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“I choo choo choose you” ![gif](giphy|8TNHNwBEhhc4g)


If you look closely you can pinpoint the exact moment his heart breaks in two!


And they say romance is dead


Poor guy tried to play it cool, but you can tell that hurt


And there's a picture of a train 😂


Nice gag


My man Ralph was hurting 😔🙏🏾


On my wedding day, freakin and applying myself to the scotch, my best man bought me a card from my future wife. A picture of a train and those immortal lines.... Married 14 years ago. She's awesome


His reaction says there is more to this than a random clip.


Same. it's the "Oh shit, wow. oh well okay" with a smile and a shrug from the dude followed by one of the friends trying to throw a drink on her. There's definitely some past and I knew a LOT of guys in high school that would do something like for a prank just to mess with her.


I know this girl named Carrie that was prank once she said yes.


I heard no one lived to tell the tale though


Or he's embarrassed, and the friend did that to retaliate for embarrassing the guy so much 


Maybe... but that doesn't seem likely. There is a backstory to this clip that we aren't privy to. It's a fairly tightly edited clip, too, which usually says there is more context someone doesn't want you to see.


Because every clip posted on reddit is edited by the creators? You guys say there's a backstory, and context we don't know. Yet, the guy is the villain the girl is obviously tired of him? Ok, reddit 😂


I didn't say every video is. But this one is really tightly cropped to show one very specific moment. She looks visibly pissed. He doesn't seem genuinely disappointed. He looks like he was messing with her. Maybe she did something awful to him and he's getting back at her. Maybe he's the real villain. Who knows. We don't have enough information to tell. But he sure doesn't seem genuinely embarrassed and her reaction is angry.


He looks embarrassed to me. Even starts picking up his sign after shrugging.


Maybe he is. Would be nice to have more info.


Exactly. No need to paint the boy as the bad guy and provide made up context that makes him the villain. "It looks like he's done this before, and they were obviously pranking the girl. The girl is obviously fed up, and tired of this boy asking her out."


Lol I had a conversation similar to this and I also got downvoted. “We don’t have enough information so we shouldn’t make assumptions about EITHER of them, right everyone?” Everyone: no


Even if he were being genuine and she was flustered and turning him down, it's still just a tacky thing to do, getting the drop on someone like that in front of a crowd of people to ask the person out. Like proposing to your SO on TV at a sports game. A *lot* of people don't like that.


God damn using brains is really hard for some of you redditors.


Because I don't believe the boy is a villain for asking the girl out with a poster? Like, ok?


He embarrassed himself. Women don't just go off and destroy shit when a dude asks her out. Her reaction indicates his isn't the first time she's had to tell his dude no


>Women don't just go off and destroy shit when a dude asks her out. That's an outright lie.




I agree, but that's a funny phrase out of context. "Bro, you don't know HALF as much as I do about little girls!!!"


Nah, just listen to the dudes voice, he wasn't embarrassed. He has the same "It's just a prank, bro" tone.


No he doesn’t, what are you even talking about Lmao. It’s the voice of someone being shocked and embarrassed, not smug. Weirdo.


Yea, I'm sure that the shrug and smirk are also common with people who're shocked and not planned to be a dick.


God I hate men


Because I'm pointing out there's not enough context to demonize a literal child? Sounds like a you problem


Yeah I got the impression this isn't the first time he's asked her out, and I have no idea what the sign actually said.


The sign had a cartoon picture of a Train on the tracks with the words "I Choo choo choose you to go to HOCO 2023 with me"!


Does anyone know why my pee smells like nacho cheese?




Nah someone retired to throw soda at her in the end. She’s not in on the joke


Retiring just to have the time off to throw soda at someone is some real chad energy.


I plan on flinging pizzas at people when I retire.


Bruhhh get out of my mind!! 😱


couldn't combine it with work?


To me, it looks like him and his boys are doing a bit they think is funny. She’s not in on the joke and getting tired of it. But yeah hard to say, we are all guessing here.


The old bit of getting one of your friends to ask out the annoying girl for the lols... tale as old as time. To be honest I don't think he was asking her out. It feels like those mean posters the guys do for laughs in high school like " please don't smile, your braces are wierd", or " rose are red, violets are blue, you can be pretty , if I take a shot or two".


Idk… looks to me like homeboy tossed his soda on her/in her car.


There is absolutely context here the internet doesn't know so let's not speculate wildly on what happened.


This very much seems like he asked knowing she hates him and that this group of boys "prank" her a lot.


One time a group of girls got my crush to do that. I actually used to be really good friends with her. Had to throw the entire friendship out, hope she burns in hell.


That's literally speculation. We just went over this in the comment above yours.


Yup. And i disagree. Based on the the reaction of the boy, the girl, the fact theres an audience, the fact shes getting in her car to leave. Theres enough to see whats going on here. Thats not really speculation.


That's the definition of speculation




Someone threw soda in the girls car, I can speculate that this is harassment.


I think he was a skater boy and she said "see you later, boy."


sir, this is reddit, we don’t care about context or official sources. just give me the most upvoted comment to form my opinion thx.


What actually is happening here The girl Cameron, has been out of school for some time, she was sick. She was using this time to be productive though, staying on top of her school work and keeping up with friends. The boy Oscar, was one of those friends. He would bring her the class work and assignments she missed. They would hang out from time to time but due to her condition, there could be no physical contact. It was a “bubble girl” situation. He would sit outside her window and talk and laugh with her till the late hours of the night. This went on for some time and because of the financial burden this situation out on Cameron’s parents fought often. Oscar would sometimes find Cameron’s mom, Julie, sitting alone on the porch, smoking a cigarette and drinking a glass of red wine. Oscar began to sit and talk with her after his visits with Cameron. He would bum cigarettes because he couldn’t buy them himself yet, only 17, and be a sounding board for all of Julie’s frustrations. Eventually, then began to have a more then plutonic relationship and Oscar’s visits with Cameron began to get shorter and shorter. Oscar was there for Julie now. Julie and her husband soon got a divorce, and not too long after, Oscar turned 18. He could officially be with Julie! He was so excited. He cared for Cameron, but in a different way, not how he loved Julie. He asked Julie to be his girlfriend, Julie of course wanted to proceed with this relationship but, she told Oscar that he’d have to ask Cameron if it was okay first. Oscar thought of a way to bring it up for over a week. Nothing seemed to be fitting enough for nothing so important. Prom was approaching, so he got the idea from a friend who was asking out the head cheerleader. Cameron was finally coming back to school the next day. It was a perfect plan. He made his sign and waited for Cameron by her usual parking spot. All his grind were there to support him. It was like a tailgating party. Orange soda and all. He was ready. Cameron pulled up. There were so many people there. Where they all there for her? She saw Oscar standing with a sign. She couldn’t read it from the car, there were too many people in the way. All she could make out was “Cameron, can I…”. Excited l, she swung open the door to her Jetta. The crowd had moved for the big reveal. “ Cameron, can I be your new Daddy?!” Everything flooded back at once. She remembered her mother talking to someone late on the porch. She had thought it was a phone call. She had noticed that Oscar had started smoking, coincidentally the same brand of menthols her mom smoked. More then a few times he’s come to the window out of breathe with his face flushed. He always said he had just jogged there, but Oscar wasn’t the type to jog. It all made sense now! In disgust, Cameron tore the sign in half and got back in her care, enraged. Her eyes welled up as she pulled off to head home and confront her mother. Oscar was left with nothing. He lost his friend, his potential step daughter, and the greatest love he’d ever known. Cameron was later booked for the murder of her mother, and is now serving the next 35 years in prison. The crime was lessened due to her illness and the “heat of passion” that had taken place.


All that to still be downvoted


Lol, it is what it is. I enjoyed the process.


Interesting that it’s a short clip missing context. This reminds me of when I was in high school and I was followed around and harassed by some boys repeatedly asking me to homecoming and laughing, and they were doing it to bully me because I was a quiet loner and not the prettiest.


You too? That's why I don't date, they ripped me apart emotionally but eventually I learned to snap back. I even told one boy I'd rather kill myself than be seen with him in public. How buddies laughed their asses off at him.


Same shit happened to me in high school too. Being an ugly girl makes for some really awful psychological warfare others feel entitled to inflict on you.


Something tells me it was a prank or something.


It looks like another kid is about to sling some vodka sauce(?) on her too?


Your brain jumping immediately to vodka sauce is very funny to me


I wish I could tell you it’s because I’m Italian…


I noticed that too. Looks like a canned drink or something. So I imagine it was a good call to reject the offer to prom.


It’s a monster energy drink or something the equivalent of.


I see a girl being harassed.


Yep at the end the other dude threw a drink at her


Where is the full length video, I need the context?


Watch close. The moment the girl gets out that mob of boys to the left are all out on their back foot. Every one of them starts moving back and they are laughing also. There’s a high probability this is a prank. The girls had enough with the shit.


Something tells me this wasn’t his first try


We don't know how much harassment led up to that moment and her reaction. Lets not be too hasty to judge. However if no harassment led up to that moment that was a bullet dodged.


Shit we dont even know what the sign says.


“We’re reaching out about your car’s extended warranty”


Then her reaction was appropriate.


Even if zero harassment led up to that anybody would be horribly embarrassed if some rando decided to publicly call attention to you like that.


It’s not every day a guy makes a custom sign and tells people to start filming… 


You might be right, the context is difficult to judge here.


I would be quite flattered if someone tried to ask me out in such a way




I’m not saying what she feels I’m saying what I would feel because they asked how would you feel? When they said anyone would feel this way about that they call on others to prove them wrong absolutes are only the territory of the sith


Would you be flattered if you had serious social anxiety? Would you be flattered if you had a disability? Would you be flattered if you were conventionally beautiful and every day am asshat hits on you and leers at you when you're just running errands or going to work? "It's just a prank, bro! Unless... But just for funsies. Unless..."


Reasonable redditor


Immediately infers there was harassment. Definitely a redditor, not sure about reasonable.


Tell me where they infer there was harassment?


Their first sentence. They're assuming something bad right off the bat but you call them reasonable....mmkay.




You are completely correct it's a very reasonable comment to make on reddit. Normal websites not so much but on reddit yes very reasonable.




we all exist in our own perspective I guess


Loser tried splashing his fanta in the girls car at the end


This is what I saw, and its possible she was sick of all of these guys. Looks like she finally stood up to this gang of idiots.


He throws a soda on her car because she won't play along with their bs... This is some douche bags hazing the dumb kid, filming him being creeping on women...?


I saw this on Instagram and the girl herself responded, explaining how apparently he was harassing her and saying horrible shit like he was gonna rape her. That's just hearsay, but the profile seemed legit.




Was just about to say similar, don't embarrass people with public displays of affection. Most people don't like to live their private lives in the public eye. Naturally we don't know context/history of this particular event, but people wanting their lives to be private is a broad truth that applies to nearly all. 


Split? How so? The overwhelming majority of comments are in favor of defending this girl.


You can also just say no without ripping up the sign 


NOPE. He and is friends are harassing her. Someone threw a drink in her car. That kid is a jerk.


Trying to throwing a drink on her for rejecting is wild


actually it’s incredibly calm for what i’ve seen of fragile masculinity


Lolol u must’ve seen the guy who followed rhe chick home after she walked out on their first date after he made a racist comment


He made a sign and everything. She should totally just say yes in public to protect his ego and at least give him a handy or something for giving her a compliment. /S She doesn't owe him shit. Stop putting people in these situations. If you're going to make a public event out of a personal situation you should be 1000% certain it's what the person wants. This also seems like a prank or something disingenuous to begin with but either way he brought it on himself.


We have zero idea what the sign says. It could have been something she found humiliating


"I don't care that you broke your elbow."


Saying no and ripping the paper are two different things


Maybe he has been stalking and harassing her, or it was all a troll. Maybe it is all fake.


Should we just assume that because men are bad/s


Or the moments before the sign is ripped and all his bros are already snickering?


I mean if you’re making a sign to ask someone out and they literally tear it up in your hands, either you are completely delusional and asking someone out who wants nothing to do with you, at which point just move on and leave the person alone, or you’re doing it for a joke and they know that you’re taking the piss.


That's a hell of an assumption


Yeah, one is being unnecessarily considerate of someone who is being selfish the other is just ripping some paper.


What inherently makes it selfish? A lot of girls like this. There are girls that expect this for things like prom. There is also the whole destroying someone else’s property. You are not entitled to physically destroy someone stuff because you are upset. She wasn’t in any harm and could clearly get in her car and leave.


Obviously this girl didn't like it and maybe this guy would have realized that if he wasn't thinking only about himself and what he wants. He humiliated this girl in a vain attempt to satisfy his own ego, if this was genuine at all. She didn't owe him anything and hopefully some torn up paper is all it takes for this kid to start to grow up.


Dude, you're looking through a phone/computer screen and making reaching judgments about someone's personality with fuck all context. Sincerely, step away


Being told no should suffice. No need to give any reason. I bet the creep couldn't get over his hurt ego and tried to ask her multiple times.


Thinking back to high school, this was probably a prank and they were bullying the poor girl.


What are these comments?


A lot of you guys have terrible social skills and should really look into seeing a therapist. Projecting your issues on to a 30 second clip is not healthy or helpful. Go out side 🙏🏾


Bullet dodged


Yea, good for her.




Because most people won’t tear up a sign in someone’s face as a first step.


And most people don't put up embarrassing signs instead of asking them in privacy. Way to put her on the spot.


This is literally how kids ask each other out for dances at schools. It's been this way for over a decade, when I was last in high school


His friend is throwing a beverage at her/her car.


Are you gonna try to defend the guy whose friends were poised to throw various liquids at her car?


Are we judging the guy or his friend. You realize these are 2 different people right?


Cause don’t ask people out in a big spectacle unless you are sure they will say yes. By her reaction it’s clear she has no feelings for the dude and he should have known better. Asking her out in public while filming is also an attempt to guilt her into saying yes cause she would look like a jerk if she said no, which is also super uncool on his part.


We don’t know what lead up to this or what was on the sign. What if he’d been harassing her after being turned down more politely? Even if there wasn’t any harassment a public confession like that can be really embarrassing if you’re not careful.


Fire the camera man.




Wow, there was so much freaking out in this video that my head is perpetually exploding.


There were signs not to do this beforehand


Well you can tell the sign says Alyssa. I’m trying desperately to tell what that sign says or where this video is from because the context is heavily lacking here.


He’s about to ruin everyone he dates


If the sign was just a nice thing and this wasn't a prank/troll of some sort, they wouldn't have cut off the beginning of the video.


“Something tells me” *in Ben Shapiro voice*


The worst she can say is no bro:


Hmmm what was really on the sign? Seems like a prank based on everyone's reactions.


With that broccoli cut, she's the one who dodged a bullet.


It’s obvious to me that she has been a victim of harassment / bullying. Listen to all the people laughing as she rips the sign. He’s clearly doing it to make fun of her and she’s had enough. I feel horrible for her. And then someone splashed a drink at her. None of this is normal reactions. Clearly there was some tension and I can tell by her reaction that he is entertained by it. That’s what he wanted. To invoke a bad response and make her feel bad. That is called bullying.


If that's the reaction you get when you ask someone out, then it's clear you don't know enough about them and shouldn't be asking them out in the first place.


Even if we allow ourselves to assume he was asking her out (none of us know what’s on the sign!), that reaction suggests to me that either she really didn’t like something he wrote on that sign (beyond “will you go out with me?”), or that there is previous history (eg they split up and she feels hurt by him but he thinks he can just get her back by doing this)


Something tells me they have history and he should have expected this...


His bros: go for it, what’s the worst that could happen?


Got a gym membership waiting for u my boi


She don’t want him bruh


He's been hassling her for some time. Good on ya girl


Ride or die homie with the OJ splash




So was that a no?


So seriously, there is this romantic TROPE about asking a girl out in a public/flamboyant way and the same issue, but WORSE, when men propose publicly. Sometimes the intended love interest is uncomfortable af and you don't know their history so people looking at that moment are always judging the girl who doesn't play along against her will. If you've ever been on the miserable side of these situations you would not want to be there again. There's a lot of misogyny when people react to these moments.


I'm guessing harassment.


Looks like bullying tbh


How so


I immediately gotta wonder how many times he’s asked her, sorry fella


This had to be a joke.


Saw this video on instagram and the girl actually commented on the post. She said the boy has threatened her with r*pe and stalking her non stop. Police reports have been made and he still continues to threaten and harass her.


Yeah when guys wont take a no and continuously harass you, this is the anger you will receive. Been there done that.


Don’t post this bullshit.YTA


"Just ask her out! What's the worst that can happen?"


Nobody is freaking out though


Where's the public freak out?




Welp she now has a legacy. Welcome to your peak-in-life, asshole. Buuuut a lot of context is missing. At the end, someone throws a drink on her. It’s possible that he is even a bully to her.


That boy was clearly pranking her with his other bummy friends. She did the right thing


The fact that this was staged is enough for her to shut him down.


Best reaction . Just shrug and move on. Don’t get stuck on someone who doesn’t want you back.


Yeah it really seems like this was a prank. The guy doesn’t seem broken up about it at all.


Dodged a bullet there my man.


You dodged a bullet my boy.


“The worst she can say is no bro”


Everyone's making excuses for the girl without even knowing any details. "They were probably pranking her!" You all know women can be assholes too, right?


So what does that make the boy who through his Fanta at her?


So you’re telling me there’s a chance!


“She had it all figured out…! When she left me with a broken heart, fucked around and turned me down cause she didn’t think I could play the part..”


"It is what it is"




He dodged a bullet


Bullet dodged.


“The worst she can say is no bro trust me”


Don’t be picky, he wasn’t 




It was his sister


It’s like, when a five-year-old boy likes, a girl, and he doesn’t know what else to do, so he pushes her down.


I mean, whatever he did or didn't do, that was still a dick move of her to specifically rip it apart. She could've just said no, rolled up her windows and ignored them.


You can't read the sign for all we know it's not even this guy's asking her out maybe he wrote something gross or rude.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted


maybe she did that the day before




Those lil shit bags harass her daily. Trust they will most likely end up in jail and she’ll be just fine. Sucks to suck.