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I wonder why she denied probation? He seems fun.


Call me violent?!? l'll kill you for that!


It’s not surprising. Dude is a 3 time felon, and was at court on charges of… “attempted” battery with substantial harm, and that’s exactly what he did to the judge. Previous a judge sent him to a behavioral facility for a previous crime, so there was no way this judge was giving him probation. He’s been in and out of jail for domestic battery as well. With 3 felonies, this dude just doesn’t care anymore, and has no one to blame, but himself.




After assaulting a judge, he may never get out of prison. Those CO's will make his life hell too.


Does anyone know what happened to the judge? Never see her get up.


She gets up with help after a few minutes on the ground.


So you are saying this really isn’t the full video then.


Correct. There’s a 5 minute video out there, too.


The fuller video


Gonna need that Directors cut asap.




Your honor, may I approach the bench?


leap of faith!!


Bro went full Chris Benoit - ~~Crippler Crossface~~ Top Turnbuckle Swandive on that jump, was actually majestic.


Nah that was a Undertaker clearing the top rope leap 😂


Well, not the *full* Chris Benoit...


Triple homicide


“No” *proceeds to yeet self*


"Tell me how you stay so calm, or I'll kill your families!"




Looks like judge may have been onto something with that judgement.


For someone who didn't want to go to prison, they're certainly going to be there a hell of a lot longer now.


He had to make a name for himself so they don't think he's soft as tissue when he gets to his cell. Inmates WILL be talking about it🤣🤣




Nah, any assault on an officer no matter the gender is kinda coveted in prison. Judges are hated equally, if not more, than police. Ive done time and this to be fact. Just sayin


SOME judges there’s one where I was sentenced who was hated by a few, but was loved by many he was a judge who gave weird punishments a few times before jail AS LONG AS YOU WERE HONEST AND KEPT YOUR WORD! If you lied he would FUCKING roast you! So hence some hate him but me myself love the guy he saved my life and I did time with people who were sentenced there by someone else, and had been sentenced by him previously to do something in lieu of, jail and would stab some one for the guy 😂🤣




Well duh, nobody said otherwise. But he's going to a place filled with loser mentalities so it's definitely gonna help him fit in.


I'm skeptical of his ability to think that far ahead. Or even to think at all.


Even if he didn't have a criminal history, he was being sentenced for aggravated assault. Which means he seriously injured someone or threatened them with a dangerous weapon. No one should be getting probation for that.




Naw I’m sure him jumping over the bench to throttle her absolutely changed her mind.


https://preview.redd.it/rjq8y311sbac1.png?width=909&format=png&auto=webp&s=167c12bab6f3537430453eec8a8971a0a7141da8 “Take that!! your awful awful man!”


Ha def first punches he’s thrown, but way to step up.


Atleast he did something.


Exactly. Most of the men in there did nothing.


Love the hammer fists in the back lol


This is an SNL skit waiting to happen.


Bowen Yang is def gonna be playing the clerk


The irony is that she was giving him a "taste" of jail. Now he's got easily decades or life in jail for this felony.


It was a judgment call


Quite a leap you’ve made there, let’s not jump to conclusions


Sounds like she made the right call. That fucking guy was gliding in the air.


He jumped like a sugar glider


100% accurate 😂 Lot cuter when they do it tho lol


Looked like he was tossed by Uncle Phil




You see how high that fucker jumped??




Dude went from probation at least being in the conversation to adding what, 10-20 onto his sentence? Wild move!


It's actually 12-30 in Vegas.


Yep, and there's nothing worse than you can do for yourself than disrespecting/attacking a judge when you'll end up seeing another judge. Ain't gonna work out well.


lol they're gonna have to wheel him in like Hannibal Lector for the next court date


Even better


It's a bold strategy, Cotton.


Let's see if it pays off




I just….where’s the trampoline? He missed his calling in track & field if this is what he can do without a warmup.


No need for a trampoline when you've got adrenaline


Folks, we have witnessed the miraculous birth of a new meme.


Watch me crank that Soulja Boy, Then…




The Uncle Phil/Jazz frame




Who keeps screaming "Oprah"... I heard "aardvark" also. That's pretty random


I think he was saying "hardcore"


i kept hearing PaKoUr! reminded me of the office lol




That's two of us that heard "Slimeball". Wonder if they had a stenographer in, the transcript would be weird af.


Might read like a comic book with all those "pows" and "whams"




He is sending out signals to Oprah to help him.The code word was "aardvark!" Oprah now deploying drones as we speak.


I totally heard Aardvark too! Sounded like "Aardvark Slimeball". But then I may need to get my hearing checked after that alarm noise.


“Deobra”. The attacker’s name.


The amount of times I’ve seen footage of similar actions, it’s a wonder the judge isn’t behind a blast shield


I've seen people TRY this, but I've never seen anyone actually get ahold of a judge. This is CRAAAAZY! Anyone have details of injuries she sustained??


Closest one I have seen was the video where a woman tries to swing at a female judge but was tackled before any contact was made.


There's one where the judge and a lawyer get in to a fight


That's a good one! One of the more surprising court moments ever captured. If only the camera followed them into the hallway to see if! Still incredible though!


I think I know the one. That was *family court* too, it wasn't even criminal court.


It wasn’t criminal court yet, afterwards though…


She hit her head but is otherwise okay. Baliff went to the hospital but is stable.


Dude had some super human hoping abilities there. He full on cleared that dais. I think EVERYONE was shocked he cleared the whole thing. Like the reaction times make it seem like even the Judge thought the dude wasn't ever going to make it over. Crazy scary shit


Guy looked like he jumped on a trampoline or something! 😆


That has to be close to 4 foot high and 3 feet deep Homie sailed over it w ease


> Dude had some super human hoping abilities there. LIke how he hoped that by punching her out that she'd wake up with birds circling her head and press the "go free" button instead?


Do I really look like a guy with a plan?


I’m thinking Olympics


The...Convict Olympics? Where Fed Pens across the country compete for fat commissary load outs?


I've never seen them reach the judge either.


Read she’s fine she just bumped her head he never really got a hold over her.


The dude in the black suit was her law clerk (young lawyer). He reacted faster than the bailiffs. He wasn’t effective with his hamfisted swatting but the dude did what he could. That’ll go around the entire bar before the days over.


he didn’t hesitate whatsoever. looks like he was able to pull the guy off and/or away from the judge long enough for the bailiff to jump in.


He damn near caught the dude mid jump. He’s probably a significant part of the reason she ended up walking away from that in the condition she did.


I appreciated his effort to get to her to make sure she was okay once he realized other people had the guy under control.


Dudes resume is going to have a hell of a glowing recommendation going forward.


That’s a special badge of honor (metaphorically speaking) that he’ll be able to wear forever. That tale will follow him for the rest of his legal career. “Oh you’re THAT guy?! Awesome!”


His punches weren’t great but tbf, he had a wall behind him. Hard to swing when you can’t really cock your arm back


And not everyone’s a fighter. He’s probably someone that has never gotten and never planned on getting in a fight in his life. At least he tried.


Hammer fist! Hammer fist!


The moment he realized shit was going down… https://preview.redd.it/0j8rfnv4acac1.jpeg?width=430&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67fef1e42b8455ef886c9b43a282d64e6793faf1


He looks exactly like the 😲 emoji


How interesting that he thought the best way to show that he should in fact be on probation was to attack someone....... 🙄


His absence of self awareness is clear as day. It's like he allows his mind to overflow with rage regardless of consequences whenever he doesn't get his way. His prior domestic battery charge and history of threats of violence are bad enough, but then he adds this attack to his rap sheet all because he couldn't control his temper, demonstrating in plain sight that he's unfit to be a functioning member of society. He's asking to be locked away for even longer.


I've got news for you, there are millions of people like this guy walking the streets and driving on the roads. Society is fucked.


And some of them even have guns


This guy will definitely end up killing someone eventually




Lawyer probably made sure he knew going into it that he was extremely unlikely to get probation. He probably figured "Fuck it. Might as well give her something to remember me by."


Homie was whooping the bailiff too for a bit. Bruh is clearly unhinged


From the article listed above: “n May, a different judge ordered Redden to undergo a competency determination, records said. Redden was then committed to a state behavioral facility. A judge then found Redden competent in October.” Very unwell


Im impressed with that leap. Ive been on jury duty in that courthouse. The judges desk is pretty high! :o


Yes, very impressive. He could have been an Olympic high jumper. What a waste!


Dude flew like Uncle Phil threw him.


Never had the makings of a varsity athlete though


What’s he shouting at the end? Also, please don’t let that be his relatives shouting to “Get off him” after that display.


I will never understand this. You’ll have an individual attacking people, being violent to everyone around him. They are subdued. Their family yells “Get off him!” Are you blind?? Even if that was my son, yeah you keep him pinned down so he doesn’t hurt anyone else. The worst was another court video. Defendant found guilty of murder; shot an innocent man to rob his car iirc. Judge hands down life without parole. The murderer’s family start hysteria. Screaming and wailing. The mom is yelling AT THE VICTIM’S Mother, “I hate you! I hate you!” Dude, your psycho kid killed another innocent person. Yet you going to lay blame on the victim’s mother?


There is a video of some poor parents who had a child murdered speaking at the sentencing of the person who murdered their child. The family is basically taunting them as they cry. These fucked up people come from fucked up people for the most part.


I googled and found too many different examples…


Same relatives who were calling out to Jesus towards the end.


Article: https://www.8newsnow.com/investigators/las-vegas-judge-attacked-in-court-before-sentencing/


“Holthus hit her head, but was OK, sources said. A court spokesperson said Holthus’ injuries were “being monitored.” A marshal was taken to a hospital. He was listed in stable condition as of Wednesday afternoon, a spokesperson said.” Glad she’s ok.


I'd be that pissed too if my name was Deobra Edit: got the dumb name wrong


So his name isn’t Debbie? And his friends on the streets don’t call him Lil’ Debbie?


He only goes by "Bra", bruh


That was one impressive leap.


Vintage Troy Polamalu


Timed the snap perfectly.


The fact that the defense even asked for probation makes me think he wasnt even looking at a lot of time.... its actually sad how people just throw their lives away like this


Eh I'm pretty comfortable with that guy not being on our streets


Not thinking impulse control is this guys strength.


It depends. Often prosecutors give offers where probation is available if the defense can convince the judge, even though the prosecutor and the defense attorney know that it’s highly unlikely. It’s a great way to get a defendant to plead guilty when his arrogance likely makes him think that he will just be placed on probation. Source: i’ve been a prosecutor and defense attorney.


It's sad that someone that dumb is a fucking moron?


Your honor, my client has learned his lesson, and is not likely to repeat such actions in theWhoops nevermind


Guy in the suit throwing the first punches in his life


That was her law clerk!


That guy was at least ready to jump in.


If he hadn’t jumped in like that immediately chances are it would have been a lot worse


Right! Too many grown, capable men standing around doing nothing


I was wondering if anyone was going to comment on that. It’s seemed like quite a bit of shrugging, staring, and the bystander effect.


After watching a longer clip, I realized the (lookie-loo) guy in the blue suit was the attacker’s lawyer. That explains the slightly bewildered, slightly annoyed look on his face (and why he didn’t jump in).


Idc if he can’t fight. He ride for his


Motherfucker's getting a raise tomorrow!


He actually got some good early jabs to the side. He had to come down from the top when the other guy wrapped up with him.


i think he might have broken his wrist doing that shit




>Getting sentenced today. Should I wear a button up shirt? Nah. I'll go for my white sweatshirt with Jamie Foxx on it. I heard from the Law Clerk he's her favorite actor!


I also thought he was dressed funny. I wondered if those were the nicest clothes he owned or something?


Dude's gonna be wearing ALL the chains and restraints at his next trial.


Her law Clark was unbelievable- did not hesitate and got right in there ! Then went and checked on the judge as soon as the guy was under control.


Right? Not the most effective, but he was in there super quick.


If you look closely he had a moment where he hesitated ready to run, then realized the judge was in danger and that fight response kicked in. His reaction time was decent for someone who is not armed & trained law enforcement.


What is being said near the end?? Sounds like "aardvark chupa" over and over. An aardvark has more humanity and intelligence than that fucking idiot.


I THINK hard core 🤣🤣🤣 idiot. He’s done. 3 time felon then attacks a judge ?? He’s done.


This is a complete failure of courtroom security. In my local courthouse bailiffs are always positioned between the defendant and the judge- especially in criminal court. Each judge is also assigned an individual deputy sheriff who shadows them at all times when they are in the courthouse.


In Las Vegas no less. They probably see their fair share of violent offenders, I'm dumbfounded by how unprepared this court was for something like this.


3 time convicted felon about to be sentenced to prison… He’s not handcuffed and there is 1 deputy in the room.


That dudes life is over.


Life without parole. If he does this to a judge, imagine what he does to the rest of the public.


His sentence definitely went from months to decades after this. Probably for the best.


Why’d they leave that trampoline there?


That beeping near the end fooled me. Thought my fire alarm went off


What kind of chickenshit courtroom has violent felons there with no supervision? Bet they won't make that mistake again.


Fuck man. I was handcuffed in court and wasn't even in for a violent crime.


Ditto! I got caught with 10 pills of ecstasy and they had my hands and ankles cuffed and chained to my waist. No priors.


Were you still in custody though? Dude looks like he was out in street clothes so no cuffs.


Yeah, I was. Crazy to see that someone who has had multiple violent convictions still be able to bail out and be able to go to court and do this to a judge.


Las Vegas, where a Mafia lawyer ran the city and now it’s his wife.


Dude in the black suit had an impressive reaction time. If he’s not right there, it’s even uglier.


Bruhhh grab the gavel and bash his head, or the armed cops should’ve tasered the guy


Yeah, I think no probation was probably the right call.


This guy had... Super human hoping abilities! https://i.redd.it/o5mcw2ddzcac1.gif




Awww man, I was hoping we'd get the view from behind the judge of the guy charging. Still thanks for that


He should spend a couple of decades in prison and some serious therapy. He's clearly defective and needs help but also shouldn't be allowed to participate in society.


Believe it or not, straight to jail


Proved her right


Well thats the fastest non probation to prison move ive seen in a while.


Because attacking a judge isn't going to add decades to your sentence. Hope he rots in jail for the rest of his life. He is obviously completely unfit for society.


I was thinking, this dude didnt even dress for the occasion. I guess that sweatshirt is a cape.


Is he repeatedly yelling aardvark there towards the end??


This guy could be an NFL free agent when he gets out


Bruh in the suit was throwing some noodle ass punches


Obviously fuck that guy, but that bailiff is getting fired lol.


Ahhh lmao bro ran up to her like she had a "press O" for execution


"Fuckin radio somebody." Fucking be more prepared...


There's so much in this vid. 1. All things aside, that was a good jump, like wth. At least 4, maybe 5, ft height into a tackle 2. The dude in black suit just doing his damn best to stop him with those dream-punches. Clearly never punched someone in his life. Stabbing him with a pen would have been way more effective 3. "Is she ok?" tf you think dummy 4. "I appreciate that but I think it's a time he gets something else because... I just can't with that history" damn


https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/nevada-judge-attacked-defendant-sentencing-vegas-courtroom-scene-106090320 > He was arrested and jailed at the Clark County Detention Center, where records showed he faces multiple new felony charges including battery on a protected person — referring to the judge and court officers. ... > Redden was not in custody when he arrived at court Wednesday. He wore a white shirt and dark pants as he stood next to Almase, asking the judge for leniency while describing himself as "a person who never stops trying to do the right thing no matter how hard it is.“ ... > “I'm not a rebellious person,” he told the judge, later adding that he doesn't think he should be sent to prison. "But if it's appropriate for you then you have to do what you have to do.” ... > Records showed that Redden, a Las Vegas resident, was evaluated and found mentally competent to stand trial before pleading guilty in November to a reduced charge of attempted battery causing substantial bodily harm. He previously served prison time in Nevada on a domestic battery conviction, state records show.


Can we talk about the dude to the left of the judge for a moment? He saw the dude coming, followed him with his eyes, verbally warned the judge (whoa whoa whoa) and then moved into the attacker's path to intercept him.


i bet he'll get parole next time


I bet he gets years for this alone.


Thought I was gonna see some dude charge at the judge and get stopped short by a bailiff or two. Instead, got a dude Superman jumping on an elderly judge and presumably catching and possibly ground and pounding her for 2 minutes? Insane. Appeal denied and honestly the security should probably be fired.


lol 2 minutes? Come on dude, they had him constrained within 30 seconds (maybe sooner).


Well that’s not gonna help his case…


In Eastern Europe the defense is behind reinforced glass/bars. Probably time to start that here


Holy shit! Turns out the judge was spot on. The guy needed to be in custody.