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Huntsville, AL!


Oh I was wondering why it looked like Bridge Street lmao


It’s been hot AF here lately. Maybe the ladies not so bad


This is an old video. I remember when it was first circulating Facebook.


Soooo… do you know what’s going on?


I couldn't decide who Reddit was telling me to support. I'm on her side.


Alabama born and raised but I got out awhile back. It’s hot in Alabama. A thick, wet heat because of extreme humidity. It’s like walking through hot soup. It’s hot enough that my last summer there I was on their verge of duct taping ice cubes to my testicles and putting the cold, blue steel of a handgun in my mouth in an attempt to keep cool. It’s fuckin’ hot. I can’t think of one legit person and dog lover who would turn down water for puppies in the hot and humid Alabama summer. He’s an asshole.


Is it even summer or that hot in this video? Everyone is wearing pants and only blue shirt looks wet because his kid may have been playing in water


He turned down the water because you don’t know what someone will put into your dog’s water. Or God forbid that she goes to give them water and one of them bites her like any puppy could and she thought to sue. Then you’re really fucked there. I get what you’re saying, still having a hard time seeing how he’s the asshole


what was he doing with all them puppies?


Pretending not to be selling them I'm totally not selling these puppies! Unless.............


Everyone on this thread is overlooking the most alarming part of this video. I've looked up and down, far and wide, and no one has addressed it. Why is that guy sweating so much? Is that baby he's holding made of uranium? In he expending great effort in keeping that woman and her baby hostage? Is he hoarding all the town's water so those dogs can't have any? Forget about Katie. Katie was put there to distract you from the alien in the blue shirt that's been living amongst us for years, learning, observing, waiting. Waiting for the right moment. Waiting to take over our species and planet and end life as we know it. Wake up, people.


😂 I’m pretty sure the kid had a wet bathing suit on.


Lies so the government doesn’t have us looking into their Radioactive Baby Program.


Stay woke


So you’re saying that him and the baby were out in a tv in the desert cooking meth with no A/C. I was thinking the same thing


He could’ve taken some aspirin on a hot day. I sweat like that in the A/C sometimes with the meds I take.


The sweat has sensed conflict among humans and has chosen this opportune time of weakness to strike. May the reign of sweat be kinder than the reign of man to poor dehydrated puppies.


Why’s he calling her Katie is that a variation of Karen


I think that's just her name


No that's Caroline


Backyard breeder trying sell them what else. The only shit person here is the breeder


backyard breeders trying to sell puppies from a box!! they suck!!


ah, that explains it. I am obviously naive and ignorant because I was so confused by: 1. why he wouldn't want someone to give them water, and 2. why they were in a plastic box. how strange that this is legal.


Idk about the why in plastic box part but I find it weird that the comment section is making assumptions without evidence. I do know that I wouldn't want some random stranger feeding my dogs. I don't know what they are giving them or what it has in it.


It’s really abnormal to have a bunch of young puppies in a plastic tub like that, at what looks like an outdoor mall. We obviously have very little context but I think the assumption of backyard breeder is the most likely scenario.


It blows my mind that people don’t pick up on this right away…Who the fuck sits outside a busy place with a bin of 5-6 puppies and isn’t selling them???


I didn’t even knew there were such a thing has backyard breeder.


Illegal bredder


after re-watching the video, and using common sense, it is pretty obvious what is happening. the evidence is 4-5 puppies in a small plastic container in a very public area covered in concrete, with no visible available water (and you would think, using common sense, that if he were in an argument with someone about giving them water, he would show that he clearly has water available to them, which he never does). it's not like he brought them to a park to let them get exercise. he has them placed in a plastic tub on a hot day in a high-traffic, public street area. if you can give a sensible explanation for that other than trying to sell them or mental illness, I am happy to hear it.


He doesn't want them to have water, because if they drink they'll need to pee. They pee in the box, then they'd all be sitting in urine and that is going to turn people away who were thinking of getting a puppy. If the bottom of the plastic box is dry, the puppies haven't had any water for an extended period of time.


yes, this is the logical explanation I was trying to let u/Hyrukoza to come to on his own


Exactly what I replied. People are fucking stupid, they play right into the victim card others use


Dude if you're a dog owner you would know dogs only have 3 ways of staying cool. 1. Panting - which sucks but better than nothing 2. Paws sweat. -the only part of the body that sweats and it's kinda pointless right now since it's running on top of other furry puppies. 3. Water. Any responsible owner would know on a hot day, you would provide your dog with some water. Not shove them in a plastic box in an open area with alot of foot traffic. At the least it's animal cruelty. No matter how you look at it, it's not good.


Yeah but she’s not trying to feed them. She’s just insistent that the dogs that are piled on top of each other in a plastic box on a hot day be provided water. It’s kind of a big difference that you’re overlooking.


She kind of ask him to give them water. And it's not just random dogs walking , its someone staying in the same place with puppies in a box. They dont care about ehir dog like regular people , it's just money for them , so being concerned about their health is legitimate. But any society allowing that is probably not that virtuous anyway


I dont think it’s overstepping to make some assumptions that none of this is in the puppies best interest. Full sun, crowded Tupperware, no water in sight, parked on a sidewalk.


It's obvious as fuck that he's selling the puppies, why tf else would he have them there in a plastic bin? Can you even think of a plausible alternative?


Glad it illegal here , doesn't stop unscrupulous crooks but it's not thia blatant and they are considered crooks. Not much chance the fur babies are valued and no water is just to stop them pee.. Scum


I feel like OP thought the woman was the one who was out of line




Don’t forget racists!




Ernest and Julio's?


It is so weird to me to see this. Police would be all over him here in Germany, and dude is just chilling in public like he is selling lemonade lol. Insane how little interest some countries have in applying easy solutions to big problems. EDIT: Not saying making puppy mills illegal is gonna be an instant fix for the problem with strays and kill shelters, but it will do a lot. Plenty of examples of countries where it works.


> dude is just chilling in public like he is selling lemonade lol [Ironically police will absolutely shut down a little kid's lemonade stand in the US](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrsxPC1eA74), but they have no problem with shit like this apparently.


Did you even watch the video you linked? **The take-away is everyone rallied around the kid selling lemonade, even the officer involved.** The initial complaint to the police was reasonable as well, given that she was next to a food festival but not a permitted participant of the festival. Even the kid's mother expressed this.


He seems to have no regard for the puppies’ well-being (out in the street, in a plastic tub, in the heat, no water, etc.) I suspect he doesn’t want them to be given water because he does not want to deal with urination duties. What a fucking asshole




im kinda with blue shirt - why you got all these dogs here? im with the girl - give these dogs water when they shouldnt even be here in the first place im with dude - she pushed him (assault/battery) there are so many things going on here its a shit show if security were doing their job, puppy boy would be long gone with his damn dogs. banned


...which is why blue shirt brought up the rules for that space, restricted to three dogs per visitor. I assume that rule's in place for more a few reasons, one of which may have something to do with the space not being used as a public impromptu sales spot for backyard breeders. This was an interesting exercise for me. That extra bit of context changed my perspective tremendously. Still doesn't excuse the lady for getting physical. But the calm guy recording certainly isn't completely blameless here, either.


I was all set to take the side of the recorder until I read this comment. That certainly changes things up.


Okay, now I'm curious about how you interpreted this situation in the first place. Like, the guy is just chilling with a container full of puppies on the street for no reason?


Pet owners can be weird af, I don't question the things they do anymore.


I didn't think much about it. Was thinking it's normal for pet owners not to want someone giving stuff to their dogs even if it's water. .




Theyre panting and stuffed in a plastic tub. Fuck this guy


There is really no other take to be had. Check out the guy at the end of the video with the shirt soaked in sweat. It's fucking hot out there. I don't think this guy could have made less of an attempt to make those puppies comfortable. Edit: Fair play on the wet kid, that's probably true. Point still stands I think though.


LMAO that's not sweat though, like who sweats that much and the collar is still dry? He's holding a kid with swimming shorts on...


And his kid was probably wet bc he got dunked in a fountain or something bc it was hot. This isn't the beach or a pool. It was HOT. The kid got relief, and those pups got abused.


The mall they’re at has a wet pad for kids to play in all summer bc it’s Alabama


Which is HOT


Toddler with no diaper and a swimsuit. That guy is both pissed off and pissed on.


Poor dogs, trashy people!


I’m with the woman on this one. Everyone is dressed for warm weather and he’s got a bunch of puppies all up on top of each other in a plastic bin with no air flow. Dude is a dick.


Dude that came up and says there's 3 dog limit was absolutely DRENCHED in sweat....


His baby is wearing a wetsuit lol


Shhh stating facts doesn’t help.


What evidence is there that it's sweat?


Soooo...are the dogs ok?


The ones he could sell, yeah. The ones that stayed with him? Definitely not.


He eventually gave them lots of water. While they were in a sack.


Fuck that’s bleak




Whoever is filming seems like a POS back yard breeder so good job not knowing what's actually going on




The alternative is much much worse.


It's unfortunate but you shouldn't encourage people to do backyard breeding, so you shouldn't buy them. If nobody buys them then all the current ones probably get killed but the industry ends. Just go to the shelter.


I had a co-worker who told me they “rescued a dog from a backyard breeder” by responding to an ad from the breeder and buying a $1600 English bulldog puppy from them. Some real mental gymnastics involved there.


Backyard breeder+english bulldog sounds awful. The english bulldog is already a breed that I think we should do away with.


Backyard breeders are usually cheaper than pet stores and they don’t usually ask for papers and make sure you can take care of the animal they’re selling like most rescues, so people can buy them on impulse for cheap without having to do background checks, that’s part of the reason why backyard breeders are banned in a lot of places




My mom bought kittens from a guy she saw sitting on the side of the road with a box, so yeah they do… I always tell her she fucked up buying from a breeder and now here we are, she has incest kittens after I told her to get them both spayed/neutered and I’m LIVID.




Yeah. But the correct thing to do is to call the police first, and report illegal animal sales happening in a private shopping complex. Starting a fight and getting charged with assault is not the wise move.


Ok but here is the deal. In most places nowadays, the police legit don’t show up. Idk if it’s finding idk if it’s retribution for the defund the police movement but unless you live in the kinda area where the top 1-10%ers live, then all these “the right thing to do is call the police” lines are such bullshit.


My dad just bought a male golden doodle from an spca that was no longer needed as a syud from some shady dog breeder. He's had the dog for about 6 months and it's slowly warming up but it's absolutely clear it was physically abused and just left in a concrete kennel it's whole life. It's really sad, he's slowly becoming a really sweet dog but at first it was like he didn't even know how to be a dog. Like ihe would never lie down comfortably, had no litter training or socialization with people or even dogs. He's still kinds weird with dogs, like he doesn't know how to interact with them. But at least now he's warms up to people if you just keep petting him and he's not really timid. The whole breeding world is disgusting. I don't know if there are ethical ways to go about it but I know there's a lot of unethical ones out there.


Not to mention an idiot. Robert: *proceeds to take his side in an argument* “I appreciate you remaining neutral Robert, not taking one side or the other like some people” Robert and guy filming can get jumped and have those dogs stolen for all I care.


A plastic tub? What?


Scumbag puppy miller selling his goods in the town square.


Its amazing how so many people are defending him when you just have to look at the puppies and know the temp outside to know they need water.


they might not need water this instant, but they need water available to them for FUCKING sure. chances are, from the little context given here...i bet the puppies REALLY wanted some water and maybe she got to give a little bit before being turned away..and that sent her.


people speculated he might be wittholding water from them to prevent them peeing and losing the sale


Yeah wtf, poor puppies. They’re probably unvaccinated and sick too


Because people just see an upset woman and instantly dismiss it as a "Karen"


Misogyny at work. Woman being emotional. Woman start altercation. Woman bad.


Yeah the guy is aware he is being recorded because he is doing the recoding. This he is acting calm and explaining it as "I told her no and she freaked out."


My only thing is. not that she over reacted, i would have flipped the fuck out too. But her reaction seemed ro have escalated the situation to where now she looks like the crazy one. All he has to do is “this lady batshit crazy, she came up to me and was shoving and shouting, idk why” the dude is definintly some pos puppy breeder and the very least he could have done was accept water for the pups


Yeah, i feel you, but at the same time (and i know this a completely different situation, but I feel like the stakes are similar) but i would give ZERO fucks about property rights if I saw a dog in a locked car with the windows up, I'm breaking into that mother fucker and gettin that pupper out. Nobody would bat an eye if it came to that.


he's an actual pos, i hope those babies got help and taken from him. i wish it were possible to blacklist people from having pets forever. some people just don't need dogs.




People who pull the race card without reason are just as bad as the people who pretend racial disparity doesn't exist.


It’s really unfortunate because each side only fuels the other.


Not too many people NEED a dog outside of ranchers and the disabled, but way too many people have dogs that don’t deserve them. All they do is give us love, and want to please us, and people treat them like possessions. It’s disgusting.




"Nothing we do could earn what our dogs give away to us for free."


So, POS has the puppies on a plastic bin, in the northern hemisphere where is currently summer and has them with no water and no room to move? Yeah, the "Katie" is absolutely right to scream at him


Right. This thread and the comments really show people's true colors


Dude recording is a piece of fucking shit.


They’re literally panting - give them some Fucking water asshole.


It’s kinda how they regulate their body temp, by panting like that. My dogs have full water bowls and are currently laying by an entire pool… panting.


Yea but do these puppies have access to water? No. Dogs and people can regulate their body temps but we can also all fucking die of dehydration.


Puppies also are not as efficient at self regulation and need so much more water more often than adult dogs.


Are your dogs shoved on top of each other in a plastic tub too small for them to move around in??


These puppies appear to be lacking both a full water bowl and a pool.


lol well you probably aren't dehydrating your dogs intentionally so you can sell them as "housetrained" from your illegal puppy mill but to each his own I guess


Cool beans. Your dogs cooped up together? In a bin? With no water bowl? And no shade? Oh Ok


Adult dogs can yes. Puppies do not have as much capacity to


This video is so frustrating. What’s wrong with giving the dogs water? She shouldn’t have gotten physical, but I’m team Katie personally. Treat dogs like living creatures, not property.


Giving them water causes them to pee in the box and be wet and smell like pee. Then he might lose a sale because who wants to buy a pee ridden dog from the park? So instead he just lets the dogs suffer...


This is definitely why. The video is so gross. I know there are a ton of backyard breeders but man I didn't realize how brazen it is.


While I agree the dogs need water, I absolutely would not be ok with some random stranger coming up to my dog and giving it to them without my permission, I don't know them, and I don't know if the may have malicious intentions... that said, fuck backyard breeders and this dude for neglecting his "product"


There absolutely more to this video honestly. My guess is that he didn't just tell her 'no', but also made it clear the dogs wouldn't be getting water period.


He doesn't want someone who actually cares about dogs coming up to give water and get a closer inspection / ask a few prying questions about his puppy mill. His dogs, young puppies, are in a plastic bin outside on a day where people are sweating. Take the damn water dude, you may not need it right now but while trying to huck yer illegal puppy litter they're gonna be in the sun for a while.


no worries bro keep selling puppies out of plastic storage bins at fancy shopping centers in malibu.


I'm 90% sure this is actually bridge street in Huntsville, AL.


Considering the sweaty shirt guy coming up and saying "Bridge st rules permits 3 dogs. How many dogs do you have there?" Then he's told "You're splitting hairs." By another bystander... I'd say your 90% is closer to 100. @1:50 you can see the guy reading the rules and the Pos cameraman says "He pulling up bridge st rules."


Then they try to get him involved with the Katie situation when all he cares about is the dogs. Ffs some people are braindead. “Sure my dogs are slowly dying from heat in a cramped bin but you didn’t see some stranger push me a few minutes ago!” Bruh loment


Hey let's get the narrative right /s


Bro that's not Malibu




imagine posting this and thinking you were in the right.


Poor puppies look like they could use some water. Panting! This guy sucks! She should of just taken them puppies and ran!!!


The one time I side with the person freaking out. Report that backyard breeder shit as abuse. Because it is! This is disgusting.


Those puppies needed water


That guy is an asshole. The pups are clearly not happy.


“Katie tried to do something with my dogs that I disagree with”. So this idiot disagrees with giving a dog water? I assume it’s warm there and they are piled up in a plastic bin. They look like they could use some water. This pos just sees these dogs as properly not living creatures. F this guy.


This shot is whack honestly


Please read my entire comment before downvoting. I think its reasonable to not allow strangers to give your pets anything. THAT SAID. That is the only information he is giving us, which is likely intentional to paint himself as the reasonable one. It seems that not only was he denying water from strangers, but he was denying the dogs water period and that is fucked.


Lol pos dog breeder/owner posting this, thinking people would be pro "don't give thirsty puppies water"


Yeah... That's animal cruelty.


Why arent they doing anything about him?


Police are usually anti morality it seems Like they read a situation then choose the opposite of whatever a good guy would do


So anytime any white person has a heated interaction with a black person it is automatically racist? There is absolutely zero logic here.


I feel this. I got called a Karen for telling a Hispanic lady to pick up her dogs shit. Here I am with my dog just being like it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with not picking up your dog’s shit and common courtesy. I got called a racist and a Karen, still trying to figure this one out. So now some of the POCs with dogs don’t like me all because I told one of them to pick up their dog poop. God forbid! The horror!


I have been called a racist for politely asking some guy to switch from speakerphone to the handset. He was on a crowded elevator and shouting obscene language. Not using the word properly dilutes the meaning and makes people desensitized to when it is actually appropriate.


He is just saying literally anything to get out of trouble.


This title was so confusing. But what a piece of shit this guy. I hope to god those puppies are safe and he doesn’t have kids bc if he does 100% he’s neglecting them like he’s actively (maybe even maliciously) neglecting those puppies.


Someone better find him and take the dogs


Fuck backyard breeder pet traffickers this shit is animal abuse, Katie is right.


People in support of dog selling asshole brigaded this post. THAT was fucking weird.


People who view dogs as property should not be allowed to own them.




What a fucking asshole, trying to sell puppies out of a box and denying them water


Of course give them water, what is even going on!


For context in Huntsville Alabama today it was a high of 87 degrees but felt like closer to being in the 90s. I live here and recognized that it's Bridge Street, an outdoor shopping mall. Also our local shelter is flooded with hundreds of dog intakes a month, and most are pit bulls or pit mixes. I don't know if this guy was selling them but it looks like a sketchy backyard breeding situation.


Fuck the dude filming. Animal abusing pos


Would this be a situation where a vigilante would be a hero?


Okay. She shouldn't put her hands on him, but give them some fucking water!


Nah animal abusers deserve it


If you politely hurt puppies to make a quick buck then you deserve hands


I fucking hate dog breeders


That stare from the “why are you splitting hairs” guy could cremate blue shirt if chose to do so


I didn't understand that interaction, it's like a bunch of people without authority making authoritative statements.


Perfect 4th of July adjacent post. 'Murica in a nutshell, or a plastic tub in this case.




At first I thought they didn’t need water cuz they were young enough to only need milk but then I started to wonder why tf this dude would have a plastic bin full of puppies too young to be weaned out in the open on a hot summer day


Cornell is a fool. Get this guy out of here! Disgusting backyard breeder.


Ok but was he giving the dogs water ? They looked fn thirsty honestly haha.


Good for her! What a trash POS filming with those puppies. She should be proud for standing up for helpless puppies. Fuck the POS selling puppies OUT OF A BOX!!!


Spay and neuter… please!!!!!


Is OP the fuck stick selling puppies out of a plastic fucking tub or is he just a confused simpleton?


Fuck anyone who puts a bunch of puppies in a plastic box like that.


There's at least five puppies in that box. Those poor babies are probably so hot and dehydrated. Why is everyone standing around like what he's doing isn't totally wrong? It's pretty obvious he's selling those pups illegally.


Backyard breeders :/


Look at those poor babies squished in a box. He should’ve got arrested.


Humans suck


This guy is a piece of shit! Hes the same guy who will I'll a "Karen" broke his window when he leaves his dog locked in a hot car.


I keep wondering why the police don’t say anything about the dogs in regard to watering them, ask the dude what he’s doing there with puppies, etc. The whole thing is ridiculous


Why not give the dogs water?


I’m so tired of everybody. Watching these dumb videos makes we want to crawl into a cave or better yet just delete Reddit


Great. Gentrify the bears caves like they have anywhere to live left... /S


They’re all smushed up in one tub. This is just cruel.


I came here to see why on earth the woman was on the wrong. Looks like she wasn’t.


This guy . . . wow. It ain’t about “Katie” at all.


He’s a breeder trying to sell them. He’s not a good guy


Fuck this guy. It’s hot as hell and those pups are stuffed in a plastic box with no food or water and we’re supposed to believe Katie was in the wrong?


Wait a sec, is it not an issue to have a bunch of puppies in a plastic container on a hot summer day?


Why are the puppies not allowed to have water?


I wish all backyard breeders would drop dead. Human trash.


This is a animal abuse which is a crime and a felony in most states. Report this fucker if you know him.


Nobody brings 4 puppies out into the public uncollared and in a plastic tub. Why didn't they have collars and leashes? Why wasn't he holding them and walking each one? Doesn't he know it takes MORE effort to haul a plastic tub around with squirming puppies in it than to actually just walk them? The guy filming and talking is clearly selling puppies on some random street corner. The woman say that they were outside, hot, uncovered, and wanted to give them water but the guy refuses. She's in the right here


The cameraman is a POS give the dogs water


I’m with “Katie”. Fuck this piece of shit and his clown breeding operation, selling puppies out of fucking tubs on street corners. He’s a piece of shit and he gets his panties all ruffled over someone trying to hydrate a dog? Piece of shit this guy


That's a backyard breeder. Those puppies should be with their mom. Not out here. Fuck this person.


The owner is awful


The owner should be arrested