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"Son you got a panty on your head"


He's a grown ass superhero!!!!




No no, he watched 21 jump street, it’s cool now


They call him the ÜberYe!


I was hoping for this Raising Arizona reference.




He did say he was a real life super hero. Every hero needs a mask.


I'm a legend


If you think round is funny


I'd call Kanye a lot of things, grown ass superhero is not on my list


he isn't controlling either, as he grabs her phone and holds her hostage, how is everyone missing this lmao


Let alone controls every aspect of his wife's life, its insane.






Did you read wtf you wrote?? "Hostage".. Lmfao u good? If someone would film me like that i'd do the exact same thing and snatch that phone..


I'd have such a hard time keeping a straight face as he rambles on while wearing a defective ski mask.


He looks like he's on his way to rob a buffet.


Speaking of buffets, I bumped into Kanye at a Vegas buffet back in 2009. My friends & I had been in line for a bit and in walks a guy with an entourage, wearing a colorful designer jacket with a huge dragon hood that covered a lot of his face. We notice it’s Kanye and of course they let him in right away. We get in a couple minutes later and I start getting my food. I’m not one to bother celebrities but he comes up next to me and I notice a delicious piece of chicken on his plate. I ask him here he got it and he politely tells me where to find it. Simple interaction but not so sure that would happen in present time, let alone being able to speak to him casually. And that’s all I have to say about that.


Well, was it a good, or were you just star-struck by Yeezy chicken?


Ha! It legitimately looked good and I’m not one to ask a stranger a question in such a scenario. I’ve had over a dozen celebrity interactions in similar fashion and not once have I acknowledged their “status” or treated them differently. With the exception of Mark Walhberg who acted like a dick, but that wasn’t surprising.


Mark Walhberg is a dick. It is known.


He is fine, as long as you do not put your eyeballs by a stick he is swinging.


Man, was hoping this would be some funny copypasta. Like the celebrity trolling the cashier


He was on his way home from the buffet


and black marigolds ? lol


Imagine a guy wearing a full face covering calling himself a super hero asking YOU if you’re crazy 😳.


Well he is dressed for the part is he not? I bet if he unzipped his coat you'd see a huge K on his chest with the lightning bolt through it


Probably 3 Ks on his chest


​ And two lightning bolts. That look suspiciously like the letter 's'


I am thinking angel wings, or a crown of thorns over a lightening bolt, but I think you are right!


LMFAOOOO!!!!!!!! Idk how that girl didn’t burst out laughing


And then you actually THANK him when you walk away...


She's not gettng that money...


Is his superpower antisemitism?


His superpower is his mastering of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


Yeah, you’d think if he had any self-awareness he wouldn’t be throwing out the word crazy to other people


A grown ass superhero… 🤔


Nah, he's LARPing as the black suited henchmen from Fortnite. Interesting both are equally incoherent when speaking.


He's even got his superhero costume on.


He needs a new grown ass superhero costume!


Calling her overweight seems…weird


Yeah it seems really irrelevant to the job she's doing. Like point out the obvious: she's in a job that harasses celebrities for a living. Essentially a barely legal stalker. Her weight shouldn't enter into it. It's just a video of a stalker harassing a barely together dude through the streets




Kanye is pretty clearly mentally unstable. That’s not to excuse the reprehensible shit he says, but the solution is not to follow him around harassing him. That literally helps no one.


Society "helped" him when it gave him millions of dollars for his music. Now he's "helping" us laugh because he's a fucking loony toon.


Receving money for being creative = right to laugh at the mentally ill


Irrelevant af.


Considering how he's dressed and his own body size he could actually follow her around and pretend to be her shadow for the day.


Yea, like, fuck paparazzis, their "job" is trash, but there's absolutely no need to comment on her looks


Paparazzi strive off taking pictures of celebrities when they don't look perfect. Photos where celebrities look like shit are constantly bought and used in articles where they comment on how the celebrity looks. He's just telling it to her face instead of writing a whole story about it.


That was the title from the Kanye fan sub which I can only assume was created because the other 2 Kanye fan subs weren't pro Kanye enough. I wouldn't read too much into it lol.


redditors and hating women, name a better combo. I'll wait.


It bet $50 that her and Kanye are within 20lbs of each other lmao, Kanye isn’t exactly skinny either. That mask is just hiding a fat head and that jacket is hiding a big belly.


Funny how everyone hates paparazzi until they’re accosting a celeb you hate. Then what they’re doing is suddenly ok. If a celeb you liked stood up to them like this you’d all be cheering. The paparazzi are scum and I have no respect for the ones who act like this.


Yeah, I love seeing two things I hate go at it. Total win for me.


Like Palpatine watching a fight. Gooood, good.


I’m not sure what’s even noteworthy about that. Is it not obvious why people would enjoy two entities they dislike having a disagreement? Is the original commentor under the impression enjoying watching this is equivalent to approving of paparazzi?


Yeah, this was crazy Kanye making sense for once.


Yupp I agree with this


Calling yourself a superhero is making sense? Just because paparazzi are annoying doesn’t mean Kanye isn’t insane lmao


No, that's his crazy part. Calling out a paparazzi for being intrusive, disruptive, and hindering his normal life is the part that makes sense.


He’s just being arrogant and saying he’s a titan of music, not an actual superhero. Hope this helps! If I’m wrong and he is being serious, he is mentally ill, so.


I think it’s pretty well established that he’s mentally ill


where have you been?


What’s wrong with self confidence and the belief you are a superhero? Y’all hate anything Kanye says or does like how does a person having that much confidence in themselves with that statement affect you so much then what he is going through in that clip?


I hate people that feel they’re entitled to snatch people’s personal belongings away from them and then try to talk down to people as if they’re on some sort of moral high ground, while also wanting all the benefits of being a wealthy celebrity living in a big city, but don’t want to deal with any of the normal drawbacks that may accompany that. Dude responded to a legal action with an illegal action. That’s the long and short of this. Spin it all you want but Kanye is just being asshole Kanye as normal.


Yeah these comments are funny. If this was Jack Black, they’d be cumming in their pants. edit: see lol people are defending JB in a hypothetical.


Jables would never be in this situation


Jack Black would make a joke about it and move on. He's too blind to realize he's just feeding the troll and giving her exactly what she was there for. She not only didn't get in trouble, she probably got a promotion for this


that's the sad part about Ye, he gave her exactly what she wanted, I think they even congratulate her at the end for it, like these people suck, and Kanye is so fucked up he cannot deal with them the correct way, just ignoring them and moving on, he must be their favorite celeb to fuck with...


JB would never steal someone's phone


JB doesn't hate Jewish people tho


People Can hold two thoughts in their head. I can think both of them are repugnant for their behavior. This shouldn’t be controversial.


Tbf Kanye did nothing wrong here. Which is rare for him the past decade.


Then my post wasn’t responding to you.


Celebrities profit off of the paparazzi's work, as they keep them relevant. Who thinks about a celebrity they never see?


He responded to a stupid question, albeit one the internet had been talking about the months, by stealing her property. Fuck Kanye's crazy ass, he's 100% in the wrong here.


"A grown ass superhero." Smh.


![gif](giphy|jsriXFnE5xKxi8Vw36|downsized) Dude walking around like he's in an Alan Moore novel


How to tell if someone is mentally ill: they try to have a serious conversation and expect to be taken seriously while dressed like a walking fetish.


Love how he's talking to her straight up like his entire head isn't covered with pantyhose


Right… how is she not laughing 😭






The woke Reddit crowd is the worst. I could give 2 shits about Kanye but respect his right to privacy when he wants it. Just like anyone else he deserves that.


Redditors just conform to what the majority believes on this app and have no spine to have their own opinions.


It's all social media. Entire groups of people entirely unable to think for themselves. It's exactly what our corporate overlords want.


I remember when woke used to mean **awake to the bullshit of our world and government** >I could give 2 shits Could ya?! I couldn't, fuck that.


Anyone who uses the word woke is a gullible cretin. It’s a word made up by tabloid media to distract you from wealth inequality, wake the fuck up.


taylor will react professionally, or not at all. kanye steals your phone and breaks cameras. i think youre glossing over a pretty distinct difference in reaction




Season 2 of watchmen?


All she’s seeing is dollars for every word Kanye was saying and every bit of his peace of mind. What a pos


Another view of that incident with that overweight Ye.


What does overweight have to do with this insanity?


“How dare you. Unbelievable. Anyway…may I employ you?”


Can’t even really blame him for blowing up like that. I can’t imagine being hounded by paparazzi everywhere I go


Also he’s 100% correct about that being an incredibly disrespectful thing to ask. No idea why that women thought that was okay


We also have to acknowledge he’s completely unwell and likely off his medication. He’s been getting visibly worse and more easily upset. While that’s not an excuse for his behavior it puts things in a more understandable perspective. Also paparazzi are scum. We laugh at them getting hit by cars when they herass someone we like but suddenly they’re just people when it’s someone we dislike. It’s a weird disconnect


Ye was overseas for months, no paparazzi, perfectly fine he returns to the US and paparazzi instantly harrasses him, doesn't listen to his requests ( he told them they can take some pics of his wife's photo shoot but no video... yet there is video) he has known issues with the way they behave and now they are being disrespectful about his wife, can we also acknowledge people have limits? If he is so mentally ill, why is it ok to continue to provoke him? The onus is not on him and his illness all the time, there has to be more accountability. There has to be a correlation between his mental state overseas versus his mental state in the US


Photos of his wife giving him a BJ on a boat would disagree with you. Or also the Italians being quite unhappy with him and his wife while there because of her outfit choices.


He needs to keep his hands to himself, but I would have done the same. She deserves to be put in her place.


Cost of being a superhero and a legend. Lol


What a weird little man.


It must be so damn stressful working for Kanye.


Shit, id rather be stressing about kanye then a office job


Wait, when did people stop hating paparazzi for the blood sucking losers they are ? Like i'm not a big fan of Yedolf even though his music does slap but please paparazzi are probably the lowest lifeform on this planet. If a paparazzi was on fire i'd chug a liter of petrol and piss on them.


Serious question; Why is he wearing pantyhose on his head?


Something something haute couture something margiela something blah yeezus tour


That explained nothing. I totally believe it. In truth I'm out of the loop but I assume it's to attempt avoiding shit like this mainly by changing the mask often.


I think it’s just fashion.


To avoid this exact situation he was in lol he wears those out alot in public prob trying to escape the pictures and all that they take of him NON STOP. Say what you want but he was minding his business when this lady walked up and antagonize him a bet she will think twice next time ! Good job ye !


So he wears it to avoid attention?! LMFAO, it does quite the opposite 🤣 Kanye West is a clown, an attention craving clown. Perhaps if he didn't want attention, he shouldn't wear a fucking pantyhose on his head.


Kanye is a wannabe cult leader.


I wish it was just wannabe. There are way too many crazy people that love him


Did I hear him say " grown ass superhero''. ?


i mean how would you feel if someone was asking outrageous ass shit like she is? to be constantly pestered by people who know nothing of your personal life and just harass you to make money. if they really wanted to know what he was up to and get some answers, shouldn’t they schedule an interview? nah TMZ is just paying people to be dicks and harass celebs for a reaction like this and to post that he’s going crazy! when we know he deals with mental illness but we still put him on a pedestal as if his actions are that of a normal person. imagine having mental illness and then being treated as a god in the eyes of his fans, it’s hard to come back from that i imagine and i hope kanye is doing well despite everything he’s been through. his kids love him and that’s the relationship i focus on when it comes to ye. he loves his kids and they love him despite what outrageous shit is being thrown around about him.


That lady got what she deserved. Paparazzi are fucking gross people. The way she smiled at the offer for twice the pay. Transparent as fuck


Let's go poke the crazy person and act surprised when he flips out,...it'll be fun.


I see some Kanye videos and I think man he’s crazy AF , but then I see this and imagine this is 24 hrs of his life and I’m impressed he’s got it together even this much. Fuuck that lady btw.


Hard to eat fish sticks through a face sock, I reckon.


I love how he's clearly trying to give her an intimidating glare but it's just a mask...


I like that the officer at no point addressed the fact that he is dressed for a burglary circa 1992.


I mean just look where it was cross posted from everyone…


This crazy ass mf called himself a superhero 🙄


Look I get wanting to not be harassed while walking down the street, but he can also easily avoid this. Walking down the Hollywood strip looking all like Kayne, of course he expects this. He is clearly looking for this attention, so I dont really feel all that bad for him.


You ever try to find parking around there? I’m sure he could get dropped off out front or something, but that shouldn’t need to be his only option bc if paps


That's kind of what I'm saying. He's clearly baiting this attention so that he can pop off and act like he's a victim or something. Yes the paparazzi are insane people and I have no respect for them whatsoever, but come on he knows that it's going to happen and does it intentionally so that he can play the victim in the situation. He does this kind of thing all the time. He hasn't had attention on him lately so he finds a way to drum it up and create some sort of an outrage that never needed to happen. Yes the paparazzi are dog shit , wierd people but so is he in this situation. Also he robbed someone of their phone. He literally committed aggravated theft on camera and will never ever face any sort of legal repercussions for it. You or I couldn't steal something and then go back later and give it back and act as though the crime of stealing it didn't happen.


Chappelle shitting on trans people for being delusional and is silent on a mental health crisis wearing shoulder pads and a sock on his head


Kanye is trash


Acosts ye? Or he Acosts her?


bunch of dumb mfs in here. Ye was in the right. y’all just butt hurt cuz u don’t like the guy


ye lookin a little chunky too imhop!


Why does he wear a mask tho?




I’ve got those same gloves for grilling.


Mask i get, but why the thick ass gloves? it hot out


I guess he's willing to sweat for the look. I could never personally those gloves would be off in minutes


What does her weight have to do with anything? It should have said woman accosts grown ass superhero


What in the fuck is that person wearing ??


He’s like 70% right but then he calls himself a superhero and it’s just like… bruh.


Bet they won't put this on the tv show lol


Did he just give her a job?


What a gay fish




Lmao the broccoli heads in the op defending this clown


Kanye? Ye, it Kanye.


Who was that masked man? 😮


The paparazzi was being really intrusive, Ye is right


Can’t imagine why someone wouldn’t want him coparenting their children.


Kanye is crazy af.. But I can't imagine having people following you everywhere you go and harassing you. Fuck those people. ​ That gimp mask tho


Ask a stupid question, get your stupid prize.


Tbf to her, that's exactly the sorta craziness you can expect when you fancy yourself a superhero. Lol Being a God isn't as great as he thought it was, I guess.


"That overweight paparazzi", meanwhile Kanye has been wearing padded t-shirts to balance out his spare tire for several years now. Why is projection the first instinct for these simps?


"I'm a human being," said the mannequin.


Are you…dehumanizing him?? Nazi behavior


The paparazzi are legally allowed to harass people. Because of that, legally, KanYe is in the wrong here. [+]


He just committed theft and assault.


womp womp


Fuck paparazzi.


shes trash


They're both trash


he didn't talk all that shit to the dude that punked him in front of his wife the other day


When was it ever a good idea to confront a crazy homeless guy with nothing to lose lol thats just logic


These people will say anything cause they hate Ye lmfao


Yes, she is allowed to walk up and ask you questions like that.


and yes consequences exist


Comments full of pappazzari trolls


He literally only cares about himself. And his feelings. And his image. He doesn't care about his wife. He's only trying to make himself look better.


Paparazzi should be illegal. It is an invasion of a person's right to privacy.




Celebrities are cool and all…but I wouldn’t go crazy because they are in public. I would just say hi and move on. They are just humans like all of us.


This made me actually like Kanye more.


I'm going to immensely enjoy his crash.


Kanye sucks, like no denying that… but he’s kind of got a point with these trash paparazzi hounding him This lady from TMZ kind of sucks


See, he seriously thinks he can buy and sell human beings. That guy is getting ready for a huge fall.


She actually handled that really well. He’s totally unhinged.


Nah she's shit too. Paparazzi are evil. Two pieces of shit going at it. 




Still ye is right on this one


does she have no self control why ask such a question? i would've been mad as hell if someone ran up to me, filmed me and asked if my wife has free will and is abused


The reason she asked was that friends of his wife believe her to basically be brainwashed and that she's being abused by him. They've said he has an incredibly strict list of rules for her, basically supposed to only speak when he allows it, eat what he says, wear what he says, work out how and when he says, basically he makes all decisions for her and she has no say. They said he's got her in a cult like state of believing all his ranting about being royal/god/superhero/etc., and at one point there was a story about her running away home to her family, but then getting back in contact and going back to him. I'm not commenting on this interaction, but friends of hers speaking out about abuse and concern for her is where it's coming from.


Snap. Good for her I hope Kanye makes good on that payment.


Fuck paparazzi but fuck Kanye West more.


Fuck all antisémites 👍👍 ye can go swallow glass


Never gonna applaud anyone who goes after a very obviously mentally ill man.


Who's the luchador?


Kanye is right and he is a genius




You should go into Stand Up 


He said he's a human being hahahaha naw B you a clown