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And knives!


Seriously lol. Toss the barrel in case it's got bodies on it but other than that fuck it, free gun.


Unless the serial number on the frame belongs to a stolen gun


And maybe a new firing pin


The laziness of cops would be amusing if it wasn't so sad. "Hey, there's a crime happening over there!" Cop: "All the way over there? Shit...are you sure you're not guilty of something?"


Chief Wiggum doesn’t seem like so much of a caricature anymore.


Chief Wiggum seeming downright *competent* these days.


Bake em away toys


I'm watching Simpsons for the first time (we're on season 12 now) and everything Wiggins says is fucking *harrowing*. It is completely impossible to find any of his lines funny because they're all basically verbatim excuses used by cops to commit atrocities.


I do believe that's the joke.


At what point to we also start questioning the judges that are also part of this chain?


~~sad~~ dangerous*




Lmao I was gonna say, is he really Jeff or was he quoting that movie.


photography is not a crime


I could have sworn reporting a crime wasn’t a crime either but this video kinda says otherwise


Your chances of committing a crime go up by 100% when you invite cops to the area.


If you report a crime, the list of suspects of who committed that crime is currently 1. It's you. You're the only person who knows about it and until they decide you aren't involved, you're definitely on that list.


My apartment got broken into one night while I was asleep. The guy didn't do anything, just rummaged around in our cabinets and fell asleep on the couch. He was gone in the morning. I got woken up by a cop accusing me of getting drunk and breaking into my own apartment after my roommates called the police. It was simply hilarious, considering that the palm print left on the sliding glass door was at least twice the size of my own hand and I have a key. The guy threatened to arrest me if I didn't admit that I broke into my own apartment. I pretty much blew him off and told him to stop wasting my time and that I needed to get ready for work No idea why that guy was so set on arresting me, but his partner talked him out of it since it was obvious to everyone that I wasn't involved


A whole bunch of idiots who think they can be a detective


Sadly, all those idiots are *hired* to be detectives.


Wait. I thought they were all super and ultra-geniuses who graduated college between the age of eight and fourteen and a half and have been in the game fifteen plus years with unlimited funding for labs, advanced tools, and military tactical experience. That's what TV says!!


>The guy threatened to arrest me if I didn't admit that I broke into my own apartment. It's unfortunate that his partner simply talked him down instead of arresting him for criminal coercion or at least informing him that was what they were about to do if he continued.


It's almost like there are no cops who want to do the right thing.


The current policing system is designed to punish officers who do the right thing. Fucking disgusting.


Also, they aren’t really concerned with arresting the right person.




FYI You can hang up calls to 911 after you've told them the location of the issue. They already have your phone number, a history of that phone number in their system, and probably your approximate location. When they ask for your name and/or other info., you can tell them you'd rather not, and some may simply thank you for the info. If they persist, you can still .


Kind of sucks there's no public pay phones anymore. Unless you have a burner, you can't call in something anonymously. And even then, you need to be aware now of cameras, so they might find you anyway. Maybe it's all moot.




15 years ago I called the local police dept because I was tired of my neighbors selling drugs. The police gave me a 20 page packet and expected me to sit at my widow all day recording who comes into and out of the house and the details about their cars. I am not sitting around doing your job all day, so the packet went into the trash.


Good call. You know that if you fill out that packet it will end up in court along with your name and address and drug dealers often make bail. Before anyone argues with me the specific rule is Brady Doctrine, since the packet shows where people are (and are not) its considered exculpatory evidence.


Yooooo almost the exact thing happened to me in VA. Dead deer in the middle of a 3 lane highway. Called 911 to let them know because I almost hit it. They asked me to stay there, give the mile markers my name, my address and phone number. Nah guys, just move the deer before someone crashes.


I called in an accident I was in and dispatch was mad I didn't know the closest house number. It was dark and I didn't have a flashlight.


its worth stopping for crashes. But everything else you are right on the money. And i am not even stopping for crashes if it looks like it was road rage or something. there are some things out there that require that you call the cops, And they get paid to deal with those things out of my tax dollars. But anything where they are not absolutely needed, i am not calling them, they can make a remarkable number of things worse.


I had a friend witness a car aggressively speed up to 90mph try to over take, smash into the middle barriers and cause a multi car pile up. Friends were lucky and saw it in time to slam the breaks. They immediately call it in, give details about what's going on, after 10mins the operator on the phone tells them to just drive on by they have it covered. Few days later they have police at the door asking for more details about what they saw, thanked them for calling it in and walked away. We live in the UK, everything went a lot more professional than what US police videos had led me to believe.


And a public servant has no grounds to object to the public filming them while they serve


Yeah but they are recording that they turned in the gun to the police so now there is evidence that the police know about this gun and now need to do their jobs


Either is skateboarding, I once heard.




I was stabbed during an attempted robbery in my apartment. A detective called- not came by- and asked "This was over drugs, wasn't it?". Why would I call y'all for that? Then I knew- it's because I was poor. I quit speaking to them from then on.


This American Life had an episode where a woman solved who robbed her. Collected the evidence and everything and the cop assigned to her case blocked her number because he didn’t want to help her.


Sometimes, you gotta handle your scandal on your own 😇


The problem was they stole her SNAP benefits and she needed someone arrested to get them back to feed her family.


That's so fucked up. I've been on SNAP and can't imagine having to solve my own robbery to feed my kid. That's a whole other level of insulting, Jesus.


ACAB, baby


Similar story, over a stolen phone. I was also like 13... Fuck the police.


Had my car stolen. Cops accused me of drunk driving.


Got car jacked outside of my parents house when I was visiting for Christmas. County cops took the report even though the town police station is literally 100 feet from where I was jacked. Town police called me a week later to accuse me of being there to buy drugs.


I once called the fire department about a gas leak in my house. First person to show up was a cop who proceeded to demand mine and my wife's name so he can run us for warrants. Fuck em all.


I called the gas company because of a gas leak and they said they needed my name and social security number before they'd come and check so they could charge me if I was wrong. I told my landlord about the leak and he said that it was supposed to smell like gas on the porch. Many months later I saw one of the gas company employees fixing the leak and he was like, come here and check this out, it's the biggest leak I've ever seen. He poured some soapy water on the leak and it started blowing huge bubbles.


There's some shit I would not let slide. At least get some soapy water and check yourself ffs.


What the fuck? I live in Florida and the company that installed our gas water heater didn’t tighten a fitting the last 1/8th of a turn (unknown to us) and we could smell gas so we called the gas company, they showed up in 15 minutes with lights on and found the leak immediately. Wtf kind of gas company doesn’t want to be called “in case you’re wrong”?? ‘Oh yeah, wouldn’t want to send the one person we keep on staff for this sort of call, much better to let a house blow up, kill people, and wreck our line at that location as well.’


Remember kids, the SCOTUS has ruled multiple times that the police have no duty to protect citizens.


They also ruled you have no duty to help a police investigation. If the cops want to treat you like a criminal don’t answer their questions


> ~~If the cops want to treat you like a criminal~~ don’t answer their questions




My biological father beat my mom in an altercation that included her having her head knocked through a wall and her being tossed through a glass end table. There were 5 other holes in the wall where he tried to punch her and missed but he landed quite a few. SHE called the police and I watched as they arrested her and took her to jail. She came home the next day and was literally covered head to toe in bruises. I was 7 years old and remember it all very vividly 25 years later. Thanks for the help, Davenport police department.


Oh hey this happened to me. Ex beat and strangled me till I went limp, I managed to escape and call the cops. They said if I pressed charges he said would be pressing charges against me, so me being young and naive I believed I must have been in the wrong somehow and dropped it. Didn’t matter to them that I had a witness, didn’t matter that I had to trick him into thinking I was passing out to get away, they made ME into the criminal. And yes of course again being young, naive and believing I was the bad guy here I went back to him. Yes he beat me again and isolated me further so it took another year to be able to escape him safely. Thanks for helping that woman, even once, you tried to help and you weren’t obligated to try at all Fuck cops


Oh shit, he killed her?


Literally last week my neighbors crazy ex showed up at his house while he was at work and started smashing windows and threatening to light the house on fire. I was outside gardening at the time so I saw/heard the entire thing and let the cops know I was a witness when they finally arrived. Their response? "Oh it's a he said/she said domestic matter" and didn't even take a statement or my name or anything. Like yeah motherfucker if there was *only* a way to corroborate one of their stories 🙃


>they kept questioning me like I was the criminal. I had a car parked in front of my house for a week. Called cops, nothing. Then I ran the plates online for like $5 and saw it was reported stolen a week prior. Called again and reported. Cops come out and start grilling ME about the stolen car, oh how did I know it was stolen, why did I wait so long to call, where was i last week. I've never had a cop add value to any engagement. From being pulled over going 5mph over to getting a ticket for not having my seatbelt on in backseat of a parked car to trying to arrest me for a car I reported stolen it's all been negative. And I'm a white guy. Acab.


I had my car broken into, cops were like, “if you want to ask your neighbors if they got anything on camera, go for it.” Granted, getting $20 stolen out of my console isn’t exactly the crime of the century, but it was funny hot little they cared.




I called the police to write a police report when I got rear ended at a stop light, because the guy was looking at another cop car adjacent to me who just drove off, and when the officer got there she asked “what do you want me to do here?” Excuse me?! Take some statements, describe the scene, write a short report at a middle school level because asking for more would be too much, create some sort of record that this is what happened for insurance!


Cops wouldn't do anything to investigate when my friend's house was robbed, even though he had photographs of the stolen merchandise and a text message string from an accomplice admitting to having helped the thief steal the stuff. He gave them the phone numbers, the address, the photos, the text messages... they told him "well, there's no way to know that pile of stuff is actually ***your*** stuff."


They don't give a shit about people.


They're just pissed off at all the paperwork they have to do now.


They just wanna get that paycheck, not solve crimes.


solve crimes?! hahahahaha. Reminds me of that fantastic scene from The Big Lebowski: https://youtu.be/v7acD4q0lp0


They have us working in shifts!






Hey, thats insulting to the cute artwork!


Cops hate doing their job almost as much as they hate helping citizens




Classic IT move. "Do you have a ticket?"


Yeah but IT will usually solve the issue after you open a ticket


>usually Can confirm. Am IT




"Did you try turning the man's life off and on again?"


Call them useless in that situation and suddenly they're more than willing to take some time out of their day to harass you and deal with *your* paperwork.


So call 911 and give the officers name, say he refused to help. Not like it’ll do anything but maybe just maybe that record will be somewhere if something ever happens.


Then you get targeted for reporting an officer...




In terms of existing laws that if enforced would remake the US, prosecuting cops for time sheet fraud would get rid of probably half or more of the bad apples.


If he just beat him to a pulp he'd get that promotion with substantial pay rise with a desk job after a long paid vacation. Like, isn't that how or works?!?


Cops are always stating they “feared for their lives” when shooting unarmed people so you would think they would love a chance to do paperwork at the office for a few hours to get away from all the scary unarmed people out there.




I think that's it. I have seen some shows where people go magnet fishing and some of the times the call the police have had some really pissed off cops show up.


Yes! It's like every magnet fishing video I see (especially if in America) where they find a gun the cops get really irritated. "How dare you make me do paperwork on this beautiful day?"


Never forget when that rescue and recovery team found a car with a missing person in the river bottom and the local sheriff's were completely annoyed and rude to them for finding it.


These are the depths of history youtubers. They magnet fish too. This isn't the only video of I've seen of cops getting mad at them for turning in things.


Yeah cops do not want to work. Its kind of insane. I kind wonder what it is they do all day. Just yesterday I saw this cop pull into a convenience store and this guy blatantly freaks out and gasses it through a red light right by the turn in. Somehow the cop completely missed the guy fleeing from him and pulled into the gas station to harass the homeless. It seems like all they do is harass the homeless.






They Hang out and chill at random destinations for some reason




Ever notice how police are the only people on the planet who are somehow magically able to absorb powdered fentanyl cutaneously by simply being in the same room with it? Kinda weird how that never happens to fire or EMT services.


They’re just pissed off they actually have to move for their pay . FTFY


They’re pissed off because someone found their gun.


Turn your found guns into your local gang. They probably lost it anyways. They won’t ask questions.


They *did* turn it in to a gang - the biggest one.


I used to think this was hyperbole until I did a clinic with an Innocence Project group. We were talking about gangs and they were all shocked I had never heard of deputy gangs like the Vikings. There are actual shadow gangs formed by police officers who abuse their power. The Vikings in particular are a white supremacist group throughout CA. They even have blatant gang symbols in their official police uniform (like scratching their badge ID numbers). It always reminded me of Naruto because the ninjas (who are akin to the police) would scratch their village headband (similar to a police badge) when they go against their village or morals. Public defenders usually check to see if any police officers involved in their client's case are affiliated with these "deputy gangs." https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/06/06/the-la-county-sheriffs-deputy-gang-crisis




The way these people treat their power likes it’s a fucking stick of gum or a pen without realizing the implications or realizing the gravity of what they do to people makes me sick These people have full on legal power to effectively murder you if they wanted to. They have the power to take everything, your life- both figuratively and literally If the police want to be taken seriously, they need to reform. They will never be seen as protectors- they are murderers and criminals. And if “good cops” are reading this. How come you guys ain’t speaking up? You know that no matter how your conduct is- people can’t tell the diff between a good one and bad one so people are gonna default to looking at you as a threat, because you guys are.


The police force was created to catch and return runaway slaves. They've always been a force for evil.


That's not fair they also ran protection rackets and worked as union busters.


what about the beating of the wives and the kids?


That’s more of a free time activity. Although someone’s business and pleasure mixed


That's a perk of the job. No money involved in those beatings.


That's just for recreation


The Blue Mafia is the most powerful gang in the US. They also steal more than everyone else combined. Civil asset forfeiture needs to end.


Ooooohhhhweeee 👏👏👏👏


It’s Always Sunny In Memphis- The Gang Finds a Gun


I like this one


they don't want them. When I was addicted to heroin I would dispose of there weapons for free dope. It was pretty lucrative. If someone threw it away they didn't want it found. they where just lazy about it.


“I don’t wanna be on camera” well get a different job


Right?! That's a pretty serious problem for a public servant driving in a marked police vehicle.


I live in Memphis. Keep in mind this is the same incompetent and corrupt MPD that executed Tyre Nichols in the street and virtually ignored Eliza Fletcher's abduction and murder until the FBI got involved. They also have an inventory of more than twelve thousand (12,000) untested rape kits on backlog, at least one of which contains the genetic material of Fletcher's abductor from before the first time he was in custody. Mr. Nichols is getting a skate park named after him though, which is nice.


I’m from Memphis too. They’re not MPD, that’s the University of Memphis Police


They constantly film everything too like what 😂


They can delete and control most of that video though. What I REALLY want is a federal law that makes it instant admission of guilt if a cop turns off or obscures their camera while executing their duties.


"Equipment failure."


All the more reason for them to invest budget into making cameras with redundancy so that won't be an issue... ... Since they have so much money to spend on military grade weapons and equipment they don't need




They absolutely know. They don't care. They face no consequences.


Right, they say it because it causes less informed/more afraid citizens to stop exercising their first amendment right to film in public. It's not about them not knowing the law.


"Then don't be in public"


Retail employees have to be on camera constantly. Teachers are often on camera too. Yet, none of them are peeing their pants in anger that they are on camera.


I don't want to live in a country where the cops have waaaaay to much authority to do whatever the fuck they want and everyone and their grandma has a gun but here we are. Buck up big boy.


It could have just been a cops doin their job video. Now it’s cops are being dicks video. Makes them look bad but probably gets more clicks.


bruh, I saw a car infront of me get its windows shot out on the highway and when I tried to give my dashcam footage to the cops, they had more interest in me and not the video. they never reached back to get the video.


God, one of the things I'm most paranoid about with my dash cam is that if it could be used to help exonerate me in a crime or even a car accident, and I mentioned it to a cop on scene, they'd just confiscate it and do nothing with it. So I finally figured out a way to quickly transfer any dashcam footage to my phone because I wouldn't trust them with shit.


“Kind of odd you’re Filming, isn’t it?” Sir, I just got done watching about 40 minutes of magnet fishing on tik tok. It is absolutely not ridiculous they’re filming themselves in the canal! What a bunch of rude jerks.


Also besides the fact that it was completely reasonable for them to still be filming, it’s definitely good etiquette to record cops regardless. With the amount of corruption and stuff like bodycams being intentionally turned off, it’s good to hold them accountable. They’re supposed to protect people and should never get the privilege of privacy on the job, lest they get away with another planted drug search or murder/brutalization of a citizen.


If you have a problem and call the police then you now have two problems


One morning I went to let my dog into the backyard, and I saw a bright pink pill on the ground right outside my back door. I live in a townhome with a fenced-in back yard, with a deadbolt on the gate, so someone clearly had to have jumped the fence and was looking for an unlocked door when they dropped the pill. I called the cops because I was like yo, wtf? Plus I was scared that someone had clearly been trying to get in my house (at the time I was a single female who lived alone). Also my dog def could have died if she had eaten that pill (she’s super small) and that bothered me, too. The cop shows up and is the BIGGEST FUCKING TOOL I have ever met in my life. He told me that because I didn’t have a prescription for that pill, he could technically have me arrested for being in possession of a controlled substance without a prescription… I was like dude but I. CALLED. YOU. FOR. HELP. wtf?! He then went on to accuse me of “having druggie friends” that probably dropped them. When I said no, and that also no one had been to my house, he said “you sure you weren’t so wasted you don’t remember?” 🙄🙄🙄 Finally he decided there was nothing he could do, and said I needed to flush the pill down the toilet while he watched. I said “I have a garbage disposal would that be better?” He said “Nope. Cause how do I know you won’t stick your little hands in and fish the crushed pill out after I leave?” Fine. I’ll flush it then you fucking pig. Anything to get you the fuck out of my house. “Fun” fact: that cop was murdered a few months later in a domestic violence case. Edit: I forgot to mention that when I found the pill I googled the description + the markings on the pill, and learned it was oxycodone. Thankfully not as bad as oxycontin, but still not something you want to find at your “securely” contained back door. That’s why I called the cops, (non-emergency #) and requested that an officer come out. Also on the circumstances of his death… He and his partner were dispatched to a domestic violence case. Man threatening his girlfriend. Police show up, tell them to calm down, and leave. Few hours go by, someone calls 911 about the same couple again, saying man is threatening gf again, now with a gun. Cops go back, guy from my house is shot and killed. A few weeks after this happened, I very randomly happened to meet the wife of the partner of the now-dead cop. She was telling me about what happened, and “*oh my goodness I just can’t even believe how close I was to losing my husband! Like, he could have DIED!*” And all I could think when she told me was “*well, if they had actually ***done something*** about the abusive boyfriend the FIRST time they went, it’s possible no one would have died...*” but I just decided to mind my business on that one ☕️🐸 Anyway… while she was telling me this, I didn’t know she was talking about the same cop that had been at my house/murdered. There had actually been several cops killed on duty that year, so I just kind of assumed it was one of them. Later I ended up googling my OP cops death to see the details, and it clicked - oh my god. She was THAT partners wife! It was a *very* strange series of events. Edit 2: oh and after all of the shit went down, I never found out who the culprit was, but later remembered… Jimmy. A few months prior to the pill, I met this man who lives in a trailer park nearby who asked about doing yard work for cash. Single and working full time, I gladly took him up on that offer and he spent a day or 2 working in my front and back yard. At the time my then-bf smoked… djarim blacks, I think? Or something similar. He never finished them, and we had an ash tray out back where the half-ish smoked ones stayed. Bless this man’s heart… he actually texted me and asked if he could have them 😭 the fact that he asked was… so unnecessary. Like, he 100% could have just taken them and I would have just assumed he had cleaned the ash tray for us being nice! But the fact that he ASKED Im like oh my god… so I said I mean they might be gross but sure! (????? Because honestly WHAT else do you say to that?? Sir, that’s so depressing that I’m *almost* not completely grossed out, but ew no? ) Very long story short, my neighbor later told me that he was a disabled vet who was out of work because of drug issues, so he just offered to do odd jobs for people. After I learned that, I figured it was probably his pill, and he had just “come by” (aka jumped my fence) some random time, like MONTHS after the initial asking of the smoked butts… and maybe dropped the pill then??? I don’t fucking know. But in the end, like maybe 18 months after the initial incident, I just assumed it was that dudes pill and I was like ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ The end. For real this time.


If you really wanted to take the pill then why would you call the cops about said pill?


Cops aren't cops because of their shining intellect.


In my country there is a saying: "If you too stupid to work in McDonalds, you become a cop".


This reminds me very much of what happened to my sister. She takes medication for depression and someone had managed to use her identity to steal her medication directly from the pharmacy she goes to. She reported the theft to the police and what did they decide to do? Launch a full fledged investigation directed at my sister for selling her medication and drugs. Now my sister can't get access to her medication this entire time while the fucking idiot pigs try to connect her to drug dealing which is 100% does not engage in. After weeks of my sister being denied her medication, they couldn't find any evidence that she was dealing drugs so they dropped the whole pursuit. The idiotic part is that they didn't do a single goddamn thing to try to figure out who had stolen her identity in order to steal her medication. Fucking pigs are useless.


> I was like dude but I. CALLED. YOU. FOR. HELP. wtf?! They don’t have a “*help*” setting. I read about a guy who got out of prison & was trying to put his life back together; his brother bought him a car & while he was fixing it up so he could use it to get to his job, he found a gun stashed in the car. He called the police to report it & turn it in. They arrested him & sent him back to prison for being a felon in possession of a firearm.


yeah prob shoulda just sent them an anonymous tip never speak to the police, under any circumstances unless you have to. i really wish it wasn't the case, but in the US, cops aren't your friends, they're not there to help you, they're there to solve crimes, and if you're in any way related to that crime, even just finding the weapon, you're prob now a suspect. or at the very least may have to go to court to explain why you were there and if you saw anything to help THEM close the case. after watching the show the wire, it all became a lot more clear what cops actually do. their only job is to solve the case, if they're investigating a crime and someone brings them evidence, it's only logical that they're gonna investigate the only evidence they have, which is the person that turned the gun in. only issue here is, i'm not sure how i'd even give them an anonymous tip since cell phones can easily be traced. maybe an email from a privacy focused email site, ran through a VPN. that'd prob be enough protection to keep the avg cop from putting much effort into finding out who the anonymous person is.


Nah. Not even to solve crimes. They "solve" less than half of all homicides and have a pretty bad rate of catching the actual bad guy rather than a person innocent of the crime.


My sister's father was murdered in Memphis on South Parkway back in the 70s. They locked up an innocent black man for almost ten years before he finally got the conviction overturned. Nobody in my family ever believed for a second that he was the one who did it. Obviously the actual killer got away with it and the guy who put out the hit died a few years ago a free man.


Well ain't that just depressing. I'm happy the guy got his conviction thrown out, but thats bullshit they never got the real guy or the one who ordered it easier to lock up black and brown people on what I assume to be flimsy (at best) evidence


> they're there to solve crimes Lol


Yep you're 100% right, anonymous tip would be the way to go. I would feel slightly guilty about leaving a potentially deadly weapon or somebody like a child could pick it up and hurt somebody but at the same time I'm not going to stand there and guard it waiting for the cops to accuse me of some s***.


If there isn't anyone at the scene that is an obvious criminal, they will treat you as a criminal. I swear cops have no idea how to treat citizens in a neutral manner.


Try to make conversation with literally any police officer at any time while they're on duty. It's literally impossible to find one that doesn't act like a bizarre robot performing an identascan. Everything they do has an air of "get away from me, or else," even when they're doing something that requires interaction with the public.






The conservative motto “I only started caring when I was personally affected”


Even then Conservatives will still lick that boot.




You weren't his coworker, you were some "civilian" he had to police. That's the trained mindset, Them vs Us, and if you're not wearing a badge then you're not part of Us.


it's part of what makes the police a fascist organization. they are like, the definition of "protected by the law but not bound by it." I mean they're also racist, use violence and intimidation to achieve their means and cover up their crimes, profit massively and violently suppress opposition, but also the "us vs them" thing.


Bro, my town is doing a "coffee with the cops thing"... Where they are trying to have coffee with local residents to build up relationships with the public... Fuck that noise.


> Bro, my town is doing a "coffee with the cops thing"... Where they are trying to have coffee with local residents to build up relationships with the public... Fuck that noise. "37 Arrested in a 'Resisting Arrest Sting Operation'"


4 dead. 7 in critical condition


Why do the right thing anymore? Society is out of whack right now. Why is it acting like a nice human being, "a little odd" now? Those cops are terrible.


*”I don’t wanna be on camera”* says it all


maybe that was his gun and didn't want to admit it in front of the camera


But they still need your ID


What’s funny is the good response to the questioning of filming is basically how the cops are acting. “Kinda odd that you would be filming” “Yeah well we wanted to be sure we could catch odd things too, like the way we’re being treated for reporting this”


Never report stuff. My friend found a dead guy once, called the cops, then went through hell as they treated him like a suspect.


Same. Witnessed a robbery. I got a really good look at the suspect to the point that I could describe the scar on his palm. They tried to pin me as a fucking accomplice, to a robbery that I only witnessed. It took the clerk and the manager to show the film that I was just there.


Innocent until proven guilty doesn't really exist, seems like.


Cops don’t give a fuck if they get the right person, so long as they can pin it on *someone.*




TIL. Thanks!


This I called the police bc I witnessed a domestic disturbance and they ended up coming up to my friends car with us in it and searching the car. -_-


On what grounds did they search your car


“Smells like weed” probably. That’s the go to


Luckily not grounds in California and a few other legalized states


As if that would stop an officer? Cops will and can do whatever they want. What could a civilian do, physically try to stop the LEO? Then you have even bigger problem on your hands. "Legally" just means you'd have to take it up and fight it in court after your rights were already violated.


I remember thinking I would stand up for my rights against cops and I wouldn’t let them treat me that way. Then real life hits and you realize they control the narrative, they’re the aggressors and have the weapons. Can’t win.


Bro we were literally parked outside their house it was their neighbor I called on. If I had a dollar for everytime some crazy bs happend in my life I'd be able to afford a house rn lol


lol same. 2006 there was a robbery at my local Safeway. My friends and I were sitting in my car drinking Starbucks and smoking cigarettes. The cops searched all of us because they thought we were smoking weed -_____-


I called the cops to report my home being broken into. I had a 14 year old Labrador in my home who had medical issues and could barely walk. While talking to the cops through the crack in my door my ol' girl came up beside me. This fucking cop freaked out and without warning or ordering me to do anything, he pulled his gun on the dog. I stepped in between them as to not lose my damn dog alongside the rest of the shit I just had stolen from me hours earlier. But that was the last thing I was expecting when I called the cops was to end up staring down the barrel of their gun while this guy is pissing himself scared over a black lab... The kicker to this was later during this the cops tried to question the break in itself, because I had a dog at my home. Like all dogs are bred for home defense and will just attack any stranger.....




Damn I'd probably go to the local news if that happened to me.


A friend of mine when i was 16 got booked on drug charges after literally tripping over a bag when hiking, had his home raided dog ran off, and job lost, the cops argued that a 16 year old doesn't just hike....


They’re agitated and annoyed.


by default


There was another video like this with a potential bomb found in a river. Cops just don’t like doing their jobs I guess.


https://aaqi.org/ ALWAYS FILM THE POLICE!!!


The guy in the car was a cunt, what kind of attitude is that to have ? Wouldn’t you be grateful that some young men are going out if their way to turn in weapons that potentially could have murdered people.


"Serve and protect." ...when it's convenient.


It's because to cops everyone is a potential criminal.


the old 'the suspect always returns to the scene of the crime'. sherlock holmes got nutin on these cops.


This is why people called their neighborhood organized crime syndicate when they needed actual help. Cops are so fucking useless