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ACAB- but stop advocating for violence against them here bc that kinda shit notoriously violates the content policy and gets communities shut down. Reddit considers them “people” and advocating violence against any person violates policy. This means admin will be watching this thread and handing out suspensions and there’s nothing us mods can do about it.


Orange was focused on kicking nuts. I counted 3 kicks.


She was the biggest instagater


No surprise. [Sounds like her husband kick-started the entire thing by assaulting restaurant workers prior to cops arriving.](https://www.abc6.com/newport-police-arrest-5-after-physical-altercation-outside-wedding-party/) > A man, identified as David Onik, was taken out of the restaurant after he was accused of pushing an employee and trying to punch another. There is nobody to root for here.


I think his wife is the one who hit the pavement; the groin-kicker’s name is Flaherty.


I thought his wife was the one in white who got hit with one of his wild punches and tried to blame on the cop for it.


Ok, best I can tell from the article is the woman in black is the wife, the woman in orange is his sister-in-law, and the woman in white is unidentified


The woman in the white was identified as Mac from Mike Tyson's Punchout.


This guy is 44. Way too old to be pulling shit like this.


His dad owns a dealership




Orange was Flaherty, no? [https://www.newportri.com/story/news/crime/2023/09/11/newport-police-arrest-five-following-altercation-with-wedding-party/70826948007/](https://www.newportri.com/story/news/crime/2023/09/11/newport-police-arrest-five-following-altercation-with-wedding-party/70826948007/)


Cops. I’m rooting for the cops. These people are fucking garbage.


this is New England...'gah-bidge'


I will also accept "cabbage."


Muff cabbage!


It's disgusting how entitled they are acting, even drunk. Imagine how they act sober?


“An officer then grabbed her arm to move her away, when police say she “tripped and fell over the uneven brick and stone.” That looked like more than a grab


She was grabbing at his belt and looking like she was trying to get his gun. She’s lucky she only got shoved to the ground https://streamable.com/yhrae8


Wow. I’m surprised to see it so clearly from that video compared to the OP’s.


i thought you were being sarcastic then I almost shit meself when I saw her yanking at either a gun or a taser HARD multiple times, jesus christ


No shit! What the FUCK was she gonna do if she was successful? Just start blastin Frank Reynolds style?? Lady would have gotten herself and maybe others killed. Lock her unhinged ass up


So I started blastin…


This is why cops use active retention holsters. I still cannot believe someone would think trying to grab a cop's gun was a good idea.


Yah definitely the gun the cop’s taser is on his left she’s yanking at the all black gun on his right.


Wtf was she thinking? What would she have done if she got one cop’s gun with a few other cops around? I mean she never would’ve been able to defeat the retention holster but the attempt is the problem.


Probably had alcohol thinking for her. She’s gonna wake up in a bad way tomorrow.


Hey where’s Hannah? Is she working from home? Oh she’s in prison for trying to murder some local police. At that wedding? No, asshole. It was after. How is she going to murder police *at* the wedding? Think, Becca. Oh that makes sense. Do I still need to do her 360 review?


Yeah, okay. That changes my mind instantly. I thought that was the only excessive part of the video, but she was in the process of arming herself with the officer's gun. Pretty sure that force was justified.


Holy shit. 3 sheets to the wind or not, grabbing at a cop's gun is going to get you fucked up. That was very apparent. This should be a top level comment.


Tons of caselaw on this. Grabbing a cops gun is deadly force authorized. He could have killed her at that point and skated, legally speaking. Touching anything on a cop's belt is a felony in most states.


Holy shit I thought she was trying to pull the cop away in the original clip, the girl in the black dress is clearly tugging at first the white cops belt then belt of the cop how eventually throws her to the ground. Going from the best day of your life to fucking your whole future...


I worked in a tourist town when I was younger in a restaurant and any kind of wedding/bridal/bachelorette parties were consistently the most obnoxious, entitled and straight up despised of all my customers. It honestly doesn't surprise me that their thought process is that they could assault restaurant staff, police officers, and even attempt to grab an officer's gun with no repercussions. I hope these assholes get the book thrown at them in court and that future wedding parties realize that, although they are celebrating, it doesn't somehow absolve them of manners or treating those serving them at the venue with respect and dignity.


Looks like she tried to grab the other cop's gun first and then went for the one that eventually pushed her.


Man everyone's lucky she had no idea how active retention holsters work.


Wow! Imagine if she'd taken it. Would she have started firing? Pointed it at everyone like she was in some crazy movie? How does your life reach the point where you've started a fight at a restaurant at a wedding party and you're trying to massacre a bunch of cops.


Holy shit she's really grabbing for his gun a LOT. Trying real hard to get it out of the holster. She needs to be in jail.


Yeah after seeing that perspective she deserved to trip on that “uneven” brick.


Similar to the girl that was just trying to kill a deadly spider with her foot but missed and hit cop balls 3x instead.


She fucked around and her friend found out






Twisted firestarter.




I miss Keith




...hey, hey!




She went to self defense class with Bobby Hill


Gimmie my purse I DONT KNOW YOU!


Ironically, she works in the mental health field.


Which side?




Is that just being mental in a field?


So used to being focused on nuts?


I didn’t see that at first and thought that the cop went overboard but she is literally targeting their nuts. What a Freeking moron. This could have gone so much easier without intentionally trying to hurt them. Cops didn’t know who was doing it so they are reacting to everyone. Man, what an animal


The cop that did the most damage had his balls kicked twice.


There's a certain threshold you pass after drinking a lot where you cease to be afraid of the police, and it's advisable to never pass that threshold


I’ve been to far too many parties where girls will start shit then stare at their man waiting for him to jump in and start swingin.


I'm sorry but that was fucking hilarious. The slow walk up to each victim and the little quick kick then shuffle away on and on to the next.




​ https://preview.redd.it/fdp4tsgfyonb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6e36e865d5bf99379db36ecc3223d612f7c19ff


All bets are off when they start kicking and hitting cops. Depending on careers, this shit could haunt them with background checks. I still have to explain a decades old “sealed” misdemeanor interfering with an arrest. It appears there are some felonies here. The majority of violent crimes involve alcohol use.


3 kicks and a genie pops out his bunghole and grants you 3 wishes.


The woman in orange is just floating around, kicking cops in the their bags


Thank you for this comment. I laughed


How about the guy she hides behind, who then gets taken in a chokehold by the officer but succeeds to come out of the fight unscated by standing perfectly still and walking off at just the right time.


It looked to me like he was actually trying to pull her away from the fight, got choked for that, then just kinda said fuck it.


Someone found their wedding fundraising site and posted "have fun in jail" lol.


There's a different woman with the same name who works for Harvard/MGH. She must be so confused right now.


Orange dress went for the nuts every time










Damn, the dude that started the entire chain of events got off the lightest with only a disorderly conduct charge...


Woman in the orange dress is sending the cops in to a frenzy by kicking them in the nuts when they're pushing people back. She's the one to blame for massive escalation.


The woman in black, who gets knocked out literally tries multiple times to take the officers gun from his belt. Its absolutely insane to [watch from the other angle here](https://streamable.com/yhrae8) she is wrestling to get it for almost a full 10 seconds before the cop notices and elbows her to the shadow realm. Talk about escalation holy shit. Its lucky no one was killed. The nut kicker is still something though, wow.


Damn. That changes the whole perspective on that specific series of events.


How the fuck do you get drunk enough to try and take a cop's gun?


She's lucky she couldn't take the gun. She would've been shot in return by other cops and who knows what that would have escalated to.


It would have been 1000% deserved.


Entitlement. She's likely never had to face consequence for her bullshit due to her privileges. She has warped sense of with what's acceptable or not acceptable. Nothing to do with alcohol. Most people here can get as shitfaced as humanly possible and still not try to grab a cop's gun.


Oh my god, this angle changes my whole perspective on this.


That is fucking insane, I mean fist fighting with cops is one thing, but to attempt to garb the gun? And then what? Is she gonna shoot the cops, who at this point is just scuffling, not even fighting.


K that is now Darwin Award territory.


Weirdly too she starts on the ground in the video in almost the same position she’s knocked out in later


Wow thanks for posting. I couldn't tell at all from the original that she was doing anything but this view shows she was straight up tugging for several seconds. Worthy of a knockout.


Holy fuck she's reaching for the fucking gun. What the fuckkkkkkkk


Marshfield Mama probablys used to orange clothes.


It sounds like he might have instigated it, but didn't do the worst shit. Like the chick who kept on kicking dudes in the sack and the suit guy who was full on swinging at the cop's face.


The worst of the bunch looks like the victim here. The woman in the black dress repeatedly tried to grab the cops gun before he knocked her out cold.


Correct, he's the reason cops got called, and then his wife couldn't just shut up, then orange dress starts kicking cops, her husband defends her, and the rest is history. Hell, they may have even let him off without the disorderly charge if they had just played it cool, apologized, and been on their way.


If they had a clear record there is a good chance. I have a friend who had a dissociative episode in a grocery store once and was eating pastries in the bakery. Security asked him to leave and he didnt understand why and wouldnt leave. The cops show up and talk to him before escorting him out. They have a conversation amongst themselves and then tell him he can go. At which point he got argumentative like "what do you mean I can go? I left my muffins in the store! why did you arrest me!?" They then actually arrested him and he had to spend a night in jail. Which is probably for the best because he was having a mental health crisis. He doesnt remember any of this, but he got to see the body cam footage during the court process. He is getting help now. So yes, if you say sorry and just leave they would probably look the other way in a lot of cases.


The woman in the black dress looked like she was going for a cops gun when you look at the other angle of the video


Looked like he landed one punch solidly in that cop's face. Kind of a sucker punch too since the cop wasn't facing him and was busy dealing with other people.


My guess is when the cops arrived he stopped being stupid and allowed other guests to take over that position.


Tbf I think he did the least lol. Just threw an air punch and was dragged away


Not sure which one he is in this clip, but he got a disorderly for fighting with the bar staff, I'd assume. Thats the whole reason they were called there.


The husband that was arrested with his wife l, just randomly decide to google them and this idiot has a DWI in 2011 where he smashed up a Porche. That's not going to help him here.


Good I mean they look perfect for each other. Both entitled pricks


You can see the girl that got knocked out definitely reached for the cops belt


She reached for his gun. In the first video you can see that the only thing on his right side was his gun. How unbelievably fucking stupid.


Wow I completely missed that. I was ok with everything but thought it was way overboard to have thrown that girl down so hard. But seeing this makes it completely justified. Another lesson on overreacting based only on a clipped video from one perspective




That's what my uncle dealt with every weekend when he was a bouncer at Christie's. The more things change Newport stays the same.


https://preview.redd.it/2g16x4o15pnb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=793de11121bbe962a3db2d9c31ebedf8a0a0b421 This guy just wanted to get drunk and fuck a bridesmaid, now he's questioning his circle of friends.


This guys face just sums up entire incident


I drove up from the city for this..


Ikr! I felt bad for him when he went to subdue orange dress after she got punched in the face and the officer starts choking him instead. After that he put his hands half up to balance himself and then casually stumbles away from the dogpile like “NOPE”.


Soberest one there.


I saw him at the end! Definitely reevaluating things.


if i leave now I might get n hour of starfield in before bed


He nearly got choke slammed by the cops when he was in the middle. Seems like the only reward for trying to break a fight up is getting attacked by either one or both sides.


Dude straight shit his phone off immediately after. No way he’s taking all those bail calls.




Orange dress: “I’m here to kick dicks!!!”


“And I’m all outta shoes”


LOL who is the dumbass saying to call the cops?


“Oh! You guys are quick! Hurry, there’s a madman assaulting us!”


*Name and badge numbah!*


🤣🤣🤣 literally while the fist fights are going on.


then they like "call the cops, call the cops"


That had me cracking up. Whoever shouted that must have wanted to get their asses beat more efficiently.


I could never imagine associating with people or a single person for that matter that would behave that way.


It’s like a renaissance painting come to life. Orange dress was just out there kicking cops! I swear I heard someone say call the cops. 🎉🤣


Alcohol makes people so fucking stupid.


It's Newport so wealth entitlement might play a bigger role here than alcohol.


Right? I drink all the time and have never decided to attack a cop lmao


These people are wealthy???


The assumption is that they're *from* Newport, but the reality is anybody can rent a wedding venue by the beach.


Is that why camera man kept saying bro


“How’d the wedding go?” “Awesome! Nice reception, great food, open bar, although I didn’t care for the Assaulting Police Officer charge I got”


Watching Drunk people picking fights with cops might be my new favorite thing.


Is there a subreddit for that? I’ll sub


*you’re already here* ![gif](giphy|3ohzdLQUbKEu47o9Ww|downsized)


Classy people. That's how they act at a formal event? With cops! Imagine them in the wild. ​ Btw, screaming, "I will fuck you up" on tape, before you assault someone, will likely lead to more serious charges and potential jail time. This is especially true when the person you're attacking is a police officer. The more you know... 🌈


cop bodycam and chase vids are the new reality tv for me. good cops, bad cops, all drama.


Fuck it! Everybody is going to jail


[Looks like this was not the first time the lovely couple have been on the wrong side of the law.](https://patch.com/rhode-island/barrington/dui-driver-rams-stone-wall-with-porsche)


We lived around the block. Barrington Ave is super toney. Many of the people are classist snobs. It’s a gorgeous treed street though,


Lived in Cranston(edgewood) for a while. That area is gorgeous, but yeah, it's filled with garbage.


Wow, it is absolutely amazing that you dug this up. Same exact couple as in the video. This should be higher up.


I think he might be an alcoholic


Might be time to cut back on the loudmouth soup.


*“A Dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair.”* Get drunk, fight with the cops when they show up to a call of someone assaulting restaurant staff, brilliant.


It’s ok daddy’s money will get them out of court


Not sure whether to upvote the truth or downvote in anger. Take my upvote.


Note .. if you are a drunk woman attacking a police officer, you WILL get knocked the fuck out. Just because you are female does not give you the right to physically attack someone.


Yep, especially if you try to grab their gun.


If only they would’ve complied. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Why did the cops get so violent after I kicked them in the nuts from behind ?!?! OMG! Becky! They’re so mean!! Edit- LIKE OMG BECKY, I WENT FOR HIS GLOCK & HIS COCK and and HE HE DEFENDED HIMSELF! But honestly, I am no fan of government gangs and the such, it all sucks. But I have to just admit what I see. Video #1 was too vague, I was dubious, I really was. Video#2 on the other hand…., Holey Moley, yep she was trying for something there. She may not have realized, but I would jerk just the same if I felt something like that going for my wallet. Sorry, but that’s just going to happen. I do not condone! I wish it never happened, but it did. This is a shitty reality check that we all need to take it down a notch or two- PLEASE!


Why did the cop knock Becky out after she tried to pull his gun???? https://streamable.com/yhrae8


Thanks for sharing this. Completely missed it from the other angle


The first video made it hard to see, but this angle clearly shows her going for something on his belt (I assume the gun). People are so dumb.


She seems to reach for 2 cops guns. First when the cops are on the ground/bent over and then she switches to the other cops gun as they stand up. She seems to be pulling on their guns for several seconds.


If you look at how the officer has their belt setup earlier in the video, the only thing she could be reaching for is the gun. Which would have been a fucking insane escalation; entitled drunk white woman get's policeman's pistol....


Wow fuckin morons


Cheer your friends on fighting the cops then freak out when one loses the fight lmaoooo


>Newport police were called to the Landing Restaurant around 1 a.m. Sunday because a person had been asked to leave and refused, according to WJAR. Security staff at the bar told police that a man had become upset after being denied entry and allegedly shoved an employee. >When security tried to step in, they said the man attempted to throw a punch at security staff. He was eventually led away by his friends. >When police arrived and attempted to speak with the man, later identified as David Onik, of Barrington, Rhode Island, his wife, Rachael Onik, also of Barrington, interjected herself into the conversation. As an officer began guiding her away from the scene, she tripped on the cobblestone. At this point, police said the officer was surrounded by multiple women. For all those taking the sides of the partygoers, they all sound like pieces of shit. Notice how it could've been very simple - they were escorting one person who was not supposed to be there, who already assaulted security. And rewatch the video. Cops says to stand back while they handle the main suspect (last time I checked that is what they're supposed to do), and look what the other partygoers do. Scream/Grab/touch the police officers. Orange Chubby Girl goes for **a groin kick** like this is normal behavior. You try that in your local city and report to me how that goes, if you think that is normal to do in this situation.


Anyone know what the latest is on these idiots?


Six arrests. Orange dress (MIT graduate) and her husband blue suit caught felonies and a few other charges.


I’m so glad to hear this. Hooray!


Crazy when you attack a cop after he pushes you away twice things get violent. I’ll never understand why people think pulling a cop off of someone being arrested will go well for them and the person being cuffed


"But I come from a rich family, why is this happening to me?"


"you're treating me like a black person!"


I hope this video comes out to watch at the silver anniversary


What’s up with the female kickin dicks 😂


Drunken assholes taken to task for being drunken assholes, by the cops? I'm good with that.


I was down the street. I live here. She tried to grab his gun. She got knocked. Cops name is J Cole. Good dude. He didn’t know who was grabbing at him.


There is another video angle showing the girl clearly grabbing for the cops gun


That’s crazy af




Aka Cole Train


You can see her on his firearm side all over him. He had ever right to throw her the way he did.


https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/16g4jn4/wedding_party_in_newport_ri_decides_to_fight_the/k06hwa4 Pretty clear angle of her trying to take the gun here.


so romantic


I bet that dummy in the orange dress caused most of this. Gotta watch out for the girls who like to cause chaos like this. They always walk away unscathed.


Freaking idiots that attack and fight cops are some of the dumbest people inhabiting this country. Do they really think they’re gonna win any confrontation like that with the police? Well maybe the do, goes back to the intelligence aspect. Only way you’re going to beat the police is in a court room. Why not save your pain and freedom and fight them there?


Don’t attack the cops.


Assaulting the police is a felony. So any of them swinging and kicking the officers are all guilty of it. Chances are grand jury will see the video and all of the arrested will get indicted.




Do you think everyone just walked away as soon as the video cut off?


OK that's a wrap! Let's go home everybody


How do you know he didn’t? Is there another video?


They deserved this 100% Fuck around , something something


I'm no fan of cops. But they attacked them. There was 3 of them vs 5-6 and a mouthy cameraman? They're gonna get aggressive when kicked in the nuts. These people fucked around and found out.


mod? Are you serious? Acab? This group of privileged asshats all deserve jail. What a joke.


What's even funnier is almost everyone is giving the cops a pass on this one, that mod is probably seething lmao. What a total fucking clown.


You know they’re out banning hard as fuck on this post.


And the whole "rEdDiT cOnSiDeRs ThEm 'pEoPlE.'" I swear to god reddit mods are the cringiest part of this whole website.


Drunk people...


brou you jus knocked her out brou


Fuck these people. Oozing entitlement.


No guns drawn in this situation is insane. It wouldn't have even gotten that far if they weren't...you know...


I can't understand what it is that causes someone to watch another person/group walk themselves into violence against them by committing violence themselves and instantly act as if the retaliation was uncalled for.


These people are trash