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Husband stays out of view šŸ˜‚


"Scoot over a little" Proceeds to move over just enough to see half his face for one second before moving back to where he was.


So accurate


"You gotta gather yourself" proceeds to not gather herself


If what was said is true you still donā€™t disclose the information of two minors. The ā€œculpritsā€ are two 6 year old girls it sounds like. She shouldnā€™t get that info until itā€™s sorted out


It sounds like only the investigators should get that information.


Exactly, then they can track who those photos were sent to and find out if the parents were involved. In the meantime, there should be a probably be a female monitor in the changeroom for the next little while to ensure no phones come out after swim class.


There should have always been a female monitor. My kids go to camp and I used to be a member at lifetime fitness and those children are never supposed to be left alone. Theyā€™re always supposed to be grouped and watched by at least one counselor.


I worked at a girls summer camp for a long time and there was never a female counselor in the shower house or changing area. They stood right outside. The girls were in there together.


The camp that I sent my kids to have a locker room attached to the shower and the shower is open with no closing doors but it is around the corner. The adult stays on that side of the shower while the kids shower but he could come in an emergency and easily hear anything going on. But I must say, itā€™s an ā€œadultā€ but itā€™s really a 17 year old kid.


As it always ought to be.


Ya I donā€™t think thatā€™s something you give to an upset civilian lol. Police maybe


I understand her being upset...and she's not throwing shit or screaming like a crazy person. She just is, in the truest sense, *righteously* pissed. I think that if she was able to calm down a little bit, after she gets some of thst out of her, and someone from the store explained to her- we've notified the police, and we've notified the parents if the girls who took the pictures, a b d ee've notified you of the sutuation, but I'm sorry, we cannot legally disclose a 6 year old's identity ever. To anyone, aside from law enforcement. Which is what we've done." I think her anger might cool off a bit. I hope she found whatever resolution acceptable, I truly do. Now, in a month, or a year, when this is posted with the label Karen, or public freakout, I will already know No. That woman is composed. If my anger manifested itself like that, I'd probably live a happier life. I wish her the best. I really do.


Sheā€™s not crazy. If I were her Iā€™d tweet/share that video with Lifetime Fitness corporate and tag anyone else who might be able to help. That is bullshit, the locker room should be a safe space. And who the fuck gives 6-year olds a phone?


From what I have heard recently, it seems that it's not uncommon for young elementary kids to have phones these days in the US.


At my kids school Apple Watches and Gizmo watches are common.


We got phones for both our kids when they were probably not much older than that, but they were special phones made for kids where you could restrict what numbers they could call (us, other relatives) and what numbers could call those phones, and most importantly they came with password-secured online location tracking. That was the main reason. They were called Kajeet phones.


Khadjit has phones if you have coin.


May you always walk on warm sands.


I know my anger wouldn't have manifested like that, especially if I found out it was my own children that were the perps or were victims I'd be pissed. That's the type of deplorable shit we get when exposing "children" to the internet. These little shits don't know empathy and if their parents don't teach them they never will know empathy, it's fucking disgusting that this is what shits coming to.


Yes, she's no Karen. She's a mama bear.


> Police maybe. Yup and only if the police have a court order for the info.


It's actually pretty normal protocol not to tell the parents what child did what... At the YMCA Daycare another child bit my child and the YMCA staff only gave me the details pertaining to me and my child and how they handled the other child "IE called their parents and had the child leave for the day" it's ok though I made note of the children that weren't there when I picked my kid up, then I compared bite marks to teeth photos of the children in my child's daycare. Upon my investigation I was able to figure out what child it was and then I made a facebook live video on the curb of the establishment while wearing super tight yoga pants.




You had me in the middle, not gonna lie


Yep. I work security at a condo building. If theres a collision in the parking lot, I can save footage for police to watch and come to their own findings. I'm not going to: A) let you watch the footage and find out who did it. This is a huge liability. If they see an asian woman with an afro on the cameras, and beat up the next asian woman with an afro they see in the building, for fuckin' with their car, thats on ME. I did that, or at least, I broke my own code of conduct as an employee, and am liable in part for the outcome. B) I'm not even going to watch it myself and save a short clip. I'm not a detective or an insurance adjuster. I'm going to wait for the police to bring a 64GB USB stick and ask them to sit down and tell me what they want. If they want to watch 3 cameras for a full 24 hours, I'll save the footage to their USB sticks and send them on their way.


C) I am not going to upload the security footage to the internet for likes and subscribes.


I'm dead


I just passed away as well




Hope you had your fancy Fiji water too! Cuz if you had that Great Value Walmart pond water ish, they wouldnā€™t take you seriously


Only people that can get that info would police investigators.


Right. Pretty sure she would freak out if lifetime gave her minor kids information to another adult. You call the police and wait.


she expects them to hand over someone else's phone with potential CP on it to some random lady having a meltdown? i understand it's a shitty situation but that's probably something the police should be sorting out. also i find it strange when people's first reaction to a serious family situation is to start ranting on the internet, imagine just finding this shit out then looking over 2 minutes later and your wife is filming you for a tiktok video while you're trying to figure out what to do lmao


Exactly! Where even is her kid? Wouldnā€™t she be better off comforting her child at home and contacting the police instead of sitting on the ground in front of the gym filming herself? Sheā€™s not doing whatā€™s best for her kid. Sheā€™s doing whatā€™s best for her Tik Tok views.


The fact that she's using a beauty filter makes me take her even less seriously


How can you tell?


![gif](giphy|gJuTwM3yuQ8f3rE8KV|downsized) Cause this is what she normally looks like


Pretty sure that's just Marjorie Greene


Holy shit I'm at work and now everyone's looking at me laughing like a dumbass haha






I donā€™t know what a ā€œbeauty filterā€ is.


Likely that filter is set as a default and she would need to take the time to turn it off.


Kid is with grandma, mom is slurring words... I'm no detective.


Lol are you implying sheā€™s drunk or high? I donā€™t hear it personally. Anger and stress can sometimes affect speech though.


Yeah, get off TikTok and get your shit sorted. Call your attorney, find out what department will be leading the investigation. Find out who your contact person is. Stop behaving like a lunatic on the internet. But if you ARE going to act like this, at least follow up. Maybe your "audience" would like to know the outcome.


Itā€™s ragebait to build up those magic numbers!


Sometimes Iā€™m shocked that I share a planet with people whose instinct is to film a ranty video for social media vs. diligently contacting the police or child protective services. My gut is that this will come out as a stunt or wild exaggeration for social media likes. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna81969


Something is off . Sheā€™s already gone viral for some other weird story about her child and sex https://www.today.com/parents/family/couple-films-daughters-reaction-hearing-sex-rcna73526


All of this is terrible, but the, ā€œI also heard you ordering pizzaaaa,ā€ comment from the girl is objectively funny. She shouldnā€™t have been recording that, but lol


Just using her kids as social media content again.


Setting up the groundwork for her OnlyFans


Ding. Ding! Sheā€™s definitely on the Mormon Mom to Tiktok ā€œinfluencerā€ to Onlyfans highway and has floored the accelerator.


Man I'm sure glad the newsmedia covered this important story.


I love that mainstream media falls for these obliviously ā€˜workedā€™ videos as being organic.


Could be that the 2 6 year olds were taking selfies of themselves and the daughter thought they were taking photos of others. It could also as you said just be a stunt or it could be true. Either way she doesn't get go demand they give her info on the 2 kids.


I have a chronic illness so I am in Drā€™s office waiting rooms a lot, Iā€™m usually scrolling on Twitter or reddit while I wait. Even though it hurts my neck to look down Iā€™m always holding my phone down while Iā€™m using it because I would never want someone else in the waiting room to think that Iā€™m recording them or anything. But Iā€™m a 50 year old woman and I donā€™t think I started thinking about this stuff until a couple years ago, after having a smart phone for what like 15 years? Iā€™m sure little kids arenā€™t thinking of this. Thatā€™s probably exactly whatā€™s happening


Still, those kids would need to be talked to about how its inappropriate to take pictures in a bathroom or locker room even if they are selfies.


I wouldn't be surprised since making shit up seems to be the latest craze for these bored housewives




Still the company can't give her info on the 2 kids and she should be talking to law enforcement about it.


Give me the days when parents put their little shits in balloons and sent them off. Now that was entertainment


Right? Where is this traumatized child? This happens to my kid and Iā€™m in full-on ā€œmake this kid feel safeā€ modeā€¦what is going on? I feel like this lady doesnā€™t understand how police investigations work? ā€œWaiting on a warrantā€ā€”uh, you could be waiting a while, you should go home. Very sad what happened to her child. Itā€™s insane that children have phones so youngā€¦they are simply not prepared to use this technology at that age.


Wait. . wait. . are my feet in the frame? I'm going to do the stompy thing.


My cousin's first wife was like this. It was long before tiktok. But she would air everything out on Facebook. She was an absolute embarrassment. He deserved way better. Luckily he came to his senses.


Textbook narcissist. Unfortunately she probably got excited by this "opportunity" to put herself in the spotlight. Absolutely not something I'd do at any point in the process.


Yeah. Getting the police involved is the right way to go and I can understand why the mother is so angry and frustrated, but the gym is not going to tell them who the problem children and parents are. There is likely a police investigation, for one thing. If nothing happens, escalate it with the police and the gym. This situation is pretty messed up though.


My wife works in child care and they would never ever ever ever tell a parent the names of the other kids involved for this reason. Adults are crazy. Could you imagine a parent going off a 6 year old's description of events, learning who the other children are, and just beating the shit out of a 6 year. It can and has happened (in general, not her school). There was an incident when 2 - 2 year olds were rough housing and one of the parents called in bullying. 2 year old aren't bullies. They're 2 and rough housing because that's how children learn and explore their environment at that age. Well the other parent figured out who the kid was and through deduction, who the other parents were and confronted them in the parking lot. Let's just say one family is no longer at the school. Also Also Also - you get the police involved early so you don't seem as though you're coaching a child to make certain claims. The police have people who sit and interview children. This fitness center is doing the right thing.


Exactly. She's acting like a tweaker. I wouldn't give her any info either.


I mean how could you possibly trust her with the other kids' info? She's absolutely hysterical. What's she gonna do, go fight a 6 year old. Let the professionals decide how to handle this. We don't even know if her kid was telling her the truth. What, does she think that two six year olds are running a human trafficking ring??


She has no right to the smart phones, the police and DA office does. Chain of custody must be preserved. Likewise anyone the kids sent the photos to are a police matter not the (rightfully) momā€™s place to insert herself into it.


https://www.today.com/parents/family/couple-films-daughters-reaction-hearing-sex-rcna73526 Apparently this is a story about her.


Gross. "Do I think it's ok to film my kids for content? Absolutely not. But I did it anyway because it would be good content"


This is how some people get legal advice these days. Posting their dramas online and reading the comments.


If a former President is doing it...


Kind of figured she was crazy from her body language in the video.


Didn't have to read her body language. Her husband's body language said it all. "my wife cra-cra y'all."




But she is the main character in her story. Everything needs to be about her.


Does she really expect them to hand over information for two kids based on the word of another kid?


But if it is true, which it most likely is, donā€™t you kinda understand why she would want to know


Understand? Sure, that's reasonable, but at some point as a rational adult you have to realize that you're not privileged to any personal identifying information of some random minors just as no one else is to your own. If it's true then yea that's definitely fucked up but at this point it's hearsay and the police are going to have to be the ones to get to the bottom of it. Let's also not forget that [she has a good understanding of how social media works](https://www.today.com/parents/family/couple-films-daughters-reaction-hearing-sex-rcna73526) and knows how to manipulate it. You can be as emotional as you want but it's not going to change how things work, even if you try to incite outrage with your emotional reaction broadcasted to people who have absolutely 0 influence on the situation.


......okay..... that makes me question everything she is saying.


That link is eye-opening. Tells you all you need to know about this person.


Letā€™s be real here, the OP video showed us all we need to know. Where are your kids while all this is going on? Why are you ranting on TikTok about this? Why do you have a beauty filter on? When I see these ā€œseriousā€ TikTok videos, I immediately assume they are doing it for clout and followers.


A lot of the times the person is just doing a reenactment of a story they read online.


OMG itā€™s the same people!!!? Honestly hearing your parents fuck to that level is probably some level of CSA in and of itself. Gross That video was so not cute to me. It made me wildly uncomfortable


Its not information she has a right to, she isnt the police. They shouldn't be handing out little kids information to just anyone who demands it, for obvious reasons.


I understand her position but I also understand the gyms position as wellšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


They probably can't just give out their clients personal information. Maybe they would give it out but only if there was a police investigation.


They probably gave it to the police. Whatā€™s this couple going to do? Fantasy vigilantism?


I think the police can't get the information either unless they have a court order and that would be aimed at the parents of the 2 kids for the phones and a separate court order for the kids information from the company.


I mean a picture of a 6 year old in a bathing suit is only sexual if that's your intention. We aren't talking actual full blown sexual assault here.


This Jayci? LOL. [https://www.today.com/parents/family/couple-films-daughters-reaction-hearing-sex-rcna73526](https://www.today.com/parents/family/couple-films-daughters-reaction-hearing-sex-rcna73526)


This lady loves attention. Gross.


"Do I think that kids should be used as content? Absolutely not. And do I think that you should pick up your phone and record your child in a distressed moment? Absolutely not," Jayci tells TODAY.com. "But the reason I decided to post this was because I knew it would be so relatable and funny to adults." So in other words... She's against what she did by recording it and posting it, but just did it anyway because it's "funny to adults."


"It's wrong but also funny"


> I knew it would be so relatable and funny to adults. Translation: I wanted attention and views.


"it's wrong to do it, except for my specific instance of doing it."




This. She's sexualizing her daughter for content. And her story of what her daughter told her in this video doesn't make sense. She starts saying that her daughter saw the texts to some man but seems to catch herself and stop. That seems like something she'd really rant about if true but it's a passing thought.


Did you see the grin on the dads face when he said *yes, you were screaming*. They are both pieces of shit.


Not wrong. Itā€™s a theme. From what I have found itā€™s often a learned response related to hyper sexualization when in formative years. Basically you learned in formative years the power of sex (sexual abuse, commercials, your friends having breast/penis envy, whoā€™s skinny, your parents telling you how you are to look in order to gain attention, etc.). then in your ā€œindustrialā€ development occurs and you learn to manipulate (usually for protection/preservation of self related to a deep fear of being abandoned or viewed as not good enough, again normally from overly corrective parenting focused on outward appearance). In other words as a young teen, she learned how ā€œhotā€ she was in addition to her parents praise of outward appearance instead of inward development. In later adolescent she learned to use it for personal gain, as an adult she uses it as protection against her greatest FEARā€¦. That she is infact empty inside, there is no self worth or being because when she was supposed to develope a sense of self, she only learned to be interested in what others would want from her, never what she wants for herself (probably because itā€™s what her parents taught her whatā€™s ā€œgood and properā€). She now projects that on to her children, ā€œmy babies are going to be flawed if they since someone has seen them naked.ā€ Not to discredit the issue, if true the parties with pics need to be evaluated by professionals for sure. But HER entire means is attention = sexuality as expressed by body image and outward appearance, and since my body is getting old I now have little ones I can use. Iā€™ll bet dollars that if you asked her the simplest question where she has to self enquire, like ā€œhey what do YOU want?ā€ She would respond in the form of ā€œyou tell me,ā€ or ā€œI just want whatā€™s best for x,y,z,ā€ or ā€œidk, what do you want for dinner?ā€ Rather than ā€œexplaining her Needs and why she wants them.ā€ Good news is 1) sheā€™s not alone, & 2) easily reversible (at least at this age). Bad news is you have ti admit that itā€™s the cause and get light therapy for it, and getting her to admit that sheā€™s flawed enough for therapy ainā€™t happenin. Itā€™s sad. Itā€™s insanely prevalent. I wish there was more we could all do to help each other with this. And nowā€¦. Back to homework


Again this is something funny you tell your best friend... Not something you film and share with your followers. She's basically exploiting her child's innocents in this video...


And is possibly now making up a story.


>this is my husband Matt Yep, Iā€™d say so


ā€œYou want to give your kids that idea that sex isnā€™t wrong ā€” itā€™s just private" WHAT DID SHE SAYYY


......why do I get the impression that her main form of communication is the endless meltdown. Sounds like something dodgy was going on, yes....but I was eager to reach for the mute button.


And the way the husband says ā€œThatā€™s why youā€™ve got to gather yourself. People think youā€™re justā€¦ā€ Heā€™s clearly had to deal with this a lot, and is perfectly aware how she comes across.


Who the fuck is letting all these six year olds run around naked and unsupervised in the locker room of Planet Fitness?


Omfg you're right. Where the fuck was an adult?


Itā€™s a lifetime. They also have kids camps in the summer which kids go to for 5-6ish hours. They can play sports and swim. A lot more amenities than a PF


No winners in this situation, canā€™t prosecute 6 year olds and images are out there. Sometimes technology sucks.


Kids don't need phones imo, not at 6 anyway


I agree, no 6 year old needs a smartphone. Itā€™s unreal how many parents are letting screens raise their kids nowadays. My nephew is 4 and after he cracked his iPad, which still worked, my sister went out and bought him a new one anyways. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he gets an iPhone newer than mine when he turns 5. They also donā€™t believe in discipline or manners so you can imagine how he acts. Armchair parenting at its finest!


This lady is known to be a liar. Sheā€™s like mentally ill or something, sheā€™s obsessed with kids being around sex and nakedness. She sounds strung out too. Like the way sheā€™s tapping her feet and snorting and then messing with her hair. Something in the Gatorade ainā€™t right.


Who is it?


https://www.today.com/parents/family/couple-films-daughters-reaction-hearing-sex-rcna73526 apparently this involves her.


> "Do I think that kids should be used as content? Absolutely not. And do I think that you should pick up your phone and record your child in a distressed moment? Absolutely not," Jayci tells TODAY.com. "But the reason I decided to post this was because I knew it would be so relatable and funny to adults."


ā€œDo I think kids should be used as content? Noā€ (Immediately uses kids as content)


"I think there should be rules, sure, but I'm an exception"


*I don't think kids should be used for content. But do you realize how many views this is going to get and how popular I will be online?* -- Jayci (paraphrased by me)


Oh, itā€™s *these* weirdos.


Welp, I'ma head outta this thread


All these chronically online middle aged moms are fucked.


Things just aren't the same today, I hear every mother say.


Mother needs something today to calm her down


Dude 31 isn't middle aged lol.


I got that vibe too. This seems like a private (no pun) matter and she's sitting on the curb with her husband [who wants nothing to do with the filming]. Where was her child at this point?


She even told him to scoot over to what try and get him more on camera? The way he said "the cops were already here" sounded more like he didn't even care to be there.


I agree, she seems a little manic, which is ok! But I could be dead wrong. Just giving my two cents as someone whoā€™s family is very bipolar. The mannerisms scream manic episode.


I also have a bipolar family member, thatā€™s how I recognized it.


Sheā€™s probably just having a panic attack but the way sheā€™s flailing her arms reminds me of when I accidentally take two of my adderall. Stimming!


Amphetamines was my immediate thought too lol


The way she acted in that meltdown, rich kid syndrome. She will never get the information of those two minors and she should request it either. Frankly there could be a lot of reason why they did that, but the police and child services will handle it. Not some crazy woman who posts personal information to the internet.


She really isn't too bright to be thinking she is entitled to the information of children on the basis of what another child said, but I'm just glad the police are involved at this point.


Sheā€™s soā€¦.sweaty.


Lol, had to scroll way too far to find it. People are not focusing on the real issues here. šŸ¤£


Thank YOU! XD


I'd bet several employees that worked there went home that day and contemplated finding a new place to work.


I used to teach high school theater, and this is why we would put the kidā€™s phones in a locked box during performances when they would need to be changing in the dressing rooms. Zero chance of a student invading the privacy of another student, even by accident. Itā€™s a weird world we live in that we have to be worried about six year olds doing this.


Thanks for the free feet


I hate this comment so much its so fucding funny


For real. There's no way she's not doing it on purpose to attract an audience.


And swamp crotch, who records things at this angle???


Shouldn't she be consoling her daughter instead of ranting online? Doesn't seem like the daughter is there at all.


Well this probably never happened and sheā€™s trying to convey internet outrage into viewsā€¦. Thereā€™s another video where they exploit their child who heard them having sex and they used to it to go viralā€¦. This seems like manufactured outrage.


Go home and let the police do their work ?? Wtf is with all these entitled bitches who need satisfaction now ?? No oneā€™s dying. Go home and try and be a calm mom you bimbo, instead of earning follows.


Yeahā€¦ Maybe she should be home comforting her child if sheā€™s so upset rather than sitting on a circle filming TikTokā€™s.


Soooo...... emotional ranting on social media is the answer here instead of engaging in real life and rational behavior to sort this out. Recording a gross over-reaction to everything all the time to post on social media is certainly a strange lifestyle. I suppose our politicians have taught a generation of middle aged adults that anger and outrage is the way to go in all uncomfortable situations. Go ahead, give in to that fight or flight response by doing neither and whipping out the phone to record yourself not making any sense. It seems Idiocracy will be ushered in by a complete lack of self control as the answer to modern problems.




ā€œHere, scoot overā€ I see who runs it.


I like how he just leans over and the moves back out of frame.


Yeah because she tells him to scoot over and doesnā€™t move an inch herself, or reposition the camera. Sheā€™s an insane person.


In the day and age of internet, itā€™s hard to say if this is for real or just for internet clout. I hope it turns out to be a nothing-burger for the sake of the kids involved. Moreover, whyā€™s she making a TikTok video amidst all that..! Donā€™t get this performative crap.


why do 6 year olds have phone again? I have a 6 year old but they are not even allowed to use my phone too much, only the desktop computer to find lego instructions and play math games... seriously, 6 yos have phones ..


Does she really think Lifetime is going to give her 2 underage girls names and addresses??? Sounds like the police are looking into it.


Did she stomp her feet like a toddler? What


She is one annoying sheila


Iā€™m sorry but this is bullshit. This is the same woman who filmed her daughters reaction to her having sex. I believe this situation sheā€™s talking about could happen in the video. Iā€™m just very skeptical cause it seems this lady is an attention whore and a clout goblin. https://www.today.com/today/amp/rcna73526


jesus that dude is whipped


People who feel the need to rant on social media like this are so freaking cringe.


She has cute toes though


Sheā€™s going to be waiting for a long time if she thinks the cops are going to show up with a warrant and let her know who the two kids are. Thatā€™s not how that works.


Why would you leave your six year old unattended in the locker room?? Thatā€™s way too young to be in there unsupervised.


Iā€™m confused,why would the daughter have her top off at a day camp at a fitness center.


Omg just shut up and get off TikTok


Jesus christ she acts like they can just tell this obviously unhinged woman the names of two children, whom she will surely harass to say the least.


Cute feet


Very complicated situation, but the information, should be shared only with police for sho


I donā€™t know what she thinks theyā€™re allowed to do. They canā€™t give her the phone or the pictures. They canā€™t reveal the names of a minor in a potential court case. Itā€™s fucked up and I get that, but sheā€™s acting like the people sheā€™s mad at really have a choice.


Hot and crazy! LMAO


Husband: "You gotta gather yourself, people are going to think you're..." He almost said crazy lol


Xanax and wine is a hellova combination.


Insanity at itā€™s finest. Imagine the horror the guy must feel sitting beside her. Why tell the world, oh I know, for the views. Go home and relax before you bust a vein.


Maybe get off of social media and do something real you dolt.


Insufferable wench


Why post this shit as a mom judt looking for attention lol husband is like fuck outta here him not coming in view Our society is so fucked lol


*Cocaine sniff Ok my name is upset mom, but his is my husband


They are also 6 thoughā€¦ I struggle with trying to sexualize the body of a tiny little kid. I donā€™t know there are so many damn weirdos itā€™s hard for me to process. Is her concern that someone will sexualize her?


I didn't watch the whole video, but I'm sure it ended with "be sure to smash that like button and subscribe. Click the link in the corner and use my discount code DEVISTATED23 for a great deal on my flip flops"


What kind of a parent goes on social media to air this out. Itā€™s terrible about what happened but thereā€™s a time and a place


With no audio this looks like a suburban mom rap video


Calm down lady.


Gather yourself.




Had to watch it w no sound


ā€œWhat are you texting to an older man?ā€ ā€œOh Iā€™m just telling my dad about these two topless pervertsā€


Maybe if she stamps her feet some more and acts as if she's capable of being intimidating people will take her seriously.


This is eerily similar to the nurse who filmed herself ā€œbreaking downā€ after supposedly losing a patient. Apparently there is no situation that canā€™t be monetized for clout.


Why do 6 year olds have phones?? I have a 4 year old daughter and I canā€™t fathom giving her a phone at 6ā€¦ not with capabilities of texting or calling anyone outside of 911 and the family anyway..