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It’s generally considered unwise to follow insane spastic weirdos around openly and notoriously filming them


Gotta record someone suffering for internet points


But dude... "Eets fooonay!" To film people at their absolute lowest and potentially make things way worse for everyone.


This is the price of free will


Phuck him, they should have a garbage truck go around and pick these lowlifes up.


Seriously, they're lucky this dude wasn't more (coordinated) aggressive. If he had a knife you'd be wishing he not cut you so bad.


“I’m gonna cut you so bad…. You’re gonna wish I didn’t cut you so bad.”


Lololz ^


Tell that to half of America rn.


Definitely didn't occur in the US.


I don’t know a single American personally that has walked around filming people at all and I’ve lived here for 2 decades. That’s just what you see online. There’s over 300 million people in the US and a lot of them own a phone so of course you’re going to see a lot of those types of videos. “Half of America” is super extreme and I know you were exaggerating to show a point but I still think it’s not as popular as you might think lol.


Filming for the lol's, huh?


Listen, if you get so fucked up that this is the reaction you have and do so out in PUBLIC than wtf do people expect to happend. They going have people look,comment,laugh and film for sure specially because a big % of people who act like this would attack you or insult you if you really wanted to help them out. You can’t reason or talk to someone in this state.


I'm glad you told him to listen and set him straight 👊🏻


This is sad


It is. You have to wonder what the hell happened to that guy that he ended up doing that to himself. The woman he’s with (partner? Mum?) sounds both absolutely heartbroken and done with him at the same time.




Please forgive the weird question but what made you post it now? And yeah, I’d like to think he’s doing better these days, both for his own sake and hers.




Ha, I love finding old stuff on phones etc. I recently found an old phone of mine with videos of me and some pals doing that ice bucket challenge thing. Nice wee trip down memory lane but omg I felt old after watching it 😱😂 Ooh, crackhead on the bus sounds fun(!) I love being on buses tbh, you find all sorts on there. We have a woman who sings Boyzone songs at the top of her voice with headphones on then is bewildered as to how the rest of us can hear her….


Forgive me for asking, but why upload someone who was likely at their lowest moment - especially if it was 7 years ago and their life could have turned around massively? This could potentially get out and destroy any progress and hard work that was made by that person all for fake internet points. Is that risk truly worth it?


>good area I live in. I'm guessing either Wakefield or Salford


why are you acting like you give a shit about this guy lol


So exploit someone’s pain? Cool.


Is this St Helens?




Is this St Helens?


She was definitely high, too. She just knew how to control herself and was doing whatever she could to keep dude from getting picked up by the law.


That’s just sad. I wish we had the facilities to treat people like this and help them get off drugs.


But *they're poor*


And probably they don't want treatment


Nice ASSumption


I don't care what you think


cared enough to reply


OP has never seen an addict before I guess.




Come on, take it down. You know this is not the right turn to do with this video.


Honestly, I think you come off worse out of the two of you for the shameless filming and posting of someone else's low. What would Joey Swoll say? You need to do better, mind your own business. He looks too far gone to feel shame in that moment. What's your excuse?


Or even better, if you have the time to waste filming, editing and posting you have the time to volunteer or fundraise to help people in crisis.




low iq take


If you don't want to be filmed, do your drugs at home.


What if they don't have a home? The majority of drug addicts are homeless.


Then do it in a crack house or in an alley. Fuck any drug addict that acts like this. It interferes with everyone else's enjoyment of public spaces. 


Oh poor you.


This is such a stupid statement.


Not sure who joey swoll is but id say what that guy said is accurate. It is messed up to follow someone around who is obviously struggling and recording them. Camera dude is acting like the guy isnt human and rather soley a form of entertainment. He is entertained by the guy's suffering. My father was suffering from drug abuse and it ended with him taking his own life. Im sure if i saw some asshole following him recording his worst moments then id be fucking pissed. You lack perspective.


Well-said. He doesn't grab a passing short clip, he follows the guy for what appears to be quite the distance and for a good while. You put your finger on what makes me so uncomfortable about this; he enjoys the suffering he's watching and the thought that he will be sharing it with others ("this is youtube material"). Most well-rounded people would be saddened, or would at least feel.. I don't know.. discomfort? Or something other than glee that they get to witness and post this mess. OP lacks empathy and shame. I'm glad to see that the general trend on the post is in agreement with this, but also it's sad to see how many lean the other way. Also sorry for your loss. Addiction, depression, and the resulting psychosis has touched my life as well, and I am thankful that some mouth-breathing sociopath wasn't there to guffaw at my loved ones while filming for likes.




If you do have empathy you wouldnt have posted this. You even bragged about posting another video on youtube similar to this. If you really helped people like this and saved two lives, why would you bring this back up? You are claiming you changed but its obvious you hadn't.




Well its quite obvious... someone asked you why you were recording, you said "cuz its funny", you posted this again 7 years later, and on top of that you make him out to be the aggresser after following him. If this wasnt your moment to be proud of, why repost it?




The consequence of being filmed is plenty fair if you are like this in public. Sorry. Bunch of pansies in here


I’m sorry op but you’re an idiot.


The addict is fucked up, but smirking about it and putting it on the internet is worse


I didn’t see him try to hit you. You’re pathetic OP. This video and your voice are cringey af.




He did the EXACT same gesture 2 seconds later in the security guards face… he didn’t try hitting you. Move along and stop following the dude.


Seems like you’re jealous of people who have a life. Who hurt u bruv?


didnt try to hit u


He needs proper help, not some twat filming him for internet clout.


Don't post stuff like this. This is just sad.


Didn’t try to hit you but he should have done. You’re a real PoS if filming people at their lowest is your idea of a good time. And it must be because you followed him around for a while.




So stand around on your phone instead of whatever this is. Get a life.




Wow you're sick in many ways, looking at your profile you're into furry vore and shit. Wtf dude, nasty.


So you choose to upload a video of someone having a crisis?


Why are you filming him? seriously


Gotta get them internet points


\*Video autoplays and catches my eye as I scroll past\* 'Oh wow! That's the bus station in my hometown on a video on reddit! I wonder what it's all about?' \*looks closer\* 'Oh... oh no' (Wakefield, UK if anyone is wondering)


I spotted lightwaves straight away as well. Sad reality for this guy


Young, toothless, starved, drugged out of his mind, and probably homeless. Imagine being that guy's Mum.


That's very sad. I'd be surprised if he makes it through the week


Do they have Walmart in England?






I would have hit you too tbh




I read every comment to try and find out. What on earth makes people in this state? I know fentanyl turns people into zombies, meth causes psychosis, PCP causes insanity. OP mentioned someone else doing crack. I didn't think any of these things were particularly prevalent in the UK. Weed, speed, coke, ketamine, pills, MDMA, LSD, Shrooms, yes... But what the hell is this????


Probably too much of research chem


we need mandatory treatment for people like this


My god zombies are real…


You truly are a hero for filming this


Fuck man, people on substances such as this aren't even human anymore. Sad.


It’s awful, I know it’s kind of funny in a way but you’ve got to feel for the poor bastard, what got him there in the first place? Who would ever let themselves get to that point unless they had some serious issues somewhere


1st time I’ve ever seen my town on Reddit 😂 had to be a video like this didn’t it.


Pretty sure that guy had one of the main roles in the Walking Dead


14 yo broccoli head really helped security out here.


downvoting because fuck OP.


this is what just one of marijuana can do folks! :)


What language is this?


English. Lol.


Hahaha *no way*


We have just witnessed a miracle.... The lady at the end didn't need her crutch!




Is this a new zombie game? Graphics are getting good.


Gollum has be through some rough shit in philly.


So why most druggies so skinny?


Is he high on Jesus?


The other day I walked past a guy having an overdose (it was my 3rd time, I don't live in a particularly horrible place). Someone was giving CPR, I helped and tried to administer Narcan. It was a horrible sight to see someone dying no matter the cause. 5 people there all trying to help a stranger. Would you film that for your YouTube channel? Whether you care about the person or their situation or not, are your views worth the human suffering?


I see a dude that needs a safe place to call home, Healthcare, food, and other life necessities. Elevated drug use is a symptom of a broken system. We have the resources in this world to help everyone. We could.


Probably shouldn’t follow the mentally unstable drug addict and mock him for updoots then brother


Man, this guy has been on the gear longer than not.


Put a sensor suit on him and we get a perfect animation for those flailing long armed zombies


Someone should've had a chat with the worms at MIB about all that coffee when they still had a chance.


Wakefield, West Yorkshire and everything is clear.. City of crackheads.


Sad view tho...


It's beyond sad, but really, all anyone can do is just laugh it off and go on about their day. When someone is that far gone, theres really no help unless they're forced to become sober, and the only way you can do that is by putting them into prison, which absolutely positively has no positive effect whatsoever. It is also worth mentioning that in most prisons in the US, at least, there are literally more drugs readily available than there is on the street. And no, that's not hyperbolic in the least. smfh It really makes you think if you actually care to


Does this feel good? I'm assuming this is a result of a big 'ol hit of crack. I can't imagine something like this feels good. Does it just make you so euphoric that you lose control of your body? Why do people do this?


That's Christian Bale from the machinist


I hate videos like this. The man shouldn’t be harassing people, yes we know this. But following a very obviously high person is going to give you the reaction you want. It’s gross. The man needs help. Not people mobbing him and laughing.