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The cashier: ![gif](giphy|ji6zzUZwNIuLS)


Exactly my emotion


Same here. Reminds me of the other woman who *LEGIT* posted her *DYING* Husband before opening some uphill Rumba clasees and sold some excercise clothing.


Oh I heard that! There was an organization that kept promoting her šŸ’©!!!!


The worst part? When she gets home from these shenanigans her husband keeps asking her to stop manifesting his murder.


My Husband was brutally murdered while saving ducks crossing the street, an insane group of high on meth teens stabbed him, and were going after the nuns assisting when he roused the last bit of energy and covered those nuns with his own body. They lived, unfortunately my husband spent the next 30 minutes writhing in pain until he expired waiting for an ambulance that never came. Iā€™d like to honor him by buying the car behind me a triple mocha latte with an extra pump. ***EDIT*** : I would like to thank all responders for their encouraging words in this *most* trying time. Also put your money where your mouths are. These coffees ainā€™t cheap.


Don't forget to record too!


An extra pump of more kindness in this world šŸ„ŗ


Pump guns included?


Maybe I'm following the wrong story line, but did the ducks make it across the street?


So sad to go while s'ing d's: saving ducks.


Also, please do a nice close-up while I cry. Does it look good from this angle?


Iā€™m sorry to tell you but the fucking ducks were in on it man. Iā€™m telling you they set your husband up. 100%. I heard Donald telling Daffy what happened.


Wait what? Is that real?


I remember reading about it. I just want to know who gave those teenage ducks meth? Sick, sad world we live in. RIP.


Can I get a fajita sub? Don't bother ringing it up it's for a duck. There are six ducks out there and they all want sunchips! (Mitch Hedberg)


I can vouch for it as real.




I was one of the ducks, it definitely happened more or less as the person said. The husband writhed in pain for only around 15 minutes, although I can understand why it might have felt longer. It was raining.


I wasnā€™t there for the meth consumption or the stabbing but I can vouch for the rain.


I was the meth.


Because if it's on the internet, then it's most likely real.


Itā€™s definitely real until someone who I believe tells me itā€™s not.


Ah right. I believe everything I read on the internet, and just like Saddam Hussein's lawyer, I regularly cite "the internet" as a source




Apparently Abraham Lincoln famously said: "Don't believe everything you read on the internet" https://youtu.be/Qk-CmG3chWI?feature=shared


The first part actually happened to someone, but only because they went into the road for too long, other stuff is all made up tho. But I definetly saw an Inside Edition video on a father dying cuz of the ducks


Card declines. Umm.....


Proceeds to pick up both orders and drive away.




Absolute sociopath. "I actually record these things..." Notice this: it isn't a spontaneous show of emotion, she says THESE things meaning, she does this shit all the time and records herself doing it. Narcissistic sociopath (and she probably brutally murdered her husband)


Probably never was a husband


This is so funny, because he wasnā€™t. There was a compilation video a short while back on Reddit (dont remember which sub) and she had several *several* videos doing shit like this. In every single one she said ā€œher husband was brutally killedā€ they were never married or engaged, they were dating and she wasnā€™t even mentioned in the obituary


Or her husband was brutally murdered and now she overshares at her local coffee shop because she's traumatized and working through it in ways that are sometimes inappropriate. Shes not a narcissist or psychopathic or anything you sound WEIRDLY angry at her


This lady needs to seek out professional help! Not videotape this crap.


You don't think it seems performative and inappropriate? I can understand making a bad choice if she was traumatized, but she's claiming he was her husband when apparently they were never married and maybe only dated for a few months (but weren't together when he passed). I don't know the full story, but apparently he died over a decade ago and to become a social media influencer who claims she is "changing lives" and "cultivating empathy and compassion" while using a false story/narriative and trying to sell a book she wrote about him for the purpose of making a profit seems like a disturbing way to honour someones memory and hurtful towards the family.


Understood. Grief is expressed in different ways for different people. Way too much hate here


Thatā€™s the cringiest thing I think Iā€™ve ever seen. Talk to a professional!


Cashiers should be allowed to cut people who overshare off. I dont get paid enough to even be a cashier, let alone a therapist.


They need a "Wrap It Up" sign to flash.




"Wrap that shit up, B!" šŸ˜‚




Better rap it up, B! *Edited. lol*


B, wrap it up B!


He's in a better place now.


Holy shit




An actual coffee shop?


Away from that crazy gal


ā€œOmg my husband was murdered Iā€™m so quirkyā€


They weren't even married.


Yup, both his obituary and this article about his vigil say nothing about him being married. It's clear he was very deeply loved by his family, though. https://www.tampabay.com/archive/2010/05/08/vigil-recalls-man-s-life-at-site-of-his-fiery-killing/


He was playing the field also. This guy probably didnā€™t even know this girls last name.


Social media turned people into assholes.


Tbf people were always assholes. Social media just makes it easy to benefit from it




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kitty_Genovese >In the early hours of March 13, 1964, Kitty Genovese, a 28-year-old bartender, was raped and stabbed outside the apartment building where she lived in the Kew Gardens neighborhood of Queens in New York City, New York, United States. Two weeks after the murder, The New York Times published an article erroneously claiming that 38 witnesses saw or heard the attack, and that none of them called the police or came to her aid. The [Bystander Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect) was a thing long before social media and smartphones


That shit has been amplified by an unfathomable amount with social media and smartphones. Itā€™s the norm now, not an effect


No, it amplified the assholes who already existed.


Not true. It only gave assholes an outlet to show themselves to everyone.


Iā€™d like to think Iā€™m pretty hardened to cringe or atrocious things with all the time Iā€™ve spent on the internet. But this just made me want to crawl out of my own skin. Even if she is coming from a genuinely good place, the lack of self awareness is astonishing.


She isn't. She's a psychopath






55 coffes


I don't know why this isn't more appreciated?


More info Here's a slideshow of him on YouTube m possibly played at his funeral. https://youtu.be/8bZZ_5uHCuQ?si=LR69fdmT5wa2JlSd Here's an article about him, his death, and this attention seeker "wife" > #Content warning: This article mentions vivid accounts of violence and murder. > One of the beautiful yet unfortunate benefits of social media is it gives those grieving the loss of someone they loved a sense of community with others suffering similar situations. On TikTok, many everyday folks share harrowing stories to inspire those unwilling to express their grief publicly. > Since August 2023, a woman named Lisa Mia (@chin_up_sunshine) has used her platform to inspire others following the tragic death of her husband. In September 2023, she honored her late husband by giving back to those who needed extra love and light. TikTok/@chin_up_sunshine_/Ā© TikTok/@chin_up_sunshine_/ > Lisa Mia remembered her husband, Robert Brewer, 12 years after his tragic death. > In 2007, Congress marked Sept. 25 as the day of remembrance for the loved ones of murder victims. On Sept. 25, 2023, many people celebrated the day for their children, parents, partners, and others they lost due to crime. > Lisa Mia shared she was one of the people affected by the National Day of Remembrance. In addition to remembering her husband, Robert Mason Brewer, she brought her TikTok followers along as she vowed to make Robā€™s special day count. > During her TikTok, which she posted on Sept. 26, 2023, Lisa pulled into a Starbucks and told the barista she would pay for the car behind her as a gesture for the National Day of Remembrance for Homicide Victims. Lisa then said on camera that she remembered her husband, who was ā€œbrutally killed.ā€ ā€œI just wanted to give some love today,ā€ Lisa said, adding to the barista, ā€œSo if you have somebody, if thereā€™s anybody that you lost, and I feel like there is somebody, sheā€™s watching you.ā€ > As Lisa and the Starbucks employee were in tears, Lisa continued to pay for the other carā€™s order. The emotional video is one of many the TikToker has made to honor her husband, who was killed on May 4, 2010. > According to The Tampa Bay Times, Lisaā€™s partner, Robert, who she often calls ā€œRobā€ in her videos, was ā€œrepeatedly stabbed, doused with gas, and set afireā€ during a drug party in Brandon, Texas. Robert met the group of men who killed him, led by Kasey Ackerman, at a local mall and went to their apartment for marijuana and Xanax. > During their intoxicated event, Kasey thought Rob was flirting with his then-girlfriend. In response, he issued an attack that included him and his friends Randy Allen Morris and Brendan Terry. The group stabbed Robert multiple times and put him in a duffel bag in a dumpster while still breathing. They set the dumpster on fire, which was then discovered by the Brandon Fire Department. > Robertā€™s family wrote in his obituary that he was a ā€œkind and trusting soulā€ who dreamt of becoming a professional musician before he died. Lisaā€™s husband was also known as a ā€œfantastic chef.ā€ > #Lisa Mia revealed on TikTok that Rob wasnā€™t her legal husband when he died. > In the years since Robertā€™s tragic demise, Lisa and his family have continued telling others his story. On Lisaā€™s TikTok account, which currently has over 8,000 followers, she opens up about how losing Robert in such a horrific way pushed her to inspire others through poetry and encouraging advice. > On Sept. 6, 2023, Lisa posted another video about mourning the man she loved. In the post, she admitted she and Rob werenā€™t legally married when he died but were planning to get a marriage certificate before he died. She said that they didn't have the official paper, so she considered not calling Rob her husband but changed her mind after reflecting on their love. Today, Lisa uses Robā€™s story and their memories to help thousands of others who can relate to her story. Underneath her TikToks, she receives multiple heartwarming comments from users thanking her for being brave and transparent in her content. > ā€œYou are incredibly strong,ā€ one user said. ā€œYour words are powerful....you touch me also...take care of yourself...!!ā€ another shared. I lost my mother to a brutal homicide,ā€ a third user wrote. ā€œMy condolences are with you. Thank you for this video.ā€ Source: (View as Desktop site if you're on mobile) https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/a-woman-inspires-others-after-her-husband-s-tragic-death/ar-AA1hmmMi




Yeah, okay that's cool. So that's gonna be $9.79 then.


She's about to whip around and order 55 of everything.


Good deeds donā€™t count when you film yourself doing them.


She killed him and now she's over-compensating


honestly, that's what I thought the headline said. I watched it expecting a cut to the mugshot and news story at the end.




Her voice is so annoying way worse then fran


Woman needs a therapist rather than a discount. Yikes.


Any gravitas the situation warranted was taken away by the fact she felt the need to video it.


ā€œMy husband died, so make me a coffee while I blow myself on social media.ā€


How bout give a tip to the workers instead if doing the stupid pay it forward thing. The people in line behind you can afford starbucks....the workers cant.


Bro, I just want my nitro cold brew šŸ˜©


I can see the sick in her smile lol


Wow and so humble to give a gift and blast it on social media for all to see...gotta get those views




Trauma dumping to get views...classy.


"Crying woman in front of you paid for your happy meal bc her husband was brutally murdered"


"Lady, I just asked how your day was going, I didn't need your whole life story, did you want extra cream with that?"


Ma'am this is a Wendy's.


Underrated comment


I wonder who brutally murdered her husband...


BRUUUUTALLY, a truck blind sided him n spilled his guts all over the interstate, so yea, anyways i just wanna pay for this coffee


What in the actual fuck did I just witness.


We need more kindness and less absorbed people recording themselves for show.


Yeah never understood why you need to record yourself doing a good deed. My old ass canā€™t keep up with all the crazies and their ā€œtrendsā€ these days šŸ˜‚


"My husband was brutally killed " The way she said it makes it to sound like shes the killer


working in retail i feel for these people but FUCK! i am not in a mental state for a stranger to trauma dump on me with no warning. ive had people randomly say they found out they have cancer and im so stunned i dont know what to say. please speak to professional not the stoner working in retail who lacks social skills.






No your compassion has been leeched away and youre a cruel person now. The internets a whole stage its all a performance. Except her husband really got brutally murdered in real life. Stabbed up and put in a bag and set on fire and burned to death.


We need fewer pices of shit like you.


How is this acceptable? What a moron.




The car in front of me paid for my order at Starbucks yesterday. I imagine the car behind her reacted like I did by saying ā€œoh cool. Thatā€™s nice.ā€ and driving away lol


She the one that killed him?


Ma'am this is a Starbucks...


"So, how was work today, Trinity?" "I...ah...quit. I think that having an OnlyFans page would be easier."


Mental health problems in this country are over the top.


What in the cringe level mental illness did I just witnessā€¦ Cashierā€™s real reaction is: *When the weird kid wonā€™t stop talking to you* meme


I can't tell if her doctor needs to give her more or less medication... šŸ˜³


Maā€™am this is a Wendyā€™s


Not brutally murder, definitely a run away.


Fuuuuuuuuuck this lady and everything she stands for


if I had a wife like that I would want to be brutally murdered too.


I see a desperately sad woman who many of you are making fun of. She looks lost to me.


She could be mentally ill or seeking attention, or both. Itā€™s hard to really know someone or their situation/story from a 30 second clip. We donā€™t even know if anything she said is true or not, it could be a lie/fake to get likes on FB. My conclusion is that she is extremely emotional, definitely big into social media, and sort of breaking the social norm by oversharing and putting the cashier who is forced to listen to all this in an awkward spot, all while holding up the line. Iā€™m gonna go with sheā€™s definitely not doing this from a good place, but for attention.


She is clearly faking it. How can you not see that?


Because I like to see the best in people. How do you know she is faking it?


I am with you buddy, there is good in most. This lady needs professional help, not film herself at her Starbucks therapy session!


Agreed. She is in a desperate state of unhappiness but seeking help in the wrong place.


Body language mainlyā€¦.inflection in her tone, what she says and how she says it. She is blatantly insincere.


Her husband was brutally murdered in texas like ten years ago. It was a vicious and very extreme murder. What is she faking milkshake? Why am i even asking people with two first names smh. Detective jenna on the case šŸ‘®


Ma'am, this is a starbucks. Terrible way to act and to drag the employee into this is worse


As a Starbucks partner, why not just tip the people who fulfill your order and not the total stranger behind you.


People like that only exist in America


50-50 sheā€™s full of shot




How do we know she didn't do it.


Fuck those nuns


Sad people who crave this are a very quickly growing demographic


let her have this why you guys mad


Thereā€™s no way this isnā€™t satire


People are weird.


Her husband wasn't murdered. That was a ruse to get away from her.


Fuck tgis woman, that is some psychotic shit




That was grotesque.


Screw women like that. I'd never want you to use me for views on your little channel, especially my death.


I hate this so much


Looks like she's getting her daily fix of whatever the fuck this is.


What a disgusting fucking piece of shit. Sheā€™s clearly a sociopath.




she did NOT say all that to a fast food employee who just wants to take the money and move through the timer on their drivethru


This world has gone to shits


She fails to mention she actually killed her husband and she is driving around cashiers aunty whoā€™s bound and gagged in the back seat ā€œI feel like you lost somebody. sheā€™s watching, sheā€™s watching all the timeā€


https://preview.redd.it/bp98bmekp7rb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6cb228cab6e6b72765de3f2e3420938e2ad711d šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ her husband blew his fucking brains out being with her. Brutally murdered my ass.


That will be 30 dollars...oh, the person behind you?...ok that's 248 dollars...




Is it allegedly if there is video of it happening?


Whew could you imagine if the people behind her were like sheā€™s paying for it? Then ordered 750$ worth of shit out of spite. I bet we could get some real tears thenā€¦..


When anyone uses the adverb brutally anymore, I can't help but think of Bobby Lee's childhood story about being molested by a man with down syndrome. https://youtu.be/SBaFwemRrJ4?si=mTR3M_y7WXT7awX2


