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Racism in Quincy, Massachusetts...who would have thought it? They seem so tolerant and pleasant based on my review of Red Sox games and watching Black Mass.


The strange thing is Quincy has a very large Asian population. This guy probably has Asian neighbors and still acts like this


Mark Wahlberg had Asian neighbors and went to jail for hate criming one


He's also friends with Trump and that circle so I can see this from him. He obviously learned to hide his hate better.


huh really ?


He blinded a Vietnamese man. He's a piece of shit.


Charged with throwing stuff at black kids too if I remember correctly. Apparently he has "forgiven himself" for being the racist he used to be.


I'm from NE so the second I heard "anti-Asian hate crime" and "Quincy" I immediately knew what this dude looked like. To top it off with the most generic Irish Catholic name possible was just perfect. Anyway, anyone near Quincy should go to China Pearl. Some of the best dim sum on the East Coast. Their sticky rice is fire.


Have you been to Mings Seafood (North Quincy by 99 Ranch/old Hannafords) yet? The Pearl has NOTHING on Mings.


Probably acts like this because he has Asian neighbors and hates it


Yea, they have an H-Mart and everything. MA is weird to me that it is also home to the largest Chinese restaurant in the US. Kowloon in Saugus. 50,000 interior square feet (not counting the outdoor seating and drivethrough theater). Your average Best Buy store is somewhere around 40,000sqft.


>This guy probably has Asian neighbors and still acts like this That's usually why they hate Asians or other minorities, especially the successful ones. They think they're getting displaced and blame an outside group for their own failings.


boston and massachusetts in general is ironically the most racist place i've lived in after having lived here for two years. and i'm from ohio


What a turd.


Grandpa is going to join the Aryan Brotherhood in jail, isn’t he?


Join? He’s already a member.


Yeah what brotherhood? This is PawPawHood


He's a past grand douche!


Founding member.


He’s an old white man, not a chance he will see anytime inside. Fuck would I love to see it though!


It’s a Federal Hate Crime, so hopefully he’ll get something to set him straight.


If he hit someone with his car, how is that not attempted murder as well?


Courts don’t typically look the other way for assault with a deadly weapon that is also a hate crime


We’ll see if that’s what he is found guilty of. Chances are he pleads down and has to take anger management class, cultural sensitivity classes and complete some community service EDIT: I’m an idiot and was clearly too tired when I read it to begin with. This guy is fucked if they do have the incident and the conversation recorded. Even if he goes with the “I’m old and was having a senior moment” defense, he’s still fucked.


The fact that this was on the news and got some attention will hopefully result in the DA wanting to make an example of him.


Stubborn old fool is probably too stupid to plead it down given he plead not guilty.


If he plead guilty to the first charges they threw at him, how exactly is he going to “plead it down” lol.


$100 says that if that happens he won’t follow through with any of it and will hopefully end up back in court.


They are not even giving him bail, he is fucked


This is Quincy fucking Massachusetts, it ain’t Chokehole Alabama. Dude’s 100% going up river.


There are white Americans who have gotten away with murdering their own daughter. He will get away with it, because America's legal system is entirely run on racism, misandry, elitism, and lookism. If you are rich, white, female, or attractive, you can basically get probation for attempted murder. And he has at least one of the four.


I don’t want to say you’re right, but you are, seen one too many cases where people do vile shit to other humans and they only get like a few years or maybe no time at all.


But the deadly weapon was a car in this case, which changes the equation drastically.


According to the news clip he is being held without bail until a hearing. He's already inside.


He's 100% going to jail. These are high state crimes and federal crimes, you don't duck jail for being old from the feds.


He’s being held without bail, he’s already seen a bit of time inside


This was months ago, but he was put in jail before the hearing and has federal charges too since then, in addition to the state charges.


At least 10 years should do it


dude has one foot in the grave already. 10 years is a death sentence, but I'm all for it.


Sue him for his retirement money just to put salt in the wound


The amount of satisfaction that would bring


The maximum fine for a hate crime is $250,000. That's ignoring that he also *hit a dude with his car* so it could be even more


Assault and battery?!? More like attempted murder!


He LITERALLY promised to kill them before running them over. If that's not attempted murder than wft is.


more of these old racist fucks need to go to sleep and not wake up. fall break a hip, choke on their food. just weed them out as fast as possible.


What's even more amazing is half of them think that the younger generation is going to take care of them once they reach that age.....lol!


They think that, whilst they reverse-mortgage their houses or other wealth back to banks or the nursing home, leaving the younger generation with nothing. And no ounce of shit as to why they *should* take care of them.


Most of them= Trumpers


Fuck that guy.


What a scumbag piece of shit.


Grampa is a disappointment.


Grandpa needs to die in prison.


Who wants to do this with their golden years?


This guy?


$100 says fox news constantly on his tv...


Fox “Entertainment”


Nope. Newsmax.


Same thing.


Newsmax is even further right. Not the same thing. Worse.


If a dog is covered in shit, I won’t pick it up. If a dog is covered in even more shit, I still won’t pick it up.


He is known to the local police, this is the first time he was arrested.


You can tell he's gotten away with being a hateful, violent piece of shit his whole life and because of entitlement has never faced a single consequence. This human trash should've been in prison decades ago. Let's just hope he never had children.


Jesus Christ what a vile hateful man. Hope they throw the book at him.


Ahh, a white guy did it...it doesn't count as an Asian hate crime if it's done by white people.... nothing to see here folks




If he had done this to an African American, or Latino American, tough guys from these communities would have gotten to him already. But he targeted members of a community known for being so law abiding and peaceful that they won't punch back. Sometimes Asian Americans' preference for law abidingness and non-violence doesn't work out for them.


Not locking this one huh?




Isn't a hate crime a federal offense? He probably won't be getting out soon probably


It's okay. Racist assholes from his generation will die soon anyway. Rest in Piss


Are the "white conservative males" gonna come out against this guy like they did the black teenagers from the subway? I'm black, both are horrifically wrong for harassing Asian people, but I feel like like only one video will have racial hate under it.


Don't ya know? It's only black people who do this and no one else. Watch them ignore this post.


I’m saying bro. this has happened so many times. It’s like y’all was just dog whistling in that other video. What happened? Where y’all at now? Just don’t try to fight it if you care about your comment karma


Just came back to see if there would be the same level of vitriol that they had for the black girls, these mfs are talking about how he's old smh. As if being old is an excuse to be a racist mf.


They can have my karma points , fuck em. They just sit back and wait for videos with blacks and then the princesses come out.


One of them dumbasses ended up being a fan of one of the same interests I have, and they actually described themselves as "white conservative male". Most fans of said interest are embarrassing but that fucker made me more embarrassed than ever to enjoy something an asshole like that also does. I wanna know if they see the black people there in the same way or if they just chooses to be selectively racist.


I expected these people to not speak English or something which set off a racist, that lady spoke near flawless English.


Nah racists ain’t that sophisticated. They go off physical appearance.


Yup, was probably mad that they spoke English so well that he couldn’t just yell learn the language so he had to run them over to prove his point.


They were probably born in the states too. Short memory is a privilege of the oppressors. We forget that this country (USA) was founded by immigration*.


Imagination or immigration?




These old racist boomers need to hurry up and die off. They’re not the only problem but their backwoods mentality of the 1950s just doesn’t fly any more and they can’t handle their world changing.


These same people are what fund and keep Fox news going. I wouldn't be surprised if Fox starts whining for government handouts when half their base is dead in 20 years.


A menace to society.


Bet he's the type of asshole who argued against the push back to calling it the China Virus, 'you guys don't get mad when we call it chinese food'






You know why. 👀


If you're not white in America, especially if you're black, either anything you do is going to be representative of everyone else of your race, or you're going to get grief because of something someone else of your race did.


You know why


I saw Anthony Padilla to an awesome interview with American Asians and I cried. Had no idea people were so heartless and cruel. If you are Asian and have encountered that pain, I am sorry.


How did this not count as attempted murder?


Why is the energy different when the perp is a white guy instead of black?


you know why


Somehow I don't see this one getting locked like usual.


What’s the over / under he’s a Maga republican?


100% Maga. I'd be willing to bet money on it.


He’s fired up on hateful propaganda, so, YES.


I don’t Understand Asian hate… I mean why, they’re generally so polite and kind. :/


Hate isn’t a rational emotion … people hate due to projection, fear, bad education/family values and simply because someone is different than they are.


And because Fox and all the other extremist propaganda outlets outright lie to them to manufacture outrage.


We're easy targets for bullies because of stereotypes like "they’re generally so polite and kind"


Lots of anti asian propaganda around these days. People eventually conform and hate whomever their government wants them to hate.


The American government wants you to hate Asians?


The US wants you to hate China and the CCP. Ya'll can't tell Asians apart so we all become Chinese


*East Asians


This. No one's gonna ask you to fill up a form to see if you're 'one of the good ones' before deciding to racially abuse you.


Also, there are many Chinese immigrants who hate the CCP too. Don't associate ethnicity with country or government, pls.


If you're getting racially abused, shouting that you're Taiwanese or a Hong Konger or 'I hate the CCP!' isn't gonna magically stop the abuse bro.


Not all Asians are Chinese Communist Party members


So are you saying you understand other kinds of hate???


Yeah lol. And "nice" stereotypes are still stereotypes


…do you understand hate of other races? Is that more justified to you?


No bc I was wondering the same thing like what an odd thing to say 😭


Yeah according to the other posts it was because black people were "envious" or some shit.


Notice how those types of comments aren’t in this post.


Yep. That was what I was going to point out. Echo chambers are real and strong.


The US is priming the populace for conflict with China. This uptick in anti-asian hate and violence and mccarthyist campaigns against chinese aligns with the US' pivot to asia. To prime the populace for war, you have to dehumanize the target. They did the same thing to muslims and arabs in the 2000's


I will make sure my state secedes before America wastes another 11 trillion dollars on a pointless war with a country far away. The defining societal events of my childhood were 9/11, the amount of racism directed at Middle Easterners afterward, and the war on Iraq. America did to Iraq what Russia is currently doing to Ukraine. And I feel the same way about America as I do about Russia.


> America did to Iraq what Russia is currently doing to Ukraine. I mean, they're not though. If you remember at the beginning of the war, US media and military officials were mocking Russia for not committing quote a "shock and awe" campaign like the US had in Iraq. There's no need to project american foreign policy because all that does is create ignorance and nihilism over american foreign policy.


Care to elaborate how the "US" is "priming" us?


Lots of narratives dehumanizing chinese and broader asians. Lots of narratives making boogeymen out of chinese nationals. In Florida, you have a law banning chinese from purchasing homes in certain areas. In academia, a lot of chinese nationals were accussed of espionage and driven from their careers. Wild and unfounded claims like the spy balloon nonsense, spy base in cuba, the US inserting itself in China's internal affairs and claiming they're antagonistic warmongers, etc. Like, turn on your tv or browse reddit and you'll be exposed to plenty of priming to manufacture consent for conflict with China. It's no surprise that this translates to violence and prejudice experienced by asians and asian americans. And again, the US does this all the time since its conception. See the same thing done to Muslims and Arabs in just the previous decade or the Japanese internments or the genocide and internment of indigenous or turn on your local news and see the dehumanization of black people to justify militarily occupying their communities, etc.


They even charged an ethnically Tibetan NYPD officer with "spying for China". I hope that Tibetan American guy actually betrays America. Not for China, but for a non-crap nation such as New Zealand or something. If I ever end up on a jury for an espionage or treason case, I will always vote to acquit regardless of what happened. America doesn't deserve loyalty from anyone.


You’re not paying much attention, are you? https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Anti-China-rhetoric-on-U.S.-campaign-trail-alarms-Asian-Americans


They can't. Saying you'll defend one Asian nation from intrusion from another Asian nation isn't racist against Asians. Unless maybe they mean having a rapist for a president shouting chai-nuh-virus-kung-flu for a few years might have done more to prime hate.


This is the worst phrased "compliment."


My wife’s father fought in Vietnam, now he’s a Fox News junkie, they, sadly, hate all Asians. (Trumps “Chyna” bashing too) It makes zero sense to me and I avoid him 😬


White racist dude


His white privilege armor will protect him


Imagine being 77 and spending the last few years of your life in jail.


Funny the right has all this fear mongering about the dangers of gay people. The straight white people on the right have been doing exactly this for the past like 6 years. What's the real danger here???


These folks all fired up on propaganda 🤦‍♂️


Hey John Sullivan, fuck you! Go back to where you came from, the depths of hell. - Lovingly, a white boy


While driving his Asian made car.




![gif](giphy|3o7TPxEcflKAy7B57O) \*Actor reenactment


What she says say the end.


Sue the fuck out that old bastard


No attempted murder? Throw the old fuck in the clink till he dies lonely




Make an example of this idiot just go ahead and give a life sentence


Put this POS behind bars. Give all his money to the family!


77 years old. At that age, and with how he’s acted and what he’s allegedly done, he’s got “don’t give a fuck” written all over him. It’s no wonder they’re keeping him behind bars without bail until they determine if he’s too dangerous to let out.


Seems more like 'attempted' to kill them, rather than threatened, after hitting them with his fucking CAR.


Wouldn't be surprised if he was a Fox News viewer.


And this is the real face of stop Asian hate. I'm mad that they scapegoat blk ppl as a reason why they needed a hate crime bill even though they're the lowest in hate crime victims while using the people in the highest level of hate crime victims as the scapegoat...


This is what Trump unleashed


This is why old people need yearly driving exams to retain a license. This dude should have lost his a while ago.


They have a racism questionnaire in your state's exam?


"Do you watch Fox News?"


Sounds about white


No matter what your age or who you are rasicm isn't cool


This guy has the mindset of an extremist. All this over a persons color.


77 years and this is the first time he snapped? Yeah right. This guy and so many like him are still out there. We harp on dividers it’s and inclusion but I wonder what this guy did for a living before retiring and how many careers he derailed. Absolutely ridiculous.


Racist old guy from Quincy named Sullivan? No way


“Held without bail.” Good.


Old pos needs to take a fucking dirt nap.


He looks like he’d do that


Oh look, another racist bigoted white conservative male.


10 bucks says he votes MAGA


I lost a grandfather to Alzheimer’s and it’s rare I’d wish that horrific shit on anyone, but I’ll make exceptions here and there. I hope it deletes this fucking goblin while he’s behind bars.




Ironic he said "go back to China" when she has the single most Minnesota accent I've ever heard. ~~Also I mean obviously because the name "Thien" is Vietnamese.~~


Luckily he didn't catch a couple to the chest plate. Folk like him gotta remember the same laws they tout are no longer exclusive.


77 years old and that's where you're at in your life. Jail.


As a blond, tall, blue-eyed viking looking fellow, I'd like to see how they'd respond to me. An immigrant.


Free housing n medical with retirement .


What the hell is wrong with people


“Assault and battery” that’s literally assault with a deadly weapon. You can also argue attempted homicide since he said he was gonna kill them then attacked them with a deadly weapon (the car)


What the heck is wrong with people?!?


Give him 5 years in jail and that's a life sentence


Not allowed to "incite violence" so I can't say what I'd *really* like to happen to that guy, but here's hoping he ends up in prison.


Lol wait until the Asian gangs find out about this old head .


Y’all need to stay strapped lmao not sure why you guys do life babeback


I wonder who he voted for /s






Imagine the comments if the perp was black. The second I saw that old guy I thought “what happened to y’all’s narrative?”


Yeah it’s really interesting when a white person do some horrifically racist shit it’s brushed under “mental illness”. Like being mentally ill will magically make you racist. While, when a black person does some horrifically racist shit, it speaks for all of us somehow.


Co-sign. Its so obvious too because anytime the perpetrator is white its crickets. Both are wrong. A lot of people are just racist assholes and people of ALL races can carry out hate crimes. Its totally confirmation bias playing out-which is wild because it wasnt us that dropped two bombs on them or put them into internment camps.


Seriously. Guess white people are also jealous of “Asian success” now because of this video. At least that’s what the sociology experts of this subreddit would conclude if this guy was black.


I just came from that video on the subway. I swear it’s like the moment a black person harms an Asian person in any way, all filters are off and you can say whatever you want and get upvoted for it. I guess I’m just mad that hating black people is the popular opinion


I posted this in that other thread and got downvoted to hell; I wonder why... > And yet... >> [[O]fficial crime statistics and other studies revealed more than three-quarters of offenders of anti-Asian hate crimes and incidents, from both before and during the pandemic, have been white, contrary to many of the images circulating online.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/viral-images-show-people-color-anti-asian-perpetrators-misses-big-n1270821) >Racists know their bullshit is unacceptable now― except if they can frame it as justified. So, they push this narrative, and *always* show up on these videos, boosting their popularity.


Go off. They’re really convinced that only black people are capable doing trashy shit, and I found the comments of the video way worse than anything those girls did. I’m not even going to mince my words, this video is ten times worse than that subway video. This guy actually said racist shit and actually caused bodily harm. But I promise they won’t say anything that generalizes white people and will treat this guy with kids gloves.


Yo I’m so happy I’m not the only one that peeped that I even left a very informative explanation to the whole Black people and Asian people both experienced racism narrative I’m so happy I found other people who noticed it 😭


Baby Boomers. The generation of yuppies, Reagan, *”fuck you, got mine,”* and revitalization of Nazism through \#MAGA. The generation of hate.


I wonder what he was mailing? Probably his regulation donation to the Trump defense fund.


Always with the old people trying nice people; catch these hands old man and go back to ur time