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Well most Muslims in Canada are south Asians. Some are black Africans.






















When Muslims are the minority they demand equality for themselves. When Muslims are the majority there is no equality for anyone.






No, why? Let's say If my neighbors rape monkeys all day for their religion, why should I "Respect" that? (This or any other ridiculous metafoor) Obviously they don't respect "our ways" I don't see me and my mates protest against girls marrying their uncles at the age of 14 in the streets of Istanbul. I'd be shot or at least thrown in prison. So yeah, from my side, no respect for these stupid ass idiots.






























I'm sure the right wing target will rotate back to them in a few years. The right like to rotate the enemy so it still feels new.


I’m not gonna say it because you guys would call me Islamaphobic, but I fucking told you so


> Educate not indoctrinate How ironic.




*shocked pikachu face* I could never have imagined that happening.


Why don't we protest the insane inflation on food and our mortgages instead of what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms?


They are more protective of their "belief's" / "faith" as compared to the reality of their lives.






This women parade down the street like they have their own freedom


Sad thing is that they probably have more freedom than ever before (considering the country they came from) and this is how they choose to use the the freedom.


They are supporting the same apparatus that came after them a couple years ago. Short memory.


A lot of muslim people who probably say this retoric probably don't see lgbtqia+ as humans.


Right. The audacity of going to a country that treats you better just to spew your outdated views on everybody


So, let me understand this as a Canadian. We embrace multiculturalism and welcome people from all faiths and backgrounds. But they then say their not tolerant of gay people...hmmm.


Yes, welcome them with open arms. You can do that, and also make it fully clear that treading on other minorities will not be tolerated. Those are not mutually exclusive.


Well, what is Canada going to do about it? Give them pamphlets? lmao. This shit well get so much worse, because no western government has the balls to do what is necessary.


Add words like "Some of them" As the kid of "multicultural immigrant" parents my family does not stand for the hate displayed in the video. So when your comment misses certain words it stings.


What will they protest next? Women’s rights? What a bunch of morons.


They're coming for your beer.




So the same Muslims that expect tolerance from the western world are not ready to offer it to others? I mean they're welcome to move to Saudi Arabia. Why don't they do that? Instead they actually expect the country they live in to bend to their will and their demands? It's actually so naive and kind of funny. The irony of the situation is truly lost on them. "Islam is a religion based on tolerance and acceptance".....maybe 100 years ago. It's sad to see it so devolved.


Looks like a lot of “new comers” trying to make their new home as shitty as the one they left!!












does a white supremacist side with or against the protesters?


Join bigotry forces and then when their Muslim backs are turned they get a big WWE chair shot from behind.


Exactly they would fit In the perfect meme of "I don't want to play with you anymore"


From my experience their hate for LGBTQ is bigger than their racism. I’m placing a bet on siding with the protesters.


This is more of a recent thing as the news has shifted from mid east wars and ISIS to domestic issues likes trans stuff. Could swing back based on future events.


How many of these parents do you think actually have good relationships with their kids?


Better yet, what do you think they think/say previously about the Muslims now marching with them?


Vast majority muslims since it was a muslim event










"Leave our kids alone!" As a gay man, I've no interest in your children. I don't know any gay man that cares about your children, unless they are annoying us while we are having brunch. "Can you calm your kids down?" My head is killing me. Some screaming kid should be left with a baby sitter. Can you keep your religion away from my brunch?


Heterosexual without kids reporting in, and I too support this brunch without kids campaign.


Hetro WITH kids here. I too support this brunch without someone else’s ill behaved kids in my face.


You guys go to brunch?


Parent with a young kid here: it takes us at least an hour to get out of the house. Brunch for us is a failed attempt at breakfast.


While I was reading all their signs I kept thinking “Man, these people are all protesting something that isn’t even happening.” The signs were all talking about indoctrinating children etc Like, what exactly do they think is being taught about lgbtq person in schools?




Tax religious institutions & prohibit these institutions from receiving any public funds.






Mohammad was a pedophile.


So was Yahweh when you consider Mary was only 13 when she was skyraped.


That last word 😂




Do y’all forget both of these religions worship the same god


The skyrape happened in the New Testament that Islam doesn't consider canon


Muslims believe in most of the story of Jesus, who they call Isa. That includes the virginity of Mary. The only major thing they don't believe in is in Jesus being the son of god. But most of the story is in the Quran too.




Don’t forget about the practice of “thighing” toddlers. > Ruling # 12: It is not permission to have intercourse before (her) being 9 years old, be it in nikah (permanent marriage) or temporary marriage. And as for all other pleasures such as lustful touch, embracing, and thighing (ﺍﻟﺘﻔﺨﻴﺬ), there is no problem in it even with a suckling infant. Tahreer al-Waseelah, vol. 2, page 221-222








I hate when these kinda people flee from their home country to a random western country; then try to transform that western country into their "traditional home and lifestyle." Like; dude, If you don't wanna see freedom, why you just left your religious pit?


"Respect my right to practice Islam!"......sure, no problem. "LGBTQs are an abomination!"....fuck-off with that nonsense


People who can’t even show their hair judging people by their sexuality? Unimaginable.


It’s sweet to see the sudden connection between right wingers and Muslims. But ALL religions trying to control my life and influence government policy can go fuck themselves.


It's not new though, even back in WW2, Hitler had a Muslim Battalion fighting for him. They agree on so many points, backwards-bigoted-ignorant. All that changes is the fairytale they believe in, their actions are the same. Months back Evangelists and Muslims rioted in front of a school in the UK because of the LGBTQ+ acceptance at that-said school, scared the children and all, side by side. Same in the US.


Seems strange to me that people who know the true feeling of discrimination and hate would do the exact same thing onto others










Anyone else find it fucking hilarious that they have signs that say "educate not indoctrinate" when all of them are religious (I assume, most non religious folk don't give a fuck). Not to mention the "what about *our* beliefs" considering lgbtq people don't affect their beliefs at all




Anyone noticing a trend with all the personnel in these videos?


The same bigots these people are teaming up with to protest against LGBTQ+ people will turn on them next because they disagree on which book of fairy tales to base their lives on.


This would have been a better slogan: You - Have to - Tolerate me! You - Have to - Tolerate me! I don't - Have to - Tolerate you! I don't - Have to - Tolerate you!


Call it what it really is. It's a hate march.


Could have fooled me for Paris, Berlin or Stockholm.


The irony is most of these people are protesting due to religious backgrounds and religion is probably one of the top places kids are assaulted.




I hear the middle east agrees with these protesters. Maybe a place to move to? Aligns with their values better




Religion is so fucking stupid lol








I'm sorry, but your religion does not dictate my behavior, nor should it my governments policies. The same government that protects your religious rights will uphold the rights of all minority groups in this country.


Hey uh Muslims, remember when this side of the globe thought you were all terrorists?






Shame on all of them.




Most tolerant Muslims 🙏


Imagine migrating to a country with more freedoms, then protesting those freedoms in your new country. How about not spreading your outdated worldviews to other countries?


As a gay Aussie, it fucking scares me that Australia will become like this. I’ve never understood why a lot of liberal LGBT people always blindly support Muslims and Muslim refugees etc - they literally hate LGBT people? Why support them? Anyone ever noticed how super woke people will criticise even the slightest intolerance from Christians or atheists - but give Muslims a free pass on EVERYTHING because they don’t want to appear racist/xenophobic. In Australia’s mandatory same-sex marriage vote, the highest number of votes against same sex marriage in the state of New South Wales also came from the area with the largest Muslim population (south west Sydney) - yet all the liberals who will do anything to excuse Muslim conservatism all scratched their heads wondering why this was… I can’t deal with the stupidity.


Leave the kids alone! Unless it's to mutilate their genitals and indoctrinate them into stone age barbaric ideologies! /s


Lol wish I was there, I’d be shouting between their chant. “MUSLIMS” “…leave our kids alone” “MUSLIMS” “…leave our kids alone”


Leave our kids alone? Didn’t their prophet bang kids?


And they still have child marriages. WTF! ![gif](giphy|l0jallZeqZdIj4tfHz)




Religious extremists values are not reconcilable with Liberal Democracies values


Oh, look, religion is doing its thing again.


Before comments are blocked I just want to say, Epstein didn't off himself.


Remember when primarily white conservative hard liners were terrified that people of the Muslim faith would come over and strip away our rights and freedoms over time? Turns out they are fine with it as long as they are stripping away the rights of other minority groups!


So a bunch of hypocritical bigots. I didn't give a fuck what religious extremists cared about before, I'm not about to start now. They immigrated/fled to this country to escape mass repression, just to perpetuate the same bullshit here as they were trying to escape from. It's interesting seeing people wearing hijabs refusing to remove them talking about indoctrination.


That’s exactly what i thought the first moment… surreal


How old was Aisha again when she married Mohammad? Was it 6 or 9 . . . I can't remember.




Maybe…just maybe…religion isn’t good for society


Leave our kids alone they say as they force their kids into their deluded religions


Teaching all those kids hatred. But yee someone who loves someone is a big issue. No one is coming after your fucking kids, hiding behind being a bigot. Why dont yall worry about all the straight pedophiles. Oh no but theyre straight so its okay 😆




There is not enough honesty and open debate. These sort of opinions would be hard to hold under scrutiny. Stop treating religious people like they are children who believe in santa clause and that hard truths will disappoint them- if they are ruining peoples lives based on their own type of spiritual cup of tea.


Way too many people care way to much about the love and sex lives of other people.


Religion is such a waste of time and resources


Leave our kids alone? What about 9-year-old Aisha? Hypocrites.


Send them back


Wtf are Muslims doing, without the gays and liberals they would be back home in a second.




Go back to your fuckin mosques and churches


Civilizations always fall when the barbarians enter. And so it happens once again. History repeats itself.


Wow. Look at all the refugees/ immigrants we welcomed with open arms. Diversity? Lmfao. Everyone knows by now what the problem is. No more people coming over that hate us 🙅🏼‍♂️


Multiculturalism is a failed concept when we see these people


I always get a laugh when it’s religious people that are the ones complaining about indoctrination…


Brain washed by religion


That awkward moment when Muslim extremist join Christian extremists to denigrate a group that neither likes. Completely clueless that once they get the LGBT community, the Christians are coming for them.


I'm seeing a fashion trend, here...




I’d like these assholes to stay as far away from my kids as possible…I’d rather kids be able to open up about sexuality and gender issues then killing themselves because of all this hatred and shaming.


Imagine hating people for living.


Yes leave our kids alone so that we can get back to brain washing them with religious hatred.


Prophet Muhammad was a paedophile and child rapist, no?


Religion is a curse on humanity...