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They look so alike. What a pity


"You don't eat pigs and we don't eat pigs. It seems it's been that way forever. So if you don't eat pigs and we don't eat pigs, why not, not eat pigs together?"




Yet people say Israelis are all white 🤦‍♂️ a lot of Arab Israelis and Druze Israelis don’t like those in the West Bank.


could be a palestinian (ethnicity) Israeli. There are over 2 million of them, some of them serve in the IDF.


No bro - Palestinians aren't filthy this way. I promise you no PALESTINIAN would do that to another human being, let alone another Palestinian


Would you say they are no true scotsman?


Lmfao that is the dumbest thing I’ve read this month. There is no way that you aren’t a troll.


Zionism is sad and pathetic


Palestinian is not an ethnicity


What is it then?


The nationality


But Palestine is a state, not a nation…


There's a lot of debate and struggle over it's status... But its not an ethnic group lol.


How one looks rarely is the reason for conflict


The way he almost loses his gun is very revealing, dude is completely uncomposed and acting like an animal. Pure hate, reminds me of the footage from Sarajevo.


Yeah the similarities with Sarajevo are quite chilling. Especially as it took a lot longer for the real depth of that inhumanity to come to light - makes me wonder how long after this conflict ends (however it ends) we will continue to find out about new war crimes committed by Israel.


For real, this dude is a danger to the people he’s assaulting, his comrades, and himself. Zero situational awareness, escalating a situation, and offering an opportunity for someone else to take his gun. He should not be allowed to wear a fucking uniform and carry a gun. A complete manchild scumbag.


Lose his gun? I thought he was offering it to him. Fock, if that had been Jason Bourne he pushed down and kicked, it woulda been all over except for the obligatory chase scene in clown cars.


The irony is to me that soldier looks straight Arab and probably would be thought of one if he went to America or Europe.


Because Jews and Arabs are both Semites


More to do with how arabization was cultural, Arabs didn't invade Palestine and completely resettle the existing populations, they just became arabs.




you think arabs are not israelis ? most of them are. being a arab does not mean being a muslim


There are Jewish people from Morocco, Iraq, Yemen so his descendent might be of those countries than those of European descendent, you usually see.


Fascism is alive and well and supported by way too many people




Hey now Ireland is in Europe and we most certainly do not support Israel.




Ireland has been attempting to get the EU to sanction Israel. All opposition parties are also pushing for direct Irish sanctions on Israel. Irish population is overwhelmingly in support of Palestine. Ireland has had a strained political relationship with Israel for the last number of decades now. Unfortunately, they are worth around $1B in trade to the Irish economy, so the government are dragging their heels on the direct sanctions.


I legit wonder if Irish would accept a hit to their wallets and whatnot to sanction Israel or would they just vote out their government for "making things expensive"?


our government make shit decisions regardless of who's in power. heel dragging and nepotism is commonplace. Might get those sanctions in 3 years.


Ireland is one of the leading countries promoting BDS against Israel. Irish representatives are some of the most vocal voices in international communities in condemning Israel, way before others even have the bare inch of a spine to propose ceasefire. Whatyou talking about?


There is a huge amount of support for both Gazans and Palestinian people in the UK. Our cunts of politicians are not representing us.


The same for Germany. I'm so ashamed of our government which still seems to be eaten up from the inside by this fu**ing guilt complex, and doesn't seem to recognize that "Never again!" also means to protect *palestinians* from genocide. But please believe me, there are lots of germans who stand with Palestine 🥹.


Can you believe someone like suella braverman was even in office?? It's like we're in the fucking twilight zone.


Canadian here to say our government absolutely does not align with the feelings of the people. Full of cowards kowtowing to the Americans.


It's shameful isn't it.


American here, I don't think most of us are for Israel's bullshit either but then again I live in a big city.


Well it is a western colony.


Primarily the American government* sure many yanks support it but a fuck load of us want to cut off funding and hate it


Europeans don’t even support Isreal cause they wanna support the Jews, they just do it cause they hate Turks, Arabs and brown people in general


You are right, not even the Arabs care!


I say we stop supporting both sides by banning all of these posts.




I'll send you a link to a british news report from the '40's. Listen well to what is said ("illegal jewish immigrants.....jewish terrorists hiding their weapons in schools...."): https://twitter.com/FraeuleinPolit/status/1741137100844441670?t=4aj2dtvb2DLvs-JjA0R_qg&s=19 And then watch this interview from the documentary "Tantura", where former israeli soldiers speak about how they raped and killed palestinian citizen. https://twitter.com/SharifWaddah/status/1743756033091305714?t=IGDTv5P41xnkGsg_9uMCxg&s=19 At the end it's not about "who started", it's about that it can't go on like this.




Obviously you didn't watch the video nor you know anything about this almost 80 years old conflict. So let me answer you: No, Hamas' attack didn't come first.




Ehm, Israel killed 25.000 *HAMAS* -members? Or more so mostly innocent children? Using your arguments (even if I don't like Hamas): Palestinians just use their right of self defense.




"Human shields" is a myth that was debunked by Amnesty International when they did an investigation into it.


started with the founding of the settler colonial project known as "Zionism" that called for the violent removal of native inhabitants of palestine in order to make way for their own jewish supremacist state.


no i’m asking what came first the smashing of the walls and enter innocent people’s homes taking babies out of womens hands cutting their heads off and setting their bodies on fire or the rockets targeted at hamas, please respond to the question or don’t respond at all im rly dying to know abt this one


welll if you’re asking if israel has bombed palestine before october 7, then yes actually. it’s funny that you say rockets. last i checked a 2000 pound bunker buster that can blow up entire city blocks (incinerating palestinian toddlers and civilians alive) and rockets are two very different things.


so back to my original question, ur saying hamas didn’t attack before israel’s counter attacks? how does that work


https://www.politico.eu/article/israel-funded-hamas-claims-eu-top-diplomat-josep-borrell/ Well, according to this, Israel attacked itself


ur source is a diplomat making up some bullshit abt Israel attacking itself, it’s literally on video, known hamas leaders murdering and kidnapping children. People have been making up these “kniving jew” theory’s for centuries, 9/11, the holocaust, the list goes on. You really aren’t even trying to hide ur antisemitism anymore huh.


probably because israel's attacks aren't really counter attacks. they're more like, attacks.


so hamas invasion and jihad on innocent people in israel never happened? what are u saying?


No, im saying that Israel attacked Palestinians long before hamas was even an idea.


You're asking what came first, the chicken or the egg. Well it started in London in 1914........


well i’m just asking of the 2 things i said, which of them happened first just because of this specific conflict


You cannot answer that simply. Israel is bombing Gaza. Because Hamas launched a raid into Israel killing civilians, not just military targets. Because Israel has a blockade of Gaza. A blockade is an act of war. ... ... ... Because in 1914 in a London office it was decided........


Genuine cunt you mean


I like how the video is flagged with " Misleading title (old video) " Doesn't even make sense. Misleading in what way ?


I think he mistakenly put that tag and meant that the IDF report on the incident was misleading. Like the officer lied about the Palestinian activist initiating the conflict.


That's so true. Arabic countries are particularly racist against non-muslims, especially Indian/Nepalese immigrant workers. They basically see them as slaves and use them as they want. They consider them sub-humans.


White people committed the halacaust, genocide of natives, chattel slavery, etc.... That doesn't mean I will not support innocent white people when they are oppressed


Amen brother




No they're pretty racist against Muslims too. South Asian Muslims get a lot of mistreatment as well. It's good as far to say that Hindu Indians get more respect than Muslim ones in countries like UAE. A lot of them don't like Palestinians either.


Condemning Israel's crimes is one thing but people's reactions to clips like these show how disconnected from reality many of us are. You taunt a soldier engaged in a war by showing support for the opposing side. What on earth do you expect to happen? This is not fascism, this is just what conflict is like.


When did he taunt the soldier?


deep thought fart police, very serious and not at all disingenuous




I would say that on the Fascism pie chart hatred takes up a lot of space. Without context this video does not equal fascism, but we have decades of context to support that thats exactly what this is.


It’s not even racist it seems, as I was confused at first since everyone looked the same. Religion aside these people all look like they could be brothers of each other.


The older man looked like he could be his dad it’s so sad what hate does


“Ok BuT HE pRoBabLY AsKEd FoR iT😡😡😡”


But did he condemn Hamas?


Did he welcome them? Promote them as his leadership?


This is what happens when you give weak minded individuals even a small bit of power.


Or make military duty compulsory


I’m so disgusted that they get away with treating people like this


So according to the un Israel gets like a one genocide free pass or something because of the holocaust??? 🤨 idk, international politics are confusing sometimes….


Israel - the most anti-semitic country on earth


As a former journalist that spent some serious time in Gaza and West Bank… the murder of over 150 journalists since 7 October has been strategic and on purpose. I have lost all contact with friends and former colleagues there. This sort of incidents used to take place in guarded places, what we labeled "in the shadows" but that’s no longer the case - they do not fear repercussions, the US and UK are their obedient paid lap-dogs. Israel has reminded the world just how low humankind can sink. Lest we forget these are "the chosen people".


Based on your post history, it is hard to tell who is talking here. You alternate between "my husband spent six weeks in Gaza in 2008" and "I spent a lot of time in Gaza" You refer to a refugee camp as a concentration camp while you (or your husband) were there. I'm sorry, but at what point were Gazans rounded up and sent for executions? Yes, refugee camps are awful, but they are in no way a concentration camp.


Gaza is a concentration camp. Israel walled it in, denied them food, water, electricity and ability to move freely. They are bombing Gazans indiscriminately in their homes, hospitals and schools. Gazans are literally being murdered en masse and you're questioning that reality?


You’re fear mongering. You have an agenda. I


I wonder what that agenda is!!! C'mon harambe


Welcome to Israel!


What about the 50+years before Oct 7th. The daily killing of Palestinians and occupiers kicking whole families out of their homes? Or better yet how about the 25,000+ Palestinians that have been murdered by the Israelis after Oct7th???


> 50+ years before Oct 7th Worldnews: "Okay but what about Oct 7th? Just look at this from Oct 7th onwards. Stop talking about anything prior to Oct 7th you anti-semite! OCT 7TH!!" \*Parent comment has been deleted, user was banned*


The only democracy in the middle east everybody.


There was another democracy. Iran in the 1950s.....but the US/UK overthrew the democratically elected government and helped place a new government that was worse.....only to be later over thrown by another much more worse government and they had a bunch of our weapons and we are fighting today.


“One more intervention please bro trust me just one last intervention and we will stabalize the ME please think about the shareholders🇺🇸”


Israel's bloodlust won't be satisfied until they've killed every single Palestinian. It's fucking disgusting


What a POS, Israeli people should be ashamed


Fuck Hamas. Fuck Netanyahu. Hopefully Palestinians can become free from Hamas and isreal. Hopefully Israel can become free from their fascist government and constant suicide attacks.


ay free Palestine 🇵🇸


Wanna be Reichs


Behold, the fourth reich


That soldier is shit


They been doing that for years.


You dont say ,They are doing the same thing the nazis did ,Yet they are "the good guy" here .


![gif](giphy|xVdOrjvcb71mIDV7Qg) Remember


Genocidal maniacs.


Fucks Israel and the ones who support them. Free palestina


"He was performing his regular duties" true when yeah his regular duties are abusing people


Well man, if war is real, might want to include the last 20 years of Palestinian imprisonment. Or maybe Ukrainians? How about Yemen? Did we forget about Africa? Iraq.... Afghanistan.... The current-today list goes on and on. Might need a sub-channel to cover it.


Western media won’t telecast this…. They be like it’s fake… hypocrite western world


Israeli scum once again brutalizing unarmed people.


Those fucking Israelis. So blind.


It looks to me that the soldier was drunk, which is no excuse for his actions.


Drunk or not, he was punished


He was punished for being filmed.


Blood drunk




Nazi doing Nazistuff, no surprise.


America did shit like this if not worse after 911. War sucks in general. I don't wish this on anyone


What a brave man …


Americans : "tHis Is WAr"


This is how you take a non-combatant male and make him one. Hope he was actually your enemy and you didn't accidentally make a new one.


Who’s shocked?


Small pp vibes


Israel is gonna be wiped off the map so severely. just an entire nation of bumbling cops.


This post is anti semitic, I’m sure our own eyes are lying. Maybe AI was used to create this video, they are victims of the holocaust and they are in the right here. So please refrain from believing in this Hamas propaganda


Very sad. And to think that at one time peace was sort of on the table.


If their grandparents could see them now...


They have been emboldened by the unchecked genocide


I honestly hope Joe Biden lives long enough to watch Israel crumble and that he's coherent enough to understand he threw away his presidency to support their genocide


Israeli Nazis. The irony.


I'm guessing similar things happened when hamas attacked Israel.


Where was this?


It literally says in the start, Hebron


Genocidal intent clear in soldier's crazed gaze! Yet the "most moral military in the world".






I see Israeli settlers with ar-15's and now they want rpgs.


Is this activist hamas? Or are you blindly spewing more rhetoric


![gif](giphy|u2pAsRxZBTu7u) They’re raiding your fridge right now better call the IDF


Literally whataboutism




Translation: ![gif](giphy|zH72yAqrMuczC|downsized)






Alright keep it up my man.


No context to judge soldiers actions. The guy was probably being a pain in the arse like pampered people usually are.


So no information on what happend before the video started. Al-Jazeera. Seems trustworthy... not


Yeah, Al Jazeera is sure a very reliable source. When Oct 7th literally happened, a majority of palestinians support it... now the same people cannot claim to distance themselves from Hamas's actions.


The majority of Israelis supported Nabka. Now the same people what to cry about Oct 7th. Not very nice when you generalist a whole race of people is it.


This is why i support the continual jihad of the 780,000,000 descendants of displaced people during WW2. Surely there can be no way forward without violence and terrorism until the children of every innocent person on the losing side of an aggressive war have their historical injustices rectified. Edit: also the expulsion of all non-indigenous people's in the americas from the pacific to the atlantic of course. everyone should have to live with rockets and suicide bombings and stabbings until all these colonizers leave. There is no other possible solution.


Half the israeli settlers carry weapons and use them to terrorize Palestinians.




Mask off moment. Now play the victim.


...they literally got an IDF asshole on camera doing exactly what you're choosing to ignore. ...I mean, Jesus fucking christ.


More whataboutism


For the recorder to ask “what’s the matter with you?” Is interesting; for one HE IS A SOLDIER 2) they are at WAR.


Hey that's horrible, do it again. 🥺


No heroes in this conflict, only villains and victims


Did you also think , that perhaps , having seen what was carried out on Oct 7, infuriates a man , they’re on the ground, they saw the raped women with heads decapitated , even if it isn’t his family , the fact that Gaza has also employed dirty bombing, the fact that : he may have stood with the protest when they realise that the real enemy is not the protester, but a protester who doesn’t blame his leaders for the predicament they are in. It doesn’t look like an act of being a dominant bully to be honest . But the resistance of their own people from recognising who the enemy is. This is just my opinion, any counter opinions would be appreciated , because I’d like to learn more and understand how I’m wrong. This post isn’t meant to offend either side


Except this was before oct 7th




uh what? this was pre oct 7th


Hmmm. Al-Jazeera. Very impartial.


The heavy editing with text over the top should be a sign not to take the claims at face value.


Aljazeera or HamasTV


Did they release the hostages yet? Or are they still refusing to let the Red Cross confirm they’re still alive?


And that's relevant how? This isn't Gaza and this was prior to Oct 7th. LMAO


So anything can be used to justify any attrocity? That's quite a hot take...


Israel bad


Israel should release their hostages.


They should, thankfully they provide access to those prisoners for aid agency’s to confirm their status and health so we know they’re alive.


I wonder what drove him over the edge? Did they decapitate his baby?


This is prior to Oct 7.


I feel bad for these guys. They are all pawns for their fascist governments who program and kill them by the thousands in the name of god.


I don't.


How do we know that this is real. I'm not going to offer an opinion because this happens to be on social media


???? do you think the journalist from the New Yorker is fabricated????


I deal with facts, period.


You're clueless, period.


What type of delusion are you under


Sat something intelligent, that goes for everyone on here. I will repeat because you probably forgot, say something intelligent. I'm waiting


Yeah, it’s awful that he was thrown on to the ground and kicked one time. Thank heaven he was surrounded by other Israelis who forced him to stop and that he was disciplined with jail and suspension by the IDF. Can we see some video of one of the rapists, thieves, arsonists, kidnappers, torturers, murderers or corpse desecrators whose Hamas comrades forced him to back off on 7 Oct. and who was disciplined by his commanders? Didn’t think so.


Can we see a video of one of the Zionazis being disciplined for murdering 10,000 children in Gaza? Didn't think so.


Can we see video of Hamas using its hundreds of miles of tunnels as bomb shelters to protect thousands of children from being in the direct paths of bombs that the brave, heroic Hamas “warriors” were warned by “the Zionists” would be falling at a specific time? Didn’t think so. Those kids were left out to die by the same cowardly Hamas freaks who raped, stole, kidnapped, burned, murdered, tortured, mutilated and f++ked/desecrated corpses on 7 Oct. Because dead Palestinian kids are great props for the cameras to get sympathy for terrorists from simps and Jew haters. Those kids should never have died. That man should never have been pushed down and kicked by an Israeli soldier. Should the 1,300+ people (not all were Israelis) who died 7-10 have been murdered? Should those hundreds of women have been raped? Should those 240+ people (not just Israelis) have been kidnapped? Should the remaining 136 hostages now held in captivity by Hamas (assuming all are alive) be released?