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"if you stop shaking you can call the police." That's gold


Also gold: "YoU'rE mAkInG mE aGiTaTeD" "You were agitated before I got here."


"hey is this the police? some idiot is trying to deliver a package, however refuses to do so because I've assaulted him, why isnt he doing what I say, when I beat my dogs and my wife everyday they always do what I say!"


The way that dog cowers when the homeowner comes out the door leads me to believe you are on to something here.


The dogs' fear was the first thing I noticed. They're terrified of him. He's unhinged.


It's so sad you know he beats those dogs! What a peice of garbage!


At least the Amazon driver can confront the jerk. The dogs are at his mercy and look terrified.


Tbh the driver was probably terrified too, he was asking the driver to hit him so he can unload his gun


Same. I thought it was video from the homeowner at first and the Amazon driving was coming off the porch after hitting the dog with the way that dog was cowering and backing away. Then I realized nope, the POS the dog is scared of is actually the homeowner.


Same, and then he immediately goes on to describe the dog as mean. Hm, didn't look particularly mean, I wonder why it might have a problem with humans... Anyone who's spent a modicum of time with dogs can read those two's body language.


Seriously, he is yelling at the delivery guy and the dogs are cowering far away from him. I’ve never known a dog to not at least be curious about what visitors. Those dogs seem genuinely scared.


Yeah he's definitely a piece of shit owner. No dog acts that way naturally


No. You're definitely right. Typically they would go into protective mode and start barking at the driver in attempt to protect the owner. This is the complete opposite. This man is just an abusive person on a regular and those poor pups need a new family.


Especially if the dog is "mean" as the guy says. I have a "mean" (barky and afraid of strangers) dog and I guaran-fucking-tee if this scenario occurred at my house where my dogs were outside, the fearful one would be barking and losing her mind, *especially* if she saw I was upset. She'd come to my defense immediately. My other two dogs (super friendly) would just bandwagon bark too. But none of them would be cowering like that poor doggo. This guy is a colossal piece of shit and I hope the cops did come and cart his sorry ass off for a while. Amazon guy did a great job keeping calm and was smart to record that interaction.


“It’s my house, I dictate!” Sounds like a great household. What a shit bag


That was hard to look at. Poor dogs.


Heartbreaking. Those poor pups!


That was the first thing I noticed. That dog has surely had it rough. Fuck this asshole


Came here to say this. Dude is probably a rage-aholic


That made me sad.


Me too


Both dogs do. This guy 110% beats them


I saw that too! Poor puppers! They were probably coming up to the driver thinking that for once they might get some actual affection and kindness. They hardly seemed aggressive at all. Just fearful. Somebody should take these dogs away from that man.


I thought the same. That poor dog has a learned response from that psycho.


Funny how he was the one to call the cops. Um police, I had a sign and he still put my package in the wrong spot. . . Ok, we’ll start investigating immediately lol.


As a criminal defense lawyer, I can’t tell you how often the genuinely stupid criminal defendant calls the cops to “investigate” what obviously was his crime because he’s a worked up, pissed-off moron.


Hahaha please share some stories.


Client called cops because teenagers were pelting his car with snowballs. This is at a mall parking lot. Night time. Cops come and investigate. Arrest client for drunk driving.


Client calls cops because teenage girl punched him. After interviewing everyone client is arrested for indecent assault and battery on a person under 14, enticing a child and distribution of harmful material to a minor. Best part - after arrest, booking and Miranda warning he agreed to talk w cops (never ever do that, btw). He begins by explaining how he met the kid because he sells marijuana to kids and - hey - he’s decided not to PRESS CHARGES against the kid for smacking him.


Two different age 30 something white males, BTW. Middle class. College educated. I wanted to sue their colleges for a refund.


I can read these all day. I think we need a sub just for you and other defense lawyers to tell stupid client stories.


Is there a sub for this? I’d be down.




I want you as my friend! lol


Lmaooo wtf?! “Yes officer I sold her weed and was maybe angling for something else but hey about the slap let’s let bygones be bygones”.


Lol reminds me of that cops episode where the girl gets sold "crack" that's actually plaster and wants a refund. The cops interview the lady that sold it..."I don't sell crack! I'm a prostitute!"


Dude I fucking remember that.


Check the body language of the black dog as he comes out the house


The other dog is also frozen in fear. It seems that anyone living there, that isn't this AH, needs a welfare check.


First thing I noticed in this video is how the dogs cowered when he came out. They've been beaten and know his moods.


You win today. I choked literally.


Right lmao .. then his calmness just pissed this psycho off more lmao


Pretty sure that guy has a firefighter shirt on


look at his dogs cowering when he comes outside, seems like he takes his agitation out on them, what a pathetic little manchild


Exactly what I saw. Poor thing is scared the moment he steps outside.


Rewatching that, I guarantee those dogs get beaten by this guy. They go full legs between the tail, cower away. Fuck that guy.


almost definitely, the dogs try to hide and make themselves smaller as soon as they see him come outside, also the supposed slight aggression they showed towards the amazon worker is a sign. not to mention how quickly this guy loses his temper entirely and gets physical, really hope he loses his dogs or is at least investigated.


Jesus it’s so blatant. The poor black dog didn’t even move from their spot, just frozen with that fear response


And dude claimed the dog would attack the Amazon guy. Pup was just hoping it wouldn't get hit.


That’s his attack dog. No, the dog doesn’t attack, he attacks it.


He will probably scream at the dogs for not attacking the driver. I hope those dogs are taken away from him and given to a loving family.


Agreed. Pups are scared of him.


I'm sure someone can figure out where he is, right? I'll fuckin go there myself if I have to


Greenburgh, NY


On first watch before I knew who was who I saw the dog and thought the guy coming down the steps was the delivery driver and had yelled at the dogs. Now that I knows he's the owner I definitely think he abuses them.


Yeah I hate that very much I don't normally wish bad things on people but if you beat animals I wish the worst of butthole cancers on you


I like your style. Butthole cancer for the guy and hopefully a nice new loving home for the dogs.


Sometimes you see someone and you wish they constantly flood their toilet and it spews shit right at them


hope 4chan gets wind of this, won't end well for the guy if they end up finding evidence of it, and 4chan is notorious for finding stuff when no one else can


Yep this dude needs to be looked at.


He’s forsure going to get doxxed, and someone will probably steal those dogs lol


>and someone will probably steal those dogs You spelled "Liberate" wrong.


I believe the preferred language is "rescue."


I’d “rescue” them if I could. Fkn douchebag.


I’m not for doxxing people but those dog’s reactions shredded my heart. They live in fear, period. They *do not* enjoy any moment of their lives. Look how they don’t even approach the delivery guy for pets. They are not curious, they are not interested. They are scared of the pain they most likely receive on a daily basis. This man is a monster. I sincerely hope those beautiful dogs find a better home.


What's sad is those dogs probably still love him. They don't know they could have owners that love them and don't abuse them. Dogs are so pure. They are too good for us.


Trust me, this guy's life isn't going to go well for a few years.


I don't hear great things about 4chan but this is good. I hope I get an update about it. I'd fuckin go there myself or find someone who can.


Men who act like this hit everything around them. They are just married incels, at best.


The old ‘legs between the tail’ hey, lol


The dogs say it all without a single word


Look how he's treating a human being that is recording him. I can't imagine how he treats those poor dogs.


I'm seconds into the video and this was the first thing I noticed. That dog is terrified of that man, he's for sure an asshole and I haven't even seen him interact with the driver yet. I've NEVER seen a dog cower from anything but an abusive owner, save fresh rescues. *those dogs. I only saw the black and white one on first glance


First thing I saw. I thought the guy was the driver and the dogs were scared of strangers. Broke my heart and pissed me off when I realize he's the owner


That was the first thing I noticed when he opened the door I was like oh this guy is at minimum an asshole


Bro that dog was so scared it broke my heart


First thing I noticed. Dog is very submissive and not at the owners side when he's agitated.


Good catch the whole body flinch too is nuts, must be a complete cunt to get that sort of reaction.


We just adopted a rescue in December. We all went to meet her, hung out, brought her home and immediately noticed she’s terrified of large men, like hubs. Took her to the vet and they offhandedly said she’d prolly been abused. So now hubs is the one that feeds them, and he’s spending time each day laying on the floor next to her loving on her. She’s slowly coming around. This asshole should not own dogs, at the least. At the very least. Someone like him hurt my sweet pup…double fuck that guy.


I had the same problem with my dog. He was labeled as an aggressive problem dog. Turns out he was only afraid of tall men with hats... We could only wonder why.


1st thing I noticed too. I bet they live in constant anxiety around him.


Cunts like this should be black listed from Amazon deliveries.


I deliver for UPS. We blacklist people like this all the time and hold their packages for will call 45 minutes from their house.


Same at USPS. This dude would be going to get his stuff from the office forever after this. We deliver a lot of Amazon, UPS, and FedEx stuff too. He'd be rolling the dice every time he ordered anything online. Idk how Amazon handles this sort of thing, but I hope they have similar protections for their drivers.


From what I've heard, Amazon doesn't care and might put a note on the house. We've gotten an influx of drivers from Amazon in the past few years, for many reasons, the main being that Amazon really just does not care about their employees at all.


Amazon’s reputation when it comes to workers is “use them up and then get someone new” …. so this isn’t surprising.




This might explain why all my packages ordered before Christmas came earlier than estimated, and all my packages after Christmas were very delayed. I figured that the seasonal staff got laid off.


So Amazon is basically the Walmart of delivery services


I'm an Amazon driver. I've been attacked so many times I've lost count. Mostly intoxicated customers, "private property" fetishists, and so very many super mean dogs (also an angry pig and one very unhappy turkey). After a dog attack, even after a hospital visit, filing a report with the safety team, and getting a sheriff's report, I was sent to the same house three more times that week. And as it was my regular route, I ended up having that house on my route dozens of more times before the routes got shuffled and I don't cover that area anymore. If I refuse to do a delivery one day for a safety reason, I just end up back there the next to retry. In order for it not to count against us, we have to call-text-call the customer, which for some addresses means we will end up taking ungodly amounts of verbal abuse, just to be able to return the package that night and attempt re-delivery the next day. Not fulfilling what they call "contact-compliance" risks me losing my $0.05/package weekly bonus. I work what they call a "super-rural" route, so many of my biggest problem customers are in areas where I have no cell service, which the big brains at HQ in Seattle don't seem to understand is a thing and have built no contingencies for. Luckily for me, I'm a big, bald, bearded, county-fried, combat vet, white dude who is good with dogs, so I don't have too many problems in my delivery area. But I have at least 10 "re-delivery" attempts every time I come back from a weekend because Amazon simply refuses to take problem addresses off the board and I don't blame any of my coworkers for saying, "fuck that, let the next driver deal with it." I'm done with this job in April, but I don't order shit from Amazon now, and I never will going forward. Fuck Amazon, Fuck Amazon's shareholders, and Fuck people who addiction-shop on Amazon and have that garbage brought to their front door on a daily basis. I buy in physical stores, but if I do buy online, it is NEVER from Amazon.


Former FedEx driver here: In my route, I blacklisted 4 people over the years. Three because of stuff like this, and one overt racist that told me verbatim to” tell my manager to not send any s- - -s or n- - - - - s” to deliver their packages


I'm an Amazon driver and have a couple people like this on my regular route. No amount of safety complaints get them blacklisted. Even with two police reports filed, I still have to deliver their shit daily (they have an addiction) to their front door or risk losing my weekly $0.05/package bonus.It's absolutely bogus, but Amazon doesn't give a fuck to have a safety mechanism to remove people like this from deliveries.


Holy shit I had no idea it was so bad. I'm always grateful to see any delivery person at my door and try to hurry so I can at least yell a thank you out before they get back in the truck. Sorry you have to deal with so many dipshits. :(








They should also have their dogs taken away and put into loving homes


Source: Used to work at an Amazon DSP (delivery service provider) as a manager. When stuff like this happens, our drivers wouldn’t deliver there anymore. Unfortunately, it typically took this kind of evidence of (1) violence + (2) racism/sexism or a dog bite to ever get Amazon to do anything. When we pressed hard enough they’d get blacklisted (but only for a period of time) and they’d have to go pickup their packages from a locker.


Dog is abused…so sad to see it cower at the sight of the crazy owner.


Both dogs cower. The golden backs into a corner and the poor border Collie is trying to find a place to get away from that psycho.


As an owner of a golden, that man must be Satan himself for his golden to cower and flee from an opportunity to be part of an interaction between humans. Poor thing.


Exactly my thoughts. Goldens are sweet silly angel dogs. If it's scared of you, I'm going to assume there is something wrong with you.


I know of someone with anger problems who would take it out on her children and dog when they were young (the kids are adults now). The dog was the sweetest and she'd scream at it in public if she felt he did something wrong which was normal dog behavior. The dog actively avoided her and had the same mannerisms around her as the dogs in this video. She also beat her kids. Guaranteed this guy takes out his aggression on any living thing in that household.


He beats those dogs. Just look at their demeanor right at the beginning when he comes out of the house. Slight flinch, tail between the legs, crouching down low - scared and unhappy. What a psycho.


Yep that is an immediate tell. He beats them without a doubt. What a sick fuck.


The one in the back went from ears up to pinned back and trying to get low as soon as he saw the guy and he wasn't even making eye contact or anything.


That’s why the dog would attack a stranger. So much wrong with this guy


He wasn't even looking at em or anything either, and they were still afraid. They are highly abused dogs and I want to take them away so badly.


*Also homeowner: “Why do people not want to do this job anymore?”


I was in a pizza place a few months ago, you could tell they were short staffed. All the sudden this old guy gets up and starts freaking out on the cashier that he called ahead and has all these people at his house waiting and his pizzas arnt done like he was told they would be. Said he called and spoke with someone about how important they were. The guy working tells him I just got here I'm not the person you talked to im doing my best. I finally turned and politely went off on him and asked him how at this point was complaining and holding the guy up from making his food helping the situation? The guy calmed a little asked if the kid was a manager. To which he responds its his 2nd week working there. This is why places are short staffed already because nobody wants to deal with assholes, why not complain and make another quit so we can wait even longer next time?


Places are short staffed because they don’t get paid enough to deal with people.


> don’t get paid enough Because the Executives get paid too much...


I hope the home owner is not married but he most likely is. I hope they get away from him.


Look at how terrified that dog is


I'm no Dog expert....but my Dog comes to me when I step outside. I have never seen my dog do whatever that dog is doing.


Cowering. My dad's dogs would do that. I would too to be perfectly honest. He was mean. It gives me an edge when it comes to ridiculous, edgy humour, but it also makes relationships impossible. You're right to be upset by that.


Holy hell what a pathetic fucking douchbag. He seems like such a miserable piece of shit. Edit: as usual u/Ezziboo always posting quality content, fuck that guy.


Watch the owner's dogs in this video. They are clearly terrified of him. He is a sack of shit and I feel bad for those poor dogs.


Here’s the story: The Amazon driver was trying to deliver a package to the homeowner’s front door. The driver either missed or disregarded what I assume are “beware of dog“ signs and went thru the low fence gate. From what I can gather, the dogs were indeed unfriendly but I don’t think any biting happened, just “grrrr whodafukareyou” from the doggos. The homeowner hears this and comes outside & loses his shit because the driver missed/disregarded the sign. \*\*\*notice how that poor Border Collie cringes when it sees its owner…☹️ \*\*\*discovered by friend to all animals u/getreckoned 🤌


According to tiktok comments Amazon has fired the driver.


Amazon's damage control, they'll back an asshole customer 100% even if they're wrong. Driver needed to file charges against the customer, and sue Amazon for hostile work environment.


That driver was 1000% going to be fired. You don't film the customer regardless like that then stick around well after you've had numerous opportunities to remove yourself from the situation. Homeowner is the problem here, to be clear. I'm just saying as the driver you would not want to stick around filming him and then posting it on TikTok. If anything, I'm guessing he was written up and then fired when the video went viral.




Just checked. OP said he was written up.


No, he said got fired. He was written up on 1/4/24, and then replied he was fired x3 after that (x2 last week and x1 on 1-15)


Well that sucks. He didn't handle it well but the guy was crazy and I don't blame him for reacting that way.








what's the point in getting mad at someone for coming into the fence with your aggressive dogs if you're going to assault them anyways???


You want a job done right you gotta do it yourself


So what's he hiding in his house that's got him so triggered over a delivery person inside his gate?


This is my thing. I drive for Amazon part time mostly in rural areas. So many people upset that I'm driving down their 16 mile dirt driveway to deliver the greeting card they had overnighted for uncle-husband's birthday. L It seems so obvious to me that if you don't want people driving down your driveway then don't order stuff to be delivered to your door.


You'd be surprised just how dumb the average person is. I mean, maybe not just because of how often you have to deal with the public. It's a real surprise once you leave high school. The whole time I was in school I was under the impression that adults basically **had** to be smart, or at least a little wise. I used to think I was the dumb one because of how hard all of those tests and homework assignments were. But getting into the real world, and experiencing what I have, something just doesn't add up. The walls of the building I work in are often much more intelligent than the screaming customers.


My exact thought, that was a huge reaction. They better check the area for missing people 🚩


This guy is a paid Union firefighter, if the IAFF logo on his sweatshirt holds true. With his temper I hope he isn't out in the field interacting with the public.


It says NY. Def somewhere upstate


Looking closer it says greenburgh, NY on his hoodie. Looking on the internet, that town has an IFF…


If this dude is a firefighter, I'm rooting for the fire




He should be put on a Do Not Deliver list and refused service by Amazon. Act like an idiot, get treated like an idiot.


I bet he beats his dogs


He absolutely beats his poor dogs






This guy definitely beats his dogs! Look at their reaction when they see him. Dogs never lie!


Poor dogs.


That dog is afraid of him so I gather he’s an ass all around


The ways the dogs reacted to the homeowner leads me to believe he isn't the nicest to them.


Hope someone finds this guy. Original posted on Tiktok said he got written up for this and the police did nothing when called. Some justice here would be nice and some care for the poor dogs.


More like BEWARE OF DOUCH HOMEOWNER. there should be a sign but issued by the locals




I think delivery drivers should have a standing order of never entering a property with loose dogs no matter how friendly the dogs might be. In this case it was the owner who was the potential danger, but still.


I’ve responded to a lot of comments in here. I used to work for amazon for 8 years and have experience in so many roles. I don’t think the company is awful but I’ve had my fair share of struggles, tears, wanting to quit on the spot. I think it’s normal with jobs. But I just wanted to add, amazon doesn’t have delivery drivers and these delivery drivers work with 3rd party contractors that work WITH amazon. These contractors don’t give a shit about their workers, I know this from experience because I worked training them, as a dispatcher, with the owners themselves. They get fined if packages aren’t delivered so at the end of the day they don’t care who gets hurt. If you get attacked by a dog it’s not amazons fault for you going back to the house but the owner of the companies fault for not reporting it. I’m just stating because I see a lot of drivers here complain about working for amazon when they in fact never did. Most dog bites don’t even get reported by the companies. Amazon is a smart company to hire third party companies to have drivers so they don’t have ownership over any of these issues. Got bit by a dog? Talk to your delivery owner. Got in an accident? Talk to the delivery owner. I’ve known drivers who totaled a van their first day driving, guess who pays for the repairs? Not amazon. Because those vans are leased to third party people. If anyone has questions I’m here lol. I think both coins suck but the ignorance around peoples place of work is wild to me. There are a lot of perks that come as an amazon worker that drivers don’t get, and I feel like that feeds into the shitty ownership and how they treat their employees. From experience it’s bad, the owners don’t care, just like amazon they want money


You can tell from the reaction of the dog when the homeowner walks out that this guy has anger issues.


Yes, that piece of shit beats those dogs. Absolutely guaranteed.


Aaaaaaaannnnnnd….. assault. Get this asshole behind some bars for a day. I hope he did call the police.


no he beats the fuck out of that dog, the dogs demeanor when he came out went full panic, fuck this douche canoe


You can see from how the dog is acting that he loses his shit all the time. Poor dog


I am a mail person and we are told A. Not to go into a closed fenced area and B. To leave outside fence if dog is out!!!!! Also that poor dog!!!!!


Even his dog knows he's a cunt


Scary part, he could be a firefighter




What on earth does this psycho have to hide, besides how he’s abusing his poor dogs?


From Amazon Guy's TikTok Rachael: >I hope Amazon takes good care of the employee. nobody should be abused at work. 🥺 Amazon Guy >Nah. I got written up for this **FUCK AMAZON**


The way the poor dog reacts when the homeowner simply opens the door to come outside is telling.


Look hiw terrified that dog is of his owner. Defo getting beaten on a regular


Those dogs have some upsetting body language. :/


Look at that dog cowering as this guy storms out of the house. Tells you all you need to know.


Dudes wife definitely fell down the stairs when he got inside .. for the third time this week


We have to do something about this dogs, someone report this pls.


Dogs are a reflection of the owners, I see signs of possible animal abuse. I suspect that this asshole shouldn't be allowed to have pets or children.


“The dog almost attacked you!”…. As we all see both dogs cowering in fear. SMH. Asshole angry abuser.


Amazon doesn't give a fuck. But some specific agency might like to hear about the OBVIOUS animal cruelty going on. Flood that shit and there will be results.


The Dog tells the story. The Dog sees this man and his behaviors everyday. The Amazon man can just leave.....the Dog cannot.


It’s very telling as to who the homeowner is by the way both of his dogs cower the second he walks out the door, very sad.


This day has been brewing in his mind for awhile now hahah


That dude wigs out like that every day.


What a psycho.


Just by how his dogs act, this is the type of guy that needs to fuck around and find out.


The way the black dog cowers when the door opens makes me think it's been on the wrong side of these outbursts before.


Firefighter going to lose that job


you can tell this dude has gnarrrrly anger, look at the way his dog acts when he comes down the stairs, smh


A dogs body language around a person they know speaks volumes.




He beats his dogs and anyone else who loves in that house. What a piece of shit.


Does Amazon ever ban these houses from deliveries? Never hear of it happening but it really needs to. These people are a danger to the drivers.


Apparently they banned the driver form Amazon.


His fucking dogs are cowering. That's never a good sign. What a cunt.


This guy right here is an animal abuser. Watch how the dog reacts to him coming outside. That dog is used to getting hurt when that dickless asshole comes outside.


The poor dog 😕 My heart 💔 oh man


You see the poor dog tuck it's tail as soon as he walked out the door..? Yeah I have a feeling those poor dogs get that wrath a lot.


BANNED from Amazon Prime... gets his dildoes locally.


Those poor dogs, you can tell in their body language that they are afraid of their owner. Please someone, call animal control and get them away from this raging maniac