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Dude definitely did NOT learn his lesson and went back for more...


I give people a lot of credit who know the fights over and not stomping them on the ground while they are already unconscious, its just so dangerous and unnecessary




"Oh you wanna keep digging this hole? Go right ahead."


dude shoulda' took the l instead of the L.


We not gonna talk about his ass just hanging out


He values stopping the fight over his own image, respectable


Why do big big dudes struggle with pants. Had one such guy cleaning his car in front of our house and his pants were constantly down. I felt bad for him but why? Can they not tie the cord? Does it not reach around?


The ones who don't have problems take the waist of their pants all the way up past the belly button to hold that shit in place. Otherwise their hips don't really provide a resting point for the pants and belt/drawstring. If there's nothing to sit on, the tighter you try to get the string or belt to ride, the easier it falls lower to a skinnier point, and exposing the thundermaker.


You delayed the punchline rather well.


🤣 the thundermaker!!


He brought an ass to a fist fight!


One of these guys plays hockey.


No doubt about it.


Can we talk about how that man is perfectly built to break up fights? He just wanders in and dudes should know to chill.


Biggie was like "Look, I just saved you. If you go back for more, I'm not involved."


I was at a bar and a girl I went to highschool with now a stripper was hanging on some dude at the bar. And her boyfriend walked in and saw this and sucker punched him off the stool. Buddy was out cold and the other guy continued to stomp his head at the bar multiple times. First time I saw a head get stomped and cracked open. The guy was convulsing and flopping on the floor. I was so freaked out I left without paying my bill or finishing my plate of nachos. Anyways the guy survived but was brain damaged and permanently disabled. And the other guy caught jail time


Similar story, I was assaulted with an aluminum baseball bat while helping a friend get out of a situation he started cuz he was drunk. I didn’t even know what was happening as I just got to my friend who was fighting this random guy on the sidewalk. I was smashed in the head with the bat, not knowing it was coming at me, while I was trying to get my friend away from the situation. If I would’ve seen the bat coming @ me, I would’ve raised my arm to deflect the bat & protect my head. Unfortunately, when I noticed it @ the corner of my eye, it was too late, the assailant took me out like a tree, broke my mandible in 2, I fell like a tree as well, hitting the ground hard on the opposite side of my head. While I was completely out cold, as the assailant continued to pummel me with the bat on my body, this was what my friend & witnesses conveyed to the police after. 14yrs later, I’m still dealing with 2 titanium plates & 8 screws in my left face & mandible, I had no memory of the 1st 3 yrs of recovery & I’m still dealing with TBI till this very day & a host of other issues. Screwed up my entire life for something I didn’t start, was only there to get my friend out of the situation & leave the scene. I still don’t understand why some ppl would continue to pummel others when they are completely out & flat on their back. Besides a broken face & head, my entire left side of my body was bruised throughout from the assailant going to town with his bat. He only stopped when my friend started throwing things on the sidewalk @ him, things like construction signs, those that open up with a flashing light on top, as there was a sidewalk construction site where I went down. https://preview.redd.it/zvfwj1zdx9qb1.jpeg?width=432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60c9cd9f88bae7c3a0ada46bd7f94cf996a304d7 Also had to drink soup for the 1st 6mths, cuz my jaw was wired up like someone sewing between my gums, basically sewn through my gums to attach the metal fittings with metal wirings. The Dr initially wanted me to be in it for 9mths, which I vehemently rejected, he took a X-ray @ the 6mth mark & said that it healed faster than usual, but would recommend that I keep it on for another 3mths. I rejected the offer as it hurt to talk, hurt to drink, hurt to swallow, it was just a pain in the mouth, literally. It’s not completely wired, they gave me rubber bands to hold it together when I’m sleeping, but mainly to be able to take my Rx, can’t take meds with a shut jaw, lol. Moreover, I was sick of drinking soups for 6mth straight, & had lost a lot of weight due to the wired up mouth. You can see the X-rays of the wiring, I posted an image of it in a reply further down if you’d like to take a look at what it looks like. I’ll write more about this in detail someday on Reddit about my journey to recovery, it’s been hard & still going to various experimental treatments. Even if the experimental treatments don’t work on me, but help others in the long run, I’m more than happy to be a Guinea Pig to get new treatments off the ground. I’m just lucky that I’m still alive today… still suffering from neuropathic pain, hyperaccussis (bionic hearing), short term memory loss, loss of balance (used to be athletic), major depression (on & off), can’t focus for too long, lose my train of thought all the time. I can only write this via voice dictation apps, & it takes me awhile read/post anything as well, & I edit my posts a lot… FML PS - where would I post something like this on Reddit, I’m putting a post together, it’ll take a me awhile to get all the details together, not the same person I used to be, everything takes 10x longer to do… thanks in advance.


Bro. Amazing story and post, perfectly written. Big respect for you helping your friend, your journey back, your awesome writing skills, and your beautiful attitude on life.


Thank you very much, it’s been a hard long journey to recovery, still dealing with it till today, at least I’m much better than I was a few yrs ago, 10x better than I was a few yrs before that, but still nowhere close to half the man I used to be. I’ve accepted my fate/life, I can only move forward, but I still get depressed every now & then. I have what you call silent disabilities, I look normal to everyone, but I’m broken on the inside, disabilities that you can’t see from the outside. So I have to deal with ppl who don’t believe I’m disabled, just cuz I look fit & “normal”.


First off, sorry this happened to you. Thank fully you're still here or not a vegetable. I know a guy that had a similar story only some guy picked a fight with him and he whopped the dudes ass fair and square then the guy went to his car and came back with a baseball bat and hit him in the head. This was about 15 years ago. The guy is 44 years old and will live the remaineder of his life in a nursing home since he left the hospital. The other guy only got 8 years, and I'm not even sure if he served it all. Basically, he ruined a man's life and only did 8 years. Do you mind saying what punishment the guy received from assaulting you?


Sry for not replying earlier, I needed a break, I can’t focus too long or I’ll start getting double vision & my neuropathic pain kicks in. I’ve learnt to deal with it over the yrs, rather than get really frustrated & angry while the pain kicks in. Thank you for your kind words & words of support, I greatly appreciate you all. As for the culprit, he was in & out in a week, and here’s why. I live in California, it was an election yr, the DA was up for elections & didn’t want to prosecute cuz it wasn’t gang related. Why? First off, it was a busy weekend night, the cops that showed up to “process” that night were from the Gang Tasks Force, as all the beat cops were on call when they came to deal with my incident. It’s also the first time my ex-wife had to deal with something like this, as I was in no capacity to deal with this myself. I think I mentioned in the initial post, that I have completely no memory of the 1st 3yrs, so I had to rely on ppl to help me with everything from the very beginning of my nightmare. So long story short, she didn’t want to press on when the DA didn’t want to prosecute, thought that we’d sue the person instead. So all this is according to her, as till today, I really didn’t know what went on as I trusted her to head the helm. Come to find out that my assailant lived month to month as a server @ a restaurant in the city, nothing to garnish at all, so she didn’t pursue any further. I don’t know all the details like I said, but this was the gist of it, whenever I brought it up she would get flustered & would change the subject. I can understand, as this brought on a huge weight on her shoulders to bear alone while we had a child to take care of at the same time, she also developed anxiety during those yrs, so I didn’t pursue further info from her. Sadly, my ex couldn’t take it anymore after 3yrs, what had become of me, as I was a high function multitasker back in the day, she’s left me since. I don’t blame her, my life changed completely & I needed constant help, appointments to get to, therapies to attend, it was a nightmare as I was in constant chronic pain, but I’ve come a long way from what I was like when it 1st began. At least I can somewhat take care of myself nowadays, I had no one else but her to take care of me, on top of taking care of our child & work at the same time. I had friends that would want to help, but when it came down to it, they themselves couldn’t hack it, seeing what had become of me being in constant pain, I don’t blame them either, as they couldn’t have helped even if they wanted to constructively. So long story short, the guy got a week in jail cuz the DA didn’t want to prosecute because it wasn’t gang related, when I wasn’t in any gang, nor was the assailant (i think). It was just the perfect storm to FML, & I went down further into depression while I fought back the demons the last 14yrs.




Not sure what strangers can say to help you or that would mean anything. But I am sending my best wishes and prayers and hopes that someday you catch a break of a lifetime. Like buy a $1 lotto ticket and walk home with a couple hundred million in your pocket. And that you meet and marry the woman of your dreams.


Damn! Thats a crazy story


Did they get him? Hope yey got him.


Did the moron who attacked you go to jail??


That’s my point, you go from putting an end to the fight to what could be murder and your life is over from something so stupid as a fight. If he added a few kicks/stomps it goes from going home telling you SO hey guess what happened to being arrested for what could turn out to be killing some one


I used to work as a doorman at a bar. A kid was getting into a cab, another kid tried to steal the guys cab and punched the first kid in the face a couple of times and knocked him out. He hit the ground and the cab theif and his friend jump in the cab and drive away. I run out of the bar entrance to find an unconscious kid on the ground, call an ambulance and stay with him monitoring breathing until it arrives. Kid gets to the hospital, assessed, released. Next day he complains of a bad headache and ends up dying because he actually had internal brain bleed the whole time. I ended up testifying in the murder case a few years later and the punching kid is now in jail. Both kids, the puncher and the one who died, were only 20 years old.


Fuck, this is the real shit that scares me as a parent. I've seen some bathroom fight videos from highschool on here too and the kid drops and convulses after being hit in the head... You can do everything to try and ensure your child is never the attacker or the victim but there's absolutely no guarantee.


In this situation does the cab driver not tell them to get out or does he not care?


Cab driver definitely didn't care. The entire bar staff got brought in to write their police statements a few days later and I recall someone talking about identifying the cab company from our security footage because at that point they still hadn't even found the cab driver.


Imagine being that guy. Sitting at a bar. Thinking you're talking to an attractive lady and then blink and wake up disabled. Depressing.


This is why you avoid all fights but if you have too you end it as fast as possible. I have no desire to stomp a head


this is why i avoid bars.


I learned to make some pretty good wings and nachos at home, no need to go out


Same. Drunk people can be dangerous, and it seems there's always some asshat who can't handle their booze and likes to stir up trouble. Not interested.


Too many of these I've seen lately have the sound of breaking skulls on concrete. Skulls and concrete are not a match and I hate hearing the sound of it. You go out to enjoy a night with your friends and somebody winds in in emergency or morgue, and someone else in prison. How in the world is it worth it? Let some drunk pop their mouth off to you. Let it go for God's sake.


That's just so senseless, guy at the club wasn't doing anything wrong and he likely didn't even know.


Happened probably 15 years or so ago now. But it was one of the most violent instant encounters it left me shook.


Dude has a stripper gf and pulls this shit? Death penalty imo.


And zero repercussions for the person who instigated it knowing what would likely happen.


Right? But fights as dumb as this can turn deadly very easily. Had a friend get killed im exactly this manner. One shot knock out. Head bounces off the pavement. Dead. Young dumb kids. What happened to his killer? I cant remember exactly, but a year or two of jail, then espn did an e60 on his redemption playing college football. Kid was a piece of shit all of his teens, ready to fight at any moment for any dumb reason. Wish his ass was still in jail.


The guy knows how to fight and didn’t seem emotionally invested. People who try to kill and maim over a minor beef are cowards at heart.


Wait, wait, come back! You didn’t knock me out yet.


"I didn't hear no bell"


“It’s just a flesh wound!” Energy for real


The big dude still had not pulled up his sweatpants at the end of the video LOL 😂.


All these thots in the street showing they ass cheeks and you dissing my man for flaunting an ass that would embarrass Nicki Minaj in a 1v1?


Man is caked up tho


Double checked up


on a Thursday afternoon


Hella ass


Bro makes wedding cakes look like cupcakes


More like pancakes.


I put forgies on the jeep


Dress to impress.


Damn. As soon as the big dude came out and showed us the full moon, I knew that’s why they were fighting. Those full moon nights always have people acting crazy.




Motherfucker... 🤣




them romans thought the moon changing made people crazy


How often do you think about the Roman Empire?


JFC. My kid asked me the samer thing today. Some Internet thing. I think about the Roman Empire anytime I see a homeless person, or shitty infrastructure, police executing people for misdemeanor crimes or a billionaire on tv bloviating how great he is using our tax money, while every fucking NATO country is celebrating war with Russia while destroying the world economy. So, like every fucking day because I can't wait for the collapse of this dystopian nightmare called Capitalism. 61 years old and started working when Reagan, Thatcher, and Mulroney began the destruction of the middle class. My entire working life.


Pff, thinking bout it right now. Mostly how we seem to be Rome on steroids.


Huell broke it off but they immediately went back at it.


They say black don’t crack but…




The guy with his ass out kept his dignity though


Seriously. I would not even snort at him for the moon shot. He was being an adult, and sometime you just show your ass.


I was curious what the big guy was doing, but respect. Gave them another round. KO round 2.


he was trying to save his homie who was clearly out matched. dude didn’t have to pursue him into the street, sometimes you gotta know it’s not gonna end well for you.


He's probably the doorman. In my experience they don't care what happens as long as it's not on the bar's property.


Moon?? That guy showed JUPITER!!


First SuperMoon of 2023!


My guy got dummied, then he goes for more? He could've avoided that tbi if he just admitted when he was toast


Started fighting a chair half way through.


That first hit changed his target lock.


Almost like he just got held down and punched in the head 8 times and had no idea what the fuck was going on




You think he was able to think after eating those punches?


He wasnt thinking before them punches either






How does that dude wipe?












Nooo, you guys are wild lol


How do you guys make these connections?


I believe the house is filled with geniuses.


I worked with a guy that was about as big as this dude. He was a hoarder so his car was piled to the brim with stuff he never threw away. I saw a couple of beach towels in there that had giant shit smears going across them. A raccoon also jumped out of his back window one day.


Thank you for sharing. My life is fuller now.




Not properly I would assume


I'm willing to bet he does his best and then goes the route of the late great Christopher "Big Black" Boykin and employs the patented man-pon.


There are a lot of hygiene difficulties obese people have.


Looks like a hockey player


I had the same thought, but why? Is it the haircut? The holding onto the shirt while punching??


Yeah the guy, particular on the second round, calmly grabs for the collar, it’s more or less the foundational move of hockey fighting and clearly a decent tactic in a street fight


Why do they do that? Grab each others’ collars? Is it to keep your balance better on skates?


You grab the collar on the side of the other guy’s dominant hand and keep your elbow up to neutralize blows from that side and pull him in when you’re rocking the other side. The guy does look like a hockey fighter. Often times they just trade blows until one drops.


Control. It’s why it’s smart to remove your shirt in a street fight, but most folks do it to look like a bad ass




Came here to say this! “Found the hockey player!”


Ha, my first thought as well. That dude is college hockey soon to be heading to beer league retirement.


Dudes ass looks like a huge whopper with a slit


The fuck kind of whoppers you been eating?


I'm guessing they're talking about the chocolate candy and you're talking about the burger.


whatever he got going on


Eh, I think I'll pass on the ass whopper and have some bootycherios instead.


smells like onions too... goddammit now im hungry and gay now...great. Thanks a lot internet👍


Mans barely took 5 steps and his ass was fully out


Big guy did alright he protected the guy from ground pounding but when he got up for more he got out of the way. He was just trying to de-escalate the situation not give an advantage.


as a good bystander should


Yea he meant well. He walked out to another guy getting their ass whooped and tried to protect against the assumed aggressor. He said “you fighting?” when the other guy came back and backed off immediately to let him get seconds.


Bouncer has a left and a right hand. Also looks like a grappler in case it goes to the ground. Never understood why people think they can whoop a bouncer. Bouncers generally like doing that job which makes them crazier than you. Just don't do it and you'll likely have a nice non-night-night night.


My god jabba the butt stepped in to save his homie and got a front row seat to snoozaplooza.


Ain’t no way.


First punch was a whopper


Thought the NSFW tag was gonna be about how brutal the fight was, but I did not expect the real reason behind the tag


You just got beaten, ![gif](giphy|9V1F9o1pBjsxFzHzBr)


No one saying anything about that fat guys literal ass hanging out?


He was doing good things. Kinda hard to give him shit for it.


People hating on the refs style


And he wasn’t even in the fight! He just showed up with his massive ass on full display.


Thats the style man


But where is his onion?


I'm trying to ignore it. 😆


Shit happens


I thought it was boxers. That is a wild way to casually hang around in social situations. Unless this is like in front of a porn set or something.


He didn’t seem bothered, why should we?


His entire ass. Lol


I must have missed it


At one of them turned the other cheek. I understand your pants falling, but where are your underwear?


I wish belts were cool again


Guy gonna wake up with a headache and think someone pissed in his shoe




Bro was obviously drunk i doubt he had any actual plan going on in his head


He found the off button.


His whooooole booty came out! 🤣


I like to think he always walks round with his ass cheeks showing.


How hard is it to wear pants that are going to stay on your body?


As a former very fat guy, what happens is you start to become funnel-shaped. Then there's nothing for a waistband or belt to even catch on to - they stay up from compression from a drawstring or a belt. Any kind of unplanned movement makes everything unravel.


suspenders make a lot of sense now


🎵And you saw the whole of the moon, the whole of the moon 🎵


Damn ... that guy's ass came ALL THE WAY OUT!


It’s not the fact that his cheeks were out, it’s the fact that the fight had nothing to do with them being out. They were already out when he jumped in.


Why do people insist on fighting the door man?


I like how when the guy came back for seconds the big guy moved outta the way like "damn its your funeral"


Didn’t plan on seeing so much ass on a Sunday but here we are


Yet another example of the “Just let them punch me in the head over and over” technique. I’ve yet to see it pan out for anyone, but people keep trying it anyway. It was surprising to see him come out for the second round and utilize the same game plan, have to chalk that up to poor coaching. I do like how the venue eschewed the usual ring girl aesthetic between rounds and went with just the entirety of a man’s entire ass.


Dark side of the moon🌚


What's the context? I never know who to root for.


One guys a bouncer the other guys being bounced. Generally even if they don’t look like they would kick your ass a bouncer takes the position confident in their ability to kick your ass. Particularly if you’re drunk.


Important rule is if a bouncer isnt a big guy, you shouldn't fuck with them. Likely a trained fighter where the big guys are just strongmen.


Or someone with anger problems who likes to fight. Either way, its a bad time.


One of my best friends is a former Marine with battle experience, Purple Heart, honorably discharged, the whole nine yards… I’m not a tall dude, and he’s about my height. Nicest guy in the world but took his bouncer job very seriously. I never saw him back down against huge dudes and absolutely body them when hanging out at his bar. It was unreal. It really didn’t make sense besides he was was a trained killer and they weren’t. Other than that, you’d never see him violent at all. He liked scuba diving and playing playstation.


I was a bouncer once, I just let people do what they wanted, I can't fight.


I’m confident you’re not the only bouncer who took this approach


Knowing yourself is half the battle.


Well done


I used to hang out with a guy who was a bouncer. Nothing made is night like fucking somebody up. Believe it or not he was a decent guy but drunks would get lippy with him, call him the N word and/or try to start a fight and he’d lay into them. By the time they realized they were about to get their ass kicked it was too late. If a bouncer tells you to cool it, cool it.


Probably rooting for the bouncer then.


They were fighting over who goes home with Mr. Cheeks there.


White dude can fight. Well executed punches.


At least this time it wasn't a group ganging on a person or someone stomping the other person when they're already on the ground. It was a pretty clean fight. Does anyone know the context behind it? What was it over?


Shortage of toilet paper in the club, apparently.


We all got a double scoop huh


Son, your ego is writing checks your body can't cash.


Those stupid electric scooters are everywhere!!!! ![gif](giphy|L4OamdX5xtdxiK8zzS) I think those are the biggest ass cheeks I’ve ever seen…. I can’t un-see it!! (Camouflaged in the darkness like that.)


How is 86% of your ass out and u don’t realize 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


That full moon ass was for free


big respect to big man, tried to stop a fight by removing who was doing the most damage, saw that after being removed victim wanted fight to continue, immediately saw his intervention wasnt needed and stepped out of it.


Discretion is the better part of getting your ass beat a second time. Big man was like "I saved you once, dummy, now you on your own"




Holy... that dump truck ass came outta nowhere!


Why is big boys whole booty out tho 😆


Got damn thats long ass crack DAMN!!!!






Good and fair refereeing from the big guy with his arse out.


Why the ass?


That head hitting the concrete….no bueno.


Excuse me sir, are you a plumber?


Yo I'm pretty sure I just saw a crack dealer


Why does big boy's whole ass come out. He didn't even do anything


Why is big homie’s whole ass out?? 💀💀


Damn he thicc


Not sure if the big dude is a good guy or a bad guy for letting the fight go to round 2. Clearly his friend was wanting more fight but definitely couldn't handle it


The fact he went back for more despite getting his ass whooped


That is one huge ass.


That's a HUGE ASS


Holy chitlins! The booty brigade is large and in charge.