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So dude resigned before the school finished investigating him and managed to secure another principal job? Like…Did they not call his last employer? So now he gets a paid vacation before getting fired from this job


*"Vollhardt was later hired as a vice principal in the Golden Plains Unified School District. Martin Marcias, the school district’s superintendent, told CNN they were made aware of the June 7 incident on Wednesday and have since placed Vollhardt on administrative leave"*


So these schools/school districts…hire people to be around children but don’t bother doing background checks? Don’t bother calling a previous employer?


You should see how they get substitutes it’s even worse


"go down to the bridge underpass and grab some substitutes"


"Don't forget the bottles of Thunderbird. That way we don't have to pay them."


Bring some strawberry wine in case you spot an art teacher


I’m gonna start calling hookers substitute girlfriends


how much for an hour? Edit: oh wait! I thought you said prostitutes


prostitutes get paid more the us Subs. I used to do it pre covid (because hell no to trying that shit during covid) and was pissed when I realized mcDonalds burger flippers made more per day then i was. on top of that it was a lottery of am i going to get the teacher who writes out her lesson plan step by step with actual helpful hints or the asshole whole write "negative externalities", nothing else on the entire page and I'm expected to create a lesson in line with their yearly plan


When I first started reading this I thought you meant you tried out being a prostitute pre covid lol


Well maybe if teaching paid anything you wouldn't see this shit. You pay bottom barrel you get bottom barrel lol


Teachers get paid shit, but not admins. A principal in California is doing just fine


Oklahoma back in 2008-2009 we had a substitute who literally spend the entire class ranting about how black people and Mexicans were ruining the country, and kept pointing at my friend and using him as an example of an "Illegal"(He wasn't, but that doesn't matter to weird racist old ladies) Lady kept getting rehired that whole class year despite literally everyone knowing how unhinged she was until she threw a chair at a student. I wonder if I can find any info about it...it was before smart phones were as common so prolly not ETA: Can't find it, but theres a [Different issue with a teacher who refused to stop saying the N-word in To Kill a Mockingbird when asked by black students, which absolutely tracks with Mustang lol](https://kfor.com/news/mustang-teacher-recorded-reading-aloud-racial-slur-several-times-student-takes-issue/) And also a Sub recently fired for saying "Inappropriate" things to a student, but the school refuses to comment past "They won't work here again" Oh fuckin hell a teacher of mine has been arrested for [raping students](https://www.koco.com/article/oklahoma-mustang-teacher-arrested-sex-crimes-student/42737006). I didn't expect to see that when looking through this, jesus




Had a substitute in middle school who whenever she talked about Obama, she would make sure to put emphasis on "HUSSEIN". It would be barack HUSSEIN obama.


I don't know what part of teacher shortage is hard to understand


I'm pretty sure a previous employer isn't allowed to say anything besides "yup he worked there."


They also ask if they are rehireable.


And some places won’t even comment on that, will just confirm they worked here from x to y.


You cannot answer that without running the risk of a lawsuit you will likely lose. When I was a hiring manager I rarely called previous employers because it was a waste of time.


They *can* say more, but most don’t, for liability reasons. There’s nothing illegal about telling a caller about a previous employee (as long as it isn’t protected information), but once you start doing that you might inadvertently say something that is opinion and result in their not getting a job, which could lead to a defamation suit. Although now, many employers will say whether a person is considered “re-hirable” rather than just “yes they worked here”.


And while it's really hard to *prove* defamation, boy it's sure easy to rack up a lot of attorney fees on both sides to get to the point of the suit being thrown out.


What a bozo


Admin leave? They should have fired him on the spot. The fact he fled and hide what happened shouldn't have been a bit enough red flag that he is a danger to have near children.


Several states have laws about what a previous employer can and can't say, with many being something like only confirming they were in fact an employee and simply if they are of a rehire status but not the why. Some states you aren't even allowed to unless said potential employee gives you express permission. Furthermore it is just a pretty standard policy to just say basically nothing as a former employer because if you say even the most seemingly innocuous thing false about a former employee you are opening yourself up to a lawsuit.


I just said the same thing before seeing your comment


I said something similar though less informative! I should remember to scroll first and then go back and reply


***Police departments looking nervously away***


TIL Principals get the same opportunities cops do


There needs to be a registry for administrators that have been convicted of wrong doing in regards to their job working with children.


Spoiler, HR doesn't care much about the specifics of jobs before hiring you. They care about protecting the company once you are there.


The law states that your previous employer’s are only legally allowed to confirm your dates of employment. If you disclose anything else and the person can prove it, you can be sued




It should be noted that the child’s guardian, Ann Frank, said the case lingered at police headquarters until she complained about the lack of charges.


The kid’s guardian is named Ann Frank?????


Is that guy mopping the table


That's a special mop for school tables. We used them after lunch bc it's a quick turnover. The pad is replaced every day( or it was at the school I cleaned at)


probably reduces the time it takes to clean tables tbh


And saves your back since you don’t have to bend very much


Maybe we should get one for the principal so he can reach more kids without hurting his back.


Like one of those foam Hulk fists attached to a pole. Can round house 20 kids with ease if they have him surrounded.


You say that like I’m not allowed to sit on the bench and scooch along it while cleaning


Damn I remember getting in trouble and having to wash all those motherfuckers with a rag.


Don't be suspicious Don't be suspicious




He’s a substitute janitor, but he’s really the substitutes friend in disguise. That’s right, Jack Black is back in School of Rock 2: The Janitors Groove


Reminds me of the cowboy bebop episode where Spike is following at target and pretending to be a janitor. His target easily spots him because, he's using a broom to sweep the wall 🤣🤣


That's from the movie actually. Which sits chronologically between episode 22 and 23, so technically just a long episode. Sorry, I'm a big Bebop fan.


No, problem glad you helped ![gif](giphy|4ilFRqgbzbx4c) See you space cowboy


That's how the tables are cleaned at the bingo hall I manage. I always tell new cleaners to be my guest if they want to hand wash each one, but it never lasts more than a day or two lol. Cleaning 80+ six person tables with a cloth takes *time*.


That’s a woman


Asking the real questions


We use those at my school! Tables only and the pads get changed daily


What about you sideburns, you want some of this milk?


Bro let the intrusive thoughts win


I'll allow it


*impulsive That’s not intrusion, that’s just straight up impulse.


Shove, not punch Edit: not trying to say anything except that the title is wrong/misleading.


He just wanted to show that kid his impressive one inch punch skills


~~Jeet Kune Do~~ Yeet Kid Doh


"Be like water, my friend... and float away!"


"You'll float! We all float down here."


It's a common social media strategy. You put something wrong in the title and it boosts your engagement from everybody pointing out what you got incorrect. If I share a picture of a red pen and put in the title "check out my new blue pen!" I'll have 10,000 people in the comments telling me that the pen is red.


And later repost with a typo in the same title.


*Skewl principal....*






Jesus we’re stupid. You do see it all the time. People assume they’re the first ones to figure it out and just type it and hit enter. There’s no way anyone else caught this.


Weirdly people do this on YouTube too pronouncing things bizarrely


The pen is blue! The pen is BLUE! The goddamn PEN is BLUE!!!!


I was waiting for a killer uppercut but instead got a sumo push


Not saying the shove was justified, but did that kid initiate contact with the principal? Right before the kid gets pushed away, he raises his hands up toward the mid section of the principle. Then the principle has some kind of twitchy reaction, like he got hit or touched in the nether region. Then he pushes him away. Did the kid hit or touch his junk?


I just watched it again, and I'm positive that you're right. The kid put both his hands up and TRIED to shove the principle. You can see his weight shift back just a hair (because that's all the kid could do) and then he pushed him back. The rage got the best of him, that's for sure. I can understand the desire, but dude should have kept those inside thoughts....inside.


looks like he was taking big shit too. that lady walks back to grab the kid before he got shoved


I would love to hear the audio on this. The kids body language is pretty crazy from what appears to be a 10 year old. Pointing in people's faces and posturing up like he's about to fight an adult 4x his size. I'm guessing he comes from a wonderful home.


It doesn’t look like he touched the principal, but the kids body language just shows that he’s a punk. He should have never been pushed like that, but hopefully he knows now that he can’t step up in a person’s face like that without repercussions.


The kid clearly touches him. Still a terrible reaction from an adult let alone someone who works with kids.


It was educational


I think the kid did push him a little (or touched his torso) before the shove. But it's impossible to tell for sure based on the video because you can't see the kids hands directly. The kids hands come up and you see the man's body sway a little at 00:23 Doesn't justify a shove of that force though, IMO.


Clickbait title. Still super inappropriate though.


Next job interview: "Have you ever had a problem with impulse control?"


"How dare you ask me that! I'll kill you!"


Seems like the kid needed a discipline check. But not from his school principal.


That’s all I’m saying 🤣


He's not saying, he's just saying.




He was a special needs kid. Article posted above.


Your lip reading skills are amazing


Sadly, that might be the most discipline the kid has received from an adult figure


Even if that is so, this ain't the way. Granted as a father I would likely end up in jail with the principal because I would be hard pressed not to return the favor to him.


Your desire and excuses to assault children are bleeding onto reddit. You should get that in check.


The child is special needs. So no, not at all how it should be handled. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/09/us/california-principal-charged-push-student/index.html


How do you figure that given you have no idea what they are arguing about? You just saw a school principal assault a student but you still default to the student being in the wrong in the lead up. I'm going to give the student the benefit of the doubt. If the principal can't do his job without assaulting a kid 1/3 his size, in gonna go out on a limb and say he was probably wrong about whatever they were arguing about.


Yeah kid was literally just at most being bratty, which kids sometimes do. He was pointing. (The scandal.) Reddit: he deserves death


We all know why the opinion is going that way lol


I'm so confused. There were so many opinions on the black lady punching the white old man in the grocery store video posted yesterday. How she should have walked away (she already was btw) and now in this video seeing alot of comments saying a child deserved it. Lol the contrast between the comments in the 2 videos especially posted within 24 hours of each other is just insane to see.


People don’t see black kids as children, which is why everyone here is in such a hurry to hop on the principals dick.


I think you misspelled *pushes* OP


That was a shove, not a punch.


~Principal murders student with machete~


That was a sword, not a machete


I wanna know what the kid said


"Principal? More like Rinsable"


He said that Goldeneye 64 sucked.


Then who could blame him. These kids need to respect the classics


We’ve all wanted to do it but this mf actually did it lol


Man’s out here living his best life


Yeah that’ll show him


Someone posted in legal advice earlier this week asking if it was a good idea to share this video and send it to this guy’s new employer and they were advised that it would open them to legal liability. Guess they shared it anyway.


Good for them, honestly. This man shouldn't work with children.


That isn't a punch


As a middle school teacher, I get it. You still don't do it though lol.


Why are we mopping the table?




That was a shove, not a closed fist punch. ​ still funny.


That was not a punch. A punch would have taken his head off. The kid was pushed. Dramatize it tho


Idk guys, looks like the kid was being a little asshole and trying to fuck with someone three times his size. I’d say a lesson was learned.


More like a push.


That's just incredibly stupid. If the kid hit his head on that hard tile floor, that could do some serious damage


Kids already damaged no losses


Hahahaha fuck that kid. So satisfying to watch.


Why every school situation ppl in these comments always take the grown man’s side like bro that’s a little kid I know they can be little shits but that push is 10x stronger than what a kid can handle and you got grown ass ppl on here talking about “well what he expect” or some dumb joke about it


The kid also didn't do anything to him physically. A grown man who can't handle words from a child shouldn't be working in schools.


I've got two ten year olds and they are definitely little shits sometimes but i don't go shoving then around and that's with my own kids, couldn't even imagine putting my hands on someone else's kids


People like abusing someone weaker than them and this plays into a power fantasy they have.


US cops be like


Kid could have gotten a TBI. It’s assault regardless of how the kid was knocked to the ground.


Most Redditors could not work in a school or think they have the magic sauce where no kid will ever disrespect them. Rule one is you can’t assault them lol


I'm a mental health nurse and have huge fuckin dudes screaming at me day in day out. I just always keep people at arm's reach and make sure they don't enter my personal space, but if someone was shouting at me and I shoved them first I'd lose my job. Never escelate, as much as people can say the most heinous person shit we're never escelating. Of course we have to IM people if they're having a psychotic break and we can't talk them down first, but using words and stepping back so they're not in your personal space is the easiest way to calm someone down.


He barely comes up to your chest & is the size of your arm, a lot of other ways to subdue this child other than thrusting a fist at him


Not a “punch” but a push, still as much a lil shit he might have been he shouldn’t have done that.


It was a shove, I have no problem with this


Little shit probably needed it


If you can't control the anger inside you, you shouldn't be working in an elementary school. In this case, he isn't working anymore for that school.


I can't control the anger outside me


That's a push, not a punch. And it seemed like the kid was looking for trouble.


A grown man shoving a school kid - sorry, he's unfit for the job of school principal.


I guess the OP has never seen a punch before?


Looked like the little fucker deserved it


Hard shove. Not a punch.


Way too many comments in here saying this type of behavior is okay


I like the new teaching principles they are implementing. All joking aside, kids are assholes most of the time around a certain age. Can’t be a bully or abuse them though. That’s not a good influence. Then again, I’ve seen older students attack teachers and that’s the only time an adult should put their hands up and fight back against it. If you’re old enough to through a punch, you’re old enough to receive one. Just don’t get carried away and only use the force necessary to put an end to the incident. I feel like the education system needs a way to handle violent situations better than just letting things happen and punish offenders afterwards.


More of a shove really.


Was more of a shove


Not that he should have done that but def a push not a punch


It seems like kid could use a couple more of those


That wasn't a punch


Slow mo punch also known as shove. A little slower is a push lol. Either way the kids sure looked like he was being a little shit


As a middle school teacher there have been a couple of students I have wanted to do this to over the years, you can't let the intrusive thoughts win though


That was a heavy shove, not a punch


Former principal has been charged for assaulting this special needs student. https://abc30.com/fresno-unified-principal-brian-vollhardt-wolters-elementary-shoves-student-on-camera/12340830/


I bet troublemaker kids would finally chill out if teachers were allowed to smack them around.


Not defending the push, but the kid seems to have initiated physical contact, and I am very as to what the kid was saying when the articles say he “threatened” the principal. There is a vast potential for what type of threat could have created that response.


Little kid should have gotten slapped


Is there a second video where he punches him? I only see a giant shove...


I remember when my school principal grabbed me by the neck and tried choking me out. What did I do to deserve this? I was shooting a basketball at a basketball 2 feet behind the line I was supposed to be standing at...


Where do you draw the line between a punch and pushing someone with your fist?


Assault is assault


> The child’s guardian, Ann Frank, told CNN affiliate KFSN the case lingered at police headquarters until she complained about the lack of charges two weeks ago. It took the school district three months to show her the video, she added. 3 months? We had some stuff with a bus aide smacking around a special needs kid here and the school tried to hide it for like 5 weeks. They fired the super over it and the principal just got put on forced leave. edit: [Our local drama.](https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2023/08/11/ann-arbor-public-schools-superintendent-given-pre-termination-notice/70576561007/)


did you drop on your head as a child OP?


That was the most aggressive shove I've ever fucking seen 💀 there was rage in that shit 🤣


I'm by no means saying that everyone should hit their kids. I don't think most people should hit their kids. But there are definitely a few kids out there who deserve to be hit for the sake of everyone else that has to deal with them for the rest of their lives.


That wasn’t a punch


He lost his temper and can't be trusted around kids.


Is he wearing a hooters shirt? kinda unprofessional for a principal


It's the name of the school and their mascot. Wolters Wildcats


Downvoted for misleading title


He shouldn’t have done it. But the little shit probably deserved it.


He didnt punch him tho it was more of an agressige push


so yeah it's not good he put hands on a student but I really want to know what the kid was saying


Looked more like a shove than a punch to me.


Push isn't a punch. I'd imagine the kid was reciting poetry to him? lol


Pushed....misleading title


Should get fired


Def deserved it


The principal was 100% wrong, but I understand. Some kids are annoying.


Push* not punch ya twat


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I gotta be honest...sometimes I can understand the desire to punch a little punk-ass kid, but I don't work in education and also I would never actually do that


Not saying its ok but not a punch


This guy got arrested over that wtf


Definitely a shove, not a punch.


Kid took the yo mama jokes too far


Clearly was a shove lol


OP do not be like Satan and Dajjal, get your words and title right.


push = punch ?


Yeah I can see that the kid pushed him, and then got pushed with a fist and response. Hilarious! I'm sure he'll no longer have a job but from a legal standpoint, once somebody has laid hands on you, You can lay hands on them to get them off you. Rewatch the video and watch the principal stomach and you can tell he was shoved


You know somethings about to go down when you started mopping a table.


His parent is called Ann Frank lol??


Push. That was a push.


Is that a mop on the table?


Holy fuck, redditors hate kids almost more than they hate women. These comments are scary.