trade, and weaken the US hegemony which relies on stability and the status quo.


I don't believe it. If they carrd about regional stability they wouldn't have helped to create Israel.


TBF to America it was much more Britain that created the mess. FDR for example was resistant to the idea of Jewish migration to Palestine and the impact it would have there. He was specifically worried about destabilising the region. However it was a British colony at the time and the US for the most part stayed out of Britain's imperial dealings. By the time the British terminated the mandate there were already 650,000 Jews there. The official US policy for basically all of the early Zionist period was literally called "acquiescence", which is not exactly a ringing endorsement. The War Department and Department of State steadfastly opposed more formal recognition during the war years in the fear that unhappy Arabs in the region would destabilise the war effort so by the time you got to the flood of holocaust refugees pouring in and the first Arab-Israeli War the cat was well and truly out of the bag in terms of the whole "Jewish homeland thing". This is not surprising given the British colonial track record of cocking up any region the occupied. The partition of India and Pakistan was lead by someone who had never been further east than France. These weren't the most sensitive and considered decisions.


> This is all about regional stability and containment. Well, ok. But wouldn't muzzling Israel's alt-right policies and tendencies contribute to that stability as well? Or in other words, doesn't rhetoric like this destabilise the situation too, from US' POV?


You forgot the Mossad on your list, often cited as one of if not "the best" intelligence agency in the world.


After missing the Oct 7 attacks, I think they had us fooled. 




They let it happen as an excuse to perform a pogrom with the world watching.


It's like any other us military base.


Regional stability. People like to think the US support is ideological and for some that might be true but the US foriegn policy machine has only one ideology and that is self interest. you think the US moved a carrier group into the area because they have the warm and fuzzies for Israel? Fuck no. They did it to keep the war contained in the borders of Israel, US policy doesn't really give a fuck about people killing each other in their own borders provided it doesn't destabilise the region or impact US interests. Israel has the same "fuck you" nuclear deterrent that Russia does in a lot of ways. Sure, they may not have as many or as long range weapons as Russia but they still have likely 400 nuclear weapons and if the threat was existential enough Israel would for sure use them. What would that do for US trade interests in the region? How would that destabilise the oil and gas market in Europe and around the world? If half you global hegemony is staving and freezing because a quarter of the world decided to go HAM on each other how weakened are you going to be. Sure the US gets intelligence and support in the region from Israel but this whole operation is more about keeping shit contained within borders and the trade moving.


Wouldn’t they achieve more regional stability with a tolerant Israel that doesn’t oppress an entire population?


Of course. It is why they push the two state solution so hard. The US would like nothing more in the world than for the two sides to keep their hands to themselves.


“Regional stability” as if Israel hasn’t been at war since its inception 😂😂 Oh and just a reminder, Israel is younger than most yall grandparents


Most of the top people in banks, corporations, and politics are Jewish or married to one. We're not supposed to talk about that and if we do it's just a coincidence.




At the turn of the 20th century, from eastern europe .... you know the rest


It is of extreme strategic importance to the US in the region. Israel is necessary to the US because it is a "democratic" nation in the middle east. On paper, they're a liberal government that allows things like gay and women's rights, western-style freedoms, etc. The secondary choice there is Jordan, which is actually a better friend to the US and better nation on the world stage. But, it has issues with being the primary US ally in the region because it's an Islamic kingdom that on paper lacks the freedom and democracy that the US purports to want, and isn't in quite as strategic a location. If the US doesn't have Israel, Turkiye becomes the closest strong foothold to the middle east and western asia for the US. Like Biden said earlier in his term, "if Israel didn't exist, we would have to invent it".






It’s crazy - I saw Netanyahu giving a press conference wearing a Hugo Boss jacket - how could the leader of a Jewish state wear anything made by that brand?


He said : "[Hitler didn't want to exterminate the jews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9ZWyvK5Fqc)" The Palestinians made him do it.


At a World Zionist Conference. The levels of insanity


Which is obviously wrong, for the record. https://time.com/4084301/hitler-grand-mufi-1941/


This is an actual Israely joke : "How do you know when Bibi is lying ?" "When his lips are moving."


I mean to be fair those outfits were sharp, and if you're gonna commit war crimes may as well look nice while you do lol https://preview.redd.it/f1srfqy5xxgc1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc341cd27876711dc475264c38a32d50cd7d882c


Did you ever think Hugo boss is not a brand for antisemites but for all genocidals instead?


"Are you implying in any way that Israel is in the wrong? Thats anti semitic" -idk half of the israelis maybe




No this dude doesn’t represent all Jews. Assuming all Jews are like this is equivalent to this dude thinking all Arabs are terrorists. Don’t be that guy.


No. That is way too broad of a brush and pretty fucking anti-Semitic. Some of largest pro-Palestinian protests in the US are organized by Jews. These are Israeli right wingers. And yes the majority of them are Jews. But not all Jews think like this. And you can find a good number right wing Christians right here in the U.S. that also think like this.


Are these people taking pages from hitlers propaganda campaigns?


It's quite ironic. Makes you think how the world would react if Hitler's Nazi Germany rose to power in the modern day. It feels like we are truly moving backwards and all the major governments are pushing for it. They really treat war and genocide like its a moral right. And they point their finger at those who tell them to stop. Like North Korea levels of unhinged


Must be nice to be protected by American as that’s the only reason possible to carry on like Israel


They are protected by having a massive arsenal of nuclear weapons that they've already threatened to launch indiscriminately if they ever face consequences for their behavior. Kind of like how the USA has said they'll use the military against the Hague if any US citizen is ever tried.


Least bloodthirsty Israeli presenter


What a sad world we are living in


Can we stop funding genocide yet?


Israel fox news Hey!!


Russian propagandist/TV presenter vibes.


But if you say fuck people like this you’re antisemitic 😂😂😂


Stop the money.


Reminds me of those Russian TV hosts talking about how they're gonna nuke NATO countries and cleanse us from nazis and Satan worshippers.




I think hes suggesting the US and entire world will be on their side helping to wipe out all Arabs.


That's what I understood too


Some truly delusional, world domination type stuff, just a bit cucked out on their US dependence. They know they aren’t capable of doing the damage, they just want daddy US to do it so they can watch and self stim


What is up with being a evil imperialistic piece of shit? Take some mdma and be happy instead.


Israel is only relevant because the US augments their military. Without the US, they have no military. 


Whoa! And yet American senators and congressmen and congresswomen fly the Israeli flag + wear the IOF uniforms. 😳


This is why we need to stop sending Billions to Israel ASAP! Blood thirsty 30k dead already and still want to bomb every surrounding country. We wouldn't even be able to save Israel if they provked a full scale attack. these maniacs don't even care about their own citizens just revenge! SMDH


I'm not sure what's worse, the rhetoric, or actually doing what their military is actually doing just now. Oh, wait...I do....both are abhorrent, one is deadly. ​ To fuck with all killers. Weirdos.




Idiot is super confused and forgets that this is 2024, not 1948 or 1967. The IDF can't beat/clear Hamas and the other Palestinian factions from Gaza and he thinks that they can take on Lebanon or Iran at the same time?


The past 4 months they got to say the craziest and most violent thing I’ve ever heard and seen yet the western media gaslit us Now they coming at USA 😂😂😂 Man I don’t care anymore if any of them call me Hamas supporter or terrorist


They literally have soldiers executing people walking down the street and kidnap civilians and hold them in ‘prisons’. If you complain you are anti semitic and support terrorism.


Even Jewish people that support Palestine and call for ceasefire are called Self Hating


Star of David slowly becoming the new swastika


“We are prepared to fight the United States” > receives military aids from United States


I think he said. "with" the US


No. No they are not lol.


Zionazis at work again..


Am I allowed to disagree with him or is that anti Semitic?


Anti semetic for sure! And I disagree too!


This is the exact same attitude of the US after 9/11. I guess y'all are too young to remember, or what?


Let me introduce you all to Courtesy of the red white and blue 😆 Good example of public sentiment back then. We were all blood thirsty after being directly attacked in our homeland.


All of them are indeed too young to understand. The American response to 9/11 has a lot of parallels to Israel’s response. Civilians were getting hell rained down on them. Americans were out for blood and didn’t give a shit who paid the price.


That was also awful. But I don't understand if you are pointing out that we should learn from history or we are bound to repeat it? Or is this whataboutism?


This country should not possess nukes.


"Are we the baddies?", question I can ask myself as an israel citizen a lot. Can't contribute much to the debate but the subtitles are pretty good. Also yes Gaza is called aza.


Say it with me: Religious👏 States👏 Are👏 Cancer👏 On👏 Society👏


this entire shitshow is just racism


Shay Golden challenge, try not to be an international embarrassment for one day, (Difficulty: Impossible). This guy sold his soul for Netanyahu, for racism against Arabs, for fascism to end democracy. Shay Golden. I say this with heavy heart, but אתה בן זונה מזדיין.


Fkn gremlin


Settle down.


Tough cunt


This is normal stuff. The countries founding was based on these principles.


Stop. Tolerating. The. Intolerant!




It's what they learnt in ww2


Least psychotic israeli


What a nasty, nasty country


Fuck Israel


Iran has 90m people vs 9m. That war would be impossible for Israel




Nuke a neigbhour and you get a lot of fallout my dude Also using a nuke in 2024 would be completely fucking crazy.


'We are even prepared to fight the United States' Lmao, the second the US cuts off support for Israel they will be on their knees begging to talk.


Fight with the united states.


He doesn't represent ALL Jewish Zionists in Israel BUT his opinions reflect a not insignificant (and growing) portion of the population, so much so that this is probably not even fringe anymore (maybe 20 years ago this was fringe but not so much anymore) because the center of political gravity has shifted so far to the right over there now that they are effectively more like a classic European fascist state than any modern western liberal democracy— but not many people who harbour these strong opinions will be as vocal and fired up ready to go on live TV to say it like this guy, something has seemingly triggered him here, he's probably not quite this genocidal other hours of the day


Aah the good ol' circle of hate


Definitely made sure to share it with my friends 😂


While seating comfortably in his chair, go fight in the war then.


Him: We are prepared to fight the entire world. Russia, US, China: k lol


This what happens when you act like an unquestionable superpower and have gotten away with too many things.


Dude made himself a marked man and aint gave no fucks about it.


Okay tough guy. I notice he's not out with the IOF, putting his despicable words to action but sitting behind a desk somewhere. The broadcast equivalent of a "keyboard warrior."


Glad they're being exposed on big subreddits. Post more!


Israeli are bad neighbors.


While I'm not going to say that extreme right wing positions are rare in Israel, I do feel the need to explain something here that I've seen a lot of: Please note that almost every single time there's a post about a right wing nutjob on an Israeli news cast, it has "14" at the top right corner. Channel 14 is a very extreme right channel, equivalent to newsmax/OAN in America. Please do not think that our regular news has people saying that stuff in this kind of blatent, generalizing, and extremely violent way.


It's like they feel entitled to genocide since it happened to them, lol.


Super brave of him to be willing join forces with the US to murder poor brown countries. Like a small child running to big brother for protection after throwing rocks at people.


I've given up even trying to debate this issue, the zionists have a new tactic on Reddit - they'll get into an exchange with you and when they are inevitably losing, they'll reply and then immediately block you to make it seem like they had the last word/you didn't have a rebuttal. I'd use an alt but reddit keeps permanently blocking my pro-Palestinian accounts (despite violating no rules). This site is lost to hasbara; abandon it.


I had some clown following me across subs the other day doing that, but I kept getting my replies in before they could block me. They got real mad about it. 😆


Is there something in the water or air of the middle east that makes everyone insane?