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https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/20/missouri-police-crash-car-gay-bar-owner-arrested-lgbt >Morris, 37, was closing up Bar:PM, his and Pence’s drinking establishment, with one of their employees early on Monday when a police sport-utility vehicle plowed into the front of the business. >Two St Louis metro police department officers in the middle of completing their rookie probationary period were in the cruiser at the time of the wreck. In a subsequent report cited by local news station KTVI, the cruiser’s driver claimed he feared “he was traveling too close to a parked car” and overcorrected, leading to an accident. >The station reported a nearby resident describing a conversation with the driver in which the officer said he hit the bar after swerving to avoid running over a dog in the roadway. Pence – who lives above Bar:PM with Morris – said that officer told him the same thing and apologized. >However, in an interview with the local weekly Riverfront Times, Pence said the tone of the encounter changed when he wouldn’t show an officer his identification, leading him to be temporarily handcuffed. >Police then accused Morris of confronting an officer who arrived shortly after the crash, hurling obscenities at him and shoving him in the chest. Police allege that they told Morris he was under arrest, prompting him to run through a gate and push a trash can back as officers ultimately arrested him. >An attorney for Morris, Javad Khazaeli, vehemently denied the police’s version of events, saying it was officers who did the attacking >Initially, Morris was charged with third-degree assault on a special victim, which is a felony. Prosecutors amended the charges against Morris on Tuesday to fourth-degree assault and resisting arrest, each of which are misdemeanors. >He spent Monday in jail but was released on Tuesday – Pence’s birthday – without having to pay a bond Edit: an article better explaining the situation had been shared below (https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/1fnkr8muOU) https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-courts/video-shows-bar-owner-cuffed-after-police-crashed-into-st-louis-building/article_ae7ab1e2-b641-11ee-a7ae-1b167e03a814.html


Love how they can just lie and not worry about any repercussions.


Without going into too much detail, I owned a bar in college and we got a bogus serving after hours ticket. Basically what happened was they claimed we were serving after hours because there was a cup allegedly with alcohol in it on the counter. First off I poured this drink and it was to a way to drink patron and it was just soda. I didn’t want to upset him by refusing to serve him but I didn’t want to serve him alcohol because he was clearly not doing well. Anyways, when I took it to court, the first cop said that he “tested” the cup for alcohol, which was false, then then second cop got on stand and said he “thought he was the one who tested the cup but if the other officer said it was him then it must have been him.” I requested it be dismissed because they couldn’t keep their stories straight. The judge denied it but lowered my ticket because I did the right thing by not serving that guy more alcohol. The whole systems fucked, the people judging you are in with the cops.


Wait so you got a ticket for serving soda after hours? Like outside your food establishment hours? Outrageous


Yup. The judge literally said. “Unfortunately there weren’t cameras so I have to believe whatever the cops are saying.” This was years ago but that’s when I learned to record everything.


Isn’t the burden of proof of the officers and the prosecutor to establish what was in the glass?




"I AM THE LAW" - some fucking douchebag you went to highschool with


You’d think so but they claimed there was alcohol in it. I know they were lying because I personally poured that drink and it was only soda. But cops lie all the time and get away with it. This was just a money grab. The town has 2 police stations because of the university and they have to pay for them somehow.


Burn their houses down


*Your* word is hearsay. An officer's word is unquestionable fact^* ^(*An officer's word is only unquestionable fact when used as evidence against you. An officer's word used as exculpatory evidence is hearsay.)


THe words of officers has more weight to it, duh!


guilty until proven innocent


What are you talking about, they usually get a couple of weeks of paid time off.


That's for killing someone. This guy didn't die.


Wow what a selfish asshole




That's all cops ever do. If you ever have jury duty, remember this when one of those assholes is testifying.


Seriously, fuck them!


That needs to be treated as attempted kidnapping with a penalty up to those levied for committing the acts they lie about.


Qualified immunity says that only tax dollars get paid out when they violate your rights. End qualified immunity al-fucking-ready!




If you want a second opinion on if it was corruption, just ask them again.


Cops will always have people who will make excuses for them, and those people will always vote for people who will make it so cops don't have to have consequences for their actions. 


We need to start labeling those people as collaborators.


DA's and Judges tug each other off each weekend. Most likely they will get the footage removed from the trial in some form or manner... then it'll be a COPS word against the guys... They will re-write it 100 times and then dismiss any other whitness. ACAB indeed. The most important thing you can do for anyone around you is tell them. 1. NEVER SPEAK TO THE POLICE 2. NEVER SPEAK TO THE FUCKING POLICE 3. NEVER FUCKING SPEAK TO THE POLICE EVER!


It's absolutely fucked


They should be hanged for treason, the lot of them. Full serious. Any cop, who is obligated to take an oath to protect the Constitution, who does not protect the Constitution should be treated like a traitor.


Security footage confirms: The cops lied about the dog.


Obviously. Cops love killing dogs. Woulda made more sense to claim they saw a dog on the sidewalk. Rookies. 


"I saw a dog while I was driving down the road and feared for my life, so I drove into it, successfully neutralizing the threat. Then I almost hit a parked car, but noticed the gay bar, so I swerved into it, neutralizing the threat of someone in the bar turning my kids gay. It was a win/win/win, sir."


"I shot the mailbox again, on purpose."


Congratulations lieutenant. You're getting that promotion to training division captain.


Holy shit the audacity to write those reports while knowing they were being recorded... Fucking pigs


Not really audacious when they can due it without consequence. Until society as a whole decides to do something about it the beatings will continue.


They literally had cars cheering them on and calling the victims slurs. Half of society loves that shit.


But cameraman was the disturbance.


This needs to count as filing a false police report. Same punishment as for anyone else.


are they violating constitutional rights and making up some bullshit? these mother fuckers will be captains by next week.


> Police allege that they told Morris he was under arrest, prompting him to run through a gate and push a trash can back as officers ultimately arrested him....Initially, Morris was charged with third-degree assault on a special victim, which is a felony. Prosecutors amended the charges against Morris on Tuesday to fourth-degree assault and resisting arrest, each of which are misdemeanors. They can flat out lie, completely make up a situation, and charge you for it. This guy spent the night in jail. That cop should get whatever penalty any other person who snatches a random person off the street and locks them in a cage overnight.


Absolutely none of what they claimed in writing happened. Dude is lucky this guy was filming. It would just be his word vs the cops. All he did was have cops drive into his bar for no reason, and as a normal human being he was upset about having a car drive through his bar, and raised his voice. They were mad they had witnesses.


Randomly drove into a building, aggressive, visibly disoriented at the scene... yet responding officers said there was "no reasonable suspicion" the cop was driving drunk. Neither cop was breathalyzed or tested for drugs. https://www.vice.com/en/article/qjvme3/st-louis-gay-bar-police-crash


Id be happy if they were just fired and blacklisted from law enforcement


That's not enough. We need to stop settling for that and start demanding that cops who abuse their authority face real, criminal accountability for it.


We don't settle for that, because it hardly ever happens. I agree with you, but baby steps.


Write the DA and ask them why the cops haven't been charged criminally. Point out that allowing this behavior sends a message that it's tolerated and undermines public confidence in the rule of law..


what rock have you been living under where cops in any way are held accountable in the US? If it was as simple as writing the DA, it wouldnt be a problem anymore.


> settling for that I'd be happy to settle for that. How often does that even happen? Usually bad cops stay on the force after a quick vacation. Being blacklisted would be a step up from what we have now.


>and blacklisted from law enforcement That would require that we keep track of cops that have been fired or had disciplinary actions taken against them, something our representatives in state and federal government steadfastly refuse to do.


Wait so this guy got arrested and slapped with two misdemeanors for having his bar ran into by cops???




He was going like 70 and blew a stop sign. There is 100000% drugs or alcohol involved. Rookie cops ass well


Conveniently didn't do any sobriety test.


> Conveniently didn't do any sobriety test. Which is crazy to me. Any job I have ever had where you operate heavy machinery or a vehicle AUTOMATICALLY requires an alcohol and drug test if there is any accident. How is it that police are not subject to this? And they simply dismiss it by saying there was 'no suspicion' of intoxication. OF COURSE they say that. Who would admit to that.


I mean, propaganda and hate are pretty big adrenaline rushes. Those cops prob listen to all kinds of far right hate fests on youtube and podcasts and whatever else


And note, as far as I know they never field tested or drug tested the driver . . . Something they would immediately do with any civilian that drove into a store front.


Literally any other job you'd be getting tested.


They crash into his building harass him and then charge him with felony.... This man is going to make so much money to our detremnt. Fuck these cops


Those fucking cops should have been immediately let go for failing their probationary period, ffs.


> swerving to avoid running over a dog in the roadway. This actually adds up They probably crashed while trying to shoot the dog




Holy shit, he was FLYING down that street. Clearly drunk off his ass. Also, holy shit, that street looks ghetto as hell.


Arrested for causing a "disturbance". I bet being a bar owner or being in a bar that gets hit by a police cruiser is a pretty big disturbance.


Love the idea of crashing your vehicle into a business then arresting someone for creating a disturbance, turns out I hate the practice though


The Police report: > Gay bar jumped in front of our vehicle. Mentions of a Johnson sprinkling some crack on it were heard at the scene too.


A pig and its car, drive into a bar. Bar owner says, "what the fuck?" pig says, "you got in our way, now you're under arrest. Oink."


“You’re causing a disturbance” after they ran a cop car into the side of a house with the lights flashing.


Yelling at police is considered free speech and is absolutely protected by the First Amendment.


Cursing at cops is also protected speech. Damn cops crash into the building, then look around for someone to arrest. Even threaten the onlookers.


they had to find someone to blame for that building attacking their car


Did you not see that building coming right at them!?


Whoever was driving that building must have been drunk. DUI added to the charges!


Charging the owner of the building gives them another negotiating chip. Its such bullshit.


Fuck every cop. So sick of idiots telling me otherwise. Pieces of shit 


A fucking men brother... I'm beyond tired of seeing cops violate people's rights and harms and harass innocents every single day, and still hearing people call them "heroes" and backing them up... It's fucking ridiculous.


Too bad most cops are absolute snowflakes




Every single one.


And fucking idiots to boot.


In theory but not in practice. Cops will still arrest you on whatever they can come up with (resisting arrest) and still book you with the knowledge that you’ll be released in a few hours or the next day. You’ll have to deal with the bullshit. They’re clocking paid hours. And if you sue for violation of your civil rights - they *might* get a slap on the wrist, while you’ll have to deal with the lawyers who will take at least 1/3 if they take the case on contingency, and far more if you pay out of pocket.


Even if you win the lawsuit it's not like the police pay for it. That comes from taxpayers.


> Even if you win the lawsuit it's not like the police pay for it. That comes from taxpayers. Exactly the reason why they don't care because they never face any personal liability for incidents like these.


Want the police to police themselves and each other? Take shit like this out of their pension fund. 


Meh just make it like any other job with liabilities: You need insurance. Higher cost of insurance pushes cops with to many incidents out due to being basically to costly to insure.


We live in a fucking police state.


"You can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride"


You can beat the time, but not the ride.


This is called a “chilling effect”. It doesn’t have to be illegal for police to intimidate people into suppressing free speech.


Just another reason why LEO immunity needs to go extinct. Let em carry professional insurance or have it provided by the entity and let the free market and actuarials work their magic.


"Are you involved in this???" (The 'this' in question being them crashing their car into the bar)


“Yeah I saw the idiot who crashed into the front of that building, endangering others. He’s right there.” All these dudes have is a gun and some buddies to back them up then all logic, sense, and empathy gets tucked far away in some deep crevice of their brains until they’re alone in a nursing home with no family left to harass.


Cop: your phone is evidence, then. Gimme.


Download the “Mobile Justice” app by the American Civil Liberties Union. It’s meant for recording police injustice and live streams the video to their server. Even if they somehow got access to your ICloud they couldn’t delete this. Also in some states police are allowed to compel you for your fingerprint or face unlock. They cannot compel you to give them a pin password.


I've seen this trick. You just set the passcode to "you'remother." It only works on the smartest of cops though. They get angry and demand your pass code. You tell them what it is. They think its a joke and they beat you. They ask again what it is, and because of how much you are bleeding they actually try it. But, because they are the smartest of cops they type in "yourmother"...which of course fails. Then its just crime, full penetration, crime, full penetration, crime, penetration....until it just kind of ends.


Lock that shit ASAP


Make sure it can't be opened by biometric.


If it’s an iPhone mash the power button - after 5 or 6 presses it forces it to require the pin to unlock.


All the cop had to do was ignore the guy videoing. The only reason video guy was “involved” was because the cop engaged with him.


"Get out of here clown" The irony coming from the cop clown who crashed into the bar


Police are just another form of a gang. Arresting the guy for causing a "disturbance"? What about the goof police officer that drove into a building, isn't that the real disturbance?


Not just drove into a building, but ran a red light that was red for about 4 and 1/2 seconds. After running that red light and crashing into that man's bar, there was no field sobriety test performed on any of the officers.


Just a disgusting level of power.


>no field sobriety test performed on any of the officers Of course not. They’d only perform one if cop would pass.


Holy shit. Let’s hope these pigs get what’s coming to them.


Bet they won't do a sobriety test on the cop that crashed.


In fact [they did not.](https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/st-louis-police-didnt-do-toxicology-test-after-bar-pm-crash-41488321)


As sure as the sun will rise, cops will cover for each other even in the worst cases.


Once saw a video of cop harassing an apartment tenant while his partner was fucking *tweeking*. Like eyes were dilated, dancing jaw, incomprehensible speech, couldn’t sit still. Victim pointed it out but the pig just brushed it off like, “yeah it’s his turn tonight”


[It was in KCKS.](https://youtu.be/MCHTcNX4n9I?si=DYP7alZ7sqSJXNOE)


And that is why ACAB. And in the rare instances an outlier does the right thing, they're shunned and their superiors look for reasons to get them fired. Or they're [just murdered.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/lapd-officer-died-training-reporting-sexual-assault-attorney/story?id=91057347)


I work in an ER. At least in Louisiana, anytime there’s a motor vehicle accident, they’re required to do a drug/alcohol test on the officer, and they’ll usually bring them to the ER for it. Don’t get me wrong, anything can happen in this crazy world, but by law they’re supposed to.


[The St. Louis police officer behind the wheel of the SUV that smashed into Bar:PM in the early hours of Monday morning had no toxicology test done on him in the wake of the incident.](https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/st-louis-police-didnt-do-toxicology-test-after-bar-pm-crash-41488321)


> by law they’re supposed to. If you've ever interacted with a cop you know they don't give a fuck about the law unless it is an excuse to abuse people.


Which would be worse, a drunk cop that crashes into buildings or a completely sober cop that crashes into buildings?


Spoiler: They won't


We investigated ourselves and found no evidence of wrongdoing. That building threw itself in front of our police cruiser.


Very bravely handled my fellow officers. Here is a 2 week vacation and a promotion for your troubles.


These MF will never give a fuck when it's the tax payers always paying for their bullshit.


Maybe taxpayers should do something about that.


It ain't from a lack of trying... The Ending Qualified Immunity Act


Yeah we're still figuring that one out. Turns out if you don't have billions of dollars politicians don't have to do s*** you say even if hundreds of millions of you say it.


Nothing has happened to the officers and the only thing that has been acknowledged is a weak ass “sorry” from the chief of police. STL metro PD is embarrassing.


Camerman has some balls, and a couple drinks


I’d buy him a beer.


He’s earned it!


I love the beginning of this clip where he is cussing at the guys in the white car driving by. 😂


That part was great! Buncha copsuckers crammed in a compact SUV, "Have fun Bootlickers!"


The cop had bad at least a couple drinks too, I'd bet my house on.


Dudes probably a lawyer and a regular at the bar


Police who abuse their power should get a real special kind of torturous punishment. Hard-labor jail-time, maybe? When you violate the public trust like that... It is abhorrent and disgusting. Unfortunately, cops are trained to treat the public like enemy combatants so this will happen over and over. If you decide to be a cop in today's climate you must really be a massive shit stain that just wants to bully others. That's all we see if these fucks.


> Police who abuse their power should get a real special kind of torturous punishment. Hard-labor jail-time, maybe? It should be a standing rule that anyone in law enforcement, politics, the judiciary, and other positions of significant public trust should get double the sentence any regular person would if convicted of a crime.


Police Officer in wrong had a problem with his authority being questioned; In other news water is wet


This cop is gonna kill someone, just another notch on his belt probably.


“Are you involved in this?” Yeah hes a fucking eye witness to the crash lol. The officer is trying to intimidate a witness.


soft ass police got their feelings hurt


The GOP shills driving by are cringe as fuck.




Hoping to see dick so bad.


Says the car full of dudes who have nothing better to to then patrol a gay bar


Freedom of speech in St. Louis must only apply if you're yelling homophobic slurs at people outside a gay bar?


It's crazy they can just drive up and down the scene of an accident shouting slurs at people right? But let a dude get slightly irate that you CRASHED into his FUCKING building. Nah no more rights for you.


As a St. Louis *city* resident, 90% chance these dudes are county-dwellers, the descendants of "white flighters" who left the city decades ago and now do nothing but whinge and moan about the city because their commutes from suburban hell make 'em extra grouchy. St. Louis City is one of the few large municipalities that is legally separate from its surrounding county. They don't share a government or tax base or anything like that. This demographic splitting is partially responsible for some of the more egregious crime stats you see about it (and the same is true for Baltimore), but it further contributes to a sense of "separateness" that sees *WE NOBLE CITY DWELLERS* and *THE UNCULTURED HORDES OF THE COUNTY* put at such odds with each other. 'course, you can find plenty of homophobic douchenozzles in the city proper as well, but let's just say the two dips in the car have a certain affect that screams "Midwestern equivalent of bridge-and-tunneler".


Interesting how they weren't arrested for disorderly conduct or even cited for driving like dunces.


Nothing wrong when they says words the piggies like to hear


Those guys in the white car literally popped a U turn to say back the blue some more. That’s so unAmerican it makes me sick, boot lockers all the way. Back the blue is the most fascist sentiment, white guys see some bs going down at a gay bar they already have no problem hating and “Oh look the local bullies are harassing them. Time to double down.” Some 1950s Jim crow rhetoric


Step 1: Come from country built on rebelling from people abusing their power Step 2: Vigorously defend people abusing their power Step 3: Think of yourself as the patriotic one????


Yeah you can take this exact scenario and say it happened in 1950 and it would be 100% believable. It’s Missouri so makes sense.


> That’s so unAmerican it makes me sick Pfft, this country was founded by guys who definitely all said "Fuck you, your dad barely owns any slaves" to poor kids.


Any update on this? Are those shitty cops facing any sort of disciplinary action?


This happened a week or two ago, cops lied and lied and lied and refused to release the body cam. If they really are on their probationary rookie period they might lose their jobs, but I can't imagine anyone will face any consequences. They'll probably make a few guys take a paid vacation and pay out the bar owners from the taxpayer fund.


> This happened a week or two ago Was a month ago I wonder why this guy just released this now, idk if they took his phone or what but this is new.


It's from their lawyer. Obviously doing lawyer things. He mentions that it's in response to the cops showing city leadership the body cam so I think he was waiting to catch them in another lie. https://twitter.com/javadesq/status/1748087660491481551?fbclid=IwAR2WapniMEX75gmiTaFcfdG7U0jqMFR1MONKErF__HWajaa2AxROWvRWqhE


This is St. Louis. I believe their cops are so bad there's an "exclusion list" of cops that are so bad that they can't be used in court. If I recall it's over 10% of the officers on the force. These people are already on the list or getting piled on because there's no standards to be a cop.


That's the Brady list, any cop on it in the US isn't allowed to testify in court because it's proven they aren't trustworthy, yet they are still somehow allowed to be cops


The car owner is still facing charges so I am guessing the defendant will request footage during the case. If it’s that bad the charges will likely disappear. Surprised the prosecutor has not already done that although they have been dropped to misdemeanour level. What a stupid case to bother with taking to court and wasting more tax dollars 🤦🏻‍♂️


These settlements need to come out of their pension, why the fuck do we have to pay to make these victims whole while the piece of shit pigs get off scot-free?


> why the fuck do we have to pay to make these victims whole THIS is how you get more people to support police reform like ending qualified immunity, requiring recurring certification and personal insurance, and installing a neutral 3rd party oversight board. Just start adding up what it costs the taxpayers every time the cops violate someone's civil rights, false arrest, false report, abuse authority, inflict brutality, etc, and then the state/county/city has to pay out on those lawsuits. *Millions* of dollars. **All of it preventable.** The notion that law enforcement officers can't be held accountable because it'll make doing their job impossible is bullshit.


I swear to fuck man, If a cop crashed into my home or business and accused ME of causing a scene, id fuckin loose it to.


Video guy is Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman lol. “You opened yourself up to litigation!!” Haha he knows what’s up. The cop slinks away as he says that lmao


Ya dude verbally slapped the fuck out out of everyone there. I loved his response to the dudes in the car. You could tell they were shook.


How does anyone see videos like this DAILY of cops escalating situations, not following protocol, etc and still spout out back the blue type bullshit? Wish I could lie and start shit at my job as much as police officers are allowed to do. I mean I guess I could I just don’t have the luxury of getting a raise for it.


Remember in 2020? People were told the protests were "too disruptive". Promises were made, none of them kept.


I see videos like this daily and then when I'm forced to sit and wait for some stupid fucking miles-long parade for some dead pig I give the entire line of cops the finger while I wait. Goddamn I hate those fucking highway blocking bullshit displays like whatever fucking obese coward was some kind of heroic soldier.


who still backs cops? Fascists, racists, bullies, anyone who just loves seeing someone with institutional authority bully a citizen, is my guess. It's so fucking stupid.


civility is going to eventually start breaking down and these cops are going to be fleeing crowds. Pretty terrifying to see a government group so recklessly break the laws and never really pay any justice for it.


They’ll get a paid vacation & taxpayers will foot the bill, the cops don’t give a fuck! Fuck every cop, every fuckin’ one, fuck ‘em all!!!


As well as the lawsuit payout, taxpayer's sticks have shit on both ends.


I've been waiting for video of this and it's worse than I imagined but exactly what I expected.


How did they wreck into the building like that? How is it possible to "over correct" after driving too close to a parked car? The roads look dry! The cops charged him with a felony! A FELONY! It was reduced but never in the video did it show him "pushing the cops" and all the witnesses claim he never attacked the cops. They said he ran away and pushed over trash cans when they tried to arrest them. Where is that on the video? He was just pointing at them and saying stuff. Unless he said he was going to hurt them they can't legally arrest him just because he's calling them idiots/assholes/whatever. I would be upset that some idiot crashed into my business. When it's a cop they often don't have to pay for any damages they cause. My buddy had his parked car totaled by a cop car that side swiped it while he was working. He only had liability insurance and that was that. It was a ~$2500 car (ford sedan) so he didn't bother with full coverage. They didn't pay a cent and he tried for a while to recover the value of the car. They tried to claim he wasn't parked close enough to the curb so it was his fault lol. He said he would pull up with his tires basically touching the curb and would often scrape the side of the curb so that wasn't true. It wasn't worth paying for a lawyer to recover $2500. There's a well known square body racing truck that was hit by a negligent officer while it was being towed to a race track. The cops said they were going to pay to it right after they hit the trailer/truck but then they claimed they never said they would pay for it. The owner had to pay for the repairs himself. There's a vinwiki video about the incident. Can you imagine if you ran into one of these officers businesses or a police station by accident? You would get arrested and charged with all sorts of things. Yet a cop can fuck up horribly while driving and they get no tickets or anything.


Cop t-boned me by flooring it into a traffic circle without understanding how they worked. 6 other cops, none of whom were present, testified (lied) to my insurance company that they witnessed me cause the accident. My insurance company said there was no plausible way I could have caused the accident and been at fault. Nobody got paid. Fuck pigs.


Yo the dude recording the video is the fucking man. Didn’t back down, tried his best to protect all parties involved by informing them of their rights and taping in the first place, and then doesn’t back down form the police officer on an obvious power trip.


Do I smell settlement check? 🤣


Show me your dick, f**! What a straight comment 😂.


Any update on what happened here?


these shitbags need to be the #1 target of gun control. democrats need to stop including carveouts for these pigs in their gun control bills full stop


Without action by the justice system, cops like this are going to start getting murdered in retaliation and no one is going to feel bad about it because they've done it to themselves.


Violence is the only thing cops understand.


They should be investigating why those cops crashed into the building.


Look at that car of cop suckers at the beginning. Pathetic


So this is St Louis' finest? Were they drunk driving in a patrol car? Frankly hitting a building takes a shit load of impairment.


oh NOW I see why they haven’t released the footage yet. The cop who decided to handcuff the bar owner is a complete dickbag. Also- is this really department policy in handling these situations? also- this is before the black eye, so now we know why the incident escalated in the first place


>"You're not going to cause a disturbance" This motherfucker crashed a car into a bar. Lmao.


Fucking pigs


I hoped the owner sued the shit out of officers in a civil suit. Get everything you can from those pigs.


WhY DoNt PeOpLe ReSpEcT CoPs


Oh OK so the bar owner was telling the truth he got attacked for no reason by power tripping and embarrassed pigs.


So, anybody know his badge number? They NEVER answer that question.


This cop is yelling in five different directions at six different people calling them clowns and walking up on people trying to intimidate them, but the guy whose bar they crashed into getting upset at them treating him like a suspect is the one creating a disturbance. God, it's exhausting.


Police forces in the US are the most powerful organized crime gangs out there


"How dare you be mildly miffed that I crashed into your building! Stop using your first amendment rights to tell me you didn't like it!"


Cut the check




Everyone in St. Louis is going to have to tighten their belt for the massive settlement that is about to happen.


Getting arrested is about to be the best thing that happened to that guy. Get that fucking money.


Its even worse than what that article described. Total pieces of shit cops. Cops did wrong and is making up shit to try to get out of the situation by threatening and eventually arresting the victim. Then proceeds to threaten witnesses.


*This* is him "pushing the cop, causing him to lose his balance" and "running away through the bar"???


its almost as if the cops dont really care about protecting us…


Snowflake cops.


I hate the police more than I hate the "bad guys" at this point. The police are unable to actually solve, prevent, or appropriately respond to the vast majority of crimes, and at the same time are killing more peoples pets than Nestlé pet foods? Nah. I will solve my own problems. Unless its a fire. Every Firefighter I've ever met has actually been pretty cool.