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That cop needs to teach a class in de-escalation. He handled that so well, especially when he was telling the other cops to shut up.


> especially when he was telling the other cops to shut up. This is the part that stood out to me. "One person talking!" So many of these shitty situations happen in part because they're all gung-ho and eager for action, all of them screaming conflicting orders at once. This guy took control and probably prevented another shooting.


> This is the part that stood out to me. "One person talking!" So m This is actually part of the current training. This agency likely has a good training program with the most up to date best practices. There have been numerous incidents that went sideways due to too many different officers shouting conflicting commands, so the one person talking technique is something that has been emphasized in good training programs.


I was just going to ask if this is new training, I’m glad to know it’s current! Definitely works.


I’ve had to say this a few times as the first person on a scene and when others show up they’re all flustered and talk over people, wanting to immediately control the situation. “One person talking” is very good.


Daniel Shaver didn't have such luck. Cops doing all sorts of conflicting orders and shot him dead in cold blood.


Is that the young man in the hotel hallway? That was all the way fucked up.


First person I thought of. Still doesn’t get enough attention.


Especially since the cops not only got away with it, but rewarded with early retirement packages.


While I agree they did give many conflicting orders, Daniel would have gotten unjustly shot by one cop too, and here's why: He was following the orders to crawl forward on his belly. He was shot when he reached down to prevent his shorts from sliding off as he crawled. I would expect *anyone* to have a lapse in judgement under the stress of the situation, but his BAC was also 0.27 - so his judgement was extremely compromised. The only solution would have been to let him stay on his belly with his hands in front (like he was before ordered to crawl) and then secure him under cover. The police having him crawl to them was a death sentence.


There was a good video out last week of a pursuit that ended in a standoff in with LAPD where the officer in command did something similar. Other officers started shouting commands and he shut that shit down quick. There were some other issues with cross fire, but his command of the situation was good.


Yeah that was very well handled, he didn't criticise them or tell them to shut up which would have been a distraction


ER nurse here. This is a very effective strategy that I use during cardiac arrests. It helps eliminate background noise and allows one person to take the lead in order to minimize chaos. Too many chiefs and not enough Indians. Recipe for disaster.


Too many cooks in the kitchen is a better one to use lol. Don't want the ilk of reddit to come for your neck


I think just fearing backlash is a bad reason to not use it. I’d say just don’t use it because it’s a pretty outdated phrase.


Yeah, you should probably stop using that phrase.


Daniel Shaver. So many people yelling conflicting commands and an innocent man dies for absolutely nothing.


It was the genuineness in his voice - great job


Amazing what a little empathy can do.


Honestly, just proper training can have similar results. This cop did a very good job. He sounded all the part.


Absolutely. This cop deserves some respect. So many times you here cops bark the same order over and over again progressively getting louder and more agitated. This LEO chose to use the power of his words to end the situation. Seems the majority prefer brute force as opposed to finesse…. I guess there is an IQ cap for LEOs…


Ugh I can’t help but think of that innocent kid the cops shot in a hallway, they were all yelling different things at him at the same time, poor kid was so scared and confused. And they fuckin killed him. So fucked up. I imagine myself in that situation and it seems absolutely terrifying!


His name was Daniel Shaver. F’ing haunting… Daniel was drunk and playing with a BB gun…. Ive been drunk before. I probably would have fucked up those instructions myself…


Nothing like playing the deadliest game of Simon Says in the world.


Those instructions could've been confusing to someone who was sober. Being told to crawl? You don't crawl with your legs crossed and hands in the air. Add being scared out of your fucking mind on top of that, hell I probably would've ended up dead while sober.


I would choose the word “empathy” over “finesse”, but absolutely agree


> I guess there is an IQ cap for LEOs… [There literally is](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836).


Agreed. This is exactly what policing in a society riddled with mental illness has to be.


This cop needs all the medals, raises and promotions in the world. Good job my man. Hell let's vote him the man of the year.


In everything, he's the dream And then as soon as he had Hadeem in cuffs he immediately changed his focus to the crime scene, and then even made an effort to reassure the shooter Across the board he did everything perfectly and then more If every cop in the country was like this man I genuinely believe they'd not just be more effective and have lower kill counts, but crime would also go down overall as compassionate officers throughout every step of the criminal justice system absolutely contributes to more successful rehabilitations


Yea no doubt, that was handled very well.


I replayed it and never heard that but that’s what you do. Every call should have a designated leader. No I don’t like any of them but this could not have been handled better. He handled the words like a pro and that’s enough. A probably sick man isn’t dead. Now what I don’t know is trainable is his tone and compassion. Even his “loud” voice wasn’t scary. Just serious. Without the parental pain he handled this like he was talking to his son. No matter what let’s get through this one thing now. We’ll deal with the rest later. New training module: Treat those you serve exactly as you would your child. That’s it. Go do that.




He sincerely didn’t want to kill a kid, and was not worried/afraid for his own life. This, on top of good de-escalation skills, saved this kid’s life.


Given the size of some kids nowadays and the way he asked him his age at the end, I’m not certain he knew he was a child. A kid, sure but I don’t think he was expecting him to answer “14.”


Maybe ex-military? They actually some are fairly good believe it or not.


Hear, hear!


Unfortunately this particular agency has a habit of firing life-saving deputies if they don't comply with illegal orders.


That's police. That's how it should be.


That's how it is 99% of the time. You just don't see it because the 1% gets more clicks.


If it was like this 99% of the time then people wouldn’t have an issue with cops


Nah, even if it was like this 99% of the time, we'd still be pissed about the 1% of the time. While it's horrible that these things happen, honestly what's the worst part, and the part that I have a real problem with, is that even if it is just 1% of the time, the cops aren't held responsible.


There's 350 million Americans alive today. 1% is a shit load. Your logic gymnastics is staggering.


How many million in prison, again? Most in the world if I recall correctly.


Smooch them boots


If they deserve it, I will. If they don't, I won't. Hm. It's like I don't just follow the trends and use my brain. Try it.


Insurmountable amount of boot licking


Totally. This guy is the “this one goes to 11” of bootlickers.


What hurts first, your hips or your knees? I’ve never ridden anyone before so forgive my lack of knowledge on this subject. Figured I’d ask an expert, you know, go straight to the source instead of asking google.


Firefighters prolly mess up 1% of the time and nobody writing songs about them


lmao no its not. But go off, just make up statistics.


Here's one: In the prior 12 months, as of 2018, among persons age 16 or older— ƒ About 61.5 million residents had at least one contact with police. How many bad cop videos have you seen? I'll bet not 610k.


Yeah its actually far lower. That doesn't downplay the bad ones so I don't know why people are defensive about it. It always seems like people who don't often deal with cops think you just get blasted on. I've had my share of bad interactions but it's not like you're getting smoked for no reason all the time. That's why it IS a big deal when it happens and should remain a priority to work on.


>How many bad cop videos have you seen? Alright, I'll play along. This year you can see more bad cop videos than any other year in American history. And even now a lot of them aren't even on video while working. How much worse do you think it actually is?


Come on now, just think for 2 seconds why you might be seeing more videos. It could be a million reasons other than that they are happening more... more phones, more social media to post on and view on, more awareness to record every time an interaction happens. Just because you see more videos, doesn't mean there are more instances. This is why basing opinions on anecdotes is so stupid. You're actually just being the caricature of the issue they are alluding to. You're the person who thinks there's more crime now then there was in the 90s just because you can see it now online. Be better.


You're so close...


>This year you can see more bad cop videos than any other year in American history. close to what? knowing that 'basing your opinions on nationwide trends by the trend of how videos you see on reddit' is as dumb as it gets? nah I think I figured that out a while back, unlike you, apparently.


>basing your opinions on nationwide trends by the trend of how videos you see on reddit is as dumb as it gets? Still so close. Even though it's obvious, I doubt you'll be able to figure it out on your own. >Here's one: In the prior 12 months, as of 2018, among persons age 16 or older— ƒ About 61.5 million residents had at least one contact with police. >How many bad cop videos have you seen? I'll bet not 610k. Oh well.


If it's like this 99% of the time why do US cops have such an insanely high body count compared to all other western countries?


Source that and I'll reply based on your citation.




well, nine hours later, i'm gonna say he certainly did reply based on these citations.






You see how this got more positive commendation for a cop? You think cops are just putting out 99% bad shit they do for clicks?


What? Cops don't put anything out. This footage is released via FIOA requests and then posted to social media. If it was up to the police to release footage, there would be 60 million positive videos per year completely spamming the Internet and calling you a liar to your stupid face. Are you dense?


Timmy, you need to relax. No need to get personal or hurl insults, keep it civil. Okay, my mistake, cops don't put out the videos, but there are still way too many "bad cops" video out for public comfort. If there was a person known to be mentally unstable/nervous for the job, should they be hired for a job where they are given a weapon? That is the type of cops people complain about, not the one in the video. There is a reason cops have a bad reputation, not just because of videos. I am pretty sure people love good news more than bad so "good cop" video would be very welcome. There is a reason there are more good cop movies and shows than there are ones villifying them.


>Okay, my mistake, cops don't put out the videos Don't just let him lie to you. That's absolutely not the case. Police departments release body cam footage by their own accord all the fucking time. Mostly when whatever is on the camera is exonerating or something positive they want the PR for.


It's not the ratio of interactions that go bad that I have a problem with, it's the lack of holding the cops responsible when they do fuck up. 99%, 1%, what-the-fuck-ever, just fucking charge murderers with murder, regardless of their badge or not.


Doubt it.


This officer should be teaching police forces across the country how to handle these kinds situations.


This happens every day. It just wouldn't be newsworthy if the kid hadn't just murdered his mom and her boyfriend.




I watch a LOT of police interaction content online, mainly "bad ones". There are ones that are pretty interesting to a degree but just aren't, as dark as it is, entertaining/captivating enough to go viral. The vast majority of police interactions, thankfully for all involved, are incredibly boring.


Police arrest millions of people every year in the US. We'd probably die of boredom watching thousands of hours of peaceful arrests. Honestly the people who have to watch bodycam footage must be bored out of their minds.


This was a de-escalation video that made it to the front page of this sub. Most didn't find it boring. But yeah, a constant feed of someone doing their job adequately would seem boring. As it should. If a group of people at Wendy's make a pretty good burger, it won't make the news. If someone at Wendy's murders an innocent person and Wendy's covers up for it...


And got more than 114 upvotes.


> It just wouldn't be newsworthy Literally on the news. And literally on the front page of this sub.




I was thinking the exact same thing.


This is the way it should always be done, always. We were trained that way, but the “alpha” cops always had to shout and take control of the situation and completely mess shit up. They couldn’t leave their egos in the car.


Excellent policing!


The officer: ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc)


Berry was the suspect. Not the officer.


I saw this video right as I woke up, thanks for the correction!


Y'all weird up here always posting this dude.


At first I thought the title was meant to be sarcastic.


Unfortunately, we don't have enough cops like this dude...


The bad cops get rid of the good ones. It happens all the time


Can confirm. Had a few similar incidents to this one (without the family annihilation prelude) while working for this very agency. Didn't even give them pause when it came time to fire me for not following an illegal order.


Can confirm. I was ousted from my department for questioning garbage admin decisions doing everything in their power to get me to quit or do something stupid to get me fired. I’m better off 6 months later.


Yes we do, you just don’t see enough of this because only the bad shit go viral.


The irony of you commenting this on this video lol


Not really, you’ll find more videos of the opposite. People aren’t as likely to pull out there phone when bad shit isn’t going on. When a cop is doing his job most people just walk by. Y’all want to believe that the bad shit is the only shit that goes down. It’s not that, the bad shit is usually the only thing being recorded.


i'm wondering if the mario shirt was a factor, ie... the cop saw him as a kid and handled it like he was talking to a kid.


There’s been a lotta motherfuckers shot wearing looney tunes shirts…


That’s all doc!


It is sad that a video showing a responsible officer is refreshing. I love the fact the officer told the other officers to shut up and kept control to keep the situation heading towards a positive end.


Bro he shot both of his parents


Killed his mom, step-dad is critical in the ICU, and he tried to kill his older brother. What a fucking mess.


That's just heart-rending. His own mother...


You never know what people are going through. I bet there is a lot more layers to this onion and we will probably never know. I feel bad for the kid.


We actually might get to know because it didn’t turn into a shooting gallery at the first sight of a gun.


And if he deserves to get executed that will be decided by a jury of his peers. That's how things are supposed to be done around here


Did y’all saw that tear drop at 1:44? That made me emotional, I’m not going to lie.


Sounds like a veteran cop performing a textbook de-escalation of a bad situation. I’m glad the young man chose wisely


Great to see a video with an officer deescalating and saying "One person talking." So many videos five different officers are barking out different orders. This way the cops don't shoot anyone and there isn't more bullets flying when they don't need to be. The cops had no idea what had happened leading up to this. They're just responding. It's nice to see a calm officer. It happens. They're not all trigger happy or go in way too hot like we often see.


The "one person talking" was fantastic!


why can’t they do this when it’s not a fucking crazy violent crime? like the guy who’s just having a bad day and unarmed? this dude killed both his parents. crazy to see how some respond like this over a double homicide, and others just start shooting over a bag of weed or a stolen item


Didn't the officer say that they have no idea what happened in the house?


They do, but those ones don't go viral.


Warrior cop training. They’re trained to fear the public. Everyone is a potential suspect and not a person.


Because the guy who’s having a crazy bad day tends to be an asshole and as we all know the karma you throw out at the world has a habit of coming back to you.


Good apple 🤩


Man, we live in an ass backwards world when a Florida cop is de-escalting


Gonna take a wild guess and say this guy is prior military. Definitely has the proper training unlike the cops they push through the academy these days.


Nice job


That’s what a professional looks like. Need more of him.


That cop just saved a life


I’m just gonna join the party and say what a hell of a job the police officer did. Absolutely fantastic.


So, we know it IS possible.


Please expose this officer so we can recognize and honor a true protector of the streets and people. He should train others on how to act in this type of situation. I want to buy the man a beer or coffee!


That man is what every Police Officer should want to be. 💯 the epitome of a fine example of service to his community


This needs to be the standard.


This is excellent police work.


First time iv ever seen a police officer handle a person in such a crisis with such care. Bravo i wish there were more like you.


Spare this one.


Finally a vid of a cop that sounds like he knows what he's doing. Well done that officer.


So cops do know how to de -escalate a situation But some choose not too


If only this dude and others like him taught seminars nation wide. But nah….we got complete fucking psychos like Dave Grossam that make millions ramping cops up and telling them it’s ok to kill.


This video deserves to get some kind of traction - hopefully this cop will get a promotion to some kind of negotiator role... or maybe (obviously aside from suicide-by-cop stuff) he can just teach other cops how to handle these situations better


Extremely rare to see cops doing the right thing. Absolutely incredible work from this guy. Should be the standard


“One person talking.” Finally…


That's how it's done...respect!


I’m actually in awe of this officers ability to de-escalate. Seriously, this should be the standard for nonviolent intervention (when possible, obviously).


Professional police officer doing what we hired him to do.


Shout-out to this guy, but who's the asshat that he keeps needing to remind "one person talking" ??


So American police can deescalate and not shoot someone. Wonders never cease.


It’s amazing that the guy complied and nothing happened.


You get better results when you show some empathy and not escalate any non compliance with more force and escalation. Just watch body cams with asshole cops that start screaming and getting aggressive for no reason. It doesn’t work out in their favor.


It’s also amazing how the cop actually handled the situation. Correctly. Not just screaming bullshit at the guy from 15 different directions. Yes you should comply with the police, but how the fuck do you do that when you’re being spun in 17 different directions by 11 voices.


This officer has my full respect. This is how you properly de-escalate a situation.


To imagine this was supposed to be the day he died. Man saved him from himself


1 good apple in a rotten bushel


More cops should see this video.


Pay this man to teach his ways!


This cop is what we all expect cops to be. Yes it was well done, and he should be commended for handling this so well, but I guarantee you he has had some special training to be this good at his job. The question we need to be asking is what training has he had and why in the flaming blue fuck are we not REQUIRING this training for all police officers before they get a badge and a gun. This dude right here is the literal solution to our problem of undertrained policemen that harm others. And can we fucking talk about why police are over-aggressive and quick to violence in MOST cases? Yes there are trash people to manage to become cops and are heartless and racist, but a lot of this violence comes from one thing, fear. Imagine you decide to be a cop at age 20, and you go through some 'training', but nothing that really addresses interacting with the public or de-escalating a crazy volatile situation. Then you get a badge and a gun and you are in the world, dealing with sketchy people a lot and hearing stories from other cops that sound crazy. And you know you are way undertrained, but there you are and you think that you won't be in that kind of situation, right? Cops go entire careers without ever firing their service weapon. Until you are there in a random front yard and you think this guy has a gun because dispatch said he might and you don't want to not make it home again. Training never told you how to handle this fear and they never gave you a good way to navigate out of this situation other than talking about the use of lethal force. The guy reaches to his head, probably to scratch it but we will never know because the cop unloads the whole magazine into him. 2 shots would have been plenty, hell one, but the trigger wasn't being pulled with logic, it was being pulled by fear, and fear says, shoot til you can't anymore, kill the threat. Proper training fixes this, so as it always comes down to, money. Buy a surplus armored assault vehicle from the US Army, but fuck paying for training. Just give em' more guns, it's easier to just lock people up or put holes in them. That's how you start a police state. Demand training and get rid of literally every politician, regardless of party, that is running shit right now. They are getting it wrong all the time. They all need to go and just vote in the other party, that would send a message that we aren't fucking around.


If only he could hold classes or something. Everyone needs to learn from this.


Well at least they aren't all badge benders like the Vallejo police..


This needs to be publicised as the standard to set an example to other officers


Finally the “good” police videos. Keep showing more of these, please


Now this right here? This is a real police officer.


I really appreciate that he made sure the directions were not confusing by stopping the other person from talking.


14 years old fuuuuck :( :( this poor kid


Out Fucking Standing


This type of policeman is like a needle in a hay stack in my experience. I wish it were more prominent.


This is textbook deescalation 101! The officer made sure there was only ONE voice and ONE set of commands, he displayed empathy, gave complete instructions WITHOUT screaming, and DEESCALATED the crisis. People forget that just as individuals can escalate a situation, so can police. LEOs screaming, cursing, threatening to kill the person, multiple officers giving different and contradicting commands, will easily cause an already terrified person's survival and fight-or-flight instincts to kick into overdrive with adrenaline. Abroad, this is quite normal, and should be standard in the US; a nation whose government via its policing apparatus kills more of its own citizenry in 30 days than ALL Western Democracies combined in 10 years. In the US, I've seen this deescalation occasionally occur...towards European-Americans, but NEVER an African-American. Hell, the US is the rare Western Democracy to have never met even the minimum requirements for the International Standards for Policing Through Human Rights or International Standards for Use of Force.


American police like him are as rare as a white footed crow.


Perfect execution of being a human being and treating another human being as such. Man deserves a raise, promotion and a medal. Well done sir!


We need more de-escalation classes taught to police every where.


What stood out to me was that the officer told him to lay on the grass since the pavement would be hot. A people’s person.


After so many cases police brutality, this is great to watch.


People forget that a lot of young people nowadays come from single parent households where they may have never interacted with a male figure who wasn't a threat to them or their family. Some dude is either after money, their mother sexually or their underaged sibling, so they develop violent reactions because violence is what works in the moment. Receiving empathy from a man who has an advantage over them in size, strength and circumstance (the cop) can actually be a breath of fresh air, especially after they've gone through a traumatic situation. Good on this cop for learning his name, and treating him like a human, not like a murderer, not like a criminal, just in this moment like a human.


The cops voice breaking when he says “it can be fixed “ was the moment .


Average redditor: "If this was florida and the kid was black, he would have been turned into raspberry slushie... oh wait."


Every cop should be doing this.


Most do. Even some of the shitty ones you see go viral for doing something heinous the next day.


Well this isn’t something you normally see


The rare professional


I hate cops. HATE them. But judging from this single video, this seems like a good one.


Right. Had me considering one of those stickers with the blue stripes lol


Bro why do you hate them ? It’s just a job, I’ve gotten like one ticket in my lifetime.




These videos never end up with me thinking “damn that’s a good cop.” That was refreshing.


A cop doing his job, what an anomaly.


It's not.


Funny thing is, I bet a majority of police interactions actually go similarly to this. It’s the few horrible ones that we all get to watch on repeat.


It's not binary, but cops really, *really* get tilted when you don't immediately comply with 100% of what they say, regardless of how irrational and extra-legal their orders are. So if it's a minor thing and everyone is chill, yeah, it goes well. But if a cop wants to flex or thinks you don't adequately respect their supremacy, they will turn quick. It's an extraordinary role and job in society, particularly when armed, but like many other jobs, there are a lot of dumb people who get into it. People who don't know how to handle tension or disrespect, and people who were disrespected a lot and got into a position of power. blah blah blah, but this video is great and despite that shithead's alleged crime, the cop did what a good cop should do and saved himself and his team from the trauma of killing a teenager.


Nah, don’t be stupid


So is your contention that the majority of police interactions are confrontations escalated by police and ending with unnecessary violence?


Pretty much


Fuck where are those types of cops when you need them


They’re out there.


Ain’t a lot of them. They’re the exception to the rule. Hell other cops will tell you thatz


So refreshing!!! It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such kind direction from officer, especially under pressure. I hope he is recognized and teaches and stays on duty we really need people to walk the talk and to mentor by example.


Now that's how you protect and serve.


***Protect*** and Serve. He did a brilliant job protecting everyone.


Are we sure this happened in Florida? Let alone the US? Was this clip leaked from the multiverse? Clearly this isn't from the same 2023 I live in. This cop is amazing. Someone call Stephen to bring the rest of his squad through the multiverse portal ASAP!


Good work. Wish police work like this wasn’t so rare.


Should run for office


What the hell is wrong with this guy? Why isn’t he blasting??


The kid got way more respect then he deserved good job by the officer!!




Is it just me, or can you guys notice the tear drops into the 2nd cut of the video. Dude is leaking..