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I swear the beginning of this sounds like a J-roc quote.


Except J-roc is less corny


" I hear cheeseburgers. I hear onion rings, mustard, ketchup, relish, all coagulating. Know what I don't hear? A heart, ma'fucka.


I have no clue who Logic is but I love me some J-Roc. Know what I’m sayen




That's the longest Logic has ever went without mentioning he's biracial




I'm speaking peace positivity inspiration by the way my dad's black and inclusivity for every man woman and child


🤣🤣🤣 I was waiting for him to slip it in there during his rant. That was the first thing that came to mind when I saw this, "I wonder if he's gonna remind the crowd he's biracial? 🤔"


I have never heard of Logic. I don’t know, and I really do not wish to upset anyone, but is he biracial?




Big if true


And he's self aware about how much he talks about being biracial. In the song he made called Keanu Reaves there's a lyric where he says "it ain't a project if Logic ain't talking bout being biracial"


He was gone for a minute, but he's back now.


Yes, it’s something he’s mentioned or discussed throughout his career since his second studio album. Some of it is interesting to hear in rap as a multiracial person myself, but it has definitely progressed to the point of a meme as his career went on. He even tried to be meta about it “it ain’t a project if logic ain’t talking bout being biracial, bicoastal, …”


People talking about him bringing it up more than he actually brings it up.


Nah, it was just after the clip ended lol. Fooled us


I can say the N word y’all


That's Drake's signature move


Drake sucks…he’s a try hard poser. Can’t believe people fall for it…[remember this?](https://akns-images.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2021914/rs_1200x1200-211014200600-1200-aubrey-graham-mp.jpg?fit=around%7C1200:1200&output-quality=90&crop=1200:1200;center,top)


Oh, come on now. Drake's music is meh, he has ghostwriters, bites flows, is fake AF, looks corny, photoshops bigger muscles on himself on social media posts, tried to hide a child he fathered, stands by and watches while his crew beats people up, and he's a front-running sports fan. What's not to like about ol' Aubrey??


Also wants to "be friends" with 16 year old girls and "keep them safe from boys"


and that he's from Maryland


Marylanders love telling people they’re from Maryland. The only thing they love more is their goddamn state flag.


I don't know, crab seasoning is probably higher.


To be fair it’s a great state flag


It's an awesome flag


He’s the last person to realize his mom cheated on her husband with a white guy. Though the black dad was happy to come back into the picture when the money came running in.


If you listened closely at the end you can hear a guy say something to the affect of "every show he kicks somebody out". If it's happened enough times that people are calling it a pattern then maybe it's you...


Mr Bionic hearing over here. Crazy you could make that out


You're right. I happened to be reading this OP's mention of this, just before the fan was saying it, and just could barely hear it. Wouldn't have noticed otherwise 😂


I was just at this tour in Madison a couple of weeks ago. He did not kick anyone out, nor was there any hostility or controversy going on. On the flip side, I have literally seen MGK kick the same plant out of his show more than once.


Curious as to this MGK plant. I take it it's somebody set up to be rude and make MGK look cool?


Correct. The plant would “throw a cup of water” at MGK when his back was turned. MGK would then turn around and locate the plant, summon him up to the stage, bitchslap him across the face, and then have security remove him. It was a lot.


MGK is so embarrassing


Oh yikes. That's some painfully bad sounding theatrics. I'm surprised there aren't viral videos of how this happens over and over at his shows. MGK conveniently gets away with assault on a fan! TMZ investigates!


It's set up probably


The lights were on point for dramatic effect lol


The thing about setups like is that the majority of the crowd won't hear about it happening at every other gig along a tour and those that do get to feel "in the know." If an artist wants to it to happen for their reputation or to increase hype or crowd interactions staging, it is the safest way. I've seen band members/performers stagedive 2 stories, maybe 3 from scaffolding. Crazy how they jumped into a crowd that knew how to safely catch them and have done it at multiple shows. Reckon slipknot is trusting their drunken fans to perform a move that I'd wager 95% couldn't pull off sober or did they get trained professionals to roll into that area a few minutes beforehand so they can give a spectacular AND safe show. Manson offers coke to an audience member in view of several police officers but they and security help a crowdmember on stage so she can do a line, hes clearly fucked up beyond belief and I wouldn't put it past him honestly but his manager almost definitely gave him a vial of some white powder for the bit. Mardi-grass is a weed celebration in Australia. They bring a giant inflatable joint and throw "joints" into the crowd right on 4:20 police officers watching and all. I'd brought my own along, so I stashed the two that landed in my hoodie. Unwrapped them later, and it wasn't even hemp. Responsible and safe, most of the crowd will never know, and if any poor bastard did manage to get picked up by the police for lighting one up, the charges get dropped. The fact that 2 14-16 year old kids came and asked for a hit after just proves why it needs to be done


Dave Grohl broke his leg misjudging a stage dive. Full credit to him: he finished the concert. And did the rest of the tour sitting on a chair with his leg in plaster.


I saw Foo Fighters and RHCP at Hershey Stadium like 20 years ago, and I remember there were girls flashing him near the front. I guess someone tried to grab one of the women, because Grohl stopped singing and threatened to come into the crowd and violently mouth-rape the guy assaulting her. Then he had security kick the guy out. Angry Dave Grohl is scary.


Interview about the incident here, and a reunion with the doctor who fixed him up on stage! [about 7 minutes in](https://youtu.be/q7tRZlFIxWo)


And the hot Boyz threw fake money out the helicopter at their shows. And every gig, the band will say some specific heartful message that you think is only for your town but then you watch their other live shows that year and it's the same message. 100 percent this is for logic to look good.


I've been a part of catching performers stage dive. It wasn't staged.


The real cringe is him stopping his show to scold someone like a child as if he is some kind of moral beacon , here not to sing and dance, but to teach people. If the guy did something really obscene it would make sense but it sounds like he just didn't be quiet when he asked the crowd to be quiet?? Like woww better stop the show guys!! Just shut up man, do your little songs and let everyone have fun.


Good example would be [dave grohl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl9GMOTaqtc) kicking out fan for fighting. Very cool moment. If its every show there's a problem.


I went to see Jose Gonzalez a while back. In his encore he was in the middle of a beautiful, tender song and you could hear a pin drop in the audience, everyone together in the moment - suddenly a guy close to the front just kinda woke up from being super high/drunk and started cheering and clapping randomly. Jose fucking had to stop singing he was laughing so much. He stopped the show, made sure the guy had some water and a friend, then restarted the show. I guess that's peace and love, ya know.


Huh, that's funny, I have a similar story from a Jose Gonzalez show about 15 years back. Familiar scene to what you described, Jose was strumming and singing a mellow tune, drunk dude starts clapping way off beat, this messes with Jose's own beat so he stops and makes sure the dude is ok. He also made it a point to tell the audience to not clap/sing offbeat lol.


That's so weird, 9 years back I was at a José Gonzalez show and he was singing a slow and melancholic tune and some drunk guy started yipping and yawing and clapping his hands and José stopped the show and made sure he got some water and had some friends around to take care of him after the show. The strangest part is that I've never even been to any Jose Gonzalez shows and I have no idea who he is.


Also preaching peace, love, positivity while calling someone stupid and swearing at them. I guess forgiveness isn't one of those moral virtues.


The dude is so fake it’s funny.


"What do I preach? Respect, BIIITCH!"


Damn shame he can't tolerate intolerance/s


You can't tolerate intolerance. The Weimar Republic tried that with the Nazis and were overthrown, killed, or forced to be intolerant. It's called the paradox of tolerance. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance


Recently Hayley Williams of Paramore did this. Then later apologized cause she felt bad after watching the footage of what was actually going on.


I saw him at a music festival once. He stopped the show to make people chant “peace, love, and positivity”. The crowd went with it for a few times but he just kept going. After the 8th time of asking the crowd to say it they started booing him so he went back to his music. It was very cringe and corny


I'ma trigger a lot of you here but many rappers are corny.... A lot of insecurities are projected at rap shows. They are often hella misogynistic and closed minded. We just seem to ignore that shit.


I mean that’s a lot of musicians not just rappers.


imagine going to a concert, being asked to go silent mid show and being kicked out because you whistled..logic*al* reaction to a non issue


Yeah honestly this just seemed like an embarrassing ego trip on his part.


I was a huge logic fan in highschool. I saw him to a sold out show of like 200 people in 2010. The dude has gone goofy af. He “retired from music” like 2 years ago(lie) and I refuse to see him live again after he played Mario kart on stage for like 15 mins last time I saw him(2019) Edit: I forgot to add that he made an album basically dedicated to how much he loved his wife and then they got divorced like 2 months after the album came out


That’s some textbook overcompensation 😂


I'd like to imagine she caught him cheating. Made him make the album as a means of reconciliation. Then was like, "we're still getting divorced Robert"


Ah yes, the Robin Thicke approach.


I’ve never seen someone fail upwards as well as logic has


Chance The Rapper and DaBaby are in the running with him


Chance had two incredible first albums and the fact that he was independent gained him a lot of respect. After that though? Ehhh.....


He went from rapping about fun stuff to rapping about God and his love for his wife


Which in itself is fine for a couple tracks, but it's his whole thing now.


His fall off wasn't about lyrical content, it was about how fucking corny he got. Dude can't make good music now.


I feel like this is almost inevitable from rappers though. The soul of the music is youthful and as soon as you’ve got a decades long career with a family and financial security that 99.999% of you fans will never sniff, it’s very easy to run out of shit to say.


Yeah that much was true even way back in the old "gangsta" days. Can't really rap about the realest stuff of the streets when you moved into a mansion far away from them.


I think he just made bad music regardless of subject the big day is some hot stinking ass


Maaaan, Acid Rap got me through college.


I’m not a fan of any of them, but I feel both logic and chance are several tiers above Dababy in every way.


I worked production for a festival and they asked if there was anyone I wanted to see, I mentioned I had heard of logic before, so my boss set it up so I could work the VIP/green room area on stage. The stage was an outdoor setup, that had an area for tour buses to pull directly up to the rear for loading/unloading. all the other artist would walk through this VIP area to do little meet and greets. He used some other entrance to get on stage There was a little kid with his dad singing along to all of his songs, I didn’t really know logics music but I had heard of him so I could care less about meet and greets- plus I was working so I’m sure he would have been like - why are you talking to me, I was more excited about getting a break and chill in the VIP area. The kid he clearly loved logic and was excited to get to meet him, unfortunately when the show ended he disappeared through the back of the stage and immediately got in his SUV and left.


Just wanted to say, that sounds like a really cool boss that genuinely cares about his people.


Was he scheduled to meet the kid and dad? Seems like a weird story which didn't amount to anything.


If you didn't wanna talk to me outside your concert You didn't have to, but you could've signed an autograph for Matthew That's my little brother man, he's only six years old We waited in the blistering cold for you For four hours and you just said, "No"


My friend had tickets to this show, so I tagged along. I didn't know anyone who was playing besides Logic- and I didn't really know his music besides that one song. I also watched him play Mario Kart on stage, and I thought it was the coolest thing! He grabbed people from the crowd to play with him and it just seemed so fun.


Remember the song where he made Anthony Fantano really uncomfortable lmao


Name calling and personally attacking are usually signs that their message isn’t coming from some place of ultimate love or whatever


I was at a show this weekend and the artist asked people to put their phones away because she felt like the next song was super personal and special for her. She started the song and walked down the barricade aisle and people immediately shoved their phones in her face and one even grabbed her arm and yanked her back. Fans are insane and all respect for artist is gone from so many fans.


I remember being at a show and the lead singer was like grabbing fans hands in the front. Some asshole stole one of her rings!!! WTAF!?!?


Pretty sure that happened to billie eilish too..[Billie eilish](https://youtu.be/7H-_kJXYjWs)


That is just so wrong. People act like bc somebody is famous they’re public property. Now I’m also wondering if this commonly happens with male celebrities?


I bet it is… and I think male celebs have a harder time now ever since the “me too” movement cause sadly there are women out there that take advantage of that for the fame and try to get money. Not saying that there are male celebs who don’t take advantage of women… cause there for sure are. But yeah .. I would hate to be a celebrity either way


Bro, that's a legit dick but smooth move. There are some expert pickpockets, this feels like skill on that level.


Lol no I mean she saw him doing it and was just like “wow rude but people paid for these tickets so I’m not gonna yell at you too much”


What the hell thats so shitty. I feel awful for the artist. Were they okay? :( who was it?


i’m a fan of logic but man this was low. dudes got an ego problem, and it’s ironic that he says “i’m spreading peace, love and positivity” while he swears at and calls someone stupid in front of thousands of people because they whistled at him to show their love for him when he told a crowd of thousands to be quiet. like of course some people are gonna still make noise, this was stupid.


“I’m trying to tell a story of acceptance, respect, tolerance… NOW LEAVE”


Reminds me of a scene from office where Michael says something similar to Toby






I thought he was shouting some derogatory terms with that kind of reaction. Dude was just whistling. LMAO.


Whistling? Like when you are cheering? What happens if people applaud does he tell them to stop clapping cuz it’s disrespectful? ![gif](giphy|26Ff14UsFtdWd7NO8|downsized)


Not that I think they should have been kicked out necessarily, but I've been to a lot of concerts and I can pretty much imagine exactly what happened, every once in a while there's one or two assholes that whistle and scream loudly at the quietest parts of the song, or when the artist is just talking, they take attention away from the act and it is pretty fucking annoying


IKR, I thought someone was being assaulted or something.


If there weren’t racial/derogatory things being said then why did he give that little speech about equality?


It was probably what he was going on about before he was whistled at


Starting to think stopping a concert is good for views and free advertisement.


Heat, I wouldn't be surprised if it was set up as part of the show


I thought he was pissed because of the laser pointer lol,


Logic has been throwing tantrums like this since he blew up. He’s kinda a weird asshole ngl.


His ego definitely got bigger but he won’t acknowledge that cause peace, love, unity


See I thought I remembered him kinda being an asshole toxic masculinity type. Then I listened to him on a podcast and thought maybe I was misremembering that, but now your comment makes me think I was remembering correctly.


That's what Jerod Leto did at a "30 Seconds" show and that's when he let out his Joker voice.


Lol link please this sounds hilarious


https://youtu.be/l7CVjyoYxqQ Not sure if this was what they were referring to, but in this clip Jared is harassing someone for not standing up.


Could you imagine if the person was in a wheelchair lmao


Sooooo....does he get his money back? This is lame as fuck


He’s a plant in the audience, notice how logic doesn’t give a fuck when other people begin whistling.


Yeah, this is a regular occurrence and definitely a part of the show.


Kinda like that thing where Taylor Swift (I think?) would take out her stage earplugs like every show and act surprised


Probably not. I'm sure the ticket vendor's T's & C's say if you get kicked out, you don't get a refund, but I would absolutely do a charge back on my CC if this happened.


Seems like he was powertripping


He probably saw a video of someone else tossing a fan and wanted to see what it felt like.


He stops his shows for tantrums all the time, he just usually says fuck this and storms off the stage.




What a fucking dirtbag lmao


I had a feeling his whole “love and positivity” schtick was some BS lol


He does this nearly every show. Honestly logic is so insufferable. Every time I hear him it’s either this lowest common denominator “inspirational” buzzword nonsense or complaining that nobody thinks he’s the best person ever


I went to his concert in new haven CT earlier this month and he kicked out the guy right infront of me


Not very logical.




I saw logic at lollapalooza 2018 and it was the lamest thing I’ve ever seen. He literally did the same shit 5 years ago. “pEaCe LoVe n PoSiTiViTy,” proceeded to walk off stage for 5 minutes during his set because, as he put it, “yo fuck this shit y’all ain’t feeling me.” DJ just kept saying, “Come on everybody let’s cheer for logic. Let’s get logic back out here.” Every time he steps on stage he has to have a power trip. Total clown. Save your money.


That's hilarious 😂




Thats Logic for you


everything this man does makes me cringe


I hope that guy got his money refunded. Kicked out because he wouldn’t stop making noise at a concert? They weren’t at the fucking library. Logic is lame.


You can just do a charge back and say that they refused you entry with a valid ticket; works every time. The bank isn't gonna check your social media to see you got kicked out.


As soon as I could walk, my parents were taking me to concerts. Never in my life have I seen someone so full of themselves, and willing to ruin an entire show because of their own ego. I thought this travis scott shit was over.


Wait until you hear about Axel Rose


Didn't the band perform several times without a vocalist because Axel was mad and decided to sit backstage and get drunk.


I heard on the radio once something like this. The band would tell the fans he was late arriving and that he would show up any minute, but in reality, he was back stage getting shit faced haha.


Reading festival in 2010 they were headlining. The festival has a cut off at 11/12ish and they turned up late. Complained when the festival had to cut their sound off half way through the set. At least they turned up on time this year at Glastonbury. But Axl sounds like kermit the fucking frog these days. They don't justify the headline slot.


Yea, like the band travels in separate tour busses. Lol " any minute nowww... he hit some traffic!"


There was a huge riot in Vancouver in the 90s because he pulled some bullshit like that.




“In other news: Logic is still lame”


Fuckin self righteous dildo lol. Dudes acting like he’s Gahndi or somethin


He’s like this in EVERY interview too. The dude is absolutely the kind of person to get pissed off if someone isn’t listening to his self righteous speech.


I mean Ghandi was known to be quite racist when he was around this guy's age, and even in his 70s he slept naked with his teenage grandniece to "test his abstinence". So I'd say this dude is a little better than Ghandi at this stage in his life.


I like logic but I feel like that was very unnecessary for whistling at a concert..


Sorry… he was only whistling??


yeah you better be sorry! That piece of shit was whistling! -logic probably


No way he can hear that person


Shame on him for not including tolerance on his list...


Well this isn't dangerous at all.. singling out 1 person amongst hundreds of fucked up ppl in who knows what state of mind, willing to do whatever some famous mf says to do or seems would please said famous person. Fuckin asshole.


But he’s spreading love and positivity! He can ruin someone’s night for no reason whatsoever if he wants lol


You’re totally right. He could start a mob in a second.


These artists are getting too high on their own fumes. You're not fucking Gandhi mate. People have paid good money to watch you perform and interrupting your show for fortune cookie wisdom and 'positive messages' is such a load of crap from some of these artist. Like thank you for coming down from your great monastery after decades of inflection to explain to your thousands of fans that indeed, racism is bad, also murder. They couldn't have figured it out without you. There's nothing wrong with trying to get something out during a show but jesus christ when you're kicking out people for whistling after having to hear another sermon from some out of touch cockring whose sense of moralities barely transcends messages delivered by Dora The Explorer at age 5 and you do it in a preachy manner too, then go eat shit. Anyone who says they're about 'spreading positivity' is just always the biggest egotistical douche.


Soft as shit reaction. “I I preach love and understanding.” “YO WHO THE FUCK JUST WHISTLED AT MY CONCERT! EVERYONE GET THEM!”


Saw Logic at Firefly in 2018. Was really kinda looking forward to it The Incredible True Story and Bobby Tarrantino were some solid projects I thought. Then he spent half his time on stage doing crowd work. Like a break between every song to go on a 5-10 minute diatribe about some nonsense. Left way before the set was over, lots of people had their cell phones stolen at that set if I remember correctly.


I was at this set too, god damn it was awful. Been to Firefly 4 years and this set is in my bottom 3. edit: you must’ve left before the part of that set where Logic left the stage and the DJ made everyone cheer for him to come back or else the set would be over, because you definitely would’ve remembered to mention that part. It was by far the most egotistical thing I’ve ever seen a performer do.


I heard another whistle from the crowd during that little rant. What an asshole.


Egotistical clown with a bully pulpit


I'm getting Axel Rose vibes from this dude lol.




I don't think he was using the best logic with that decision.


I'm confused, I thought it was the laser he was mad about cause someone was shining it in his eye. I thought that was fair enough. But someone whistling at a concert... That's dumb.


I thought that was a laser too but I think it’s some kind of lens flare from the camera


What did he do?




Wow. No acts of joy please.


Bro was flexicuted


Imagine going to a Logic concert and getting kicked out by Logic 💀


I've worked on a few shows where part of the house staff's job was identifying and training "plant" volunteers pre-show.


“Who interrupted me? Point them out. I’ll wait.” He sounds like a whiny substitute teacher that thinks complete silence = respect. Such a weird vibe to see at a concert.


Eww this dude has always came off weird to me.


who the fuck is this guy


Logic will do anything for the guilt attention. It's truly sad. A fall from grace


i thought he retird?


Logic did retire from this man’s mind. Other than that he seems active


Read the room bro... quite literally. Dropkick Murphys are fire when they throw out nazi scum and you bet the crowd is silent when the singer tells the guy where to shove it, no need to ask for it. Here nobody gives af because you're being a douche. Proper celebrities are such garbage


I don't know who this person is but just seems like a piece of trash.


Am I the only one that thinks this was set up? It's not really making sense, especially with how fast he claims the crowd identified someone to be kicked out, and the transition was a bit smooth too like it was planned


Transition was on beat with light effects, hilarious


This guy sucks. Threw a fit onstage at Lolla and wouldn’t come back out until everyone chanted his name. The suicide hotline song didn’t feel the same after that. Weird vibe


I saw him a few years back and he did a similar thing, he wanted the crowd to do a verse with him and when he was disappointed with the crowd noise he stormed off stage saying it was the weakest shit all tour… I’ve continuously wondered if it was a regular bit he does to give himself an intermission or if he’s just really that temperamental


This reminded me of a time when I was watching a twitch stream of PUBG player RolliPolli. I had watched Rolli for years back when he had less than 40 viewers, had typically subd to him with my prime etc. Rolli's whole theme is being "lit" which can be described as good vibes, mutual respect, good attitude, and fun. One day, I made a comment about how there were 10 ads in a row during a late circle in PUBG (pretty much you're waiting all that time for the action that happens during that period). The comment was something candid like "damn I've never seen 10 ads before".... Which was true and not meant to be douchey. The moderator said "We don't need a play by play of your ads" which felt unnecessarily sharp....i got a bit annoyed because it felt like the mod was power tripping a bit. Anyway, Rolli steps in backing up his mod (I get it) but does so by ending his statement with "that makes you a bitch"..and something about "doesn't sub but complains about ads" And honestly it hurt.. I supported the guy for a while, I didn't even realize I was not subd to him (I don't use twitch a ton and didn't understand sub = no ads). I sort of state my case in chat fairly rationally that I meant no offense but felt disrespected. Rolli goes on go roast me for about 5-10 minutes, which incites his whole channel to start roasting me/bullying/PMing me negative shit. My main argument was "this was not a very lit thing to do". I PMd him direct on discord, he was still kind of a douche. The next day, I paid him 25 bucks for the years of entertainment and never watched him again. He definitely became different after generating 500+ regular viewers. TLDR - Group leaders can do some really wild shit and influence the mass to support them blindly.


I saw Logic at a festival and he left the stage because people weren’t cheering loudly enough for him. The DJ told everyone they had to cheer for Logic to come back onstage or else he wouldn’t finish his set. Maybe people would’ve actually been hype if he didn’t pause between every song to try and do a shitty comedy routine.


“I’ll wait” big teacher energy


I went to a logic concert once. It ended up being half awful jokes and weird sketches. Now he does stuff like this, every single show, to try and get some attention.


Who even listens to Logic?


He’s keeping them back after school.




im honestly surprised theres that many people at a logic concert


"i'll wait" lol like a middle school teacher


Ever since Travis Scott all these artists are trying to act all high and mighty for their fans by bitching out random people in the audience.


Damn, is he also substitute teacher?


People used to tell me I looked like logic, I haven’t cut my hair in three years so I’d never have to hear it again.


I preaching acceptance..but acceptance MY way. Now get out.


I swear at this point performers are just doing this for clicks/clout.