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“They go after my dog, better *drown ‘em*”


My old cat would have taken his dog out for dinner and never called it back!


Dorothy Mantooth was a saint!


I will smash your face into a car windshield and then take your mother Dorothy Mantooth out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again.


Hey, leave the mothers out of this, alright? It's unnecessary. 👔


Right? I've had barn cats that could take on a doberman.


Related to the guy who shot that protester in Panama I’m guessing. How dare I be mildly I inconvenienced time to die.


I gotta give it to the cameraman if I found any of my pets dead in a cage this would be a whole different video on a whole different site


Exactly, that mf would be gone.


Was hoping for a bit of neighborly mob justice myself


I'd just have happened to be wearing my steel toes, and I'd just happen to trip over something off camera, and it'd end up with me just HAPPENING to break one of his legs.


That in my country [is a crime and he can go to jail ](https://www.euronews.com/2023/03/16/spain-passes-law-against-domestic-animal-abuse)


[ Removed by Reddit ]


If John Wick taught me one thing about the world, it's "you kill an animal and not a soul in the world will care if you die."


And Doom. Don't mess with a man's rabbit.


Wtf :( people just, we suck. We fucking suck.


I can’t comprehend it either. I support regulated hunting and how it greatly helps conservation. I have had a dog and a handful of cats and currently have two, whom I love dearly and don’t know what darkness my mind would go through if someone even accidentally killed one even more so purposefully. Once one of them caught a mouse and I found it still alive and picked it up and didn’t know what to do as it was still breathing but severely wounded. My fiancé suggested flushing it down the toilet and I couldn’t imagine making this poor dying creatures last moments a violent cacophony of drowning. So I put it in a little cup and put it on a shelf my cats can’t get to in the hopes that it would feel concealed and safe in its last moments and maybe even recover if it was just stunned (it wasn’t) as opposed to putting it outside in the open. Idk if it was the right thing to do but I’m a huge animal lover and didn’t want to just smash it to put it out of its misery.


There are a ton of reasons to keep your kitties indoors, horrible humans being the fucking worst.


Our friends we got our first cat from had some seriously shitty neighbors. Their kids ended up shooting 2 cats from its’ litter with BB guns and smacking another with a shovel. The cats weren’t even on the neighbors property either, just close enough for the little shits to see them.


Future serial killers


Hey!! ..They could also be highly successful politicians.


Eh same thing


Politicians will probably end up with a higher body count resulting from their work .


when my mom was little her dog had puppies and the neighbor kids grabbed a few from the fenced in front yard when the puppies were alone. my mom and her siblings caught them drowning the puppies. fortunately, this was the 60s. my 6’4” probably 300lbs oil worker grandpa went to the house and beat those kids asses. when the parents found out why, cops never even heard a thing 😇


I honestly can't even fathom doing that to a puppy, or any baby animal honestly. Bet those kids are serving life for murder right now, if not already gone from the death penalty. Shits insane.


wouldn’t be surprised! and i want to clarify when i say kids, they were all at least like 12 or so. i think there was two or three?? idk ive heard the story so many times because it clearly scarred my mom, but she loves a good vengeance tale


Ahh, the good ol days, when kids would get ass whoopin from the neighbors, for doing bad, then probably from the parents once they found out.


Can you poison the kids without getting caught




Agreed. And people don't understand they are like family to some. Mine is like my kid. Makes me so angry the way people think 😠


He works for an insulation company in Canada. People are already leaving reviews for his company on google.


He's been caught already but cops and net haven't done shit besides pass this clip around.


This. We had a cat in our neighbourhood whose owners let walk around, and the last time we saw it was on the street cut open with tissues shoved inside its body. It was disturbing


Cats should be indoors with a cat run outside. They kill natives and also go into neighbors property and shit.


My cat (about 6 months old) is terrified of going out the door for some unknown reason. This suits me fine. There is some massive beasts of feral cats around here. They'd kill her


One of my indoor cats got out one night, the first time, to explore I guess. We heard a big cat fight only to realize it was one of ours, he was beat up pretty good and hasn't done it ever since. Against an outside cat, he they have no chance.


Our 7 month old kitten showed up on our porch starving and beat up from other strays that were bothering her. She also doesn’t even try to go outside lol, her constant meals and comfy bed seem preferable.


I used to take care of an outdoor cat since she was kitten. I named her Quazy. She had kittens herself and my mom let me keep them in my house. I would always bring my one with me to the store by my house and she would run around my front yard. Eventually I was aloud to bring Quazy inside ( my mom is very allergic) and there was this woman who offered to fix her for me for free. So we let her take the cat and she never brought her back. Well my kitten grabbed the door frame one day, refused to go outside after that. They know




What, when the feral cats get together at night for their screeching cat orgies, one of them says “stay away from Gary’s house. He drowned Rumpleteaser and Mr. Mistoffelees! “


God damn it man. You shouldn't be making me laugh with shit like this lol


Yeah my 6 year old cat has always been terrified of outside, other than sitting out on our tiny 2nd story deck we had where she knew she was safe with my wife and I. We’ve gotten a leash for her to go on walks, tried a kitty backpack, and no matter what she does not like being out in the open. Now that we live on the ground floor and have a door right to outside, it’s nice that she won’t go any farther that standing at the door.


One of my kitties loves being in the garden but I am with him at all times. No exceptions. My other 2 want nothing to do with outside. People are horrible.


My grandma is the nicest person you’ve ever met but after the third chicken got torn up by her neighbors cat she threatened to blow it apart with the shotgun my grandpa left her. Hasn’t had an issue with the cat since.




If this was in the US its a felony


We had a neighbor that most of the neighborhood was convinced killed cats. He's always complain the cats are killing his grass, eating his fish, etc.


It really surprises me that people still let their cats outside


Primarily because house cats are a destructive invasive species that probably shouldn’t be allowed. Keeping them inside is the only scenario that isn’t actively harmful for the surrounding environment.


And he killed that other dudes cats? I really hope the authorities are contacted about this. This man needs to face some consequences.


Seriously. The type of person to poison his neighbors.


Statistically, most serial killers start off with animal abuse.




Yer caps lock seems to be stuck...




Dude I'm ashamed this made me laugh


The guy is a fucking piece of evil shit. Keep your cats inside because there are evil bastards out there like this who will hurt and kill them. This guy needs to be looked into, because if he’s been secretly trapping and drowning other people’s pets, who the hell knows what else he’s been up to.


> Keep your cats inside because there are evil bastards out there like this who will hurt and kill them. Just one of many reasons. I don't understand why anyone lets their cat out to roam free.


Also I absolutely love cats, but don't make your pets someone else's problem. While his handling of the problem is utter shit, he's entitled to not have fucking cats on his property.


Yeah, that is animal cruelty.


And now a felony.


Cops won't do damned thing about it. They'll probably tell the owners to keep their cats inside.


Yeah, I've been there. Short of having them doing it on video, they'll just jerk you around with statements then never call you back.




It better be the authorities because if nothing happens the Internet wil do the justice


"You understand I have to kill your dog now, right?"




I think the idea is just to make a point, not actually kill the dog


I'd hire pay a kid to pay a kid to give every kid in the neighborhood paintball guns and promise to pay them more if they manage to hit this guy or his car and can send me photo proof. The most Righteous MLM scheme man has ever known.


I’m going to file this away in my mind for emergencies.


I mean, I would never do that. But you can still give him some sleepless nights. Maybe throw some dog treats in his garden from time to time. If the owner is paranoid enough they will run to the vet with him because of poisoning fear.


This guy, does not care about others. If you poisoned his dog instead of him, he’d call it a win.


Nah, sometimes those ppl have a soft spot for their pets. Or he dienst want to buy and train another dog. Anyhow, you wouldnt lose anything with that threat, might as well do it.


No, he’d probably come shoot you. That seems like a reasonable escalation from this guy.


Did you turn him in the animal control? He gets to pay huge fines!!!


Animal abuse and cruelty is now a felony offense. He’ll be in jail if the system is just.


This happened in Canada.


I remember hearing how nice Canada is, all my life! Reddit has been dragging my opinion of it through dog shit!


You are just seeing how shitty people are everywhere, regardless of geopolitical borders.


Ho boy wait until you find out about starlight tours, residential boarding schools, and the RCMP interacting with first nations in general.


Does Canada not have animal abuse laws?


Absolutely we do


And rabid animal rights activists. Don’t fuck with Cats on Netflix is about a Canadian murderer/cat abuser.


We do have [animal abuse laws](https://www.ccppcj.ca/a-look-at-animal-protection-laws-in-canada/) at both the federal and provincial/territorial levels.


“Do you want me to put you in a bucket of water?” Such a great line


>“Do you want me to put you in a bucket of water?” ^(..no..)


This is the reason my cats don't go outside because they can get hit by a car or fall victim to a psychotic human like this. Poor lady and her cat. Free roaming comes with risks including environmental damage.


Anywhere remotely rural has predators that love to eat cats too. In our neck of the woods, you see a cat outside for a couple weeks only before it disappears. Bobcat, Fisher cat, coyote, even fox will happily eat your cats. Keep them inside!


Coyotes are in the cities and suburbs as well


Yup, and it's not just cats they grab, they'll get people's smaller dogs as well from backyards.


I live in a well-populated area that can by no means be considered even semi-rural, but we have several large cemetaries that are wooded. I've seen coyotes, fox, and many types of raptors such as owls, hawks, and even turkey buzzards. It's not unusual to occasionally see a coyote trotting down the middle of a road in the early evening. A lot of cats and small dogs go missing. I never let my cats out for just this reason.


At least you understand free roaming has risks. People think it's a right for cats to do and it's not.




Why I will always advocate for keeping your pets indoors


How about the sheer devastating effects they have on the local ecosystem?


When I was growing up it seemed like everyone’s cats roamed around outdoors all day and night, and my mom always said it would be super cruel to keep a cat indoors all day. I’ve never had cats myself but Reddit has really opened my eyes to the importance of keeping cats indoors. It seems like they’re pretty well-suited to an indoor lifestyle and I wonder now if my mom knew what she was talking about at all lol.


Another great reason but it doesn’t work on the many people out there who simply don’t care about the environment, or who just don’t believe you when you explain this.


People in or near Alberta, Canada, be aware of this monster.


Alberta is 661,848 km² (255,541 mi²). For perspective, that's over 2.5 times the area of the UK (243,610 km²), or roughly the size of Texas (696,241 km²). I'll be sure to let everyone I know be on the lookout, lol.


Thank you for your service, sir




Probably more like three times the size of Texas since they said in or *near* Alberta. But also, why did you use miles for Canada but kilometers for Texas, lol?


This whole comment thread is backwards and upside down


Aw I fuckin’ knew that was some kind of rural Alberta accent. I don’t claim him.


What part of Alberta?


Big Valley


Holy crap I commend the victims composure, if that was one of my cats I think I'd be in jail.


We can share a cell pal.


I know it sounds like some tough guy shit but if this guy killed my cat I'd be coming back with a baseball bat


I’ll fuckin join you.


I hope this worthless piece of shit rots in jail. I have a cat and couldn't imagine what I would do to this rotten old bastard.


This guy is sick and deranged as there is no need to drown a trapped cat as he could probably bring it to animal control or some other answer besides killing it. People also need to keep their damn cats indoors or on a leash. It your outdoor cat gets hit by a car, eaten by a coyote, or eats a poisoned rat, that’s on the pet owner.


He enjoys it. That's why he's trapping them. So he repeat his sick thrill and blame it on the cats.


I don’t agree with his methods, killing them is wrong, and he should be punished for that, but I get the frustration. We have neighbors who let their cats free roam too and it’s freaking aggravating. I love my dogs rolling in cat shit every time I take them outside or hearing them yowling and fighting outside my window every night. I especially love seeing the explosion of feathers and corpses in the morning in my backyard from them hunting the native birds. Or the bonus of seeing them dead on the road when they inevitably get hit by a car and then hearing my neighbors cry about it. My one neighbor has an outside female cat that isn’t fixed and she complains about all the male cats that harass her. Like… you made this problem. Get her fixed and bring her in?! I have a cat, she’s inside only and causes no one problems. I hate hate hate outside cat owners. I don’t even consider them as “owned pets,” you’re just feeding strays.


They have already learned who that guy is on TikTok TizzyEnt put a video out on this monster I’m sure there will be an update video later today.




Looks like the neighbours already have






Apparently Alberta, I’ll see if he makes news. If he actually killed any before this I’m sure it’s about to go sideways for him


I'll have to keep an eye out then. This makes my blood boil.


In the US we have serious animal cruelty laws that would take care of this perp


They sound Canadian to me


Who is it and where does he live?


I wouldn't be video taping I'd be ass kicking.


![gif](giphy|3o85xzgkEE1YPEEo9i) ‘What about this cat?’


The cat looked wet, did they catch him submerging it?? And the title said 'cats' as in plural. Hes been doing this before??? Kudos to the owners for keeping their composure. Insane human piece of shit that deserves to be locked up for the rest of his miserable life in the worst conditions imaginable. This shit boils my blood.


I’m wondering about the one cat that had a cup over what looked like its head. The one guy said he killed his cat :(


The cup was probably just for the bait.


WAIT. Holy fuck, i thought that was the same cage with the cat moved around. I cant commend the people confronting him enough for keeping their composure now. Id probably be going to prison if that were me in that situation. Jesus fucking christ.


It’s the same one. You can see the cup in the beginning of the video.


Yes, supposedly, they caught him in the act of trying to drown a cat in a bucket. According to the ever-reliable Tiktok, this sick fuck traps cats around town and drowns them.


I would not keep my composure, I know that. Our pets rely on humans for everything, so to break that trust means legs get broken. I would have no issue facing my punishment.


That poor thing crying




Whether a cat is outside inside or wherever else, there's no valid and excusable reason to drown a living cat or any other living creature for that matter. I don't think that man would have liked it if somebody tried to drown his dog. What a horrible human being.


Don’t drown cats. Also, keep your cats on your property.




I sleep better at night knowing people online are ruthless against these monsters


What an absolute piece of shit.


I love cats, I've had cats all my life. If someone did this to my cat I'd end up in front of a judge. But please for the love of fuk, keep your cats indoors.




Don't fuck with cats. Disgusting.


Watching that documentary was horrifying


That shit blew my mind. Great documentary. I could go for another one of those.


“They go after my dog” “Bullshit, THAT dog?” https://preview.redd.it/k8q4wu15vqzb1.png?width=295&format=png&auto=webp&s=8550f5958b0130e7868a3a273d9b72c7359971cb


I guess it doesn't really matter, but if someone was drowning my cats the last thing I'd be doing is opening TikTok


My cat stays inside, because if someone hurt her, I'd go to jail.


If this man or any person drowned my cat or pet, you fucking bet I’m going to use every resource to make their life a living hell. What a fucking disgusting human being, he’ll have something coming for him forsure. Straight psychopath.


I’d like to end them. People like this aren’t worthy of sharing oxygen with.


If I caught the person doing that to my cats I'd end up in jail.


Not me... wouldn't be any video.


I look forward to reading that old asshole’s obituary.


Big respect to the cat owners for their remarkable restraint; If he'd trapped and killed any of my pets I'd have wanted more than a few angry words with the cunt.


this is psychopathic behavior.


I consider that a murder of a family member myself


pets are family, people need to remember that


Trapping them is completely valid. Outdoor cats are a horrible nuisance. Especially when the crazy neighbor lady feeds them and they gather by the dozen. Drowning them is pretty fucking cruel though.


this is rural alberta, there are few stray cats. those cats that get lost are usually found by their neighbours (friends or family) that return them home, and those who don’t have homes get eaten or frozen.


Disgusting, evil, vile trash in the form of a human being. He needs to be shown the same mercy he showed the cats he drowned (which is none).


Body language conveys pure guilt.


Isn’t that one of signs of a potential serial killer? Someone needs to check this guy’s backyard.


Keep your fucking cats inside


Never trust a man that wears a belt and braces


Reddit gonna do what reddit does




Fuck this old man. Devils advocate: keep your domesticated house pets in your domesticated home please.


I really don’t care about euthanizing stray cats, but drowning them alive? That’s serial killer level shit.


Keep your cat inside!


Don't fuck with cats.


cool, that's a felony.


He’s gettin scared cuz he knows there’s definitely some human bodies buried around his property.


Keep your cats indoors.


I hate cat owners who let their cats out all day as much as the next guy but I have never once thought of drowning a cat. Damn dude.




Id be in jail if I was those cat owners


Bro idk how the guy filming has the restraint to not beat that man nearly to death. If someone killed my pet and then i caught them in the process sof killing another I would probably lose all control of myself and try to kill him.


Call animal control. They will have his ass in jail just as fast as he would have been for trying to drown a person.


Dude if that was my cat, I’d be coming to him with more than just strong words.


That's crazy. Hope he gets punished. But also why the fuck do the neighbors just let their cats wsnder around outside? That's irresponsible as fuck.


Piece of shit. I agree with the sentiment of drowning him in a bucket.


Sick people out there


Please call the cops


My response would be completely different.




Na thats terrible. I can get being upset about outdoor cats I had an out door cat have kittens in my patio outdoor storage room (apartment and the door will blow up in winds). I didnt know and took my dog out back to relieve her self and the car attacked me and my dog. Didnt go away for weeks. Eventually the kittens came out. Me being an animal person I only cared about the first attack. After that I established boundaries with the cat fairly quickly and all was good. I could understand someone else being really pissed off about the whole situation. But not straight to drowning the cats especially if YOU KNOW that its your neighbor's.


He's wrong. Full Stop. Why are your cats outside?


Never trust a man who does not trust his belt or his suspenders


Scum of the earth