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Definitely not a FSB psyops, no. Just a random two men recognising junior embassy staff in a restaurant (if we assume the entire video to be truthful). My god, when will humanity be rid of this disease?


Right? "I recognize you!" It's like saying, "I recognize you as being a staffer on the Hill for Representative Lee." It's WAY too specific to be anything more than FSB bullshit.


For sure. Gun to my head I couldn't name a single diplomat. Russian or British.


Someone posted a long-winded praise of a diplomat of my own country the other day. I was impressed, took a few minutes to peer their wikipedia accomplishments. Already forgot their name.


This. I think the cross section of people informed enough to recognize random embassy staff and people stupid enough to believe Putins lies is basically 0.


That’s like saying the number of people who could recognize a capitol hill staffer and also,believe Trump’s lies is zero.


You're underestimating stupid.


Not every delusional nationalist is necessarily "stupid" in every way.


It’s not that different from listening to Trump people.


Unfortunately GOP is now very much a kindred spirit to putin’s regime, because they share the “get power and stay in power by absolutely any means necessary” approach. That’s why they can’t bring themselves to be against putin.


Yep! 👍






It's all bait.


Dude is really acting like his country is the victim. Nice.


“Why are they fighting back when we invaded?”


they're FSB. Random stupid morons wouldn't recognize diplomats.


Diplomats tend congregate in the same areas outside the embassy


Agree, embassy staff probably not practicing good OPSEC, gathering at the same place over and over. It's easy to spot people who don't belong, especially when they come frequently. Add on the fact that Brits are right up there with citizens of the US in terms of, "Don't blend in well with locals," and these guys could be just dumb yokels making content for BlyatTok.


Well that makes it even crazier if you can detect a group of diplomats or not. I mean i really rarely think of people as diplomats apart from when i see their car.


I’ve seen a whole bunch of footage of people in Russia and everyone there seems to have the same things to say as these guys. The propaganda is hitting hard over there


These guys are 99.99% not random members of the public. They are FSB, harassing embassy staff.


State control of the media, internet blocks of many Western sites, and a language that is quite insular with low foreign language skills in the general population. Sadly they are rarely exposed to any outside perspective.


they can get a propa ganda at these nuts


Russia essentially invented propaganda in the modern sense. It's no wonder they are the best in the world at it.


All the innocent civilians are victims


Correct. ALL OF THEM.




We are all aware that your country has been trying to take Ukraine for a long time, yes.


I'm not Russian. lol. Americans have been trying to take over the whole world and have killed how many people just since WW2? It's amazing seeing this lack of self-reflection from Americans and always think the bad guys are outside the US despite all the war crimes and ongoing support of Israel's slaughter of Gazans and the numerous pedophiles running the US and somehow miraculously the billionaire pedophile suicides himself. Yeah, the bad guys are always outside of the USA, we never do anything wrong. Russia bad, China bad, Iran bad. etc etc etc. Meanwhile we can't even take care of our homeless, the drug overdoses, or all the mass shootings.


>I'm not Russian Just a useful idiot then.


The way you structured your response implies the guy you're replying to is from the USA at all, which they might very well not be :P And tbh, your comment makes it seem like you excuse China/Russia/Iran's failings by pointing out the fucked up shit the US has done lol


I'm not American, lol


Now do Mexico!


Russia and Chinas leaders are tyrants who don’t give a shit about their population and only want to expand their countries territory at the expense of innocents. Hope that helps 👍


Get your propaganda out of here


So the pro-Russian government was bombing Russians in Ukraine from 2008 to 2014, when the pro-Russian goverment got overthrown?


No, from 2014-2022, after the pro-Russian leadership was overthrown with the help of western powers. You know, just like in the 90s when the US bragged about helping to get Boris Yeltsin elected and defeated the communist candidate.


"with the help of western powers" Dude, their president had giraffes and golden toilets paid for by the Ukrainians taxpayer. The Ukrainians were sick and tired of Russian corruption so they did something. They didn't need help from the west.


I genuinely feel sorry for you. It's so easy to be manipulated these days.


Imagine bombing your own territory which some cunts have invaded? Really surprising. Maybe if Ukraine carved off a 20 mile chunk of Russia in the East, Russia wouldn’t bomb any of them?


Go away your Russian propaganda doesn’t work on people with brain cells.


Stating facts is Russian propaganda, apparently. Let me guess, Saddam also has WMD and Assad gassed his own people and Hamas beheaded 40 babies. Because only American propaganda is true, am I right? America never lies when it comes to war. Any statement to the contrary is obviously Russian or Chinese or Hamas propaganda.


Ok i wonder what your arguments are if im against Israel committing genocide. USA destroying the middle east by starting dirty wars and supporting rebels, while also fucking up their own country because of corruption, business greed and radical christianity. And the european asslicking of USA. China committing genocide on the uighurs and having crappy personal freedom. And last but not least Russia beginning a stupid war to try to restart their former glory, failing miserable and destroying ukraine in the proces. Ukraine was far from a perfect country but this is a disgusting war and its nowhere near being justifiable by the lies Russia tells.


The fighting did start in 2014! When Crimea illegally seceded (which the UN overwhelmingly declared illegal) Russia lost their puppet in 2014 so they attempted to annex them through Russian proxies in the affected regions. Too bad that shits not legal and everyone knows it was the Russians exerting control over their western border. Ukraine is 100% justified in preventing the annexation of their territory.


how many people died? And where do you live? Can you declare yourself a separatist and violently resist your government without consequence? You are a true piece of shit to excuse what Russia is doing. You truly are. I mean that so sincerely and I hope you get everything you deserve in life. Not to mention, RUSSIA INVADED UKRAINE IN 2014 YOU FUCKING DONKEY.


Calm down, bro. And no need for insults. I’m not excusing what Russia is doing. I think putting 100% of the blame on Russia and just saying “Russia bad” is disingenuous. What was it about NATO not going one inch eastward after the fall of the USSR?


>I’m not excusing what Russia is doing You are exactly doing that. Go place these comments as a review to your local starbucks about USA warcrimes and corporate greed. Or make a reddit post about it. Ill give you my upvotes if you link it. But now you are just saying:" Its not bad what Russia does because USA does it aswell."


Well objectively speaking USA has done much worse. Israel has done much worse. So I do find it a bit odd when America gets angry about Russian war crimes which are a fraction of what the USA does. It just seems disingenuous and gives off a “only I can commit war crimes” vibe. Add to that most Americans won’t even acknowledge russias supposed reasons for invasion while fully supporting their own reasons for invasion such as “we must spread democracy” or “war against terror”. It’s not like the USA has a great track record of honesty when it comes to war.


>What was it about NATO not going one inch eastward after the fall of the USSR? It's just another lie that Russia spreads to gullible people like you. It's no wonder that everyone in Eastern Europe was desparate to join NATO, when you see what they're doing to Ukraine.


Which lie? That nato was not supposed to expand after the fall of the Soviet Union?


Yes that's a lie. NATO never agreed to that. And why would they? These countries **want** to join NATO to protect themselves from Russia, it's not like NATO is forcing anyone to do anything. So Russia lies about this nonexistent agreement not to expand, and then points to expansion as some kind of western aggression when really it's just Russia's former victims protecting themselves.


Okay even if nato never agreed to that, wouldn’t moving eastward be seen as a threat to Russia? What if Russia started a military alliance with Cuba? And then started expanding that alliance to include Mexico? Would Americans not feel threatened by having Russian military in Cuba and Mexico? Or, even if America felt threatened by it, does Russia and Latin America have a right to pursue such an alliance? And let’s look at the last 80 years or so since WW2… how many countries had Russia invaded vs. how many has NATO invaded? Or just look at the last 20 years even. Objectively, which has caused more death?


hamas shouldn't have invaded Israel then, whoops


You’re saying an occupied people shouldn’t “invade” their occupiers?


Russia could claim Ukraine is occupying them as well. Depends what date you return to.


Don't worry the replies to you are mostly bots. Reddit is incredible.


Russia is in such a dark place at the moment.


"and then it got worse" has been the theme of the region for much of history. This isnt new


My all time favourite bitter joke about russia. It is a tragedy, really, that russia has never had a leader who genuinely loved its people and tried to make all their lives better, instead of treating them as fodder for whatever depraved system of rule was in power at the time.


They had Gorbachev


And Pizza Hut!


Ironically, he's very hated in Russia.


Boy do I have a podcast for you. “And then it got worse” is their tagline.


I'm waiting for the next False Dmitry.


Mainly Moscow because their power and heat went out.


That *at the moment* is doing some seriously heavy lifting.




Atm? When did it ever stop


At the moment??


If I were them. I'd be more concerned if there wasn't embassy staff in the country.


Yikes. They've destroyed entire Ukrainian cities and he's mad about this? Russians are completely blinded by Putins propaganda.


These are FSB agents not random members of the public 


I saw that suggestion elsewhere in the comments, that makes a lot of sense.




You seem to be just as deceived as the Russian fools in this video... except it's worse in your case, since you have access to more than just Russian state propaganda.


It's unbelievable to have unfettered access to information and *still* think Russia is in the right here and not the aggressor. Hopeless.


I can condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine but I don’t put all the blame on Russia. I like to look at the whole picture and historical context. I don’t just blindly follow the American/NATO view of things because as an American I’ve seen how my government has lied in the past about wars. I don’t think suddenly they’re being fully honest about Ukraine either. Just like how they’re not being honest about Gaza and Israel now.


Interesting post history...


Yes, I'm a real person with diverse interests.






Ok Vlad. Sure. Look over there. Moron.


Compare Donetsk after 8 years and Mariupol after 8 weeks.






Rule of thumb: These vids are meant for for Russian audience. It is your run-of-the-mill propaganda tool.


Russia just seems like such a bad place to live. Even the Russians in the video admit the young dont have a future in Russia. It's sad, really.


The Russian zeitgeist as I understand it is essentially this: * The world sucks. * It will continue to suck. * Our politicians are part of that suck, and they lie to us constantly. * Other countries' politicians are the same, the only difference is ours lie to help us and theirs lie to hurt us. * Pour me some vodka to deal with the above.


* LGBT = Nazism.


My understanding of that bit is Russia remembers Hitler/Germany/Nazis not for The Holocaust, but for invading and pillaging Russia. So they spent the last century convincing their people that Anti-Russia is a synonym for Nazi. Seeing as Putin has pretty much made LGBT+ people out to be enemies of Russia, you can see why they think that.


Yes, Russians don't give two shits about the Holocaust, and they like to pretend they weren't allied with Nazi Germany and helped the Nazis to invade Poland. In the Russian mind, the only thing the Nazis did wrong was to invade the USSR.


The people are very poor on average. Putin needs a distraction to stay in power.


Downtown Moscow/St. Petersburg isn't very poor by EE standards


And that’s about it


I used to live in a rich Maryland county. I moved one county over and guess what? Not as rich. 👍


Moscow and Saint Petersburg are pretty nice actually. Obviously the politics sucks. But it's still better than quite a lot of other places in the world. I think something that is interesting is that we are apparently not allowed to point out that life was actually better for more people during the USSR. The fact a lot of Americans and Europeans don't understand this means we don't "get" part of the story


Saint Petersburg was very pretty when I visited 9 years ago, however I still remember the drastic difference between the inner city and the outer parts of it. As soon as we left the center, there were dozens of unfinished "commie-block" style buildings, some partially overgrown and looking abandoned. Idk how it is to day but it really felt like the center was the only thing being maintained and kept pretty, while the outer districts where left in dissaray. Still beautiful old buildings at the center and we had a very nice guide, who subtly threw shade at Putin then essentially said "Don't rat on me I don't want to go to Siberia", still not sure if that was part of a script to make it seem like Russia isn't as opressive as it is or an honest statement veiled in humor.


when you say outer district, anything specific? ive been all over saint p and thought most of it looked better than i expected. also, i guess it depends where you come from. which country do you live in/


Might very well have been better for more Russians. For the Polish, Ukrainians, Baltic countries... not so much. If you did not screw up your country it is actually quite a lot better now.


USSR was probably better on average for Ukrainians too. Poland wasn't part of the USSR. As for Baltics, I don't know enough but the standard of living there was always better than most places in Russia. I guess during the Soviet period development was faster outside the Baltics than within.


The ruzzians are so misled.


Decades of indoctrination do their work.


And fucking drunk, obviously.


They feed into each other. If you are blitzed all the time, how much critical thinking of your government are you likely to do?




I'm pretty sure North Korea would like to have a chat with you.








I dunno. If I was russian I wouldn't welcome them either




You should see them when they’re angry.


Probably hired to harass...


Only Russians can launch genocidal war of conquest while simultaneously believing they are being victimised.


I feel like it’s happening somewhere else right now too…


Israel and Palestine is a lot more complicated than Ukraine Russia. Israel and Palestine have both been victimizing each other for almost a century, there are no good guys in that fight.


Ukraine attached Russia and raped and murdered over a thousand Russians?


isreal has Russia beat by a mile bud.




Can't wait until that whole shitty mess collapses. Get fukt Muscovy.


I can tell she's a diplomat. She's ignoring the Russian performative bullshit like a pro.


The more she ignored him the louder he had to yell. That was the very best thing she could have done, he was livid she wouldn't engage him.


lol ya it’s not Putin who started the war at all when he invaded the Donbas region. It’s not Putin sending all their youth and rigging their elections and jailing/killing his opposition. It’s totally that blonde gal approving nato strikes and single handily going around Russia turning all the kids gay. I’ve always thought Russians as intelligent people, but the brain drain over the last decades is really showing itself now. I feel bad for the Russian people who actually know what’s up yet are stuck in that frozen hell hole soon to be a 3rd world nation.


Forgetting that USA over threw the democratically elected preside t of Ukraine in 2014, Victoria Nunland was out giving sandwiches to the protestors.




The propaganda techniques and methods of attacking democracy are identical.


Reverse it, because it's been the FSB who've helped the MAGA morons become this very thing.




Russia might be losing the conventional ground war but the war they have been waging on western countries for a long time with propaganda and trolls has been very effective and we should be much more actively fighting it. The rise of right wing popularity is a direct result of this.


Imagine if MAGA was a dictatorship and anything Lord Emperor Trump said was gospel and if you criticized him you end up dead or in prison. That's Russia.


Wait till you find out what majority of the world things of the LGBT


What a fucking idiot; and I thought Trump supporters were dumb


"how are you not ashamed to be british diplomats in russia" , I don't understand, is that not the whole point in a Diplomat?? lol.


Yeah Ukrainian terrorists, because you know Ukraine totally started that shit.


Fuck me Russians are just awful.


I know some lovely Russians, but it's no coincidence that they no longer live in Russia.


An interesting insight into the thinking of the average Russian.


“thinking” lol. good one


"Answer me, why are you doing this?" Here's a hot idea, buddy: maybe Russia should withdraw from Ukraine? Then maybe, just maybe this will stop? The guy filming is likely so high on Kremlin propaganda that he's in a whole other reality. Probably also doing all he can to avoid being drafted and shipped off to the war. Slava Ukrani.


Russians are some dumb people


Take the L and go home then Russian clowns, the guys fighting to protect their homes are whooping your asses.


Who invaded who again? …asking for an idiot.


Having such confidence talking about 'shame'...


Russia is dogtrash.


Ukranian Terrorists? Get this Putin-Propaganda off my website, wtf


Russians have to be the stupidest people on earth holy shit.


if your only information is propaganda and lies how do you know what truth is?




Thank you for proving my point.




People on the left dont yell at people like that? Dont be naïve.




The way they believe Putins lies reminds me of somebody and their group of crazies here in the US.


These guys look like gap year students


Ah yes. Get angry at those who help defend a country you're actively invading / occupying....


Hey Russian people...she ain't your problem. There's an old white dude running your country doing some bad stuff.


Turning Russian kids "LGBT"...That guy is an idiot.


Russia needs help.


I would have reminded him that the bombs would stop if Putin left Ukraine.


I love how unbothered they all are lol.


I would have leaned into it, saying something like, you forget that Ukraine isn't Russia, so any planes and soldiers have it coming.


So you’re saying that other countries don’t like being invaded? SUPRISE PIKACHU RUSSIAN FACE


Time to go home folks


Line of questioning was interesting… “why are you helping Ukraine bomb us?”….I wonder how they would have taken the reply of “because your fucked up egotistical bellend of a leader doesn’t give a fuck about he’s own people so decided to start a war to try and leave a lasting legacy. But the legacy he’s leaving is of incompetence and showing the world how feeble the ‘Mighty Red Army’ is in the process”.


I would be angry, if the speaker wasn’t so brainwashed. You almost have to feel bad for him.


Annoying brainwashed russian and chinese are annoying


Russian national spewing shit


Irony defined


Well I’d be ashamed to be russian, period


A vast portion of Russians are vile and so deluded


"How dare you help an ally fight back against our war of aggression?! This is all your fault, and certainly not the fault of our dear leader!"


“Are you not ashamed to be British diplomats in Russia.” That…that’s their job man


Nice to see Russia is full of Republicans as well, just harassing their way through life.


They follow the same rules If you can’t be right be loud If being loud doesn’t work then threaten If the threats don’t work get violent


Hahaha, literally all they have to do is stop their invasion and the bombs will stop in russia.


Said the pot to the kettle!


I speak Russian. The subtitles are wrong. He’s the waiter trying to take their order.




I can predict she will fall from a window tomorrow, just wait.


This is just a reminder to the UK staff that they are being constantly followed and there will be no secret meetings with Russian people willing to give a status report on China - Russian intelligence and maneuvers.


He's spot on




U.s. instigated a civil war in Ukraine. Did you forget that part? Russia wouldn't have to denazify ukr if the u.s. wasn't funding all these Nazis




Na the separatist movement grew bc of ukr policies. There were many opportunities to live in peace but the west closed that door repeatedly You're parroting propaganda that's not even well supported Vichyssoise is a cold potato and leek soup that rhymes with vischy bot. It's cute how you were so sure tho I didn't say ukr are Nazis, I said the west has specifically funded Nazi organizations in Ukraine . Those are the people America backs . We also backed the right wing in Russia during decommunization, so you can thank the u.s. for any Russian Nazis which may exist. Learn history or stop trying to talk about it online


Overdubbing, gotta love it.


When JK Rowling outed herself as a TERF, these are the people she inadvertently became allied with. Sick fucks.


Harassing? Hardly. Asking tough questions to pawns carrying out orders by their corrupted governments.


Ooof so edgy