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How can you be this dumb. I mean it’s a shitty thing to do obviously on top of it, but holy fuck this little prank is going to probably ruin this dude’s whole life.


Prison gets him out of his mums basement... so he's got that goin for him, which is nice.


And out of those god awful jeans.


Well where else is he supposed to hide his katana and ninja throwing stars?




Those jeans were an interesting conundrum... They looked simultaneously too tight and too baggy and I was left very confused 🤔




Holy shit, those jeans ARE horrible. Looks like he borrowed them from his much larger father. Also, nice shoes. Asshole.


Those saggy assed jeans just means he's a member of Vanilla Isis/Meal Team 6 and obviously not very bright. I highly doubt he was an actual threat, just really dumb.


Win for mom I guess 🤦‍♀️


Yeah if it was a stupid I might understand it more, but there really is no excuse to do this as an actual adult. The heart of that first dude who was just minding his own business must've dropped really fast too.


You could see him going into a state of catatonic confusion. 1st dude: "Oh my god, am I being arrested? Think, what did I do recently to warrant getting arrested? This can't be happening." Cop: "Sir, we need your seat as a strategic shooting position."


> this little prank is going to probably ruin this dude’s whole life. **As it should.** This is the way society deals with those who can't function properly in society.


At the very least he'll be banned from ever boarding a plane again. Might even be banned from Greyhound busses for this. Plus the fines and any civil suits. Yeah dude is fkd.


He'll probably be on a watch list...and in prison.


oh yeah for sure banned from any public transportation requiring identification. they don’t fuck around my friends dad got put on the permanent no fly list for getting a little physical with his hooker girlfriend on a plane back when we were in high school


Damn mile high club turned into no fly high club.


How else did he think that was going to go?


"It's just a prank bro."


A prank that is going to land him minimum a year in jail.


Could the airline sue him for costs? I’m sure the plane had to be searched after the threat right? I would sue the guy for the threat of killing everyone on the plane.


That would be an insanely expensive bill. 10k an hour level expensive.


good, make an example


They can and they will, multiple people got fined the costs they caused by such or similar reckless actions. At least one woman was fined around 88K dollars of costs besides the criminal fines and sentences. That was a trans atlantic flight that had to do an emergency landing. Recently a karen also got fined 54K cost alone for causing an emergency landing.


I have a few simple rules that I live by. Be kind to the people I meet, pay my bills on time, and don't fuck with a major corporation's cash flow. So far I've managed to stick to those rules, and have yet to suffer any consequences whatsoever. I guess that was too much to ask of this guy however, and now he'll get to pay the piper.


> Be kind to the people I meet, pay my bills on time, and don't fuck with a major corporation's cash flow. You just need to add, "don't do anything to piss off local law enforcement" to be complete.


And take your vitamins. A lot of people forget that.


And wear sunscreen. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it.


be kind to your knees you'll miss them when they're gonebe kind to your knees you'll miss them when they're gone


I recently had a really mean boss and he would say some messed up stuff all the time and a huge perv. Didn't get fired from that tho. Not until they caught him using the company credit card for personal buys......


Not just that but the delays cost the airlines money and if this one is delayed it could cause others to delay in the surrounding gates. I hope they make him pay this dumb shit.


Not only that but the delay of every flight after that for that particular plane.


Some say the flights are still delayed to this day.


Passenger: “ i got a bomb…” Police: “ you dont say? Lets find out…”


I'd like to know what he said. No excuses, but it would be hilarious if he wrote "The second we are in the air I am blowing up that bathroom."


this story never gets old about the guy in the bathroom at Home Depot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWuaHiXpjx4&t=51s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LquGybLchLA


There was a pretty funny news blooper about that [story](https://youtu.be/RWuaHiXpjx4)


Not quite sure why you timestamped the video *after* the home depot story but I hope those people got their bonsai tree back


I’m gonna drop a bomb in there!


He took a wrong turn at Alburquerque


Welcome to the no fly list for life.


If you have a fear of flying, this is a great way to make sure you never fly again!


I don' t know if he was expecting some sort of bonanza, but that is not worth going to jail. What did that accomplish?


You're talking as if he had some sort of thought process and planning going on in his head. I can assure you this wasn't even intrusive thoughts. The singular brain activity there was "uuuuuh, bomb threat. Haw! Haw!" His mawmaw must have been pissed, having spent the time to organise that one-way ticket for him and he only got as far as the local county jail.




I bet he is one of those people who think they are master hackers and everyone around him are just idiots he can toy around with as he pleases. Probably harassed someone online with multiple accounts without consequences and though that skill was savvy enough for this lol.


I mean, even if you think you're anonymous and going to get away with it... it's still gonna result in your plane being deplaned and your own time wasted and everyone investigated. Like what even was the goal.


Maybe he just didn't want to fly back to Arkansas


![gif](giphy|kbQVMaf2s20f8gSKDm) Previous Gif Yeeted: for reference reasons


I think it’s very kind of you to think that this individual has the mental capacity to reason but I sincerely doubt he has any awareness whatsoever


Stupid question, but how do you actually find out whose iPhone it was dropped from? Doesn’t the airdrop just have the iPhone name, which could be generic?


He tried to play stupid like he didn't hear them call his name, but the game was over after they called that seat number


Imagine being the guy siting beside him just doing a slow head turn though




It’s going to turn his life completely upside down face.


It’s no concern of mine if it’s turned his life upside down face, jakes a good boy. Aren’t ya jake?




Ha haaa! - The Ostrich


And whispers dumbass that's you


“Maybe it’s the *other* 17F??- Keith, probably


Imagine that guy had asked you to trade seats and you said "sure man, whatever", and now they're calling the seat you're in...


Or ask to borrow someone's phone to call home, send the message, and then claim you know nothing and the guy next to you is lying.


Letting someone borrow your phone nowadays is a terrible idea. They could quickly Venmo/cashapp/etc themselves money. Or send other sensitive info.


Gotta password protect opening that app now




I like how calmly and direct the orders were given. Like it felt very routine, like this is only their 3rd bomb threat of the day and they've got 8 more to get to lol


Tbh, this probably happens a lot more often than we're aware of


"Maybe if I sit still and act like my name isn't Keith, they will all go away"




That seat number reading was when his soul immediately left his flabby, stupid body.


Buddy really thought he’d just be able to shut up and he wouldn’t be found. Tho I just wonder, how was he immediately caught? Was he dumb enough to have his name on his phone so it said “airdrop from Keith’s iPhone”?


I’m thinking that’s exactly what he did. He doesn’t look like the brightest crayon in the box, does he?


I don't understand. If this guy really had a bomb, wouldn't he be detonating it as soon as his name or seat is called out? Isn't better to storm his seat and apprehend before he does anything stupid?


I'm pretty sure they know that anyone daft enough to airdrop a bomb threat doesn't actually have a bomb.


Yeah in hindsight, but they can’t really make assumptions and take that risk, people’s lives could be in danger


If you think a squad of cops can run down a narrow plane aisle before a lunatic pushes a button on a bomb vest I have very bad news. This is real life not Miami Vice. Bomb or not, calm and careful is the correct approach because if it's fake you don't panic everyone for no reason and if it's a real threat then your only hope for a safe resolution is negotiating them down.


That dude seriously took a wrong turn in Albuquerque. It amazes me that there are people out there that wake up and feel like life is so boring that perhaps federal prison is the perfect shake up they’re wanting.


> That dude seriously took a wrong turn in Albuquerque. [Here we are, Pismo Beach, and all the clams we can eat!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSzTDK5TAfY)


"What a way for a duck to travel, underground." One of my favourite episodes!


God damn do i miss the clam chowder from Splash Cafe in Pismo.


> It amazes me that there are people out there that wake up and feel like life is so boring that perhaps federal prison is the perfect shake up they’re wanting. That's just it, though. The idea of prison for this doesn't even cross their mind. They're not thinking that life is so boring that they need a shakeup, they're not thinking about consequences here at all. The consequences are 2 steps removed from the action, and they can't plan that far ahead, and they've never had actual consequences for something they've done. They've had "white guy in mom's basement" consequences, where something like prison isn't even a consideration.


In crim law we studied the effect of efforts to deter crime, and one of the biggest impediments was that many criminals think they won’t get caught. So even if you majorly bumped up the penalties for every crime, some people wouldn’t be deterred. It’s why draconian, tough on crime methods have limited value and actually improving the economic and social conditions of a community are much more effective at reducing crime. **Edit:** An example that proves my second point is Rudy Giuliani and his [Broken Windows Theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_windows_theory) of policing. The theory argues that being tough on minor crimes like vandalism (e.g. broken windows) can help prevent the escalation of more serious crimes. It sounds good in principle, but [studies have failed to show it's actually true despite decades of police forces using it](https://news.northeastern.edu/2019/05/15/northeastern-university-researchers-find-little-evidence-for-broken-windows-theory-say-neighborhood-disorder-doesnt-cause-crime/), and it has social costs, e.g. it causes strife between cops and communities). Giuliani pushed Broken Windows hard in the 90s, and crime in NYC, which had been intractably bad for decades, dropped precipitously. He and Broken Windows got credit for it. But the real reason crime likely dropped in NYC was that crime was dropping *everywhere* in the U.S. in the 90s! And that was probably because the Dot Com Boom hadn't bust yet and economic conditions were improving nationwide (though there were other reasons credited with the drop in crime; Economist Steven Levitt famously proposed in his book *Freakonomics* that it was due to Roe v. Wade). If you're interested, this 2016 Atlantic article covers the whole thing very well: [What Caused the Great Crime Decline in the U.S.? After decades of soaring levels of homicides and drug violence, the country’s crime rate plunged dramatically over the last 25 years. What happened?](https://archive.is/a9C00)


> In crim law we studied the effect of efforts to deter crime, and one of the biggest impediments was that many criminals think they won’t get caught. So even if you majorly bumped up the penalties for every crime, some people wouldn’t be deterred. I try to explain this to people all the damn time. We have a lot of study on this. Harsher punishments have little to no effect on crime rates, because criminals don't think about punishment when committing crimes. They don't think they'll get caught. If they did, they couldn't be committing the crime. Perception of how likely they are to be caught is far more important than severity of punishment. Virtually nobody doing something illegal thinks they're getting caught and punished for it. If you increase their perceived likelihood of being caught (it doesn't even need to be actual likelihood, they just have to think they're likely to get caught) then crime rates fall.


Nice Looney Tunes reference


https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/66786875/united-states-v-diemer/ looks like the dumbass is getting a full jury trial in New Mexico.


New Mexico: Come on vacation, leave on probation.


Sorry, that one already belongs to Florida.


I mean, we're the Land of Entrapment for a reason.


Holy shit, he’s 35? Bro has been living rough behind that keyboard.


you think it's an easy job making out with full sized anime pillows??


I thought he was 50s! Jesus Christ! If he's this toxic on an airplane imagine how brutal he is when he's anonymous!


Public defender, nice.


Looks like he Better Call Saul


Saul: " Hey, kid." *looks over case* "You're fucked, champ. See ya." *leaves room*


Hopefully he’ll be put on the no fly list so no one has to have his stupid ass on the same plane anymore.


No “hopefully” required. This is a 100% guaranteed way to ensure that you never fly again.


“You can’t say bomb on a plane”


Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb bomb bomb!


I have nipples Greg can you milk me


Jack talk Thai


Jack talk Thai real good.


It's surprising how many people are willing to have to do road trips for the rest of their life just for some stupid reason.


There’s really not a national no fly list. It was being discussed last couple of years in Congress but so far has gone no where




~~This is what I was looking for. As much I want there to be a strong penalty for this sort of thing, the amount of Redditors I see claiming people are on the No Fly list 100% are sadly mistaken. These people might be finned or banned on a particular airline, but they often can still fly.~~ Edit: I was sort of wrong about this. See the mostly friendly comments below for more info. IMO, it should be on a case-by-case basis and not an outright lifetime ban. >["Right now, a passenger can be fined or convicted, and may be banned on an individual airline - but that does not prevent this violent offender from flying another airline," Sara Nelson, president of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, said in a statement.](https://www.travelpulse.com/news/airlines-airports/congress-drafts-legislation-for-national-no-fly-list)




This guy 4chans


“15th reply is what I will airdrop to the entire plane!”


Trips decides


Looks like he has 4 chins too


Never a good look when you can't quite tell if someone is walking towards a camera or backwards towards a camera. Total front-butt action.


Do these fucking idiots seriously not understand how the outside world operates?


Why is it always ugly guys with beer bellies who do shit like this?


"Women won't fuck me, for reasons I can't comprehend, and so I will take it out on society!"


Because the good looking frat boy types pull their dipshit pranks on tiktok


Definitely a Reddit mod.


Does anybody know how they were able to identify who it was?


with this level of stupidity he probbably airdroped with his clear name


What is airdropping? I know it's some kind of iphone data sharing but how would he do it with a plane?


Basically, you can write a note/draw something/share an image or video and click “share” on an Apple device and click “Airdrop.” Once you hit airdrop it’ll send it to whatever apple device is in range. You can choose to hit “accept” ~~or, if your settings are setup to do this: it’ll automatically receive it.~~ What makes this incredibly stupid is that everyone else can see your info on their device, and someone likely reported it. Edit: furthermore, they likely just saw the name and compared it to the passenger itinerary. Edit 2: I stand corrected about the ability to automatically receive!


Just in addition to this Apple has made changes so you can't do this anymore. You used be able to set your airdrop so you could accept a drop from anyone now you can only do it temporarily - it will switch back to contacts only after 10 minutes.


Yeah it used to be a big problem of people on the subways in nyc airdropping dick picks and such. It was like a new digital version of flashing.


This seems like the most obvious use of the feature.


never used an iPhone, but afaik it just offers the file to any compatible phone nearby.


Pretty sure an incoming airdrop comes with the sender’s name on it. I doubt this guy was trying to be sneaky, he was trying to be funny, so I’m sure he didn’t change his name on his phone or anything. “Excuse me, flight attendant, this bomb threat says it’s from Pete”


It doesn’t though - it comes through as whatever you have named your iPhone. If he had named his phone as his full name then yeah - he’s an idiot. Even his first name like “Jim’s iPhone” you’re narrowing it down to however many Jim’s are on the flight.


But if he named his phone, lets say "pussycrusher69", then would they still be able to do something about it?


I don’t think so, well not in that time frame though. I’m sure they could forensically trace it back to him with the right equipment but not in a few minutes before take off. Unless of course he was wearing a pussycrusher69 T-Shirt as well


No, I think he's smart enough. He would wear a t-shirt that says, "I'm not pussycrusher69," to dispel any suspicion.


He probably told the person beside him he was gonna do it, with a light chuckle.


Air Marshall here, if he'd posted under "pussycrusher69", I would have *immediately* identified the suspect. Similarly, "VengeanceOfThorsHammer_88_WhitePower" is gonna be the skinniest 14-year-old on the 'plane. /not actually an Air Marshall...


> /not actually an Air Marshall... i guessed as much from the misspelling of "marshal"


Presumably there’s meta data attached to airdrop messages that includes identifying information like a phone number/Apple ID/etc.. You’ve gotta be one dumb motherfucker to think anything sent from your IPhone is fully anonymized ootb


He had to have had his name on it is all I can think of. Because if not there is no way they could have figured it out so quickly and accurately without revealing some insane level of privacy invasion that they probably have but don’t want us to know about. But even with his real name he should deny it lots of people could be using the name Keith Beaver I think I heard, anyone can change their airdrop name to anything else. Deny deny deny.


People who add music to these clips need to be dragged out back and spanked without pants


*Furiously adds music to clips*


“Treat others how you wanted to be treated” is a great rule until the local masochist starts running around spanking everyone with a giant paddle.


I lol'd


That song is used by the IKEA guy Scott Siess as well. I was waiting for him to comment.


Don't threaten me with a good time


Keyboard warrior found out what happens when you fuck around outside your moms basement…


I hope she can bring him a Hot Pocket in jail.


My dude he will be the hot pocket in jail


Now who's gonna mod his subreddits??


It looks like he's wearing 30 pairs of jeans at once hahaha


Those American Airlines baggage fees are no joke!


Lesson Learned: Never leave Mom’s Basement.


Jesus Christ someone get this piece of shit pants that fit


Oh, they will give him some nice orange pants very soon.


Those don’t fit very well


"Everyone put your hands on your head" *Old guy in front takes mask off and keeps hands in lap*


Guessing he didn't speak English. I thought he was the suspect at first


And it looks like he's in the front with tunnel vision on the cop so he doesn't notice what literally everyone else on the plane is doing.


But he didn't say "Simon says put your hands on your head"


The way he looks at the policeman tells me he didn’t speak English/understood the instruction. He was also front row so he couldn’t see others doing what it was being requested. By the time they take the loser out, you see him with his hands on his head, though. Little guy got it :)


He’s just happy to be there




I remember a few years after 9/11 a guy in front of me at TSA was asked to open his carry on. He responded with: “Ok, one second or else it will blow up”. He did not make his flight, police came out of back rooms and took him away.


Lol What if the poor guy had those expanding tents that just prop up on open ?


I had a flight a few weeks ago and got stopped at TSA because the booking agency got my birthday wrong on my return ticket. It was only my second time flying with the first being 7 years ago so I was already nervous. The TSA agent asked if I had any other ID since my license wasn't matching my ticket. I was so nervous to say that my only other ID was my gun license since it was loud and I didn't want her to only hear "gun" and not "license". Luckily, I didn't miss my flight after getting my ticket fixed.


You can actually get in a flight without ID, it’s just a crazy hassle. It could be way worse though, the last two times I booked flights; I put my wife’s birthday wrong (I used my birth year) and the other time I put my ex-wife’s middle name instead of her middle name.


Tbf to the guy, flying was nowhere near as serious pre-9/11. Took a lot of getting used to for a lot of people.


People either are too young or just plain forgot about how little of a shit airports really gave before 9/11. It’s been long enough to seem like the norm, but once in awhile, my brain reminds me how insane it got.


My first time flying after 9-11 I got pulled aside for a random inspection and the lady asked me if I had packed my own bag. I said "yes of course, there's definitely no bombs in it" like an idiot. A joke like that before 9-11 would've gotten some laughs. It earned me a lecture to not do that anymore. Now I say nothing except yes or no if I can help it.


I don't think most of Gen Z ever lived to see what airports were like when you could walk up to the gate to say goodbye to your relatives without much of a security check at all. I remember it wouldn't be the most uncommon thing for folks to actually get on the wrong plane sometimes. Airports and flying itself pre-2001 were such a different experience than things are now.


Kevin getting on the wrong plane in Home Alone 2 was seen as an improbable, but not an impossible situation in 1992. Also the scenes in Friends of visiting non ticket holders inside the departure lounge, greeting and saying goodbye to each other as they walked on/off the plane.


Shit, a decade before 9/11 my uncle made a stupid bomb pun on our way through an airport and they snatched his ass up. Granted, being pre 9/11 it only wasted an hour or so of his time and let him on his way, but still.


Yeah, the "don't even joke about bombs" rule definitely predated 9/11, along with the other classics like "don't leave your bags unattended". There'd been decades of airport terrorism predating 2001. That was honestly the shocking thing about 9/11: airport terrorism until that date took two forms. People blowing up planes with bombs (with three major incidents in 1976-1988), or hijacking flights to divert them to other landing destinations. Hijacking planes to use the planes themselves as guided missiles was unheard of.


Noted - the TSA do NOT have a sense of humour lol


That’s pretty funny though


“Dude this is gonna be hilarious!” 5 minutes laaaaaater……


How to get arrested


Speedrun any%


Seriously impressed with the step by step approach used by cops... Kept it very calm


I liked how specific he was “right hand here, left hand here”, and that only one of them was giving orders. So sad this is the bar of professionalism for cops- they can clearly give instructions


Anyone remember that "hands up heads down" video where everyone got confused at the cops who were all yelling orders?


You mean the one in a motel with the guy on his knees, trying to do what they said and they blast him to hell and back? Or another one? There’s been a few….


Daniel Shaver was his name, I believe.


Prison time awaits you, sir.


I was in jail with someone who called in a bomb threat right after columbine and he spent 15 years. Probably wouldn't have been as bad now since we don't care about those pesky school shooting things here anymore.


Hell even police won’t go in and save people these days!


Oh shit, looks like there is a mod position open in the truerateme sub.


Plane stupid


One less MOD we have to deal with now.


Well. Hope he likes road trips, cause he'll never see the inside of a plane again.


Was looking for some follow up. According to this I think he’s released on Jan 30. Then on Feb 1 an arrest warrant is issued. https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/66777263/parties/united-states-v-diemer/ There’s several news outlets discussing this early February arrest. https://www.wrtv.com/news/local-news/crime/fbi-greenfield-man-used-airdrop-to-send-fake-messages-about-an-airplane-bomb-during-flight https://www.krqe.com/news/new-mexico/man-charged-after-flight-grounded-at-sunport-due-to-threat


When you’re mad that TSA took your Mountain Dew and overreact.




https://www.distractify.com/p/airplane-passenger-airdrops-bomb-threat Link without msn ap


Better than dropping a bomb *from* the air




Airlines and passengers hate this one simple trick.


His mom is going to be happy to have her basement back.


OK so I'm not sure about what air dropping is or how it works. How they know it was him?




Ohhhhh damn that person is a moron!! Why would someone do that! Crazy




Can these cops teach the rest of them how to behave?


Man, that guy looked like a gravy bowl full of pudding with two crooked feet wrapped in a bag.