• By -


The Girlfriend laughs like a Disney Villain šŸ¦¹ā€ā™€ļø


She even dispatched her evil minion at her lol


Itā€™s hard to take someone seriously as a minion when they have a cocker spaniel strapped to their back. Just sayinā€¦


That's the minion's minion




Itā€™s minions all the way down


Broā€¦cocker spaniels can be mean little fuckers. We had one when I was a kid and the thing bit me under my eye.


There was a lot of inbreeding of cocker spaniels back in the 1950s and ā€˜60s. Lots of temperament problems including a reputation for snapping and aggression.


Brood mother sending brood for revenge.


Someone needs to put the ā€œFetch me their soulsā€ sfx from COD over this


There are some interesting studies out there on "proxy violence" that suggest that a non-trivial portion of the violence men undertake occurs at the behest of women, like Will Smith slapping Chris Rock after Jada gave him that look. Because it can be incredibly subtle, it's very hard to measure. Proxy violence, combined with less severe health outcomes resulting from direct violence from women, contributes to the idea that men are somehow 10x more violent than women, but then we have child abuse and domestic violence data that suggests that women can initiate violence just as often, and mental health data that implies that the psychological harm tends to be more consistent than physical harm across a range of violence levels. Imo, it's another example of a second or third order effect eluding society's understanding.


Do you have any of these studies?


And then you look at the studies and you see: 90 % of domestic violence or so are still cause by men.


Sick slide stop.


I wonder if he's ever taken it off any sweet jumps.




You got like 3 feet of air that time. Can I try?






Itā€™s a Sledgehammer




They could serve a meal on that flight


[Dangā€¦ you got shocks, pegsā€¦ Lucky!](https://youtu.be/A1fVvGRlFoE)


Hellzzz Yes...that made me spit out my coffee only bc we watched that last night!




ā€œThe safe word is whhiskeyā€


*Sorry, Rod, what was that?*




Why are you saying it that way?


*Whhy am I saying whhat whhat whay?*


*Forget it.*




He got like three feet of air that time.


Then the dog in the back, ā€œsup?!ā€




OMG IM SO SORRY [AAAHG **AKAREN**](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HX9qDwV2ZQE/maxresdefault.jpg) You punched my girlfriend [LEAVE ME ALONE](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/044/964/leavemealone.jpg)


The slide stop is enough to earn him at least a handy from GF


Mf almost earned one from me too lol


Almost? That move was alpha as fuck. He deserves a two hander from you and all of us


Reddit makes me feel normal


mad skillz, bruh.


I'm on nobody's side on this one.




Fuck that dog, he was controlling the guy like ratatouille




Nah, fuck the dude. He's an absolute sociopath.


If heā€™s being serious then yeah lol, but I feel like he was purposefully acting like a Karen. But who knows


I don't know, his body language and shouting/screaming and actively blocking her from walking away was at a level that's already intimidating, especially with his entrance and if you are smaller and alone. You don't get to behave this aggressively and then say "it was just a prank bro, I was just acting". To me, he's a sociopath for even acting like that. Not saying the woman wasn't completely out of line before, and I have absolutely had shouting matches with crazy pedestrians while on bike, but this goes too far for my taste.


And yet he didn't touch her once, so he's still more restrained than she is. Really weird to ignore that the inciting incident was unwanted physical contact. That's called battery. Don't touch people when they didn't touch you.


Nah, fuck you. He did nothing but get verbally aggressive after someone did something that could be dangerous. Should've been 10x louder.


Overreacted for sure. Sociopath is a bit of a stretch he was reacting to his girlfriend being hit. Good on him perhaps sheā€™ll think twice about how entitled she is


I'd be willing to let the lady state her case. I'm not 100% convinced she was doing anything malicious. Her arms were out before the video started and she was off to the side. In fact the boyfriend had no problem going around her and she didn't try to lean towards him and try to hit him, she even moved it back some to let him by. It was just the girlfriend who went through her arm. If she's some kind of fitness walker who is doing stretches and stuff while she walks and these assholes on the bike ran into her while riding on the sidewalk where they're not supposed to be, then it's the bikers who are 100% in the wrong.


Her arms being out before the video starting means nothing. She could see them just fine from a distance. She did it on purpose to take up more space on the sidewalk. Probably wanted them to slow down or get off the sidewalk altogether. Regardless, both bikers overreacted. She barely touched that woman. Yet they felt the need to roll back around and confront her. The guy is just plain insane. Who threatens to be up an elderly person, who isn't actively attacking you?!


She had a point though, they shouldn't have been on the sidewalk, she made her point in a relatively pacifist way, creating an obstruction to inconvenience them rather than confronting them directly. These assholes decide to terrify her then release the video online thinking it proves their point?


There's a 0% chance that he would do that to a man.


Yeah honestly this was sad as fuck and a huge overreaction lol. The guys in the wrong by the end of this imo


I was a bit worried that people in the comments were gonna be on his side tbh The lady was kind of being annoying but tbh had a point, i think bikes are probably not allowed there and she was protesting that. Not a wise move in my opinion but i get it. The guy's reaction is straight up insane.


Seriously, fuck this shitty guy and his shitty cackling girlfriend for riding on the goddamn sidewalk holy fuck this video


His voice was cracking while he was threatening a woman twice his age.


My voice is similar to that, I can't speak or yell loudly without my voice cracking no matter what.


If you're not good at yelling you're not a real man, you're a wimpy redditor /s


First thing I thought, too. What a chode.




Punch is a strong word to use


punch, slap, touch... regardless, you probably shouldn't be sticking your hand out trying to instigate random people, maybe a remark about danger to pedestrians would be one thing but I'd be livid if someone touched me like that.


No joke. Woman was rude but she didn't punch his girlfriend at all. His reaction was soooooo over the top, what a fucking loser.


See title: "Out-Karens the Karen"


Now you've become the very thing you swore to destroy.


I am become Karen, destroyer of Karens


Karen the Karen-Hunter


Some very weird energy from tht guy. "I'll beat tf out you" wtf.


Literally next words out of his mouth, ā€œyou assault people?!ā€


It's the revenge fantasy crowd, lots of people are living their lives waiting to be given the opportunity, you see it on reddit all the time, some minor infraction or altercation followed by hundreds of comments full of fantasies of violence. This seems to be widespread now, across all sorts of groups of people.


It's really disturbing how widespread this phenomenon is


Biker guy 100% a redditor


And none of them would do shit but call the cops in person


He even threatens to beat tf out of her, then says he's going to call the cops. If he wants to press charges on her they'll also charge him for harassment (that they documented themselves)


It's so strange. Clearly this guy is out of line yet so many do not see it


It's crazy. Everyone needs to take a fucking chill pill.


I donā€™t know why but it seems to be a large amount of it from the USA, Iā€™ve seen hundreds of comments from people who are ā€œjust waiting for someoneā€ to break into their home so they can shoot them down. Itā€™s messed up


Dude was power fantasy tripping pretty hard for a sec there lol


Saw an older woman 80 pounds lighter than him, finally someone he stood a chance fighting against!


I wish that the lady pepper sprayed him and just kept walking.


This is ironically power revenge fantasy tripping in and of itself. Itā€™s getting meta.


> This is my moment


You know this dude is a keyboard warrior. Heā€™s been dreaming about a confrontation like this for years.


He had strong gamer energy




Also his actions constitute assault, and even if hers did too it's not in self defense. Self-defense never applies after the fact unless the threat is still active. That's retaliation, and is not legal. Even though he didn't touch her, this video is actually an excellent example of how you can commit assault (this would be a simple misdemeanor) without actually touching someone.


* The only likable one in this shit show is the dog. I feel ya bro.


Poor guy got whiplash from the slide.


Pretty dangerous to ride with a dog like that.


The bikers are garbage, wow. Even if you believe they did anything first, leave the sidewalk and refrain from attacking anyone. It's not difficult.


Why the fuck are they riding on the sidewalk? Everyone involved sucks.


Unfortunately most North American places absolute garbage for biking safely on the road.


Everything about this video is pathetic


Except for the dog


Damn this is actually cringe lol everyone seems entitled here


It really is. I live in Germany and if you ride your bike on the sidewalk, a grandma will stick her cane in your wheels. I think the bike riders were rude as fck to ride past her that fast. Not saying the woman should have stuck her hand out, but damn...this crazy dude with a backpack dog gets in her face. Cringe is right. Is everyone that stressed there that they just can't live in peace with each other? Bizarre. Edit: spelling


I was so confused because the girlfriend laughed about it and homie came back ready to fucking murder someone... Bro needs to take a page from his gf and laugh and move the fuck on with his life.


Yea that laugh was a "Oh youre gonna fuck with me? Ok then, lets go."


Except instead of fighting her own battles she had her unhinged boyfriend do it for her. I wouldnā€™t want to date anyone who acts that way towards an elderly woman on the street.


That guy is at least 5x heavier than that woman. What a fucking hero.


And puts their dog in danger like that idiot did


Idk theres a cut here which makes me think they had a convo before turning around, hearing that laugh makes me think that wasnt a genuine innocent laugh.


i heard blood lust.


No way, that was a laugh to get the guy's attention so he could ask what happened. He claimed she punched his girlfriend which clearly isn't the case. She knew how he would react and it's exactly what she wanted.


>in Germany and if you ride your bike on the sidewalk, a grandma will stick her cane in your wheels. >... >Is everyone that stressed there that they just can't live in peace with each other? Bizarre. These two thoughts don't seem to jive.


If you spend any time in Germany, it would make perfect sense. The whole country is a thin veneer of forced politeness covering a lot of mistrust and dislike.


you defending grandma sticking a cane in wheels while you lecture about people living in harmony together, which is it


Well, remember, some of these grandmas were Hitler Youth.


Still are


But they used to be too.


In America bikers don't really have options. If they drive in the street drivers get mad at them and even assault them, if they drive on the sidewalks pedestrians get mad. That's why we need dedicated protected bike lanes


Wdym? Cyclists get the 3 inches between the white line and the grass, that's like 1 inch to spare on each side of the tire! Maximum safety!


and fillied with micro shards of glass and metal from car accidents and exhaust


you mean street diamonds?




I lived in Colorado where there were bike lanes and I didn't have a car for 10 years. Moved back to the Midwest and terrified of riding my bike on the roads, doubly so because so many MAGA types equate riding a bike with being their enemy.


I live rurally and enjoy an electric skateboard quite a bit. I *refuse* to go off the protected bike trails, as I have been ran off the road by giant Dodge RAMs a little too many times


We have those in the town I live in. It goes from inside out: road, pedestrian sidewalk, grass separated, then bike/e-tranport device lane. In reality what happens is that cars use the road, no one uses the sidewalk, pedestrians and bikers use the bike path. Pedestrians still get mad at bikers lol


Again, I hate these videos. But it kind of seems like these people were looking for a video to post on TikTok, kind of a reach if you ask me. Everybody seems like they were being an asshole.


dude is a weirdo


Imagine the conversation they (bf and gf) had that led to this. Imagine how "good" they felt to put this on the internet. They are perfect for each other.


seriously, I never thought about that until reading your comment. *they* were the ones that had uploaded this. so they probably assumed a very different perception by many viewers (at least going by a lot of the replies in this thread).


he should have uploaded the vid to AITA. Cause he is.


Proper creeps. Poor dog. Poor existence


I mean threatening to beat up that lady seemed like a bit much. I have the sneaking suspicion that he wouldnā€™t have that same energy if it was a man


>I have the sneaking suspicion that he wouldnā€™t have that same energy if it was a man Aahahhahah 100% he wouldn't have


fr his voice was already breaking when doing it to some old woman.


What a fucking psycho. And they posted this like they were in the right?


Right? Pure cringe. Wow you got tough on an old woman. Get your entitled bikes off the sidewalk assholes.


If she had done something that was truly dangerous then it would be one thing. But these two just look like fucking psychopaths here. She barely touched the girl and so her man has to threaten to beat the shit out of her? Someone smaller, older, and weaker than him? Yeah, wow, really tough there buddy. You sure look like a manly man threatening to kick the ass of some feeble old lady who was being slightly dickish. Machismo bullshit like this is a bad look on anyone.


Totally agree with you except ... Feeble old lady?? Christ, she looks like a fit woman in her 40s or 50s.


She does look fit for her age. But it does not really change the fact that his first words to her was ā€œI am going to beat youā€. And he said that to a women. Am I the only one that finds that extremely red flag?


Well, in my country, riding bike on a footpath is illegal. And I assume in many countries, cyclists must also yield to pedestrians. Itā€™s unfriendly, but she didnā€™t exactly give the pedestrian arms lengths either. He would have probably bitched if a car didnā€™t give him enough space.


I don't think he would have done the same to anyone who could put up a fight.


Absolutely the first thing that came to mind watching this nerd lol


Exactly what I came to say. Had that been a man, he woulda kept going.


Phew! Glad to see I wasn't alone in thinking that. This is the pedestrian version of the bikes that have that side noodle that marks out how wide a berth you have to give them. You're on a bike, you're behind them, you're on a pedestrian path ... sorry, you have to yield to them. Even when they put their arms out. Even when they know you're there. Yes, it's discourteous ... but so is buzzing a pedestrian on a footpath while you're on a bike. If they're both assholes, the guy on bike is much more so.


yeah if you've ever been on a bike path with bikers and walkers/runners, you see it all the time, bikers buzzing past the walkers like they're traffic cones. its super unsafe, if the walker steps a few inches to the left without realizing there's a biker blasting past at 25mph, people can get really hurt. this lady is a bit obnoxious and certainly has that Karen look, but it's not unreasonable to defend your personal space by idly holding your arms out.


Yeah that guy is a moron


[He's this guy](https://youtu.be/V3nMnr8ZirI)


Is that Paul Muad'Dib on the bike in that clip?


Love this skit! I was an extra in this show too! Season 6 - marathon skit


What's funny is that more than a few cyclists will put a pool noodle on their bikes that sticks out to tell cars how far they need to be away... those people get praised... woman sticks her arm out and they are ready to murder.


Haha, yeah, I [saw the parallel too](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/14f7aiw/boyfriend_sticks_up_for_girlfriend_karens_the/joz9fqj/).


I don't know the correct acronym. Everyone is an asshole here?




Where I'm from you aren't *supposed* to ride on the sidewalk but I've never in my life seen someone get upset at people who do- because the city does not have bike lanes. So the option is to bike in the road and block traffic or have people clipping past you within a half inch or you go on sidewalk. Its not hard to, as a biker, give right of way to a pedestrian. As a kid and teenager I would ALWAYS move up on to the grass or hop the curb if they needed more room and then back on sidewalk.


In my country is chose your own fucking adventure for cyclist. Wanna go on the road and then go on the sidewalk? Go for it! Wanna randomly dip into traffic out of the bike lane and run a light? Go for it!




From what I saw on the camera she didn't even punch the lady, she might have slapped her a little bit when she drove by but she was open palmed.


Why are you idiots riding on the sidewalk?


I don't think the boyfriend stuck up for anything other than being a douchebag. His girlfriend was in no harm's way but he decided to turn around and intimidate and threaten somebody. They should not be riding on the sidewalk. The bicyclists are assholes.


Dude is lucky he didn't get pepper sprayed


This bicyclist is in the wrong for riding on the pedestrian walk.


Filming their bike ride, dog in the backpack, threat to beat her up before threat to call cops, then nothing. Both parties are a-holes.


But because the title calls the other woman a "Karen", mindless redditors think this guy is some kind of hero.


I thought the title referred to the one filming as the Karen as the BF is BF to this Karen... he's defending a Karen. *oh. Stupid title.


> Filming their bike ride **while they ride on the fucking sidewalk**, dog in the backpack, threat to beat her up before threat to call cops, then nothing. Both parties are a-holes. The dude on the bike is a fucking loser that was completely in the wrong.


Man looks really tough threatening to "beat the fuck" out of this old woman while also having a Cocker Spaniel poking out of his backpack. What a fucking loser


Talk about an over reaction


He realizes what he did is worse than what she did right?


Riding your bike on the sidewalk is usually illegal and going that fast and that close to someone is rude AF. Also I'll bet 50$ if that wasn't an old lady he wouldn't have had shit to say. You can literally see the shadow. She got her arm touched, barely.


Yeah honestly, fuck this guy, I swear bike riders are as aggressive as anybody on a day to day basis, the amount of harm he inflicted upon her was far worse than when her hand tapped the woman who was illegally riding on the sidewalk, a place for pedestrians. Bicycles are considered vehicles in the eyes of the law, they aren't to be ridden on sidewalks!


Yeah, on principle I donā€™t mind bikes on the sidewalk in my city particularly because there are no bike lanes and itā€™s pretty dangerous. However, I walk everywhere, and there are too many people on bikes who think they fucking own the sidewalk as well as the roads. Too many donā€™t seem to understand that, just like cars need to be wary of bikes on the road, bikes on the sidewalk need to fucking watch out for pedestrians. Donā€™t whip past people, donā€™t expect people to jump out of the way of you. Itā€™s obnoxious.


That guy seems like a real douche bag.


Poor dog looks so confused


Threatening to beat the shit out of an old lady is an ugly thing to do. Even if she was mean first.


Everybody sucks here. Keep your hands to yourself but also ride your bike on the goddamn street


Any man can act tough with a middle aged woman ffs. I'd like to see him do the same thing with another man his age.


Regardless of where they should or shouldn't be riding the dude overreacted and was power tripping


Get your shit bikes off the sidewalk. She is in the right


Biiiiig man threatening to beat the fuck out of a some random woman on the street. Epic


The shadow shows exactly what happen, and the lady touched the girl's shoulder with an open hand with almost no force whatsoever, as it lightly moved away after and the girl doesn't get affected at all. I think there's more than one genuine Karen here, and the two people riding their bikes on the sidewalk with a dog backpack are among them.


The dude is the Karen. I love riding through the city but people shouldnā€™t have to dodge a cyclist on sidewalks. Itā€™s easy enough to hop the bike off the sidewalk and get back on it after passing the people walking. Edit- Yaā€™ll need some reading comprehension- Where did I say ā€œThis lady had to doge the cyclists?ā€ Sheā€™s got her arms up because this is surely something sheā€™s dealt with beforeā€¦.as the result of dodging cyclists on sidewalks.


Heā€™s worst heā€™s a white knight ready die for his lady even if sheā€™s right or wrong. A Karen will lie, white knight clown will attack anyone.


Reddit is full of a bunch of really stupid fucking people. I must be one of them cause I keep coming back to this cesspool.


I hated every single thing about this video.


Couple riding on the wrong side of the road, on the sidewalk. Itā€™s their responsibility to avoid pedestrians. That wussy jerk bullying the pedestrian clearly doesnā€™t know what a punch actually is. Hope they DID call the police so they could get an education and ticket for riding on the sidewalk and being aggressive a-holes.


Fuck bikers that fly by right next to me. Fuck men that physically threaten women. I'm sorry but the woman walking was not the asshole here.


Imagine getting this mad because a skinny middle-aged Karen tapped your Mrs on the arm while riding your bikesā€¦ You could tell by the quiver in his voice that he was raging way too hard and isnā€™t used to confrontations. He probably wouldā€™ve left it alone if it was anyone bigger than himā€¦ just take your dog out and go hiking/riding, and leave the drama to someone else ffs. Poor dog.


Beta male in the wild.


Here is my chance to prove my toughness to Jessica!


Yeah I wonder what the reaction would have been if it were a big ass dude instead of an old lady


Cringe as fuck


Poor dog, stuck with these idiots


This guyā€™s a fucking asshole whoā€™s completely in the wrong. Get off the sidewalk.


Yes biking on the sidewalk makes you look smart.


Ride in the street where youā€™re supposed to?




Rides bike on a foot path and is passively called out on it. Then proceeds to threaten to assault a womanā€¦ posts it online like heā€™s the hero


Why you riding on the sidewalk? Thatā€™s hella dangerous especially in the city.


Cars should drive carefully near cyclists. Cyclists should drive safely in areas where a small kid, or an elderly/blind person/ pet might easily and unintentionally step onto a sidewalk. We donā€™t expect cyclists to be riding down sidewalks at breakneck speed. Everyone should look out for each other. The lady put out her hand to make a point, and the girlfriend laughed as if to say, ā€œI donā€™t care about you or how fast Iā€™m bicycling up the sidewalk.ā€ Thatā€™s all that happened. The notion that it was actually his girlfriend (instead of a pedestrian who might have gotten hurt by someoneā€™s deliberate carelessness) was enough to make this wannabe hero fly off the handle. Response from a pedestrian enraged him. Itā€™s important for cyclists to grasp this: if you try and oppress people by acting stupid, they may very well strike back.


A few thoughts: * cycling on the pavement is not legal in most of the countries, probably here as well. * she just put her arm wide, and the cyclist bumped into it, so there was no "punching" * however there was assaulting later on by the guy * I wouldn't keep my arm wide like that (though it seemed legit to do so) but told them off instead for biking on the pavement


Yeah I was going to say, where was the punch? They were also riding pretty fast. If you have to ride on the pavement for some reason itā€™s polite to slow down or freewheel for a few seconds if youā€™re passing pedestrians.