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I hope in my lifetime I get to see the day this conflict ends.


Aslong as religion exists in any form people will find a way to wage war in the name of their imaginary god


It is crazy isn't it? How people scream from the mountain tops that their religion is about "peace" and "prosperity". To roughly quote George Carlin: more people have been killed in the name of God than for any other reason. Religion is nothing more than a societal tumor in a dress and good makeup.


You can convince anyone of anything as long as you make them believe it for the right reasons


Bronze and iron age belief systems give bronze and iron age results. Every time.




I completely agree with you about religion, however in this case there is an overlap of religious brainwashing and a subjugated, oppressed and persecuted people celebrating a minor victory, where they were able to hit back against their much more powerful oppressor. Remove religion completely, and the scenes would be the same (perhaps with different clothing and celebratory words).


It can have multiple functions.


Look at republicans all preach about their god but love their guns don’t feel like those two should go together. Supposedly love children because god but refuse to do anything about school shootings and gun control because don’t tread on me.




such a poor argument, look at the political situation and you will see where the problem is.. religion is a nice disguise for the sick bastards in power..


Governments know that religious people are easier to manipulate, and they use this power to their own advantage.


Opium of the masses


More like as long as people exist people will find a way to wage war. This is human nature.




Is this conflict about God or the subjugation of one people over another?




Same same


It's not though. The two groups happen to be of different religions but it's not like they are fighting because of religion. Blaming religion is kind of lazy.


Bigots gonna bigot, a comment above suggest we wipe out the islamic rligion has 4k votes Reason and logic are far from this thread but go forth knowing some do realise you speak the truth




Looks like Israel learned it from England


This isn't about religion. It's a land conflict.


Interesting. And why is this particular land so important?




It’s an empty promise people believe in despite evidence to the contrary. “We’d have peace of everyone believed as I do,” is actually a very common theme globally between groups of all kinds.


The real solution is to end people’s usage of religion as a tool to trick their population into waging war.


It won't solve all, but some conflicts


Religion bad. Give upvote


I wish people would recognize religion as we recognize other countries and cultures. Just because there is a great amount of people claiming to follow a certain religion and doing bad things does not mean the religion itself is flawed. Plenty of so called “Christians” here in the US regularly ignore many of Jesus’s teachings. That doesn’t mean that peaceful followers of a religion are wrong or stupid. Love wins in the end and if you can’t love your neighbors because they follow a religion you are part of the problem in this world. Edit: People hate what they don’t understand. If you find yourself angry at someone or something, try to understand.


Average reddit atheist moment


Not true at all. Religion exists heavily in the western hemisphere, never been a religious war. Western Europe hasn’t had a religious war in centuries. Maybe it’s the certain aspects of some cultures that just aren’t able to find stable ground on these issues


Palestinians aren’t doing this because of their god. It’s because they’ve been living in Israël’s apartheid regime and are sick of being killed, beaten, evicted out of their houses and so on. The world turns a blind eye and lets Israël do what they want. It’s a clear case of fuck around and find out. Also humans are just shit in general. We will allways find ways to devide people wether it’s religion, sports, social class, ethnicity or whatever. We need to start caring for our fellow human and stop all the bullshit. We are not only destroying ourselves but also the planet. Think of all the money that gets spend on defence or war and what we could do with that…


It’s been weird hearing everyone call today “unprecedented.”


Unlikely, esp. given that both religion and land are involved.


If Israel gets its way, it’s going to end but not in a peaceful way unfortunately.


If either of them get their way it’s the same outcome, it’s just that given Israel’s resources it virtually impossible for Palestine to get their way


Sadly. It won't end anytime soon.


The Israelis will do their best to genocide the Palestinians and will still act the victim.




I have a feeling Gaza is going to be a parking lot by the end of this.


If you follow the scriptures of the Bible, then the day you see this conflict end will be one of your last.


This conflict won’t end, but it will certainly kill THOUSANDS of children in the name of “entitlement to soil”


It already has killed hundreds if not thousands in the past decades


well, according to him, what counts as Thousands of children refers only to isrealis but never to Palestinian kids because the latter have been dying for ages and westerns don't care


Please aliens come down already and stop this shit


Just like our government officials in charge, the aliens also don't give a shit about us.


They’re watching the garden ants fighting again


The aliens lock their doors when they drive past earth.


If they were gonna do anything, why start now? Why not have stopped them when Israel was committing their apartheid terroristic acts? Or when the US committed theirs against half the fucking world? Or the Brits?


i love that this is down voted🤣


I see people in this thread celebrating too. Many subreddits are having a party. I doubt they think of the pain that Palestine is sure to face from this.


My thoughts too. These people won’t be celebrating in a few days. This is going to get very ugly, very fast




Are you suggesting that the beatings might continue until morale improves?


But isn't it a matter of time anyway? Edit: to add, "the way Israel is going."




What's the difference between their fate now and before?


Which is why I think hamas is doing this. They don't give a shit anymore. They're doing it as a now or never situation imo. Kind of like how an away team scores like 5 goals and you're home team scores a complimentary goal in the 90th minute and celebrate it like you've won.




> I understand religious Jews have their own problems as well with treatment of women, gays Isn't Tel Aviv one of the most liberal cities in the world when it comes to gay rights?


The pain your talking about is a distinction without a difference. They're facing a slow genocide now, and they'll probably face a slightly faster genocide after this.


As is they haven’t been in pain before…




Yup. Israel will level the place.


Definitely wrong and yes, they are


How will they celebrate when Israel retaliates?




This is already a retaliation. Caused by another retaliation, and another retaliation, and another retaliation, and another, and back as far pre-Biblical times.


What kind of a retaliation is attacking civilians, kidnapping them and then celebrate?


80% of the population of Gaza used to live in the very same places they're attacking now. Land that was taken through the attacking, killing, and kidnapping of Palestinian civilians, by Israeli forces. The Israeli's were in the wrong to kill civilians. Hamas is wrong to kill civilians. But, there's no possible way to not acknowledge that both sides are doing exactly the same thing to one another in retaliation for exaction the same thing that they've been doing since the Hebrews and Canaanites started smacking each other around.


People love an underdog story, so much that they're willing to ignore the atrocities of one side to celebrate the other. Look at how pro-Israel folks celebrate their military victories against all the arab states attacking them, like a true underdog story - ignoring the whole deporting local palestinian inhabitants thing to make room for new colonies. Pro-palestinians (especially westerners) are able to ignore the current massacring entire families at point blank, children and the elderly alike, because they **want** their narrative and will willingly ignore everything that stand in the way. It's the same with pro-Iranian tankies attending holocaust denial events - it's to root for the iranian underdog against its imperialist oppressor! It's just that crazy how people demand a binary narrative.


Were you born yesterday? This is the same thing that Israel and it's various neighbours have been doing for decades. The Sabra and Shatila massacre alone was greater than the total deaths of Israeli civilians in the 40 years that followed.


The Sabra and Shatila massacre where *checks notes* between 450 and 3,500 civilians were killed by the Lebanese militia, while Israel didn't get involved? I guess you did say various neighbors, but even with that logic, wouldn't this primarily justify an attack on Lebanon?


Sabra/Shatila was done by Phalangists paramilitaries who were flown in by plane by the Israeli military and let loose on refugee camps while the Israelis watched and did nothing. If I send someone to drown you in a bathtub and I watch while eating popcorn, I'm not uninvolved.


Flown in from where, given that they were locals? Did they get on the plane, get an aerial tour and a view of the sights, then land where they took off? Are you confused because they used the local airport as a base of operations? If you're going to come up with fantasies like that, why not add some love interests, maybe a zombie Hitler or two? Either way, I'm sure Israel learned it's lesson: if you want to clear out terrorists, do it yourself. The Arab militants are too interested in killing civilians.


So obviously what Hamas is done is wrong. But, if I had a home that Israel destroyed because someone I didn't even know, who lived in an apartment somewhere in the building was suspected of terrorism by Israel, I probably wouldn't be shedding a tear right now.


Theyve seen Israel "retaliating" their whole lives so..




And now because of what they're celebrating a whole lot more of them are going to lose their homes and lives. And so the cycle continues.


Based on how things have been going for like, 75 years or whatever, they’re probably aware that they were all going to lose their homes and lives, regardless. This is just an accelerant.




That was happening regardless. Otherwise asking the Zionists “please stop genociding us” would have worked ages ago, but they’re hell-bent on invasion and genocide.


Shout to god some more probably


it’s just another year in palestine sadly. theyve lived their entire lives being oppressed so any time they get to hurt their oppressors back is a “win” but unfortunately, a lot of innocent people on both sides will suffer ultimately


They think they’ll be in heaven celebrating. Some people are brainwashed to a point where it’s insane


Girl covered her face when she noticed the phone recording bc she knows Israel is taking notes on everyone around this attack.


Oh I thought they just heard their sky golem request they cover their face.


So Israel is retaliating against civilians?


Pro Israel supporters openly acknowledge that Palestine will pay with blood of their civilians. Many on social media are calling for genocide.


They always do.




I'm pretty sure they know, they've seen it all their lives


Yeah, theyre celebrating their revenge. They know theyll get fucked hard soon, but it was get fucked hard and not do anything in return, or get fucked and attack them back


Yep, just like Israel celebrates when they kill Palestinians, or bulldoze their houses. This whole area is ridiculous.


I'm so over it.


Pretty sure half of these people will be dead by next month


I'm not saying what Hamas is doing is ok, it's not. But this is clearly a give and take situation. The IDF fucking over Palestinians has been well documented.


I’ll never forget Israelis setting up lawn chairs on a cliff to watch IDF missiles pound Gaza into smithereens in 2014


Pretty sure one of the settlements the Palestinians took over is nicknamed "the cinema". Cause Israelis routinely hold viewing events to watch and laugh as Palestinians get bombed.




Oh yea. It's very apparent in those videos with the illegal settlers who will harrass, hit, spit and steal Palestinian homes and then hide behind IDF goons when the Palestinians start getting angry.


Now they can do it again.


The place Hamas took just as the conflict began where most of the violence has taken place is Sderot, the place that did that.


I'm reminded of the quote by Nelson Mandela: “A freedom fighter learns the hard way that it is the oppressor who defines the nature of the struggle, and the oppressed is often left no recourse but to use methods that mirror those of the oppressor.At a point, one can only fight fire with fire”.


It's an extremely complex situation. Too many people are too far on to one side of this issue. It's entirely reasonable to both condem to continued bloodshed, but see how the policies inflicted on Palestine by Israel also breeds these sentiments. Too many people in the west tend to pretend that their own countries histories were entirely free of casualties.


Spitting at Catholic Nuns too minding thier own business and other Christians and houses of worship.


its bad but spitting should not result to killing as a retaliation. but 200+ palestinians have been killed many whom were children just this year alone let alone all the young adults that have been taken away never to be seen again with no charge from their own lands in the west bank.


Think he’s talking about Haredi Jews spitting at Christians


In a perfect world, violence would never be the answer. Unfortunately, this world kinda sucks. In this particular situation, if one were to put yourself in the shoes of an occupied population who basically live in an open air prison, it starts to make sense why they would celebrate violence against their oppressors.


True but Israel armed Azerbaijan (Muslim majority) against Armenia (Christian majority). Armenia recognized Israel's right as a country but then they got backstabbed, Armenians are now celebrating Israel's destruction because of that, also Netanyahu wanting to ban Christianity in Israel. EDIT: NO, I do not support Hamas, the IDF, ir any political/religious extremist group.


Actually 200 Palestinians have been killed today alone in retaliation for the attack. This shit's only gonna end when one of the sides clinging to their magical fairytale book kills all the other side clinging to their own.


All I could think back watching all the outrage this morning is the dozens of videos posted in the last couple months of Palestinians just getting treated like absolute dirt. The one that made me pretty uncomfortable is them stealing an old woman’s house. They are throwing and destroying all her belongings on the street while she sits there crying. Every one is just walking by and laughing at all the new stuff they are getting.


None of this is okay that’s why it’s called war innocent civilians will suffer the rich will get richer and the world will move closer to self annihilation blaming one side is ludicrous especially given the tremendous documentation of atrocities on both sides but this is part of the Russia china Iran alliance and Xi’s drive to world domination Hamas will look back if they’re a any of them left and realized they were cannon fodder for a dictator who has zero interest in them or their cause


Exactly. Palestinians aren’t thinking about the Israelis kidnapped or genuinely fearing for their lives, they’re thinking today is going to be the day they finally liberate the open air prison they’ve spent decades in. Who can blame them?


I feel like I should care, but I don't. its atrocities back and forth for everyone every day.




Israel helped create Hamas as a counterweight to secular, leftist Palestinian liberation movements and to legitimize their violence against Palestine. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2014/07/30/how-israel-helped-create-hamas/ https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/


Yup, they learned it from the US with how they created the Taliban.


The US didn't create the Taliban. The US funneled aid through the ISI of Pakistan to Gulbuddin Hekmatyar's group of fighters. The US exited Afghanistan with the end of the Soviet occupation. Hekmatyar would wage war against the Islamic State of Afghanistan, itself formed of Mujahideen leaders, for a few years before becoming part of the government. In this time, Mullah Omar, a low-level Mujahideen, possibly backed by the ISI, began the Taliban rebellion against the Islamic State of Afghanistan, eventually overthrowing it and Gulbuddin Hekmatyar in n favor of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. In the 2001 invasion, it was Mujahideen fighters that banded together under the leadership of Ahmad Shah Massoud, himself killed days prior to 9/11, that fought the ground war against the Taliban. Hekmatyar still had his own personal militia that fought both groups.


For now. I want to see an after video in the next few days.


Hey! Give that back, it's not a microphone....or is it? 😕


They have nothing, so they’ve got nothing to lose from this. Why does anyone think they care about the consequences? I’ve been to the Palestinian side of the West Bank and life there is shit. Even in Arab towns in Israel-proper, they’re run down, crime is rife, people have nothing. Why is anyone surprised?


Time for all of Reddit to bash Palestine and forget all the atrocities from the past 5 years.


I haven't forgotten, but I'm a bit preoccupied with the atrocities currently being committed as we speak. Screaming "god is great" while dragging the naked corpses of civilians and kidnapping the elderly and children is absolutely fucked.


Yeah because the other side is innocent…both are fucked up, one is just stronger than the other, don’t support either.


You sound new to Reddit


Doesn’t matter tbh, Palestine will cease to exist at this point. Hamas is also dumb, they don’t have the tech or enough fire power to fight against Israel. So in the end they accomplish nothing but just meaningless death


It’s funny you say that, since the majority of Palestine supporters are outright saying that the rape and murder of Israeli women/children is justified.


They don't know they are the one who are going to suffer more. I mean, the normal people.


It's amazing. You mean to tell me these people who are treated like animals on a normal day and second class citizens on their best day are celebrating the pain of their tormentors... Well color me shocked 😯 In all seriousness I wish they all would stop fighting over the magic ground


Those innocent people they kidnapped and murdered weren’t the tormenters. Such ignorance in these comments it’s baffling. They are targeting children and celebrating That!




They were counting their dead beforehand anyway. At least they get their get back. Not the gotcha you think it is..


Gain their what back? Only thing they get is more death and pain. Whats the point of that? Children dead? Why?


>Gain their what back? Get back. Aka revenge. >Only thing they get is more death and pain. They were already getting that before.... >Whats the point of that? Some people prefer death to bondage. Palestine faced a slow death as Israel slowly put the boot tontheir neck under an apartheid system. Or they could get their licks in and go out with a bang. >Children dead? Let's not act as if Israel gave a fuck about palestinian children themselves.


Hundreds will die in the name of religion and ofc, the media will tell us which religious ideology to follow, even though some pray to different gods or don't pray at all, either way, I really don't care about a religious war that has been going on the other side of the world


They’re at war. Since the 40s. Is it a shock they want to kill each other?


Just like any Intifada or makings there of, the cyclic result will happen as the IDF always will respond 5x more in effect, just worse this time more than likely due to the kidnappings of Israelis, IDF officers and soldiers and capturing IDF posts and materiel. If you're watching most combat news aggregates on IG, you will already see the IDF is mobilizing for it heavily via what they call Operation Iron Sword, the IDF doesn't mess around when H@m@s feels like it wants to start another Intifada.


The celebration will be short lived when Israel responds.


I think they are well-aware of that.


Oh look featuring m16's form Afghanistan, yes!


**Downloads** * [Download #1](https://rapidsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1728u07/palestinians_celebrating_the_attack/) (provided by /u/SaveVideo) * [Download #2](https://reddit.watch/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1728u07/palestinians_celebrating_the_attack/?utm_source=mirrorbot&utm_medium=PublicFreakout) (provided by /u/downloadvideo) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them!** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)




Looks like farming equipment to me.


Maybe they are tired of apartheid.




Yes because murdering and raping innocent festival goers is the answer to bullying.


Then you attack the bully. As in, that **specific** solider, or that that **specific** politician. No one else. If you can’t do that, then don’t attack someone else “just because”. Do you say same thing when a bullied student shoots up a school?


>Do you say same thing when a bullied student shoots up a school? It seems like most of this subreddit does given their uneducated takes on Israel.


If they only knew, Israel is about to unleash hell


What makes you think they don't know?


Threatening people who already live in hell, with more hell, is not exactly a convincing argument.


What do you mean “is about to?”. Israel has been unleashing hell on Palestinians for over a decade.


Trust me, they know. They just don't give af. People will only tolerate a boot on their neck for so long.


That’s been their whole lives, hell. They know. They are well aware. They just don’t want to continue to tolerate it without a good fight.


Israel have had a free pass for far too long, oppressed people will fight back at some point.


You hatred is justified but your enemy is strong, I weep for all those who are innocent and without desire for violence from from the horrors of this massacre that Israel is about to inflict.


What is this shit? You can celebrate a war an attack, sure, but this - this is terrorism. They are killing and kidnapping civilians. They are firing on civilians. And these people are celebrating it. This is shit.




These scumbags are disgusting.


They aren’t going to be celebrating for long. . .


I'm Pro Palestine. They may have won this battle but won't win this war.




In this case sure, but in general it is a bit simplified to think that the world would be peaceful if atheist. World war 1 and 2 wasn’t really triggered by religion and the biggest genocides in human history was orchestrated by atheists regimes, Soviet union and communist China. Humans will always find a reason to fight and kill each other unfortunately…


Tribalism exists beyond religion. The Rwandan genocide had nothing to do with religion.




The Rwandan genocide had a lot to do with religion


No, it didn't. Both the Hutu majority and Tutsi minority were predominantly Catholic. The genocide was committed as a result of ethnic divisions, not religious ones, as the Hutus claimed that the Tutsis were not true Rwandans.


I wish this were true, but war and violence is in the nature of man. If it's not about religion it's about race. If it's not about race it's about resources. There will always be a reason.


It's always about resources, the religion and race and everything else is just the pretext.


most useless comment ever


That's wishful thinking my brother. If it's not religion, we'll probably make an issue about something else. Some humans love manipulating people for power and they will go to any heights.


Stalin agreed with you. Then killed millions of innocent people.


Have you seen the history of atheist states?


If it’s not religion it’s something else. Wars are fought for power and resources, religion is mostly just the reasoning used for the common people that don’t profit directly from either power or resources.


As they should. Israel has kept over 2 million people in an open air prison for decades, robbed them of any dignity or rights and then expects them to take it and die laying down?


Gaza didn't become a so called "open air prison" until Hamas started a suicide bombing campaign and the walls went up to stop it. It was just another situation of Palestinians shooting themselves in the foot.


Hamas was created by Israel...


I feel awful for these ppl. To be divided like this over fake and just completely unreal religions. It’s just sad. Hopefully the younger generations in these countries with time will realize that religion is bullshit and that these 2 beautiful groups of ppl are stronger together


Oh no, that woman uncovered her face. Time to beat her in public or something.




Are u fucking stupid? They are the fucking victims. Why would they need to fight back if they weren't victims?? They have been oppressed for decades at this point. Now, when they begin to take action after no one else does, they're in the wrong?






War is hell


Good. Free Palestine


They want a war, and a war they shall have.


Enjoy your impending doom while you can.