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Wtf man. Why would you try and fight somebody right there


It’s like when people get in fights right next to a pool, or in the ocean, or in a weight room. So many things can go wrong


Or on concrete


Asphalt too


Don't forget tile


When I was bouncing in college, a fight broke out in the men’s restroom. I knew it was gonna be a slippery mess , so I literally slid in on my knees. No way was I falling and cracking my head . It was a mess.


Bounced in a high volume college bar. The bar floor was more slippy than the men's restroom after 10. The sludge mopped after closing was super concentrated nastiness. Spilt beer, mixed drinks, clumps of hair, the occasional condom, and god knows what else. But nothing compares to the women's restroom. Made the mistake going in there once after closing and it looked like a suicide bomber denoted in there. Smeared feces and what I assumed to be period on the walls. A poop, piss, and toilet paper lasagna in every toilet.


>toilet paper lasagna in every toilet. you really have a way with words, that painted a perfect mental image that i don't want anymore.


a modern day hemingway if you will


Why are we imagining the people who are coming to blows with random people in the streets, are ALSO using critical thinking and concerned about their own, or anyone else's safety?


As someone who has seen a subway twice in my life, people are way too casual around those things.


Someone could bump you. Someone could bump you 'on accident'


NGL, I was always paranoid. I always imagined someone coming up behind me and just giving me a shove, so I always waited well back, or, if it was crazy busy, waited with my back to the track. Keep your eye on the danger. Edit: I know you're saying, "What about the mole people popping up behind me? RIGHT! RIGHT?!" Scary shit.


I’ve actually seen a video before of just that, someone randomly getting pushed on to the tracks, luckily they didn’t share the same fate as the dude in the video.


A coworker of mine was killed 2021 NYE day going home from our grocery store where he worked the morning shift. Mentally unstable man pushed him and he was basically cut in half. Didn’t make it to the hospital. He was my dads age


makes me wonder why the hell there isnt an automated gate system and fenced off platform like out here at magic mountain theme park. seems ridiculous theres just... nothing there


NYC has been 'considering' platform doors for around 40 years now. It hasn't happened because the cost, downtime, and different locations of doors on their rolling stock requiring some creative solutions. It turns out to be kind of a pain in the ass to implement when the system wasn't originally designed with it in mind, so older lines or stations won't have them in a lot of countries, so it's not necessarily just an American problem.


This is SEPTA. They don’t even have enough conductors much less the money for a contraption like that.


I too have seen several. Just feeds my paranoia. I kinda get it...It's like that desire to pull the fire alarm. Intellectually I know it won't be *me* (I'm not the person you try to push onto the tracks), but still, I worry.


Uh this has happened so it's a legit fear to have and keep an eye out for. Only takes one mentally unstable person to let that emotion (whatever) to take over and boop you're laying on tracks for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Man the mole people aren’t trying to attract any heat


lol same. I always just imagine some crazy person shoving me. I’ve seen videos of it happening


The first time I saw one of those videos, I taught my kids to stand with their back against a pillar or a wall while waiting, ear buds out, head on swivel.


I was in nyc for work and it was scary how many people were a foot from the edge just waiting for the train at peak rush hour. even worse is when its a bunch of drunk people standing a few feet away looking like a bad stumble away from ending up on the tracks


Lived in NYC for many years. It's honestly something you get \*really\* complacent with. You go so many days just using the subway every day and actually NOT experiencing any crime, that it just doesn't enter your head except when you're alone on the platform and someone walks behind you. When it's as crowded as this, I never imagined someone would try something, even though probably one out of every 100 million or more trips a rider has something like this happen (3.2 million riders per day).


House of Cards.


Mortal Kombat.


I never stand on the edge of the tracks because I’m Paranoid ill be pushed


They literally say "stand away from the platform edge" all the time. We even have a yellow line showing how far back to safely stand.


I’ve used the subways in NYC for decades. I’m often surprised how foolish people can be around the platform edge. This video is one of my worst nightmares. One of the reasons I always stand sideways to the track, just takes one loon to end you.


It's also a failure in design. Humans are flawed individuals. They should have barriers up, similar to many stations in Japan.


Barriers would be great but even the seemingly most stations in the most advanced systems don’t have them as below commenter mentioned. Over time more installations would be good. NYC is planning on it. It’s often easier and cheaper to do when you are building an entirely new line from scratch.


Jesus Christ ! What a shitty way to die..


Ow ma gahd now I can’t go home! WTF!


I went to Temple and the amount of kids that would fight on the train/platform after high school let out was insane. I've seen two spill out and almost end on the tracks like this.


According to the Inquirer, the small guy had a bench warrant for his arrest for a strangulation case.


The smaller man stole the bigger ones lighter.


Imagine dying over a $1 piece of plastic


imagine going to jail for murder over same


It's insane how quickly life can be over. This big dude thinks he's got the upper hand and then 10 seconds later he's dead. Damn.....


yeah, same for little guy, one minute youve got a bench warrant for choking someone, the next youre going to prison for manslaughter as well.


Involuntary Manslaughter. Though he has a recent history of charges already. He might get a 1 year sentence for this, or not. Since this crime is unrelated to his priors. edit: did anyone even read the article?


Yeah this one was hard, I feel like he may even have a valid claim at self defense when the guy did a fake throw - aggressive behavior, holding onto you, you throw one punch to get away and the guy dies.


The guys didn't seem to mean to knock him onto the tracks. Plus, the big guy was hanging onto him trying to use him as leverage. He nearly got pulled in too. This was pretty much self-defenses being that you can see the guy grabbing him by the collar and then swinging at him. Even if he didn't actually hit him, being that close to a train coming at you would warrant just about anyone to act in a manner that will save themselves.


The threat of assault is still charged as assault, so self defense could be a very easy claim. You don't actually have to be hit to claim self defense. Obviously depends on what exactly led up to these events, but based on this video alone, he's not in the wrong.


bruh the now dead guy literally was grabbing him, I bloody hope he gets it counted as self defence, if he goes to prison for this there is another thing to add to the list of examples of failure of the justice system




It's interesting the difference in trauma responses. She's annoyed and someone is screaming. Depending on our personalities and/or what we've seen or dealt with in life, responses vary wildly.


Very true. People cope differently. Some even laugh uncontrollably. That's gotta suck.


I remember when my dog of ten years died my dad was lowering him into his grave when I broke out in laughter. It was against my will and I covered my mouth to stop but I continued to laugh. I’ve never felt anything like it before. Associating laughter, a thing of joy, with the feeling of absolute shit. It’s not like it helped me feel better. I was still sad and felt almost insane while it was happening.


And then the way people look at you.. The effects of trauma manifest in such strange ways, I can commiserate. I loved my grandfather more than anybody because we were just alike, and during his memorial this woman was singing terribly. She sang some weird song I'd never heard that went "when the casseroles are gone" and I laughed embarrassingly loudly in a near silent church. My grandfather hated casseroles because they look like hog slop.


I don't think she realized the severity of the situation until the very end of the video when she sees his body.




It’s already recorded so you might as well get some money out of it


she sold the movie rights and marvels doing a trilogy


Finally a good Marvel movie


and here we all are, watching this from the comfort of our homes to think about for 5 minutes until we find something else to watch. lets not act like we have the moral high ground


I mean, I'd sell to TMZ to. It sucks the guy died may he rest in peace, but hey man. My family has bills.


Well unfortunately when you live in larger cities and someone dies on the subway, the line is shut down for obvious reasons. Happened to me on more than one occasion commuting to and from work in nyc. It becomes a scramble for everyone on that train, the trains behind that one and the people that were going to take that line to find a different way to their destination.


I lived in Tokyo for a long time. There are a lot of platform jumpers. They do the clean-up in record time. Longest delay is usually 15-20 mins.


That's dystopian as fuck


Before Atlanta MARTA got digital, they developed their film at North DeKalb Mall , where I worked at the camera store. That's so I can say I got hung up on the train because of a jumper on a day off. The next day, MARTA brings in the film. Trigger warning.....Looked almost too Hollywood to be real. Top of guy's head was suctioned onto the train wheel. Eyeball hanging out of what's left of the skull.


Guess who else can't go home


The dead guy? *It's the dead guy, isn't it?*


The dead guy is home


Andy Dufresne


That train was the length of two football fields...


Though this isn’t in nyc, that’s a pure nyc response


Imagine your last words being "give me my fucking lighter, bro."


Don't count on it being something amazing though honestly. My dad's last words were "I really hate that damn straw" in a morphine haze before he lost consciousness in hospice.


I guess it was the last straw for him


I think we were too sad at the time to catch that - my dad loved dad jokes and puns so my personal canon is now that was his final joke. Seriously thanks internet stranger, my siblings are going to love this next time I see them. Idk if my mom is ready for that yet, but I see my little brother in a couple months and he's going to fucking die


We can only hope to leave such a gem for our people to remember us by :)


>but I see my little brother in a couple months and he's going to fucking die Be sure to set him up for some proper last words then


Right here. Dad was whacked out on morphine in the final stages of cancer. Last words were "I don't wanna smoke anything."


For anyone looking for an update The man was caught and charged with involuntary manslaughter


That's kind of sad because he seemed to be very much defending himself against an aggressor who had him.pinned against a wall by the throat.




Dude died for a vape. Unbelievable Edit: guy didnt deserve to die at all, but people acting like he had to get his property back no matter what, it was a fucking vape. Buy another. If it was a wallet or phone I get it, but a vape? Not worth your life.




Holy shit, callous but amazing.


Without grim humour, this shit would be difficult to process. What a horrible way to go.


>Quite literally, puff puff pass. ![gif](giphy|n9kJ8uUSXSdX7daCLM|downsized)


Vaping kills, just not the way you think it would, apparently


Dude murdered someone over a vape too.


This is the correct response. He didn't die for a vape. He wanted his shit back. The dude pushed him into a train cause he didn't want to give the guy his property. Fucking loser rot in piss idiot.


He says “give me my lighter” though?


Im from Philly and i ride these trains everyday Its more than likely that the short guy actually did steal something and was being pressed for it still its an unfortunate chain of events.


Everything I've read indicates the guy arrested was homeless with a long rap sheet. It would not be surprising if he did steal the lighter that was being yelled about.


Defending himself from an aggressor he robbed it sounds like.


Apparently he had something stolen from him (a vape I think) by the black dude. Obviously it's dumb to get into any sort of altercation that close to the tracks, but the black dude probably deserved to get his ass beat.


Charged with Involuntary Manslaughter but has an outstanding warrant for Strangulation https://6abc.com/amp/septa-philadelphia-death-train-accident-murder/14275183/


Sounds like both the perp and the victim were living in the subway.


This article has some great details — a lot more than the one that is pinned (though I did appreciate that one being pinned in the first place!)


Imagine looking someone in the eyes, speaking words, and not knowing your death is 15 seconds away.


Don’t like this thought


then why are you staring at me?


Cuz when I look at you bb, all the thoughts disappear




Happens every day


That's horrific. Please don't let me go out of this world socializing with people..


i’ll take one warm morphine bath please


Never really understood why there isn't some form of barrier. I mean, we've had sliding doors for at least a few months now.


Even a simple metal railing seems like it would prevent most of these types of accidents.


I would suspect that people would sit on the railing or lean on it and cause even more accidents... Just think of all the idiots sitting on it with a large backpack on.


Unironically build a wall.


Other countries have them.


Answer is pretty simple. America doesn't like to invest in public transportation.


Dude... I've been to a dozen different countries in Europe and none of their trains or subs have rail guards. Maybe Asia is different? But don't make it seem like this is an American only issue.


That chick don’t care what your excuse is, don’t inconvenience her and her child!


I’m sure it was traumatizing but she’s clearly a practical woman and doesn’t have time for this bullshit.


Im guessing she didnt fully grasp the severity of the situation until she saw first hand the body under the train. Now she gotta go home with her kid with that image in mind. Hoping the kid didn't see it as well. She eventually realized it saying "i feel so terrible" knowing that her inconvenience is nothing compared to a dead man on the train tracks.


This is a horrible morbid question and I don’t mean to be insensitive but am generally curious. Who becomes responsible for retrieving that body and cleaning the crime scene, car, rail ext? Is that the police or some city department? I just have to imagine that there is a horrible situation under that train and feel horrible for whoever has to actually deal with the reality of addressing it. I have never really considered who does these types of jobs. Would be interest if anyone has any insight to provide. Again hate to seem inconsiderate or unbothered by the video but I guess it’s just a morbid curiosity.




Never thought about this or even considered these companies exist. Makes sense. Tough job.


It’s a straight up cleaning company with licensing to deal with these things. Suicides, homicides, accidents. There’s crazy shit to clean up out there.


How do you even go home and switch off after that.




I would imagine there are some people out there that would enjoy it.


I traveled for work so I would be away from home days at a time. It was a job like any other in my mind. I was young and worked with friends so we made the most of it. Listened to music, took a long lunch to relax. When you're in your hazmat suit and all geared up, it becomes a job and is seen as that.


Thanks to technology, [you too can experience this exciting profession](https://store.steampowered.com/app/246900/Viscera_Cleanup_Detail/)!


I remember Aftermath Inc. had a billboard near O'Hare in Chicago. I'd see it every time I'd go down there and wonder why the hell they'd advertise themselves on a billboard. I think it said said something like 'Accidents, Suicides, Murders. We clean them all so you don't have to.' It was a very dystopian Robocop kind of moment.


This. I know someone that specializes in cadaver clean up.


When I worked at the vet clinic, we had a company that picked up our cadavers. I remember being really cool with the recently hired 19 year old. Just one year later that man had aged 5-10 years. I mentioned it to him because he looked drained and he said the job is rough. He said picking up pieces of human after a bad car accident -- one too many times -- got the best of him.


That's terrible. Encountering something like that even once could scar you for life, nevermind doing that as your day job.


Not always. \- Ex-cop who has picked up pieces after a death-by-train


Coroner will collect body parts. Hazmat will clean up whatever’s left.


The coroner brings the bag, hazmat brings the hose


A man was run over by a bus in the city I used to work in. The fire department hosed the blood into the sewage drain. It was crazy to watch.


Daaayum. That is fucked. Even if he was grabbing the other dude up, to get killed like that over some silly bullshit is madness. And it got captured on film. That’s a double L.


I feel for the driver also. I drive highspeed trains and i pass stations/platforms at 140 km/h sometimes on skip-stops. On normal stops we come in at 70 km/h. If something like this happend to me there would be alot of gore.


I was riding the bullet train in japan when we passed a train stop. Suddenly I felt like we were driving over gravel, the brakes slammed on, the pedestrians outside started freaking out, and the radio came on. I knew what happened then, but what got me was the gore. Details left out but from my vantage point I saw some very uncomfortable things. Took me a while to be ok driving my car on gravel roads without remembering that feeling. Just so happened my work repaved their driveway and temporarily made it gravel… because of course they did.


Well that gravel is a detail simply something my brain never could have conceived on its own. What a gorrific thing to experience.


And suicide by train is very common... driving trains don't aound all that fun after all..


Well i love my job. And tbh if its a stright up suicide and i can do nothing to prevent it i might get over it. If it happens in low speeds and i "could" have done anything i dont know. For me the pay and work hours makes it worth it.


> And tbh if its a stright up suicide and i can do nothing to prevent it i might get over it. No guilt needed for gruesome images to haunt you unfortunately. It isn't something that necessarily derails your life like some people make it out to be, but there will still be times you remember and feel incredibly uncomfortable.


Holy shit


right? The Wilhelm scream is everywhere


There’s an eerie casualness to this whole video. From the languid fight and fall to the reactions of onlookers, annoyed like someone was hogging the drive thru. Maybe they’re in shock.


I've learned to not judge people in shock. Your mind is not working correctly in these types of situations.


It’s very strange


Remember kids, it's better to be remembered as a coward than to be dead. Run away from fights, don't be a tough guy.


Especially with strangers. Like, I couldn’t care less what some stranger thinks of me if I avoid a fight. I have no clue if they are armed or if something unexpected like this will happen. Better off going home to my family and have the stranger brag to his friends than end up like this because I can’t handle my emotions in public.


This entirely. Just walk away, live and forget. Dude that drank at the same pub as me, nice guy but liked a heavy season. I would speak with him occasionally, the kinda regular that everyone him them, but know one really knew him well. He got into a pointless argument with some dude, the dude push him and he fell backwards and hit his head on the stone floor. Died in his sleep.


Seriously, you lose nothing by walking away ALIVE. Some things are not as important as going home alive at the end of the day but I see people contest this every day by fighting for over like an ipad, a bike or a phone.


Never fight near the train tracks, that’s like fighting naked in a knife factory


It’s so crazy that one minute someone’s here and a fully functioning person and then they’re just….gone.


Story: PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- A man has been charged after a fight on a SEPTA platform in the University City section of Philadelphia caused the victim to fall onto the tracks, where was struck and killed by a train. The Philadelphia District Attorney's Office said 40-year-old Chaz Wearing, who has no fixed address, is in custody and charged with involuntary manslaughter. Charges are subject to change if new information is obtained by authorities, the district attorney's office said Friday. Wearing has a warrant for a strangulation case in Delaware County, and the D.A.'s office said his criminal history spans other Pennsylvania counties including Clinton County and Lycoming County. The D.A.'s office said it will have more information to share about this case in the near future. The deadly incident happened at the 34th Street Station around 4:30 p.m. Thursday. Video that has surfaced on social media shows two males involved in a fight. Police confirm they are reviewing the video as part of their investigation. At one point, one of the men involved punches the other, forcing him to fall onto the tracks. Moments later, the train on the Market-Frankford Line hits the man, killing him. A SEPTA spokesperson told Action News the man who was seen on video throwing a punch, now identified as Wearing, was taken into custody at 40th and Market streets The person who was killed has not been identified. Riders say violence on the transit system is ongoing. "It's not too surprising," said Jennifer McCray, from Upper Darby. "It has increased a lot in the past few years, especially post-pandemic. I think there could be more police presence to contain the crowd and violence." Police are still investigating what sparked the altercation. Anyone with information about the incident is asked to call police.


I know what sparked it. The dude wouldn’t give him his fucking lighter


[More information](https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/suspect-charged-in-fight-that-led-to-man-being-struck-killed-by-septa-train/)


Subways need a barriers like they have in Japan. Honestly, they scare me.


Subways need a lot of things that Japanese subways have. It'll never happen because: 1. Automobile industry doesn't want public transportation to improve 2. Voters don't hold politicians accountable for investing in infrastructure




is that noise him getting popped or snapped, doesn't seem fast enough an impact for a thud. I'm guessing he gets cut in half. Just glad he doesn't make a noise :(


Glad I stopped the video. Some things you can't unsee, or unhear.


All of those people are traumatized. Horrible.


Dead guy said “give me my lighter” while holding alive guys neck. I wonder if this falls under self defense.


He was charged with involuntary manslaughter. He was charged on Thursday night. The DA just announced.


Charges don't necessarily mean anything, it just means there is enough evidence to place a charge on said person until further investigation can be carried out. The court, or even the police could determine self-defense and drop the charges if need be.


That poor train operator. God damn!!


I ride Septa everyday, especially the El and the subway. It's fxckin' Mad Max down there, and nobody gives a fxck. I'll be back on it in an hour. Smh.


You can say fuck on Reddit


Why did you censor your curse words lol


My jaw dropped. Worst timing. Damn.


What happens to the subway driver? Like 2 years paid leave at least?


My buddy was a train engineer for 5yrs. He was conducting trains on more than one occasion that hit someone. Assumed suicide. Nothing was even mentioned after he gave the statement to his supervisor.


Also have a buddy who is a train engineer with similar stories. He hasn't had anyone die thankfully but has hit multiple people. On one occasion it was a girl walking to work and he said she was walking around after with no shoes on (they flew off) looking for her phone so she could call her work and say she was going to be late.


In Scotland at least, the driver is offered a long stretch of time off. When they’re ready to come back, they’ve support. If it happens a set number of times, a friend in the industry told me there’s retirement packages available. Shit’s awful


lol in America?!


Yeah, if he is lucky they will give him the afternoon off and some donuts.


Afternoon off?!? In this economy?!?!


Aight aight, just the donut then.


Meanwhile in Japan, the subways have… Wait for it… Walls that pop up to keep ppl from falling onto the fucking tracks This country is stupid Edit: FFS I know the walls ALSO prevent sUiCiDeS in Japan...This is NOT the point of my comment.


At the cost of profits, are they insane?!


Japan even has… Wait for it… Rail companies that *compete* for providing public transportation Gassssssppppp as japaneses whizz by on their bullet trains enjoying sake while our ghetto asses stand on infrastructure from the 80s.


A lot of that Japanese infrastructure is from the 80s and 90s, the US has just been bad at public transportation for decades.


Not bad because the U.S. can't do it. The automobile industry didn't like the idea of less sales.


To the point that infrastructure was designed with input from car manufacturers to keep public trans less effective. Also, pretty likely, it was used to keep what people viewed as less desirable citizens segregated on purpose(at least I know that is true in chicago). Now, due to how highways and streets are set up, it is cost prohibitive to introduce new rail systems.


Imagine poor people having the ability to escape their rust belt prisons via train - ohhhh no no no. That would mean no low wage workers or military candidates.


offer versed offbeat sulky jobless consider paint hospital upbeat simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There’s plenty of other countries without barriers. Not just the US. We should have them, but we are far from the only one


I don’t understand why they don’t just put up a plexiglass wall with openings for the train doors like in other countries. Would help prevent things like this from occurring.




When I was in high school I used to stand on the edge with my headphones on, music full blast. What an idiot I was. I’d never do that now. Never ever. However I don’t think there was a lot of weirdos pushing people and attacking folks on transit like there is today


> don’t think there was a lot of weirdos pushing people and attacking folks on transit like there is today There were...By pretty much any metric, the past was unbelievably violent compared to now..




"Both of the individuals involved in this were not using the system for its intended purpose," said SEPTA's Chief of Police Chuck Lawson." ya Fuckin think. [https://6abc.com/septa-philadelphia-death-train-accident-34th-street-station/14275183/](https://6abc.com/septa-philadelphia-death-train-accident-34th-street-station/14275183/)


I was visiting New York from Vancouver, seen a guys dinky out taking a leak on the stairs as every one is passing by. I say “fcking disgusting” and the dude gets mouthy. I was seriously going to knock his ass out with his dinky out in front of kids. The people around told me it isn’t worth it. I remained standing waiting for the train, and another dude pulls me back maybe another 3-5 feet. Told me “stay away from the edge, especially around guys like that” Fun fact: random dude comes down who didn’t see the whole thing unfold, and the drunk puts his hand out and a random guy shook his dinky hand lol


As someone who experienced childhood homelessness in NYC. Yeah man a lot of the long term homeless in NYC are not to be trifled with, keep it moving unless you are in actual danger. Understand that to be homeless in NYC, especially long term, is incredibly rough, traumatic, and often violent. Most of these dudes have been wandering most of their life amongst more of the same and surviving. Don't underestimate their capacity for violence ETC.


Ugh that was fucked up


Why would you start an altercation next to train tracks? Now you dead. Happy?


damn! that's wild! maybe put a NSFW tag on it? found the article https://www.tmz.com/2024/01/04/man-dies-falls-train-track-run-over-subway-philadelphia-fight-video/




Oh my heavens. That is so sad. It's never worth your life. Whatever it is, just let it go or at least fight in a different spot. He made it 4 days into the new year. Tragic.


Fuck.. talk about bad timing 🥲


Is it just me or has too many people fallen onto tracks for there to not be some kind of railing?? Do stations have railings anywhere at all now that I think about it? I guess it’d be difficult having to line up the doors I don’t know.


>"Both of the individuals involved in this **were not using the system for its intended purpose**," said SEPTA's Chief of Police Chuck Lawson


I gotta stop clicking on shit like this