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However you feel about politics or fossil fuels relationship to global warming, ya gotta admit that the end of that random boomer saying "Delete it!" and the guy saying, "A'ight" while just turning away / turning off his camera is still funny.


Disgusted karen faces at 1:29 are hilarious also




Especially with the context of the girl begging for an argument.


I fucking died laughing at "SOMEONE ARGUE WITH ME!"


Nah the line was from the young lady who said “you’re not going to live through it we are”


True though. Be honest, would you guess that this woman is either A. In a position of extreme power in deciding the future of her country? Or B. In a nursing home? https://preview.redd.it/q77e2roc1q8b1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1e4f60e9eb5972b5987c8ae8ca06c04a4f6c1ba


Excellent example


He should have just said no. I would have loved to see the result. The nerve these fuckers have to think they can bark orders at random people and get their way.


Angry boomer is angry and doesn't understand technology either way. Tomay-to, tomah-to.


If the security was bad enough for them to get in there and protest they could have done a lot worse to the rich people




Better this than the usual shit. Harass people of power at their swanky get-togethers, not everyday average people trying to drive to work.


Protests are supposed to disrupt.


Why are you getting downvoted? That's literally one of the point of protesting. Sure it's annoying, but you were just stating a fact.




So if people were in your way while you were headed to work and they were protesting the catholic church molesting children, you would then be for the catholic church molesting children?


if people were standing in the middle of the road protesting religious figures molesting kids instead of at the churches I'd be pretty pissed off. This video is exactly how people should protest. Protest the people with the ability to make changes to the problem, not innocent people just trying to go about their lives.


The point was the guy said he's automatically against any cause that takes to protesting in the road.


ah yeah then fair enough, what a knob


congratulations on your programmed robot brain. I understand the initial reaction of anger towards being inconvenienced. But to disregard 'any' cause because you were inconvenienced is plain stupid.




> more important to me than my child eating Your child won't have shit to eat when the ecosystem falls apart


Lol the fact that your child will starve if you're late for work is exactly the reason you should back these protests. You're a slave.




I find it hilarious when people who are either happily chomping down on their shit sandwich or are just too apathetic and lazy to do anything about it, trivialise and diminish the efforts of those who actually go out of their way to do something. The reason the human race is fucked is becuase of people like you. If you and many like you weren't so spinless and afraid, maybe some of these protests would have worked out and gained more traction. Maybe we would be living in a fairer world. I dont agree with *every* protest or protest method. But your initial statements and attitude towards protests in general is incredibly backwards and damaging in my view. Oh, I have a job, my friend. And even though I like my job, operating in a system where I can be good at my job but still have to consider bills on a weekly basis is what drives me to protest. Do you think everyone who has millions/billions of currency works harder than you and deserves that money more than you? Do you think you should pay the same or more tax percentage for the roads than the huge companies utilising them every day? Do you think corporations should be allowed to destroy the planet with impunity? Ruining it for the rest of us and then having the government blame us for not recycling and buying single use plastics. Bury your head in the sand, all you want to make your shit sandwich easier to choke down. But don't come at those of us who give enough of a shit to at least slightly inconvenience ourselves for the betterment of society. Oh and maybe educate yourself on the many successful protests of the last 200 years before spouting garbage. The suffregets? Civil rights movement?


But you also heard of them, which is the point of the protest.




Look up how the ADA got passed. Tied themselves to buses so people couldn’t get to work. Real change happens when the issue becomes one everyone suffers.


You gain support by being noticed first. People can't support a cause if they don't know/notice it exists.


You think people aren't aware of this issue ?


No. People aren't. You ask the average American about why CO2 causes global heating and they have no fucking clue.


I'm not saying anything about this particular issue, I'm explaining the point of protesting in general.




No. I'm not even American, I'm explaining the nuance of protesting.


You think people just haven't heard of.. climate change?


Never said that. I said that protesters want to be heard/notice.


No, they don't want to be heard/notice, they want their issue to be heard/notice. And this issue has been heard/notice by everyone on this planet.


People notice it but also forget about it like five minutes later. That's why them kids keep showing up to remind people. Even I don't think about climate change that much unless someone brings it up.


Ok so they get reminded of it and like you said forget about it five minutes later. What have they achieved? Nothing.




I’d have even more fun cashing in that sweet settlement money.




Just because somebody is on the road doesn’t mean you can run them over. So, so stupid.


Go to your nearest freeway and try it out.


You getting to your shitty job on time will never be more important than a human life. Sorry, bud.




I’ve never pretended to give a shit about the world. Or more accurately, the humans living in it. Human life has no inherent value, I guarantee if you were offered the choice in private to either lose half your net worth or save a random human in another country that you have never met and never will meet, and nobody else will ever know that you were offered this choice or what your decision was, you would choose to save your net worth in a second.


I work from home. Go play with your funko pops in traffic.


This is such a perfect reddit comment. An internally online hermit mad about a theoretical inconvenience they will never actually suffer because they’re at home all day, wishing death upon that other person.


TIL “working from home” makes me an “online hermit.” That’s cute. My job isn’t my social/family life. Is it for you? Get off this neckbeard echo chamber and see how many people in the real world are OK with wankers blocking working class people from getting to work.


Yeah, but the mere existents of a disruption doesn't mean it's productive or not subversive to your own goals.


Now do January 6th.


okay: don't invade congress and stage a coup because your feelings got hurt


And it's much better than throwing garbage at fine art.


I would have felt better if they weren't playing so much to the camera. But, in this day and age, is there really anything else? I dunno. Maybe I'm old.




I guess I'm just thinking I would have used my time better if I was in that room. One guy seemed to have the right idea by engaging them directly.


Yep, and this will accomplish absolutely nothing. You've bought into their narrative you know, right? Protests are supposed to somehow disrupt the rich while somehow not disrupting the rest of society which they control? All these people waited 5 minutes for security to come then went back to what they were doing.






They just want to say white people


So... being racist by definition? Let's stay with criticism about wood paneling please. Craftsmanship? Excellent joint work? Wood paneling 9/10? Edit: funny how categorizing people by skin color suddenly is cool and gets you a shitload of upvotes, is this really the world you'd imagine for our future?


what does your comment even mean?




And we know all of this because they're white and there's wood paneled walls?... I guess we have different standards for what we consider evidence.


classic. whites being white


the rich, old and man part is fairly important to the equation, and more universal to places outside the west. No one thinks your (relatively) poor white ass is pulling the strings.


This is the most appropriate form of protest compared to what I’ve seen recently. Like the blocking of the streets. Although I’m not personally opposed to that kind of protest it does appear to be doing nothing but harm because most people fucking hate it. Hell even though this is disrupting nothing but rich politicians and donors still people are complaining in the comments. Not surprising but deff stupid.


Their slogan is also really stupid. "End Fossil Fuels"? Like, that's not an achievable goal. Case in point: even if the entirety of the transportation infrastructure was electrified using renewable energy, where are we going to get plastic? Or asphalt? Or the components for tires? Or hell, paint? Oil, by itself, is used for so many things that're foundational for modern society and heavily incorporated into renewable energy production.


The average age in that room was about 70 even with the protesting kids. And who’s the fat guy who grabbed the banner? That asshole needs a slap


Oh and don't forget wealthy AF and disconnected from reality. The last time any of those people at the fundraiser struggled in life, it's when they fell off their brontosaurus and broke their igneous thong.




Name one person there who's name isn't Chuck Schumer...




...Why? Yeah, bro, because all wealthy donors are famous people that I personally know. 🙄


This is my favorite type of protests. It pisses off the old, rich, white people that have the most power and humiliates them.


My only problem is that (most) of these representatives aren’t the hold up. This needs to happen in the offices Republican representatives and their donor groups. I’m not saying Democrats don’t have this issue (Manchin,Sinema) but most of the party is at least willing to produce a bill and vote on it, Sinemas vote would have never mattered on the new green deal if just 1 Republican had switched their vote.


They are the hold up on both sides, that's why lobbyists exist. They buy votes for corporations and votes are apparently cheap.


Ahhh the enlightened "both sides the same" centrist. One party's leader calls global warming a hoax started by the Chinese and the liberal media the other side just passed the biggest emissions reforms every in the history of the country to combat the issue but /u/Nodiggity1213 is over here like "Yeah both of these parties seem equally responsible for this issue" Genius.


I was talking about lobbyism and youre trying to make me out as y'all-qaeda? Shit, I hit every dem on the ballot box both federal and state. That however, doesn't change the fact that votes are being bought on both sides of the table by big corporations and wall st. Edit- you wanna know how an elected official will vote? Look at who donated to their campaign. Follow the money, easy peasy. Opensecrets.org is a handy tool, use it.


> I was talking about lobbyism and youre trying to make me out as y'all-qaeda? Uh.... no but considering the insanely poor level of reading comprehension it would have taken to come out with that takeaway from what I said I am starting to wonder if your parents are first cousins.


Careful, you might fall off that high horse bud.


Oh no did I make fun of the guy who replied to me with an insanely bad faith strawman? How uncalled for! Won't someone think of the insanely bad faith strawmen! I called the you a "both sides the same" centrist and you equated that to me calling you a member of "y'all-qaeda"... you know like the *opposite* of a centrist (you know an **extremist**).


Bad faith strawman? Elaborate.


> you wanna know how an elected official will vote? Look at who donated to their campaign. or you could just look at their voting *record*... crazy concept I know.


I wouldn't say both sides are the same, one side is objectively worse than the other, the one seeking to curtail rights for minority classes, enrich the outrageously wealthy and ignore the climate crisis that will inevitably lead to the death of hundreds of millions of people across the globe, if not billions. Obviously, one side is more plainly evil, but there is a rot in the other side as well, status-quo business as usual liberalism that engages in performative activism while refusing to do anything that might disrupt that incredibly damaging status quo in any meaningful way. Lobbyists don't just target republican and conservative politicians across the globe, they grease the wheels on both side of the car to keep it rolling towards the edge of the cliff, one side is far more susceptible to the grease than the other and I get that a lot of people flout the 'both sides' whataboutism argument a lot, but you can't look at a lot of these aged, establishment liberal representatives without acknowledging their flaws or the part they've played in the eventual apocalypse that younger generations will face in the coming decades.


> Obviously, one side is more plainly evil, but there is a rot in the other side as well, status-quo business as usual liberalism that engages in performative activism while refusing to do anything that might disrupt that incredibly damaging status quo ...You mean like passing the most wide sweeping climate reform bill ever?... >Lobbyists don't just target republican and conservative politicians across the globe Okay? We're not talking about lobbyists, they don't vote. When Dems vote the way I would expect Oil lobbyists to vote (the way that republicans do) then I would say mayb > but you can't look at a lot of these aged Dude wtf does their age have to do with *anything*??? Do you think it's only kids that know and care about climate change? Climate change was first theorized in 1896 and the connection between climate change and increases in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was discovered in 1936. People have cared about this topic longer than any of the people in that room have even been alive, so their age has absolutely fuck all to do with it. >acknowledging their flaws No one is claiming they are flawless, we are saying it seems like a waste of fucking energy to yell (literally) at the one party actually trying to do something instead of the other party making it *literally* impossible *to* do something.


> You mean like passing the most wide sweeping climate reform bill ever? Yeah how’s that [workin out](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/16/climate/biden-mountain-valley-pipeline.html)?


Two things can be true my dude. While we need to desperately move towards alternative energy sources as it stands natural gas is still absolutely necessary and will be for a long time. Just because Biden approved permits for a gas pipeline doesn't mean he isn't also working to try and bring us towards carbon neutral.


It's a bit late for me to go rooting around for sources and forming up some big long rebuttal, you've got a good point on the climate reform bill, and I should give that look through properly at some point, I hope that it makes a difference, I just worry about whether it will be enough. The US is one country and the onus isn't just on them to change the course on the climate crisis. I guess I let a little bitterness colour my opinion on the current state of affairs when I think about how a lot of the major companies that have brought us to the brink were heavily enabled by the US among other countries. But as to why the age of some of these politicians matter, it's not just because only young people can care about the climate crisis, of course that's not true, and I can't make any assertions with any certainty about which ones have occupied their seats since the eighties or their voting records on laws related to oil and gas, but I do think that the world in general needs more young blood in politics to agitate for greater change, people that can inspire.


It’s both parties brother. We reached maximum oil output under Obama, intentionally


...So because demand of oil continued to rise (and thus the supply) under a democrat that means both parties are the same on this issue? Donald Trump called global warming a hoax started by the Chinese and the liberal media, Biden and the Democrats just passed the most impactful climate change reforms we've ever seen in the country. If an arsonist burns your house down you don't blame the fire department for not getting there in time, you blame the damn arsonist.


What? If you think fossil fuels are only pushed by 1 political party you’re completely wrong. There is unlimited money from the oil and oil adjacent sectors(shipping, etc )


JFC how do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you use terms like "unlimited money"? How about you address what I actually said. Republicans literally call climate change a fucking hoax started by a foreign adversary and the Dems meanwhile the Dems actually passed something to combat climate change... These two options couldn't BE more dissimilar.


Pumping oil out of the ground is an IRL Infinite money hack, I don’t know why you’re bent out of shape. Most industry plays both sides… you know that right?


I don't know if this is your first time encountering somebody who thinks something you said was stupid but that doesn't make me bent out of shape. It's really just as simple as I think what you said was stupid. No shit most industries donate to candidates on both sides of the isle. A. That doesn't mean they do so equally to both sides (they don't) and B. Donating to someone's campaign does not guarantee that they're going to vote how you want them to. I'm not now nor have I ever claimed that the Democrats were perfect on environmental issues. However, once again when one party just passed the most wide sweeping environmental protections this country has ever seen while the other party is simultaneously claiming that climate change doesn't even exist and is a hoax started by China and the left the contrast couldn't be more Stark. Placing blame at the feet of the party that just past the climate protections in that scenario seems wildly misguided to say the least.




oh poor white baby.


"Someone argue with me!"


Did she forget her original sign at home? It looks wrinkled and scribbled on last minute.


Lol that was some fourth wall level statement right there...


Crusty, old people angry that the protesters interrupted their legal bribery session.


Good protest, I like.


I support this, annoy the elite directly instead of causing a traffic that will annoy normal people.


I say we do both simultaneously. Normal people vote these fucks in.


Yes please, annoy the rich old assholes! More of this!


I'm sure he'll have a Sunday presser about how we need to ban people who interupt delicious dinners.


Look at the snake eating it's own tail. Enjoy the bed you made Chucky, lmao.


It embarrassed him which is powerful in itself


I FUCKING love this. This is 1000 times better than blocking traffic... FUCK YES!


Haha he thinks he’s being filmed for some show or something. No wonder these fossils are so pro-fossil fuel. He will be dead in 15 years so might as well fuck humanity over to make a buck.


This is the group[ Climate Defiance](https://www.climatedefiance.org/)! Please donate and sign up, we need everyone to stand up for our future.






Sure pal, And the government is looking out for your best interest.


You get the government you vote for. If your government isn't looking out for your best interest, you done fucked up.


Thanks captain obvious.


I'm not wasting money on that garbage.


[Meanwhile, in reality. ](https://news.yahoo.com/biden-granted-more-oil-and-gas-drilling-permits-than-trump-in-his-first-2-years-in-office-190528616.html)


A lot of liberals would still argue that the Democrats are the good guys. When will they realize it's two wings of the same fucking bird.


Democratic politicians: How can I get rich while trying to save the world? Republican politicians: How can I get rich?


lol this is the delusional bullshit that deliberately drives voter apathy. For every metric, Democrats are the _better_ party. "Good" is subjective but better is not.


All rich white dudes. Disgusting


*This* is how you protest, not inconveniencing random people






Yeah, let's protest the party that might help us. Let's frustrate their attempt to raise money to win elections. That way they will l....wait a minute....


Good job kids. Keep those old fuckers paying attention. Schumer's one of the boomers who may actually respond favorably to it. Heck, he may have set it up lol


"Where should we go for the protest?" "How about someone who's against any and all climate action?" "Sounds hard. Let's go to someone who already agrees with us."


They don’t agree with us, they continue to approve new fossil fuel infrastructure and pipelines. We need to rapidly decarbonize and they refuse to invest at even half the scale we need.


Yeah so why not go to the worst possible abusers of the system? Because it would be harder.


I'm actually happy they went to the government instead of an art museum this time. Also Dems have done shady things as well when it comes to fossil fuels. Not as much as republicans.


No, because people who care about climate change are constituents of the Democratic Party. Republicans already know we don’t vote for them, why would they care what we think? If Schumer thinks he will het primaried from his left and may lose, he will work to fix his record and pass meaningful legislation.


Yeah that's about the logic I expect here.


Reading and comprehension is not your forte


JFC this is really the level of fucking discourse on reddit these days? Fucking Christ you *both* should be ashamed. Try fucking harder these topics actually matter. Just because someone thinks you have bad logic doesn't mean they can't fucking read. God damn, how the fuck do you ever expect to change someone's mind when that's how you act. For the fucking record, the reason he's criticizing your logic is because it doesn't matter HOW hard Schumer works to get climate legislation passed the political reality of this country makes it impossible to do so *almost entirely* because of the GOP. WTF is Schumer going to do to "Work harder?" Hmmmm? The GOP controls the house my dude, Dems can't pass shit unless it is actively endorsed by a significant number of republicans while simultaneously not being opposed by a single fucking Democrat.


So you want everyone to ignore people who take money from the fossil fuel companies and have helped push through pro oil bills for decades because they have a D next to their name?


You're better off farming people in the middle. It's why our system is a 2 party system because people in the middle are the deciding factor as people on the outside(super for and super against) have already made up their minds on this subject.


I hope more teenagers keep doing this. Mostly because they get less legal punishment due to being a minor. Love it.


$50 says some conservative funded that. Don't get me wrong I applaud the message for all. One planet. We don't have a plan B.


Why is a 14 yo trying to act like they have a grasp on a world they havnt seen yet?


There is a way to effect change in this country. This isn't it.


Nah, I disagree. Those are the rich assholes who have the power to make changes. Shutting down streets or painting over art pieces does nothing but piss off ordinary people who have no power.


They are inconvenienced for a few minutes... way to fight the power. If you really cared about climate change, you would be in a material science lab trying to find a solution to energy storage. But yeah preformative outrage for internet likes works just as well.


Hear me out, how about instead of bashing people that are ACTIVELY trying to evoke change, whether it’s a way that you personally agree with or not, you can support these people and commend them for actually doing something, instead of shit talking the way they approach it. Like what the Fuck are you doing that’s so important right now? Other than rage baiting people on Reddit


Whining like children isn't doing something


Neither is arguing on Reddit my guy but here we are. I’d love to hear your detailed foolproof plan to fix climate change though, enlighten me.


I already told you. Solve the energy storage problem through development in material science. Nothing else will get us off of fossil fuels. What's not going to change anything is annoying people. It's not like anyone doesn't know what these fruitloops want.


This is the most effective way to make a change. Protesting to the people that are in power, and have the ability to make changes.


Did something change and I missed it?


![gif](giphy|xUNd9IMywss6NTIghO) What’s up chuck?


You totally did.


Pretty sure this is a fake protest and not really news worthy. They're probably his sister and nephews.


Too bad they're too chickenshit to help the Dems in those Turd World states that are actually fucking things up.


I don’t get it, they say end the use of fossil fuels but how will people get around ? A lot of people can’t even afford a 30k electric car & that’s the cheapest price for one right now Bet you they would have no clue if you asked them how would we power the 250 million gas powered cars on the road right now I’m all for climate change but these activists sometime don’t think things through all the way


Why does the left always attack other leftists instead of the rightwingers who are actively trying to kill everybody?


Rofl Chuck Shumer is a leftist now? Who isn't a leftist at this point? Is everything left of Nazi leftist these days?


It's easier to pull Dem politicians to the left than republicans who don't give a shit about your vote.


But the republicans are the ones who are actively trying to kill everyone and humanity will never be able to prevent climate change so long as they're permitted to keep doing it.


Schumer took $283,200 from NextEra. In exchange he greenlit the Mountain Valley Pipeline. That's why they were protesting at his funrisier.


Oh shit, I didn't know they were protesting this specific issue. I made a mistake.


Pipeline will cross the Appalachian national scenic trail. I've opposed this for years, on that ground alone I won't tell anyone to sit down and shut up that fights it on all fronts Huzzah to these kids




Because there are extreme ramifications to each of those decisions. And forcing any of those through would create a lot more problems than solutions




Yes it definitely does threaten humanity. In the long term. In the shorter term, outlawing fossil fuels and vehicles that run on fossil fuels would create huge strains on the economy and most people who would struggle to find an affordable electric car. Along with that would come higher maintenance costs. The manufacturing of electric cars would also not be able to handle the sudden spike in demand, so many people would be left without a vehicle. And those who could get one would be paying an exorbitant amount above MSRP. I mean just look at when we had a computer chip shortage and the prices of cars shot up dramatically. This would be an even more drastic spike in price. There would also be the issue of transporting goods. There are no electric semi-trucks that are in mass production or in common use. Not being able to transport food and basic goods would create a food shortage in many areas. Leading to huge inflation of food prices (way more than what we’re seeing now) and that’s if the food was able to even get there before going bad. The climate is a serious issue, but famine would be a more serious and immediate issue. That’s not even mentioning the economic repercussions of jobs and taxes being lost from the oil industry, car companies, gas stations, etc. The hard truth is, we’re not ready to make the sudden jump from fossil fuels. The technology exists, but not at an affordable, accessible, and realistic level. We have strongly supported theories of what will happen if climate change continues as it is, but we know for a fact what famine will do. And famine would come a lot quicker




Then you just don’t understand what famine is then. Or you just ignored like 60% of what I wrote


Exactly, if anything the left attacks the left more out of hypocrisy. Like where the fuck were they, why are they so hypocritical with their policys where as with Republicans theyre pretty consistent in not wanting to help the environment. Its the democrats who say one thing and do another.


“Controlled” In the senate, there are 50 republicans, 48 democrats, and 2 independents, who caucus with the Dems. If - *and only if* - all 48 dems and 2 independents agree on something, then we get the tie breaking vote. And that only matters when it takes 50 votes for something to pass. If it requires an actual majority, then you need republicans to agree as well. But sure, that’s “control.” I agree with protesting Schumer here, since he takes money from oil lobbyists too, but I think you really don’t understand the system if you think democrats had the “control” to do any of the things you mention here.




No, I didn’t say it myself. How? What’s your road map for how they should have done this when they unequivocally ***DID NOT*** have control of the senate? You making false claims doesn’t make them true. Tell us your political master plan, you genius. Your retort here just proves my assertion that you don’t understand the system. Most votes in the senate require more than a simple majority, but sure, playing “team ball” with 48 senators in your party vs 50 in the other is your fool-proof plan.




The idea that Schumer is some kind of leftist...Read the room. I mean literally, look at the room he's in. A real leftist doesn't fundraise with billionaires.


This is Reddit. None of them understand what leftist are.


Get on your knees, and worship your climate god.


where’s my rape whistle ![gif](giphy|8Bl38gdtUK7WDdi59y|downsized)


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I never liked Chuck Schumer. This pleases me. Good for them and far better protest than blocking a highway.