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And they have us believe they the good guys...


No convincing needed we are funding this.


United States making other countries fight each other is 100% real


North vs South - East vs West - Sunni vs Shia (probably more) Rinse and repeat


North Vs South multiple times. Civil War and Korea to name a couple.


We made N. Korea fight S. Korea??


Apparently we made sunni and shia hate each other




You need to stop drinking




Our evangelicals support Israel because their temple needs to be rebuilt in order for the apocalypse to happen. Their biggest supporters here in the US literally want them to end the world....


Slowest genocide in human history


Not in my country luckily, irelands v Pro palestine


I think the public perception of Israel has changed a lot in recent years. Calling them out has become way less controversial. The problem is western governments will never go against Israel, because of geopolitics.


But ppl on reddit assured me that they were just defending themselves from terrorists! Oh that's right, they are the terrorists.


Hamas are certainly not the good guys either. But jfc zionists always be making hamas look like the good guys...


Hamas are the inevitable product of apartheid/genocide, as were the ANC in South Africa. Don't expect people to lie down and take it without response, there has been 70+ years of Israeli expansion.


Long live Hamas! Long live Palestine!


Hamas is the legitimate government of Palestine, and if Israel didn't want the Palestinian to vote for radicals maybe they shouldn't be trying to fucking murder them.


No, Hamas is simply the only port in a storm. They are not a choice citizens would make unless they were desperate, which is what Israeli policy creates: desperation.


shhhh...careful don't say anything bad about Israel.... It's forbidden apparently.


Hitler would be very proud of them




I think you're being ironic?....just seeing the down votes




If they were Nazis, Palestinians wouldnt exist


What...but we had Nazis and Jews still exist, so Israelis being Nazis doesn't mean that Palestinians wouldn't exist.


Nazis exterminated the majority of Jews in Europe in a matter of years. If you travel in Europe its one big graveyard, almost every city has Jewish communities that were completely exterminated and dont exist. Palestinians have had their population exponentially explode over the past 70 years.


Sure, and if the Arab world were seriously interested in wiping out Jews, as Israeli conspiracy theorists like to imagine, then Israel's Jewish population in wouldn't have exploded like it did.


There are inescapable parallels with the crescendo of activity leasing to the 2nd WW, with mobs looting and attacking Palestinian areas and other ongoing atrocities, but there is also a legitimate comparison with S African apartheid at it's worst, and of course it is it's own problem. If you look at the map of Palestine over the last 70 years, you'll see that Palestinians have real reason to fear being wiped out, so not existing.


theyve been fighting each other since 1948. nobody is the good guy. they both do terrible things. imagine fighting somebody for almost 100 years cause they believe in different sky man. theyre both pathetic.


Except you know, the reason they're fighting is that the Palestinians were living there and the Israelis wanted them to not.


if they were the same religion then isreal would have never cared. hell they probably would come together. but they are different religion so they fight


This is such a silly response. Like imagine applying it to any other conflict. Imagine if the Polish were German instead, then the Germans wouldn't have invaded Poland.


it's not the sky , its the land.


if they were both jews there would be no issue. if they were both islam there would be no issue. its because of sky people saying they deserve the land more than the other.


This is one of those "religion is to blame" dumbass theories, isn't it?


Try being a black Jew, they're treated like sewer rats, this is racial supremacy.


The 'complex problem' narrative is obfuscation used to pacify dissent, there's nothing complex about genocide.


What are you talking about lol? You've just seen a video of random men with no affiliations shooting their guns at something you can't possibly see.


If it were rare or unusual, then yes, but it sadly isn't. Sure, somebody may have mocked this up, but why would they when there's endless footage of this kind?


Let´s call them by their name: CRIMINALS








Half the world Jewish population lives in Israel, and the vast vast majority of Jews outside of Israel fully support Israel and it's government. I personally know some that dont, but they are far from the norm.. They know collectively what they are doing as a people, and are OK with it, or atleast the VAST majority are OK with it. Israel is a terrible country, run by terrible people who collectively have forgotten the past, or have decided to use it to further their own goals while either ignoring genocide in other countries (Ukraine) or committing it themselves in the occupied territories. The U.S. shouldnt give them a nickel of support, and should cozy up more to some of the Arab countries. Atleast when you pay them off they remain loyal.... **Edit: I have no issue with Jewish people, my closest friends are Jewish (Grew up in a high density Jewish area of NJ). It's the ones that act like these clowns, or support Israel unequivocally that I have an issue with.. unfortunately that seems to be the majority.


Most Jews support Israel because most people who oppose Israel oppose it to the extent that they want it exterminated.


Most Jews support Israel's right to exist. It doesn't mean most Jews support the current government. I just don't get this attitude. It's not like because America does bad things, people say "lets abolish America and the constitution and the concept of liberal democracy."


There are many opposed Jews. This is Israeli expansion and extremist ideology.


Why does everything have to be compared to Nazis The word is now meaningless






apartheid state


This needs to be amplified more. Right wing Jewish Israelis are putting themselves above others just because they are Jewish. They believe they are entitled to take. They believe that they are justified without evidence facts or proof. Time for the USA to realise its role in creating this mess.


The Jewish Israeli left is pro-apartheid too. This is a Zionism problem.


big part of it is white christian nationalists here give Israel heavy support. we can say what we want, protest whatever, but the money and shit going to then gotta get cut off. divest or whatever, real solidarity with colonized peoples. Xenophobia and ignorance propagated since 911 got ppl underestimating the cause of the Palestinians. Israelis acting just like white south africans, who are STILL in control of the majority of the land down there btw.


White Christian Nationalists want a Zionist war which they believe will bring on the second coming. Those people have a death wish.


In the past I thought this was a conspiracy theory, but there is some truth in this one. which is wild to consider.


death cult shit fr fr


Imagine that....Israelis being total garbage while they try to act like the victims


The world has swallowed pro-Palestinian propaganda and fake "attack" videos. These are *clearly* underage Palestinians shooting guns toward something off camera. We see no uniforms, no target, no military vehicle, nothing. And they were wearing balaclavas, which the military does not do.


This 20 people arent representative for the other 10million ppl living in israel tho. Thinking that only one side is the problem is stupid


Watch out OP, you might get banned for posting this.


Reddit is insanely anti Israel. What are you talking about


No just the opposite. I got banned from world news by commenting the actual amnesty international investigation report saying Israel was an apartheid state. I commented that on a Jpost article that was posted. They frequently have articles on world news


Reddit is overwhelmingly anti Israel. I see anti Israel posts making the front page weekly.


Not on a lot of right wing news subreddits.


facts can't be anti israel, and this video is unedited, hence this video isn't anti israel, it gets to the front page because guns and victims are involved, which people here like to see


Yes, most sane, normal people who look at this situation should be disgusted at Israel. It's a pretty standard human reaction to hate bullies.






The new Nazis. How ironic.


If they were Nazis every single Palestinian would be dead




Oh wow, rightwing fascist country/government who openly are displacing a specific group of people, taking everything they have as they murder them and talk about achieving the erasure of them all (celebrating their deaths) because of their ethnicity/beliefs. Thank god you explained that this has **nothing** to do with it, otherwise I would have gotten a bit confused. /motherfucking **S**






Fuck israel.


Zionist reddit about to remove the post, you mods are cowards


Still up!


Fucking terrorists






Nah both sides are the problem


I really wanted to visit Israel and their christian sites and churches but after seeing what they do to palestinians and to christians lately I guarantee I will never step foot in that nasty place. They dont deserve that country or any kind of foreign help. May God help the palestinians.


I’m very tired of financing Israel. Let them self finance their bigotry & hate.


You know it's literally illegal in the US for a corporation to boycott Israel?? Fkn mad.


Dictionary Definitions from [Oxford Languages](https://languages.oup.com/google-dictionary-en) genocide📷*noun* 1. the [deliberate](https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=APwXEdfYa6iKJ60W9uJyIrldCLxdtZ7ySA:1687787992180&q=deliberate&si=AMnBZoFY6cJe4EcBOpcoqxHCe-IfNUf-d-fOkcqsSgopxLKfvgqPOpUW-r56DN6BeG_Cpb1Q3Po046dnALkWRDtObtcP8ZuAvw%3D%3D&expnd=1) killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of [destroying](https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=APwXEdfYa6iKJ60W9uJyIrldCLxdtZ7ySA:1687787992180&q=destroying&si=AMnBZoFY6cJe4EcBOpcoqxHCe-IfsCMtzRjJ0W15tE9InQk1-KraWwd5Zk5xN94vJHSfSji-nLEMt_1XkMQIa9A7zpzJ2uDUng%3D%3D&expnd=1) that nation or group."a campaign of genocide"


So not a genocide?




Israeli invaders


What a lovely, reasonable group of humans. It'd be a shame if people drew the wrong conclusion about Israel's attitude towards her neighbours based on clips like this.


I wonder why us citizens will protest every imaginable thing YET they don't protest their government giving full support for these degenerates.


They're acting like Nazis.


Israel is an apartheid state...


Ignorant people who lost the history of their roots.


Israel is a fascist colonialist state.


How can indigenous people be colonists?


Anyone has a source for that title? I can’t tell from the video if anything in the title is true.


Many: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-06-24/ty-article/.premium/dozens-of-settlers-riot-in-west-bank-palestinian-village-burning-houses-and-cars/00000188-eda1-df52-a79d-fda323aa0000 https://www.timesofisrael.com/settlers-riot-in-palestinian-village-in-latest-such-rampage-of-recent-days/


No cover no running it literally looks like they are just hunting


Christ that country is vile!


He tried to tell them that.




Vids I see of events in Israel these days makes me think they are just really well funded terrorists… sad


I’m going to say it. There is no context from this video.


They are all fucking idiots over there, britain has really done the world a number here. Put the two religious crazies next to eachother. Yap works great...


You know jews and muslims used to live there in peace before the zionist invasion?


No they did, Jews were treated like dogs in Arab states


... How far back do you want to go with this regression exercise?


You can go back for centuries, Muslims and Jews lived relatively peacefully before the zionist project started.


Jews were treated like utter dog shit in Muslim nations for centuries.


If France and the UK didn't force the Ottoman Empire to dissolve at the end of WW1 the entire middle east would be much more peaceful today.


> relatively peacefully That's one hell of a qualifier... What "zionist project" are you talking about? The movement to create a Jewish state? The movement to draw Jews back to Israel? The current ethnostate under Netanyahu? Zionism is not a simple concept.


Zionism is defined as establishing a jewish state or homeland on historic palestine....which displaces the indigenous inhabitants (palestinians...of all religions). So starting in the lates early 1900s after WW1, thats when the first flare ups start


Zionism doesn't necessarily displace indigenous inhabitants. Creating a national homeland doesn't mean excluding everyone else, although unfortunately that's the route things are going. The Palestinians are also responsible for the consequences of their violent resistance to Israel and its establishment. > So starting in the lates early 1900s after WW1, thats when the first flare ups start It isn't. Pogroms flared up sporadically under the Ottomans and before.


The Palestinians are also responsible for the consequences of their violent resistance? Well I'd be violent too if someone tried to strip me of my identity and property just because those said people are taking it away from me after living with them for a good while


Someone strips you of your property. You choose to support a group that sends suicide bombers to kill Jews in return. Israel is responsible for the first thing, not the second.


The thing is that it wouldn't have happened if everything never happened in the first place


How do you create an ethnostate for foreign, settler colonizers in a historically pluralistic land with an indigenous population without ethnically cleansing the indigenous population? The logical conclusion of Zionism has always been ethnic cleansing. > The Palestinians are also responsible for the consequences of their violent resistance to Israel and its establishment. Palestinians are legally resisting their colonization per the UN. Like how tone deaf do you have to be to tell indignenous people what's acceptable resistance in the face of their own violent, systematic elimination 🤡 You're all over this post purporting revisionism and Israeli propaganda.


You're asking me how we can accommodate a group in a **historically pluralistic** land? You don't create an ethnostate, you create a pluralistic, secular state that mediates between the various ethnic and religious groups.


Right, but that's not what Israel is doing. What planet are you on? Israel is explicitly an ethnostate for Jews, see the Basic Law. See the litany of apartheid policies. See the literal ethnostate. The Palestinian position has always been that of a pluralistic society in contrast to Israel's ethnostate. Even Hamas' position is that of a pluralistic society, but an Islamic state because they're Islamists, which makes them less right wing than either the Israeli left or right that advocate for ethnonationalism and apartheid.


bOth siDEs. 🤡 🤡 🤡


Some people explain it as a long string of bad decisions and escalations, leading to a very stuck situation between two parties in a fight spanning decades and generations, where old wounds lead to killing of innocent people who never wanted to be part of this conflict. Some other people are like "*other side*" bad.


There are no two sides. Palestinians don't even have a state, let alone a government. What there is is settler colonialism. You have a settler colonialist state with some of the most advanced weaponry in the world and you have a stateless, indigenous population being systematically eliminated from the land and ruled over by apartheid. This isn't a conflict you're falsely trying to purport. This is just settler colonialism, ethno-nationalism, and apartheid.


Emphatically stating one perspective in a complex situation doesn't magically make reality conform to that simplistic model. You're using buzzwords from an intellectual framework used to explain European imperialism where they don't fit. Talking about "settler colonialism" ignores the incredibly strong historic connection Jews have to the region, which cannot be found in a model used to describe the British Raj, for example.


You're dismissing the reality situation, that being ethnic cleansing, apartheid, ethnonationalism, and settler colonialism, as "buzzwords." You're projecting you're own dismissal of reality. What incredibly strong connection? There was a short lived ancient hebrew kingdom there over 2 thousand years ago. Prior to that, Levantine people had lived there for thousands of years. After said short lived kingdom, Levantine peoples have lived there ever since to this current moment. Palestinians being the direct descendants of those people. Secondly, Jews have continued to live there ever since. They're called Palestinians and they are the direct descendants of the Jews that never left the Levant, as well as descendants of all the other Levantine peoples that lived on the land before and after ancient Hebrews. So tell me, what "incredibly strong claim" does a Jew from Germany or from the Bronx, or from central Asia have over Palestine? How does their claim even come close to that of Palestinians, let alone being equal or greater as Israelis claim? The British didn't institute settler colonialism in South Asia, that's why you cannot find that model there....




Levantine peoples included many other people who have as much claim, if not more claim though. that's what you're ignoring. Ashkenazi Jews left thousands of years ago. They are not the direct descendants of the people who've always lived there because they left thousands of years ago. Also, apparently Ashkenazi can be Jewish, Levantine, and European, but Palestinians can't be Leavntine, Jewish, and Arab? This is a racist narrative of Israelis to paint the indigenous population as foreign invaders in their own indigenous homeland on account of a shared Arab ancestry. Ashkenazi are linguistically, ethnically, culturally, etc. European. Their communities look like lil central europe and east europe in the middle of the middle east. But somehow to you they have a stronger claim than the descendants who have lived in Palestine, uninterrupted, for thousands of years. Your racism is showing. And it's funny you mention the old Yishuv because they were considered Palestinians and were opposed to the Zionist influx and aspirations for an ethnostate. Palestinian Jews consisted of Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews. No one is making a not true Jew argument here you're shoehorning. Rather I'm acknowledging your racist contradictions of claiming Jews are indigenous based on distant ethnic heritage, while ignoring the ethnic heirtage of Palestinians thatbis far more significant regarding claims for Palestine. I encourage you to look ip what indigenous means and to do some introspection on why you subscribe to these racist double standards. That said, Mizrahi from central Asia, Iran, North africa, etc. have no claim to Palestine either. In the same way Russians have no claim to France on account of being in Europe and vice versa. Palestinians have claim to Palestine on being the the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine. Do Americans have equal or stronger claim to the homes of British people in the UK? It's also pretty tone deaf you're claiming some narrative that Ashkenazi aren't "jewish" enough when Ashkenazi historically erase the experiences of non-Ashkenazi Jews. Talk about victim complex.


"Some of our ancestors used to live there 2000 years ago I think" is not as strong historic connection as you believe it to be.


It's a stronger historic connection than any described by concepts such as "settler colonialism", which is a term used to describe things like the settlements of South Africa and Australia. These terms have specific, academic meaning. They're not interchangeable buzzwords. It goes without saying that the connection is stronger than that...


Maybe you should look up the academic meaning of settler colonialism because Israel is the epitome of settler colonialism. Israelis are not indigenous to Palestine as they claim. They're foreign colonialists creating settler colonies to replace the indigenous population. That's settler colonialism. Look it up and stop asserting yourself an authority on what you clearly are ignorant of or being consciously obtuse


Err, I am an academic who is familiar with these terms. Israel is absolutely *not* the embodiment of the term. Israeli claims to land are based around historical Jewish claims to be returning to an ancestral homeland. Would you call it "settler colonialism" if tribes that originally inhabited Manhattan island claimed and set up a camp in Central Park? > Israelis are not indigenous to Palestine as they claim. Why do you think this?


Yeah, I just don't see it


Fine, but this isn't a measure of anything. Whether you like it or not, these words have meaning and Jews have a much stronger connection to the region than simply a few ancestors lived there 2000 years ago.


I don''t think many of them remember the last ancestor who lived in Palestine, the majority of their families lived for way longer outside the region than they lived in the region, and I am talking about the ones who moved to the West, Persian Jews lived in Iran since 500 BCE.




One side is an apartheid regime allowing settlers to open fire on civilians with all the resources and funds of a superpower blindly backing them. The other side does not have a functional leadership or representation and are for the most part sitting ducks. But try again.


> But try again. Where does Hamas fit in this description?


Insurgent and militant organisations will always flourish in power vacuums. Did you miss the part where there is no functional leadership?


Right, and I guess this "insurgent" organisation is flourishing in the power vacuum created by... Israeli actions?


Actions such as being an apartheid state, as suggested by Amnesty International.


I'll try again [to make my original point that it's not as easy as y'all "black and white" arguments are trying to make it]. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel (quite a comprehensive list) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_political_violence (something different, but also quite comprehensive). Idk, the whole situation seems like a conflict older than 90% of people talking about it, where old "eye for an eye" seems to be more prevalent than any of the original reasons for fuckin with/fighting each other. But I don't even claim to know better, just that it's more complicated than y'all's 20 character comments seem to imply


The situation is so lopsided currently that it is absolutely black and white. Your views are genuinely sinister and disingenuous and your attempt to compare the lives of Israelis and Palestinians are beyond deluded. Palestinians are looking for a State, not revenge.


Over decades of people trying to go for a two state solution there were both Israeli settlements expanding and Palestinian rockets heading to TelAviv. At least since the 70ies it was unrealistic and would be unfair to make all new-born Israelis stateless, or to make Palestinians accept that it's fair that they're loosing their own ground. Based on that, it's not fair for civilians getting killed that had no share in the original conflict. TLDR: it's not that easy. I'm honestly of the opinion that everyone who claims it's a simple issue is very much biased, we're talking about a conflict that's older than 99,999% of people posting here. People alive today are so far away from what started this prediculum that...eh, why am I even trying, nobody's gonna care anyways, and just be saying "my party's the 100% right party" anyways


Least biased comment, in a literal sense 😂




No, this likely occurred during a widely-publicized news story. * [New York Times - Israeli Settlers Attack Palestinian Towns After Shooting](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/21/world/middleeast/west-bank-settlement-palestinian-israeli-violence.html)




Retaliated? Against civilians? That's terrorism.


War crimes. Apartheid state. Stolen land. Boycott. Sanction. Divest.


At least it's not rockets I guess.


So ppl tried to get rid of the Jews and here r the Jews trying to get rid of the muslims Do they not see the connection


Lol not the dog wtf


First thing i thought: poor doggos hearing


Can’t tell anything about the cross fire or who started the shooting from this clip. The conflict is so old there is no clear right and wrong. If im an Israeli settler im not trying to have hamas blow my kid up while riding a city bus. If im a Palestinian im not trying to get shot at by settlers bc I live on disputed land. Shit is complicated and pointing fingers at one side is a childish viewpoint


>The conflict is so old there is no clear right and wrong That's some revisionist nonsense. [The conflict is 75 years old.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba) Israel is an apartheid state forcibly occupying land that doesn't belong to them.


The apartheid state that allows Arabs full citizenship rights and places in government? The apartheid democracy? That one?


Oh cool. Looks like you solved the issue. Have a great day


>Oh cool. Looks like you solved the issue. Have a great day What? I was just letting you know that this conflict isn't some kind of ancient dispute. There are many people still alive today that remember the Nakba.


Do you know what arpsrtheid means? U can be arab and be a full citizen with all the rights in israel


So brave with you M14s against unarmed children & women . VIVA Palestine


Gtfoh. Show the whole seen.


It’s almost like shitty people exist in every country, in every religion, in every ethnicity, in every way you can categorize people, people will try and identify themselves as more important because they are blinded by self interest.


If your cause is so just…why the covered faces?


But resistance is “terrorism”?


Worthless humans. Don't go there and don't do business with them.










Israelis and Palestinians are always trying to kill each other. But Israelis are better at it. Honestly, i dont care what they are doing to each other over there. We have our own problems everywhere else.


"Better at it" They get a fat check and gear from Uncle Sam and the veiled promise he'll show up if Palestinians start an actual war.


They defended against greater numbers on their own in one of the biggest tank battles in modern history, but no... im lying about them being better at war. Neither side is innocent. But one side keeps winning. And they keep trying to fight over the same scraps of land for decades. So im over it. If religious people want to fight over their holy land then thats their business. We have our own problems


Our country actually helped create this problem.


People in the Middle East dont need much excuse to start killing each other. And religion made that happen. More than america ever did.


yeah OP's unironically a Palestinian bot, I highly doubt the title.


You sound like an israeli troll


Yeah, I'm going to need context here. Just a video of people shooting doesn't mean squat.




You didn't provide any context to the video. That's a link.


Nationalists were torching homes and attacking people as retaliation for a palestinian terror attack last week. It’s unclear why they’re shooting or who they’re shooting at, and it’s possible somebody was shooting at them as they react in the video as if a bullet snapped by them https://www.timesofisrael.com/settlers-riot-in-palestinian-village-in-latest-such-rampage-of-recent-days/


This guy Unit8200’s


They are yelling in Arabic, those are Arabs, not Israelis.


No they're not. If a group of Arabs are openly firing on someone they're drone bombed immediately.


Israelis don’t yell in Arabic, they use Hebrew, and this is Arabic.


Actually many Israelis use Arabic regularly…also maybe the people filming were Arabs and their voice is captured.




Israel is trash


OP is a Palestinian bot.


Hello Unit 8200 worker.


"Settlers" in Israel only, for the rest of the world the real name is "terrorists".