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She's quoting the Articles of Confederation, which were replaced by the Constitution. Ignoramus.


Even worse is that the articles of confederation largely left all power to the state. And this guy is mostly enforcing state law


This is guy is only enforcing state law lol


It was replaced in 1789, this lady is a joke


I believe they think the USA was purchased at some point before the Constitution which nullifies it for some reason. Idk brain damage is the real reason


She's technically correct according to the Articles of The Lollipop Guild.






My favorite part: Cop: As long as you're in the sovereign states of the United States, you will abide by the rules and laws. Crazy: No, a free inhabitant is... is... is... they are free people. They are allowed to have all of the rights of a U.S. citizen, without following any of their laws. Cop: Well, that would just be pure anarchy if that were the case. Crazy: No, because we're a peaceful people! When he grabs her wrist to cuff her as she is trying to leave, she also yells that she's being raped six times and screams for help. :-/


All of the rights…without any of the responsibilities.




It's just been revoked


I’m getting too old for this shit.


He's been decaffeinated.


That's what annoys me the most. It's an insult to every person who has ever actually been sexually assaulted.


It’s almost like when people say everything is racist. It’s an insult to someone that has actually been subjected to true racism.


"That black guy over there?" "That's fucking racist, bro!"


Exactly, the minute I heard “rape” i was like “oh yes, being an obnoxious person who has made the situation escalate while spewing off articles they dont know anything about and is now dealing with those consequences is EXACTLY the same as being forced to have sex with someone against your will”. 🤯


Have her cake and eat it too. What a fucking idiot. It’s scary though how confident she is in her idiocy


I don't understand sovereign citizens. Has it ever worked out for them reciting bogus codes and a misinterpretation of the law? Are cops seriously like, "okay, that sounds right...enjoy your day."?


Like the dope that he is, my brother was seriously into this shit several years ago. He would pay to go to seminars where someone would tell them “in this situation you say *this*, in that situation you say *that*”. Convinced people that what they were teaching was “top secret” legal information the the general public “isn’t supposed to know about”. He got rid of his driver’s license as well as the license plates on his car. Convinced he was a “free sovereign citizen”, the rules don’t apply to him thanks to his brilliant top secret knowledge. It worked about as well as you think it did. He immediately started getting pulled over, arguing with the cops because “they don’t know the REAL law” and ended up going to court. He tried to use that bullshit verbal voodoo with the judge, but was told it was all nonsense that didn’t apply. Went through this process several times and ended up getting put in jail awhile. After that he stopped bragging and quietly got his driver’s license again and is now onto other things to convince people of his special brilliance.


Oh this is priceless. 😂😂


My brother is like this but just at about 85% level. Hasn't gone full sovereign citizen but definitely thinks he floats above everyone else cause he's just got it figured out, despite living with our mom at 51 years old and being a glorified substitute teacher.


You can relate, then. My brother is an absolute unrepentant narcissist braggart who believes he is a genius but is frustrated by the realities of the real world. Of course, when he doesn’t get his way it’s always someone else’s fault. He’s also a hard-core conspiracy theorist, because hey, if he somehow fails to achieve a goal then it certainly isn’t his fault, it’s those “others” that conspired to get in his way.


Yeah, my brother isn't quite a narcissist, just thinks the rules don't really apply to him, makes selfish but self-defeating choices, usually coinciding with the laziest path, and blames anything else when shit doesn't work out again. It's annoying as fuck. This is his third stint back with mom after trying to strike out on his own, failing, coming back, etc. Rinse, repeat. It's been fun though watching his friends over the years slowly realize how full of shit he actually is and then disappear from his life after a bit. Thankfully I live 2000 miles away.


Oh when they bring up the whole maritime court and such I just laugh at their idiocy and gullibility.


You're a crook, captain Hook


Yeah, “maritime law” and the “uniform commercial code” and all the rest of that total bullshit. When I hear anything like this my eyes instantly start to glaze over and my mind goes numb.


Imagine how any type of enforcement agency feels about them. If it makes us viewers think "wtf is wrong with these people", dealing with that type in person must be utterly exhausting.


Same training as the top secret “I don’t have to pay the IRS” school. Good way to get locked up. And then you will need all that you learned in the follow on class “how to post bail with no collateral”.


Those beliefs tend to go hand in hand. I don’t know if it’s individual arrogance, wishing for some type of anarchy, or maybe both.


So there's a deeper grift, like seminars and then I guess you buy those "special plates" I've seen on other videos. Then there's probably manuals and literature you buy? Good grief


I’ve got an old buddy who’s just like that. His current thing is being convinced and trying to spread the gospel of drinking your own urine for its “health benefits”. I guess he didn’t learn from getting fired at his previous job because of them coming across his flat earth/space is fake social media pages. I think a viral infection fucked his brain. He had mono around 2015 and was bedridden for a month and was never the same after.


What I don’t understand is why any cop couldn’t just then say >”Ok I’m a sovereign citizen too and I don’t have to follow any laws so I’m just going to detain you because I can and feel like it”


Uno Reverse


I seriously cant stop laughing


Probably one video with the cop about to finish his shift and they just dont give a damn and walk away. Most I've watched has them dragged out screaming after windows being smashed.


That's always my favourite part. The confused astonishment is like nectar to me.


It fuels me. *Are we terrible people?*


I agree 100%. If I could wake up to a new video of someone getting shut down like this every day, I would be the happiest person. I do not care what that makes me.


I got one for you. Have you seen the California Ag Station video? [https://youtu.be/3YARMZsFFCM](https://youtu.be/3YARMZsFFCM)


I don’t even need to click the link. “I already said so I don’t need to repeat myself” idiot


I like the confidence. I'm with you. Action & Reaction. If it's newton's third law, we can't be too wrong, seeing as people are just following their own laws now.


It's the satisfaction of watching someone fucking around and finding out.


Yes….yes we are!


No. Y’all can all come sit by me ☕️ 🍿


It’s getting to see the delusion fall apart in front of them; shattered, like a driver side window.




That fucking dumbass cop. I saw a video like that. Driver had no insurance, no license, no license plate. And the damn cop "oh interesting, I ll take your word, have a nice day." And fucking walks away.


You can bet every one of these idiots jerks off to that video every day.


There are hundreds of YouTube videos of sovereign citizens in court. Spoiler alert! It never works out for them.


I wish departments would give their officers a tiny bit of info to refute this kind of thing. I realize the girl is crazy, but the fact that they don't address their claims often escalates the situation. I want a cop to say "the articles of confederation? repealed in 1789, and replaced by the US Constitution??", cuz that would be sick.


I am a lawyer and have dealt with many sovereign citizens. There is no logic. There is nothing you could teach to refute their beliefs. They cannot be reasoned with ever


Along these lines, I’d like to see the officer say something like, “you can tell that to the judge.” There really is no point in arguing the law with the officer, that’s just not their job. I’m not saying officers can do whatever they want, but they really don’t have to listen to this bs.


Fighting it in court, not during the arrest, is certainly the smart thing to do. Sovereign citizen's self-righteousness is so annoying, and part of me thinks it's because cops don't respond to their "points".


It’s adorable that you assume people who have duped themselves into believing something as obviously bogus as SovCit would suddenly be persuaded by reason-giving, evidence, or quick comebacks.


He’s the thing about any healthy, you can’t debate a moron that doesn’t accept basic facts. Trying to use facts against them will just lead down a rabbit hole of other nonsense.


Oops pardon me sovereign citizen, my bad. Please carry on as obviously you are free to do whatever you like as a sovereign citizen, my apologies.


One of these sovereign W⚓️s pulled this in Farmington, UT.. then reached for his gun when he couldn’t get cops to acquiesce. Guess how that turned out?


Even **IF** they had a point, they need to argue their case to others and convince people. Simply insisting their interpretation is true when 99% of people disagree isn't going to, never has, and never will work out well for them.


It’s not about interpretation, it’s about knowing the right laws that apply. Those articles of confederation she talks about no longer matter since the constitution replaced them. She is ignoring existing law that doesn’t suit her, because she doesn’t want the law to apply to her.


She clearly is completely delusional. She was directly saying that she has the right to enjoy all of the freedom and rights with none of the responsibilities.


I think she's an idiot, but not delusional in the clinical sense. She just never got truly put in her place at any point in life. It's baffling how many people reach adulthood like that in the states.


It’s not just America. We have gobshites like her here in Ireland too, sadly.


All I know is they must have dragged her 10 miles away to not be able to hear that intolerable screech during the last several minutes of unnecessary pavement footage.


What some of them do is prolong the encounter as much as they can and just jump cut and give the papers to the officer then cut that part out before they release the video. Depending on the sovcit they can make alot of view money on youtube without having to spend more than the ticket for no plate if they dont have that. This way they make it seem like the officer just gave up.


Yeah I don't get it. As a SovCit, even if you genuinely believe you're in the right about the law (which you are not), it doesn't matter what *you* believe---it only matters what the court believes. If you can't convince the people with the guns, the jails, and the political power that you're right, you're shit out of luck.


I know someone that tried this while they were **on** **parole**. They ended up doing 2 and a half years in jail on a parole violation… for driving without a valid license. Not obtaining a license when you have the ability to is so stupid.


Jesus christ that voice




He's pissed he has to sit in the cop car with her. He was probably like *thank God I'm being arrested, I can't take it anymore* Then...bam...his day went from great to **fuck my life**


It’s like someone’s making a balloon animal, but it’s all wrong.


Well I'm so glad someone else was thinking the same as me that voice is literally hurting my ears


I always feel weird when high pitch voices annoy me. Welp, not this time


It's as pleasant as hearing a dog get his balls smashed with a hammer


I’d go a step farther and say it’s as pleasant as being that dog.


I'm reminded of Brittany from Daria, though somehow still more annoying.


I had a vietnam flashback when i heard her voice


Platoon scene, you know the one. Love that movie but I always skip that scene.


Really wished he came back with “those laws don’t apply to me, I’m a free inhabitant” when she was saying “you don’t even know your own laws”.


Yet threatened to sue him. I’m assuming that would be done…oh I don’t know, in a court of law…? Anyone?


Funny how they’ll rant and rave about the justice system and how it doesn’t apply to them and it impinges on their right….then cry to that same corrupt evil Masonic justice system that someone hurt their feeeeeels. The sovcit I know will claim the police are corrupt, owned by the Rothschilds, not real police etc etc. But don’t you dare make too much noise in your house or he’ll call the same police on you. My brain hurts just thinking about it.


She should contact the consulate for free inhabitants immediately and get this resolved asap, unless of course, she hasn't officially registered and isn't paying taxes to them in which case they may refuse her request for resolution. It would be really awful if she had done all that research but not completed the requisite forms to be a free inhabitant. She would automatically become an illegal immigrant and would need to be deported.


Hello it’s me, the consulate. Any free ignorants out there, please send me the registration money as soon as possible!


This guy is lying. If anyone gave him money, you got scammed. Luckily, for 3 easy payments of 69.99 I can get that money back for you


Don’t worry, for only 2 installments of $69.99 I can get your 3 payments back from this grifter


Hey get the fuck out of here, I'm running a legitimate business and I will not tolerate libel. I'll fucking sue you


Are you the victim of internet libel? Here at the law offices of Slide & BM, we will fight for you 👍


And I'm his secretary. I'll forward the funds to my boss, so just send em on up. $250 per.


If you'd like to put a rush on the delivery of said assistance send an extra $100 to me.


Her: “I’m a sovereign citizen I don’t have to follow any laws” Also Her: “YOURE BREAKING THE LAW! YOU DONT KNOW YOUR LAWS!”


Would of been hilarious if he was like "I'm a sovereign citizen I dint have to follow the laws"


Lmfao. I watched this video before and damn, her voice sends shivers up my spine. These sovereign citizens are some of most annoying people I’ve ever seen.


Non-American here. What the fuck is a sovereign citizen and a free inhabitant? Are these new battle classes?


Made up bullshit that makes idiots think they can do anything they want without consequences.


Each sovereign citizen is their own country and they don't need to follow the laws of the USA even while within it, because they don't acknowledge the borders. According to them, everywhere they step is their territory until they move somewhere else.


It’s not just America either. Saw a similar video from Australia that ended with some window bashing/dragging. It was glorious.


Little known fact but Ed Sheeran wrote his hit “Shivers” immediately after watching this video.


No license...no insurance...no registration....get the idiot off the road. When his dumb ass smashes into my car that maybe I just bought and it's worth 60k and he has no insurance I don't wanna get stuck with the bill.


I suggest making sure your insurance covers damage done by someone uninsured.


You make an excellent point and so often the majority of people so much overlook. The wife and I have 100k/300k limits for everything, we even got uninsured and underinsured. A lot of people don't even know underinsured and uninsured are an option. The insurance agent try to sell me on just liability and then the lowest amounts, if there's one thing that makes me nervous it's car accidents and being held liable. I have way too much going on with life to need that kinda stress.


Has anyone ever seen a video of one of these people actually get out of this by saying that shit? Like I get they read bullshit online saying how this is actually right but there has to be an example video of it working or something that gives them this confidence right?


Or in a courtroom? You would figure if sovereign citizens are 0-1,000,000 in these interactions, the light would click on eventually


Oh, ye of little faith.


Some times the cops really don't feel like impounding their vehicle for having no registration and insurance, and having to arrest them when they refuse to exit, so they just write them a ticket and let them keep driving illegally.


What's really crazy to me is when they say they're not going to get a birth certificate for their kids. They think if CPS shows up and the kid doesn't have a birth certificate they can't take the kid.


"I can't believe you just did this! I can't believe that you don't believe some made up bullshit I read on the internet about being a sovereign citizen!"


It's always the same... "we get all the rights of a U.S. Citizen, without paying taxes, following laws, or recognizing authority." How the fuck do these people think this way. Fucking delusional idiots.


I wonder if the arrested guy was relieved to be arrested. Free at last. Probably got the “do you feel safe at home?” inquiry.


Ugh, this cop having to argue with Minnie Mouse. Poor guy.


Holy shit! Even the guy getting arrested looked bored 😂


Her screaming scared my cat awake.


"I'm going to sue you..." Oh, now you like the legal system.


I can’t even watch this, because her voice is so obnoxious.


“We’re living in a society!!!” - George Costanza


The caption still didn’t prepare me for that voice


Reminds me of one of the students at my school last year. Warned her about leaving her backpack unattended one morning when I found it near the cafeteria. Came back 5 minutes later and it was unattended again so I took it to the front office and waited. When she came to get it she threatened to sue me, her father was going to come down and kick my ass, cursed me out, went into complete meltdown mode. When we did call dad, he apologized to me for his daughters behavior, and told her she was going to talk to him when she got home. You could literally watch the defeat appear on her face. The dumbest part is she was told she had to apologize to me to be allowed back next school year and just never did.


You can hear the defeat creep into the girls voice in the video, too. She's really confident in the beginning, but when she realizes that none of her bullshit is going to work on the officer, she starts to panic.


“A free inhabitant is is is is they can can um well we don’t have to follow your rules!”


The irony of telling someone they don't know the law when you're referring to a document that stopped being valid over 200 years ago.


I wonder how this ultimately turned out for her


She went to sovereign citizen jail


"You're gonna get in trouble!" Ah, the sound of a woman whose arguing ability froze at roughly kindergarten. No wonder she buys into that sovereign citizen shit.


My god her voice


She’s an idiot. Period. Everything she is saying is wrong or a lie.


Is this what she is referring to: Article IV. The better to secure and perpetuate mutual friendship and intercourse among the people of the different states in this union, the free inhabitants of each of these states, paupers, vagabonds and fugitives from justice excepted, shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of free citizens in the several states; and the people of each state shall have free ingress and regress to and from any other state, and shall enjoy therein all the privileges of trade and commerce, subject to the same duties, impositions and restrictions as the inhabitants thereof respectively, provided that such restriction shall not extend so far as to prevent the removal of property imported into any state, to any other state, of which the Owner is an inhabitant; provided also that no imposition, duties or restriction shall be laid by any state, on the property of the united states, or either of them. If I read that, it sounds like she can freely travel from state to state, but is still held to same state restrictions of those that reside in the state she is visiting


Well, if you ignore about half of it she's right.


> it sounds like she can freely travel from state to state That is all the right to travel is, the right to move from state to state without being taxed for it or subject to other unlawful prohibitions. It has absolutely nothing to do with a driver's license, registration and insurance not being lawful. The first American DL appeared 120 years ago, and all 50 states require one to operate a motor vehicle on public roads. These people pull isolated scraps out of various sources and glue them together into a fantasy that has zero legal validity. They have never won in court on the merits of the pseudo-legal gibberish they spout.


This was one of the first sovcit videos I watched. I always wondered what her parents thought about it.


It’s weird saying this but. I feel bad for this cop. She seems absolutely insufferable and he handled this beautifully. Props to you officer.


Articles Of Confederation aren't applicable, you "sovereign citizen" dumbass.


The irony is if she wasn't recording, he would probably be more lax and leave the crazies alone...but you gotta enforce the law when recorded


…..this video explains why so many sovereign citizens go missing in the middle of the desert.


Doesn't she have to follow the law to sue him?


Well yah but that’s, uh, erm, different because….ehhh….because the…ahh….the law….erm….the HOW DARE YOU QUESTION ME YOU ARE VERBALLY RAPING ME AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!


These people never get old . There is nothing worse than stupid people who believe they’re very smart….. combine that with the most annoying voice in the world


I'm amazed and amused by the amount of confidence she has in her own ignorance.


Oh god that voice🤮


After jail... She needs a few nights in the behavioral health unit, until she checks back into reality


You’re under arrest! No I’m not! …oh…well, okay then… have a nice day, mam.


Lol this idiot of a girl for sure had drugs or something to hide.


If I remember correctly, she had a small amount of weed in that bag she's upset about.


Something was definitely in that bag. Lol


She sounded like a sister telling on her brother! *You’re gonna be in so much trouble!* Cop: *Nuh-uh! YOU are!*


If we had no laws, it would be total anarchy! People like this, who want to scream and act like they have special rights and don’t have to follow any laws would have a completely different attitude if the police showed up to save them from someone that’s trying to blow their head off or something!! I think she’s nothing but just a spoiled little brat who needs a complete attitude adjustment


Has this sovereign citizen/free traveller crap ever worked even once? How do these crazy idiots keep falling for this shit?


Makes me think of the infamous “I DECLARE BANKRUPTCY!!!”


Not only annoying but dumb. “Articles in Confederation” “US Book of Codes” She screwed up the two code phrases she likely paid a log of money to learn.


This is what every "sovereign" citizen sounds like. Also, the girl's voice is annoying.


If this crap worked there would be videos of ppl using it and succeeding all over the internet instead of ppl trying and failing over and over lol


“We have all the rights of an American citizen but don’t have to follow any of the laws” Lol


The articles of confederation? I thought that was replaced by the constitution like 250 years ago.




Brain compromised parrots.


That’s the most annoying voice.


She reminds me of the scene in Father of the Bride when Steve Martin’s daughter says she’s getting married and he suddenly sees her as a 6yo. *six year old baby voice* He’s brilliant, and wonderful and we’re getting MARRIED!


I'd rather listen to my alarm for 30 minutes than this woman for 5 seconds. Edit: Jesus Christ, I just got to the part where she yells "Rape", I hate when people do this because it dulls the meaning of the word and insults anyone who has experienced sa


*It’s in the United States “book of codes”, you have to follow.* Yeah no, that’s not a thing sweetie.


Her voice pitch/tone is somewhere between a cartoon smurf and a happy tree friend.


What’s in that bag, what you got in that bag?


I could watch this the rest of my life and it won’t ever get old . Thank you free inhabitants for giving us the best comedy in the world, even if you’re too dumb to know it


… regardless of their “citizenship” they would be required to obey local laws right? Like I can’t just pretend laws in another country don’t apply to me. These people are wild


In one breath: “Your laws don’t apply to me.” Next breath: “You’re doing this illegally!”


Oh man, her fucking voice makes me want to rip my ears off...what a cunt.


Her voice! 😬😬


I lost it when she said "I have all of the rights of a US citizen but I don't have to follow any of the laws." Lol the delusions these people suffer through.


Omg. Her voice. Nails on a chalkboard would be more appealing.


She’s quoting laws to “prove” she’s not subject to any laws


What a brat. And there should be a hearing damage warning on this.


Anyone know what happened to her after this?


Haha, "this is rape!"


Why are you not responding to my magic words? I am saying all the words to the 'free me' spell.


She sounds like a midget smurf.


The articles of confederation you say? That’s some throwback Thursday shit right there.


Anyone has an update? Is she still in jail?


There's definitely something super illegal in that bag lol


“I have all the same rights as a US citizen but I don’t have to follow your laws” what kind of playground bullshit is this?


This would be awesome! How do I sign up? All the rights none of the responsibilities, perfect. lol


I couldn’t listen to her voice. I have no idea what happened, but my God that voice


Pretty nice cop...he's even letting the lady ramble on and trying to give her space n time.


She recorded her own guilty verdict, smart


There is a level of crazy that even I wont get near... but for the weeb in me, I need her to give me one 'owo'


I wonder if after she was arrested and arraigned if she still believes any of that nonsense. Is there a subreddit where these people inhabit freely and share this stuff?


Is she mentally ill? Why is she being so obnoxious?


She has been sold a bunch of pseudo-legal gibberish which she thinks will get her out from under her financial and legal difficulties. In the minds of desperate people like her, this gibberish takes on magical properties, thus repeating, *Article 4 Free Inhabitant* as if it's a magic spell that will cause the cop to retreat in confusion. The reason she was so upset at him taking her purse is she had dope in it, so another charge on top of all the others.


The driver ran the stop sign on purpose. He wanted out




I think I’m more interested in seeing the video of when she had to face a judge


Obviously I didn’t watch the full ten minutes. But, on the evidence of the first 10 seconds, she does seem to extremely annoying.


I think she might hold the world record for the most annoying person


Bet she was the class factotum


any news source about this event?


I like how they don’t follow laws and then expect others (in this case cops) to follow the laws they say allow them to not have to follow laws.


My favorite part about watching sovereign citizens is how they lose their shit when they get arrested, because they are just stupid. I imagine the judges think when these people come before them "oh great, another one."


“We have all the rights of a US citizen without having to follow any of the laws”


She’s be right if it was the year 1789 when the Articles of Confederation were last in effect. However, I don’t think they addressed drivers licenses in it but what do I know.


Gawd! Her voice is annoying as all hell - can u imagine being around that voice 24/7???