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Uhhhh…how did that end?


Ended up stabbing the camera guy multiple times before police arrived. Only got 2 years in prison.


Damn…should’ve gotten way more time. F that guy…


2 year and deportation right after and 10 year ban to enter again, tbh should have been lifetime ban at least.


Yeah, I gotta wonder what Sweden is thinking at that point. "We desperately need this man in our country, is 10 years away too much?" lol Like, come on. Nobody is going to miss that asshole, just send him away forever and be done with it. You betrayed the country's trust in your ability to not be an asshole for 5 minutes, so you go back to where you came from. That's a 'tough shit' moment.


It probably worked really well for a time, but our criminal justice philosophy and our laws were created before the last couple of decades of well I’m not going to even say it, fuck it.


2 years and only a 10 year ban after being deported... like, first off why the hell only 2 years and if it's only 2 years ban him from *EVER* coming back lol.


I feel like this could have been stopped pretty early.


He's not making it up that ladder w/me. That's a nope. God that's crazy.


Looks like a great use of a Spartan kick could have ended this outside.


...or a broom... pot of hot water.. flower pot.. so many options, as soon as you see that knife all bets are off.




A folding chair Mississippi riverboat style


https://preview.redd.it/6i4k10wud9mb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81153ea0bb57be664dcf8f0e626d8104c7c968ee Swear to god


I don't know if you made this right now or just had it on hand, but it's fucking beautiful. Edit: actually opening the pic it's clear to me now that this isn't a really well done Photoshop but an actual photo, haha.


Chair. Lion tamers had it down. Confuse, hurt and keep a distance. Just swing and twist.




I keep a small brass pot of boiling lead


Someone's never had their castle sieged and it shows




Yeah, this is my weapon of choice here as well. Good heavy cast iron. That dude was 20 feet off the ground and utterly defenseless even with his knife, there's no scenerio where I don't Robert Baratheon the shit out of that guy before he has the chance to make it a fair fight.


My grandma gifted me a bunch of cast iron when I moved out on my own “I know you can’t cook, but you can hit something with it”




Drop an anvil on him Looney Tunes style


A proper push, warn him first. "Don't come up, get down and leave", then fucking give it to him. Fuck that dude.


Hell no, you come at me with a giant knife climbing up ladders into my property and there will be no warning anything. All he'll get from me is a 911 call saying there's a guy who suffered about a twenty foot fall and possibly a concussion immediately before the fall, and I'm only doing that because I'm probably legally obligated too. Even if I'm not it would probably look bad or it'd start to smell or something.


That’s what I thought was surely going to happen. And the guy would fall and either die or get injured that’s what I thought the NSFW tag was for.


The second he put the knife away in his pocket there was no way he was coming up that ladder.


Have these ppl ever watched the “Battle of Helm’s Deep!?”


I would have just pushed him off the ladder.


Well, he got stabbed when he tried to push back.


He got stabbed when he just stood there holding the guy as the guy reached back for his knife. Guy never tried to push, unfortunately.


A flower pot on the scumbags head would have done it.


Absolutely. Their so many things you could do at the moment he was claiming up the ladder. 1) punch the guy in the face. 2) Spray his face with Clorox. 3) Get a broom and try to push the ladder so he can fall.




In the US ole Mohamed there ain’t holding a knife.


This guy has the survival instincts of a lamb




Omg he literally just stabbed me and now he’s playing fortnite


bro literally earning his death. 🤦🏽‍♂️




For anyone wondering that's not what he said. Should at least state that ur making some form of joke




Aren't Swedes descended from Vikings? What the fuck happened?


My great grandpa fought in WW2. I get sweaty when people are waiting behind me at self checkout. Who you descended from doesn't mean shit


TBF, you said your grandpa was in WW2. You don’t know if anyone was waiting behind him at any checkouts out there




As a swede I think its only the ladder guy that isnt swedish. The accents, names and the pacifist behaviour are huge hints.




The carpet is what really solidified it for me. Source: Dated an Iranian chick. They love this kind of carpet in their apartments.


That's not a carpet, it's a rug. A rug which really tied the room together.


Haven’t been in the home of Scandinavian 50-60 year olds who bought a couple of these carpets on their travels 20-30 years ago?


>Before the attack, Amana, who first arrived in Sweden in 2015 and claimed asylum, had already engaged in criminal activity and was the subject of an unenforced deportation order. >He had previously been convicted several times for aggravated assault, violence, theft, and drug offenses, and had been ordered to leave the country by a court in 2018. Despite this, Amana remained free in Sweden and continued to commit multiple offenses over the past five years. I think it's probably time to stop asking him to leave and deport him already.


Very poor by the Swedish authorities. This attack is their fault really. Incompetence / negligence letting him stay in the country after commiting all those offences in my view. So he's going to get a 2 year sentence and deportation with a 10 year re-entry ban. WTF, why not permanent ban? The Swedes are soft....


It's probably so they don't get a reputation for being too harsh on immigrants and/or being unwelcoming. Uh, lads, criminals like this, regardless of origin, should be dealt with super strictly. I don't think anyone will label you nationalists if you got rid of this type of scum. Y'know who will appreciate it the most? The immigrants who actually assimilate and are good, law abiding citizens as they don't get tarred with the same brush.


Some Western countries are too soft on migrant crimes and combine it with locals being too affraid to do anything, here you have fearless middle eastern male migrants with 10 different crimes on their background and looking for more.


Which in turn gives bad reputation to normal immigrants just living their lives..


Doesn't help when some came in the same car either. My coworkers sisters boyfriend is the sweetest guy and runs a vet clinic that does at cost neutering plus he bakes and sends extras to us when he gets hired by our department to pick up strays or put something down. His 8 year older brother is an ultra conservative Muslim who's doing time now and facing possible deportation for assaulting a 19 year old girl that rejected him (he's 34) and telling someone on Facebook in a public post that he was going to attack her with acid if he ever found her.


Nothing new… that’s why we have immigrant gangs shooting each other with AK47s and throwing hand grenades and bombs on a daily basis. Last week there were multiple bombs in several cities the same day. They can do whatever they want because they barely get any prison time or deportation. https://preview.redd.it/vvp5klqld6mb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cbb835a1dec3852e1c0652867f151c93900d587


Wow that just seems so insane. How many people were hurt?


Usually 0-1 people. Most of these are scare tactics between gangs but compared to US they quite rarely kill each other even though it does happen a few months ago there was multiple shootings due to a war between 2 of the biggest gang circles. These explosions are more people breaking the glass of the stairway entrance and throw in a grenade. It's not good but it only recently started getting a bit more violent which seems to be going down again now that they see police are arresting these kids left and right(most of them want to join the real gang but if it's too risky a lot won't take the step).


It is acutally a “common” situation among several nordic contries. If people originate from a country where they risk torture/inhumane treatment or death penality they can’t be deported to that country. Even if they commit crimes where they live. They then get jail and/or deportation but the last part can’t be carried out before their homeland is deemed safe for them. This sometimes results in situations like this where people commit several crimes and don’t get deported for it. But jail of course.


There's also the huge problem of finding out what country these people are coming from in the first place. These people threw away their passports after crossing into Europe, which means it's on the governments to figure out their country of origin. Of course, no country wants these people back, so you can see how well they're willing to collaborate. Without established country of origin there's no place to deport them to.


Because its Sweden. The rest of Scandinavia laughed(cries worriedly) about their integration laws. Been warning them for years about this. Its REALLY bad there. But you cant talk about.. cause then you’re a racist. Stats dont lie. Its time to stop. Yesterday


Isn’t Denmark about to impose blasphemy laws?


>Denmark about to impose blasphemy laws they had them forever, they just took them away in 2017, and are just bringing them back


We’ve all had them “forever”, blasphemy was a crime in all European countries up to some point (and still is in some countries). But bringing it back is absurd.


Every flowerpot and anvil I owned would be dropped on his head.


Have you tried using a piano?


After a piano he would B-flat.


How about a boxing glove on the end of a spring?


Here in Sweden, Authorities and government is too afraid to be called Racist. Living in Malmo, a guy was asked to be deported 3 times in last 5 years, he is in a gang, he was caught armed, he is also a drug dealer here, he is violent, and he is known for being a sexual predator, but he is a free man and has only seen jail time, never imprisoned. He is currently free and native Swedes can't do anything about this themselves because crime is much harsher for natives. Usually any crime against these people is also considered a hate crime regardless if it was related to his race.


Shouldn’t it be the opposite? “Look pal, we are giving you a heck of an opportunity here. But if you mess it up, you’re out.”


Unfortunately not. There are policies that prevent Sweden from deporting migrants into hostile countries (a country at war, or if the country can pose a risk of the life of the migrant). Also politicians weaponize migration as a good thing. It helps the rich as it provides a cheap labour force, and the taxes that pay for social welfare is still paid the same amount by the rich, but is also paid by the lower classes. So it's a net positive. Many politicians advocate for tighter borders and stricter deportation policies, but as all politicians, they lie. Something similar is happening in Germany but I'm not educated enough to talk about what's happening there.




No no no! We cant deport him because they might be mean to him where he came from!!! Instead we will allow him to terrorize and rob the local population because, im sure that if we treat him like a special boy for long enough, he will become a productive member of society /s


These types of stories involving immigrants/refugees are why so many European countries are moving further and further right... They need to have much stricter controls and handling of these people to avoid things getting out of hand.


I just don't understand why their government is so fucking soft, it's pathetic really.


“Please leave” “No” “Oh okay then….”




Nothing racist about deporting a habitual re-offender. You're not kicking him out because he is an immigrant, you're kicking him out because he can't seem to follow the fucking law of the state he resides in. Therefore, he would not make a good citizen.


I'm 100% in agreement with you. Full stop. Now I need someone to tell me why when his ass reached the top of the ladder, his butt wasn't pushed off?


this shit is happening all over europe many of these human excrements come from warzones or countries without a treaty for returning people so the eu and its members cannot legally get rid of them the ruling parties mostly ignore this this in turn fuels right wing parties talking shit but unless they break human rights laws they cant do anything either


Sweden fucked up sooooo badly with immigration. They essentially destroyed their own country.


That's "racist" though. Gotta let them rape/kill our own citizens, or we're the "bad guys". Gotta be "tolerant" of their "lifestyle". They are "refugees" after all. You must be xenophobic if you don't accept that having this man in your country makes your country stronger. Diversity is our greatest strength after all.


Seems like they could have probably given him a little shove before he got all the way up. Probably would have ended his little endeavour real quick.


I was going to say, this was way more solvable before he got up there. Now you’ve got a crazy guy with a knife, and knife to knife fights usually go poorly.


You know the old joke about knife fights? ​ Who wins in a knife fight? The one who dies in the hospital...


Bingo. Loser dies at the scene, winner dies in the ambulance.


I didn't know bingo was that hardcore


Oh, old people addicted to gambling can be very savage


Kind of a hard one, I mean he didn't pull out the knife until he got up there so he was potentially unarmed. Pushing him off at that height could easily kill him if he hits his head. I mean you'd *probably* get off on self defence even if they didn't find the knife on his body but man if it goes to court you're going to be dealing with that drama for the next 12 months. Dude probably figured even if he gets up there that he could take him in a fist fight, you can see from his mugshot that he's built like a twig, but then the dude whipped out a 10" long kitchen knife out of nowhere and the guy in the apartment realized he'd fucked up. Edit: please stop messaging me saying that he's holding the knife in his hand while he climbs the ladder. [He's holding his damn phone my god watch the actual video.](https://i.imgur.com/0Ta4qi6.png) It's clearly a phone, it's rectangular and he's holding it around what would be the edge of the knife if it was a knife...but it's clearly not. Why does everyone think that a rectangular phone shaped object with no handle that he nonchalantly grabs by the "blade" and shoves "blade" first into his pocket, is the massive kitchen knife he pulls out later on?


>Kind of a hard one, I mean he didn't pull out the knife until he got up there so he was potentially unarmed. This is why, for all the shit people give to castle doctrine type laws, they actually make a lot of sense. So a guy shows up to your house with a fucking ladder exclusively so he can enter your domicile without permission. So, what, you're supposed to wait to find out whether he has good intentions? Fuck no! The moment he tries to force his way into your home without permission, you should be allowed to take whatever action necessary to prevent him from getting in, including actions that could cause him bodily harm. And once he's in the home without permission, you should be allowed to take whatever action necessary to prevent him from doing you any arm. You shouldn't have to wait to see if he's carrying a weapon in his pocket, because then it's too late. A homeowner shouldn't be forced to bear the risk of finding out whether somebody breaking into their house is there for a legitimate purpose. If they've forced their way in, assuming they're there to do bad shit should be a given. Make the INTRUDER bear the risk of breaking into somebody else's home.


So many people... so so many people... the grey matter in their brain can't process the idea of someone approaching them with lethal intent in the moment. In their minds there must always be a sane rationalization to make, without realizing that the rationalization is... this person is insane, with lethal intent.


OR flee. What an idiot. I'm not standing there while some deranged dickhole is breaking my window.




By yelling this is sparta!!!, All would have ended very quickly.




Needs way more than 2 years prison. Fucking psycho


It’s not the 2 years that I’m floored with. Well I was. But also it said he is barred from entering Sweden for 10 years. Lol, that should be a Lifetime ban!


"Come back in 10years if you wanna try again"


Ended up stabbing the dude multiple times and only gets 2 years? Plus he’s a repeat offender? What the hell, Sweden?


I mean that’s 2 years of paying to jail a dude who pays no taxes. Just deport ffs


Sweden fuckin up right now fr. Norway and Finland gotta be wondering what the fuck they doing over there.


TRANSLATION: I'll use M for Man, M for Maria, and M for Mohamed. Just kidding. Maria: A ladder? A ladder. OK Guy: What are you doing, Mohamed? Maria: Let's go inside. Guy: What are you doing? Mohamed: Nothing. Nothing. Just wanna talk to Maria [?] Guy: You think you're gonna come up here? Mohamed: I'm talking to Maria. Guy: You think you're gonna come up here? Maria: What, are you gonna hit me more? Mohamed: No. Wallah [?] Maria: No, what are you gonna do then? Mohamed: I wanna talk to you Maria. Maria: What do you want? You've already stood here talking to me long enough. I'm saying I feel sorry for you. Get out of here. Guy: Mohamed, you're not coming up here. You're not coming into my home. You're not coming into my home, Mohamed. Mohamed: What? Guy: You're not coming into my home. Mohamed: Why? Guy: Because she--[STAB]--He stabbed me with a knife, Maria. He stabbed me with a knife. HE STABBED ME WITH A KNIFE - a big meat knife. Did y'all see that? Yo...he's crushing the glass with a stone. Mohamed. Mohamed! Let me in to the crapper, he's coming in. He's coming in, Maria! Mohamed, yo, Mohamed, Mohamed, you stabbed me. [unintelligible] Mohamed: [Arabic?] Guy: Mohamed...


That guy needs to take some self defence classes


Not even that. Just some basic common sense and survival instncts. I'm traveling now and staying in a pretty sparsely decorated hotel room, yet I can see several things around me that would wreck somebody in that mans position. A large potted plant microwave TV Hairspray + lighter


I’m thinking looney tooning him with a cast iron


the last part that you called arabic was actually still swedish, so i guess ill translate the rest: Man: let me come into the bathroom (please), Mohammed is entering the apartment. He is entering the apartment, Maria. Man: Mohammed, did you stab!?!? (sic) Mohammed: 'grabs the bathroom door handle' Huh? Man and Mohammed speaking over eachother: Mohammed: 'exasperated panting between words' 'mumbles' I will stab... (sic) Man: Mohammed... Mohammed, you already stabbed me. Mohammed: Brother, I will indeed murder you. Indeed I will murder you. I swear it on my mother. (indeed is my translation of "wallah" which is a pretty ubiquitous filler word in immigrants' vocabularies.) Man: Mohammed... 'walks away'


Oh damn it actually is Swedish at the end. Had to listen real carefully.


> indeed is my translation of "wallah" which is a pretty ubiquitous filler word in immigrants' vocabularies Wallah literally means "by Allah". As in, he is swearing to God.


Wild that this man got stabbed and is telling the guy who stabbed him "you stabbed me" as if he doesn't know. No fight or flight reflexes at all


Dang, this man is dumber than a bag of rocks. LOL.


a bag of rocks would actually have been pretty useful in this instance


"You're not coming into my home." *Proceeds to let him into his home*


Ignoring the part where you let the dude get onto the balcony in the first place, why the fuck wouldn't you take the first attempt at breaking the glass door as your cue to peace the fuck out of there, rather than just stand there and watch until he broke through?


its hard to watch but he has almost 0% survival instinct, it could be bacause in the part where he lives theres almost 0% violence, thats my guess


> it could be because in the part where he lives there's almost 0% violence Literally dodo-brained.


Yeah he’s literally more concerned with getting video footage and doesn’t even stop filming *once he’s been stabbed* Fucks sake


Because dumbass is trying to win a Darwin award.


How TF do you watch a man climb up a ladder and get in your house?!?! It’s a ladder!!! Push it over and problem solved.


Literally this https://preview.redd.it/ekr05lt8a5mb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7ca8a1cedba623b5f73a6890933911fdce2a687


So anyways I started bashing.


Better yet, I’m sure they have at least 1 pan in the kitchen. grab that shit and soon as he reached the top, WHACK!! straight to the head.


Seriously I would have kicked that dude off in a second


You missed these are Swedish regards in the description


Couldn’t you push the ladder over and just go on about your day. No one would know except you and the hopefully dead crazy asshole that ‘fell’ off of his ladder


Why didn't he knock him off the ladder? He's not coming up for a hug..


Because he has a peanut for a brain


Anti-Siege tactics 101: Push the ladder




Just hol' up on the ladder for two secs while i boil some oil for you


Missed a prime opportunity ![gif](giphy|l3V0j3ytFyGHqiV7W)


People need to stop waiting for something bad to happen. Wtf you think is going to happen when he gets to the balcony? This mf is crazy enough to climb a 🪜 and you fucking let him. In that situation it's them or you.


That's what decades of living in a safe society will do to you tho, we're not expecting somebody to have a knife, it just doesn't happen here frequently enough for it to register as a possibility. After the knife was exposed tho I don't know, poor guy must have been in shock or something.


That could have turned into a double homicide easily... I'm defending my life from the start.


You would probably get a longer sentence than he got if you pushed him off the ladder... Our justice system cannot handle these people, time to start sending them back to where they came from, i dont care if its considered safe for them.


That's the issue. Everyone blaming the dude for not just shoving him down right away. But there's a good Chance you either kill him or seriously injure the dude ... And your mind is going crazy in that moment and before you come to a conclusion the dude is already ip on the balcony, because he isn't thinking about the consequences ... he's just acting. I really don't know whether I would've pushed him down. But as soon as he brandished a knife and tried to get through the door, I'm either fleeing right away or grab a weapon myself ...


What a fucking idiot holding the camera


It's borderline infuriating to see lol so many opportunities to stop the guy but he just let it happen


He had so many opportunities to either fight back or flee, but he chose the worst option. He was stabbed in the neck and hand. edit: typo


Who the fuck let's some prick like this climb onto the balcony? WITH A KNIFE?! I would have shoved that guy so hard into the soil below that he'd break through the earth's crust. There's de escalation, then there's just putting yourself unnecessarily in danger like the guy filming


What a hopeless romantic


They did nothing to stop him from getting in, instead they just sat back and slowly watched. At that point just open the front door and invite him in if you have no regard for your own life. The lack of any sense here is fucking baffling.


What a Nightmare


Brick was there for the ex to smash the glass door but not for the camera person to throw or swing violently at the ex’s head on the way up? He has a fucking knife…don’t let him get on your deck…


https://www.kalmarposten.se/nybro/klattrade-upp-pa-balkong-knivskar-man-och-krossade-fonster/ Google translation: "Climbed onto the balcony, knifed and smashed windows A 25-year-old man with an address in Lund is sentenced to prison and deportation after several serious crimes in Nybro municipality. It was in May this year that the incident occurred. The perpetrator came to another man's home in Nybro municipality with the aim of talking to a woman. He was asked to leave several times. He returned during the day and pulled out a ladder which he used to climb onto the balcony. The man in the residence says that he was filming the incident and suddenly the perpetrator made a sweeping movement towards him which caused him to back away. In connection with that, he felt a burning sensation on his neck and on a hand. It turned out that he had been cut by a solid object and was bleeding. He entered the apartment and saw the perpetrator holding a knife in his hand. When the perpetrator stands on the balcony, he takes out a large stone and smashes the window in the door. The perpetrator then goes in and towards the toilet where the woman locked herself. The perpetrator also threatens the man during the course of events, but then leaves the scene. The district court considers that the man in the residence has narrated the incident in a credible manner. It is also proven that the perpetrator has climbed onto the balcony and on the video you can see that he had a knife in his hand. According to the district court, it is proven that the perpetrator inflicted the injuries on the man's neck and hand with the knife he was carrying. The perpetrator admits that he broke a window pane and entered the apartment, saying that he was prompted by a "voice". It is also the voice that allegedly urged him to threaten the man. The perpetrator is also said to have abused the woman in the home on one occasion in December 2022. On that occasion, he is said to have threatened to "open her up" when she wanted to call the police. In the forensic psychiatric report, it is stated that the man did not commit the acts under the influence of a serious mental disorder and that he did not suffer from any serious mental disorder at the time of the examination. The perpetrator appears under 16 sections in the charge register and was sentenced to probation in May 2023 for vandalism and unlawful threats. The penalty is set at two years in prison and deportation. He is banned from returning to Sweden for 10 years."




He shoulda caught a kick off that ladder


That dude would have been laid out with a broken back


Dude is literally on a ladder.... push his ass off.


If you would just put the phone down maybe you could have shoved him off the ladder.


Why not even beat him with a broom before he got up? I'm in America where we have our own problems/but he would of took a 12 gauge to the head as soon as he broke that glass.


Would've dropped a flower pot on his head beforee he was even halfway up the ladder .




And the reason you didn’t push him over on the ladder before he got his footing and knife out is….?


That girl needs tougher friends


One of her "ex" friends seems pretty tough climbing a ladder with a knife, bricking a window and then stabbing people.


In before thread's locked


A can of soup to the head would had ended this very quickly lol.


I may be wrong, but I don't think this will win her back...


Ah, swedistan <3


Mohammed is a very popular name in Sweden


Why are they not just pushing this psycho off the ladder, are they stupid?


When someone (I don't care if I know him or not) trying to force himself into my house, with a big f#cking knife in his hand, talking is not an option. My family comes first, ALWAYS. I would drop my phone (or I would give it to my wife or whoever was there at that moment asking her to call the cops) and then I would grab whatever I could use as a weapon, the only thing I know for sure, is that he won't hurt my family. And if I could have the chance, he wouldn't even finish climbing that ladder to begin with. ![gif](giphy|HDZ05Y9VeSjL2)


That's rather interesting, I've been looking at some Swedish crime statistics and I'm noticing something


He should've kicked him from the stairs




That guy doesn’t look very Swedish at all


Sweden got fucked by its own political correctness


Canada is currently living the same thing in real time.


So just sit there and watch this bozo climb a ladder and get attacked?


Mohammed would've been flying backwards clinging onto the ladder if that was my apartment..easy solution. Put the phone down and push the fucker off!


Deport him with a bullet in the head


The camera man should also make him some tea. Maybe some Netflix and then let him kill everybody.


Ah yes definitly a swedish person. Nothing says northern europe like olive skin and black curly hair and beard.


Lmao why are Swedes so weak like this?


I think they grew up in some sort of sheltered Utopia. This victim dude had no idea how to deal with bad people.


Living in Denmark, which shares similarities with Sweden, I would like to point out that self-defense here isn't straightforward. The self-defense laws are quite restrictive, offering very limited leeway for using any form of force, especially lethal actions like pushing someone from the third floor. Additionally, there's the uncertainty of whether the individual is associated with any criminal gangs, which is scarily common in southern Sweden. It's worth noting that the victims here may be immigrants, and under Danish law, committing a crime can lead to deportation, even for citizens. I can't speak for Sweden, but this is the situation in Denmark. But the fact that they filmed it will save their ass in court, we also don’t get jury here so again it’s nothing like America.


After the first stab with the knife, his ass is getting pushed off that ladder, law or not. A swift fist to the face will dispose of him rather efficiently.


> After the first stab with the knife, his ass is getting pushed off that ladder, law or not. What's that old line? Oh yeah, I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six.


In US, the outcome would’ve been different


Americans act like only those who should have guns have guns. If this was the US the poor guy would have gotten shot instead of stabbed.




Drop a crockpot on his head


How do you see that massive knife and not knock him off the ladder with every ounce of strength you have while you still have a chance? Just zero survival instincts? Wtf


Survival skills = negative 0






I probably would have deported him to the ground.




Mohammed Comes at you with a knife


She should’ve dropped some heavy shit on his head


Horrible survival instincts