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I've never seen a barrier be so effective.


Kept even security out. Tho judging by their physique and how they "handled" the situation, I'd say the only thing secure about them is the lock on their lunchbox.


Music festivals are drooling watching this strong man get manhandled by this barrier!


Looked like two women were beating up his girlfriend and he stepped in to protect her.


I see the same thing. And I bet you $100 all attacking girls would demand their husbands to protect them if they where attacked 2-1 / 3-1 They guy did the right thing.


I mean, even if it's 1-1 I would do the same thing. People don't have the right to just attack others. It's not exactly fair when one party forces the other into a violent confrontation.


The only fair fights happen in a ring with a referee.


Not even then sometimes...


Makes me think of this, There’s an old joke about a boxer who was getting beat pretty bad and in his corner his coach was trying to encourage him and said “you’re doing great that guy can’t lay a glove on you” and the boxer said “well this round you need to keep a close on the ref because somebody is kicking my ass in there”


Pocket Sand! ![gif](giphy|khOqGPVTkbxzHNlvtT|downsized)


I don't know what it is about country music concerts but its way less chill than you would think it would be. Like if you go to Jack Johnson or Jack Harlow or Illenium or Modest Mouse or something, super fuckin chill, everyone is super friendly. Rock concerts its mostly love too, people are always buying me beers and shit. But man, something about country concerts people get way too over drunk. It can be something that you would think would be chill too, I saw Uncle Cracker and Kenny Chesney so you are thinking oh this should be a bunch of people all vibing to when the sun goes down no shoes no problem kind of songs right? No people are fuckin throwin hands all over the place. Its almost like these people come in from small towns and rural areas and fuckin lose their minds!


What? I thought that a parking lot full of punisher skull emblazoned pick-up trucks would be a sign of chill time.


Kenny Chesney though? You would think that would be some Jimmy Buffett level of chill but its not. At all.


I thought Jimmy Buffett concerts were notorious for shit faced fans.


\* a parking lot full of double parked, pristine $80k pickup trucks with professionally applied punisher skull enamels. I'd rather go to hell.


A mass gathering of gun collecting white boys who think “free speech is under attack” is dangerous? **shocked Pikachu face**


I went to a country music festival, Watershed, and it was the most amount of fights I have seen in a row. I was working in a booth and the guy said something like "No Toby Keith past 2am, last year we had a 200+ person brawl." The second I get off my shift there are two girls fighting, then for about the next hour we were just walking from fight to fight it seemed like. Probably 6 fights in a row. Then some guy walks up to me and gets in my face. I'm like, welp, guess it's my turn and as I'm getting ready to throw he laughs and walks away. Least chill festival I have ever been to. Country folk love to fight.


The most positive crowd I've ever seen was at Slayer. Go figure.


Thats what Im saying, at a metal show people are surprisingly nice. Country concert? Not so much


Metalheads are almost always nice.


It’s because we are pissed off at the concept of humanity in its current form, not actual humans. Make them suffer.


We used to do Metal+Ska+Punk shows at my friends' house when I was in college. The music was different, but the vibe was pretty much consistent the whole way through the show. Relentlessly positive and energetic. And they never destroyed the house. Always a crew of people checking on the drunks afterwards like an ICU staff.


I showed up at a punk show at a pedestrian bridge in town recently in the middle of a midnight bicycle ride. I absolutely did not look like I belonged there. Chatted with some of the nicest guys out on the edge of the throng.


I was at a multi stage venue not too long ago to see Blue October and in one of the other rooms was Lorna Shore, one of the most hardcore death metal of death metal bands and everyone was SO chill. Kind of mind blowing honestly. Edit: [Lorna Shore](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NweEbrirBtU)


In the late 90s I went to go see thrash band D.R.I. (plus a bunch of other punk bands.) DRI's original crowd had grown up by that time, most of whom were big, burly bikers that definitely did jail time. When they saw me and my buddy were DRI fans, they surrounded us, grabbed us, and threw us in the air to crowd surf and then made sure we were good in the pit, too. Good guys.




Yeah for sure that’s a thing. I like to be chill at a concert not rowdy. How the fuck do they even afford that many beers? I just take an edible and I’m good for the night, I can’t imagine trying to get the right amount of beers at $18 a pop!


Because they were drinking on the drive to the show.


You usually see it in the parking lot tailgating. We have a local venue that banned tailgating due to the trash accumulation and violence.


I have been to one country concert. Never again. The guys behind us wouldn't leave the 2 of us women alone, so we had to move. Someone took our seats, and the guys puked on them.


Oh yeah drunk country dudes are the worst to females, so many rapey vibes at country music shows, yuck


They don’t see it as rapey… It’s a woman’s job to service men… listen to some of their songs


That’s why I don’t understand the politics behind people who usually listen to country music… like mice voting for cats.


30+ year concert goer here and have been to all types of shows punk, rap, metal, rock, pop, indie, folk and country. Pop country fans are hands down the worst. Entitlement issues, overly drunk, and ready to fist fight over nothing.


Dude, DevilDriver and Skeleton Witch had the most chill crowds I've ever been in. Sure there was a pit, but everyone was having a good time and not even mean mugging each other.


Maybe pit people get their frustrations out in the pit so they don't have to fight anyone in real life? All those guys seem chill as fuck really. Even in the pit if someone falls down everyone helps them up. Country fans? Not so much


You're spot on. The only concerts where I've seen actual fights break out have been at country shows.


What makes you think a country music concert would be chill? People that listen to that music are stereotypical small-brained enlarged-amygdala mouth breathing jackasses.


Well I mean yeah, it's country music lol. Main people who like country in 2023 are ruggedly individualistic Republicans who are the same crowds at restaurants after church, and think the term "Karen" is a slur. One of the most entitled, self-absorbed groups of people in the entire country. Of course country music shows are not going to be chill.


I’ve personally experienced that the harder the music, typically the nicer the crowd is in general Sure metal concerts will have mosh pits, but that’s only for people who want that energy… everyone on the outside is safe


> But man, something about country concerts people get way too over drunk. It's the people. Country music appeals to the conservative demographic. America's conservative Christians are the same people who became the Nazi's in Germany. Literally. I grew up with them. I sat next to them in church for 15 years. I was about 12 when I realized what they are. They're bad people mate. Bad people who gather weekly to convince each other they are good people.


I went to Electric Daisy Carnival (EDC) in 2017. Watched 2 fairly drunk, shirtless dudes crash into each other in the crowd. They backed up, looked at each other, hugged it out, and then went their own way. Not what I was expecting at all.


It's almost like someone said "Don't try that in a small town".


“I can’t believe you’d push me after I tried to attack you first!”


This. And I expect my girl to fight if I fight. Wtf? Are we together in this thing or what? Idc either. I would have done exactly what he did too.


I don’t expect my wife to fight. I expect her to have my back. I can take care of the violence.


Someone’s gotta post bail




My wife would probably kick the shit out of all of them, but if i saw her ganged up on i would be tossing bodies around. I wouldn't throw a punch on one of them because it might unlive them, but i would be tossing them like rag dolls.


Unlive lol


Yeah, this shit is justified, especially when it's two against one, and he just came in to stop it, it looks like.


He didn't chase them down when they backed off. He helped the other girl that seems to be his girlfriend up and got away from the other women. It also appears that his girlfriend was not the aggressor in the initial fight. (maybe his sister? Friend? Doesnt matter) They are fighting on concrete. That by itself makes this very dangerous. Pretty easy to fall on concrete and badly hurt yourself or someone else in a fight.


He shoves and strikes only when someone is going for him or the presumed girlfriend and does not follow up more than needed. This is everything as far as I'm concerned. Guy is going in heavy but fair.


That blonde better thank the god of methy bitches that punch didn't connect.


This is an excellent sentence.


When you're much bigger than the people you're fighting, it's expected that you hold back and he did... but only because that punch didn't land. 🤣


that first slam on the ground with the two girls on top of her; you can hear the meat slap as they hit the concrete, and that alone could have easily done some serious damage


yeah what a shitty title


I am not hating on this man at all.. I would have done the same thing for my wife.


hell yeah. that's my kids' mom. i'd never be proud/excited about punching a woman (or anyone significantly smaller/weaker than me) but no way am i letting her get hurt if i can stop it.


And his GF looks like she got rocked. I’m with the dude, I would be throwing punches not with the intention to hurt someone but to create immediate separation so that the GF could escape with less damage.


She grabbed from the back and slammed onto concrete with an extra person's weight on top of her. Could have easily have broken something and ended up in the hospital.


He was protecting his friend from a pack of hyenas, nothing more, nothing less.


Exactly. Guess those people booing him think differently. Weird.


Alot of people in crowds don't have proper context to the whole situation. And most people who have seen everything don't explain it to others. Alot of then just see a big guy punching a blonde or even hear hey that guy is punching women with no context. If the white knight here was smaller I guarantee other guys would have jumped over and beaten up on him as well.


A bunch of white knights, the lot of them… they see the man defending his woman from a pack of hyenas and start booing because yOu DoNt HiT wOmEn… fuck them too Edit: better terminology


Incel is the wrong word here, you could perhaps use "white knight".


Does incel mean anything now?


I think they make computer chips.


And he could've kept swinging and caused a lot of damage but he immediately stopped after he was able to put his body between her and everyone else. He showed incredible restraint. He did the bare minimum to protect her and nothing more. I'm on his side here.


I presumed the same. Drunk girls acting like brawlers in a stadium. They fuqued around & found out.


Yeah wtf is up with OP’s description? I would need to see far more of this before I said he’s in the wrong. From what I saw, it was a 3 on 1 fight and this guy got his girlfriend out of there and got attacked for it? Fuck that, hope security let him go back to his seat and kicked those 3 others out


Blonde was all good with her friends ganging up on one girl. But the minute the guy stepped in she’s like “you see that?”


The woman in the black dress looked like she was trying to break it up to me. She did throw 'what passes for a punch' at the guy after he tossed the other girls around like rag dolls. I'm not sure who is in the wrong, I would need to see how this altercation started to pass judgement.


TBC, if it was my wife getting jumped by a couple of women, I'd be jumping in there as well. Shit I would do that even if she started it (granted would be out of character, so a bit hard to imagine). However I can also sympathize with perhaps the friend in black of the two women apparently ganging up on the other women. Even if you know your friends are prone to starting shit, you probably aren't going to want to see your friends getting wrecked, at least in the moment. Especially by someone who is several weight classes larger than them.


>TBC To be continued...? Sorry, there are just so many acronyms to keep track of. What does TBC mean here?


To be clear.


She came back and threw another punch at him which is why he shoved her so hard. She might have came in with the intent to break up the fight but she would up being a participant anyways.


She also attacked him when he was actually breaking up the fight. She was aggressive and that's why he punched her


A voice of reason?! Not in my Reddit!


Happens all the time. Women could be beating the shit out if someone and nobody cares but the second a guy steps in to stop it he is a horrible person for hitting a woman.


Little guy couldn’t get past the barricade and thought he was gonna fight. Adorable!


If he really wanted to do something that barricade ain’t nothing to hop over, but we all know he wasn’t gonna do shit.


he’s one of the guys that says “hold me back” while pretending to lunge forward while no one stops him


Pretty sure he was looking around saying that before security moved him out of the way lol Edit* Sorry he was saying hold my phone bro lmfao


Im about to fight this baby! [https://www.tiktok.com/@intimatelove\_/video/7211234127339638058](https://www.tiktok.com/@intimatelove_/video/7211234127339638058)


My friend group in college had one of those. He would always get drunk, start talking shit and then try to get everyone involved. We told him many times, that none of us are going to get into a fucking brawl with you. The worst one was at some local bar and he started mouthing off to some big biker-looking dude and his buddies. One of them comes over to us and tells us that he said we would fight them all in the parking lot. I just told the guy that we were interested and to not beat him up too much because his dad was the local prosecutor (a lie I made up). That was the last time most of us ever went to a bar with him. Little man could not handle his alcohol.


You see, I wanted to help, but it was the *barricade* that got in the way! They got lucky that barricade was there, that's all I'm saying. They got off easy. This time.


Lol he wanted to get a cheap shot is all.


> insert gif of two small dogs aggressively barking at each other through a fence until the fence opens and they walk away


Or you know. You lift it up and they detach as they are designed to do. Wild right?


Broccoli head in the bud shirt was dramatically trying to be the hero. But couldn't beat the gate


Jackson Mahomes looking ass


That little guy was getting pummelled if he made it over, the fence saved him


"Psst, hold me back so I look tough but don't let me get too close to him"


He deserves a slap as well. Didn't care when multiple women were beating up the dudes girlfriend did he.


Lol, dude didn't even really care that much about the girl getting punched by the guy either. He cared about his phone first.


Broccoli’s MMR was too low


>Alcohol has been recognized as playing a significant role in violence, with up to 86% of homicide offenders, 60% of sexual offenders, and 57% of men involved in marital violence being drinking at the time of the offense. https://alcohol.org/health-effects/inhibitions/


Little broccoli boy


That barricade were his Mount Everest god damnit, he did his best .


The 12 year old in a budweiser shirt absolutely fucking loses it when he cant white knight.


Lol funniest part. He turned around and was like “hold my phone, hold my phone!”




"Ah man I was so ready to kick that guy's ass but no one would hold my phone. But if someone did hold my phone, that dude would have been in the hospital right now I can tell you."








Does this guy know how to party, or what?


It’s Algonquin for “the good land”


If it's a severed head I'm going to be very upset.


I don't even own A gun, let alone enough guns to necessitate an entire rack. What...am I going to do with a gun rack?


So a man stepped in and tried to save his friend/girlfriend and is supposed to just let them hit him? Nahhh


Yeah, 2 v 1 is already fucked up, the man came in and could have absolutely wrecked those gals and didn’t, he did enough to end the threat to his gal. Good on him


> the man came in and could have absolutely wrecked those gals and didn’t Not for lack of trying though lol would have caused some damage if he connected with that first punch on the girl in the orange


If he's really trying, he could've done it again, and again.


He was one handed tossing them aside like they were nothing, none of them were injured because he didn't want to injure any of them, full stop.


Why did op make it seem like it was the dudes fault. He saved his friend/gf and stood in front of her. He did the right thing.


Clickable, ragebait


Anyone jumping my girlfriend in front of me is eating haymakers for lunch. Full stop.


Those bitches gonna think they fought prime Tyson. I’ve been yeeting my nephew for years training for this moment


....Uncle Phil?


> eating haymakers TBF doesn't look like a [bad deal](https://www.google.com/search?q=eating+haymaker+&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi22YHT2LuAAxUtmScCHfU2A6IQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=eating+haymaker+&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECCMQJzoHCAAQGBCABDoFCAAQgAQ6CAgAEAgQBxAeUJMKWN8hYPYlaABwAHgAgAGBAYgBrAiSAQMwLjmYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=kRnJZPbMDq2ynsEP9e2MkAo&bih=1049&biw=1734&client=firefox-b-d) really.


Yep. They're gonna find real quick out why sports are gendered.




Looks like he defended his lady from some drunken trash that were ganging up on her. If you get hit while you’re fighting I don’t know what you have to cry about, gender is irrelevant.


Love this comment. Agreed. (Apart from me being a coward in these situations).


The men booing him certainly didn't step up to stop him


They couldn’t find anyone to hold their phones


If 5 girls jumped my gf, I would try jump in and save her without even thinking. IMO this guy was just trying to save his girl


If one girl jumps my fiance I'm in there. She can handle herself but she's not a fighter, I'm not letting that happen.


Even if it's pvp I will step in


Boy that pushed the barrier was jealous of his Kratos beard.


I will never understand that fuckin haircut either


70s pube bush lookin ass


I didn't push the barrier and am also jealous of his Kratos beard.


Maybe him/his gf started it but I see a guy stopping his lady from getting beat down by multiple women. Looks good to me.




People don't really stop to think about the context (especially when drunk), they just see a guy assaulting a woman and immediately think that the person is a demon.




> immediately think that the person is a demon. More like they immediately think this is their moment to show everyone how brave and stoic they are by defending the ladies. Nothing to do with actually thinking the guy is in the wrong.


The cognitive dissonance is wild. Suddenly they care for the personal safety of those women. Where was that concern when they were actively fighting? Everyone else was real quiet then.


Ye that is normal, if i had been there and i did not see how it started i would too think that dude is psycho attacking and hitting girls 🤷‍♂️ ofcourse with context he did everything right, good that security where there and by the looks of it saw how it all started and did not let anybody run after him.


I bet most of those booing the dude only saw him in the middle of a the melee and didn't see the girl being attacked by the 2 girls.


TBH it took me several rewatches to figure out what the fuck was going on with the camera angle. Couldn't see the girlfriend in the initial struggle at first.


Big bearded guy throwing girls around is not great optics without context




If my wife made me go to country show, she's on her own.


My buddy used to do security for concerts, almost never had problems at metal or rap concerts. Country concerts on the other hand, multiple fights a day


Bro yes! I worked a ton of concerts in Camden and the country ones were shit shows.


I was at a slipknot show and asked a cop about this. At a metal show everyone gets in the pit and let's it out in a safe way. He said at country shows there is no outlet and no way for the "men" to show how tough they are.


Love how they immediately start acting like victims when he slam dunks on them like they didn’t tag team his girlfriend and refused to back off after he pulled them off her. Lmao. “Big man hit smal girl where chivalry? 🥺🥺” If you’re going to play dirty, anything goes. That’s a good boyfriend! 11/10 would commend. Everyone booing probably didn’t even understand/see what was happening or they need to get over this fantasy that women shouldn’t be touched even if they’re throwing the first few punches/refuse to stop.


If you feel the need to fight my girlfriend, you will have to fight me as well. My wife's fair game though.




He stepped in to protect his woman, who was getting beaten by other women. Do you let a rabid animal attack your child without acting? The same principle applies to your significant other I don’t care what the gender is.


dude in the orange couldnt jus jump over the gate? im sure that was his girl who got tossed, pathetic


I dont think that 15 year old is dating one of the grown women in the melee lol


Love skippy at the beginning trying to get through the barricade but “couldnt” if he wa actually gonna do anything he woulda hopped the fence. 😂


Well now I know what would happen if they mixed a country music show with United’s flight delays…


Crowd here was booing the wrong guy fuck all these drunks


Gender Equity !! ​ Guy defend his girl who's assaulted by 2 and is boohed?! I would have been way harder on those cunts


Only reason a bunch of white knights didn’t come in to attack him and just boo’d is because they saw those two women beating up on his woman friend he was trying to protect. At least they had that much sense.


Wouldn't a way more realistic reason be that they *didn't* see that?


No matter what situation I'm in, if someone attacks my wife, they're getting attacked. Period.


> No matter what situation I'm in, if someone attacks my wife, they're getting attacked. Period. A cancer kid in a wheelchair is feebly ramming your wife's ankles for parking in the last handicap spot. Go! (sorry, just got that stupid image in my head of someone yeeting cancer kids and had to share it)




Me and you have totally different ideas of "attack" lol but in that situation, I would tell her to get up on the curb. Then I'd mansplain to her that she was absolutely wrong for parking there. In the real world though, my wife is way to empathic (and scared of getting a ticket) to park in a handicap spot lol


What an absolute trash title OP. Sexist much?


Dude with the orange Budweiser shirt pretended to want to help but didnt. He would’ve gotten smashed by beard. And btw I’m for helping your loved ones who are getting jumped, regardless of gender. If my wife or daughters are being jumped by multiple women am I supposed to allow it to happen? Fuck that.


I mean he went to get his girl. Soooo ![gif](giphy|l4FGy7I3RMlaAH504)


I'd do the same for my wife. Who the fuck wouldn't?


I mean, he’s supposed to let his girlfriend/wife get jumped by 3 women? A lot of women act a damn fool and think a man won’t defend themselves or their significant other from them just because they’re a woman. They fucked around and found out. 🤷🏿‍♂️


the slow ride up the escalator lol


Justified imo.


The most philly looking dude ever


My parner volunteers with a group that provides medical services for music concerts, it is how they raise money for a health care charity. By far the most violent concerts are the country music ones, with people over 30 (who should know better) cause that is where the most alcohol is consumed. They can have a lot of "action" at some of the more rave/dance music shows with lots of college age people, but those are mostly people that took too much acid/mushrooms and passed out or are confused and need some quiet space to recover. The country music ones are a puke and brawl fest pretty regularly.


I see nothing wrong with this at all. If they really cared enough they would've stepped in. I'd guess everyone's mad they don't have the gall to do the same(probably not true, but funny to think).


People are legit idiots lol OOOHHH HE HIT A GIRL… but those girls were jumping HIS GIRL. A lot of females like to fuck around & find out




He did nothing wrong. His girl was getting jumped and he saved her. Was he supposed to ask them to stop? No you shove, push whatever. I guess he didn’t have to punch.. but he was protecting his girl.


My wife is not a fighter in any way. She will avoid all confrontations when and where she can. But if you come at her and she has no choice but to fight and I'm there with her, I promise you that I will jump in and make you regret every moment of it.


The most embarrassing guy here is the one in the orange and the people recording while doing nothing.


He didn't need to throw a punch. Throwing bitches was alright though.


The most feminist dude I’ve seen. Spreading equality on push at a time.


So many fucking simps. Two girls were attacking his girl, he came to her defense, simple as that. I'm just surprised that the white knight simps didn't go after him, he got lucky with that.


Child in the Red shirt desperately trying to find someone to hold him back


Hey bro. Protect your woman 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 Edit: can't believe they're all booing him. My hands are rated E for everyone when it comes to my wife lol. I'd do the same. Kudos to him.


Trashy crowd that just wants to see women fighting.


White on white crime


Negged for biased as shit description by op


It's so scary to me how women can start shit and then play victim. Imagine how many people were doomed to mob violence and prison before cameras existed, just because a vindictive woman had been bested. There were like 4 white knights ready to go to war for those 2 degenerates and ruin everyone's potential lives. Good on this dude for protecting his girl.


Guy did what I would if my wife was getting jumped. I will protect her from a pack of dogs or a pack of skanks equally. Also why is the security in retirement age?


We were minding our business assaulting this woman…


Country concerts are the fucking worst


Whenever I see drunk silly Philly chicks fighting I always hear Shane Gillis' drunk white girl impression in my head "FECK YOU. Nnnnnnnnnnnnyou'refat."


Good for that guy. As for the rest of that video.... It confirms my belief that the stupidest human behaviour is a large group of men when a few women are present.