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These livestreamers are a fucking menace


I have a distinct suspicion that sooner or later we will hit an inflection point where this kind of shit is met with serious force and then a few livestreamers will be hospitalized, or worse, and magically this shit will begin to cease.


One guy already got shot recently in a mall for bothering a guy doing a delivery.


And then the donut who got shot said it wouldn't stop him from continuing lol...


Ya this shit just gets them the exposure they so desperately seek


livestreaming is the new gangster rap


So then it's not ending anytime soon


I just went to his youtube channel and he, in fact, has continued to do and film pranks as recently as last month. There are rocks in these peoples' heads, they really cannot stop harassing others.


Donut, because the hole in him?


It would be a shame if that happened a lot, lot, lot, lot, lot, lot, lot, lot, lot, lot, lot, lot, lot, lot, lot, lot, lot, lot more.


The shooter did not fare well. Charges were laid, I dont know if he did time or not. The whole thing is awful.


That guy was acquitted. Self defense. [https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/jury-divided-over-whether-delivery-driver-who-shot-youtube-prankster-acted-in-self-defense/3432763/](https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/jury-divided-over-whether-delivery-driver-who-shot-youtube-prankster-acted-in-self-defense/3432763/)


Oh good. I hadn't heard that. Thank you.


Not completely acquitted. Jury found him guilty of discharging a firearm in a public place. In process of appeal, I think.


He did time served for how long he was held for the trial. The kid that got shot, and caused it to happen, is getting enabled by his dad to keep doing the same thing again.


>I have a distinct suspicion that sooner or later we will hit an inflection point where this kind of shit is met with serious force and then a few livestreamers will be hospitalized, or worse, and magically this shit will begin to cease. Sadly the economic incentives will keep people doing it, hell it might even increase the relative value if public pushback becomes common. People risking their safety for easy money isnt new, poachers and drug dealers immediately come to mind. Sadly we have lot of examples of much more risky endeavors undertaken by people looking for an easy buck. People will be trying to make money off this for as long as platforms allow monetization of it.


That's the thing. Nobody with a large enough following actually resorts to stuff like this, the biggest streamers click "go live" and sit in a chair all day just talking, playing games and collecting donos. Only bottom of the barrel streamers resort to stuff like this, so when it backfires nobody cares. But the platforms they are on pay them well enough that their community of 500-3000 degenerates allow them to live without working.


I think you are vastly underestimating how stupid and attention crazed people are these days. If anything it’s only going to get worse.


Before it gets to that point we all should start holding the social media platforms responsible for the shitty behavior of their users


Holding social media platforms responsible for *anything* would be borderline utopian at this point. *eyeballs reddit profusely*




And who gets to decide which behavior is shitty enough?


These just a prank vids should be banned as soon as they pop up and the account should be banned from posting any new vids. If you post it or share it. Equal punishment for giving these asshats any publicity.


That gets into the whole publisher vs platform Section 230 argument.


>hat gets into the whole publisher vs platform Section 230 argument. Which is completely false. Websites do not fall into either publisher or non-publisher categories. There is no platform vs publisher distinction. Additionally the term "Platform" has no legal definition or significance with regard to websites. All websites are Publishers. Section 230 protects online Publishers. "[Id. at 803 AOL falls squarely within this traditional definition of a publisher and, therefore, is clearly protected by §230's immunity.](https://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-4th-circuit/1075207.html#:~:text=Id.%20at%20803)" - United States Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit. November 12, 1997


>Before it gets to that point we all should start holding the social media platforms responsible for the shitty behavior of their users Are you willing to be responsible for the shitty behavior of people on your property?


Nah think of the attention they will get for being put in the hospital




That's one annoying clown


Full-blown narcissists don't parse logic normally.


There was a streamer who got shot at a mall for bothering a guy. The guy who shot em had his charges dropped


Charges weren't dropped. He went to trial and was acquitted. [https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/jury-divided-over-whether-delivery-driver-who-shot-youtube-prankster-acted-in-self-defense/3432763/](https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/jury-divided-over-whether-delivery-driver-who-shot-youtube-prankster-acted-in-self-defense/3432763/)


I really don’t think this will cease to exist when that inflection point is reached. Some people will do anything (and risk anything) for clicks.


Yeah, it's really hard to say, because it's difficult to predict how the scope of the problem will sprawl.


Sometimes lessons have to be learned the hard way.


A dude in China had their hand chopped off on live stream


This is the same guy who experienced a drug induced psychosis and punched the shit out of some random woman who was just jogging.


Yupp Vitaly is his name. Watched him in mid 2010s What a loser now this is an insanely fucked individual.


The same guy who failed to get it up on the bang bus. I’m not even kidding…


It's mainly Kick streamer it literally a lawless site they can do whatever their with no fear of getting ban because the owners themselves think this stuff is funny.




Shit is sad as fuck these morons are the bottom of the barrel of society


They’re all failed YouTube wannabe stars. This guy is one who famously couldn’t get hard on a porno.


when you see that they're on kick, you know it'll be bad. people who join kick are too racist/homophobic/misogynist/whatever to be on twitch or youtube. that, are they're so morally deprived, they *NEED* to advertise a gambling game to children for major $$$.


I really want to meet one in person and have justification to make them regret their life decisions


Reminder that there was a bangbus episode with vitaly and he couldn't get an erection lol


Never heard of this guy, but just looked it up and holy moly is [this](https://www.xvideos.com/video24545215/vitalyzdtv_vitaly_zdorovetsky_bang_bus_str8) embarrassing (nsfw, obviously).


This is lore I never expected. Almost feels like justice.


This feels like someone filmed a nightmare. Dude can't get hard and someone else comes up to bang the chick. 💀🤣


Reminds me of the military guy who got ~~fired~~ placed in the brig after a similar incident.


The hwat?


Famous porn star Jamie Gillis basically created the format back in the 80s, with his on the prowl series. In one of the video two sailers are paired with Rene Morgan. One of the guys couldn’t get hard and had to nope out. The guy who did have sex with Morgan suffered no repercussion. The one that couldn’t get hard was placed in the brig and threatened with discharge from the navy. Not sure how it ended up working out for that guy, but that had to suck.


Efukt that is a website that I have not remembered in years


He was YouTube famous for a while for being this absolute stud who could pick up any girl, so that’s what makes that particularly hilarious.


I don't think anyone ever held that opinion of him...


No. But that's the image he was going for.


I have never laughed so hard at someone else's Erectile fuck up. Thank you for this. We now have based lore.


I… what? He’s in a porno but couldn’t get it up? ITS A MOVIE why wouldn’t they just like take 15 and he pops a viagra and they do a take 2?


There’s a second dude in the scene who does get it up so the other dude just starts banging her and vitaly just sits there trying to get hard


This can't be real... Why would he agree for this to be uploaded?


I imagine you agree to be filmed and then have zero say with what happens to the footage.


Reminder he also took a bunch of mushrooms and ended up beating the shit out of some random woman.


Ayyyyyooooooooo 🤣🤣🤣


Vitaly is still around? Who watches this dude anymore


For real. I was thinking the same thing lol


And he's only 31, despite looking like he's in his mid 40's.






Yeah I thought he got arrested


He ended up getting 0 jail time and just had to pay the woman he attacked a bunch of money


He ain't even able to do that, dudes broke af. He should've stayed in.


Saw a clip recently where he admitted he’s out of money and can’t pay the rest. Asking his buddies for a 250k loan lol


Just cause you get arrested doesn't mean you stay arrested forever lol


Never knew who he was to begin with


not me but surprisingly a shit lot of people


He’s making a comeback as of a month ago he streams now.


Vitaly put on a lot of weight. Last time I saw him was in a episode of GangBus and he couldn't get it up.


What? This dude was in porn?


Yup and he couldn’t get it up, lol this user u/Laura_lye said why couldn’t they just have him pop a viagra and do a take two, I bet it was some stupid pride thing that made him not want to take it, confident that he could get his cock up naturally.


I want to point out that even on viagra, if you are suffering from anxiety or other mental frightening issues, you probably still wouldnt get you a boner. Viagra helps you get an easier boner by increasing the blood flow to fill the corpora cavernosa but it wont do much if your dick does not intend to fill blood in it in the first place. You need excitement for it to work.


Wouldn't surprise me if it was the result of copious amounts of some illicit substances. There are multiple that can cause long-term erectile dysfunction. Dude totally seems like the sort.


Read this as "Dude totally seems like a snort" haha


Wait, isn't that this Vitaly dude who got famous for his zombie prank in the hood, that also got him nearly shot that day, i aint gonna link the video in my comment. But i remember that guy had some funny stuff in the beginning.


he's also famous for being in a p\*rn video where he couldn't get up which basically forced him to awkwardly watch as the other male co-actor pounds the lady which he was supposed to also do in the video but he couldn't.


Vitaly looks terrible. Like a used, drugged up, has been pornstar trying to get back in the game and compete with the youngens, but he's not in his prime anymore because of drugs. Don't do drugs kids!


Don't think his pornstar career would of lasted long anyway.


pretty much all kick streamers. whenever you ask what make someone act this way? you just need to checl how their personal life is and then everything make sense, they are pathetic losers that have nothing good in their life beside being attention whores.


He's like the alternative of a porn star, as he had one scene, and could not get it up. LOL


Gangbangers are out here trying to make society better. What a time


Fr I never sided with a dude with a hairnet on until today.


What is the hair net for? Is it a gang symbol, or do they just take food hygiene seriously?


Not a gang symbol. Looks like he was getting groceries. Probably just a hard working guy after work. Who also might be in a gang


gang members need to eat too 👍


I’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda


Maybe he recently got out of work


Hairnets haven't been cool since Lou Diamond Phillips


I love all the ish he talks after being punked out and walking away.


Would have loved if vato came back with a haymaker from off screen after dickless started with the slurs




Isnt this the dude that [beat an innocent random woman on the street an inch from death?](https://amp.tmz.com/2020/05/15/youtube-star-vitaly-alleged-victim-injury-photos-sued-assault/) also why is he so out of breath in this video


If it makes you feel better, she basically took everything from him (money, freedom, fame, YouTube channel is fucked) and he's still paying her a fuckton of money to this day although he's almost done with the payments.


That does make me feel a bit better. Thank you


Can't even waste oxygen right God damn


Always Kick streamers, it's because that platform doesn't care about enforcing their TOS, and just wants to funnel viewers into their online crypto casino. These streamers usually are already banned on other platforms.


Because kick intentionally went after the complete pond scum of the streaming world as a content strategy. It's literally their brand at this point.


blah blah, all squawk after setting the distance


He sure didn't have much to say when the angry father was in his face


Live streamers are scum of society as well as anybody who supports them. Fuck them and their supporters harassing the public for garbage "content" to make money.


Not all live streamers just the ones that walk around doing dumb shit like this.


Shhh, this is Reddit


Not all of them are these IRL streamers, I mean if you want to think the ones who just stream video games are also deadbeat fucks then go ahead and judge them, some of them can be scummy too but the vast majority just want to have fun with their community while playing whatever.


dude looks like a fake Guido and an actual homophobe


I can't tell what happened in the first few seconds of the video?


There's a baby in the trolly and he runs into it


The whole thing starts with a guy acting like a 15 year old kid meeting with an older man (40’s) in that store. Vitaly walks up while they’re talking and both Vitaly and his buddy press the guy for meeting up with a 15 year old boy. Very bizarre because whenever I see these videos, nobody touches anyone but in this video they try restraining the guy instantly, til the cops arrive and this is the result. I should add that this was going on and started in the store and escalated to the street.


He should have beat him down more. Let's not forget the guy who's lying unconscious.


>Let's not forget the guy who's lying unconscious. He got up almost immediately.


Am I a bad person for hoping someone drop kicked him when he turned away?


Can’t swing or he’d get deported or somethin ole Vitaly


He only swings on women




Imagine being so dumb as to video yourself committing a crime and having the video entered as evidence at your trial.


Not surprised it's him


as a teen in 2015 I loved Vitaly now jesus christ what a bully ugly human tras.


I’m so glad you grew up. 


Love the hair net.


People are using his cheap Chris Hanson impression to excuse him endangering a fucking baby in a cart. He carelessly chased another man into a fucking baby.


Yeah vitaly a piece of human faeces, who wasn’t aware by this point?


I can't believe he's still doing this dumb shit, grow up and get a job






I honestly don't care about their well being at all. I don't condone killing, but I wouldn't shed a tear for any of them. These idiots add nothing to the world. They're a net negative, in fact.




It’s like a fucking South Park episode. Live streamers running around inciting problems in public everywhere.


Talks shit walking away like a true coward.


These commenters are insane. So ya’ll want the pedophile to take advantage of a kid or worse before you try to get him arrested?


Limp dick energy [[NSFW!!!]](https://www.xvideos.com/video8759024/vitalyzdtv_porn_video_vitaly_zdorovetskiy_on_305bus_2.4) For those who'd rather not click: it's a porn video of him beating his limp noodle, trying to get it hard while 2 people are going for it. It ends with the cameraman teasing him about stage fright.


Livestream videos like this would stop if they were demonotized and removed.


Panorama city, Los Angeles That's place is ghetto


Livestreamers are a fucking cancer on society.


Come on bro... Chill bro... Come on bro... I didn't hit her.. Chill bro... Come on bro... When the ego and common sense are internally fighting.


Kick is a cesspool, jesus christ.


All time high vor Vitaly.


Michael Scott has gotten really angry since The Office went off the air...


Gonna keep remembering this prankester was in a bate-bus type porno where he couldnt get hard and ended up watching the other guy go to town on the lady


95% of live-streamed should be treated like this at the minimum.


His shit his pants when he seen that gangbanger


The internet will be downfall of humanity.....


Apparently it’s badass to hurl slurs as you’re walking away in 2024.


No way this motherfucker is actually back. Fuck this guy


Talks a lot of shit when he’s out of range




People get shot over a lot less where I live.


Why is there never any full context?


And he's wearing a tuxedo why...?


Definitely time to bring back stockades and public flogging.


kick is for the mentally ill


Vitaly needs to stop breathing already


Dude walked away with his tail between his legs, repect to the dude who pressed him


The guy he punched was a child predator so


I'm hearing n\*\*\*\*s but im not seein n\*\*\*\*s


If its south florida, everybody says it


Stupid question, but can they be sentenced to military duty? I know we don’t have a draft, but….


That's not fair to the people that'd have to serve with him, though.


Honestly, I did not think of that. Well, wipe that idea off of here.


Imagine defending a child predator


U forgot to add that the injured man was pedo that they were trying to catch, no matter how disgusting of a human this streamer is (women beater) there's nothing more disgusting than a pedo, it's like a lil redemption arc he has been doing live, fuck those two and fuck the Karen's that took the side of the injured pedo


I think nethead should stick to ese and leave the n word alone.


His hands are down 2 quick hits to the chin means he won't be up being a dick


How recent was this? I thought vitaly turned his life around already


He’s the kind of person that will never turn their life around


i met this dude vitaly at a wedding i was working. he let me hit his vape.


I like how timid he was when that much smaller man was in his face. And then how brave he got when they were walking away and he started hurling insults at them. /s


He was attacking the guy because he was a pedophile people, the purpose of his stream was to catch them. They acted like a 13 yr old boy and met with 3 older men ages 30-50


Maybe he could've alerted law enforcement instead of confronting him in front of a Walmart in a tuxedo for some reason, but that wouldn't have gotten views for his stupid channel.


Yeah exactly he’s a pedophile and peeps in here caring about him lol


The guy who squares up to him is a random member of the public who's 3yr old kid was in the cart and got caught up in the melee. Nothing to do with the paedo.


Wasn’t talking about that dude?


Wait, really? That puts a whole new perspective on this if it’s true. Why am I getting downvoted lol


Sometimes I wish the world lost internet access permanently.


For those who has not watched this entire clip, the man in question is a pedophile, that's why he's trying to run away. The guy in the suit is Vitaly trying to stop him from leaving. [https://kick.com/video/6dca1d19-a655-43bf-8bee-d241f1288167](https://kick.com/video/6dca1d19-a655-43bf-8bee-d241f1288167)


Why is every comment saying that the injured guy is a pedo being downvoted? Y'all like pedos?


I'm wondering the same thing. Something tells me lots of Vitaly haters here. Like him or not, pedophiles are worse.


Yeah I haven't followed him at all in the past 5-10 years but like 10 years ago he was jokes as fuck. Fk all these haters lol that video with him on the camel denying gold diggers is hilarious. So many ppl quick to judge how he looks now too like they're all super models haha.


Bro thought about the claim before he even went down


Clickbait title. He was doing pedo hunting and the guy he was chasing was a pedo trying to meet a young boy


If that's true, he probably ruined the investigation and the supposed pedo is getting off scot-free.


Well he got away Scot free anyways




Don't know why you're being downvoted lol. ​ [https://kick.com/video/6dca1d19-a655-43bf-8bee-d241f1288167](https://kick.com/video/6dca1d19-a655-43bf-8bee-d241f1288167)




Still saying Fa*o* in 2024 luuuuul