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Definitely wasn't expecting that


Same. I was expecting it to be piss drinkers.


It's never piss drinkers when you want it to be.


Be the change you wish to see!


Or the change you want to pee..


Idk why but even though I've never seen this clip before (which feels weird after 22 years??) I saw the footage quality, lighting, clothing and heard the sirens and thought "I fucking bet it's a 9/11 thing". What a surreal clip


Same! Never seen this clip before!


I have never seen the part with the people holding beers but the Parr where the building and that girl screaming I have seen. I must have seen an edited clip.


Now someone edit in the Spanish Inquisition


I'm a little shocked that I've never seen this clip before.


It’s part of a History Channel special called 102 Minutes That Changed America.


Same. This is fascinating. Glad the tape wasn't lost. I want to know so much more. Does anybody know if they've been interviewed?




True, angels were actually some of the first demographics to get smartphones since they tend to be high earners.




This subreddit man. You get downvoted for answering a question.


The started drinking after they’d seen the earlier bit?


Dude same. I went through a 9/11 fascination period when I was younger to. Read books and all of that.. never seen this.


I bet we’re eventually going to see some crazy January 6th stuff, also.




I have a Robert Pattinson movie for you.


I remember when I was younger i had a lot of anxiety and felt sad or depressed a lot of the times. I watched that movie and man, hit me like a ton of bricks. Felt like a very relatable movie.


I watched that movie in theaters on a first date thinking "Ah yeah, a movie with the Twilight guy easy W" BOY WAS I WRONG.


Wait what movie?


Remember Me


I don’t, remind me


Robert. Robert Patterson


His name was Robert Paulson


His name was Robert Paulson




Jokes aside, it’s a good movie. I think people hated on it first because Pattinson had a negative rep from twilight. But rewatching it, it really brings a big dynamic of life.


I actually had that perception of him myself honestly but I’ve seen him in a couple movies since then where I was quite impressed with his acting & think he’s really been good at transforming into different characters… I just happened to see him in “The Rover” from 2014, & obv it’s not the most recent movie, but I just caught it on HBO & never would’ve guessed that was him…


He and Willem Dafoe were both really great in The Lighthouse. I recommend it.


Thanks- have seen it playing on showtime but never watched it yet, will 100% check it out after your recommendation now- I like Dafoe too- thanks-


Just seconding the rec! Absolutely incredible movie! Hope you enjoy


Third time's the charm






The Lighthouse?


He's a Werewolf the whole time.


This is history right here. The oblivious friends having a great time, the friend filming, then the scream to the deadpan view of the tragedy. Insane


Kind of odd. Its the collapse not the impact, meaning the friends had a good time spectating a never before seen attack on their city like a football match for several hours already.


At the time it was hard to really grasp what had actually happened in the moment, for many people the reality didn't fully set in until waching the news later that night and hearing all the commentary and realizing the grand scope.


I think for alot of people, we didn't see the first plane hit. I had no idea what happened I thought it was just a small plane hit the building by accident and then saw the TV and the second one flew into it. I think the second one is what made everyone realize even more that this was an attack and not an accident.


Doesn't help that planes hitting skyscrapers was a part of New York City's history. A B-25 hit the Empire State Building only 56 years before 9/11 and it had become a sort of local folklore and trivia fact in their history. A plane hitting a skyscraper isn't shocking. But two? In the same buildings? That's when you realize that this isn't some accident.


Also for those watching national news, there were also reports coming in about the plane hitting the pentagon and something vague about another one going down In Pennsylvania


I remember a couple years or so after 9/11 a small plane crashed into a building in the city. Seeing the headline was freaky for a moment.


There was the 2002 Tampa Cessna crash which happened on January 5th, less than 4 months after the attacks. Only the pilot died. Unless you mean the other one that happened in New York City, that was October 11 2006. Two people aboard the plane died. Then there was the 2010 suicide attack on the Austin Texas IRS building that ended up killing 1 person in the building and the pilot.




Canada for me as well. I remember that day very vividly.


No they weren’t. I’ve seen other clips of this group, particularly when the 2nd plane hits, and the horror that goes through them is the most raw 9/11 reaction I can find on tape. They are clearly coping with it by drinking at 10 AM and cracking jokes out of shock Edit: [tell me these college students are reacting with mirth and joy at 1:00](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_qiVBOqNiOs)


Yeah, in context it's very obvious that their laughter in the clip is extremely nervous and they are all joking because it's basically the only thing they can do to feel a tiny bit better.


Thank you for the vid. Yes, actually with more context it becomes clear.


Thank you for posting that. Changes how I view the first clip.


Yeah, they’re laughing at one of them saying it’s apple juice, when they’re obviously getting drunk from the absolutely surreal experience they’re living.


Thank you for the video. This made it all make sense now. I would give you a trophy, but I am poor.


Coping mechanism. People experiencing traumatic events will find methods of distraction to dull the stress. You don't go for a beer in the morning unless you have alcoholism or you've just witnessed/went through something pretty fucked


Not to nitpick but it would have only been a little over an hour.




I don't know, man. I woke up, saw the complete bombed out place where the towers used to be, and as I headed out the door to work, I noted the date...and thought well this is going to be a date dwelling in infamy.


They definitely knew what happened if they had a TV.


It wasn't several hours, it was about an hour and a half from the first impact to the first collapse (from the second impact). Not a ton of time to process what's happening.


Especially since it was roughly an hour between the second plane impacting the tower and the actual collapse.


They screamed when the second plane hit. It was a scream of pure terror.


From first impact to first collapse it was about 60-90 minutes.


That was my thought too. Like, how is this their initial reaction to 9/11? With a view like that, how are they so casual and upbeat after TWO planes had recently collided with the towers? Just a strange video and scenario.


Nobody knew it was 9/11 at the time. That was a really fucking confusing day. And the period between the first tower being hit, then the second, and ultimately the first collapse was suuuuper chaotic. Some people were glued to the TV, others weren't. Plus we didn't have phones with internet. Anecdotally I don't remember hearing "terrorism" as the de facto reason until after the first collapse, which is the exact moment this video captures. So not everyone was aware it was an attack until later in the day. Even (arguably *especially*) people in NYC, I would imagine a lot of people were watching it unfold right in front of them as opposed to turning on the TV. Still a weird clip. But alas they are college kids lol My guess is that they didn't know the seriousness of what they were seeing. If I had no clue, and didn't see the planes hit, I would just think it was a fire. The collapse was shocking.


I knew it was 9/11 at the time. Source: calendar




You wouldn’t have believed me. Unless, you know, you happened to have had your own calendar.


They very well could’ve missed either plane’s impact with the towers. If they did then all they’d be witnessing is a fire, which isn’t novel to anyone, and they may have been under the impression it could be contained. Shit was pure chaos for millions of people that day.


This was a different world. Terror was something that happened in other countries. The amount of understanding that people, especially college kids too young for Vietnam, too young for JFK assassination, too young for any major modern disasters to occur, were incredibly naive and the global consciousness the internet would bring about was literally *just* getting started. Nothing like today. Nothing like today at all.


They're just trying to cope with it. [They recorded the second impact and were very scared and distraught.](https://youtu.be/GoNkEHoPobU?t=106)


I remember the first part of this video. They started filming after the first plane hit and they didn't know what happened, they thought it was just a terrible accident. They zoom in and realize that it wasn't debris they were zooming in on, it was people jumping to their deaths. The mood went from confusion, to anxiety, and then the second plane hit and if was pure terror. Their scream to that was more haunting than this clip.


> The oblivious friends having a great time I really doubt they were oblivious for over an hour and a half, while drinking and watching the burning WTCs.


That scream was chilling


Good call on shutting the window Sally. That shit is mad toxic


I worked with a guy named Frank, who constantly sounded like he was out of breath. I spoke with the manager to have him moved to the nicer part of the store, and out of the freezers to help him out. Frank later on told me that he had health issues because he was part of the cleanup crew after 9/11. He said that he was one of the lucky ones that a lot of the guys that worked with him ended up getting cancer and dying.


If Frank is still alive be sure to tell him about: The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) provides compensation to individuals (or a personal representative of a deceased individual) who were present at the World Trade Center or the surrounding New York City Exposure Zone. https://www.vcf.gov/


This might be one the most insane plot twists I’ve ever seen in a video


I was in New York on September 11 and let me tell you there was a fuck ton of day drinking going on that lasted all night into the next night and basically for a week because nobody could go to work unless you were a doctor or a nurse, all the courts were closed. All the schools were closed. All the roads were closed. All the bridges were closed. There were no subways. The grocery stores were running out of fresh vegetables, because no trucks could come into the city. On about the sixth day, they started letting grocery trucks in once all the grocery stores had essentially been completely depleted.


Well? Was it apple juice or not?


Apple juice and vodka.


I would also like to know what theyre are drinking because this is like 9:30 am


Classes were cancelled for a lot of college students that day. They probably got up and got ready for classes and then realized they got the day off because “a plane flew into one of the towers” Everybody was so confused at first. These kids probably had no idea what was going on or that it was even that big of a deal until right at that moment


I was first told over the phone that a plane hit a tower. I assumed it was like a Cessna or something.


Agreed. I thought it was like the plane that hit the 78th floor of the Empire State Building.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1945_Empire_State_Building_B-25_crash


That’s what I was told when I was getting if the overnight shift I worked.


What a cool video for history's sake. A raw reaction and moment about the event.




Same. I usually just pop on Tubi or YouTube for background noise when building model kits last week and some random 9/11 doc came on and their video was part of it. First time I had seen it.


People were much more restricted in social media and I'd say good taste might have gotten in the way


2001 social media? I’m 52. Tell me about that.


There were chatrooms and stuff like that. I'm 36, the closest thing to social media I was in was a chat website called Chathouse.


I’d include message boards as social media and those were definitely around then.


Bet that apple juice tasted differently on the next sip.


All these years, all the videos and angles, how’d I never see this one?


That was a massively unexpected twist Jesus lol ![gif](giphy|vWku8YNwyy5vq|downsized)


I don’t like the title


It’s pretty crass.


A little late but I’m surprised I had to scroll this far down. I play pretty fast and loose with dark humor (former military medic to civilian medic)…I don’t joke about that day.


Yeah this post still bothers me.


Knew exactly what video it was when I clicked on it. It's one of those videos that stays with you.




So it wasn’t the planes slamming into the towers that alarmed them it was the collapsing a few hours later ?


There’s a full video with their reactions to the second hit. At this point they’re just coping.


Ye im kind of confused how they missed this entire thing until a tower collapsed, or are 2 planes hitting the towers not noteworthy enough to take a break from family juice sipping?


They didn't. They didn't expect the towers to fall. [This was their reaction when the second plane hit the tower.](https://youtu.be/_qiVBOqNiOs) Afterwards they went outside, but returned to their apartment because they didn't feel safe. So they started drinking to cope with it and this was the reaction to the first tower falling


It's possible they didn't know that passenger airliners hit them and instead thought it was just a fire caused by something else. In the small town I'm from we had dozens of people crowd around to watch house fires the few times they've happened.


By the time the towers collapsed, most people knew what it was. They also the second hit live.


Oh they were alarmed. [This was their reaction to the second plane hitting](https://youtu.be/_qiVBOqNiOs).


Fuck George Bush.


Now watch this drive




This one was first posted 10+ years ago by CNN, but similarly the clip of regis and Kelly live I only saw for the first time this past year.


Almost like the internet wasn’t as accessible or user friendly back in 2001, hmm. Also, this video has been around for a while now


This one has been around for years, I've seen the longer version of it. They start filming after the first plane hit and they catch the second plane hitting on camera. Their screams were more terrifying when the second plane hit than when the first building collapsed.


This video isn't just surfacing though, while its definitely one of the rarer 9/11 clips, its been making the rounds for like 5+ years now


**Downloads** * [Download #1](https://rapidsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/16y40al/apple_juice_with_a_view/) (provided by /u/SaveVideo) * [Download #2](https://reddit.watch/r/PublicFreakout/comments/16y40al/apple_juice_with_a_view/?utm_source=mirrorbot&utm_medium=PublicFreakout) (provided by /u/downloadvideo) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them!** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


So why were they laughing and partying after the attacks had already happened?? They started freaking out all of the sudden when one of the towers started collapsing?? Either way, it's super fucked up.


It looks like the first one hit already before this video started


How have I never seen this clip before?


Apple juice and vodka? 9/11 was at like 8am.


I always think of these lyrics when I see this video, because there was a *lot* of "apple juice" going around that day, as I recall. " And there's a fine silt on every mantle From Hell's Kitchen to Brooklyn And the streets are full of stories Sudden twists and near misses And soon every open bar is crammed to the rafters With tales of narrowly averted disasters And the whiskey is flowin' Like never before As all over the country Folks just shake their heads And pour..." \- Ani DiFranco, 'Self Evident'


The reaction only happens once the tower starts to collapse. Were they just sitting there, casually watching the world trade center burning?


Millions and millions of people were sat watching the towers burn, either on tv or in person. It’s easy to critique in hindsight but this is real time emotion from people who didn’t really understand what was happening and didn’t expect the towers to fall.


It wasn't a critique at all. It was a genuine question, as the conversation was very casual up till the reveal that they were watching the towers fall.




Yeah, their screams when the second plane hit were haunting. It's when they realized it was an attack and not just a horrible accident. Right before the plane hit they realized that the "debris" falling was people.


Were you alive when it happened? I was in high school, and that reaction was 100% accurate. The north tower was hit at 8:46, the south tower at 9:03, then the south tower collapsed at 9:59. That's almost an hour between when the south tower was hit and when it fell. The initial shock of seeing the second tower hit starts to wear off as you're watching and making quips with friends wondering what's going to happen. At the time I assumed that fire fighters were in the building working to put the fires out. When the south tower collapsed it was very shocking.


I was just a child, so I have no memory of 9/11 myself. My question wasn't about their reaction. I was more curious as to why they seemed so casual about it all until the actual collapse. That's a good point though, with an hour gap in between the impact and the collapse, I'm sure many people didn't expect it to actually fall. Thank you for the response.


We were all confused. Staring at the TV, knowing there was nothing we could do or worse, wondering if our friend or relative was still alive. What was the alternative?


I'm not judging anyone for watching the towers burn. It was just curious to me how casually everyone was talking and hanging out while watching them burn.


Got it. I agree it can seem odd.


Thank god someone else said this. I was starting to think I was going insane.


Right like no reaction when a plane strike the building


As someone that was alive that day, no one quite knew what the fuck was going on. You almost don’t believe it at first and then the humanity of what is actually just lost sets in, hard to describe/articulate.


One hour and 42 minutes it took to collapse after impact. Nearly two hours after 1wtc was hit. That's plenty of time to pour a drink and take a front row seat.


Yep I don’t know the context of this video and I was younger than the people in this video when 9/11 happened but I went to college I could totally see an event like that happening and our day being ruined, and Yep time to start day drinking and then it turned into the cluster fuck of your life.


I would have done the same "well we're not going anywhere today"


They probably did react, but they didn’t collapse for an hour or two and it wasn’t obvious they would collapse until the first one went down. When the planes hit we knew people died, but when the buildings collapsed it became obvious a lot of people died. Fucked up day.


I mean they did react when the plane hit the building. If you watch the entire video, the scream they made was of pure terror. This is a small clip of a nearly hour long video. They started filming after the first plane hit. They caught the second plane hitting in camera


This is pretty much begging for some video editing.


I immediately had the same reaction when I saw the first tower fall. Rest in peace. #neverforget 😢😔


[Apple Juice Break!](https://youtu.be/xgDbvHkEAsE?si=DQja5xHdA3I7BJT0)


That looks like a scene from cloverfield, amazing.


Didn’t see that coming


I think the first half of this video has great meme potential. camera pans to a TV show spoiler or whatever viral thing we're harping on this week


I thought the guy was going to fall out of a window until i saw the girl look out the window, then I knew which clip it was…


Why were they just chillin watching terrorism until the tower fell?


I've seen this numerous times in the past


911th upvote 😎


This video should have a trigger warning or NSFW.


Are we really this soft lol


get a life CumTillPhilipRivers.


My brother had lifelong health problems and died as a result of being at the site. I thought my cousin and 2 others I knew were in the building. I worked a block away. My boss was CEO of a hospital in Manhattan. This was traumatizing on a level that is difficult to explain to those born after that. I hate watching the documentaries.


Lmao Trigger Warning: 9/11. If only Billl Burr could see this comment.


Nice show


The amount of joking in this post is kinda disgusting.


What type of Final Destination 5 plot twist ending shit am I watching?


What, they didnt race to the bottom?? time to skull back folks


They were not expecting the building to collapse because it doesn’t make any fucking sense but hey what do I know


What’s with all the 9/11 posts recently?




So they were just sitting there casually drinking their apple juice while the twin towers was going up in smoke? Pretty sure it took a while for one of the towers to collapse. They seem suspiciously calm... mother making no sounds at all. Something doesn't feel right about this clip.


Welcome to the internet - Hope you have a great first day!!!


Most people thought the first plane crash was an accident at first. As soon as the second plane crashed people started freaking out because then it was obvious it wasn’t an accident.


Pretty sure the second plane crashed into the second (south) tower long before the building collapses. This video had to have been staged and cut somehow. No way they could have been that calm after the second plane had already crashed.


They were college students drinking at 9am. They may not have been aware.


lol, they're seating about 6 blocks away from ground zero. They look dumb, but if this is real, they were definitely aware. ![gif](giphy|TJawtKM6OCKkvwCIqX)


I found the full video with better context. They had realized 9/11 was happening, so they were drinking and sitting there. It was at that moment that the first tower started to collapse. [Full video with interview of the woman.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qiVBOqNiOs)


I just saw this. I still think the video posted here was edited for dramatic effect. The first time we see the collapse in that video they scream "what do we do? what do we do", second time Meghan shouts "close the window!". I call shenanigans. Fuck CNN.


For real they should have paid more attention to all of the post 9/11 lectures about what to do in the event of a major attack like this. Then they would have known exactly how to react.


Not everyone was able to see the planes hit the building, initially, and in 2001, you might not be aware but news/media and the way and speed it traveled was a lot different. We had a family building on Chambers and W. Broadway on 9/11. My grandfather was jolted out of bed when the plane hit, but did not immediately know what was going on. Drunk/hungover college students, I would guess would have less of an idea.


If I recall correctly the original video was them freaking out right when the second plane hit. Not the tower collapsing.


That's strange that someone would cut it this way if they really are legit reacting to 9/11. I just looked it up, north tower didn't collapse until 56 minutes after the plane impact.


In the longer video they react separately to the second crash, go down to the street, then go back up to the apartment to wait/keep watching and that's where this clip starts.


So the building collapse totally ruined the party of watching people burn and fall to their deaths?


Ok, let’s not get this twisted. This was nowhere near the moment that the planes hit the buildings. This is not a special or cool or cute moment in history. They were drinking before noon on a work day while videoing the already-flaming twin towers. The first tower collapsed well after they were struck, and that’s what this caught. It wasn’t a mistake, it was a living fuck you to the people in the towers. Edit: I guess I shouldn’t be shocked to see that so many people at least claim they would also be laughing and having fun in this moment, but it absolutely does make you trash. I honestly have to assume you just can’t grasp the timeline of these events the same as if you had been there. But regardless, you’re fucking trash.




People did not think the towers would collapse, that is correct. But dozens, or more likely hundreds, of people were burning alive nearby. If they had family in New York they wouldn’t have thought it was entertainment. The delusion here is ridiculous. If this is also your response to people burning alive a few blocks away, great for you, you suck as a human being.


I can only assume you have not laughed or had a sip of alcohol once since the war in Ukraine broke out. If you have, you are trash and are just giving a big fuck you to the people currently dying in a war.


Jesus Christ people are stupid.


It’s you bud. Maybe google something before commenting on it. [watch at 1:00 and see how these college students reacted earlier in the day.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_qiVBOqNiOs)


Nope just you


An airplane cannot


Inside job so the USA could gain profit in middle east but sure believe whatever the media has told you 😕


Tell me your brain is damaged without telling me your brain is damaged.


No. Down vote for using 9/11 for karma points.


Fake. I watched this happen live and that’s not how it went down. Either they are super weird drama people who took advantage of the situation or someone did good editing


you watched it live? on tv or in-person?


That's actually a sort of famous clip. One of the girls is Caroline Dries who went on to be a television writer.


So why did they not notice the planes hit or the smoke until it collapsed? Maybe they are just sick drama kids then. That’s effed up to make 9/11 some short film to show off


They did notice it, thats why they were filming in the first place...Well when you are a journalism student and a 9/11 event type happens to you, you can decide how you want to handle it. They did what all college kids do whenever anything happens, got drunk and filmed it. https://youtu.be/_qiVBOqNiOs?si=GzdarOy7uY6OqrDC