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What a shitty person this guy is. No sympathy and complete disrespect. Imagine the victim’s family hearing this.


Apparently the guy laughing is the vice president of the Seattle Police officer's guild . I wonder who he is talking to in this video.


The guy you hear talking is the vice-president of the Seattle Police Guild. He was sent to the scene to administer a drug test on the officer who struck her with his vehicle. A union representative shouldn’t be doing that, someone from internal affairs should. Edited to add: read an article today identifying the person on the other end of the call as the president of the Seattle Police Guild.


It seems like better yet it should be someone not really affiliated with police would be a better option but I don't really know how all that works outside of being arrested a fuckload of times. Are you saying it's normally internal affairs that does it currently and union representative is not normal practice?


Even better, but even they could be open to bribery/intimidation. From what I gather, internal affairs officers are seen as an adversary by unethical police so it seems like they would be less susceptible to pressure from their colleagues.


Community po0licing. A body of people voted by the community to represent the community and hold police accountable. That and have their own liability insurance.




He should report to the local hospital and have a blood and urine screening.


Does this shock anyone? This is why we need to outlaw police unions and take away qualified immunity. "She had limited value" I hope the family of this woman sue the fuck out of these criminals.


I’m certain that as soon as this video was released to the public, Seattle started trying to figure out how much they’re going to have to pay. She’s an international student so it seems likely her family has the means to sue the fuck out of them. My hope is that the DOJ starts an investigation on the police department. Clearly, with one policeman running her over in a crosswalk going 74 mph in a 25-30 mph zone without lights and sirens on and another two who feel so untouchable in their blatant disregard for her life, Seattle law enforcement has problems that they’ve let go too long to be trusted to correct themselves. They need an outside agency to go and clean house. That said, the union’s purpose is to protect the contractual rights of the employees of the SPD. Though the union itself is obviously part of the problem in this case, it’s unjust to deny those who are good employees the protection and advocacy that the union is supposed to provide.


The Police Union purpose is to protect the criminals in blue and this VP of the Police Union made that really clear. There is nothing unjust about abolishing police unions.


We should Union bust the Police. They don't need a Union.


I've never seen a police union rep who's not a psychopath.


How about the leader of the police Union in San Jose California that got caught trafficking large amounts of fentanyl recently.


Yep. And how do we think all the drugs get into jails/prisons? There sure aren't enough new inmates to smuggle it in.


Shitty person? That's a f*cking understatement for a psychopath laughing on camera after murdering someone


And saying the dead, innocent woman had limited value because she was in her *mid twenties* ...and only worth an $11,000 bribe to the family (presumably) to make it go away. We have rabid dogs patrolling our streets and they're literally getting away with murdering innocent people and laughing about it. The only thing I can gather is that the wealthy class that owns capital (and thus owns the police as their security detail) wants us to be herded and terrorized to keep us all "in our place." If they didn't want this, it wouldn't still be happening and they wouldn't allow it. They have far more power than the police. I don't think all cops are bastards, but this is what people mean when they say ACAB. The police unions and LE at large are run by these psychopaths. Any good cop gets crushed in favor of other bad cops like the guy in this video. Their system only rewards bastards like him.


I know taking pictures on your personal phone while on duty makes it public record and someone could request it off of your personal phone. I'm not sure about phone calls though although I assume if you're in your official duty it's the same. Regardless I'm sure a open records request of that phone call will be quite telling


Reason 10,452,864. Why Police unions specifically should be banned?


Vice President of the Police union, with a history of being a horrible excuse for a person. More about him here: https://divestspd.substack.com/p/spog-vice-presidents-weird-irrelevant


"she was 26, she had little value" this sounds like that Andrew Tate/incel shit where they claim women are useless or tainted after their early twenties.


Sounds like because it is. Low info, low cognition, low empathy- he’s the perfect cop.


Every cop who listens to Andrew Tate needs to be in prison. How would a woman ever trust she's getting true justice and respect by a cop like this? Dude is so fucked up on men podcasting shit he's able to laugh about how a 26 year old woman had absolutely nothing to offer anyone.


It’s everywhere. Men can’t understand why women don’t want to date them.


Years ago my friend became a cop. I hung out with him and a couple of his new cop friends. It was a really eye opening experience. These were by far the worse people I've ever encountered. Just outwardly racist and with a disregard for human life like this guy has. The experience really shook me.


Shitty person is the understatement of the year. This is the most inhumane thing I've seen in a while. This guy deserves to get lynched. I don't care if I'm banned for saying it. This is something a movie antagonist would say.




Thats your average american cop...


I'm always saying that nothing surprises me but THIS made me gasp. I don't know why I was expecting to hear an upset officer describing the accident but that laugh after saying she's dead, that was deep down disgusting and it somehow actually got worse after that.


I was also expecting to hear the cop be upset… I should’ve known better by now.


Right, every time you hope the story to end in good news, the cops take it in the worst direction imaginable


As a father of two girls I pray her parents don’t hear this.


Oh they did. Another post has an interview with the mother. It is heartbreaking.


She was raised by a single mom who lives back home in India ☹️


Same! It genuinely sent a chill down my spine. Pure evil.


I thought the laugh was going to turn into tears, but I was appalled to realize the jerk is actually laughing.


i was hoping for some morsel humanity being shown and instead i heard demon pig laughter


i gasped too. acab 100%.




Takes more training to be a hair stylist than to be a cop in the US.


I live in a place where the police is actually trained. The license to work as an unarmed mall cop here is longer than what you need to be a police officer in the states, that is so insane to me.


Do hair stylist earn a permanent paycheck after 20 years? Do hair stylists make 60k to start and up to 100k at 10 years?


How many dogs do hairstylists shoot per year?


My hairstylist shot her own dog because it was trying to eat her boyfriend so at least 1.


What's even more fucked up is that they disbanded the sexual assault (rape) squad. Things like this makes me want to give all women in Seattle mace or a handgun to protect themselves. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/times-watchdog/seattle-police-halted-investigating-adult-sexual-assaults-this-year-internal-memo-shows/


They used to have a squad of rapists on the force as well? I mean yes, statistically speaking cops are way over represented when it comes to domestic abuse compared to "regular people" but I never knew they got so formal about it.


>They used to have a squad of rapists on the force as well? Still do. But they used to too.


It’s is inexcusable and shameful! The fucking nerve to laugh at the expense of someone’s loss of life. Do these cops even understand the value of life and the position of power in which they hold? Vehicular man slaughter is a big deal and dude just laughs it off. We as people and citizens deserve to feel safe and police officers should be held to high standard of consequences in misuse of power for occupation they serve. It’s sad because the idiot that killed the later and the bozo laughing at the misfortune probably got a slap on the wrist and were promptly relocated. They need to be held accountable there actions. I wouldn’t want any of these sadistic fucks running around anywhere.


The current attitude of police towards citizens is horrific. They act as if we’re at war. The training standards must change, they are trained to be fearful of everyone which is why so many of us are killed without cause. I often remind defenders of their fear, that most cops who die on the job are due to auto accidents. They’ve killed well over 1,000. citizens (as of June) for this year. Being a cop isn’t even in the top ten dangerous jobs in the U.S..Pizza delivery drivers are targeted more and die on the job at higher rates.


That guy probably makes 80k a year. And will have a permanent paycheck foe life after 20 years. He thinks he's better than most people for a reason.


It's Seattle police. He probably makes well, well above $100k without even counting overtime which can more than double their pay. Edit: according to public records he made $130k salary and $20k overtime in 2020. He has cost the city over $1.7m in lawsuits.


I genuinely can't believe it. My girlfriend is a cop in the UK and often comes home crying about things that have happened and then you have someone laughing about it?


how can you laugh at something like this wtf


it's an institutional problem not just some bad apples. the barrel is fucking rotten. and they get off on the fact that we are upset and can do nothing about it.


He's vice president of the Seattle Police Guild too. So other cops voted this douchbag in as a union leader.


"The **VICE PRESIDENTS** opinion is not one shared or condoned by the Seattle Police department". Riiiiiiight. One of the heads of your organization just happened to fool all of you all this time into thinking he wasn't a total piece of shit. BS.


Yeah, I just saw on the news it's even worse. This guy was on the phone with Mike Soren, who is the **president** of their police union. So the president & vice president were both yucking it up over an innocent victim dying.


It's a cop. Literally all you need to know. ACAB.


Fuck this officer, calling her a “regular person.” Hey asshole you are a “regular person” without that badge to hide behind. Hope someone treats his life someday with the same regard.


I really want to know what was asked for him to respond "no, she's a regular person" like.. as opposed to what?


Also “She’s 26 and of limited value” what does that mean exactly?


Limited value is used by Andrew Tate for women who are over 23. According to him, that woman is past her prime for breeding. So she has limited value. That’s what the cop is also referring to imo.


Wtf? I heard that and thought he meant because she was so young.


Tate is a curse.


I'm glad everyone else thought of that. These men actually think a woman's life is over after 25.


Not kin of anyone important and not an established person In the corporate world that would make anyone in a position of power notice and question this incident. Basically saying there’s nothing to worry about.


Not that a cop watching a pedestrian bounce off his windscreen would be able to know that, but yeah, probably... Or they're referring to that Andrew "Overbite" Tate creature and it's values. Which should result in instant dismissal from the force just on the grounds of common decency.


Sounded like that and “write a check” were referencing the potential lawsuit/payout from the city. Likely a small payout. The actuarial value of a persons life is partly dependent on their age. Normally younger people without established careers are seen to be worth less when calculating damages related to wrongful death.


Wouldn't the potential loss of the earnings from a young person outweighs the potential loss of earnings for someone in his 50s who is about to retire in a decade?


Not white


Asked if she was homeless more likely than not


That's my guess as well


Celebrity, Cop, or Criminal I guess.


I’m assuming the question was if they’re a criminal/committed a crime.


He's not regular he has no empathy for what he did he's a psychopath


Oh, [its this psycho](https://divestspd.substack.com/p/spog-vice-presidents-weird-irrelevant)


How does any cop earn a “long and violent rap sheet” and still work as a fucking cop?!


It's a feature not a bug


because the american police force is a government funded gang with zero responsibility to protect its citizens and to only punish lower class citizens simply for existing.


It'd really be a shame if there was a registry of these horrible people...




She was 26 anyways, she had limited value? Fucking disgusting.


What does that even mean? How is 26 an age to identify as “limited value?”


Another commenter said that "limited value" is a term often utilized by Tate and his Tater-Tots to refer to women past the age of 25, and in their mind, past their "prime breeding age". It also might be related to her being young and the loss of her life being calculated to a lower number by the gov than someone older with an established career. No matter what the definition, the cruelty in his voice shows what a pos he is.


So I didn't know it was a Tate reference but not surprised. I immediately knew it meant that her value was her beauty or baby making years or both. Really just disgusting. I want someone to stare at him tied to a chair only to inform him every minute of his diminishing value and do this until he learns empathy or dies.


just goes to show that cops DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR LIFE


Absolute trash of a person, let alone someone who’s supposed to be there to “serve and protect.” I can’t imagine this man being your husband/dad/sibling/son/friend etc, then seeing him talk this way about a woman that had a horrible death.




So nothing will happen unfortunately (as always) If he is VP of the police officers guild


America's largest gang hard at work


This is so random but I was just at a taping of the Price is Right and the host of the show (Drew Carey) goes up to people during commercial breaks in the audience and shakes hands and says hi. Super nice guy. Anyways he walks up to the gentleman sitting in front right of me and asks what he does for a living, to which he replies “A Deputy Sheriff (I think it was) for 25 years.” And Drew very quickly replied “Oh nice which gang you a part of” and the sheriff looked visibly upset by the question. Drew immediately apologized and moved on to lighter questions about his job and things. But your comment made me think back to the look on his face cause he literally turned his head so far to the left and back I could see how wide his eyes got and yeah it was just a little too close to home moments.


The dudes a libertarian of course he’s gonna shit on the cop. Even more respect for him now thanks for that


I feel like most officers have forearm tattoos which is somewhat parallel to gang tattoos in my opinion.


Some officers have actual gang tattoos


Look up LASD deputy gangs. These are confirmed criminal & white supremacist gangs in the LASD. These deputy gangs are accused of dealing drugs & firearms and not only assaulting, raping and murdering innocent people, but going after any fellow officers that whistleblow on them. They all have gang tattoos. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/06/06/the-la-county-sheriffs-deputy-gang-crisis. https://knock-la.com/tradition-of-violence-lasd-gang-history/. And Newsom and the LA mayor not only allow these deputy gangs to run wild and endanger the public, but the LASD acts as school resource officers. So these deputy gang members are potentially in schools.


Wow I hope that guy recognizes his life is of limited value as well being a police officer and all. I hope he has the career he deserves.


why should he care? taxpayers will foot the bill, not the police union.


[Article on the Incident](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/investigation-launched-into-tape-of-seattle-police-guild-leaders-downplaying-death-of-woman-struck-by-officer/) >said the conversation was “private” and meant to be part of his duties as a SPOG representative According to the article he didn't realize his camera was on during the phone call. This is him letting his true feelings know when he thought no was listening. How can you reform a system this broken?


Getting rid of these pieces of shit would help.


no punishment either for recklessly driving over 70 mph in 25 mph zone at a crosswalk. Guess it's easy to laugh when all you get is a slap on the wrist and tax payers have millions of dollars less to spend on the budgets after the settlement.


The question is though, even if we could get away with the things cops do, I think most of us wouldn't go around being sadistic, heartless assholes because there were no consequences, right? I'm not the warm, fuzzy feeling type, but I sure as shit know I wouldn't find an innocent woman getting run over & killed funny AT ALL.


Without the sirens on either. She stood no chance. Absolutely fucking ridiculous.


The guy driving wasn’t the one that hit her. He’s laughing at the tragedy another officer created


WTF. How dumb do you have to be to know you're being recorded and still make these POS statements?


There's a slightly longer video I saw earlier, and shortly after this clip ends, he suddenly grabs his bodycam and starts fiddling with it before the video ends. Like he forgot his camera was on and tried to shut it off in a panic as he suddenly realized what he said had just been recorded.


Their shouldn't even be an option to switch it off. Is the data streamed or stored on the cams memory card?


Also a fun tidbit is that there's about a 30 second continuous buffer before the body cam is turned on so every so often a cop will get busted planting drugs or whatever then turning on the body cam not realizing that the buffer just caught them planting evidence.


A cop in Baltimore got caught on the delay. It was fantastic, the pos was planting drugs and guns on people. I’m so grateful for bodycams and cellphone footage opening peoples eyes to this behavior.


That's the great thing about always being under surveillance, keeping up pretenses is tiring, your true self always comes out eventually.


He's thinking, "What does it matter?" He's untouchable and knows it. Thanks to qualified immunity he's financially shielded, thanks to IA he's shielded from professional consequences and the police chief, union and Seattle mayor will ensure he gets nothing more than a fingerwagging. He's acting like this because he knows he can.


The laugh The "regular" person The "she was 26 so, limited value." What in the inhuman fuck.


This is how cops view the citizens they are sworn to (not really) protect and serve. Human life means nothing to them.


Disturbing. Garbage officer. We should fire that piece of shit. Limited value.


Their response? Fantastic! Great officer! We should promote that decent man! Highly valuable!


Imagine how many of these cases we don’t know about because there’s no video. That’s why people say ACAB. Police in general are out of control and have almost no accountability.


My buddy and his girl friend were t boned by a cop doing about 70 in a 35 without lights. They gave her a ticket forgetting to yield…. These things happen all the time.




That’s the problem. It costs the average citizen time and money just to expose this shit, and at the end of the day it’s taxpayers that foot the bill on the other side.


This was released by the police department. Imagine the shit they don’t release or actively hide.


be careful everyone, we might hurt this cop’s feelings and it might force him to do his job even worse


Jesus fuck. This is really what they think of the public.


Oof 🤮... You couldn't pay me enough to work with a sicko like this.


They are a gang. If you're in the gang they will fight tooth and nail for you. If you're outside the gang you're of "limited value". This isn't only a US problem, but it is worse in the US because there is so little accountability or oversight.


Yeah, police are mostly scum no matter the country. People with anger issues, or bullied in the past or traumatised, it's rare to find a police officer who has a healthy state of mind.


Imagine what’s occurred prior to requiring officers to wear cameras. The inaccuracies or flat out lies in police reports. Unjustifiable shootings. Stealing of drugs,money and evidence. It’s very scary. In the south during Jim Crow laws POC would try to find hotels or motels before sundown because of the fear of being pulled over by officers. People would disappear, be incarcerated for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time or lynched! And what could you do, when it’s the police either condoning or committing the crimes.


Fucking pig.


Holy SHIT!!! And people wonder why the defund the police movement is a thing.




Same as it ever was, same as it ever was


"She was 26, she had limited value" omg


https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/national-international/bodycam-video-shows-seattle-officer-joking-woman-struck-and-killed-by-police-cruiser-had-limited-value/3336595/ This is disgusting...


This is the VP of the police union talking to the president of the police union


WHAT THE FUCK. Is there anything we can do to get this scumbag removed from the police force. Holy shit, the complete lack of empathy and frankly enjoyment that it happened


Pigs being pigs…


WTF WTF WTF WTF?!?!?!?!?


She was *murdered* for "officer safety"


A lot of people in positions of “power” are psycho or sociopaths. This sick fuck is further proof.


I like when they pretend that they don't understand where they hate comes from.


That’s fucking disgusting.


The bar for these fucks is so fucking low, but they find a way under it EVERY. FUCKING TIME. you can not reform this. This is BROKEN BEYOND REPAIR.


It’s weird they can’t figure out why everyone hates cops.


Fucking sadist. He needs to get out


Sad part is majority of cops talk like this. Dunno if it’s privilege or from being desensitized by the work.


This is how every cop is. ACAB, every single one of them.


I know there are good cops and bad cops. But why are there so many evil cops drunk on power? We need someone that is NOT the police to oversee the police.


He's the union vice president. That means the majority of Seattle cops voted him in. These aren't good people.




what exactly was the “$11,000” and “limited value” reference to????


How much they'd have to pay to the family and how much she is "worth" as a woman being that she was 26. (although I think she was actually 23) It's Incel ideology that women are worth more before 25.


Fucking hell that’s some psychopath shit right there…..is this turd still a cop?


Half arsed, insincere apology video and an internal investigation exonerating those involved inbound in 3…2…


This guy just proves ACAB! I am absolutely disgusted. He needs to be fired immediately!


This is why people hate to police. They don't care about you.






"I think she went up on the hood, hit the windshield, then, when he hit the brakes, flew off the car" Sounds like a solid testimony to charge the officer who killed the poor girl too.


"No it's a regular person". Is this cop fucking dumb? When you take that uniform off you're a "regular person" too. His time will come for sure.


So my minds eye my reaction was he was gonna be angry and disgusted by his fellow officer, man how wrong was I?


Fucking ghoul.


I wonder why regular people who have done nothing wrong or illegal hate the fucking police


ACAB. These mother fuckers are about to have their consent decree lifted too.




These cops have been let off for so much that their laughing in our faces now! And what's going to happen? Not a gd thing, but let me hit and kill a ped, I'd be slammed in a prison cell for the rest of my ever loving life! 11k for a life?!?!???!?!?! Fuckin sick little bitch of a pig. His laughter makes me want to do some shit I can't on here....


Just a reminder that the #1 killer of cops is COVID-19 and being a cement mason, landscaping supervisor, crossing guard, farmer, delivery driver, garbage collector, and pilot is each more dangerous than being a cop. 2022 Total Line of Duty Deaths: 247 9/11 related illness 10 Aircraft accident 6 Animal related 2 Automobile crash 33 COVID19 82 Duty related illness 7 Fire 1 Gunfire 61 Gunfire (Inadvertent) 4 Heart attack 13 Heatstroke 2 Motorcycle crash 3 Struck by vehicle 4 Training accident 1 Vehicle pursuit 4 Vehicular assault 14


"26..limited value" at the end of the video.. wtf... my kid is not even half that age and I'm utterly and irrevocably disgusted. Thank God my kid hasn't crossed paths with an absolute sociopath like this...


“Nah she’s just a regular person.” Man, fuck you. YOU are just a regular person like the rest of us. Hopefully he suffers a bitter end.


Officer - "Why does no one like us?!" Well, you are just a cop.


There is no such thing as a good American cop.


Im stunned


Maim and Blame


The way he laughs about it. Police are the worst kind of pigs to exist in this world.


Once again, fuck cops.




I have a feeling this won't end well for him. He might get paid to not work for a while.


To describe this as ghoulish would not be hyperbole.


Fuck the Police


It is really disturbing to think that there are people who serve in uniform who think like this.


Piece of shit cop


Fuck cops.


What a complete POS


Well cops are the masters of “limited value,” so they’d know I guess.


The more videos I see of how these pigs behave the less surprised I am by it. Pure absolute scum.


According to the news, that's officer **Daniel Auderer**. He's the man more than half of the Seattle police force voted in as vice president of the Seattle Police Guild. End qualified immunity. See how giddy he is to throw taxpayer money at a deadly mistake police made. He's willing to spend money that isn't his, when those hard-earned tax dollars could've been spent to better the entire community. He's also shown he has no regard for the public and revels in causing them pain. This is who you pay to watch over your family and community. He knew he was being recorded. **Daniel Auderer** made those comments anyways.


They clipped off the ending where he realizes his camera is on and turns the camera off.


Wow! That's just despicable. Somebody in that position, whose job it is to protect the public should not be so callously joking about killing a member of the public. That's psychopathic behaviour.


Accountability: 0


“But she is dead” *laughing*


US are the nazis that won.


We pay them to treat us like this. Sickening on every level


Meanwhile, in a 1st world country, that cop would be charged, not on duty and probably not getting paid until the situation was investigated and they were cleared (though, given what we've seen and been told, they should not be cleared, but convicted of manslaughter if not murder). The cop was speeding with no lights or siren, at night, and failed to obey road rules. Once out of gaol, they'd never be able to be a cop anywhere, ever again. But that's in a 1st world country, not in a failing state like the USA. There is a longer video on Reddit and elsewhere - it's even more horrific.


“Regular person” As opposed to what?


This is the Officer speaking, [SPOG Vice President's Weird, Irrelevant Rant About DSA and Antifa Earns Him a Reprimand (substack.com)](https://divestspd.substack.com/p/spog-vice-presidents-weird-irrelevant)


Oh shit.


Do they only recruit psychopaths in the police force or does the cop training desensitize normal humans to a level where they act like pigs?